Better Living Through Ecological Living – One Community Weekly Progress Update #353

We can create better living through ecological living. Ecological living that includes sustainable approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, and global stewardship practices can reduce our living expenses, increase… Read More

One Community Welcomes James Herrigel to the Research Team!

One Community welcomes James Herrigel to the Research Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! James is a senior in high school at Jones College Prep in Chicago, Illinois. Although only 17, James is passionate about sustainability and spends much of… Read More

One Community Welcomes Tyler Calvert to the Software Development Team!

One Community welcomes Tyler Calvert to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! Tyler is a software engineer and Texas native who believes strongly in building self-sufficient communities, and the need for the world to transition towards renewable… Read More

One Community Welcomes Jordan Miller to the Software Development Team!

One Community welcomes Jordan Miller to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! Jordan Miller is a web developer from Raleigh, North Carolina. Graduating from the University of North Carolina Coding Bootcamp, he hopes his contribution through programming… Read More