Creating a more sustainable world is easier with open source sustainability infrastructure. One Community is supporting this by creating open source plans, tools, and tutorials covering sustainable food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward the movement of creating a more sustainable world as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the July 19th, 2020 edition (#382) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is creating a more sustainable world through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week the core team continued our detail review of work and research completed to date on hydropower for the open source Hydro Energy Setup and Maintenance page. This week we created an excel sheet to calculate power, began consolidating our notes for our introduction to hydropower, and researched resources for hydropower engineering design and equipment.
You can see some pictures of this research below.
Angela Mao (Sustainability Researcher) also completed her 9th week as a member of the team. This week, Angela finished editing her plastic recycling tutorial and submitted it for review. She also compiled a list of the best products from each of the lighting brands and continued to research deeper into each of the brand’s sustainability practices.
She also looked for the best lighting practices to conserve energy. You can see some of this behind-the-scenes work below.
Creating a More Sustainable World -Finished Editing Plastic Recycling Tutorial & Submitted to Review
Ashwini Ramesh (Civil Engineer and Project Manager) continued with her 11th week helping with the Earthbag Village cost analysis and open source tutorials. This week Ashwini focused on researching compass installation, rubble trench footer formworks, rainwater harvesting, and french drains and gutters. You can see some of this work-in-progress below.
Pallavi Samaiya (Business Technology Analyst) also continued with her 5th week researching how to sustainably manage and process non-recyclable waste. This week Pallavi researched cities and organizations already using waste to energy systems. She looked in to some differences in the types of these systems and into the economics and incentives for setting up such businesses.
You can see some of the pictures of the research below and we’d say this brings this tutorial to about 30% complete.
Creating a More Sustainable World ” Researched Cities & Orgs Already Using Waste to Energy
Michael Hagler (Senior Graphic Designer and Artist) also helped create all the new Highest Good Housing icons you see below.
One Community is creating a more sustainable world through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week the core team continued our detailed review of the Duplicable City Center energy analysis needed for LEED Platinum certification and completion of the City Center open source HVAC design tutorial. This week we adjusted the thermal efficiency for the boilers and remodeled the HVAC system based on the Mini Split designs and added clear labels. You can see some of this work-in-progress below.
And the core team continued working on the Duplicable City Center structural engineering details. This week the core team continued implementing an approach to accommodate all floors of the structures into one integrated model and brought this process to 90% complete. The final provision will be extending the supporting columns and specify the material and section details for the individual members.
In addition to this, the core team also inserted the seismic analysis function and load cases into the analysis. Once the model is ready for analysis after all the setup, hopefully by next week, the seismic analysis can be conducted to determine the displacement and reactions in the structure. You can see some of this work below.
This week Radhieka Nagpal (Volunteer Researcher) completed her 19th and final week researching the Most Sustainable Building Materials: Carpet, Flooring, Wood, Etc. This week Radhieka finished editing the ‘types of flooring descriptions’ by restructuring the features and pros/cons sections into Features/Pros and Cons sections to make the benefits more clearly separated from the negatives.
This brings the behind-the-scenes design of this tutorial to 100% complete.
Ian Coletti (Environmental Studies Major Researcher) completed his 6th week researching for the Most Sustainable Windows and Doors open source guide. This week Ian completed what should be a majority of the window and door spreadsheets and began working on the company ranking spreadsheet. You can see some of this work-in-progress below.
And Ashish Hirani (Fire Protection Engineer) joined the team and completed his 1st week working on the City Center Sprinkler and Emergency Lighting Design. This week Ashish developed the Basis of Design document for emergency & exit lighting systems. He also prepared an A1 drawing template layout, that could be adapted for all A1 sized AutoCAD drawings.
One Community is creating a more sustainable world through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team continued our research on rabbits and added edits and updates to pages 1-28, incorporating various paragraphs into more appropriate sections, reading through the pages and deleting and adding various info, and adding more sources to the resources section. You can see some of this work-in-progress below and we’d say we’re now about 95% complete with this research.
The core team also continued working on the open source chicken coop step-by-step building instructions on our behind-the-scenes google doc. This week’s focus was finishing the south wall (nesting boxes wall) siding and windows installation and updating all the related instructions on pages 79-87. You can see some of this work-in-progress below.
Mohammad Almuzaial (Civil and Construction Engineer) continued with his 31st week helping with the Aquapini/Walipini engineering details. This week Mohammad finished the introduction of the design criteria report. You can see some of this work work-in-progress below and we’d say we’re now about 96% complete with the structural details.
Jessica Wienke (Food & Nutrition Project Consultant and CEO & Co-Owner of The Artisan Wheelhouse & The Roots of Medicine) and Aly Shannon (Food & Nutrition Project Consultant and Creative Director & Co-Owner of The Roots of Medicine) continued with their 5th week working on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan.
This week they completed recipes for Pumpkin Muffins, Garden Veggie Red Sauce Pasta, Vegan Oatie Brownies, Red Curry, and Curry Burgers, all for the vegan recipe pages, as you see here.
And Moti Scotti (Permaculturalist) joined the team and began a detailed review of the Permaculture Doc the core team has been developing for the past year. She corrected errors, rewrote some sections, and deleted parts that would be confusing to the reader. You can see some screenshot of some of her changes below.
One Community is creating a more sustainable world through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.
This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished.
With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:
This week Zebao Chen (Structural Designer) Â completed her 13th week working on the Ultimate Classroom structural engineering details. This week, Zebao updated the section design and construction details to match the new material selection, light cement insulation. In addition, she researched the structure at the openings, windows and doors.
Her new perspectives show additional wood frame to support the straw bales above the openings. She also created the 3D models showing the construction detail and process. The 3D view and the elevation now show the element relationships in the structural system. You can see some of this work below and we’d say this brings the engineering of this building to 75% complete.
Xiaolu Song (Landscape Designer) also completed her 4th week working on the playground and other external details of the Ultimate Classroom. This week Xiaolu used AutoCAD and Photoshop to create a colored plan, two detailed plans include outdoor learning space and a small town for younger kids. You can see some of this work below.
Shuwei Liu (Landscape Designer) also completed her 3rd week working on the playground and other external details of the Ultimate Classroom. This week Shuwei continued to update the planting selection board and SketchUp model and drew a cross section for the North side of the site.
One Community is creating a more sustainable world through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week Henry Nguyen (React Developer) completed his 24th week with the team and working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Henry fixed bugs from last week, fixing a problem with the sum of hours not adding properly from the excel file. Now the app will automatically recalculate tasks and other information after you import them from excel.
He also found another problem on the hour format with numbers including decimals not calculating accurately. If you put 52.5, it will keep 52 only. You can see some of this work below.
Alvaro Hernández (Open Source Tech Consultant, Developer) completed his 17th week as a member of the Highest Good Network software and web design teams. This week Alvaro improved the webpage review checklist so it now includes all reviewed aspects of the “Sustainable Parking Lot Construction Guide” and has a better format.
He also started to edit the “Best Small and Large-scale Community Clothing Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Options” tutorial, began to discuss the use of linting and code formatting tools and created a “Requirement Management Procedure For AirB&B Code Style conventions” doc to detect if this improvement is worth the effort or not.
You can see some screenshots of Alvaro’s behind-the-scenes work below.
Wen Zhang (Software Engineer) completed her 13th week as a volunteer working on the Highest Good Network software too. This week Wen worked on the MongoDB database, read part of the reactstrap documentation and learned some new tricks, and created the different views for badge display and badge descriptions shown below.
Ross Edwards (Chief Imagination Officer, G3) completed his 13th week helping promote One Community. Ross is someone who found our project, loved what we are doing, and offered to just help contact people he (and we) thought might be interested in what we’re doing. This week he continued to promote our project and the One Community helping page to media outlets and philanthropists.
You can see below this last week’s list of who he contacted and the press release he is sharing.
Andon Ignatov (Full-stack Developer) completed his 10th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Andon wrote full tests for the Weekly Summaries Report page and related components. That work included doing research on whether React functional components with hooks can be tested using Jest and Enzyme.
He wrote the tests for the “WeeklySummariesReport” component with React Testing Library including the redux store related code (actions, reducers) utilizing the Mock Service Worker (MSW) library. Andon also included snapshot testing for the components used to generate the reports data for the web page and the PDF report files.
You can see screenshots of some of this work below.
TEKtalent Inc. (a custom programming solutions company) also continued with their 7th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Nithesh and the TEKtalent team completed the reset password functionality and introduced hyperlinking in the user management grid item to open the user profile.
Upon clicking the first name or last name the user profile page shall open with details. The reset password button has been introduced in both the grid and user profile page, upon clicking this button a popup will be shown to enter and confirm the password. Once the administrator enters the new password and clicks, the reset password button will trigger the password reset.
You can see some of this work below.
Adam Capdeville (Software Engineer) completed his 6th week working on the Highest Good Network software. Adam began his week fixing issues with the displaying of blue squares. Admins will now be the only one who can edit blue squares. The Blue Squares edit screen has been fixed so Admins can edit single fields if they choose to do so.
Display of user links and admin links are now grouped together too. Adam optimized the links by displaying the buttons with the link name, instead of displaying link name and link URL next to each other. The link URL, often too long and incoherent, was extra information that didn’t need to be displayed.
Adam refined the links to be clean and more straight to the point. Users will be able to add and edit personal links, while admins will be able to add permanent work links that are listed first. Next week Adam will wrap up links and finish refactoring module 1.4. You can see some of Adam’s behind-the-scenes work below.
And Yiqi Feng (Software Engineer) continued with her 2nd week as a member of the Highest Good Network software team. This week Yiqi continued learning how the timer and time log component works and worked on getting her local machine to run the backend code and React App. You can see some of this work below.
Jin Hua (Web Marketer and Graphic Designer) also got the keywords created for a new adwords campaign we’ll be running, 728 keywords were researched. He also ran reports to identify what words have been performing best in our existing campaigns. You can see some of this work below and this marketing is part of a grant our nonprofit has received.