Humanity has the ability to be a species of global stewardship. By combining diverse eco-elements with comprehensive sustainability models, we can improve the quality of our lives while regenerating our planet. One Community is supporting this through stewardship models that integrate open source and sustainable models for food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, “Highest Good” management models, and more.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the February 19th, 2023 edition (#517) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is combining diverse eco-elements through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week the core team detailed further experiments with aircrete, which included a repeat of the previous week using Drexel and using Seventh Generation dish soap while injecting the foam directly into the cement-water slurry. The same team member also had 2 meetings to detail tasks related to the City Center Dome structural analysis, and made progress on the solar energy required estimates.
Pictures below are related to this work.
The core team also worked with a new team member who got set up and then read through the HGH Phase II: Material, Equipment, Tool and project tracking system document, wrote up his thoughts as a set of notes, and then added these notes as comments to the document. See below.
Combining Diverse Eco-elements ” Material, Equipment, Tool and project tracking system
The Compression Team consisting of Genesis Avila (Engineering Intern Researcher), Fatima Duenas-Esparza (Engineering Intern Researcher), and Sarah-Jean Boyd (Engineering Intern Researcher) completed their 14th weeks helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing.
This week the Compression Testing Team made two different aircrete mixes – both batches were made with hard water but one consisted of Drexel foaming agent and the other 7th generation dish soap. The Team also continued to complete a data summary sheet to make various efforts more easily comparable. Pictures below are related to this work.
Loza Ayehutsega (Civil Engineer/Assistant Civil Engineer) completed her 7th week helping review the Net-zero Bathroom and Earthbag Village water collection and storage engineering calculations and designs. This week Loza reviewed the report document and spreadsheet, and presented the Roof design for residential buildings in the drop box.
In addition, she reviewed the report document and suggested the writing orders for each topic on the hydraulic design part. Loza also reviewed the cost estimation calculation on the report document. See below for some pictures related to this.
One Community is combining diverse eco-elements through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week, Gabriela Vilela S. C. Diniz (Architect and Urban Planner) completed her 33rd week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week Gabriela concluded adding all the images and the last details that were missing on the cost analysis table and presentation.
Examples include the last posters on the brick wall and the bathroom, vinyl plank, ceiling planks, concrete wallpapers, brick wallpapers, etc. All she needs to do now is double check it and have Jae check it. Pictures below show some of this work.
Jieying “Mercy” Cai (Sustainability and Climate Policy Researcher) completed her 22nd week working on completing the Best Small and Large-scale Community Options for Sustainable Processing and Reuse of Non-recyclables research, report, and tutorial. This week, Mercy used the template to remake tables for the non-recyclable tasks, wrote the FAQs section, and checked and downloaded resource pdfs.
For the City Center Eco-spa designs, she also did extensive research on the health and environmental impacts of chlorine, bromine, and biguanides, and added explanation paragraphs to the hot tub sanitizer alternatives tutorial. See below for some pictures related to this work.
Ranran Zhang (Architectural Designer) completed her 10th week working on the updated video for the Duplicable City Center internal and external walkthrough. This week, Ranran modified the SketchUp model mentioned in last week’s feedback. For the exterior elevators, Ranran added two walls on the outside of the exterior elevators and two windows for light.
After discussion, Ranran also added a control room for the exterior elevators. In addition, she modified the material of the glasses in the yoga room. She also updated the Lumion file according to the modified parts and selected two views that needed to be rendered. These views are located on the first floor of the restaurant and the yoga room. See below for some pictures of this work.
Julio E. Marin Bustillos (Mechanical Engineer) joined the team and completed his 1st week helping with the City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering. He read some background information about the City Center and existing design proposals for the hub connectors, as well as finishing the checklist from the Google Doc.
Additionally, he wrote a short report about geodesic domes including the history, benefits, challenges, and science behind the structure. Julio also watched some tutorials on YouTube to get familiar with FreeCAD as well as exporting designs in a universal format so the designs can be viewed or edited in other software, such as Inventor and SolidWorks. Pictures of some of this work are below.
One Community is combining diverse eco-elements through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team worked on updates for the Rabbits webpage. We continued adding details to the Rabbit document for website updates. We researched different housing options for rabbits, added images and short descriptions for rabbit hutches, rabbit tractors and rabbits colonies, and updated the Resources section by adding links and short descriptions for videos related to rabbits processing and rabbits housing.
See pictures below.
Yifei Zhu (Analyst and Researcher) also completed her 14th week, now working on reviewing and formatting for publication the recipes for the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. This week Yifei continued to work on converting the metric measurement to imperial for the Master recipe and 3-day Menu blocks.
Yifei has converted from tbsp to oz, from g to oz, and edited the formatting from page 251 to 303. Pictures below are related to this work.
Rebecca Miller (Chef) completed her 3rd week helping with the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. This week Rebecca worked on updating recipes and adding metric measurements. Rebecca is also checking ingredients against the master food cost list to ensure each ingredient can be priced accordingly and verifying that recipe instructions make sense for mass production.
She has been editing methods based on her experience. See below for some pictures related to this.
One Community is combining diverse eco-elements through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.
This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.
With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:
One Community is combining diverse eco-elements through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week the core team completed 32 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members. Pictures below show some of this.
Yiyun Tan (Management Dashboard Team Leader) completed her 42nd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yiyun worked on the urgent bugs 2/3/4. She discussed with a couple experienced members from the team, and got a clue that might be because of the abuse of useEffect(), she will collaborate with Johny and take a deeper look next week.
Other than that, Yiyun helped the team on Slack, did some Management PR review, and problem solving as usual. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Alan Lee Sing Chan Yau (Software Engineer) completed his 15th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Alan’s plan was to fix his previous PRs bugs and conflicts, because most of the PRs he created before are urgent. He started off making some changes on the duplicate name fix PR, and left some comments.
Then Alan worked on the PR about the time entry still showing after we marked it as deleted, and he was able to fix that and it got approved. Additionally, he worked on changing all the remaining variable names of classification on the app to “category”, and he also changed the way we represent subcategories on the WBS page, so it is more clear.
Lastly, Alan worked resolving conflicts and errors he got on the PR about viewing your teammates summaries in the UserProfile page. Pictures below show some of this work.
Kaixiang “Kevin” Gu (Fullstack Software Developer) completed his 15th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Kaixiang reviewed three pull requests. He also helped Yiyun with urgent bugs to find the root cause of one. He continued to work on buttons for the team member tasks tab too. The main features are working right now and the UI is also finished.
The time logs will be displayed on the dashboard when clicking the button. Kaixiang will keep testing this feature and push a PR next week. Pictures below show some of this work.
Aashish Thapa Magar (Full Stack Software Developer) completed his 13th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week two badge bugs were examined. One of the bugs, which is from LeadTeamOfXPlus, the team collection is not displaying expected output. And the other bug is from TotalHrsInCategory, which is missing sufficient data to test the bug.
A new code has been written for the TotalHrsInCategory to minimize computation time but due to insufficient data, it has not been tested for all outcomes. Pictures below relate to this work.
Jianjun Luo (Software Engineer) completed her 12th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Jianjun finalized the work for the ‘all tasks’ functionality by fixing the sorting method. She then updated the forgot password page so that it will automatically validate the input format.
The code works locally but fails the check after uploading, possibly due to the package version problem. Therefore Jianjun rewrote the function to prevent this from happening. Pictures below show some of this work.
Rajasri “RJ” Janaki Raman (React/MongoDB Full-stack Developer) completed her 11th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, RJ Reviewed PR 677 and added suggestions and identified a few validation problems. She also experienced a CORS error and had to re-setup the entire workspace to rule it out.
RJ additionally spent time working on “Enabling the option to submit a summary for different users by manager and above rules”, cleaning up the Summary Bar component, and analyzed Storybook as an option for us and provided suggestions. Pictures below show some of this work.
Johny dos Santos Anastacio (Software Engineer) completed his 10th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. Johny this week worked on the task “100 hours earned Badges” and got the solution. Now he just needs to finish all the tests for all categories.
Next, Johny worked on figuring out what was happening with the development Branch because it was giving a bunch of errors and the Dev Application too, but he didn’t succeed on that. He also checked his PR for the subtask_folder_task PR for the frontend, because there are a bunch of errors there and he is thinking of creating another PR to fix all errors. Pictures below show some of this work.
Aishwarya Kalkundrikar (Full Stack Software Developer) completed her 8th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Aishwarya found the solution to calculate the total remaining hours for the user correctly. Three cases are covered by her in this solution. Case 1: If the task is deleted from the profile.
Case 2: If the task’s status is marked as ‘Complete’. Case 3: If the task is unassigned. She tried initializing the total remaining hours so that it is calculated correctly for previously deleted tasks, but no luck as any specific variable is not changed while previously deleting. Aishwarya also had a word with Yiyun about initializing the total remaining hours directly into the database for old deleted tasks.
No solution yet though. Pictures below show some of this work.
Raul Effting (Jr. Front-End Web Developer) completed his 6th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Raul continuously checked and reviewed more PRs. Frontend PRs included: 657, 654, 641, 639, 622, 620, and 595. Approved PRs included: 666, 667 (Frontend). He also worked on PR 676 “(PRIORITY LOW) Header menu displays behind content when opened.”
In Header.jsx, a ‘z-index: 10’ was added to the Navbar, so it cannot be overlapped by page content on small screens anymore. This PR was merged. Raul also worked on the following functionality: “(PRIORITY LOW) Jae: Add to top of app a section that the “Owner” class (only) can edit to post a message to all users of the app like, “Happy Holidays”.”.
The Backend was finished and the functionality is already done, however, the Frontend needs some improvement to get cleaner and the logo is still pending from the design team. Check out the pictures below as examples of this work.
Rafael C Castro (Software Engineer) completed his 4th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Rafael performed PR reviews, checked their related code and followed up on those with new developments. Rafael also tested the HGN App for features and bugs. The reviewed PRs were PR#595, PR#622, PR#635, PR#654, PR#657, PR#664, PR#667. Check out the pictures below as examples of this work.
Filipe Santos de Oliveira (Full Stack Developer) completed his 3rd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. Filipe worked this week on the following PRs: 676, 673, 671, 666, 672, 667, 665, 664, 652, 641, 657, 635, 622, 631, 639, 620, 677 and 653. For #666 He found ten results with one ‘m’ on the backend for the word ‘committed’ as requested in that PR.
For #672 he tested it and it’s working like in his video sent to the comments section, but he encountered the same issue as @AnishPandita encountered related to the hours option. For #665 Filipe suggested just like @Gukal7 did, that the subs are not clearly defined.
To change the font color of the subs, for example, or something that makes it clear that the directory is a sub, for example a branch symbol next to the folder name. For #664 he informed the person everything works fine. The only detail is the same as @one-community and @Gukal7 mentioned in the comments section about changing ‘until’ to ‘through’.
In #641 he noticed some issues with different page resolutions. The cards on the Reports page are shifting position at a specific page size. Also, on the Team page where there are some pie charts, the whole page is not flexible. In #635 when he added the intangible hours in the volunteering times tab, an error popup appeared.
When Filipe returned to the main page, the box for the current week remained reset. When he added the main intangible time, the task was added to the task box and timelog, but the current week box kept with zero. After he returned to the volunteering times in the profile, there was an addition to the manual time added in the main with the time manually added in the volunteering times.
In #622 Filipe informed the same question as Rafael did that the “Total submitted: 0” is not working. In #631, when he changed the page resolution the ‘table’ was flexible but its child items were not. In #639 Filipe tested this PR and it’s showing the last three weeks correctly, but he ran into the same problem as Raul ran, a bug when it shows the summaries.
It could be due to a number of things such as incorrect data being passed to the component, a mistake in the component’s rendering logic, or an issue with the component’s state or props. For #620 he tested It and it seems to be working correctly. It’s showing the blue squares as well. In #653 Filipe identified that it is not possible to alternate between stopwatch and countdown. See below pictures as examples of this work.
Anish Pandita (Software Engineer) completed his 3rd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Anish completed another set of Frontend PR Reviews which included PR #673, #674 #675, #676, #677.
The major tasks in the PRs was checking if the text container correctly wraps the content, testing responsiveness of the hamburger menu (derivative of old PR) and verifying if the forgot password form has correct input validation if the user doesn’t enter a name or inputs wrong email format.
The PR workload was a bit less this week, therefore Anish utilized the work time to refresh his React skills. He studied the component building and other styling techniques prevalent in React code style. Practiced CRUD (Create, Rename, Update, Delete) operations in React and how to communicate with a database.
He ran into some issues and errors while practicing and solved them successfully. See pictures below as examples of this work.
Tianjue Wang (Software Developer) completed her 2nd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Tianjue worked on reviewing PRs by checking the code, adding comments, etc. By reviewing #667, #676, #673, #641, and reading comments, she familiarized herself with the whole system and how it works.
Also, she spent a lot of time reviewing some React knowledge on Udemy, preparing for writing code in the future weeks. See below pictures as examples of this work.
Xinyu Jiang (Software Engineer) completed her 2nd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Xinyu spent most of the time reviewing PRs. It was interesting for her to find codes or function issues in the process. Apart from that, she also reviewed and learned some new conventions and behaviors related to React, which was very helpful for her coding. See the images below as examples of this work.
Ayush Tripathi (Full Stack Developer) joined the team and completed his 1st week helping with the Highest Good Network software.
This week Ayush read most of the documents that were shared with him by Jae: General Onboarding Checklist, Instructions for Running HGN React App Locally, Ayush Tripathi and One Community Collaboration, Using ESLint and other code formatting tool to produce better code, HGN Volunteer Documentation.
He also successfully installed Node Js, React Js, Visual Studio, and the required plugins and managed to run the application locally. See below pictures as examples of this work.