People producing their own high-quality and diverse food is a path to increasing health, biodiversity, and individual and global food security. As part of One Community’s self-replicating and self-sufficient teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities and open source botanical garden models, we also see this as a solution to world hunger. This page is the open source portal to all the components necessary to create this. It contains the following sections related to the Highest Good food® Infrastructure:
We consider Highest Good food to be maximally nutritious, maximally bio-diverse, fresh, duplicable, space and resource efficient, ecologically and individually healthy food that is far superior to anything found in a typical grocery store. We are approaching this so it caters to vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores. We are also integrating it with One Community’s open source and earth-regenerative botanical garden model. This will provide a foundation for those interested in joining and helping build a global cooperative of people specifically studying, preserving, sharing, and evolving plant species for The Highest Good of All.
Some of the key features and intentions of the One Community Phase I food infrastructure include:
Some of the key features and intentions of the One Community Phase II food infrastructure include:
One Community’s Highest Good food designs demonstrate what truly ethical and carefully planned land stewardship is capable of. This is foundational to our strategy for global change methodology and an evolution of sustainability that integrates this food component with the 7 sustainable village models and open source Duplicable City Center. The ultimate result of this will be holistic living models demonstrating sustainable production of food with unparalleled nutrition and diversity. It will provide enough volume and variety to feed all of One Community and our visitors. Additional benefits and reasons we have for doing this are:
Highest Good food is an approach to global transformation through open source and free-sharing how to grow food that is maximally nutritious, maximally bio-diverse, fresh, space and resource efficient, ecologically and individually healthy, and far beyond anything found in a typical grocery store. The following sections will evolve and expand indefinitely with open source content that covers all aspects needed for duplicating of One Community’s food infrastructure. This can be done in part or as a whole and includes the following areas and open source resources to facilitate the process:
In accordance with our botanical garden model and our for The Highest Good of All philosophy we will demonstrate what truly ethical and carefully planned land stewardship is capable of. The ultimate result of this will be sustainable production of unparalleled nutrition and diversity capable of providing enough volume and variety to feed all of One Community and our visitors. Even with traditional methods one person working full-time on food production can produce enough food to feed 30; with aquaponics that same person can produce enough food to feed 300. Our goal when arriving on the property is to immediately start large-scale gardening and building ultra-affordable, easy, and fast to construct hoop houses. We will build enough hoop houses and plant enough food to make ourselves about 70% food self-sufficient within 3-4 months. Combining this with raising goats, chickens, and rabbits will provide sufficient food to feed 100+ people by the end of the first year. Until we are successfully producing enough food to sustain ourselves, we will be buying it from local producers and suppliers with the goal of supporting sustainable and ethical practices.
Phase II food production will include building the walipini and aquaponics food farms that will provide even more food diversity and volume. Once we start building these structures, the first two are estimated to take no more than 6 months to build and test and another 2 months or so to be producing food. All six structures should be able to be completed within a year.
Here are some great videos showing both what is possible and why you might want to care:
One Community wants to help people to grow their own high quality and diverse food. We believe if we can make this easy enough, affordable enough, and attractive enough, it will provide a clear path to increasing health, biodiversity, and individual and global food security. It also has the potential to revolutionize the way people look at and interact with the food they eat. As part of our self-replicating and self-sufficient teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities model, this could also address world hunger.
Q: I thought you were 100% open source, why is “Highest Good Food” a registered trademark?
To understand this, please read our Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents and Using them to Support Open Source and Free-sharing page.
Q: Is One Community going to be a vegetarian community?
The One Community team consists of vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores. In accordance with our philosophy for The Highest Good of All we are maintaining a non-idealogical approach to food choices. That said, also in accordance with this philosophy, we will only support and consume food items that are ethically and sustainably raised, managed, and produced. The consensus process will be used to decide the evolution of the One Community food plan.
Q: I’m an omnivore or vegan, what if I don’t want to eat a vegan or omnivore diet?
The complete food self-sufficiency transition plan is designed to meet the needs of all dietary preferences through:
In this way all dietary preferences can be provided, any sacrifices are shared in alternating weeks, and groups completely preferring vegan or omnivore options have clear menus they can follow for both choices.
Q: How do you intend to produce spices, mill grain for flour, cooking oil, etc. etc.
To us, “100% food sustainability” means we will demonstrate and open source share a model that doesn’t need external food sources. Having achieved this, what we produce internally versus choosing to buy will be decided through the consensus process.
Q: What is One Community’s stance on pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides?
If it is not safe to eat, we will not be spraying it on our food. Here’s a video we feel is helpful in understanding why:
Q: Can people choose not to eat in the group dining hall?
Yes, the Duplicable City Center will provide group dining space and the kitchen, where people choose to eat is up to the individual.
Q: Would we be allowed to have a hot plate stove (single burner)/microwave/toaster oven in our private residence if we wished to cook apart from the rest of the community from time to time?Â
Yes, people can supply their individual residences with these items if they want to.
Q: Do you plan to raise cows or other large grazing animals for milk or food.
Probably not due to the sustainability issues with this approach to food. This could however change if agreed upon through the consensus process.
Q: What if I want something that isn’t on the community menu?
The community menu will be agreed upon through the consensus process. If a person wanted something not included on that menu, then they would be welcome to purchase and provide it for themselves.
Q: What if you are unable to meet your timelines for food self-sustainability?
We have funds built into our business plan to provide food for an additional year if necessary.
Q: I’m vegetarian/vegan, would I have to participate in any part of the process or raising animals for food and/or eating/cooking them?
No, if you aren’t eating the food item, you would not have to participate in any aspect of One Community’s food diversity that didn’t agree with your personal beliefs and preferences.
Q: The aquapini and walipini structures are closed-loop systems, will you be supplementing those with CO2 to improve plant growth?Â
Based on the research we did, we believe that we should not be concerned about the CO2 levels in our growing structures. The CO2 generated by the decomposition of organic material within these structures, from the plants themselves at night, people working in and visiting the structures, and from outside when people enter and exit will be sufficient. Recent research also showed that excessive CO2 can actually be detrimental to the nutritional value of plants. Intentional increases to 1500 ppm (for production increases of 30%) can be created by various means but this extra CO2 decreases levels of key nutrients while also creating excess carbohydrate/sugar content. This results over the long run in plants becoming more like junk food than the nutritions foundations of a healthy diet they are meant to be.
Q: What sets One Community apart from similar projects?
One Community's open source project-launch blueprinting strategy and the fact that we are open sourcing and addressing ALL elements of society simultaneously are a combination unique to our organization. Together, these will help others duplicate what we do and create self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities capable of positively impacting every single person on this planet within one generation.
Q: What sets One Community's open source goals apart from similar projects?
To our knowledge, no other project exists that is providing the comprehensive nature and detail of everything we are open source project-launch blueprinting.
Q: What is the specific One Community short-term goal?
Q: What is the ultimate One Community long-term goal?
To transform our world into a sustainable and happier one through teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built all over the world. We will work with these hubs as our open source partners and fellow leaders of the open source, Highest Good of All, and sustainable planet movement leading to a New Golden Age of cooperation, collaboration, innovation, creativity, sustainable living, and increased happiness for the entire human organism.
Q: How are you funding One Community?
We are still seeking funding. Please see our Funding Related Details Page.
Q: Where will One Community be located and why?
Click HERE for property details that include why we have chosen the location we have.
Q: How far is One Community in the creation process?
Visit our progress page for a regularly updated list of our accomplishments and progress. Visit our blog for our on-going mini-updates and weekly summaries of accomplishments and progress.
Q: Why not just build a small-scale prototype home or community that includes a minimum-scale revenue-generating demonstration/operation? Wouldn't this get things going faster?
This small-scale operation already exists as Airbnb. What we see as missing is a complete model for self-sufficiency that is open source and reasonably replicable. Even complete models for self-sufficiency already exist in the form of the many eco-villages out there. What none of those offer though is any sort of understanding and/or path for how average people can replicate them. We also think there isn't enough of a compelling reason for most people to bother with changing how they live now to engage such a path/project, so our project is purposed to provide and demonstrate that too.
From a total global-change perspective though, we think it is even more important to create a permanent example:
This is why the intended property, village models, social architecture and economic focuses are all big. To support faster and broader implementation, we are also developing everything so it is modular and implementable as individual components. This will allow for anyone who doesn't desire the full teacher/demonstration hub approach to have options too, but our primary goal is to demonstrate the complete teacher/demonstration hub as easy enough, affordable enough, and attractive enough for average people with average means to want to replicate it and/or use what we provide to build their own version.
Q: If you are giving everything away through open source, how do you intend to make money?
Our model is designed to prosper specifically because we are giving everything away through open source project-launch blueprinting. We accomplish this through eco-tourism marketed with the open source infrastructure we have already created and other supported revenue streams outlined on our revenue streams page. All of this further promotes our model of spreading sustainability and actively promoting and distributing even more open source blueprints for duplication by as many people as possible.
Q: How will this help people in Third World countries and other areas that need resources most?
Using the four-phase strategy above, we wish to demonstrate building a teacher/demonstration community, village, and/or city as profitable for large investors and/or a way for small groups of people to pool what resources they have and get out of debt. We see this spreading and bringing resources to the areas that need them most because building these villages in these areas will be more affordable and easier to do with less building restrictions.
Q: How do you stop the model from being totally capitalized without the positive intent of the original model?Â
We are not focused on putting limitations on the use of everything we are creating because of our open source commitment. We will, however, directly support any organization contributing specifically to open source project-launch blueprinting and operating for The Highest Good of All.
Q: Where would I find a more detailed description of how this works?
Please visit our About Us page, Methodology page, and Site Map for more comprehensive descriptions and links to complete details for every aspect of One Community.
Q: What about safety?
We consider a community of 500 people with shared goals and vision more safe than current living models. We think even a group of 50 people working together can handle any reasonable challenge.Â
Adam Weiss: Kitchen Operations Project Manager
Aly Shannon: Food & Nutrition Project Consultant and Creative Director & Co-Owner of Roots of Medicine
Ana Flavia Almeida: Architecture and Urban Planning Student
Anna Cheal: Culinary Nutritionist
Avery Ellis: Aquaponics Specialist and owner/operator of Integrated Aquaponics
Bear Stauss: Horticulturalist and Landscape Design/Recreation Area Management Specialist
Benjamin Sessions:Â Strategic Sales and Real Estate Development Entrepreneur and Food Connoisseur
Brian Storz: Culinary Project Manager
Bupesh Seethala: Architectural Drafter & Designer, BS Electrical Engineering (
Charles McLean: Architecture & Urban Agriculture Designer, Professor, and owner of OM Greengroup
David Sweet: Architect (
Douglas Simms Stenhouse: Architect and Water Color Artist (see:
Gregory Quach: Data Enterer for Chef/Culinary
Hakan Sabol: Certified Permaculture Designer, Wed Designer, Graphic Designer, and Video Editor
Hayley Rosario: Sustainability Research Assistant
Jae Sabol:Â Certified Permaculture Designer, Project Manager, and Holistic Health Professional
Jessica Fairbanks: Administrative Assistant
Julia Meaney: Web and Content Reviewer and Editor
Kim Braman:Â Apiary and Beekeeping Expert
Marilyn Nzegwu: Chef and Culinary Consultant
Maya Callahan: Sustainability Researcher
Olayinka “Yinka” Omole: Recipe Reviewer and Data Entry Assistant
Ron Payne: HVAC / Thermal Designer, Mechanical Engineer
Sandra Sellani:Â Business Author, Speaker, Consultant, and Vegan Chef
Sangam Stanczak: Environmental Engineer (Ph.D., P.E.)
Smit Bhoir: Data and Business Analyst
Tanmay Koparde: Industrial Engineer And Team Administrator
Tatyana Tertitsa: Organic Gardener, Natural Builder, and 3D SketchUp Designer
Yifei Zhu: Analyst and Researcher
Zdenek Jurik: P.E. Structural, Civil and Mechanical Engineer and founder of ABC Engineering
Ziqian Zheng – Architectural Designer and Drafter
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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