Straw Bale Village – One Community Pod 2

The straw bale architecture village (Pod 2) is the second of seven different sustainable village models. The Straw Bale Village was chosen as the second village to be built because it demonstrates modularly expandable sustainable housing and a focus on family-based social spaces. It depicts the straw bale method of construction along with many eco-artistic external and functional internal options. We discuss them all with the following sections:


ALL VILLAGES (Click icons for complete pages)

Earthbag Village Icon, building with earthbags, earthbag architecture, earthbag construction, earthbag homes, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageStraw Bale Village Icon, straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale eco-living, global ecology, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageCob Village Icon, building with cob, cob home, cob living, cob architecture, cob construction, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageEarth Block Village Icon, building with earth blocks, earth block construction, earth block architecture, open source earth block, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageShipping Container Village Icon, shipping container architecture, shipping container construction, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageRecycled Materials Village Icon, recycled materials construction, recycled materials building, Earthship inspired construction, building with tires, building with recycled materials, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageTree House Village icon, living in trees, forest living, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room, zicons

Here is a book overview about the entire One Community project also:

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Straw Bale Village, One Community Pod 2The Straw Bale Village consists of fifty-two 250-300 square foot (23-28 sq meters) studio-style rooms, each with an attached bathroom. They are arranged in groups of 4 that can easily be connected and or converted to create multi-room units. This village model also includes 11 common areas: a kitchen and dining area capable of feeding 200+ people, computer room, meeting and conference room, children’s art and playroom, game room, outdoor playground, outdoor barbecue area, outdoor dining area, library, gym, and central social area with a gas fire pit that can be covered to provide a stage. The circular design of this pod is heating, cooling, and resource efficient with plans for the center that include fruit trees, recreation space, and water collecting and storage via the decorative waterways. The circular design helps with temperature control in the center as well as keeping animals away from the orchard. Once the earthbag village (Pod 1) is complete, this village model will provide 40 resident units and 12 visitor/guest demonstration units.

Straw-bale Village Low-res Header, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, One Community, One Community Global

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render (click to enlarge)

Some of the key features and intentions of the Straw Bale Village design include:

  • 52 living units
  • 11 common areas
  • Straw bale construction
  • Built-in food production
  • Artistic and beautiful to live in
  • Completely ecologically friendly and sustainable
  • Complete village projected to cost around $2,500,000
  • Will demonstrate a model that can be expanded modularly by others
  • Communal use kitchen, computer room, and lounge designs and layout
  • Central gas fireplace with stadium seating can be covered and used as a stage
  • Goal for 100% water to be supplied by surrounding water catchment from all structures
  • Color theme is Green with Family and Community as the social/recreational theme
Straw-bale Village Floor Plan, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, One Community, One Community Global

Straw Bale Village Layout ” Click to Enlarge




Straw Bale Village, One Community Pod 2The straw bale housing teacher/demonstration community, village, and city model is purposed for open source project-launch blueprinting and building modularly expandable sustainable housing. Using the torus design we will build the first few units to completion to show what is possible on a small scale. Then we will add onto those units to demonstrate how this style of communal housing could be expanded as a community or village need for housing expands, adding additional units as necessary while simultaneously improving energy efficiency and creating a growing space protected by new units. The circular design also allows for easy modification of the internal structure at a later time to connect or separate rooms based on community resident/family needs. The Straw Bale Village model will become an option for ownership and long-term residence, and the Pioneers that have been with the project the longest will have first priority. When complete, Pod 2 will be the largest straw bale construction in the world (2x the size of the current largest building) utilizing approximately 20,000 straw bales for the build.

Straw Bale Village Cross Section 640

Straw Bale Village Cross Section – Click to Enlarge






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The Advantages of straw bale construction are many:

  1. Sustainability: Straw is a 100% renewable material, a waste product of wheat or rice production, and absorbs CO2 during growth and locks it into the home construction. In addition, a comprehensive carbon footprint analysis of straw bale materials production, transport, and use usually yields a significantly lower footprint
  2. Beauty: Straw bale walls are at least eighteen inches thick and this adds an aesthetic value to a home that is desirable but rare due to the expense it would incur with conventional construction. This wall thickness provides beautiful and useful flat surfaces throughout the home while additionally helping to reflect sunlight and brighten rooms. It also means every window can have a window seat or shelf, providing both an aesthetic and practical design element. Further adding to the aesthetics, straw bale walls can be carved with a knife or chainsaw. This means openings around windows or doors can be bullnosed to a nice radius, and niches and/or sharp angular edges can be carved into the bales wherever desired
  3. Easy to Build: The basics of straw bale construction are easily understood by even novice builders. With supervision by one effective straw bale Project Lead, first-time builders can be a part of the complete construction process and expect to build with success
  4. Low Cost: If you live in an area where wheat is grown, straw bales are easily acquired and affordable
  5. Effective Thermal Insulator: The average straw bale home provides insulation values between R-30 and R-35 and U-values between 0.19 and 0.11 W/m2K. The thicker the bale the higher the insulatory value, resulting in straw bale as an essential comfort choice where heating/cooling is necessary.
  6. Fire Retardant: The density of straw bales and common encasements (like plaster/render or plasterboard) make them highly resistant to fire
  7. Healthy: Straw bale walls provide an excellent foundation for an organic, VOC-free and low-allergen living environment
  8. Noise Insulator: The thickness and density of straw bale construction makes walls excellent sound barriers
  9. Biodegradable: Straw is 100% biodegradable and at the end of the building’s lifespan the material gracefully returns to the earth, leaving no toxins behind



Straw bale construction also has some limitations:

  • Availability: Straw bales are not available everywhere so sourcing materials may be difficult and/or impractical in some locations. If straw bales are not available within a few hundred miles of your construction site, the cost of shipping them, along with the potential pollution from the transportation, should be taken into account
  • Pre-construction Materials Must remain Dry: Straw bales are susceptible to decay and rot if they get wet before being protected within the wall construction
  • Potential for Infestation: Straw has no nutritional value to rodents but can still become a home for them if not properly stored before installation
  • Wall Thickness: Walls as thick as straw bales increase the building footprint
  • Weather Constraints: The need to keep straw bales dry before and during construction makes the weather an important consideration for most projects. Areas of extreme humidity and rain may not be appropriate for straw bale construction
  • Funding and Insurance Challenges: It can be more difficult to obtain building insurance and/or construction financing due to lack of understanding of this building method and its structural properties
  • Permitting Challenges: As with most alternative building methods, much thought goes into the final design and proper permit approval from your local building authority can be a challenge



project management software, open source software, teacher/demonstration village, objective fulfilled living, data gathering for The Highest Good, transforming the planet, global collaboration, working together, tangible time, One Community, ACE Application Open Source Hub, Open Source ACE, ACE ApplicationAs we continue open source project-launch blueprinting the Straw Bale Village and all of its components (food production, waste repurposing, energy infrastructure, water collection and storage, etc.), build them, and problem solve and evolve them for One Community (and with others around the world) we will develop this page as the portal detailing comprehensive open source and free-shared specifics needed for do-it-yourself duplication of each component. These instruction manuals and resources will cover the following areas of this open source village model:

spacerStraw-bale Village Main Icon, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community Global, the One Community blog, One Community updates, transforming the global environment, transformational change, evolving living, One Community, One Community Global, creating a new world, the solution to everything, the solution to everything, the solution to anything, creating world change, open source future, for The Highest Good of All, a world that works for everyone, world change, transforming the planet, difference makers, sustainability non-profit, solution based thinking, being the change we want to see in the world, making a difference, sustainable planet, global cooperative, 501c3 sustainability, creating our future, architects of the future, engineers of the future, sustainable civilization, a new civilization, a new way to live, ecological world, people working together, Highest Good food, Highest Good energy, Highest Good housing, Highest Good education, Highest Good societyWhat we’re working on now
Straw-bale Village Camp Setup and Maintenance, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community GlobalRemote construction camp setup and maintenance
Straw-bale Village Building Plans and Files, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community Global, open source building plans, open source architectural plans, open source structural plans, open source blueprints, open source CAD, open source Sketchup, open source 3D Max, open source Revit, free-shared plans, free-shared blueprints, sustainable housing, best practice living, sustainable housing systems, green materials, earthbag, cob, straw bale, One Community, open source housing, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, build your own home, build your own house, affordable housing, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, eco-housing, artistic homes, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community housing, Highest Good housingBuilding plans for all components
Straw-bale Village Materials Cost Analysis, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community Global, earthbag materials costs, straw bale materials costs, eco-materials, green materials, building materials, where to get materials, construction materials, earthship materials, sustainable materials, subterranean construction materials, architecture materials, eco-materials, tree-house materials, earthblock materials, earth block materials, building with earth, building with straw, sustainable materials, Highest Good materials, sourcing materials, buying materialsDetailed materials list and cost analysis for all components
Straw-bale Village DIY Multi-media Resource Hub, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community Global, how to build, building videos, building PDFs, building instructions, how to build with cob, how to build with earth, how to build with earthbag, how to build with tires, how to build with earthblocks, how to build with earth block, how to build with straw bales, how to build with subterranean construction, how to build with clay, DIY videos, DIY audio, DIY tutorials, DIY resources, DIY tools, DIY educationDo-it-yourself multi-media resource and information hub
Straw-bale Village Licensing Permitting, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community Global, permitting earthbag, permitting cob, permitting straw bale, permitting earthships, permitting sustainability, permitting treehouses, licensing eco-building, permitting eco-building, permitting ecological building, permitting sustainable living, International Building Code, getting permits, filing for permits, submitting permits, how to work with local government, how to work with the county, how to work with gov, building safelyHow to work with local government if permitting is needed
Straw-bale Village Tools and Equipment, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community Global, open source equipment, sourcing equipment, what equipment you need, eco-equipment selection, Highest Good equipment, tools and equipment, earthbag tools and equipment, straw bale tools and equipment, cob tools and equipment, earth block tools and equipment, green tools and equipment, earthship tools and equipmentDetailed tools and equipment list, best place to buy, and cost analysis for all components
Straw-bale Village Site Clearing and Preparation, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community GlobalHow to clear and prepare your site for your build
Straw-bale Village Build-time Labor Investment, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community Global,building time needs, time investment, build times, time to build, earthbag build time investment, straw bale build times, eco build times, sustainable build times, green building, labour evaluation, labour investment, labour input, labor requirements, labor input, time for buildingDetailed build-time investment needs for each component based on our building experience
Straw-bale Village Footer and Foundation, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community GlobalExcavation and construction of the footer and foundation
Straw-bale Village Flooring Setup, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community GlobalFlooring setup, construction, and maintenance
Straw-bale Village Furniture Construction, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community GlobalDetailed plans for how to build custom furniture to maximize home beauty and functionality
Straw-bale Village Plumbing, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community GlobalComplete village plumbing design and setup
Straw-bale Village Window and Door Framing, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community GlobalWindow and door framing
Straw-bale Village Electrical Setup, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community GlobalComplete village electrical design and setup
engineering icon, structural engineering, column engineering, beam engineering, footer engineering, floor engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, structural engineering, cob engineering, straw bale engineering, shipping container engineering, City Center engineering, earthbag engineering, eco-engineering, open source engineering, One Community engineering, green living engineering, sustainable community engineering, recycled materials engineering, compressed earth block engineering, tree house engineering, One CommunityStraw bale construction structural engineering details
Straw-bale Village Heating and Cooling, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community GlobalHeating and cooling research, plans, and adaptations by us and others
SVI sustainable water heating, Straw Bale Village Icon (SVI), straw bale Village Construction, straw bale building, straw bale architecture, straw construction, community construction, community living, Pod 1, One Community, straw bag home, straw bale house, building with straw bales, building with straw, straw bale community, straw architecture, Heating hot water, hot water heating, green living, straw bale community, straw bale eco-tourism, straw building, straw construction, One Community Pod 2Detailed maximally energy efficient water heating specifics
Straw-bale Village Water Catchment, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community Global, water conservation methods, advantages of rainwater harvesting, rainwater harvesting techniques, open source water systems, methods of rainwater harvesting, smart water, intelligent water use, swails, One Community, solution based thinking, conserve water, water conservation, water wise, saving water, best land for water, mulch, water catchment, water collection, swails, water collecting, vermiculture, conserving waterHow to install and utilize water catchment for each structure and the whole village model
Straw-bale Village Water Proofing, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community GlobalPlastering, sealing, and weather proofing the inside and the outside of your natural home
Straw-bale Village Internet and Wi-fi, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community GlobalHow to install and maintain internet and a WiFi network for an off-grid community/village
Straw-bale Village Control and Automation Icon, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community GlobalAutomation, monitoring, and control systems design, setup, and data gathering and sharing
Straw-bale Village Problem Solving Guide, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community Global, making building easier, what we learned, sustainable building resources, what to do and not to do, how to succeed, making success easyHow to make your build easier than ours and how to solve any problems we encountered in our build
Straw-bale Village Maintenance and Upkeep Icon, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community Global, maintenance, care, upkeep, earthbag village maintenance, earthbag village care, straw bale maintenance, straw bale village care, cob maintenance, cob care, long-term maintenance, short-term maintenance, earthship maintenance and care, treehouse maintenanceComplete and on-going maintenance and upkeep details per our experience with all village components
IconVillage eco-laundry design, setup, and maintenance
Straw-bale Village Everyone Who Helped Icon, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community Global, collaborative friends, cooperative partners, consultants, partners, earthbag consultants, earthbag collaborators, straw bale consultants, eco consultants, sustainable builder consultants, green consultants, eco consultants, green building help, straw bale building consultants, cob building consultantsList of everyone who helped us design and build this so they can be contacted to help with modifications
Straw-bale Village Other People's Projects, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community Global, others building earthbag, others building with straw bale, others building earth block, others building tree houses, others building earthshipsArchive and database of others building similar structures including their experiences, adaptations, etc.
Straw-bale Village Emergency Fire and Medical Preparation, Straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale building, straw bale hotel, straw bale eco-resort, straw bale living, straw bale house, straw bale home, straw bale dwelling, strawbale construction, strawbale architecture, strawbale living, strawbale community, strawbale village, One Community, One Community Global, Fire and Medical Icon, Open Source Fire Plan, Open Source Emergency Medical StrategyComprehensive remote-village-construction emergency fire, medical, and evacuation plan
sustainable civilization building though housing, sustainable housing, best practice living, sustainable housing systems, green materials, earthbag, cob, straw bale, One Community, open source housing, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, build your own home, build your own house, affordable housing, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, eco-housing, artistic homes, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community housing, Highest Good housingAll of the above for the complete Earthbag Village
Highest Good energy, green energy, off the grid living, eco-living, going green, sustainable energyAll of the above for complete renewable energy infrastructure
sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateAll of the above for complete sustainable food infrastructure



Straw Bale Village overview image, Straw Bale Village Summary, Sustainable Community building, eco-living, green living, Highest Good Housing, building with strawbales, sustainable housing, eco-hotel, One Community Global

Straw Bale Village Overview – Click to open a full-size PDF (6 MB) in a new window

All aspects of the Straw Bale Village will be open sourced for replication as either individual components or as part of the complete village. Just as we are doing with the Duplicable City Center and Earthbag Village (Pod 1), once those two are complete, we will produce for this village the same level of detail for the materials lists, build-time and labor details, construction plans, permitting needs and strategies, and much more for all components. Here are additional images and overviews of some of the key components of this village:



The Straw Bale Village consists of fifty-two 250-300 square foot (23-28 sq meters) studio-style rooms, each with an attached bathroom.

Straw Bale Village open source home designs, image, Straw Bale Village Summary, Sustainable Community building, eco-living, green living, Highest Good Housing, building with strawbales, sustainable housing, eco-hotel, One Community Global

Straw Bale Village Home Design Overview – Click to open a full-size PDF (3 MB) in a new window

Units with lofts are on the external/outside ring of the torus and studio units are on the internal/inside ring of the torus. Bathrooms are between the units.

Straw Bale Village Apartment Section

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Apartment Section

The design arranges the units in groups of 4 that can easily be connected and or converted to create multi-room units. Doors for making these connections will be framed in during the design process so repeated conversion from single to multi-room units and back again will only require removing or creating a doorway. This will allow for units as large as 4-bedrooms/4 full baths or as small as 1 bedroom/1 full bath studios or 2 bedroom/1 full bath family units with lofts. All units will feature skylights, their own bathrooms, and kitchenettes.

Brianna Johnson Final Render Straw Bale Village Apartment Exploded View, One Community

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Apartment Exploded View

Studio residences will look similar to the pictures shown below. They will be smaller and won’t have lofts, but they benefit from being the inner ring of units with the easiest access to all the public spaces in the center of this village.

Straw Bale Village Studio interior, Final Render, Brianna Johnson

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Studio Interior Looking East

Studio Interior render looking West, Straw Bale Village, Brianna Johnson, One Community

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Studio Interior Looking West

The outer ring features the units with lofts. These units are big enough for a family with a bedroom upstairs and downstairs. Being on the outer ring, these units will have the most convenient access to the surrounding nature trails and other recreational activities outside the village.

Brianna Johnson Final Render Straw Bale Village Apartment Living Room, One Community

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Apartment Living Room

Brianna Johnson Final Render Straw Bale Village Apartment Loft, One Community

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Apartment Loft

Brianna Johnson Final Render Straw Bale Village Apartment Bedroom, One Community

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Apartment Bedroom

Here is a render of what the bathrooms will look like. All the bathrooms are the same for both the studio units and the family units.

Brianna Johnson Final Render Straw Bale Village Apartment Bathroom, One Community

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Apartment Bathroom

Here are a couple overview renders showing four easy access walkways from the outside to the inside and vice versa. These walkways along with additional in/out access through the main kitchen and dining area make circulation throughout this village easy regardless of a person’s residence. Everything is just a short walk away.

Brianna Johnson Final Render Straw Bale Village Exterior Overview, One Community

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Exterior Overview

Brianna Johnson Final Render Straw Bale Village Exterior Overview, One Community

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Exterior Overview



The Straw Bale Village will feature a diversity of public spaces with a total recreational capacity estimated at over 500 people. Here is a summary of the most notable areas.

Straw Bale Village public spaces image, Straw Bale Village social spaces overview, Straw Bale Village Summary, Sustainable Community building, eco-living, green living, Highest Good Housing, building with strawbales, sustainable housing, eco-hotel, One Community Global

Straw Bale Village Overview Spread P34-35 – Click to open a full-size PDF (6 MB) in a new window

In the center of the village is a recreation and social space with stadium and loft seating for 150+ people surrounding a central fireplace. This fireplace will run entirely on biogas and convert into a stage when not used as a fireplace.

Straw Bale Village, One Community, Central Social Area with the Chimney Closed final render

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Central Social Area – Closed Chimney

The kids’ playroom is shown in the back with slider windows so parents can be with their children and still enjoy activities happening in this room. The fireplace/stage is also visible from this room and special family seating is available between the room and the fireplace/stage too.

To convert the fireplace into a stage, the fireplace can be covered and the chimney withdrawn as shown below. The planks for covering the stage are stowed beneath the front-row seats and opening the chimney is accomplished using remote control winches mounted along the 2nd floor. In less than 10 minutes, this creates a stage for performances, leading classes, or other presentations and/or social events.

One Community straw bale village final render Open Chimney

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Central Social Area – Open Chimney



The main entrance to this village will provide large open spaces and access to the large-scale kitchen and dining for over 200+ people. Extra chairs and use of the outer dining areas and central seating area allows us to host groups as large as 500. The kitchen basics can be viewed now because they are modeled after the City Center open source kitchen designs.

One Community straw bale village final render Kitchen

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Kitchen

Brianna Johnson Final Render Straw Bale Village Cafeteria, One Community

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Cafeteria

One Community straw bale village final render bathroom exterior

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Bathroom Exterior



In addition to the large-scale community kitchen, the Straw Bale Village also includes a diversity of other community spaces. These include a gym, game room, kids’ playroom, library/study and computer room, meeting and conference room, and more. All of these spaces are open source designed and shared for replication as part of this village or as individual/standalone straw bale structures.

One Community straw bale village final render Gym

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Gym

Brianna Johnson Final Render Straw Bale Village Game Room, One Community

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Game Room

Final Render Straw Bale Village Playroom, One Community, Brianna Johnson

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Playroom

Brianna Johnson Final Render Straw Bale Village Library Workspace, One Community

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Library Workspace



All outdoor spaces are open source designed too. This includes the outdoor playground, outdoor barbecue and dining areas, and other recreation and relaxation spaces.

One Community Straw Bale Village, final Render, Outdoor Patio

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Outdoor Patio Area

One Community straw bale village final render BBQ area

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – BBQ Area

One Community straw bale village final render Outdoor Fire Pit

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Outdoor Fire Pit

Straw Bale Village, One Community, Outdoor Picnic Area Looking East, final render

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Outdoor Benches

One Community Final Render, Straw Bale Village, Playground

One Community Straw Bale Village | Concept Render – Outdoor Play Area Looking Northeast



Straw Bale Fire Test Video EBNet


Straw Bale Village, One Community Pod 2The Straw Bale Village is designed to demonstrate affordable, sustainable housing that can be modularly expanded with maximum ease. The straw bale construction method and torus design with centrally located bathrooms were chosen for this reason. As with Pod 1, the goal of Pod 2 is also maximum space and resource efficiency combined with artistic elements, shared common spaces designed for specific common uses, water catchment off all structures, and more.



Q: Where can I get more information about your philosophies for world change?

Please take a look at each of these additional pages: (click icons)

living and creating for The Highest Good of All, global transformation, making a difference, good for people, good for the planet, good for the economy, good for everyone, the solution to everythingglobal cooperation, solutions that create solutions, global collaborationa new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifetransforming the global environment, transformational change, evolving living, One Community, One Community Global, creating a new world, the solution to everything, the solution to everything, the solution to anything, creating world change, open source future, for The Highest Good of All, a world that works for everyone, world change, transforming the planet, difference makers, sustainability non-profit, solution based thinking, being the change we want to see in the world, making a difference, sustainable planet, global cooperative, 501c3 sustainability, creating our future, architects of the future, engineers of the future, sustainable civilization, a new civilization, a new way to live, ecological world, people working together, Highest Good food, Highest Good energy, Highest Good housing, Highest Good education, Highest Good society

Q: What makes this design “maximally modularly expandable?”

The current tetradecagon (14-sided polygon) design was chosen because it is easily modified by others into a variety of winding patterns and lengthened as the population of the teacher/demonstration community, village, or city increases. As the winding pattern lengthens it increases the wind buffer for any adjacent food production.

Q: What were the initial inspirations for these designs?

With 7 villages to be designed, and a desire for artistic and unique appearances that also had a deeper relationship to the purpose/intent of each village, we drew inspiration from the 7-chakra system from Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism and the Japanese 5-elements philosophy.

Note: One Community does not endorse or subscribe to any one spiritual philosophy. You can read more about our philosophy on spirituality and religion on our Spirituality Page

The Straw Bale Village was designed thinking of the Heart (4th) Chakra from Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism and the Air Element (“fÃ…«Ã¢â’¬ or “kaze”) from the Japanese 5-elements philosophy. These ideas coincided with the family and community focus and helped inspire the circular design and centralization of the recreation spaces in the “heart” of this village. The associated color of “green” helped develop the color palette for this village and we further aligned, diversified, and distinguished the purpose and intent of the village by looking at One Community’s core values and focusing on the values of Love & Connection, Community, and Fulfilled Living.

Straw Bale Village Color Palette, Straw Bale Village Interior and Exterior Design, color scheme, colors for pod 2, eco-community colors, heart chakra colors, heart chakra village, Pod 2, One Community

Straw Bale Village Color Palette – Click for High-Resolution PDF

To further share the design process for this village, here are some of the initial renders and design drawings:


Initial drawing and renders by Douglas Simms Stenhouse, Architect and Water Color Artist

straw bale construction, eco architecture, sustainable building, one community

Overview Rendering of Straw Bale Pod 2

Magnified Floor Plan: Cross Section and Two Different Layouts

straw bale communal living, One Community Pod 2, straw bale large-scale construction

Internal Perspective of Pod 2 Looking Toward the Greenhouse Walkway

Pod 2 Magnification of Common Areas

eco build, straw bale construction plans, one community plans

Pod 2 Magnification of Mechanical Room Under Entry Common Area

straw bale village, One Community Pod 2straw bale village CAD, One Community Pod 2

Click to Enlarge
Straw Bale Village Initial Drawing (left) – Straw Bale Village in CAD (right)

Initial conversion from drawing to AutoCAD done by Dave Walen, Architectural Drafter & Designer and owner of Dave Philip Walen Design

strawbale village, One Community pod 2, One Community strawbale homes, sustainable housing, best practice living, sustainable housing systems, green materials, earthbag, cob, straw bale, One Community, open source housing, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, build your own home, build your own house, affordable housing, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, eco-housing, artistic homes, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community housing, Highest Good housing

Straw Bale Village Section Rough – Click to Enlarge



Brianna JohnsonInterior Designer, Architectural Drafter and 3D Modeler
Dave Walen
: Architectural Drafter & Designer and Owner of Dave Philip Walen Design
Douglas Simms Stenhouse: Architect and Water Color Artist
Jagannathan Shankar MahadevanMechanical Engineer
Renata Maehara: Civil Engineering Student
Sayonara Batista de Oliveira4th-year Architecture and Urban Planning Student
Shilcy AugustineArchitect