One Community Welcomes Raul Effting to the Software Development Team!

One Community welcomes Raul Effting to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! Raul is a Front-end Web Developer specializing in React. He trained through the Rocketseat’s Explorer and Ignite boot camps and, even though he’s been… Read More

Teacher Permaculture Hubs – One Community Weekly Progress Update #518

One Community is developing teacher permaculture hubs that integrate open source and free-shared designs for food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. We are doing this as… Read More

One Community Welcomes Aishwarya Kalkundrikar to the Software Development Team!

One Community welcomes Aishwarya Kalkundrikar to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! Aishwarya earned her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from University of Pune, India. She has over 7 years of experience in software development and… Read More

One Community Welcomes Johny dos Santos Anastacio to the Software Development Team!

One Community welcomes Johny dos Santos Anastacio to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! Johny is a web developer specializing in fullstack web development. He works with the JavaScript language, in the Backend with Node.Js/Express and… Read More

One Community Welcomes Ray Lee to the Graphic Design Team!

One Community welcomes Ray Lee to the Graphic Design Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! Ray is a Graphic Designer, Video Editor, and Web Developer based in Los Angeles, CA. His past employers and clients include: Monster, Xerox, RadioShack,… Read More

Conscious Management of Spaceship Earth – One Community Weekly Progress Update #516

One Community is facilitating conscious management of Spaceship Earth with open source and free-shared plans for sustainable food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. Here’s our project overview… Read More

One Community Welcomes Ranran Zhang to the Design Team!

One Community welcomes Ranran Zhang to the Design Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! Ranran graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, with a Master of Science in Design degree. With 7 years of academic experience, she is a creative architectural… Read More

Redefining the Anthropocene Epoch – One Community Weekly Progress Update #515

One Community sees a path to redefining the Anthropocene Epoch as one of stewardship and regeneration. We’re supporting this with open source and free-shared sustainability plans covering food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture,… Read More

One Community Welcomes Yifei Zhu to the Research Team!

One Community welcomes Yifei Zhu to the Research Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! After obtaining her Masters of Science in Operations Research, Yifei gained hands-on experience as a data analyst with speciality in digital acquisition. Yifei is passionate… Read More