One Community is purposed for transitioning our planet into creating global sustainability through open source and free-sharing do-it-yourself tools, tutorials, resources, plans, and instructions for all areas of fulfilled and sustainable living for The Highest Good of All:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. Here is our weekly progress update (#59) covering our development and accomplishments for the week of April 7, 2014 into creating global sustainability:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
We are improving life on Earth through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students, ultimately creating global sustainability:
This last week the core team finished 25% of the Science Subject Molecule, advancing our progress towards creating global sustainability:
Science Molecule – 25% Complete
We are here to create global sustainability through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This last week the core team created this Highest Good food overview poster:
We also finished all 3-D plant placements for the Aesthetic and Diversity-focused Zen Aquapini Design:
Zen Aquapini Sketchup Export
And we added 20 plant variety images and description to the large-scale gardening page. Cole crops, beets, celery, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, alliums, lettuce, peas, tomatoes, radishes, potatoes, squash, capsicum, melons, and parsnips also have complete cultural considerations and planting guidelines included on that page too now… Plus, behind the scenes, we have completed sourcing, researching, and choosing all the specific plant selections for each of these species. This now includes over 350 different varieties that we will now be adding a species at a time to the large-scale gardening page. Here are two examples of new plants added:
![]() Cole Crops | Cole crops are leafy vegetables eaten fresh or cooked, also dried, pickled, and canned. Some forms can be root cellared. The hardiest forms, such as kales can overwinter under mulch. They are highly nutritious, a source of glucosinolates, isothiocyanates and vitamins. |
Brassicas are usually set out in spring as transplants. Spacing is 12″ each way or more; it is important to allow enough root room to provide adequate nutrition for each plant, as brassicas tend to be heavy feeders. Organic mulches are very beneficial as they provide nutrition as they break down, plus create conditions for soil biota that help suppress root maggots and fungal diseases.
Specific cole crop varieties coming soon…
![]() Beets | Beets are an important vegetable from a dietary standpoint; leafy tops are consumed and roots are eaten raw, cooked, (though will lose about 25% of their folate value when cooked) pickled, and canned. They are a dietary source of betaine (trimethylglycine), an important modified amino acid that helps protect cells against osmotic stress, which assists in DNA formation. |
Plant seeds in well-worked soil in spring and rake in lightly. Keep moist until germination occurs. Once stand is thinned, mulch to conserve soil moisture. Light feedings with compost or earthworm casting teas are beneficial, but avoid excessive nitrogen.
Specific beet varieties coming soon…
We are here to create global sustainability through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team created this Highest Good housing overview poster:
We also explored thermal lag, loss, and our specific options for heating the Earthbag Village homes:
Thermal lag is a time unit assigned to a material that indicates the amount of time it takes to heat up or cool down. Heating a material up depends on how much heat it can absorb (Specific Heat, Cp), the rate at which the heat can penetrate (thermal conductivity, k), the density of the material in question (density, ρ) and the thickness of the material. The Lag from heating one side to the other side heating up as well is the thermal lag expressed by:
This means that when our domes experience cyclical temperatures (day and night, seasonal) the temperature inside the domes lags behind. For our domes, we have calculated a 44-day lag in temperature meaning that the exterior temperature would not reflect the un-heated interior temperature of the dome. You can see this depicted in the image below where the blue line represents the average daily temperature of Page, AZ and the red line is the resultant 44-day lag temperature inside the dome. The green line is what a lag of over a year would look like, which happens to be the same principle that creates the 55°F below-ground temperature people reference as the benefit of building in-ground versus above ground.
Temperature Analysis for Page, AZ (not our location)
The good news is that extremely hot days in the summer would benefit from these cooler interiors. The bad news is that after over 44 days of cold temperatures, the inside of the domes are going to reflect that average cooler temperature. At that point trying to heat the structure becomes hard to predict because you not only have to heat the air in the dome, but the material of the dome itself, and the overall trend of the elements cooling the dome over 44 days is hard to offset.
To put it another way, the thermal mass of the domes resists temperature change much like a heavy thing resists changes in velocity (inertia). Once the temperature outside is pushing that mass colder it takes a lot of energy to push back and keep it warm in the space. The equations that represent the system of thermal properties move into the realm of advanced calculus and show traditional heating and insulating of these spaces would be cost prohibitive for our affordability goals for these initial structures.
Thermal Lag Calculations
Castles Used Wall Tapestries
This has led us to consider more creative options for heating with the goal of creating global sustainability. For instance, what if we could change when the tendency of the material to resist temperature changes is desired verses when it is advantageous? One possible solution comes from the middle ages. Castles are not known to be the homiest of places, especially in the winter. To combat the chill coming off the walls in the winter people put up floor to ceiling drapes and tapestries. These cloths added insulation to the inside of the space and kept heat in the room while reducing the amount of heat that was absorbed by the thermal mass of the castle walls.
Other options being considered are space heaters with energy rationing, parabolic dish heaters or electric blankets (heat the person, not the room), and other creative insulation approaches. As we continue to explore all options, the key criteria we are focusing on are affordability, sustainability, labor needs for implementation, maintenance, and our limited energy supplies when using solar, all aimed at creating global sustainability.
Victor Herber designed and checked the stress/load capabilities of the vermiculture toilet removable-frame supports that you see here. These supports need to be removable so they can be placed on the second tray from the bottom to jack all the trays above it up for easy removal and emptying of the bottom one, thereby facilitating the process of creating global sustainability:
Vermiculture Toilet Tray Design Progress
Philip Gill also finished about 70% of the entertainment and dining dome custom furniture design option for the Earthbag Village homes. This design includes built-in seating and an entertainment center, a table for eating or socializing, chifferobe, and ladder access to the loft storage or sleeping area:
Entertainment Dome Custom Furniture Design – 70% Complete
We are here to create global sustainability through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, can provide laundry for over 300 people, beautiful, spacious, saves resources, saves money, and saves space:
This last week’s visible progress for the Duplicable City Center is complements of Karl Harris‘ (Architect Drafter, Designer, and founder of Harris Design & Technology Services) continued progress on the elevations in CAD:
Duplicable City Center continued examples of Elevations in CAD
One Community is focusing on components to help people create global sustainability through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team finished 8 more pages of outlining version 1.0 of the custom and open source Highest Good Network software. We are now about 80% complete with this outline so we can return to the creative coding process, ultimately contributing to creating global sustainability. Here is a screenshot of this work in progress and what can be expected from this application:
Highest Good Network Software Outline – 80% Complete
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together, along with a goal to be creating global sustainability. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration, serving as an example for what is possible in terms of creating global sustainability. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible.
Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow, furthering the cause of creating global sustainability.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: Creating global sustainability, A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living.
The One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent, thus creating global sustainability. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates. They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, by creating global sustainability.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive, further reinforcing the importance of creating global sustainability.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more. For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this, thus fostering a sense of community and commitment to creating global sustainability.
One Community’s four-phase strategy for the creation of solution models that create solution creating models uses open source blueprints for duplication that simultaneously address all aspects of the human experience (food, energy, housing, education, social inequality and injustice, fulfilled living, etc.). We see these areas as interdependent and requiring a comprehensive solution if humanity is to move ecologically, socially, economically, and permanently towards a truly sustainable future for everyone, ultimately contributing to creating global sustainability.
Our open source model and blueprints engage and inspire people while simultaneously making sustainable living more affordable and easy to replicate, further promoting creating global sustainability. By free-sharing the step-by-step plans people need for duplication, inviting people to participate, and demonstrating sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs as a more desirable way of living, the model will predictably expand on its own.
It is this approach we see uniting the world and leading to a new Golden Age for humanity. While we understand that not everyone believes this is even possible, we are nonetheless bringing together all those that do see this as possible as the non-profit think tank of forward-thinking individuals willing to design, build, and open source project-launch blueprint and free-share it for The Highest Good of All at the same time contributing to creating global sustainability.
One Community is building solution-creating models designed to create additional solution-creating models to specifically facilitate exponential and sustainable global teacher/demonstration village growth. The following four phases of the strategy we are applying are designed to support each other and accelerate the process globally:
Phase I: Demonstrating a Better Way
We are designing One Community to demonstrate an experience of living that we believe most people will consider to be better because it will be more enjoyable and fulfilling. We also think most people will consider it better because it is made possible specifically through a foundation of sustainable sustainability and a philosophy that is for The Highest Good of All, ultimately contributing to creating global sustainability.
Phase II: Open Source Project-Launch Blueprinting
Everything we do we are open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing to make it as easy and affordable as possible to duplicate, adapt, and evolve in the manner that suits each individual and/or group’s needs. Free-sharing information like this is our aggressive-exposure engine and an aspect of One Community that will accelerate indefinitely as we continue to build our team, move onto the property, and continuously build and evolve everything that is One Community.
Phase III: Inviting the World to Participate
Everything we are open source project-launch blueprinting is designed to invite the world to participate by duplicating it as either individual components or complete teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that will be able to be built almost anywhere in the world, thereby creating global sustainability. Additionally, people can join One Community as members, consultants and/or partners, or use the suggestions links on our open source project-launch blueprinting hubs to help with the design, implementation, and evolution process. Scholarships, weekend learning and work crews, and tourism will be foundations of One Community once we have sufficient infrastructure in place to support these options.
Phase IV: Universal Appeal and Global Expansion
As One Community continues evolving and establishing ourselves, everything we create and promote will serve as the engine to inspire people to align with the concept of open source and sustainable living for The Highest Good of All, further creating global sustainability. We are doing this to create mainstream appeal and our path to achieving this appeal is demonstrating a happier, more affordable, and ecologically friendly model of living that can be built anywhere in the world.
Open source project-launch blueprinting it all is how we believe the model will spread and, possibly most importantly, that it will predictably spread even faster in the areas where it is needed most because building restrictions, the cost of land, and materials costs are in most cases lower in these areas.
We are creating everything One Community does as open source and free-shared blueprints because we see this as the path to a new Golden Age of creativity, innovation, cooperation, and collaboration for all of humanity, ultimately contributing to creating global sustainability. Our model is a solution model that creates additional solution creating models enabling people to live and collaborate globally for The Highest Good of All. The easier we make everything we do, the faster we see the world transitioning.
Every aspect of this model supports itself and contributes to its success, from the sustainable food, energy, and homes, to the social architecture, One Community Education Program, and open source sharing model itself. Each piece can be accessed, evolved, and even re-birthed as something completely new. It can be duplicated by itself or with other modules, with applications as diverse as the people who want and need them. The constantly expanding total model will additionally be able to be used in its entirety as the open source project-launch blueprint for a variety of duplicate teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities capable of being built virtually anywhere, thereby contributing to creating global sustainability.
The most profound part is: the more we open source share, the more we help move everyone forward, the more people know about what we are doing and can participate, and the more successful and capable we are of project-launch blueprinting and sharing even more still, ultimately leading to creating global sustainability. This is all supported and made possible because:
One Community sees the issues of the world as interdependent and interconnected. To address them simultaneously, we are open-source blueprinting a more advanced standard of living by designing holistic, environmentally-regenerative, self-sustaining, adaptable solutions for all areas of sustainability, thereby contributing to creating global sustainability. We will model these within a comprehensive “village/city” which will be built in the southwestern U.S. This teacher/demonstration hub will be a place people can experience a new way of living and then replicate it with our open source blueprints: creating a model solution that creates additional solution-creating models.