Solutioneering Utopia – One Community Weekly Progress Update #567

In today’s interconnected world, solutioneering utopia is not just a distant dream but a tangible possibility, thanks to the power of global collaboration. One Community, driven by an all-volunteer team, is at the forefront of this transformative movement. By harnessing the collective wisdom and diverse skill sets from around the globe, we are breaking down traditional barriers in the pursuit of sustainable solutions. Our model, created for “The Highest Good of All“, is designed to be open source and free-shared, inviting collaboration on a scale never seen before. Through this united effort, we’re not just imagining utopia; we’re actively building open source and adaptable versions of it, demonstrating that a world that works for everyone is within our grasp through shared innovation and global stewardship practices.

Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement for solutioneering utopia as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the January 29th, 2024 edition (#567) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:


Solutioneering Utopia
One Community Progress Update #567

Solutioneering Utopia - One Community Weekly Progress Update #567




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr





Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is solutioneering utopia through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week, Abhishek Kadian (Architect) focused on fixing the Revit file of the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) 4 Dome Structure based on the latest comments. Additionally, he worked on the single-room structure within the 4 Dome setup, emphasizing Earthbag’s layout and composition in the showcase. He created some illustrations of a single structure of 4 domes, which are shown in the collage below.

Abhishek Kadian, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, Abhishek's activities, Revit file fixing, 4 Dome Structure, latest comments, single-room structure preparation, Earthbag layout, composition showcase, illustrations creation, single structure of 4 domes, collage presentation



duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is solutioneering utopia through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week, Amiti Singh (Architectural Designer) advanced the visualization process for Room 7 in the Duplicable City Center, focusing on finalizing the lighting to emphasize a futuristic art deco style. This involved integrating art deco furniture with vibrant lighting to construct a lively color palette. She carried out post-processing on the design, solidifying the initial material, color, texture, and lighting palette. In addition to her work on Room 7, Amiti also undertook the visualization of the bathroom design for the same room. Her beautiful renderings of Room 7 are shown below.

Amiti Singh, Duplicable City Center, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, Amiti's activities, Room 7 visualization, Duplicable City, lighting finalization, futuristic art deco style, art deco furniture integration, vibrant lighting, lively color palette, post-processing, initial material, color, texture, lighting palette solidification, bathroom design visualization

Clarice Gaw Gonzalo focused on enhancing the render of the Duplicable City Center by introducing realistic elements and addressing various aspects. In the pool area, she added people engaging in activities like swimming and lounging while addressing texture issues. Clarice also spent time populating the garden area with families participating in outdoor activities such as biking and skating. Within the kitchen, she improved textures, incorporated pots, pans, and kitchen equipment for a more authentic look, and installed shelving in the dry storage space to enhance organization and functionality. Her rendering work for the week is shown in the collage below.

Clarice Gaw Gonzalo, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, render enhancement, realistic elements introduction, pool area improvement, people engaging in activities, swimming, lounging, texture issues addressing, garden area population, families participating in outdoor activities, biking, skating, kitchen improvement, texture enhancement, pots, pans, kitchen equipment incorporation, authentic look, shelving installation, dry storage space organization, functionality enhancement



sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is solutioneering utopia through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week, a core team member collaborated with Hayley on finalizing tool lists for Highest Good Food through a phone call, then transitioned to discussions with Jae on formatting these lists based on the Earthbag Village Tools and Materials inventory. Separately, they researched comparing the nutritional qualities of sheep milk to cow and goat milk, emphasizing its advantages. To further explore its potential, they documented a step-by-step recipe for cheese production using both sheep and goat milk. See the collage below for a glance of their work.

Core Team, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, Hayley Collaboration, Tool Lists, Highest Good Food, Phone Call, Cowboy Discussions, Formatting, Earthbag Village, Tools and Materials Inventory, Research, Nutritional Qualities, Sheep Milk, Cow Milk, Goat Milk, Advantages, Cheese Production, Step-by-Step Recipe

Charles Gooley (Web Designer) began the Vegan Rice Recipes page, focusing on the creation of four distinct recipes: Scrambled Eggs with Spinach and Mozzarella, Spicy Spaghetti Squash and Lemon Chicken Thighs, Classic Spaghetti and Vegan Meatballs, and Crispy Spanish Potatoes, Fried Radishes and Turnips with Bacon, Eggs, and Black Beans. Utilizing placeholder images that will be substituted with final versions upon availability, he sourced ingredient lists from the Master Recipe and 3 Day Menu Blocks document, while the instructions were extracted from the Transition Kitchen Recipe Build Out spreadsheet. Each recipe incorporates a hyperlink directing to the corresponding tab within the spreadsheet. See the recipes he created in the images below.

Charles Gooley, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, Charles' activities, Vegan Rice Recipes page development, distinct recipes creation, Scrambled Eggs with Spinach and Mozzarella, Spicy Spaghetti Squash and Lemon Chicken Thighs, Classic Spaghetti and Vegan Meatballs, Crispy Spanish Potatoes, Fried Radishes and Turnips with Bacon, Eggs, and Black Beans, placeholder images, ingredient lists, Master Recipe and 3 Day Menu Blocks document, instructions extraction, Transition Kitchen Recipe Build Out spreadsheet, recipe hyperlinks, ongoing project progression

Hayley Rosario (Sustainability Research Assistant) focused on the conversion of the previous Earthbag Village document into the Highest Good Food page. Her primary tasks involved copying and pasting links that were on the EDITs doc onto a separate document for review to determine their relevance for inclusion in the resources section. Additionally, she addressed minor font and link issues, ensuring consistent formatting throughout the EDITs document. Hayley also refined the paragraph concerning schools. See her work in the collage below.

Hayley Rosario, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, earthbag village document conversion, highest good food page, copying and pasting links, EDITs doc, separate document review, relevance determination, resources section inclusion, minor font and link issues addressing, consistent formatting, paragraph refinement, schools content improvement



One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is solutioneering utopia through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students. This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age – Click image for the open source hub



a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is solutioneering utopia through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week, the core team completed 54 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug-fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members. We also shot and incorporated the video above that talks about solutioneering utopia and how solutioneering utopia is a foundation of the bigger picture of everything One Community is doing. The pictures below show some of this work.

Core Team, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, email roundups, GoogleDoc comments response, work review requests addressing, One Community's social media management, audience interactions engagement, interviews and onboarding, new team members, task distribution, blog review, weekly summary creation, action items management, backlog addressing, schedule allocation, time dedication, productivity management

Another core team member worked on HGN PRs testing, confirming the fixed PRs: PR1806 and PR1845. However, the non-fixed PRs include PR#1745 and the issue of new active people entered into the system by the manager not being shown on the map. They also checked on PR#1575. Furthermore, the core team reported two new bugs: one related to the search functionality not displaying users based on the selected option from the ‘Show’ dropdown list, and the other highlighting the need for validation of the Weekly Committed Hours field during the user setup process, preventing a value lower than 0 hours. This same team member also reviewed the latest Murphy Bed Assembly Instructions pdf document, enhancing it by adding more detailed information for two comments related to images for screws used in the assembly pictures. The images below show this member’s work for the week.

Core Team, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, Murphy Bed Assembly Instructions, detailed information, assembly pictures, screws, HGN PRs testing, fixed PRs, non-fixed PRs, active people, team notification modal, search functionality, user setup process, Weekly Committed Hours validation, bug reports

Cody Media Productions (Video Editing Company) collaborated with One Community. They focused on advancing the intro video project by initiating the editing process. The worked on refining the initial seconds of the video. Background music suitable for the intro was identified and incorporated. Additionally, the team organized video content into categorized folders within Adobe Premiere. These videos will showcase the open-source components we’re solutioneering utopia with. You can view this work in the collage below.

Cody Media Productions, Video Editor, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, intro video project, editing process, background music, Adobe Premiere, refining video, categorized folders, media browser, advancing project, video content

Jin Hua (Website, AdWords, and Analytics Administrator) worked on helping with analyzing our web traffic, looking into SEO solutions, and helping us come up with an improved in-house SEO plan. See below for images related to this.

Jin, Transition Food Self-Sufficiency Plan, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, web traffic analysis, SEO solutions, in-house SEO plan, keyword research, search engine optimization, organic search, backlinks, meta tags, SERP ranking, content optimization

Vishvesh Sheoran (Artificial Intelligence Specialist) elevated the SEO performance of blog posts featured on the One Community website. The focus was on key SEO terms like “solutioneering utopia”. Vishvesh implemented targeted SEO improvements, surpassing the 80 mark for around seven posts on the live main site of One Community. He achieved results by elevating the SEO scores of select posts to surpass 90. In tandem, Vishvesh tested Table of Content plugins for WordPress websites, enhancing the platform’s navigational features. Additionally, he increased the SEO scores of other posts by refining and optimizing their content, to enhance the live site’s overall SEO landscape. See the Highest Good Society page for more on how all this relates to solutioneering utopia. See the work in the image below.

Vishvesh, SEO Performance, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, argeted SEO improvements, surpassing the 80 mark, SEO scores, WordPress websites, navigational features, optimizing content, live site, SEO landscape


The Administration Team’s summary, covering their work administrating and managing most of One Community, was managed by Catherine Liu (Administrative and Analytics Assistant, Team Manager) and includes Alyx Parr (Senior Support Specialist)Meenakshi Velayutham (Sustainability Associate), Olawunmi “Ola” Ijisesan (Administrative and Management Support)Ruiqi Liu (Administrative Assistant) and Xiaolai Li (Administrative Assistant). This week, Alyx focused on refining blog content, organizing sentiment words, and enhancing SEO for a specific page. She also contributed to sections B and C for power words within Rank Math, besides reviewing a website for completion. Meenakshi continued administrative tasks by reviewing weekly summaries, maintaining bio announcements tracking, reviewing cost analysis data for City Centre Interior Rooms, and editing the DIY dam webpage for content clarity and formatting fixes. Ola oversaw PR Review teams, reviewed other team member’s work, expanded the PR Feedback table, integrated new members into tracking spreadsheets, and organized her workspace. Ruiqi completed review processes for various teams, created collage images, incorporated SEO keywords into WordPress, updated web pages, and modified spreadsheets based on feedback. Xiaolai finalized weekly reports and ratings, edited solar energy project cost analysis, organized cost analysis tables, and reviewed recipes and ingredient costs for a transition kitchen. These are the managers helping us manage the current process of creating One Community, one purpose of which is solutioneering utopia. See the Highest Good Society page for more on how all this relates to solutioneering utopia. You can see the work for the team in the image below.

Admin, Team Management, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, Blog content, sentiment words, SEO, power words, Rank Math, website review, PR Review teams, review process, collage images, solar energy project


The Alpha Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Carl Bebli (Software Engineer, Team Manager) and includes Yongjian Pan (Software Engineer). The Highest Good Network software is how we’ll be solutioneering utopia through our social architecture, construction, production, and maintenance processes. This week, Carl took charge of incorporating administrative details into email notifications sent to Jae and volunteers following the issuance of a blueSquare. During testing of the assignBlueSquareWhenTimeNotMet function and its variables, he identified a discrepancy in the description field of received data and informed Jae. Investigation revealed a pending pull request important for task completion awaiting merging. Carl also facilitated a weekly team meeting, welcoming new members and assessing multiple pull requests, offering constructive feedback on items numbered #1851, #1875, and #1876. Meanwhile, helping with this tool for solutioneering utopia, Yongjian investigated type errors, failed-to-load resource errors, and reference errors in the console log associated with his pull request, PR #842. These issues hindered the application’s functionality, with preliminary analysis suggesting a connection to the useState functions. Throughout the week, Yongjian diagnosed these errors, aiming for an understanding of underlying issues within the codebase. See the Highest Good Society and Highest Good Network pages for more on how this relates to solutioneering utopia. View some of this work in the collage below.

Alpha, Highest Good Network, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, email notifications, administrative details, blueSquare, testing, assignBlueSquareWhenTimeNotMet function, variables, discrepancy, description field, data, investigation, pull request, task completion, merging, team meeting, new members, pull requests, feedback, type errors, failed-to-load resource errors, reference errors, console log, application functionality, preliminary analysis, useState functions, codebase


The Blue Steel Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Nathan Hoffman (Software Engineer, Team Manager) and includes Haohui Lin (Software Engineer), and Xiao Wang (Software Engineer). The Highest Good Network software is how we’ll be measuring progress toward solutioneering utopia through our social architecture, construction, production, and maintenance processes. Nathan began by investigating an issue concerning time not updating, which resulted in notification display problems due to JavaScript caching the date, hindering the use of more recent dates and times when manually changed. He reviewed multiple PRs focusing on permissions, engaged in further permissions PR reviews, and held a clarifying call with Jay. Nathan initiated PR 1889, introduced a unit testing utility, and examined beta logs posted by Jae on Slack, identifying them as HTTP request logs. Haohui familiarized himself with the app’s features and reviewed pull requests, specifically PR#1883, 1828, 1829, 1832, 1876, 1875, and 1843. Meanwhile, Xiao submitted three PRs addressing identified bugs, with PR 1882 and PR 722 resolving an issue related to the incorrect display of logged hours on the single task page when accessed from the TeamMemberTasks tab, while PR 1884 tackled a bug where volunteers were unable to modify time when adding intangible time. See the Highest Good Society and Highest Good Network pages for more on how this relates to solutioneering utopia. The collage below shows some of this work.

Blue Steel, Highest Good Network, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, JavaScript caching, PR review, unit testing, HTTP request logs, permissions, bug fixing, pull requests, logged hours, app features


The Code Crafters Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Anirudh Ghildiyal (Software Engineer) and includes Chengyan Wang (Software Engineer)Ramya Ramasamy (Software Engineer), Shantanu Kumar (Software Engineer), and Sucheta Mukherjee (Software Developer). The Highest Good Network software is a foundation of what we’ll be using to measure solutioneering utopia. Anirudh resolved most issues for the AddTeamsAutoComplete component. He identified and rectified a persistent bug from an improper path and incorrect import functions. Additionally, Anirudh led the weekly standup, facilitating follow-ups with teammates to discuss and track their weekly work. Chengyan focused on the development and testing of the Bulk Update Feature for Consumables in the Highest Good Network (HGN) application. He tested a REST endpoint by using Postman to ensure the proper functioning of the bulk update for consumables. He also worked on setting up the Redux workflow for the ‘UpdateConsumablesBulk’ feature. In terms of backend development, he created the REST endpoint for bulk updates, allowing for batch processing and thereby enhancing the application’s efficiency. Ramya focused on completing the limit-see-all functionality. She created a new PR and addressed all PR testing bugs and feedback. Additionally, she completed unit testing for ReportCharts.jsx component. Shantanu focused on generating sample data for the test component’s final-day pop-up. He also pulled request reviews for various tasks, including the task reducer unit, tasked IT service unit, old badge unit test, weekly summary, and user table search header and footer. Sucheta addressed issues in Pull Request (PR) 1874. She also updated PR including the utilization of the useEffect hook to monitor infringements and reason numbers, ensuring the modal closes accordingly. See the Highest Good Society and Highest Good Network pages for more on how this relates to solutioneering utopia. The collage below shows some of this work.

Code Crafters Team, Highest Good Network, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update 567, bug resolution, code review, weekly standup, development and testing, Bulk Update Feature, REST endpoint, Redux workflow, backend development, limit-see-all functionality, PR testing, unit testing, sample data generation, pull request reviews, useEffect hook, modal functionality, sustainability, luxurious life


The Expressers Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Tim Kent (Full Stack Software Engineer) and includes Aishwarya Kalkundrikar (Full Stack Software Developer), Christy Guo (Software Engineer), Huimin Yu (Software Developer)Ilya Flaks (Software Engineer), Olga Yudkin (Software Engineer), and Sahil Patel (Frontend Developer). The Highest Good Network software is a foundation of what we’ll be using to measure solutioneering utopia. Ilya completed modifications for the task “remove task modal from reports” and submitted Pull Request #1867. He reviewed of the existing code, identifying areas for improvement in user experience and algorithm efficiency. Christy focused on Task 611, implementing a filtering feature for individuals exceeding 25% of their assigned hours, marked with colored stars. She worked on a filter to identify individuals eligible for having their bios posted. Huimin reviewed bug and feature documentation, identifying three new issues. Sahil handled multiple pull requests and focused on unit testing the BlueSquareLayout.jsx component to ensure reliability. He identified and resolved a bug in the time entry card feature, contributing to the software’s refinement. Aishwarya completed her front-end task for the Purchase Request Consumables Form, resolving submission errors and ensuring record creation. Olga ensured correct unit tests and optimal coverage. Tim worked on testing, reviewing, and merging pull requests related to the Purchase Request: Tool view and API, Add Tool view, and a reference error hotfix. He also managed the weekly standup meeting and held an onboarding meeting for new team members. See the Highest Good Society and Highest Good Network pages for more on how this relates to solutioneering utopia. The collage below shows some of this work.

Expressers Team, Highest Good Network, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update 567, pull request submission, code review, algorithm efficiency, user experience improvement, filtering feature, assigned hours, colored stars, bug documentation, feature documentation, unit testing, software refinement, front-end task, submission errors, record creation, testing, weekly standup, onboarding meeting, Purchase Request, Tool view, API, reference error hotfix, task modification


The Git-R-Done Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Kaikane Lacno (Learning Assistant) and includes Miguelcloid Reniva (Software Developer)Olena Danykh (Software Engineer), Rhea Wu (Software Engineer), and Shuhua Liu (Full-Stack Developer). The Highest Good Network software is a foundation of what we’ll be using to measure solutioneering utopia. Kai integrated the backend post route for creating lessons and establishing a connection between the backend and the frontend lesson form page. He executed the implementation of the post-lesson functionality, introducing checks and toast logs to alert users of errors or missing fields. Additionally, Kai expanded the lesson schema to accommodate files and allowedRoles for future utilization. He also adjusted the put route to facilitate users in editing these newly introduced fields. Miguel focused on refining the styling attributes of the form. He implemented a toggleable button for the Tools/Equipment number column. Additionally, Miguel enhanced the cancel button’s functionality and incorporated a validation check for the Submit button using dummy data. Rhea worked on Phase 2 – 7.2.1 Issue Schema and made PR#725. Shuhua continued refining the Name/Measurement List View. Shuhua completed the implementation of the adding and deleting Unit of Measurements feature, involving the addition of routers and controllers in the backend, along with redux actions, reducers, and event handlers on the client side. Additionally, she updated routers for inventory-type modifications and incorporated reference links in event handlers for enhanced functionality. See the Highest Good Society and Highest Good Network pages for more on how this relates to solutioneering utopia. The collage below shows some of this work.

Git-R-Done, Highest Good Network, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update 567, backend integration, post route, frontend connection, lesson form, post-lesson functionality, error alerts, toast logs, lesson schema, file accommodation, allowedRoles, put route adjustment, styling attributes, toggleable button, cancel button functionality, validation check, dummy data, Phase 2, issue schema, PR submission, Name/Measurement List View, Unit of Measurements feature, routers, controllers, redux actions, reducers, event handlers, inventory-type modifications, reference links, enhanced functionality


The Graphic Design Team’s summary was managed by Ruiqi Liu (Administrative Assistant) and includes Ashlesha Navale (Graphic Designer)Jackie King (Graphic Designer), and Layeh LCS (Graphic Designer). Ashlesha created and updated the web content, generating six Social Media Images, and researched to curate nature-based and theme-specific background images for additional visual assets. In addition, she contributed artwork for food recipes and updated PSD files. Jackie completed three volunteer announcement bios and images, uploading them to the One Community staging server page for review and posting. She organized and logged the remaining copy from the “Need Images” Dropbox folder into a “Social Media Text and File Names” Google spreadsheet, ensuring the completion of all entries. Jackie also created six Social Media Images. Layeh refined templates, focusing on elements and page construction for various assignments. She explored alternative methods to enhance picture resolution within the templates, prioritizing pragmatic tasks aimed at improving functionality and visual aspects. See the Highest Good Society page for more on how all this relates to solutioneering utopia. The collage below shows some of this work.

Graphic Design Team - Social Media Images - Solutioneering Utopia - One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, web content creation, social media images, visual assets, nature-based images, theme-specific images, artwork contribution, food recipes, PSD files update, volunteer announcement bios, One Community staging server, copy organization, Dropbox folder, Google spreadsheet, social media text, file names, template refinement, page construction, picture resolution enhancement, functionality improvement, visual aspects


Moonfall Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Navneeth Krishna (Software Engineer) and includes Abdelmounaim “Abdel” Lallouache (Software Developer), Cheng-Yun Chuang (Software Engineer), Haoji Bian (Software Engineer), Jiadong Zhang (Software Engineer)Lu Wang (Software Engineer), Palak Gosalia (Software Engineer)Tzu Ning “Leo” Chueh (Software Engineer)YuFu Liao (Software Engineer) and Zubing Guo (Software Engineer). The Highest Good Network software is a foundation of what we’ll be using to measure solutioneering utopia. Abdelmounaim contributed by implementing a new map feature that enhances user experience with popups displaying user information upon zooming in. He refined the filter function within the Blue Square Scheduler date input, optimizing performance. Abdelmounaim resolved conflicts and provided updates to the detail modal in the time-off request pull request. Additionally, he addressed user interface concerns by fixing calendar button styles and enhancing the date input validation function. Cheng-Yun crafted unit test code for WBS.jsx, including render testing and verification of correct prop displays. He also modified test cases for Projects.test.jsx and debugged features in Members.test.jsx. Haoji focused on enhancing the email management system by introducing a robust email verification process and a refined opt-out feature, streamlining communication efficiency and respecting user consent. Jiadong improved API functionality for badge management, developing and implementing an API to retrieve badge counts, along with integrating a numerical indicator into the frontend interface. Lu focused on reviewing the necessary test files, including AddTaskModal, EditTaskModal, and ImportTask files. Navneeth concentrated on the development of the “Create Weekly Summary Email for Admins” task, aligning with design criteria and documenting the approach for frontend and backend PRs related to a removed permission. Serving as Team Manager for Team Moonfall, Navneeth also fulfilled consistent daily monitoring, weekly work reviewing, and compiling progress images. Palak continued her work on a unit test case she initiated for the EditBadgePopup component. Tzu-Ning focused on enhancing link input features, modifying the user profile link button modal, implementing restrictions and warnings in the input box for Google Doc links, and integrating the TeamMemberTask component for efficient task management with clickable icons and links to user profiles and timelogs. Yufu collaborated with Jiyuan to resolve a testing error in pull request #1641, ensuring the smooth integration of the scheduled-on date feature into the system. Zubing focused on figuring out the problem of PR build failing when running npm tests. She checked the test cases in corresponding tests, looking into the tests for actions and components. Learn more about how the Highest Good Network will measure and assist our process of solutioneering utopia on the Highest Good Network open source hub. Look below for a collage of their work.

Moonfall Team, Highest Good Network, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, development efforts, map feature, user experience, filter function, Blue Square Scheduler, conflict resolution, user interface, email management system, API functionality, badge management, test files, Team Manager, weekly work reviews, progress images, unit test case, link input features, Google Doc links, task management, testing error, PR build


Reactonauts’ Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Masasa Thapelo (Software Engineer) and includes Changhao Li (Software Engineer), Jay Yong (Software Engineer), Shengwei Peng (Software Engineer), Shivansh Sharma (Software Developer), Shiwani Rajagopalan (Software Engineer)Vikram Badhan (Software Engineer) and Yixiao Jiang (Software Engineer). The Highest Good Network software a foundation of what we’ll be using to measure solutioneering utopia. Changhao completed unit test development, task reporting and planning, and worked on a large file requiring additional time. Jay’s created pull requests for both front-end and back-end components, implementing permission-based features for specific user actions. Shengwei focused on the new feature, the invitation history module. He updated the backend logic for the existing invitation setup, incorporated new properties in the data transfer object, modified database table schema, and created additional API endpoints to retrieve invitation history from the database. Shivansh concentrated on rectifying text-related issues in the badges section of the dashboard. Specifically, he implemented changes to ensure that the message for the new maximum badge assignment is displayed only if the badge has been assigned in the current or past week. Shiwani focused on creating unit tests for the Old Badges and Blue Square components, addressing various aspects and initiating a pull request for review. Vikram focused on configuring the local frontend and backend environments and reviewed five pull requests. Yixiao adjusted the pre-work of unit tests for reducer and service files, addressing a minor problem with the markdown command text. Additionally, a new module was added to the service file. Learn more about how the Highest Good Network will measure and assist our process of solutioneering utopia on the Highest Good Network open source hub. Look below for pictures of this work.

Reactonauts Team, Highest Good Network, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, unit test development, task reporting, large file, pull requests, front-end, back-end components, permission-based features, invitation history module, backend logic, data transfer object, database table schema, API endpoints, text-related issues, badges section, dashboard, maximum badge assignment, unit tests, Old Badges, Blue Square components, configuring local frontend, backend environments, pull request review, reducer files, service files, markdown command text, new module


Skye’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Luis Arevalo (Front End Developer) and includes Bailey Mejia (Software Engineer)Haoxiang Geng (Full Stack Developer)Jerry Ren (Full Stack Developer), Jiarong Li (Software Engineer), Roberto Contreras (Software Developer), Yao Wang (Software Engineer) and Zuhang Xu (Software Engineer). The Highest Good Network software is a foundation of what we’ll be using to measure our results of solutioneering utopia. Bailey oversaw the integration of open pull requests (PRs) and managed the addition of links to the submit button feature, improving the user interface. He resolved a merge conflict associated with the PR for personal max badges. Additionally, he collaborated with Yubo to refine the application’s editable fields, enhancing the overall user experience and interface design. Jerry, in his tasks related to unit testing `AssignBadge.jsx`, encountered challenges in accessing the Autosuggest component’s value post-invocation of ‘fireEvent.change()’. Luis accomplished the initial phase of the warning’s component, generating a pull request and reviewed colleagues’ feedback. Collaborating with Roberto, he addressed merge conflicts and implemented the necessary adjustments, subsequently pushing the modifications to his branch. Yao migrated code from an old branch to a new branch, addressing instability issues on both the main and development sites and ensuring a seamless transition of code between branches. Roberto initiated a pull request to rectify timezone discrepancies and restructure the basic information tab on the user profile page, while also assisting Luis in resolving git merge conflicts and addressing old pull requests with accumulated merge conflicts. Haoxiang focused on understanding the codebase, identifying bugs, and reviewing relevant code for potential improvements. Jiarong optimized code in the HighestGoodNetworkApp project, consolidating over ten useState Hooks into a single Hook, improving code readability and aligning with best practices in React development. The changes were committed to the project’s GitHub repository. Zuhang addressed the challenge of web layout adjustment, ensuring that the right portion of the page contracts, rather than the left, when resizing the browser window. Learn more about how the Highest Good Network will measure and assist our process of solutioneering utopia on the Highest Good Network open source hub. See the collage below for some of their work.

Skye Team, Highest Good Network, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, open pull requests, submit button feature, user interface, merge conflict, personal max badges, codebase, collaboration, editable fields, user experience, Jerry, unit testing, Autosuggest component, warning's component, pull request, review, merge conflicts, adjustments, branch, code migration, instability issues, main and development sites, timezone discrepancies, basic information tab, user profile page, git merge conflicts, old pull requests, bug identification, code review, React development, GitHub repository, web layout adjustment


The PR Review Team’s summary covering their work on the Highest Good Network software was managed by Olawunmi Ijisesan (Administrative and Management Support). This week’s active members of this team were: Aaron Persaud (Software Developer)Hector Jimenez (Software Engineer), John Mumbi (Software Engineer)Kevin Hinh (Software Engineer)Kurtis Ivey (Software Engineer), Nahiyan Ahmed (Full Stack Software Developer), Nidhi Galgali (Software Developer)Peterson Rodrigues (Full-Stack MERN Stack Developer), Renan Luiz (Full-stack developer), Sai Deepak Dogiparthi (Software Developer), Shamim Rahman (Software Engineer), Shaofeng Li (Software Engineer), Shengjie (Software Engineer), Shereen Punnassery (Full Stack Software Engineer), Shiqing Pan (Full-Stack Software Developer), Sophie Lei (Software engineer), Xiao Zhang ( Software Engineer), and Zijie “Cyril” Yu (Software Engineer). They reviewed all the Highest Good Network PRs (Pull Requests) shared in this week’s update. The Highest Good Network software is how we’ll be measuring our progress toward solutioneering utopia. Learn more about how the Highest Good Network will measure and assist our process of solutioneering utopia via the Highest Good Network open source hub. The collage below shows a compilation of the work from this team.

PR, Highest Good Network Software, Solutioneering Utopia, One Community Weekly Progress Update #567, PR Review Team, Highest Good Network software, solutioneering utopia, open-source hub, progress measurement, team review, weekly update, software development, teamwork




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