Posted on November 15, 2020
We’re building a model for addressing social inequality with open source sustainability. We’re doing this through open source plans and resources that cover everything from food and housing to education and economics. Together, these open source communities will… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Addressing Social Inequality With Open Source Sustainability, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update
Posted on November 8, 2020
One Community sees itself as a long-term sustainable-change engine that, once started, will continue to grow, improve, and replicate on its own. To make this possible, we’re open sourcing everything necessary to build the prototype and invite people… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Long-term Sustainable-change Engine, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village
Posted on November 1, 2020
One Community sees a global eco-collaborative movement as the pathway to a sustainable world that will benefit all people and life on this planet. We are supporting this with the open source and free-shared plans necessary to build… Read More
Category: Community, One Community, Basics of One Community Tags: open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Global Eco-collaborative Movement, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building
Posted on October 25, 2020
It’s time for experiential social change. Rather than tell people we need a sustainable planet, let’s provide an experience of living that is better than how most people are living right now because it is built on a… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Experiential Social Change, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions
Posted on October 18, 2020
Let’s talk about eco-renovating our collaborative models. Right now it seems most of society is founded more on competition than collaboration. What if we changed that focus to be cooperative instead, and built it on a foundation of… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Eco-renovating Our Collaborative Models, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability
Posted on October 11, 2020
Conscientious community creation is one possible foundation for global regeneration. One Community is supporting this through open source plans for a self-replicating prototype. It includes open source, sustainable, and DIY-replicable approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, One Community, Community Tags: better is possible, for the highest good of all, Conscientious Community Creation, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress
Posted on October 4, 2020
What does a blueprint for widespread and lasting sustainability look like? One Community’s vision is a global collaborative of self-replicating eco-communities working together for the “Highest Good” of all people and life on this planet. We’re creating the… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, RBE, permaculture, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, addressing climate change, One Community Update, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, grass roots sustainability, open source, open source food, the betterment of society, self-sufficiency, non profit, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, radical sustainability, sustainable living, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source housing, open source sustainability, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source design, global sustainability, Education For Life progress, better is possible, Widespread and Lasting Sustainability, for the highest good of all, transforming the global environment, sustainable community building, solution based thinking, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, Permaculture Communities, one community, Highest Good housing, food forest, resource based economy, green living
Posted on September 27, 2020
One Community has spent the last 10 years creating an open source global conservation model. It covers all aspects of a sustainable civilization for the 21st century. Sustainable approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, and global stewardship… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Global Conservation Model, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food
Posted on September 20, 2020
Adaptable solutions for eco-living are needed if we are to reach the necessary level of involvement to achieve global change. One Community is supporting this through open sourcing and free sharing all the eco-living components needed to build… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, One Community, Community Tags: global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Adaptable Solutions for Eco-living, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing, One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub
Posted on September 13, 2020
One Community is about building DIY sustainable eco-villages that provide a better, healthier, and more enriching living experience. Our open source and free-shared designs include sustainable and “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: One Community progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, global sustainability, open source design, Education For Life progress, better is possible, for the highest good of all, Building DIY Sustainable Eco-villages, transforming the global environment, solution based thinking, sustainable community building, Earthbag Village, Highest Good education, one community, Permaculture Communities, Highest Good housing, food forest, green living, resource based economy, Highest Good food, sustainable civilization building, permaculture, RBE, Highest Good society, creating global solutions, One Community Update, addressing climate change, Education for Life update, creating a new world paradigm, open source, grass roots sustainability, open source food, the betterment of society, non profit, self-sufficiency, ecological living, creating holistic transformational change, sustainable living, radical sustainability, solutions that create solutions, regenerative world building, open source sustainability, open source housing
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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