Highest Good lifestyle considerations are areas beyond Highest Good infrastructure, Highest Good society, and a resource based economy that we consider important for One Community to address so that we demonstrate the most comprehensive approach possible for Highest Good of All living. This page will continuously evolve as on-going and globally collaborative open source portal to the research and development of One Community and any collaborative groups or individuals interested in helping us address Highest Good living in the following areas:
We are planning to the best of our ability so we arrive on day 1 with most of the major financial investment items needed for the first year of living and building on the property. As we move forward, we will be seeking to additionally identify and only purchase the Highest Good options for all the items we use. Identifying the Highest Good choice for many of these areas will take extensive research and discussion to assure consideration of all factors and variables. For examples of areas we’ve already researched, see our pages covering toilets, faucets, urinals, hand dryers, shower heads, lightbulbs, insulation, paints, stains and primers, and adhesives.
We’ll also be seeking to establish relationships with the best producers of daily use products (like toothpaste or soap) that we can buy in bulk. When we identify the best, most ethical, and most sustainable producer and are ready to purchase, our goal will be to coordinate a large-scale (hopefully 50-gallon drum) purchase of the product we choose so we can eliminate packaging-waste, buy direct at the most affordable price and paying an even better per/ounce value to the producer, and provide our chosen products as the preferred options for all residents and visitors to refill their own containers. As part of establishing this kind of purchasing plan, our hope is that others will be able to purchase similarly.
With all of the above in mind, each of the bullet points in each of the sections below is an area we will prioritize and begin addressing in Phase I of our rollout on the property. We will continuously expand the lists here and evaluate each item with the intent to do one of three things:
Invest the necessary resources to find a Highest Good solution immediately
Start gathering objective data for comparison when we adopt a Highest Good solution later
Create a collaborative tool and enroll others to help us find/create the needed Highest Good solution
Daily cleaning: cloth versus paper towels, napkins, etc.
These Swedish Dish Cloths are a paper towel replacement that we use and like more than cloth because they work and feel better and are just as reusable.
Use clothes lines or drying racks
Create a “boneyard”. This is a place where old electronics, tools, toys and anything else that could be useful in the future goes for full-community access rather than putting it in a landfill.
Create a “free shelf”. This is a place where people put things that anyone can take for free if they have a use for it. It’s similar to a boneyard, but usually accessible to the general public.
Lemon Lavender Aromatherapy Candle ” These Lemon Lavender Aromatherapy Candles burn clear and fragrant ” unlike many toxic store bought candles that release smoke and soot ” and will make a wonderful addition to your home.
Reed Diffusers With Essential Oils “ You can buy one in the stores, but usually they are quite expensive and the scents are made primarily from chemicals. Instead why not make your own at home? You can use any essential oils you like and can blend different oils together to create an aroma that is perfect for you and your family.
Homemade Potpourri ” Potpourri is so simple to make it would be silly to pay for it. You can tailor the fragrances with your favorite smells and add some seasonal elements to make it even more special.
Homemade Herbal Incense ” Incense can be a wonderful way to add a beautiful aroma to your home so take a look at this fantastic video which shows you how to make your own homemade incense with herbs.
DIY Scented Plug-in Refill ” DIY Scented Plug-in Refill ” This fantastic tutorial reveals how to get rid of the chemical laden store bought plug-ins and replace it with health-giving, wonderfully fragrant, toxin-free essential oils.
Essential Oil Jelly Air Freshener ” The great thing about these jelly air fresheners are that you can add ANY essential oil you want to, or even blend a few different oils together. Perfect if you have a particular scent you are trying to create.
Homemade ‘Fake Febreeze’ – A bottle of Febreeze is currently selling on Amazon for a whopping $6.99, yet you can make a homemade version that’s just as effective (and natural) for only $0.15. If you buy just one bottle per month, then that’s a monthly saving of $6.75 ” and a yearly saving of $81! (We suggest you use a homemade natural fabric softener for this recipe.)
Homemade Mod Podge ” If you are a keen crafter and go through tonnes of Mod Podge then why not have a go at making some for yourself, you will be surprised at how much you will save.
Un-paper Towels ” Are you fed up of buying endless paper towels? If so, then this is the answer for you, these will act just like paper towels, but look pretty, and are totally re-usable, meaning you only have to purchase the materials once. Not forgetting them being economically friendly. More DIY Potpourri by Happy Money Saver
Non-Toxic Home Cleaning: A wealth of resources including Homemade Substitutions, Formulas, Healthy Home Cleaning Habits, Commercial Non-toxic Household Products and more Homemade Natural Bleach Alternative ” If you find bleach cleaners too strong and sometimes irritate your skin or eyes, then this alternative promises to clean just like bleach but without the harmful side affects.
Beeswax Furniture Polish ” This is a simple recipe for a beeswax furniture polish that will restore shine and add gloss to your wooden furniture returning it to its original beauty. No need for expensive store bought polish!
Homemade Bath Tub Scrub ” A wonderful bathtub scrub enriched with lemon essential oil and a surprising ingredient…ground up eggshells which give the scrub its abrasiveness and mixed with baking soda and a citrus-y essential oil makes this fantastic bathtub scrub a real winner.
World’s Best Homemade Laundry Detergent ” It is all natural, it is much cheaper (you’ll be saving around $0.16 per load!), it cleans incredibly effectively, it works in all washer types and it’s also safe for septic tanks.
Homemade Liquid Dish Soap ” This homemade liquid dish soap is fantastic. It’s natural, organic and antibacterial. Plus it’s a great money saver! To make a 32 oz batch costs about $1.20 compared to $4.47 for the equivalent in Dawn dish soap.
All-Natural Foaming Hand Soap ” This homemade foaming hand soap is: natural, green, non-toxic, chemical free, organic, gentle and Antibacterial. What more could you want from a hand soap?
Homemade Natural Fabric Softener ” Want to make your laundry smell amazing, stay fresh and soft, well this is the recipe for you. Most fabric softeners are really toxic and could be harmful to skin.
Non-Toxic Glass Cleaner ” Here’s a great tutorial revealing how to make your own green, non-toxic, all-natural glass cleaner for just $0.45 per bottle! Best of all, this cleaner works better than any commercial cleaner you can buy in the stores ” and you can feel happy that you are not putting yours ” or your family’s ” health at risk with toxic chemicals. DIY Hardwood Floor Cleaner from Clean Mama. DIY Car Upholstery Cleaner from Creative Savings Another DIY Laundry Detergent from Saving by Design creates a year’s worth of laundry detergent for less than $25 DIY Orange Vanilla Furniture Polish by Two Little Cavaliers Another Homemade Glass Cleaner from DIY Natural Homemade Tub & Tile Cleaner from Money Saving Mom Homemade “Comet” Powdered Cleaner from The Robinson’s Home Sweet Home 11 Simple DIY Green Cleaning Products: Bleach alternative, DIY oven cleaner, DIY carpet cleaner & stain remover, glass cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, air freshener, cleaning wipes, bathroom cleaner, furniture polish, floor cleaner, and garbage disposal cleaner
Homemade Ketchup ” This ketchup won’t break the bank, tastes better than the real deal and contains no added sugar ” so it’s nutritionally good for the whole family.
Homemade Mayonnaise “ This is a great recipe for any mayonnaise lover out there wanting to make their own at home, it’s simple and easy and tastes better than the store bought versions.
Peanut Butter ” It is so simple to make this pantry staple it would be silly to buy it. With only 3 ingredients you can make a simple tasty Peanut Butter for your whole family.
Simple Loaf Of Bread ” This is a classic recipe for you to make and stop buying your normal weekly loaf of bread ” nothing beats the smell of freshly baked bread. Saving you pennies and preservatives.
Homemade Nutella ” It would make more sense to give your children chocolate spread that was made by you, so you know exactly what’s in it, right? Then how about this fantastic recipe…
Homemade Butter ” Instead of buying preservative laden, calorific heavy butter from the store, make your own butter with just 4 ingredient and a standard kitchen mixer…so simple yet so tasty.
Salad Dressing ” This simple recipe for homemade salad dressing will jazz up any old salad and make it fabulous. Forget the store bought versions, get your aprons on and get making.
Homemade Maple Syrup ” This classic sauce is so expensive nowadays, did you know it is so simple and easy to collect your own!
Make your own healthy carbonated drinks with this $50 DIY water carbonator. It can be filled for just a few dollars and used to carbonate 1000s of healthy teas and/or fresh-squeezed juices:
Home made big Carbonation System for $45.00 and 4X the power of soda steam
Disposables (bulk/make our own?) shampoo, soap, conditioner, lotion, etc.
Reusables (toothbrush and razor handles, dispenser/containers, etc.)
Methods/products to be most efficient with time, water, and hygiene
Want to know which toothpaste is the most consumer-friendly? Check out Cornucopia’s Toothpaste Brand Scorecard. Honey Shampoo ” This shampoo helps reduce frizz, combat dandruff, moisturizer and softens your hair all in one. A natural, kind to your skin shampoo that will make you think twice next time you are in the store.
Coconut Oil Deep Conditioner ” With just three ingredients, you can whip up an economical, natural and luxurious conditioner to treat your hair, leaving it soft, manageable and shiny.
Body Wash ” If you want to save money but have little time to spare, then this is the natural alternative is for you. A simple recipe and method which makes a soapy bubbly wash great for all skin types.
Shaving Cream ” This shaving cream will leave your skin soft and smelling fantastic. With ingredients like coconut oil, Shea butter, mint and rosemary you will feel invigorated and fresh after every shave.
Squeezable Homemade Toothpaste ” Ditch those commercial toothpastes on the market and opt for this natural re-mineralizing toothpaste that encourages white healthy teeth and improves oral health.
Minty Mouthwash ” Not only is it chemical and alcohol-free, it’s practically free, well nearly is at $0.02 /oz! You will save loads of money this, and improve your family’s oral health at the same time ” simple.
Homemade Natural Sun Screen ” Most sun screens contain toxic chemicals and other harmful ingredients that could actually damage you when they should be protecting you. Check out this natural alternative and make the swap.
We researched ecologically friendly soaps because we’ll be using the greywater from these eco-showers for watering plants. Through this process we determined that ‘biocompatible’ soaps were really what we were seeking rather than ‘biodegradable’, ‘natural’, and/or ‘eco-friendly’ soaps as those three latter terms don’t mean much when it comes to how suitable they are for plants and soil.
More specifically, plants need to avoid:
Sodium – very bad for plants, potassium-based soaps are better
Boron (such as borax) – plants need a very small amount, above that amount it is very toxic
Chlorine – toxic to plants (and people), use peroxide instead
Liquid soaps tend to have less salts than bar soaps, because liquid-based soaps can use potassium-based lye, whereas bar soaps typically use sodium-based lye (some use glycerine, which is better than those made with lye). The amount of chemical additives in shower greywater though is usually negligible due to dilution. In general, even typical shampoos and conditioners don’t harm plants because they are low in salt and free of boron, and then highly diluted by the water used for the shower.
Our sustainability and health goals still warrant conscientious soap selection though. With this and the above details in mind, the following soaps have been determined as viable soap/shampoo/conditioner options that are biocompatible:
Pure Castile Soap (like Dr. Bronner’s)
Aubrey organics shampoo
Some Burt’s Bees products
Everyday Shea
Trader Joe’s citrus shampoo and conditioner
Mrs. Meyers bar soap
Avalon shampoo and conditioner
When we make our final decision and are ready to purchase, our goal will be to coordinate large-scale (hopefully 50-gallon drum) purchase of the product we choose so we can eliminate packaging-waste, buy at the most affordable price, and provide our chosen soaps as the preferred option for all residents and visitors. If we can establish this kind of purchasing plan, our hope is that others will be able to purchase similarly.
Mascara ” Arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, nickel, lead and thallium are toxins we do NOT want to be applying to our skin! So opt for this homemade version and you will save money and protect your skin.
Tinted Lipstick ” This recipe includes beeswax pastilles, Shea/cocoa butter, and coconut oil. It allows you to customize it with different natural powders, such as beetroot powder for red hues, cocoa powder for brown hues and bentonite clay for a matte texture.
Eye Liner ” How would you like to be able to make your own natural eyeliner (which can also be used as a smokey eyeshadow) for just $0.24? If yes ” then check this recipe out.
Bronzer ” This homemade bronzer is really easy to make, simple to customize and so much better for your skin than store-bought varieties. A brilliant way of saving money too.
Natural Blush ” Give your cheeks a rosy tint and brighten up your complexion with this easy natural blush recipe. Cosmetics are so pricey these days now really is the time to start making your own.
Foundation ” This foundation from Robin at ThankYourBody.com contains all natural and non-toxic ingredients, it works fantastically (see a before and after foundation picture on the blog) and it’s really easy to make.
Under Eye Serum ” Ingredients such as tamanu oil, vitamin E oil, grapefruit seed extract, avocado oil, carrot seed oil and more make this such an effective anti-wrinkle eye serum that is totally natural.
Copycat Burts Bees Lip Balm ” Â This wonderful copy cat recipe from HappyMoneySaver.com reveals how you can make your own version of Burts Bees Lip Balm (Normally priced $2.50) for just $0.12 per tube ” what an incredible saving!
Lavender Bath Salts ” Making these lavender bath salts couldn’t be simpler. You need just a few ingredients such as Epsom salts, sea salt, dried lavender buds and lavender essential oil and then you just have to follow the instructions.
Anti-wrinkle Cream ” Have you ever been tempted by those “miracle” creams that will make you look “ten years younger” that all the major beauty companies produce? Well most are packed with chemicals, preservatives and artificial ingredients and on top of that, they are outrageously expensive. Make your own instead!
* Note: These criteria are not in any particular order because it is expected that the ordering of criteria will most likely differ in many situations.
Q: What other areas will you be addressing?
Here’s a 2.5 hour keynote address by Paul Wheaton that pretty much sums up the additional areas we’d like to address with comprehensive sustainability. We see almost everything in Paul’s presentation as worth exploring, further developing, and open source sharing.
72 Bricks to Build a Better World - Paul Wheaton Permaculture Keynote
Q: What sets One Community apart from similar projects?
Expand within 5 years to a community of 200 full-time residents producing ongoing tools, resources, and tutorials while hosting thousands of annual visitors as outlined in our long-term vision page.
Define the global-solution industry itself as an open source industry, expanding mainstream awareness, appeal, and desire for comprehensive sustainability by demonstrating and sharing a more attractive and fulfilling way of living that people can have if they desire to create it also.
Q: What is the ultimate One Community long-term goal?
To transform our world into a sustainable and happier one through teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built all over the world. We will work with these hubs as our open source partners and fellow leaders of the open source, Highest Good of All, and sustainable planet movement leading to a New Golden Age of cooperation, collaboration, innovation, creativity, sustainable living, and increased happiness for the entire human organism.
Click HERE for property details that include why we have chosen the location we have.
Q: How far is One Community in the creation process?
Visit our progress page for a regularly updated list of our accomplishments and progress. Visit our blog for our on-going mini-updates and weekly summaries of accomplishments and progress.
Q: Why not just build a small-scale prototype home or community that includes a minimum-scale revenue-generating demonstration/operation? Wouldn't this get things going faster?
This small-scale operation already exists as Airbnb. What we see as missing is a complete model for self-sufficiency that is open source and reasonably replicable. Even complete models for self-sufficiency already exist in the form of the many eco-villages out there. What none of those offer though is any sort of understanding and/or path for how average people can replicate them. We also think there isn't enough of a compelling reason for most people to bother with changing how they live now to engage such a path/project, so our project is purposed to provide and demonstrate that too.
From a total global-change perspective though, we think it is even more important to create a permanent example:
Dedicated to open source
Capable of providing for the complete needs of hundreds of people.
Providing the support needed so residents can work together on open source creation full-time.
Q: Where would I find a more detailed description of how this works?
Please visit our About Us page, Methodology page, and Site Map for more comprehensive descriptions and links to complete details for every aspect of One Community.
Q: What about safety?
We consider a community of 500 people with shared goals and vision more safe than current living models. We think even a group of 50 people working together can handle any reasonable challenge.