PAGE UPDATED 3/24/2025
Creating One Community has been a 15-year process that is finally coming to fruition. This page is an overview of our progress and what we are working on.
For an on-going and detailed list of updates visit OUR BLOG:
We are open source and free-sharing complete sustainable cities. The following areas are areas we are working on right now and would love help with from those interested in joining us as either Partners/Consultants or Pioneers who will be moving to the property to help us build everything:
We are also seeking any other sustainability-related skilled professionals, quality writers and researchers to help finish our People's Agenda 21 website, and anyone with other skills they feel would benefit our open source creative process. The people who join our team as either volunteers/consultants or members typically fit one or more of the following descriptions:
Click Here for the Pioneer Application | Click Here for Satellite Member Application | Click Here for our General Application |
(mouse-over icons for descriptions – click for complete pages)
(mouse-over icons for descriptions – click for complete pages)
The volunteer/consultant and/or member that typically joins our team fits one or more of the following descriptions:
If you’d like to help with any of the above, please fill out the appropriate application form:
Click Here for the Pioneer Application | Click Here for Satellite Member Application | Click Here for our General Application |
We are also seeking excellent “how to” videos and resources to add to our developing People’s Agenda 21 open source sustainability hub:
We have identified the property and are working through the process of everything needed to be ready to build. Initial contact with the county commissioners and county planning and zoning team has been very positive and the next step in our due diligence process is submitting plans and getting confirmation we still have their full support. Once that’s complete we’ll focus on acquiring the funds to purchase the property. If we can’t get full support from the county, we’ll seek a new property.
These are the details for the property we’ve chosen:
See also: One Community: Why this Property Page
We are a registered 501(c)(3) non profit organization
Click Here for Our Free-shared and Open Source Non-profit Application Details
One Community is a 100% volunteer-operated non-profit and non-governmental organization. We’ve had over 400 volunteers contribute to bring the project to where it is now. Bios for the Core Team and significant contributors (who desired to be credited) can be found on our Team Page.
Total volunteer time contributed to the project since our official launch in 2010 is over 100,000 hours. We seek people who really enjoy creating, building, and problem solving because the list of action items we are working on is long. Here is how we are choosing to divide our time to complete it:
Design: 80% | Building Our Team: 10% | Marketing: 5% | Networking for Donors: 5% |
As we complete components we open source share them by adding everything we’ve accomplished to the website and also sharing it across our social media network base of 20 networks.
With everything above we still have a lot to complete before we can physically begin building. Funding for securing the property is also needed but a fairly low priority with all the work remaining to be done before we can start building. With all this in mind, our estimate for being ready to build and securing the property is 2022-2023. Sooner is possible, but that’s our current estimated timeline.
These three pages are tailored to funders and have additional information: Funding Overview, Funding Related to Location, Funding Options