One Community Welcomes Vassili Biserov to the Translation Team!

One Community welcomes Vassili Biserov to the Translation Team as our newest Partner/Consultant! Writer, Poet and Translator: First and foremost a poet, Vassili took part in the last two editions of 100 Thousands Poets for Change that have taken place in Bologna…. Read More

One Community Welcomes Mateus Barretto to the Infrastructure Design Team!

One Community welcomes Mateus Barretto to the Infrastructure Design Team! Mateus is a 3rd-Year Civil Engineering/Construction Engineering student who also has a LEED 101 certificate. He is graduating in Civil Engineering in Brazil and is currently studying abroad at California State Long Beach. In his last… Read More

One Community Welcomes Philo Jewett to the Web Development Team!

One Community welcomes Philo Jewett to the Web Development Team as our newest Pioneer Member! Web Designer & Photoshop Expert, Videographer, Internet Marketer, and Education Designer/Teacher: Philo has a diversity of experience in artistic creation, marketing and teaching that provides him a unique and… Read More

One Community Welcomes Nelli Levental to the Design and Development Team!

One Community welcomes Nelli Levental to the Design and Development Team! Nelli Levental – MFA of Graphic Design and College Professor: Nelli is an Artist, Functional Designer, Educator and a proud mom of two mature individuals. She has a diverse… Read More

One Community Welcomes Sheng Xu to the Design Team!

One Community welcomes Sheng Xu to the Design Team! Sheng Xu – Mechanical Design Engineer: Following in the footsteps of his grandfather and his father, Sheng is the third mechanical engineer in his family. He received his bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Design and Manufacturing in Sichuan University, China… Read More

One Community Welcomes Matheus Manfredini to the Infrastructure Team!

One Community welcomes Matheus Manfredini to the Infrastructure Team! Matheus Manfredini Montenegro Sutecas – 4th-year Civil Engineering Student, Overall Team Brazil Lead, and Urban Design Coordinator: Matheus is a Brazilian civil engineering student with a passion for urban development, transportation and traffic engineering…. Read More

One Community Welcomes Paige Allison Donatelli to the Design Team!

One Community welcomes Paige Allison Donatelli to the Graphics Design Team! Paige Allison Donatelli – Graphic Design Artist and Champion for Positive Change on Social Media. In 2014, Paige created a social media platform to spread positive change called Namaste Living in a… Read More

One Community Welcomes Sandra Sellani to the Design Team!

One Community welcomes Sandra Sellani to the Food Design Team! Sandra Sellani – Business Author, Speaker, Consultant, and Vegan Chef: Sandra is a business author, speaker, strategist and consultant with more than 20 years experience in branding and marketing. She… Read More

One Community is happy to welcome Green New World to the Highest Good Collaborators Team

Green New World - One Community Partner

One Community is happy to welcome Green New World as our newest member of the Highest Good Collaborator and open source team! Green New World assists in the transition of society by providing services in holistic sustainable living designs and solutions that focus on… Read More

One Community Welcomes Samuel Soroaster to the Design Team!

Samuel Soroaster - Permaculture designer and holistic water systems designer

One Community welcomes Samuel Soroaster to the Design Team! Samuel Soroaster – Permaculturalist, Sustainable Builder, and PhD in Neurophysiology: Samuel is a multiversed being dedicated to spreading Love and holistic sustainable solutions for the betterment of human civilization and the wellbeing of… Read More