Free School Online: One Community Features the Khan Academy as an Ethosolution

Free school online could be the future of education and One Community is happy to feature the Khan Academy as our newest Ethosolution Idea and Ethosolution Organization. The Khan academy free online school/curriculum is easy to use, interesting to watch,… Read More

Supporters of Global Change

One Community is happy to announce three new consultants to our global change team: Doug Pratt –  Solar Expert and Solar Systems Design Engineer: Progressively focused from a young age, when the Arab Oil Embargo occurred it ignited in… Read More

One Community Launches Major Marketing Campaign

We are happy to announce that the final few pieces of a major world change marketing campaign founded on a $10,000 per month grant have fallen into place! This is the culmination of months of work and preparation to… Read More

The Solution to Everything

What would the solution to everything look like? In our opinion a solution like this would ultimately be a  self-perpetuating model that creates solution creating models. Our version of this is duplicable and self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that address… Read More

Why One Community is Creating an Open Source Vermiculture Toilet

One Community is incorporating vermiculture bins into our composting toilet plans as one way to share with the world how to add a compost bin into any human waste disposal plan. Doing this will take composting with worms… Read More

The Benefits of Creating a Culture of “How Can I Help” and “Build On Top Of”

One of the greatest learnings about leadership and team management that we have gained from operating a project of the magnitude and scope of One Community is the value of creating a culture of “how can I help”… Read More

Snatam Kaur: Long Time Sun – Thank You!

Every once in a while something comes along that touches a place deep inside you. For me, Snatam Kaur’s song “Long Time Sun” off the album “Grace” had this effect on me and I raised my son singing… Read More

Thrive: A Wake Up Call

Thrive is a newly released, visual stunning transformational movie about the state of affairs on our planet and some suggestions for solutions and new ways of thinking about the way that we live our lives. The movie is… Read More

(R)Evolution of the American Dream

The growth of the Occupy Wall Street movement has given us an excellent opportunity to stop and think about where we are, and where we are going. A common statement right now is “end economic slavery” and yet… Read More


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