One Community Welcomes Vicente Subiela to the Engineering Team!

One Community welcomes Vicente Subiela to the Engineering Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! Vicente became an engineer in 1993 (University of Zaragoza, Spain), and then was researching CO2 balances and energy & economic balances in life cycle analysis… Read More

Whole-systems Approach for World Change – One Community Weekly Progress Update #66

One Community is utilizing a whole-systems approach for world change by broadening sustainability beyond food, energy, and housing to include education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more: Here’s our project overview Here’s our world-change methodology Here’s how this becomes self-replicating Here’s how we are open source and free-sharing… Read More

Creating a Comprehensive Global Solution – One Community Weekly Progress Update #35

One Community is creating a comprehensive global solution for the challenges of our generation and generations to come. We are doing this to facilitate the evolution of our planet and our species to sustainably living and creating for… Read More

Stewards of the Earth Creating World Change – One Community Weekly Progress Update #28

One Community is creating blueprints for anyone interested in making a difference in their life and the lives of others. Everything we do is based on a philosophy of living and creating for The Highest Good of All…. Read More