This page is about the development of the plumbing details for the Duplicable City Center®. It is purposed to share the specifics of the design, implementation, and maintenance of the hot and cold water systems, waste systems, and other plumbing-related details.
We discuss this with the following sections:
Plumbing design and setup is about saving water, materials, and energy resources. The final plumbing design needs to include two systems: the system that supplies water and the system that gets rid of waste. The most sustainable design uses the shortest runs possible between plumbing fixtures and materials that are durable and non-toxic to people and the planet.
This page shows how we’ve created these two systems for the Duplicable City Center®. We’ve done this following the most current code requirements. As we finish these designs and then install and maintain them, we will open source and share here all the data we gather, everything we learn, and our ongoing modifications and evolutions to help others to more easily learn from, replicate, and/or improve these designs.
Plumbing is an essential component of building design. To maximize sustainability, the plumbing of the Duplicable City Center will also be integrated as much as possible with our automation, monitoring, and control systems. This will save resources and allow us to specifically monitor the impacts of any changes made to usage patterns, hardware, etc. Our goal in open sourcing all of this is to provide useful data for:
This open source aspect of the City Center will additionally contribute to our global-change methodology by demonstrating the most sustainable materials.
Diogo Rozada: Civil Engineering Student
Izadora Carvalho: Civil Engineering Student
James Nance: Mechanical Engineer and Project Manager
Joao Bernardes: Civil Engineering Student
Kimya Azadmard: Mechanical Engineer, EIT, CPD, LEED GA
Mateus Barretto: Civil Engineering Student
Roberto Santos: Civil Engineering Student
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One Community is specifically seeking to further build our team with additional Members, Consultants, and Partners with the following skill sets:
We are also seeking any other sustainability-related skilled professionals, quality writers and researchers to help finish our People's Agenda 21 website, and anyone with other skills they feel would benefit our open source creative process. The people who join our team as either volunteers/consultants or members typically fit one or more of the following descriptions:
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