Future Sustainable Cities in Progress – One Community Weekly Progress Update #18

Future sustainable cities need to start somewhere. One Community is that starting point and we are designing seven sustainable city models including do-it-yourself infrastructure for food, housing, energy, and water catchment as well as built-in for-profit and non-profit business infrastructure, an… Read More

How to Make a Change in the World – One Community Weekly Progress Update #17

One Community is purposed to provide people with a clear and positive path for how to make a change in the world while helping themselves. The path to individual life transformation and enrichment that we see as most… Read More

Stewards of the Earth – One Community Weekly Progress Update #15

We are bringing together the stewards of the earth to create a path to earth stewardship for anyone who wants it. Our strategy to accomplishing this is by operating as a for The Highest Good of All 501(c)3 non-profit organization and open… Read More

Open Sourcing our Photovoltaic Systems Design Process and Other Energy Infrastructure Details

One Community’s sustainable energy infrastructure is just one aspect of our blueprints for self-sufficient and self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities strategy to be built around the world. Just as we will be showcasing a diversity of eco building methodologies and alternative food production options, so… Read More

One Community Radio Show Interview!

One Community founder Jae just booked a radio show interview for the week after next. We’ll record it next Tuesday and it will air on three ecologically conscious programs on three different radio stations in either February or… Read More

One Community Welcomes 1Stop Energies as Our Newest Renewable Alternative Energy Partner

We are happy to announce that One Community is now partnered with 1Stop Energies, the makers of the new renewable alternative energy Unification Coil. Invented and created by Daniel & Erica Nunez, the Unification Coil is a product of… Read More

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Open Source Energy Infrastructure Update

Energy efficiency and sustainability go hand in hand and we have spent extensive time exploring the various energy options available with the following criteria in mind: 1.  Sustainability (effective, durable, ethical) 2. Duplicability (can be shipped globally, affordable)… Read More

The Global Sustainability Collaborative – We are Happy and Excited to Lead!

As we’ve announced here before our sustainability non profit organization is A) intent upon leading a global sustainability collaborative and B) the grateful recipient of a $10,000 a month internet marketing grant. After over 6 months of preparation and research… Read More

Open Source Sustainable Food Systems Update

We’ve been busy with infrastructure design details! Here are the initial layouts and aquaponics and walipini combination designs called aquapinis. The three walipini food production systems we will demonstrate as Phase I of the One Community self-sustainable food production plan are:… Read More