The time has come for solutioneering communities to rise to the task of creating a global cooperative capable of creating a sustainable world for all. Open source and free-shared tools, tutorials anstructural engineering detailed resources for food, energy, housing, education, Highest Good economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more are already under development to support such a cooperative. Through this open source foundation, we hope to shift global thinking and living to models of cooperation instead of competition and, for the first time in human history, a sustainable world for The Highest Good of all life.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the December 25th, 2016 edition (#196) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is solutioneering communities through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team transferred the third 25% of the written content for the Cognition Lesson Plan to the website, as you see here. This lesson plan purposed to teach all subjects, to all learning levels, in any learning environment, using the central theme of “Cognition” is now 75% completed on our website.
Behind the scenes, we wrote the first 25% section of the written part of the Cosmos Lesson Plan.
We also completed the second 25% of the mindmap for the Consciousness Lesson Plan, bringing it to 50% complete, which you see here:
And we finished updating the icons across all the Lesson Plan pages, here’s an example and we are now 90% done with the total icon update for the Highest Good Education component.
One Community is solutioneering communities through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week, the core team finished reformatting and adding sections to the Vegan Pasta Recipes & Omnivore Pasta Recipes pages, bringing both of the pages to 60% completion. You can see a sample of that work here, on the vegan pasta recipe page:
We also did another update for the appearance of the Highest Good food icons and then updated them on all pages of the website, here’s a picture of the new icons:
One Community is solutioneering communities through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
The core team working with Ashwini Ramesh (Civil Engineer and Project Manager) put another combined total of 20 hours into the crowdfunding campaign we are developing. This week’s focus was more AutoCAD image creation….
….and developing the second half of the Earthbag Municipal/County Involvement and Permitting page:
The core team also reorganized all the images for the Recycled Materials Village (Pod 6) into their respective floors and added initial descriptions for each one. You can see a sample of that work here:
Reorganized all Images for the Recycled Materials Village into their Respective Floors – Click for Page
We also added these three new renders of the living spaces:
Then we completed final edits to the three Tropical Atrium renders shown here and added them to the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) page…
along with the versions without people to the Tropical Atrium page….
….and incorporated them into the 7 villages online book along with updates to the front spread:
….and final render of the Game Room for the Recycled Materials Village (Pod 6) :
In addition to this, we created this new earthbag village water saving net-zero communal toilet page featuring the designs of Samuel Soroaster, Permaculturalist, Sustainable Builder, PhD, and founder of Green New World.
Adrienne Gould-Choquette (Mechanical Engineer) joined the team and finished her first week by taking over creation of the standardized AutoCAD layers and line weights template we are creating. You can see some of how this is developing with these images of the work-in-progress here.
Fernando Remolina (Industrial Engineer specializing in Project Management) continued with his 10th week of managing the Vermiculture Bathroom development with the 5th week of help from Lin Xu (Mechanical Engineering Student) and Jianyu “Lucas” Liang (Mechanical Engineer). This week’s focus, as shown here, was drain design and exploring different ways to connect the main unit to the toilets above.
Lianyi Zhao (Mechanical Engineer) joined the team and began his 1st week of working on the Net-zero Communal Bathroom Designs. This week he began remodeling the designs to better match the AutoCAD drawing and adding SolidWorks model details for the surrounding area in the Earthbag Village (Pod 1).
Dean Scholz (Architectural Designer), continued helping us create quality Cob Village (Pod 3) renders. Here is update 48 of his work that is now focusing on internal home views. What you are seeing is a series of 26 renders continuing the testing and development the lighting in one of these units.
Hamilton Mateca (AutoCAD and Revit Drafter and Designer) also finished his 23rd week helping with the Compressed Earth Block Village (Pod 4) design details. This week’s focus was on developing the front and back perspectives, internal views of the hallways and some of the rooms, roof textures, and other details shown here.
Working off of Aparna’s work, Guy Grossfeld (Graphic Designer) helped with some additional 3DSMax visualization testing of another of the zones for the Compressed Earth Block Village (Pod 4), as shown here.
Zachary Melin (Graphic Designer) also continued developing the Tree House Village (Pod 7) book. What you see here is week 18 of this work that continued with another update to page 51 and newly update pages 52 and 53.
One Community is solutioneering communities through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week the core team continued render creation for the Duplicable City Center. This included more work on the natural pool area where added pond water and bottom-of-the-pond textures, water plants and lilies, and bike racks and bikes…
…plus updating this dining dome render with the new internal color scheme.
Haoxuan “Hayes” Lei (Structural Engineer) and Shuna Ni (Masters of Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering PhD) also continued their work on the City Center structural engineering. This week’s work was continued calculations for the braces and columns and merging and updating all the AutoCAD files to confirm consistency.
And Dipti Dhondarkar, (Electrical Engineer) continued with her 23rd week of work on the lighting specifics for the City Center. This week’s focus was beginning the calculations for how many bulbs will be needed in each zone (now that we’ve chosen them) and beginning to update the spreadsheet, as shown here.
Jinxi Feng (Environmental Consultant) also continued her research helping us create an in-depth laundry and dryer machine sustainability analysis. What you see here is her 16th week of behind-the-scenes work on this area of the project. This week’s focus was beginning creation of an open source tool to compare water and energy savings with different washers and dryers. You can see screenshots of this amazing tool here:
And Renan Dantas (Mechanical Engineer) continued with his 5th week working on creating our next generation of Duplicable City Center sections, layout organization, layer updates, and color updates. You can see the most recent colors, formatting, and updates here.
One Community is solutioneering communities through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week Yuri Witte (Music Composer and Sound Designer)” completed his 8th week of helping create the music that will accompany the new overview video we are planning. This week’s focus was writing a new audio for the background of these blogs. You can hear this here and you can visit Yuri’s SoundCloud to hear his other work with us.
Ashwin Patil (Web Developer) also completed more development of the new search engine beginning to integrate a decision to create multiple smaller engines and successfully testing 3 huge demo engines on one page.