The Education for Life program consists of 8 primary components that are purposed for individual use or use as a complete system. First this page describes how each of these components can be used individually. After that it describes how the components can all be combined. Here is the index of sections for this page:
NOTE: All these components have been designed with the goal of expanding creativity and critical thinking while also teaching all subjects. With this in mind, on everything other than the facts of each subject, the emphasis is meant to be placed on enhancing imagination and expanding an individual’s capability to formulate an argument or rationale, rather than on the degree to which the instructor feels the answer/presentation/project is specifically correct or incorrect. What is more important is the reasoning, ability to defend that reasoning, and process used to create it.
The Foundations of Being Outstanding Leaders, Teachers, Learners, and Communicators (a.k.a. “Strategies of Being”) component is meant to be used as a guide or template for improving learning, leadership, self-confidence, free-thinking, and communication. The page is designed with the mindset that every experience is an opportunity for growth and every participant is both a Teacher and a Learner. Apply the strategies you consider valuable and/or use the list as a template and change or add to it to create your own list. Share your list with others and enroll them in helping you to practice these strategies throughout your daily life. (Click here for more information)
This component will grow and evolve anytime better and more empowering strategies are discovered. Once on the property, we will also be adding open source educational resource video pages for each strategy demonstrating its use in different scenarios and with the complete Education for Life program.
The 12 Curriculum for Life components are comprehensive and integrated educational templates that integrate all traditional subjects (math, science, reading, etc.) with life skills (emotional awareness and responsibility, integrity, healthy relationships, communication skills, etc.) and subjects typically reserved for college (public speaking, business skills, psychology, etc.). Use these pages as references and resource guides for comprehensive concept and activity lists to provide an integrated and holistic approach to learning. (Click here for more information – click icons to jump directly to specific pages )
The 8 subject components are designed to outline all aspects of their respective subjects from pre-school learning to professional application. Print them out and use them as non-linear learning guides for full-subject comprehension. Explore the boundaries of knowledge in the subject and shade in or check off the circles as the related concepts are learned. Use the non-linear layout to “educate up,” stretching for higher levels of learning (outer rings) as a pathway to learning the foundational concepts too (inner rings). You can also use the outer rings to identify, explore, and plan for professional applications of the skills learned in all the inner rings.
The 12 curriculum components and 8 subject components will grow and evolve to become even more comprehensive with global input and feedback. Once on the property, we will also be adding open source educational resource and video pages linked to each component and demonstrating methods for engaging and teaching the content.
The Teaching Strategies for Life component provides teaching strategies that can be applied at any age to any subject. They are also made to teach multiple subjects at one time. Use them as a stand-alone reference for ways to make learning more fun and interesting. Use them in conjunction with the Curriculum for Life components to combine multiple subjects and maximize the creativity and engagement of both Educators and Learners. (Click here for more information)
This component is purposed to grow indefinitely with global input and feedback. Once on the property, we will add additional open source educational resource and tutorial pages for each strategy showing them being used by Learners of all ages (including adults as part of One Community’s Culture of Growth) with videos, pictures, and participant commentary.
Use the Learning Tools and Toys for Life component as a resource for fun and effective learning and teaching tools and toys. (Click here for more information)
This component is purposed to grow indefinitely with global input and feedback. Once on the property, we will add additional open source educational resource and tutorial pages showing creative ways for using these tools and toys in any learning environment.
The Lesson Plan Component provides theme-based lesson plans that teach all subjects. Choose a theme you like, select a subject, and then reference the ideas on the page* to teach that subject using the context of the theme to make it both relevant and interesting. Use the mindmap to stimulate your own great ideas too! You can also use each of these lesson plans and their theme to operate an all-ages classroom, teaching all subjects, for an entire week. (Click here for more information)
* Note: When we say “design” in these lesson plans we intend it with the broadest application possible that could include working with wood, paper, textiles, food, metal, code/computers, sculpture, etc.
These lesson plans and their webpages are designed to grow indefinitely with global input and feedback. We will add submitted ideas and suggestions along with our own developing ideas. Once on the property, as part of our open source contribution, we will also add educational resource and tutorial pages for each lesson plan showing them being used by Learners of all ages (including adults as part of One Community’s Culture of Growth) with videos, pictures, and participant commentary.
Use the Evaluation and Evolution component to improve any learning environment. The assessment and evolution tools are designed for pre-school through professional environments. Print out the assessment forms to create your own progress portfolio for both Educators and Learners to stimulate on-going communication, goal setting, and growth. (Click here for more information)
These assessment and evolution forms will expand exponentially with use and application once we are on the property. We are also working on integrating the foundations of these forms into the ACE Application for easier and more consistent record keeping.
Use the Ultimate Classroom component for ideas to improve or design your own educational environment or as complete building blueprints and setup plans. (Click here for more information)
These plans will evolve as needed for building a complete school on the One Community property. We will start with one non-permanent structure and expand to multiple classrooms as needed. We will open source share all aspects of the design, development, licensing and permitting, expansion, setup, etc. through multi-media presentations for easy viewing, download, duplication, and modification.
Use the Open Source Licensing component to start and license your own school. Everything we learn through our own setup and licensing process is shared. (Click here for more information)
We will also share the experience of other teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that choose to collaborate with us for The Highest Good of All by producing open source tools, tutorials, and resources based on their own experience setting up a similar or completely different licensed school model.
Use the Strategies of Being combined with the Curriculum for Life, the Teaching Strategies for Life, and the Learning Tools and Toys for Life to create unlimited Lesson Plans for Life. You can use the format we use for the lesson plans or create them differently. All the tools needed and endless learning variations are contained within the first four components.
Use the Lesson Plans for Life combined with the Evaluation and Evolution component and the The Ultimate Classroom to create your own licensed school.
One Community will open source share all evolutions of all aspects of this program as it continues to develop. This process will evolve exponentially once we are on the property because we will have more staff and a hands-on working environment to develop it in collaboration with each other, our children, and the world. Contact us if you’d like to help now or in the future.
Not all the education resources are free. We use this key to help differentiate them:
NF - Bird guides, art projects, & outdoor activities for elementary & middle school students:
NF - Videos, exercises, and games covering art, science, math, and literacy: PBS Kids
NF - Daily science lessons and activities for elementary and middle school students: Club SciKidz
NF - Science questions asked by kids around the world and fun interactive answers: Camp Wonderopolis
NF - Spelling website from that teaches through a diversity of games: Miss Spell's Class
NF - Learn how to read and become a better reader through fun and interactive exercises: Starfall
NF - Tons of fun games, interesting videos, puzzles, and more: National Geographic Kids
NF - Learning games, comics, reading tools and more: Funbrain
NF - Teaching anyone how to cook, not just kids, but for kids: Spatulatta
NF - Watch, listen and play games to learn all about amazing animals: Switcheroo Zoo
NF - Go "into the book" to play games that practice reading strategies: Into the Book
NF - Read, play games, and hang out with Dr. Seuss and his friends: Seussville
NF - Have some of your favorite stories read to you by movie stars: Storyline Online
NF - Practice Math and reading skills all while playing fun games: ABC Ya
NF - Read, play games, and conduct cool science experiments: Highlights Kids
NF - PBS characters using games and video to teach things: PBS Kids
NF - Targeted learning according to age and skill level: Help My Kid Learn
NF - K-7th grade fun resources for learning Science: Make Me Genius
NF - Walk in the shoes of famous literature characters in a virtual world: Google Lit Trips
NF - A resource of Word Game resources:
NF - A collection of printable Math worksheets, games, puzzles, etc.: DadsWorksheets
F - Fun learning of all subjects using image and video: BrainPOP
NF - A YouTube channel filled with fascinating short cartoons teaching science: MinuteEarth
F -A place for young people to learn to be creative thinkers and is sponsored by the MIT Media Lab: MIT Scratch
NF - Dr. Becky Bailey's Conscious Discipline YouTube channel
MF - Programming classes Only: Javascript, HTML/CSS, PHP, Python, Ruby, API: Code Academy Homepage
MF - The world's largest web development website for beginners and experts: W3 Schools
MF - A repository of peer-produced video tutorials focused on Free/Open Source Software programming: Show Me Do
NF " Practice and hone your coding skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery: SnoopCode
NF - Google Developers University: Google Developers University Consortium
NF - Web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content: MIT Free Course Content
NF - A collection of Computer Programming tutorials: Dream In Code
MF - A collection of free web-based tutorials and resources: Programmer 101 Teach Yourself How to Code
NF - Tutorials and techniques for creating webpages: HTML Dog
NF - Coding from the ground up for programming specializing in linear and focused content: Wibit
MF - A resource of (mostly free) resources: Computer Games and Other Educational Resources
NF - A nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere: Khan Academy Courses
NF - Various downloadable financial and law courses for High School plus: MoneyInstructor Business Law
NF - A free site for learning about finances through downloadable classes: Financial Management Training Center
NF - Resources related to mathematics, its application, and technology: Whatcom Online Math Center
NF - Free math lectures: Oxford University Mathematics
NF - Revolutionary ways for students, parents, teachers, and everyone to learn math:
NF - Free Functional Skills and Skills for Life resources: Skills Workshop
NF - A collection of printable Math worksheets, games, puzzles, calculators, etc.: DadsWorksheets
NF - Website with a variety of amazing online calculators: math, financial, statistics, conversions, etc.
NF - How to teach kids about money, free lessons & activities organized by age:
NF - A collection of Business, Money, and Math Games
MF - Pre-K to eighth-grade Math games from simple counting to mixed equations:
NF - A free Wikimedia Foundation project devoted to learning resources: Wikiversity Social Science Portal
NF - A free online role-playing game that teaches US history: Mission US
NF - A division Open University with History and Art courses: Open Learn, History and Arts
NF - Streaming videos, links, and resources: Have Fun With History
NF - A collection of links about periods in history: Macro-History and World Report
NF - A scientific project presenting 3,000 years of world history using lifelines, timelines, & maps: Hyper-History
NF - An interactive history of the United States starting at the Revolution: American Digital History
F - History and economics video courses, their motto is "the history and economics they didn't teach you": Liberty Classroom
NF - Guidelines designed to help Engineers communicate their work: Writing and Speaking Guidelines for Engineering and Science
NF " A place to learn the techniques, forms, and traditions of several kinds of writing: MIT Writing and Humanistic Studies
NF - Free resources including lessons on writing, research, grammar, and style guides: Purdue Online Writing Lab
NF - Fundamentals of music exercises and lessons:
NF - Learn to play piano and music theory: Andrew Furmanczyk Academy of Music
NF - Online music school for everyone using video music lessons: Dave Conservatoire
NF - 98 Free Online Writing Courses and Tools to Hone Your Skills
NF - An extensive collection of free English grammar exercises:
MF - Language learning software: Mango Languages
NF - Free Language lessons for French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch for PC and mobile computing: Duolingo
NF - A sign language dictionary and resource containing high resolution videos plus more: Signing Savvy
MF - The largest online language learning community: Live Mocha
NF - An independent initiative developed by the government to foster the learning of worldwide languages: FSI Language Courses
NF - A 12 unit course that teaches the basics of pinyin and Chinese pronunciation: Pitch Perfect Pinyin
NF - Modules about grammatical structure in Japanese: Visualizing Japanese Grammar
MF - Reading comprehension and vocabulary for popular languages, has an optional paid level: Busuu
NF - A series of live, online classes for learning Spanish:
NF - A resource of resources for learning sign language: Learning American Sign Language
NF - The world's largest library of STEM video lessons (over 200,000):
NF - Lectures and other materials courses span the range of liberal arts disciplines: Open Yale Courses (English)
F - Online law school in Cleveland: Case Western Reserve University School of Law
MF - Law classes on Itunes including theory of justice, mobile content distribution, gay marriage and more: Stanford Law classes on Itunes
NF - Lectures and other materials courses span the range of liberal arts disciplines: Open Yale Courses (English)
NF - A free science library and learning tool focused on Genetics: Scitable
MF - A distance learning environment for 4 years of medical school: Harvard Medical Open Courseware Initiative
NF - Tutorials, tools and forums for improving photography skills: Cambridge in Color
NF - Learn to draw with pen and paper, starting with the basics through advanced level: Drawspace
NF - Created by KhanAcademy, it teaches art history using videos from art historians: Smarthistory
NF - A visual guide to working with light in photography and to learning to use your camera: The Bastards Book of Photography
F - Various photoshop video tutorials covering a variety of topics and levels: Lynda
NF - Learn to sketch, draw and paint using tutorials and on-site books: ArtGraphica
MF - Short video tutorials that demonstrate how to paint digitally including the basics through advanced: Ctrl+ Paint
NF - Learn to digitally paint with the photoshop software using videos: Enliighten
NF - Helpful blog with instructional sections on photography basics, tips,image editing, and more: Exposure Guide
NF - A blog with a diversity of painting tutorials and tips:
MF - Free courses include Working Remotely, Time and Stress Management, etc.:
MF - Learn the basics of chess plus advanced strategies using videos: The Chess Website
NF - Medical education resources including Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy:
NF - A series of live, online classes for learning Spanish, singing, guitar, piano, etc.:
NF - A resource of PDF cooking activities for kids, divided into 3 age-group categories
NF - Free site organized by state for practicing sample tests to get your driver's license
NF - Articles for engineers and designers to learn about manufacturing, 3D Printing, etc.:
NF - Free online college courses - cooking, to coding, to marketing and more:
NF - Select courses and events for on-demand viewing at the discretion of the instructors: UC Berkeley Classes
NF - Free courses, lectures, and seminars from Stanford University: Stanford Free Online Content
NF - Instructions for amazing DIY projects, separated by subject and age group. Great site!
MF - Everything from game design to math and science: Udemy Online Courses
NF - Approximately 50,000 videos in a directory of over 5,000 categories are available without registration 24/7: Watch Know Learn Homepage
F - Where you can learn anything at any time, anywhere: Universal Classes Online
NF - More than 90 tutorials with more than 1,000 lessons about technology and real world basics: GCF Learn Free
NF - A free education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide: Coursera Main Page (Certificates involve a small fee)
NF - Content to pass 200+ Credit-by-Exam courses from Universities, also 50+ foreign language courses: World Mentoring Academy
MF - Communities as well as learning through a wide range of topics: Open Learning
MF - A for profit, collaborative, open source platform for learning at your own pace: EDX (Small fee for certificates but the audit track is free)
NF - College courses from the world's top universities and original videos: Academic Earth
NF - Courses are delivered one step at a time around your life, rather than your life around learning: Future Learn
MF - Empowers students through a variety of free beginner classes; advance classes available: Udacity
NF - Three-hundred free online Courses with Certification at Certificate or Diploma level: Alison
NF - Collection of courses from Middle School through College includes Math, Science, Humanities: HippoCampus
NF - Low Cost online school choices plus Free Bible, Family and other personal development classes: BYU Online
NF - Caltech Machine Learning Course: Caltech Machine Learning Course
NF - Class Central is a collection of online classes from various Universities including Harvard, Sanford and MIT in one place: Class Central
NF - A selection of free Online courses from the University of Washington: University of Washington Free Classes
MF - Math and Science resources plus study guides, advice and test preparation for other subjects: CliffsNotes
NF - Podcasts include a rotating schedule of classes each quarter: UC San Diego Podcasts
NF - UC Irvine Open Courseware includes Earth Science, Humanities, Arts, Ecology plus in downloadable files: UC Irvine Open Courseware
NF - Various free online classes: University of Mass Boston
NF - Thousands of courses available in many languages created by and for other users: Memrise
NF - Dr. Becky Bailey's Conscious Discipline YouTube channel
NF - Courses for those that would like to learn to teach: Carnegie Mellon University Open Learning Initiative
NF - Teaching Career Path Guidebook: Learn How to Become
NF - Free course and material downloads for teachers: Open Course Library
NF - A free and open collection of teaching and learning resources: Merlott II
NF - Teaching program that provides a way to make videos and images: Techsmith
MF - Great articles and teaching resources for Social Sciences: Global Oneness Project
MF - ITunes U is an app for creating customizes courses for students: iTunes U
NF - Free and open access educational lecture repository with a wide range of topics:
NF - Teacher resources in a video-on-demand format: Annenberg Learner
NF - Computer, mathematics, technical books and lecture notes: Free Computer Books
NF - More than 3 million references clustered in about 2000 bibliographies: Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
NF - Every paper ever published in the annual Bridges Conference on art and mathematics: The Bridges Archive
NF - View and share educational material made of modules that can be organized as courses: Connexions
NF - Free classic literature to download and share: Planet Ebook
MF - Archive site that provides access to high quality education resources on the Internet: Intute
MF - A diversity of online "Gizmos" for teaching Math and Science in fun ways:
NF - A free guide to financial aid, federal aid, public and private loans, grants, payment plans (and more)
NF - Resources for the hearing impaired: Supporting Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Students
NF - Online Writing Resources for Students - How to Outline Essays, Proofread Papers, etc.
NF - Free guides to online schools and online degrees: AccreditedSchoolsOnline.Org
NF - This site allows you determine if you are ready for college math: Edready
NF - A database of open and free courses online: Open Education Database
NF - A resource for finding the origins of words: Etymology Dictionary Online
NF - Selection of podcasts on a range of different law-related subjects: American University Washington College of Law
NF - A resource to improve your English: Merriam-Webster Online
NF - A collection of various resources for learning languages: BBC Languages
NF - A resource of resources for improving reading comprehension: SuperSummary➢
NF - An article and resource of resources for improving reading at home:
NF - Thousands of ebooks/documents in hundreds of categories freely available: E-Books Directory
NF - Collection of reading and activity ideas for kids.: Reading & Activity Ideas
NF - Maryville University Article: "College Guide to Preventing Plagiarism"
NF - Articles: College Budgeting | Time Management | Stress Management
NF - Connexions provides online books/content in both modules and collection formats: Connexions
NF - Unlimited access to great books from and internet publisher of literature :
NF - Flatworld Knowledge has digital textbooks that can be personalized.: Flatworld Knowledge
NF - Digital Book Index, books from various universities and college that equal more than 150,000: Digital Book Index
NF - Community College consortium to promote open and free resources for usage in higher education.: Community College Consortium
NF - A collection of free ebooks for students in PDF format: Bookboon
NF - 1,000+ Open Textbooks and Learning Resources for All Subjects: Smart Study
NF - College Open Textbook Collaborative provides some free textbooks but also resources and online classes: College Open Textbook Collaborative
NF - Open Stax has free open source texts in various formats: Open Stax
NF - Free open and editable textbooks: Open Textbook Library
NF - Saylor has a wide variety of downloadable books available: Open Textbook Library
NF - Flexbook is used to customize online textbooks to be downloaded and used for studies of various topics: CK-12
NF - Free Ebooks has a wide selection of free text books but also fictions books all for free:
NF - Free course materials including textbooks: Math, Science, Social Science and Business are included:
NF - Various works by classic authors including poems:
NF - A wide variety of books are linked through this website: The Online Books Page
NF - Free online Texts including: Fiction, Short stories and more: Bibliomania
NF - Free Technical Books online including: language, computer, programming and more:
NF - A small selection of mathematics textbooks: Online Mathmatics Textbooks
NF - Business Books mall has resources including links to textbooks for business usage: Online Mathmatics Textbooks
NF - Free History textbooks from pre-columbian to after the Reagan years also government and ancient civilizations: U.S. History
NF - An archive of engineering and computer books, textbooks and lecture notes: Free Tech Books
NF - Free Books for Doctors has more than 300 medical texts: Free Books for Doctors
NF - Open content textbooks that anyone can edit: Wikibooks
NF - Free learning resources including science kits, textbooks and novel studies: Curriki
NF - Public Health courses and materials including Nutrition, Diseases and Aging: John Hopkins University
NF - 1000s of free courses, e-books, and movies covering all subjects:
NF - Read the opinions and discussions of leading experts on anything as well as ask questions: Quora
NF - Ideas, issues, facts, knowledge, data and more in visual form: Information is Beautiful
NF - Online speed reading software: Spreeder
NF - A library of thousands of free ebook downloads: Project Gutenberg
MF - Games to help your brain learn better using a progressive technique: Lumosity
NF - Techniques for remembering long numbers: Pinfruit
NF - A blog for learning practical career skills: Mind tools
NF - Allows you to look up words in more than one dictionary at a time: OneLook
NF - Flashcard program for remembering anything, anywhere, efficiently: Anki
NF - An online world atlas with historical, economic, political information and more: Geography IQ
NF - A collection of educational videos on organized by subject matter: YouTube EDU
NF - Preserves records about history: National Archives
NF - Easy step by step guitar Lessons from a guy named Justin: Justin Guitar
NF - Various resources for getting in shape from a Nerd's point of view: Nerd Fitness
NF - Connects you with others who are reading the same books: Library Thing
NF - Learning resources for schools, teachers, parents and adults: BBC Learning
NF - A document sharing site that supports popular formats such as Word, PDF and Powerpoint: Scribd
NF - Videos from interviews about everything from black history to women's history: Biography
NF - A portal to upload, read or share thousands of books: Bookyards
NF - The University of Pennsylvania's book database: The Online Books Page
NF - Thousands of poems, plays and classics available in popular formats: Public Literature
NF - Thousands of free downloadable books: Get Free Books
NF - Classic anthologies and volumes: Bartleby Fiction
NF - The best business books available to teach whatever you need to learn: The Personal MBA Recommended Reading List
NF - An easily accessible digital library of human languages: Rosetta Project
NF - "Free Books Online: 60+ Places to Find and Use Audio and Ebooks"
NF - Free education on how to use Excel spreadsheets
Pearltrees random list of online class sites: Pearltrees
Collection of University of Michigan free learning resources including course materials, videos and more: U-M Open Education
Marc and Angel's practical tips for productive living: Marc and Angel Hack Life
The Best How-To and DIY Sites from PC Magazine 2009: The Best How-To and DIY Sites from PC Magazine
Ted is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas: Ted Talks
Investopedia has Financial Investing Tutorials including Forex and Active Trading: Investopedia
Learn 10 helps people create a daily learning habit: Learn 10
One Minute Languages helps to learn a language any time using podcasts.: One Minute Languages
OpenCourseWare Consortium is a a portal to search through hundreds of free courses: OpenCourseWare Consortium
Productivity and self-improvement blog hosting lots of useful information: Dumb Little Man
Su Tree is a collection of How-To Videos for most anything: Su Tree
Makeuseof is a collection of productivity increasing videos/information: Make Use Of
Over 100,000 how-to videos & articles to empower our intellectually-curious community: Wonder How To
A blog about finding simplicity in daily life: Zen Habits
Tutorials/guides about computers and other electronic gadgets: PC World How To
Merlin Man's inspiration to do your best work by finding time and paying attention: 43 Folders
A random informational video is generated each time the site is opened: Unplugthetv
The Ultimate Guide to Passing Any Interview: How2Become
Career Exploration Tools and Resources: Career Exploration
Click here for the One Community Core Curriculum page. For education resources related to specific subjects, visit the bottom of each of our subject pages:
Montessori | Waldorf | Orff | Reggio | Multi-Intelligence | Bloom's Taxonomy | Study Tech | I-WE
Q: How does the One Community program compare to traditional schooling models?
We are designing the program to objectively surpass all traditional schooling benchmarks. More importantly, and as this video says, "What really matters is what happens inside the learner's head, and making a learner THINK seems best achieved in a social environment with other learners and a caring teacher." This approach is specifically purposed to facilitate creating a replicable version of such an environment, and then excel at keeping learners AND teachers engaged and having fun within that environment. While this is just one small part of what makes this educational program and approach special, it is truly a foundation of how we will revolutionize education:
Here's why this is important:
And here are some relevant thoughts from Neil deGrasse Tyson about education:
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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Use of this website constitutes acceptance and agreement to comply with and be bound by these Terms and Conditions. They apply to the Site and all of One Community’s creations, divisions, and subsidiaries. Please read them here.