Permaculture in Society – One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Open source permaculture solutions are one path to helping to establish permaculture in society. One Community is creating these and open source and free-shared sustainability solutions for energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, and global stewardship practices too.

Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the January 22nd, 2023 edition (#513) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Permaculture in Society
One Community Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society - One Community Weekly Progress Update #513




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Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is helping to establish permaculture in society through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team member managing the aircrete compression testing team helped the aircrete team get organized and design some experiments and tables and had a weekly call to translate the information to the team. The same team member also reviewed the write up and spreadsheet for estimating energy demand of the City Center, Ultimate Classroom, Earthbag Village, and Straw Bale Village. She also worked on the City Center hub connector content and identified some necessary edits and revisions.

aircrete compression testing, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society – Aircrete compression testing

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 60th week, focusing now on the Net-zero Bathroom content. This week Daniela read through the comments left on the Net-Zero Bathroom Design and Assembly Instructions google document and implemented them on the Net-Zero Bathroom and Earthbag Village Water Collection and Septic Design Edited Content for Web.

As she was going through them side-by-side, she realized that the content on one document was placed in various sections of the other sections. This took Daniela a bit more time than expected in order to make sure the content did align with the final report. Daniela read through the documents and made edits to grammar and spelling along with adding some content based on some comments/questions.

Daniela finished reading through the document and reviewed everything that needed to be addressed. She then moved on to the comments that had not been addressed on the Net-zero Bathroom Calculations for the google sheets.

For one sheet she spent time researching how to understand the functions that calculated tank and water requirements, but was unable to fully understand it even though she knew the information came from data listed prior. Pictures below are related to this work.

Net-zero Bathroom, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society – Net-zero Bathroom

Jieying “Mercy” Cai (Sustainability and Climate Policy Researcher) completed her 18th week working on completing the Best Small and Large-scale Community Options for Sustainable Processing and Reuse of Non-recyclables research, report, and tutorial. This week Mercy researched and created tables for cost estimation for starting a business with different waste management solutions.

She added introduction paragraphs to each section as suggested in the comments and made the final edits to the content and the comparison table by addressing the comments and carrying out additional research. See below for some pictures related to this work.

Community Options for Sustainable Processing and Reuse of Non-recyclables, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Community Options for Sustainable Processing and Reuse of Non-recyclables

The Compression Team consisting of Genesis Avila (Engineering Intern Researcher), Joshua Jacob (Engineering Intern Researcher), Fatima Duenas-Esparza (Engineering Intern Researcher), and Sarah-Jean Boyd (Engineering Intern Researcher) completed their 10th weeks helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing.

This week, the Compression Testing Team attempted to understand the data sheets and calculations from last year’s team. After reading through the last team’s data, it was difficult to understand their process of creating aircrete. They also recorded data, watched Aircrete Harry’s videos, and expanded on the research using a better comparison table. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Aircrete and earthbag compression testing

Loza Ayehutsega (Civil Engineer/Assistant Civil Engineer) completed her 3rd week helping review the Net-zero Bathroom and Earthbag Village water collection and storage engineering calculations and designs. This week Loza checked the report document and read some new topics added to the report.

This week no comment was added; however, a detailed research review was made on wastewater treatment methodologies and the design of the storm drainage system, tank components, and types of storage tanks. See below for some pictures related to this.

Net-zero Bathroom and Earthbag Village water collection and storage, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Net-zero Bathroom and Earthbag Village water collection and storage


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is helping to establish permaculture in society through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week, Gabriela Vilela S. C. Diniz (Architect and Urban Planner) completed her 29th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week Gabriela worked on the final adjustments for the renders. She fixed the problem with the lights and the height of the TV on the box.

She rendered a few versions with the TV up and down and worked on the presentation by adding the rendered images and more materials. Pictures below show some of this work.

Duplicable City Center rental rooms, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Duplicable City Center rental rooms

Julia Meaney (Researcher and Assistant to Executive Director) completed her 18th week with the team. This week, Julia continued her work on the “Eco-laundry” webpage task. She updated various images and charts, added necessary FAQ’s and linked sources, and edited and worked on various parts of the narrative.

She also had a Zoom meeting with Jae to go over a few of her questions about completing this task. Julia then completed her initial review of the “Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping” webpage and made a Feedback PDF in her Dropbox to communicate needed corrections to the coding and formatting of the page.

While doing this, she completed various small tasks of content and coding editing as needed. She also went through the source Google Doc and addressed, resolved, and added comments there. Finally, Julia began reviewing and editing content on the “Chickens” Google Doc. She made corrections and edits in bolded, red text to ensure their visibility when being integrated on to the webpage.

Pictures below are related to this work.

Eco-laundry, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Eco-laundry

Ranran Zhang (Architectural Designer) completed her 6th week working on the updated video internal and external walkthrough for the Duplicable City Center. This week, Ranran checked the SketchUp model and imported it into Lumion for adjustment. Referring to the Lumion model, she modified some of the errors in the SketchUp model.

These include: adjusting the position of the light source on the floor of the social dome hall; deleting the protruding floor on the second floor of the social dome; modifying the material of the pool edge in the social dome in Lumion. In addition, Ranran also selected four views that need to be rendered in Lumion.

They include the second floor of the restaurant, the social dome hall, the second-floor lounge area of the social dome, and the outdoor terrace. See below for some pictures of this work.

Duplicable City Center, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Duplicable City Center


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is helping to establish permaculture in society through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week the core team wrapped up our work on the behind-the-scenes research and content for the Chickens webpage and began similar research for the Rabbits webpage. We updated the Incubation Parameters spreadsheet for the Chickens website page updates. Then we added images for the rabbit hutch, tractor, and setting up of rabbit butchering.

We also updated the sections “Why Rabbits” and “Before Choosing to Raise Rabbits”. We additionally added information about several different housing options for rabbits and about some of the benefits of raising rabbits.   

Rabbits, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society

Yifei Zhu (Analyst and Researcher) also completed her 10th week, now working on reviewing and formatting for publication the recipes for the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. This week Yifei has continued to work on converting the metric measurement to imperial for the Master recipe and 3-day Menu blocks.

Yifei has converted from tbsp to oz and from g to oz. She worked from page 110 to 143 with many more pages remaining to be completed. Pictures below are related to this work.

Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is helping to establish permaculture in society through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students. This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Permaculture in Society

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is helping to establish permaculture in society through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

Over the past week the core team completed 22 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, and interviewing and setting up new volunteer team members. Pictures below show some of this.

managing One Community, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Managing One Community

An additional 4+ hours were invested by the core team in Highest Good Network software checkins and review.

Highest Good Network software checkins and review, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software checkins and review

Yiyun Tan (Management Dashboard Team Leader) completed her 40th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yiyun put most of her time on investigating the urgent #3 and #4 bugs and discussing findings with team members. Other than that, she completed her usual management work, reviewed PRs, provided help on Slack, and fixed release-merge conflicts. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software

Yan Xu (Software Development Engineer) completed her 25th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. In the first half week, she created a team manager pop up in the team page according to the old design doc.

But, the old task (team manager design doc) has been changed to the summary management project, therefore, she started working on the summary management project, and created a new page in the “Other Links” dropdown. She then estimated the time to complete both the frontend and backend. See pictures below for some of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software

Navya Madiraju (React.js/MongoDB Full Stack Developer) completed her 15th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Navya started approving the PRs by checking the code into local and then started checking the lines of code, ran the code in the local host and tested as per the requirements, then raised a few comments.

After that she followed up with the developer and, as per their comments, again reviewed and then approved the PR. Pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software

Alan Lee Sing Chan Yau (Software Engineer) completed his 11th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Alan started by working on fixing total summaries as it is Urgent. We are displaying the total number of summaries correctly, but the only problem is that the backend does not store the last 4 weeks, it only has the last 3 summaries.

So we won’t be able to display the summaries correctly until we merge the new PR where it stores 4 summaries instead of 3. Then Alan worked on problems on the Timelog and Tasks where some tasks were not displaying correctly when viewing someone else’s PR. He fixed this issue and submitted a PR.

The last thing he worked on this week was checking if the user meant to create a new user with a duplicate name, by creating a popup where it asks a yes or no question. Pictures below show some of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software

Kaixiang “Kevin” Gu (Fullstack Software Developer) completed his 11th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. For this week, Kaixiang made a new pull request for editing role names and delete roles. He added new functionalities for admins that they can edit role names and delete newly added roles if no longer needed.

This PR still has a small redirect issue and he will fix it next week. Kaixiang also made a fix for requested changes in the PR for ‘make intangible hours editable’. Pictures below show some of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software

Jianjun Luo (Software Engineer) also completed her 8th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Jianjun fixed several bugs for the phase one front end code. A small change was made to the css to make the top bar looks aligned. A filter was added to catch the tasks which are marked as “complete” so that the website will not return an empty white page when clicking the button.

The save reminder is able to appear whenever a change has been made. Pictures below show some of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software

Rajasri “RJ” Janaki Raman (React/MongoDB Full-stack Developer) completed her 7th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. RJ worked this week on HP bug 7: “Missing bluesquare in dashboard summary bar”.

She identified the root cause of the mismatch in main, updated Yiyun on her findings and next steps, then switched to working on Urgent Priority Bug #1 about wrong data being loaded before correct data. Handling it as 2 different PRs, 1 part is fixed and merged (PR #647). Working on the second part, she has identified the root cause of it and is currently working on fixing it.

Experienced timer issue twice and got some error displayed on console while trying to replicate the issue. Pictures below show some of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software

Johny dos Santos Anastacio (Software Engineer) completed his 6th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. Johny fixed the bug for the task “Changing the role from user profile gets saved and updated on profiles page but doesn’t reflect on other pages/privileges”, now everything is working very well. He posted the PR for the backend and the frontend will post next week. Pictures below show some of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software

Shaun Sullivan (React/MongoDB Developer) completed his 6th and final week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Shaun continued working on the People Reports page. He was able to figure out the NaN issue, and now has a number displaying for the total hours worked, however not the right number.

He was able to get that number to display in the center of the donut chart, although with that the arcs of the chart disappeared. So while there is progress on the bug, still some troubleshooting needed to figure it out. Pictures below show some of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software

Aishwarya Kalkundrikar (Full Stack Software Developer) completed her 5th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Aishwarya has worked on High priority bug #4: Fix the ability to change a Project Category. After fixing the bug partially, she was facing an issue where the value on selecting from the drop-down showed the default value until refreshed.

Now the bug is fixed and she has raised PR for the same. Pictures below show some of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software

Cali Huddleston (Software Developer) completed her 3rd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Cali looked further into the config issue. Although she did not find anything wrong with Axios GET requests (working just fine) when tested by running a console.log in the Axios config, she did confirm that the JWT is not being authorized upon page load.

It’s also not being properly decoded or grabbed from local storage. She is going to refresh her memory with JWT (shouldn’t take too long) and local storage to hopefully squash this bug once and for all! Cali will be looking at previous work she has done with JWT in addition to reading documentation and researching more. Pictures below show some of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software

Said Rodrigues (Full Stack Developer) completed his 3rd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Said remade the UI of the timer while bringing in new features like the Countdown mode.

He also changed the logic in the backend to handle this new mode while improving some performances of the service and added documentation to all things that he modified so that anyone who tries to modify or update this feature in the future can do it without too much headache. Check out the pictures below as examples of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software

Raul Effting (Jr. Front-End Web Developer) completed his 2nd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Raul continued his focus on extensive PR review: PRs continuously checked, reviewed, and/or waiting for developers’ response: (front) 639 / 622 / 620 / 595 / 635 / 641 / 638 / 650, (back) 266 / 267 Approved PRs: 642 / 643 / 646 / 649. He also spent a bunch of time reorganizing the Bugs Google Doc. Check out the pictures below as examples of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software

Ray Lee (Digital Creator) also helped create custom graphics for us to share each Martin Luther King Jr. Day. These graphics replace the heading on our website, as shown below.

Highest Good Network software, Permaculture in Society, One Community Weekly Progress Update #513

Permaculture in Society ” Highest Good Network software


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