NOTE: The colors are provided as a possible linear progression (red/easiest to violet/most challenging) for people that might prefer a more linear structure. Our core philosophy is that through creativity every color can be made easy or challenging for any learning level. |
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 | - Motivational/Inspirational Speakers
- Anthony “Tony” Robbins is an American life coach & self-help author who’s books and seminars have been read or watched by millions of people in over 100 countries.
- Bob Proctor is one of the most sought-after speakers in the world for professional coaching and corporate seminars.
- Les Brown is a motivational speaker/host of the Les Brown Show, former politician, author and DJ.
- Christopher Howard is a lifestyle/wealth strategist, author, prominent speaker and CEO of the Academy of Wealth and Achievement.
- Jim Rohn was an entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker.
 | - Legacy Creators that Empower millions of people to change their lives
- Oprah Winfrey is a philanthropist, talk show host, actress, producer; was dubbed “Queen of All Media, & has been called the most influential woman in the world.
- Deepak Chopra is an Indian-American author/public speaker and alternative medicine advocate.
- Wayne Dyer is a self-help author and motivational speaker.
- Neale Walsch is the author of the series, Conversations with God, an actor/screenwriter and speaker.
- Louise Hay is a motivational speaker and founder of Hay house.
- Dale Carnegie was a writer and developer of self improvement courses.
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 | - Philanthropists
- Bill Gates founded Microsoft , the Gates Foundation and donated billions to Healthcare, education, AIDS-prevention, sanitation.
- Al Gore a former Vice President of the United States is a humanitarian in the field of the environment.
- Wayne Newton makes his humanitarian mark when performing for the troops and one of the best-known entertainers in Las Vegas.
- Warren Buffett donated $30.7 billion to healthcare, extreme poverty, education, and access to information technology.
- Li Ka-shing donated $10 billion to education, health care.
- Chuck Feeney donated $6.2 billion to healthcare, youth, aging, poverty, human rights.
- George Soros donated $6 billion to health care, anti-Fascism, human rights, economic, legal, social reform.
- Azim Premji donated $2 billion to education, and health care.
- Howard Hughes– donated $1.56 billion to health care.
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 | - Philosophers
- Confucius was a teacher, editor, and philosopher.
- Socrates was philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy.
- Plato was a philosopher and an influential figure in philosophy, central in Western philosophy.
- Alan Watts is known as an interpreter but also made Eastern philosophy popular for a Western audience.
- Will Durant was a historian/writer known for The Story of Civilization.
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 | - Sociology
- Karl Marx was the writer of The Communist Manifesto and one of the founders of sociology and social science.
- Auguste Comte was a founder of the discipline of sociology and of the doctrine of positivism.
- William Sumner held the nation’s first professorship in sociology.
- Karl Mannheim was a founding father of classical sociology and a founder of the sociology of knowledge.
- William Du Bois wrote the first scientific treatise in the field of sociology and was the first African American to earn a doctorate.
 | - Global Transformation Visionaries
- Richard Fuller was an inventor who was the second president of Mensa.
- Jacque Frescois a futurist and self-described social engineer who directs The Venus Project.
- Barbara M. Hubbard is credited with the concepts of ‘The Synergy Engine’ and the ‘Birthing’ of humanity.
- Jack Reed is a man who genuinely cares about the planet and is the author of The Next Evolution.
- Peter Joseph is a filmmaker, activist, creator of the Zeitgeist series of videos and the Zeitgeist movement.
 | - Governance
- George Washington was the first president of the Unites States and helped draft the Constitution.
- Hillary Clinton, former US Secretary of State, Senator, and the only First lady to hold a national office.
- Thomas Jefferson was a founding father and 3rd president of the United States.
- Abraham Lincoln was the sixth president and abolished slavery to preserve the country.
- Margaret Thatcher served as British Prime Minister for the longest time and has been the only female to ever serve in that position.
- Shirley Temple Black was a famous child star who became politically active in her later years, as US Ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia, after Kissinger heard of her interest at a party.
 | - Scientific Advancers
- Galileo Galilei is called the father of modern science.
- Albert Einstein developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics.
- Charles Darwin was best known for his contributions to evolutionary theory.
- Stephen Hawking is an English theoretical physicist, author and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge.
- Johannes Kepler was a key figure in the 17th century scientific revolution and is known for his laws of planetary motion.
- Nicolaus Copernicus formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at its center.
- Sir Isaac Newton is recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution.
- Francis Bacon called the father of empiricism and popularised inductive methodologies called the scientific method.
 | - Health & Fitness
- Hippocrates was a Greek physician and the father of western medicine.
- Francois”Jack” LaLanne was a fitness/nutritional expert and motivational speaker; sometimes called “the godfather of fitness”.
- Richard Simmons is an American fitness personality and actor.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger is an actor, filmmaker, activist, investor, philanthropist, former professional bodybuilder, and politician.
- Josef Weider was a Canadian bodybuilder and entrepreneur who co-founded the International Federation of BodyBuilders.
- Dr. Douglas Graham, a lifetime athlete and raw fooder since 1978, is an advisor to world-class athletes and trainers.
 | - Entertainment
- Michael Jackson was an American singer/songwriter/dancer, known as the King of Pop.
- Paul Newman was an American actor, director, entrepreneur, auto racing team owner/enthusiast.
- John Lennon was a singer-songwriter who founded the Beatles with Paul McCartney, which is the most celebrated of the 20th century.
- Elvis Presley was a singer/actor considered one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century.
- James “Jimi” Hendrix is widely regarded as one of the most influential electric guitarists in the history of popular music.
- Steve Perry (former) lead vocalist of rock band Journey, has been described as “The Golden Voice”.
- Eric Clapton, is an English musician, singer-songwriter/guitarist is the only three-time inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
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 | - Water
- Heron was a Greek inventor that used pressurized piping for fire fighting purposes in the City of Alexandria.
- Hippocrates discovered the healing powers of water, invented the practice of sieving water, and obtained the first bag filter to trap sediments that caused bad tastes or odors.
- Joseph Priestley experimented with putting gases in liquids in 1767, producing the first artificially-produced carbonated water.
- Norbert Rillieux most noted for his invention of the multiple-effect evaporator, an energy-efficient means of evaporating water.
- Gaius Maecenas of Rome built the first heated swimming pool in the first century BC.
- Edmund Rudd took inspiration from the Waddy Maughan water heater and took forward his design by including additional safety features.
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 | - Inventors
- Leonardo Da Vinci is best known for his paintings (the Last Supper, and the Mona Lisa).
- Thomas Edison is best known for inventing the first long-lasting, commercially practical incandescent light bulb.
- Nikola Tesla helped develop the AC electrical delivery system and worked on the production/transmission of power.
- The Wright brothers invented and flew the world’s first successful airplane.
- Guglielmo Marconi is often credited as the inventor of radio.
- Elijah J McCoy was a Canadian of African descent who invented the oil-drip cup and “the real McCoy” was associated with him.
- Sandford Fleming helped build the transcontinental railways of the 19th century and invented the worldwide standard time.
- Ben Franklin is known for the lightning rod, bifocals, Franklin stove, among other inventions.
- Alexander Bell was awarded the US patent for the telephone in 1876, and is reputed to be a great figure of the nineteenth century.
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 | - Coding and Software
- Bjarne Stroustrupis a Danish computer scientist, notable for the creation and development of the C++ programming language.
- Jeff Bezos is the Founder and CEO of and one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time.
- Blake Ross is known for co-creating Mozilla Firefox and he worked at Facebook as head of product.
- Larry Ellison is the Co-founder and CEO of Oracle and has been a long-time pioneer and innovator in the software industry.
- Elon Musk is the co-founder of Paypal and founded the electric car company Tesla plus the space technology company SpaceX.
- Ray Kurzweil is the Director of Engineering at Google working in the field of artificial intelligence.
- Sergey Brin is co-founder of Google and involved with innovative technologies like Google Glass and Google’s self-driving cars.
- Larry Page is the Co-founder and current CEO of Google.
- Marissa Mayer is the current CEO of Yahoo, the first female engineer at Google.
- Steve Wilhite of CompuServe was on the engineering lead on the team that adapted the GIF file format.
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 | - Industrialization (Automation)
- Steam Engine was patented by Jerónimo de Ayanz y Beaumont in 1606.
- Carnegie Steel was created and expanded by Andrew Carnegie, an industrialist and philanthropist.
- Windwheel was the earliest instance of wind harnessing, created by Hero of Alexandria.
- The Conveyor Belt resulted from a series of experiments from Thomas Robins in 1892.
- The first Moving sidewalk was built by Goodyear and installed in 1954.
 | - Robotics
- Archytas was reputed to have designed and built the first artificial, self-propelled flying device.
- Isaac Asimov formulated the Three Laws of Robotics, and in the process of doing so, coined the word “robotics”.
- Tanaka Hisashige was an Japanese engineer who founded what became Toshiba and at 20 made, karakuri, autonomous dolls powered by hydraulics.
- James Spangler was a janitor, salesman, and inventor who created the commercially successful upright vacuum in 1908.
- Joseph Engelberger, a physicist and entrepreneur, created the first industrial robot, Unimate.
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 | - Personal/home technologies
- Sir James Dyson is British industrial designer, known as the inventor of the Dual Cyclone bagless vacuum cleaner.
- Henry Dreyfuss was an American industrial designer who designed for companies including Bell, Hoover, John Deere, Honeywell and more.
- James Spangler was a janitor, salesman, inventor who created the commercially successful upright vacuum in 1908.
- James Harrison, an Australian journalist and politician, is the reported inventor of mechanical refrigeration.
- Stephen Poplawski created the liquefier blender in 1922, he used it to create drinks in his soda shop.