Posted on November 3, 2021
One Community welcomes Brian Storz to the Highest Good Food Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! Brian is a One Community Mentor Team Member and Culinary Project Manager. He has over 14 years of professional experience in the culinary… Read More
Category: Community, One Community, Basics of One Community Tags: One Community Global, Highest Good collaboration, Highest Good collaborators, solution based thinking, One Community volunteer, sustainable food, Creating global sustainability, One Community Announcement, Brian Storz, world change people, menu creation, difference makers, recipe creation, Highest Good food, transition kitchen, creating world change, making a difference
Posted on October 31, 2021
Let’s open source and free-shared everything needed for sustainable eco-community design. One Community is doing this so it includes DIY-replicable models for food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices,… Read More
Category: Community, One Community, Basics of One Community Tags: open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Sustainable Eco-community Design, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building
Posted on October 24, 2021
From our perspective, creating a new sustainability paradigm is possible if we make it easy enough, affordable enough, and demonstrate it as attractive enough to spread on its own. One Community is making this new paradigm “easy enough… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Creating a New Sustainability Paradigm, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village
Posted on October 17, 2021
One Community is forwarding a global eco-cooperative movement for “The Highest Good of All“. We are supporting this through open source and sustainable solutions for food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living,… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Global Eco-cooperative Movement, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions
Posted on October 10, 2021
One path to making sustainability easier is open source sustainability solutions. With this in mind, One Community is creating open source and DIY sustainable solutions for food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Making Sustainability Easier, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability
Posted on October 3, 2021
One Community is focused on building a better world for us all through open source and sustainable solutions for food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. Combined,… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Building a Better World for Us All, transforming the global environment
Posted on September 26, 2021
Is there a better way to thrive? Are we ready to move beyond the competitive structures or capitalism and embrace something more for The Highest Good of All? One Community thinks we are and we’re supporting this by… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, A Better Way to Thrive, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE
Posted on September 19, 2021
Together we can build world-changing cooperatives, collaborative community models working together for a better world for us all. One Community is creating what we feel is the most effective prototype for these: open source  teacher/demonstration hubs designed to share and… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, World-changing Cooperatives, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update
Posted on September 12, 2021
One Community is creating regenerative living models for people and our planet. They include open source and sustainable solutions for food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. One Community will be the first of a global collaborative… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Creating Regenerative Living Models, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building
Posted on September 5, 2021
One Community is a blueprint for sustainable global collaboration. Our 100% volunteer team is developing DIY and open source and free-shared sustainable solutions for food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. We’re also developing the necessary software… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Blueprint for Sustainable Global Collaboration, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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