Posted on August 14, 2022 by One Community
Addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives is one way to make a global difference while regenerating our planet and ourselves. One Community is designing models for this that include sustainable and DIY-replicable food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more.
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One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the August 14th, 2022 edition (#490) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week the core team finished the electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, and their integration into communities page by adding final imagery, fixing final formatting issues, and sharing the page across all our networks. This is a step towards addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. Pictures below are related to this work.
This week Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 78th week working on the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. This week Stacey was busy updating the appearance of the lighting can to be more round on several pages. The pages have been updated on the PDF document. We are also adding 20 screws to the bed platform to hold the slats in place under the mattress support frame.
Stacey is additionally updating any final areas of fonts that are not uniform and checking the font sizes and layouts. We’re getting down to the last comments on addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives! Screenshots below show some of her latest updates.
Diwei Zhang (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 21st week of work, now focused on 3D modeling and analysis review for the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Diwei finished the hydrologic calculation with consideration of the intensity, duration, and frequency of rainfall. Rainfall time of concentration is calculated to determine the rainfall intensity using the intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves.
Water runoff is calculated by using the rational method with knowing the catchment area, rainfall intensity, and runoff coefficient which depends on the runoff surface roughness. Gutter flow spread is calculated to determine the gutter and curb geometry. An Excel calculator was created for those calculations. Pictures below show some of this work.
Ming Weng (MS Geography & Environmental Engineering) completed his 19th week helping with the Best Small and Large-scale Community Options for Sustainable Processing and Reuse of Non-recyclables research, report, and tutorial. This week, Ming did four things: 1. Evaluated ways to do statistics with small appliance MSWs and listed challenges. 2. Learned plastic types, and what plastics are more common in small appliances.
3. Found a case study in Norway for plastics treatment, both in recycling and incineration. They utilized both practices because they all have pros and cons. Though the plant is in Oslo, Ming wants to find if there are any small scale applications since the rest of Norway is not populated. 4. Organized the above-mentioned materials into paragraphs. This is another step-by-step process towards addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.
One Community is addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week Luis Manuel Dominguez (Research Engineer) completed his 54th week helping with research related to the City Center Eco-spa designs. Luis concluded his summarization of the City Center Hot Tub Design for the Duplicable City Center Spa. The final updates have been made and proofread to be implemented into the site.
All information is current and complete to the best of the team’s knowledge. All that remains is verification from the editing teams and adding the presented information to the website on addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. Pictures below are related to this work.
Huiya Yang (Volunteer Architectural Designer) completed her 42nd week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code. This week, after doing research on the International Building Fire Code and Milgard Windows website, Huiya remodeled the living dome windows using the appropriate window size to make sure the new updated windows meet International Building Fire Code requirements. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Yuxi Lu (Architectural Designer) completed her 40th week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code. This week Yuxi focused on modeling the large window of the community center. The angulated hexagon shape makes the surfaces unique and different from previous windows in its sizing and angle due to the pushing of the exterior wall thickness outward. Window components were made to be grouped properly for future edits if needed. To close it off, the slab-to-window-to-wall gap was closed off by planes at varying angle for a smooth transition. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Kamil Gajownik (Industrial/Product Designer) completed his 14th week of work on the Duplicable City Center dormer window designs and assembly instructions. This week Kamil continued to split Solidworks parts into separate files. He then placed them within the final assembly for the second floor dormer frame. Kamil also adjusted small details and ensured the parts can be easily assembled. Moving forward he will add an outer surface and turn each component into a Solidworks drawing file that can be used for cutting components. Pictures below are related to this work.
Yujue Wang (Architectural Designer) completed her 12th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week, Yujue continued the development of the nautical themed room, renderings, presentation documents and cost analysis. She added some more elements to the room and updated the cost analysis and presentation documents. See below for pictures related to this work.
Gabriela Vilela S. C. Diniz (Architect and Urban Planner) completed her 8th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. Gabriela worked on the cost analysis table, editing a few items that were missing, and removing a few that weren’t necessary anymore. She also finished working on the trees for the bedrooms and started with the final renders of the entire room. She then returned to work with the bathroom, changing a few items, but it’s not completed yet. Gabriela also started working on the final PowerPoint presentation. Pictures below are related to this work.
Jessica Santos (Architect) completed her 8th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week, Jessica needed to change her current layout and do some replacements in the 3D model to fit the new fireplace element into the design. She searched for electric fireplaces available in the market and finished adding details on the 3D model so she could start to configure materials for the final rendering. Jessica also worked on the Interior Design Cost Analysis sheet, adding most of the furniture and elements. She then started to search for ideas for the design of the bathroom. See below for some pictures of this work.
One Community is addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team continued detailed review and feedback on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. We reviewed the 3-Day Menu Block doc editing sentence structure and reviewed the doc content for clarity. We also made suggestions for protein inclusion for the adaptation of omnivore recipes to vegan recipes in the sections of FWF, FWG, FWH for breakfast, lunch, and dinner plans. Additionally, we made recommendations for sugar substitutes in a select few recipes, as a means of addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. Pictures below relate to this.
The core team also continued working on the Assembly Step-by-Step instructions for setting up the Sheep and Goats barn. We finished assembly of the milking stand. We added hinges to the ramp that can be folded up when the milking stand is not in use, and wrote the instructions with a material list for the lambing and mixing pens. This is important is in addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. See the images below.
The core team additionally worked with Brian Storz (Culinary Project Manager) (completing his 24th week helping) review all comments on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan master Google Doc of recipes to make appropriate substitutions for every ingredient not on the Master List. Brian spent an hour and a half on a Zoom with us doing this and then we followed up with everyone else on the team by responding to their open comments and questions. Below are some images related to this.
Yinka Omole (Recipe Reviewer and Data Entry Assistant) completed her 8th week helping with the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan and related menu and meal plan recipe review and data entry. An essential aspect when addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. This week Yinka worked on correcting and fixing the cost analysis spreadsheet by adding details for some of the new items. She also worked on updating the master recipe document by addressing comments and identifying ingredients that were not on the list. Below are some images related to this work.
One Community is addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.
This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:
This week, Adolph Karubanga (Certified Project Manager & Civil/Structural Engineer) completed his 19th week helping with the Ultimate Classroom structural engineering. This week, Adolph continued updating the structural model of Straw-bale Timber structure developed in tekla structural designer and tekla tedds softwares. The updates he focused on include analysis, modification and design of structural elements (beams, columns and Straw-bale walls). Pictorial preview on what he executed is presented below.
One Community is addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week the core team completed 17 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members with the goal of addressing addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. Pictures below show some of this.
The core team also completed multiple rounds of reviewing and giving feedback on the new overview videos Arthur is developing to show as step-by-step process of addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. See the pictures below.
Eiki Kan (Software Engineer) completed his 14th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. In terms of management work, this week Eiki reviewed weekly summaries. In terms of software development, he continued frontend and backend work on the task edit suggestions feature. He updated the permissions of the user roles that can edit suggestions, making volunteers unable to suggest or edit tasks.
Eiki also implemented a nav item on the nav bar that links to the task edit suggestions page that displays the number of pending task edit suggestions. To implement this, he added another REST endpoint to query the metadata of the task edit suggestions table in the database. See pictures below for some of this work.
Jason Kim (Software Engineer) completed his 9th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Jason worked on the timelog buttons. He worked on implementing the feature of only displaying color for the “active” button that has been clicked. This is to make it easier for the end user to know which button he or she has clicked and what timelog is showing. See pictures below for some of this work.
Yan Xu (Software Development Engineer) completed her 5th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. Yan is stuck with a bug where she selects an end date and refreshes the website, but the user status changes from active to inactive. She divided the long code into small pieces to try to find which line of code led to this bug.
What Yan found was, after using the http method to update the date for endate, and then refreshing the website, the props.userProfile.isactive changes from true to false. Potential reasons for this are some functions may be called when the date changes, such as (if userProfile.xx change, props.userProfile.isActive change) or something she’s missing. Yan’s continuing to work on this. See pictures below for some of this work.
Arthur Olifant (Videographer) also completed his 2nd week helping with updating all our homepage videos. This week, Arthur worked on editing 3 videos. He first delivered two new versions of the Overview video based on the comments received. He then exported the V1 of the Get Involved video. Arthur then worked on fixing elements based on Jae’s comments and, at the end of the week, worked on editing and preparing footage for the Global Strategy video, to addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. See pictures below for some of this developing work.
Jin Hua (Web Marketer and Graphic Designer) also helped us with figuring out how we’re going to address the conversion of Caldera Forms (a key customized plugin we use on this site) to a private pay-only app and how we’re going to integrate Google’s new Analytics 4. See pics below related to this.
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Addressing Social Inequality With Global Sustainability Cooperatives, transforming the global environment
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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