One Community Donations Page

For The Highest Good of All

One Community is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization comprised entirely of unpaid volunteers. We are creating what we think is the best foundation for achieving global sustainability. If you like what we’re doing and would like to help, click here… Read More

Search One Community

Helping One Community header, One Community Get Involved, Ways to Help One Community, Ways to improve the world, a world that works for everyone, making a difference in the world, helping world change, facilitation change, positive change, Global Transformation, Making a Difference, One Community Overview, One Community get started, joining One Community, One Community, Sustainable Community, Green Living, open source sustainability, eco-sustainability, Highest Good food, Highest Good housing, Highest Good energy, eco-community, Highest Good society, Highest Good economics, Highest Good for All, Highest Good of All, For The Highest Good, Duplicable City Center, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Shipping Container Village, Recycled Materials Village, Tree House Village, sustainable village, sustainable homes, intentional community, One Community Global, sustainability nonprofit, open source community, open source best practice, open source housing, open source energy, open source food, open source economics, community living, model community, making a difference, A New Way to Live, I new living model, sustainable living, eco-living

This page is the One Community Search Portal. We feel if we can make sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs easy enough, affordable enough, and demonstrate them as a significant enough improvement over how people are living now, they will become… Read More

Vermiculture Eco-toilet Design

Vermiculture Toilet Header, vermiculture waste processing, vermiculture composting, worm composting, earthbag village, earthbag construction, worm composting, Highest Good food, Highest Good housing, One Community

As part of the the open source Earthbag Village (Pod 1), we will be building and are open source project-launch blueprinting an ultra-eco vermiculture (worm composting) solid waste processing option. For county compliance, these Vermiculture Toilets also include a traditional toilet… Read More

Week Two Recipes

Recipes for Week 2- Potato Recipes, Recipes for Potatoes

This page contains a potential menu and recipes for the second week pioneers will be on the property. To see calculations and reasoning behind how the menu was developed, please see our Sustainable Food Nutrition Calculations page. NOTE: In these meal… Read More

Week One Recipes

Recipes for Week 1 - Brown Rice Recipes

This page contains a potential menu and recipes for the first week pioneers will be on the property. To see calculations and reasoning behind how the menu was developed, please see our Sustainable Food Nutrition Calculations page. This page contains:… Read More


transition to self-sufficiency food plan, interim food strategy

In these meal plans, exact measurements are not offered. This will be decided by the chef and the community size. Duplication of meals will also be important to offer economies of scale when buying weekly meals as well… Read More

One Community Consultants and Volunteers: Cocreating & Working Together for World Change

team image, collaboration, One Community team, Highest Good team, One Community collaboration, all-volunteer team, philanthropy, sustainable creation, global team, global cooperative, eco-living, green living

One Community seeks to create and strengthen win-win relationships with other forward-thinking people and organizations throughout the world. Our purpose is to work with those who agree with our four-phase global change strategy and desire to help us in our… Read More

Highest Good Housing

ecobuilding, eco design, sustainability, sustainable architecture

Low-impact development housing is housing we consider for The Highest Good because it is more cost effective, lasts longer, and is built from resources that are readily available. We are operating as a sustainability think tank to demonstrate and build 7… Read More

Seeking Graphic Designers

seeking non-profit collaborators, seeking permaculturalist, seeking general contractor, seeking architect, seeking civil engineer, seeking surveyor, seeking hydrologist, seeking surveyor, seeking computer specialist, seeking videographer, seeking chef

One Community is seeking Graphic Designers who are proficient in applications such as Photoshop, Corel Paintshop, Adobe Indesign and others to join our Core Team or our Volunteer Consultants team. The people who join our team as either volunteers/consultants or members typically fit one or more… Read More

Обруч Дом с Открытым Исходным Кодом информации

hoop house creation, building a hoop house, cost of a hoop house, sustainable food, eco food, extending the growing season, eco food, cheap greenhouse

Как часть стратегии из четырех фазах и методологии One Community для глобальной измены, мы создали следуйщию страницу для проект-запуск планирование с открытым исходным кодом дешёвых и крупномасштабных дома-обручей, которыи будут построинны как частью нашей крупномасштабной садовой стратегии которая,… Read More