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Helping All People, Everywhere – One Community Weekly Progress Update #125

Creating a sustainable world is a path to helping all people, everywhere. The components of this sustainable world will spread faster if they move beyond just food, energy, and housing to also include recreation, education, Highest Good economics, and stewardship practices. One Community calls this living and creating for The Highest Good of All:

Helping All People, Everywhere, One Community Weekly Progress Update #125


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward the movement of helping all people, everywhere as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the August 16th, 2015 edition (#125) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Helping All People, Everywhere
One Community Progress Update #125

Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:






  • Began updating the Sketchup 3-D for the Duplicable City Center (see below)
  • Began working on the specifics of the rainwater catchment design for around the base of the domes (see below)
  • Renata started the components list, cost analysis, and efficiency assessment for the windows and doors of the Duplicable City Center (see below)
  • Mayke created an online version of the projects control table and reviewed the architectural designs for the Shipping Container Village and the Earthship Village (see below)
  • Ricardo Carrillo and the Structural Intern Team completed the analysis of the influence wind has on all the domes, completed analyzing the internal structures for the three domes, and finalized the sizing for the secondary beams for the cupola-system (see below)
  • The Hydraulics Intern Team continued work on the cold and potable water layout, started the fire protection sprinkler system and completed designs for the plumbing components (see below)
  • Mike Hogan guided the Electrical Intern Team in another round of improvements to the layout for the control panel that makes the electrical devices in the Duplicable City Center automated, intelligent and energy efficient (see below)



How you can most help us right now and how anyone can help



One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr




One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is focused on helping all people, everywhere through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:

Learn about the components: Education open source hub

Learn how the components work together: How to use the Education for Life Program

This last week the core team wrote the final 50% of the Planet Earth lesson plan behind the scenes, then added that content to the website, bringing the written part of this lesson plan to 100% complete on the site:

Helping All People, Everywhere - Planet Earth Lesson Plan, One Community

Helping All People, Everywhere – Planet Earth Lesson Plan Complete – Click to Visit Page

In addition, we wrote the first 50% of the content for the Quantity and Quality lesson plan behind the scenes.

We also created the first 50% of the mindmap for the Planet Earth lesson plan and added it to the web page. You can see that mindmap here:

Helping All People, Everywhere - Planet Earth Mindmap in Progress , One Community

Helping All People, Everywhere – Planet Earth Mindmap 50% Complete – Click to Visit Page

And we featured the Outer Space lesson plan across our social media channels, using this image that Lucas from the Graphic Design Intern Team helped us create:

Helping All People, Everywhere - outer space lesson plan, one community, teaching outer space, learning outer space

Helping All People, Everywhere – Outer Space Lesson Plan Featured – Click to Visit Page


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is focused on helping all people, everywhere through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

Learn about the structures: Hoop House Hub | Aquapini & Walipini Open Source Hub

See what we’ll be growing: Gardens & Hoop Houses | Large-scale Structures | Food Forest | TA

This last week the core team featured the open source asparagus hub across our social media channels, using this image that we created:

Helping All People, Everywhere - Asparagus collage, One Community

Helping All People, Everywhere – Featured Asparagus Hub with New Social Imagery – Click to Visit

We also researched and added additional recipes to the open source achochas hub, which you can see here. More recipes from our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan will be added to each of the individual hubs in the future.

Helping All People, Everywhere - achocha recipes, One Community

Helping All People, Everywhere – Added Achocha Recipes – Click to Visit the Open Source Hub

Last but not least, we added three new delicious recipes from Sandra Sellani (Vegan Chef and author of What’s Your BQ?) to the Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan – These recipes are: Quinoa Breakfast, Greek Salad in a Jar, and Field Roast Sausage and Latkes Poppers:

Vegan Recipes, One Community - Helping All People, Everywhere

New Vegan Recipes Added to Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan Page – Click to Visit


Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is focused on helping all people, everywhere through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

Learn about: Our Upcoming Crowdfunding Campaign

Learn about the different village models: 7 Sustainable Village Models

Visit the open source portals for the first two: Earthbag Village OS Hub | Straw Bale Village OS Hub

This last week the core team finished the final 35% of the open source camp setup specifics for the upcoming crowdfunding campaign.

This included a final review of the document and adding FDA approved serving & food prep gloves, auger bits, rearranging the order of entities, adding tarps & sleeping pads, deleting a few items, and researching 4 different types of rope to determine the best choice for minimizing UV degradation.

We are now 100% complete with this document.

Helping All People, Everywhere - camp setup behind the scenes, One Community

Behind-the-Scenes Camp Setup Specifics for Upcoming Crowdfunding Campaign – 100% Complete – Click to Visit

Sayonara (a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team) updated the 3D model of the shower dome in the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) and the 3D model of a new roof for the cupola of the Duplicable City Center.

She also brought the floor plans of the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2) to 90% completion:

Helping All People, Everywhere - Sayonara (a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team) updated the 3D model of the shower dome in the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) and the 3D model of a new roof for the cupola of the Duplicable City Center. She also brought the floor plans of the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2) to 90% completion

Updated 3D Model of Earthbag Village Shower Dome and Duplicable City Center Roof

Civil Engineering intern Matheus finished the last 20% of the LEED Tutorial document, so it is now 100% complete behind the scenes. He also gathered all the questions related to our projects that will help us understand how to achieve LEED v4 certification for each of the 7 villages as we build them.

Helping All People, Everywhere - Civil Engineering intern Matheus finished the last 20% of the LEED Tutorial document, so it is now 100% complete behind the scenes. He also gathered all the questions related to our projects that will help us understand how to achieve LEED v4 certification for each of the 7 villages as we build them.

Completed LEED Tutorial Document and Research on LEED v4 Certification – Click To Visit Page

Adolpho and Jorge from our Mechanical Engineering Intern Team brought the design for the vermiculture bathrooms in the Earthbag Village to 100% complete, and finished the report for their designs and calculations.

Helping All People, Everywhere - Adolpho and Jorge from our Mechanical Engineering Intern Team brought the design for the vermiculture bathrooms in the Earthbag Village to 100% complete, and finished the report for their designs and calculations.

Completed Earthbag Village Vermiculture Bathroom Design and Finished Report – Click for Page

Fernando and Amauri, who are also both members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, researched where to buy the materials they need so they can build a prototype of the shower heat exchanger.

They also ran simulation on the heat exchanger using ABS pipes, and the results were the same as they were with PVC pipes.

Fernando and Amauri, who are also both members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, researched where to buy the materials they need so they can build a prototype of the shower heat exchanger. They also ran simulation on the heat exchanger using ABS pipes, and the results were the same as they were with PVC pipes. - Helping All People, Everywhere

Research for Materials for Shower Heat Exchanger Prototype and Simulations Ran using ABS Pipes

Welma edited, reviewed, and changed the format of her tutorials on waterproofing and composting toilets. She also researched and contacted sellers of new aircrete mixers for further information.

Helping All People, Everywhere - Welma edited, reviewed, and changed the format of her tutorials on waterproofing and composting toilets. She also researched and contacted sellers of new aircrete mixers for further information.

Continued Research on Waterproofing, Composting Toilets and Aircrete Mixers – Click for Page

Meanwhile, Samantha and Flávia, members of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, worked on a process book and additional renders for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5).

Additionally, Samantha wrote DIALux tutorials and Flavia did the first draft of the recycled pallet bed frame for the units in the Duplicable City Center and designed the interior layout for the Cob Village (Pod 3).

Meanwhile, Samantha and Flávia, members of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, worked on a process book and additional renders for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5). Additionally, Samantha wrote DIALux tutorials and Flavia did the first draft of the recycled pallet bed frame for the units in the Duplicable City Center and designed the interior layout for the Cob Village (Pod 3). - Helping All People, Everywhere

Helping All People, Everywhere – Continued Work on Village Development – Click for Page

Raquel and Diana, also members of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, researched case studies to plan the exterior areas for the Earthship Village (Pod 6) and developed the layout of its common areas. They rearranged the floor plan to add more toilets and fire escapes.

Helping All People, Everywhere - Raquel and Diana, also members of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, researched case studies to plan the exterior areas for the Earthship Village (Pod 6) and developed the layout of its common areas. They rearranged the floor plan to add more toilets and fire escapes.

Helping All People, Everywhere – Continued Work on Earthship Village (Pod 6) – Click to Visit Page

ErikaPedro, and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team improved their preliminary designs of the Compressed Earth Block Village (Pod 4) to include the best solar orientation during the Winter Solstice and began designing the village in Revit.

They also updated the final lighting design reports for both the Duplicable City Center and the Earthbag Village.

Helping All People, Everywhere - Erika, Pedro, and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team improved their preliminary designs of the Compressed Earth Block Village (Pod 4) to include the best solar orientation during the Winter Solstice and began designing the village in Revit. They also updated the final lighting design reports for both the Duplicable City Center and the Earthbag Village.

Continued Work on Compressed Earth Block Village (Pod 4) and other Villages – Click for Pod 4

Sarah, another member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, continued research for Tree House Village (Pod 7), and focused on finding sustainable, lightweight, high R-value insulation for the treehouse structures.

Helping All People, Everywhere - Sarah, another member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, continued research for Tree House Village (Pod 7), and focused on finding sustainable, lightweight, high R-value insulation for the treehouse structures.

Helping All People, Everywhere – Continued Research for Tree House Village (Pod 7) – Click for Page

Thais from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team started developing the dimensions of the rooms for the Tree House Village. She also worked on the the site plan and floor plans.

Helping All People, Everywhere - Thais from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team started developing the dimensions of the rooms for the Tree House Village. She also worked on the the site plan and floor plans.

Helping All People, Everywhere – Tree House Village Site, Floor Plan and Room Development

Gabriel finished new renders for the furniture inside the 3-dome clusters in the Earthbag Village, which include updated lighting and materials. He also created preliminary images for the Duplicable City Center’s pallet furniture.

Helping All People, Everywhere - Gabriel finished new renders for the furniture inside the 3-dome clusters in the Earthbag Village, which include updated lighting and materials. He also created preliminary images for the Duplicable City Center's pallet furniture.

New Renders for Earthbag Village and Duplicable City Center Furniture – Click for Earthbag Village

Gilberto from the Graphic Design Intern Team, started to create 3D models for the kitchen dome. This will be added to our website in a format that user can interact with, with abilities to zoom in and out, and rotate the dome.

Helping All People, Everywhere - Gilberto from the Graphic Design Intern Team, started to create 3D models for the kitchen dome. This will be added to our website in a format that user can interact with, with abilities to zoom in and out, and rotate the dome.

Helping All People, Everywhere – 3D Models for the Kitchen Dome – Click to Visit Crowdfunding Page

And finally, Ana corrected some problems in the structure of the Ultimate Classroom’s projection dome.

Helping All People, Everywhere - And finally, Ana corrected some problems in the structure of the Ultimate Classroom’s projection dome.

Corrected Structural Problems of the Ultimate Classroom’s Projection Dome – Click for Page


duplicable city center, solution based thinking, One Community, SEGO Center, city hub, recreation center, eco center, sustainable living, ecological living, green living, eco-recreation, group laundry center, for The Highest Good of AllOne Community is focused on helping all people, everywhere through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

Learn about this building and it’s function: Duplicable City Center Open Source Hub

This week the core team began updating the Sketchup 3-D for the Duplicable City Center. This weeks’ focus was on the new elevator and stairwell placement and design plus the new cupola roof design. We’d say we’re about 10% complete with the 3-D update:

Helping All People, Everywhere - Duplicable City Center 3-D, One Community

Helping All People, Everywhere – Began Updating the Sketchup 3-D for the Duplicable City Center

We also began working on the specifics of the rainwater catchment design for around the base of the domes. You can see this work here:

Helping All People, Everywhere - Duplicable City Center rainwater catchment design, One Community

Helping All People, Everywhere – Rainwater Catchment Design – Click to Visit Duplicable City Center

Civil Engineering intern Renata started the components list, cost analysis, and efficiency assessment for the windows and doors of the Duplicable City Center, including all the National Fenestration Rating Council values and the code requirements for Egress windows:

Helping All People, Everywhere - Civil Engineering intern Renata started the components list, cost analysis, and efficiency assessment for the windows and doors of the Duplicable City Center, including all the National Fenestration Rating Council values and the code requirements for Egress windows:

Helping All People, Everywhere – Window and Door Work for Duplicable City Center – Click to Visit

Mayke created an online version of the projects control table and reviewed the architectural designs for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5) and the Earthship Village (Pod 6):

Helping All People, Everywhere - Mayke created an online version of the projects control table and reviewed the architectural designs for the Shipping Container Village and the Earthship Village:

Online Version of Projects Control Table and Review of Architectural Designs for Pods 5 & 6

Ricardo Carrillo (Design Consultant and Principal of Acumen Industriesand the Structural Intern Team (AntonioGabrielBeatrizFernando, Rodrigo, and Maurilio) completed the analysis of the influence wind has on all the domes, completed analyzing the internal structures for the three domes, and finalized the sizing for the secondary beams for the cupola-system:

Helping All People, Everywhere - Ricardo Carrillo (Design Consultant and Principal of Acumen Industries) and the Structural Intern Team (Antonio, Gabriel, Beatriz, Fernando, Rodrigo, and Maurilio) completed the analysis of the influence wind has on all the domes, completed analyzing the internal structures for the three domes, and finalized the sizing for the secondary beams for the cupola-system:

Helping All People, Everywhere – Structural Analysis and Continued Work for the Duplicable City

DiogoIzadoraJoaoMateus, and Roberto from the Hydraulics Intern Team added an additional 60% to the cold and potable water layout, bringing that to 80% complete. They then worked on the fire protection sprinkler system and brought the 2D image of it to 60% completion and the 3D image to 80% completion.

They also completed the designs for the plumbing components according to LEED V4 specification. And finally, they linked all their individual work together into one final, combined project.

Helping All People, Everywhere - Diogo, Izadora, Joao, Mateus, and Roberto from the Hydraulics Intern Team added an additional 60% to the cold and potable water layout, bringing that to 80% complete. They then started the fire protection sprinkler system and brought the 2D image of it to 60% completion and the 3D image to 80% completion. They also completed the designs for the plumbing components according to LEED V4 specification. And finally, they linked all their individual work together into one final, combined project.

Helping All People, Everywhere – Continued Hydraulics Work on the Duplicable City Center

And finally, Mike Hogan (Automation Systems Developer and Business Systems Consultant) guided FabioLucas de SouzaLucas Tsutsui da SilvaGuilherme, HenriqueTiago, and Israel of the Electrical Intern Team in another round of improvements to the layout for the control panel that makes the electrical devices in the Duplicable City Center automated, intelligent and energy efficient.

They also worked on aligning the electrical in the City Center to commercial standards according to the 2014 National Electrical Code for U.S. requirements.

Helping All People, Everywhere - And finally, Mike Hogan (Automation Systems Developer and Business Systems Consultant) guided Fabio, Lucas de Souza, Lucas Tsutsui da Silva, Guilherme, Henrique, Tiago, and Israel of the Electrical Intern Team in another round of improvements to the layout for the control panel that makes the electrical devices in the Duplicable City Center automated, intelligent and energy efficient. They also worked on aligning the electrical in the City Center to commercial standards according to the 2014 National Electrical Code for U.S. requirements.

Continued Work on the Control Panel for the City Center and Aligning the Electrical


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is focused on helping all people, everywhere through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

Read the Highest Good society overview: Highest Good Society

Learn about the model for fulfilled living and sharing: A Day in the Life

Learn about the 4 economic modelsRBE | For-profit | Non-profit | Entrepreneurship

Learn about our open source community collaboration and management software: The Highest Good Network

This last week the core team continued the updating of our entire website to be mobile friendly. This week’s work included correcting the final 40+ pages of formatting errors. This brings us to 95% complete with only 115 old blogs to be updated.

Helping All People, Everywhere - Updating the Website, One Community

Helping All People, Everywhere – Continued Updating Our Entire Website to be Mobile Friendly

Lucas from the Graphic Design Intern Team created logo options based on the current One Community logo design, as you can see here:

Helping All People, Everywhere - Lucas from the Graphic Design Intern Team created logo options based on the current One Community logo design, as you can see here:

Helping All People, Everywhere – Created New Logo Options Based on the Current Logo

Manuella, also part of the Graphic Design Intern Team worked with Carolina, a service design student, on correcting transcripts and storyboards for the videos they are creating for the Tree House Village.

They also continued their work on the online presentation book for this village, and added updates to the village’s layout and structures.

Helping All People, Everywhere - Manuella, also part of the Graphic Design Intern Team worked with Carolina, a service design student, on correcting transcripts and storyboards for the videos they are creating for the Tree House Village. They also continued their work on the online presentation book for this village, and added updates to the village's layout and structures.

Continued Work on Online Presentation Book for Tree House Village – Click to Visit Page

Eduardo, another member of the Graphic Design Intern Team, created a storyboard for the One Community promotional video. He also created collages, synced the audio, revised, and finished the portion of our weekly video blog update that reports the work the interns complete.

Helping All People, Everywhere - Eduardo, another member of the Graphic Design Intern Team, created a storyboard for the One Community promotional video. He also created collages, synced the audio, revised, and finished the portion of our weekly video blog update that reports the work the interns complete.

Created One Community Promotional Video Storyboard and Finished the Weekly Video Blog

Graphic Design Intern Manasses created text documents to explain the creation process for the online presentations he is creating for all seven of One Community’s villages:

Graphic Design Intern Manasses created text documents to explain the creation process for the online presentations he is creating for all seven of One Community’s villages:, helping all people, everywhere

Continued Work on Online Presentations for All Seven of One Community’s Villages – Click to Visit

IgorMarcoMatheus, and Natalia of the Software Development Intern Team, continued working on updates to the Highest Good Network application and database, which included programming the report pages, defining the requirements of the badge systems, and completing the setup page:

Igor, Marco, Matheus, and Natalia of the Software Development Intern Team, continued working on updates to the Highest Good Network application and database, which included programming the report pages, defining the requirements of the badge systems, and completing the setup page:, helping all people, everywhere

Continued Work on the Highest Good Network application and Database – Click to Visit Page

And last but not least, Gustavo (Mobile Software Developer) continued work on the One Community iPhone app included bug fixes, finishing the QR scanner, and work on the comment feature which allows real time communication between collaborators:

And last but not least, Gustavo (Mobile Software Developer) continued work on the One Community iPhone app included bug fixes, finishing the QR scanner, and work on the comment feature which allows real time communication between collaborators:, helping all people, everywhere

Helping All People, Everywhere – Contined Work on One Community iPhone Application


FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS (click icons for our pages)

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OVERVIEW       ●       LOCATION       ●       FUNDING




Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – One Community Weekly Progress Update #124

Eco-renovating the standard of living is one path to building a sustainable world. This means building a new way of life (for all those who desire it) based on sustainable living principles that provide a better and more affordable living experience through collaborative community living. For many this will be a path to more time and less debt, or better education, or social equality and a more fair form of self-governance. Others will choose it for sustainability reasons or because they like to live, create, and make a difference for The Highest Good of All. One Community is doing and open sourcing this for all of these reasons and more:

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living, One Community Weekly Progress Update #124


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward the movement of eco-renovating the standard of living as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the August 9th, 2015 edition (#124) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living
One Community Progress Update #124

Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:






  • Renata designed the cupola roof for the Duplicable City Center and made models of the roofs for the shower pods in the Earthbag Village (see below)
  • Flávia started the interior design studies for the City Center and designed a wardrobe made from used pallets for the rental units (see below)
  • Mayke added additional new files to the intern team’s file system and developed a tutorial for the windows (see below)
  • Ricardo Carrillo and the Structural Intern Team finished the internal main structure for the entertainment and dining domes, and analyzed the internal main structure for the residential dome and the cupola system. They also worked on calculating areas to assess wind loads and created a new numbering assignment for the beams to account for the wind (see below)
  • The Hydraulics Intern Team finished another 80% of the grey water sewer pipe sizing and layouts and continued developing a fire sprinkler system. They also moved the accessible shower in the bathroom and they completed the cold potable water report and worked on the layout of all the pipes and fittings (see below)
  • Mike Hogan guided the Electrical Intern Team in updating the standard design for the control panel that will be used for the bathrooms and bedrooms. The team also created the electrical wiring layout for the main rooms and bedrooms of the Duplicable City Center (see below)


  • Continued the updating of our entire website to be mobile friendly (see below)
  • Lucas created a new set of additional variations of possible logos as well as an animated logo option (see below)
  • Manuella started creating an online presentation book for the Tree House Village (see below)
  • Eduardo created collages of images taken from the intern team’s weekly work. He also synced the audio, revised, and finished the weekly video blog (see below)
  • Manasses continued preparing the online presentation document for all seven of One Community’s villages (see below)
  • The Software Development Intern Team made additional upgrades to the Highest Good Network application and the database, and developed the prototype of the report page that you see here (see below)
  • Gustavo continued working on the One Community iPhone application (see below)




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr




One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is eco-renovating the standard of living through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:

This last week the core team transferred the first 50% of the content for the Planet Earth lesson plan to the website:

transferred the first 50% of the content for the Planet Earth lesson plan to the website, One Community - Eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Planet Earth Lesson Plan – 50% Complete – Click to Visit

In addition, behind the scenes we wrote another 30% of that Planet Earth lesson plan, so it is now 65% written.

We also completed and added the final 50% of the mindmap for the Outer Space lesson plan to the webpage:

Outer Space Mindmap Complete, One Community - Eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Outer Space Mindmap Complete – Click to Visit Page

Lucas from the Graphic Design Intern Team helped us create this new image for the Communication lesson plan, which we featured this week across our social media channels:

communication lesson plan, one community, teaching communication, learning communication - Eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Communication Lesson Plan Featured – Click to Visit Page


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is eco-renovating the standard of living through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This last week the core team finished the final social media imagery and featured our open source bitter melon hub:

Bitter Melon collage, One Community, eco-renovating the standard of living

Featured Bitter Melon Hub with New Social Imagery – Click to Visit

We also researched and added two additional recipes to the open source oca hub. More recipes from our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan will be added to each of the individual hubs in the future.

oca recipes, One Community, eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Added Two Oca Recipes – Click to Visit the Open Source Hub

Last but not least, we added three new tasty recipes from Sandra Sellani (Vegan Chef and author of What’s Your BQ?) to the Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan – These recipes are: Roasted Poblano Breakfast Burrito, Cornmeal & Veggie Pizza, and Roasted Poblano Pepper & Tortilla Soup:

vegan recipes, One Community - Eco-renovating the standard of living, eco-renovating the standard of living

New Vegan Recipes Added to Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan Page – Click to Visit


Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is eco-renovating the standard of living through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This last week the core team finished integrating the pathway and landscaping updates for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) central area.

This meant cleaning the file, merging everything, adding rails for stairs, updating the toilet roof, adding the Tropical Atrium, working on a couple of different designs for the toilet building entrance, and merging the final design into the whole Earthbag Village file. 

Here you can see the completely integrated village for the first time with all the new buildings, paths, and landscaping in place:

 finished integrating the pathway and landscaping updates for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) central area., eco-renovating the standard of living

Finished Integrating the Pathway and Landscaping Updates for Earthbag Village Central Area

Behind the scenes we also completed another 15% of the open source camp setup specifics for the upcoming crowdfunding campaign.

This week’s efforts focused on reviews, edits, additions, alterations, and photos of the Camp Setup doc, adding garbage bags, sisal twine, clothes pins, cordless drill & bit.

Eliminating some of the transitory kitchen items not suitable for our needs, replacing range/oven with portable propane burners, determining clothesline design and adding a narrative for tripod design for a clothesline, plus researching pressure cookers.

Here are some of the new additions and this brings us to 80% complete with this action item.

 Behind the scenes we also completed another 15% of the open source camp setup specifics for the upcoming crowdfunding campaign. Eco-renovating the standard of living, eco-renovating the standard of living

Behind-the-Scenes Camp Setup Specifics for Upcoming Crowdfunding Campaign – 80% Complete

Sayonara (a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team) calculated and studied shadows in the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2) by creating 3D models and simulations. She also updated the central building of the village to improve the structural integrity:

Sayonara (a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team) calculated and studied shadows in the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2) by creating 3D models and simulations. She also updated the central building of the village to improve the structural integrity:, eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Continued Work on the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2)

Civil engineering interns Matheus and Renata completed the final 30% of the calculations for the reciprocal roof in the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) shower domes, bringing that to 100% complete.

Matheus also completed the final reports for the cistern system, the earthbag village’s new designs, and the structural calculations. He also completed another 50% of the LEED tutorial document, bringing it to 80% complete:

Civil engineering interns Matheus and Renata completed the final 30% of the calculations for the reciprocal roof in the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) shower domes, bringing that to 100% complete. Matheus also completed the final reports for the cistern system, the earthbag village’s new designs, and the structural calculations. He also completed another 50% of the LEED tutorial document, bringing it to 80% complete:, eco-renovating the standard of living

Completed Calculations for Reciprocal Roof in Earthbag Village Shower Domes – Click to Visit Page

Adolpho and Jorge from our Mechanical Engineering Intern Team completed a 3D model of the laundry room heat exchanging system. They also modeled the shower heat recovery system for the Earthbag Village:

Adolpho and Jorge from our Mechanical Engineering Intern Team completed a 3D model of the laundry room heat exchanging system. They also modeled the shower heat recovery system for theEarthbag Village, eco-renovating the standard of living

3D Model of Laundry Room Heat Exchanging System & Shower Heat Recovery System for Earthbag

Fernando and Amauri, who are also members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, continued improving the efficiency of the heat exchanger for the laundry room, which included trying new angles for the connections and running new simulations:

Fernando and Amauri, who are also members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, continued improving the efficiency of the heat exchanger for the laundry room, which included trying new angles for the connections and running new simulations, eco-renovating the standard of living

Continued Improving the Efficiency of the Heat Exchanger for Laundry Room – Click for Page

Welma researched aerated concrete and foaming agents. She also analyzed options for aerated concrete mixers:

a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving life

Meanwhile, Samantha, a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, added modifications to the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5) and generated additional renders. She also worked on lighting simulations for the dining and living domes in DIALux.

Meanwhile, Samantha, a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, added modifications to the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5) and generated additional renders. She also worked on lighting simulations for the dining and living domes in DIALux., eco-renovating the standard of living

Additional Modifications and Renders of Shipping Container Village – Click to Visit Page

Raquel and Diana, also members of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, continued researching earthship construction methods and designing 2D and 3D floor plans for the Earthship Village (Pod 6). They expanded the second floor of the village and added balconies to it:

a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving life

Research & Designing 2D and 3D Floor Plans for Earthship Village – Click to Visit Page

ErikaPedro, and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team started designing the Compressed Earth Block Village (Pod 4). For this, they researched fabrication, construction techniques, and structural behavior of earth blocks.

Then, they determined some initial concepts for this village based on a central theme and created preliminary sketches.

Erika, Pedro, and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team started designing the Compressed Earth Block Village (Pod 4). For this, they researched fabrication, construction techniques, and structural behavior of earth blocks. Then, they determined some initial concepts for this village based on a central theme and created preliminary sketches., eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Started Designing the Compressed Earth Block Village (Pod 4)

Sarah, another member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, continued research on how to build and stabilize tree house structures for the Tree House Village (Pod 7).

She focused on the architectural uses of bamboo and how we may be able to incorporate bamboo and other lighter weight building materials:

Sarah, another member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, continued research on how to build and stabilize tree house structures for the Tree House Village (Pod 7). She focused on the architectural uses of bamboo and how we may be able to incorporate bamboo and other lighter weight building materials:, eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Continued Tree House Village (Pod 7) Research – Click to Visit

Thais from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, and Carolina, a Service Design student, worked together on finalizing the major decisions for the Tree House Village design. They researched different themes for the designs and created a bubble diagram of the layout of all of the buildings. They also worked on the online article about this village for our website.

Thais from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, and Carolina, a Service Design student, worked together on finalizing the major decisions for the Tree House Village design. They researched different themes for the designs and created a bubble diagram of the layout of all of the buildings. They also worked on the online article about this village for our website., eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Finalizing Major Decisions for Tree House Village Design

Gabriel, an Industrial Design Student on our Graphic Design Intern Team, used Photoshop to finish painting some of the hand-drawn storyboards for the Tree House Village. He also completed a 3D model of the 3- dome cluster for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1):

Gabriel, an Industrial Design Student on our Graphic Design Intern Team, used Photoshop to finish painting some of the hand-drawn storyboards for the Tree House Village. He also completed a 3D model of the 3- dome cluster for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1):, eco-renovating the standard of living

Used Photoshop to Finish Painting Some of the Hand-Drawn Storyboards for the Tree House Village

Gilberto from the Graphic Design Intern Team created a 3D model of the Murphy bed for the Earthbag Village:

Gilberto from the Graphic Design Intern Team created a 3D model of the Murphy bed for the Earthbag Village:, eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Created 3D model of the Murphy Bed for the Earthbag Village

And finally, Ana turned her 2D model of the transitory kitchen into a 3D model in Revit, and then began the selection and design of the projection dome for our ‘Ultimate Classroom’.

And finally, Ana turned her 2D model of the transitory kitchen into a 3D model in Revit, and then began the selection and design of the projection dome for our ‘Ultimate Classroom’.eco-renovating the standard of living

3D Transitory kitchen Model in Revit and Began Selection & Design the Projection Dome


duplicable city center, solution based thinking, One Community, SEGO Center, city hub, recreation center, eco center, sustainable living, ecological living, green living, eco-recreation, group laundry center, for The Highest Good of AllOne Community is eco-renovating the standard of living through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

Civil engineering intern Renata designed the cupola roof and measured elevations for the Duplicable City Center. She also made some models of the roofs for the shower pods in the Earthbag Village:

Mayke added additional new files to the intern team’s file system and developed a tutorial for the windows, which will be used for all the various types of architecture:, eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Added Additional New Files to the Intern Team’s File System

Flávia from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team started the interior design studies for the City Center, which included researching sustainable materials and harmonious color palettes. She also designed a wardrobe made from used pallets for the rental units:

Flávia from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team started the interior design studies for the City Center, which included researching sustainable materials and harmonious color palettes. She also designed a wardrobe made from used pallets for the rental units:, eco-renovating the standard of living

Began Interior Design Studies for City Center & Designed Wardrobe Made for Rental Units

Mayke added additional new files to the intern team’s file system and developed a tutorial for the windows, which will be used for all the various types of architecture:

Mayke added additional new files to the intern team’s file system and developed a tutorial for the windows, which will be used for all the various types of architecture:, eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Added Additional New Files to the Intern Team’s File System

Ricardo Carrillo (Design Consultant and Principal of Acumen Industriesand the Structural Intern Team (AntonioGabrielBeatrizFernando, Rodrigo, and Maurilio) finished the internal main structure for the entertainment and dining domes, and analyzed the internal main structure for the residential dome and the cupola system.

They also worked on calculating areas to assess wind loads and created a new numbering assignment for the beams to account for the wind.

Ricardo Carrillo (Design Consultant and Principal of Acumen Industries) and the Structural Intern Team (Antonio, Gabriel, Beatriz, Fernando, Rodrigo, and Maurilio) finished the internal main structure for the entertainment and dining domes, and analyzed the internal main structure for the residential dome and the cupola system. They also worked on calculating areas to assess wind loads and created a new numbering assignment for the beams to account for the wind., eco-renovating the standard of living

Worked on Internal Main Structure for Domes and Cupula System – Click for City Center Page

DiogoIzadoraJoaoMateus, and Roberto from the Hydraulics Intern Team finished another 80% of the grey water sewer pipe sizing and layouts, bringing that to 100% completion. They also finished to about the 70% completion point in developing a fire sprinkler system.

They also moved the accessible shower in the bathroom to create more efficient pipe distribution. And they completed the cold potable water report and worked on the layout of all the pipes and fittings:

Diogo, Izadora, Joao, Mateus, and Roberto from the Hydraulics Intern Team finished another 80% of the grey water sewer pipe sizing and layouts, bringing that to 100% completion. They also finished to about the 70% completion point in developing a fire sprinkler system. They also moved the accessible shower in the bathroom to create more efficient pipe distribution. And they completed the cold potable water report and worked on the layout of all the pipes and fittings:, eco-renovating the standard of living

Continued Work on Grey Water Sewer Pipe and Fire Sprinkler System – Click to Visit Page

Last but not least, Mike Hogan (Automation Systems Developer and Business Systems Consultant) guided FabioLucas de SouzaLucas Tsutsui da SilvaGuilherme, HenriqueTiago, and Israel of the Electrical Intern Team in updating the standard design for the control panel that will be used for the bathrooms and bedrooms. The team also created the electrical wiring layout for the main rooms and bedrooms of the Duplicable City Center:

Mike Hogan (Automation Systems Developer and Business Systems Consultant) guided Fabio, Lucas de Souza, Lucas Tsutsui da Silva, Guilherme, Henrique, Tiago, and Israel of theElectrical Intern Team in updating the standard design for the control panel that will be used for the bathrooms and bedrooms. The team also created the electrical wiring layout for the main rooms and bedrooms of the Duplicable City Center, eco-renovating the standard of living

Updated the Standard Design for Control Panel Used for Bathrooms and Bedrooms and Electrical


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is eco-renovating the standard of living through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

Eco-renovating the standard of living

This last week the core team continued the updating of our entire website to be mobile friendly. This week’s work included correcting another 30+ pages of formatting errors.

Here’s an example of one of these pages where all the icons and images with links had to be manually fixed. We’d say we are now about 90% done with our complete website overhaul:

continued the updating of our entire website to be mobile friendly. This week’s work included correcting another 30+ pages of formatting errors. , eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Continued Updating Our Entire Website to be Mobile Friendly

Lucas from the Graphic Design Intern Team created a new set of additional variations of possible logos as well as an animated logo option:

Lucas from the Graphic Design Intern Team created a new set of additional variations of possible logos as well as an animated logo option:, eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Created New Set of Additional Variations of Possible Logos

Manuella, of the Graphic Design Intern Team started creating an online presentation book for the Tree House Village that helps in eco-renovating the standard of living. This book is a tool to summarize and market all aspects of that village:

Manuella, of the Graphic Design Intern Team started creating an online presentation book for the Tree House Village. This book is a tool to summarize and market all aspects of that village, eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Began Creating an Online Presentation Book for Tree House

Another member of the Graphic Design Intern TeamEduardo created collages of images taken from the intern team’s weekly work. He also synced the audio, revised, and finished the weekly video blog:

Another member of the Graphic Design Intern Team, Eduardo created collages of images taken from the intern team’s weekly work. He also synced the audio, revised, and finished the weekly video blog, eco-renovating the standard of living

Created Collages of Images of Intern’s Weekly Work and Finished the Weekly Video Blog

Graphic Design InternManasses continued preparing the online presentation document for all seven of One Community’s villages, He researched references for info-graphics, layout styles, grids, and more, and selected the ones he thought were best for our villages:

Graphic Design Intern, Manasses continued preparing the online presentation document for all seven of One Community’s villages, He researched references for info-graphics, layout styles, grids, and more, and selected the ones he thought were best for our villages:, eco-renovating the standard of living

Continued Work on Online Presentation for All One Community’s Villages – Click to Visit Housing Page

IgorMarcoMatheus, and Natalia of the Software Development Intern Team, made additional upgrades to the Highest Good Network application and the database, and developed the prototype of the report page that you see below:

Igor, Marco, Matheus, and Natalia of the Software Development Intern Team, made additional upgrades to the Highest Good Network application and the database, and developed the prototype of the report page that you see below:, eco-renovating the standard of living

Continued Work on the Highest Good Network application and Database – Click to Visit Page

And last but not least, Gustavo (Mobile Software Developer) set up the Amazon Web Services API for One Community and integrated it so it can get live information from the API about how many hours each person logs. This brought this One Community iPhone application to about 50% ready for public launch:

Gustavo (Mobile Software Developer) set up the Amazon Web Services API for One Community and integrated it so it can get live information from the API about how many hours each person logs. This brought this One Community iPhone application to about 50% ready for public launch:, eco-renovating the standard of living

Eco-Renovating the Standard of Living – Contined Work on One Community iPhone Application


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OVERVIEW       ●       LOCATION       ●       FUNDING




Creating the World We Know is Possible – One Community Weekly Progress Update #123

Creating the world we know is possible, a sustainable world capable of meeting everyone’s needs, will happen as soon as enough people want it and participate in creating it. Enrolling people in the process can take many forms.

The approach that makes the most sense, based on other successful movements that have caused paradigm shifts, is making and demonstrating a sustainable way of living that a majority of people will want more than the way they are living now.

If we make that easy enough, affordable enough, and open-source globally accessible, the idea will predictably spread across the planet and evolve on its own. We call this living and creating for The Highest Good of All: Creating the World We Know is Possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible, One Community Weekly Progress Update #123


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward the movement of creating the world we know is possible as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world.

This is the August 2nd, 2015 edition (#123) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Creating the World We Know is Possible
One Community Progress Update #123

Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:







  • Continued the updating of our entire website to be mobile friendly (see below)
  • Manuella, ManassesGabriel, and Eduardo continued work on a possible new logo for One Community (see below)
  • Lucas did research and created additional variations of possible logos (see below)
  • Eduardo also researched music for a new video One Community is working on (see below)
  • The Software Development Intern Team programmed, tested, and debugged more of the code for Highest Good Network web application and got a beta version running (see below)
  • Gustavo reached 80% completion on connecting the API for the iPhone App to the database of the software the rest of the team created (see below)




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr




One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is creating the world we know is possible through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:

This last week the core team transferred the final 35% of the content for the Outer Space lesson plan to the website.

Outer Space Lesson Plan Complete, One Community, creating the world we know is possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible – Outer Space Lesson Plan Complete – Click to Visit Page

In addition, behind the scenes, we wrote the first 35% of the Planet Earth lesson plan.

We also created and added the first 50% of the mindmap to the Outer Space lesson plan web page. You can see that mindmap here:

Outer Space Mindmap, 50% Complete, One Community, creating the world we know is possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible – Outer Space Mindmap – 50% Complete

And we featured the Nature lesson plan across our social media channels, using this image that Lucas from the Graphic Design Intern Team helped us create:

nature lesson plan, one community, teaching nature, learning nature, creating the world we know is possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible – Nature Lesson Plan Featured – Click to Visit Page


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community Update

One Community is creating the world we know is possible through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This last week the core team finished the final social media imagery and featured our open source chayote hub:

Chayote collage, One Community, creating the world we know is possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible – Featured Chayote Hub with New Social Imagery

And we finished the final social media imagery and featured our open source wax gourd hub:

Wax gourd collage, One Community, creating the world we know is possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible – Featured Wax Gourd Hub with New Social Imagery

We also researched and added additional recipes to the open source ulluco hub. More recipes from our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan will be added to each of the individual hubs in the future.

ulluco recipes, One Community, creating the world we know is possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible – Added 2 Ulluco Recipes – Click to Visit

Last but not least, we added three new tasty recipes from Sandra Sellani (Vegan Chef and author of What’s Your BQ?) to the Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan.

These recipes are: Banana Cashew Breakfast Parfait, Twice Baked Potatoes with Mushroom Saute, and Sloppy Jane’s:

Vegan Recipes, One Community, creating the world we know is possible

New Vegan Recipes Added to Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan Page – Click to Visit


Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is creating the world we know is possible through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This last week the core team finished the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) walking paths in 3D, placed new shower buildings, and updated our lower level entrances for the vermiculture toilet buildings and shower buildings.

Also we updated the roof for the vermiculture toilet building and redid the steps going to this structure. This brings us to 100% complete with this phase of the 3D creation – next .

Finished the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) landscaping and building updates, One Community, creating the world we know is possible

Finished the Earthbag Village Landscaping and Building Updates – Click to Visit Page

Behind the scenes we also completed another 15% of the open source camp setup specifics for the upcoming crowdfunding campaign. This brings us to 65% complete there.

Behind-the-Scenes Camp Setup Specifics for Upcoming Crowdfunding Campaign, One Community, creating the world we know is possible

Behind-the-Scenes Camp Setup Specifics for Upcoming Crowdfunding Campaign – 65% Complete

Civil engineering interns Renata and Matheus started modeling the reciprocal roof for the Earthbag Village. They used special software for testing the structure for wind load, completing about 70% of those load calculations.

Matheus also finished to the 30% point of the LEED v4 open source tutorial.

Civil engineering interns Renata and Matheus started modeling the reciprocal roof for the Earthbag Village. They used special software for testing the structure for wind load, completing about 70% of those load calculations. Matheus also finished to the 30% point of the LEED v4 open source tutorial., creating the world we know is possible

Started Modeling Reciprocal Roof for Earthbag Village and Continued Work on LEED V4 Tutorial

Sayonara, a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, is now 80% complete with section 1 and 35% complete with section 2 of the 3D model for the roof in the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2). She also added water features and plants to the model of that village, as you see here.

Sayonara, a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, is now 80% complete with section 1 and 35% complete with section 2 of the 3D model for the roof in the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2). She also added water features and plants to the model of that village, as you see here., creating the world we know is possible

Continued Work on the 3D Model for Straw Bale Village Roof – Click to Visit Page

Sayonara also added sky lights in the bathrooms of each living unit in the Straw Bale Village, providing natural light that maintains privacy. This design also allowed her to add a loft to half of the units.

Sayonara also added sky lights in the bathrooms of each living unit in the Straw Bale Village, providing natural light that maintains privacy. This design also allowed her to add a loft to half of the units., creating the world we know is possible

Sky Lights Added to the Bathrooms of each Living Unit and Loft Added to Half the Units – Click to Visit

Adolpho and Jorge from our Mechanical Engineering Intern Team researched existing vermiculture toilet systems and came up with a new, non-leaking design for the trays of our vermiculture bathroom design using a sloped floor.

They also modified the laundry space area and laundry machines to accommodate changes from other teams. Adolpho and Jorge additionally set up a 3D printed model of the Earthbag Village.

Adolpho and Jorge from our Mechanical Engineering Intern Team researched existing vermiculture toilet systems and came up with a new, non-leaking design for the trays of our vermiculture bathroom design using a sloped floor. They also modified the laundry space area and laundry machines to accommodate changes from other teams., creating the world we know is possible

Continued Vermiculture Bathroom Designs & 3D Printed Model of Earthbag Village – Click to Visit

Fernando and Amauri, additional members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, worked on the heat recovery system for the laundry room.

They calculated the amount of copper needed to preheat the air for the dryers, and simulated the system to show the variation of temperatures.

Fernando and Amauri, additional members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, worked on the heat recovery system for the laundry room. They calculated the amount of copper needed to preheat the air for the dryers, and simulated the system to show the variation of temperatures., creating the world we know is possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible – Worked on the Heat Recovery System for the Laundry Room

Welma worked on a composting toilet analysis, completing to the 90% point where she also began creating a tutorial on these toilets.

Raquel and Diana, also members of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team redefined the layout of the dorms for the Earthship Village (Pod 6) to include double units. They also researched fire codes, fire escapes, direct lighting solutions for the bedrooms, ADA solutions (hydraulic elevator), and construction materials for earthship projects., creating the world we know is possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible – Continued Work on the Earthship Village (Pod 6)

Samantha and Flávia from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team finished detailed first and second floor plans for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5), including furniture and flooring, and started research on color pallets and landscaping.

Samantha and Flávia from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team finished detailed first and second floor plans for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5), including furniture and flooring, and started research on color pallets and landscaping., creating the world we know is possible

Finished Detailed First and Second Floor Plans for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5)

Raquel and Diana, also members of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team redefined the layout of the dorms for the Earthship Village (Pod 6) to include double units.

They also researched fire codes, fire escapes, direct lighting solutions for the bedrooms, ADA solutions (hydraulic elevator), and construction materials for earthship projects.

Raquel and Diana, also members of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team redefined the layout of the dorms for the Earthship Village (Pod 6) to include double units. They also researched fire codes, fire escapes, direct lighting solutions for the bedrooms, ADA solutions (hydraulic elevator), and construction materials for earthship projects., creating the world we know is possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible – Continued Work on the Earthship Village (Pod 6)

Sarah, another member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, researched tree house structures, designs, layouts, materials, and construction, as well as resources for existing guidelines and best practices for building in trees to help design our Tree House Village (Pod 7).

Sarah, another member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, researched tree house structures, designs, layouts, materials, and construction, as well as resources for existing guidelines and best practices for building in trees to help design our Tree House Village (Pod 7)., creating the world we know is possible

Tree House Research – Click to Visit Tree House Village

Gilberto from the Graphic Design Intern Team, continued 3D modeling for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1), which included cut views so you can see the layers of bags in the walls, which you can see here:

Gilberto from the Graphic Design Intern Team, continued 3D modeling for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1), which included cut views so you can see the layers of bags in the walls, creating the world we know is possible

Continued 3D Modeling for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) – Click to Visit Page

Gabriel, an Industrial Design Student on our Graphic Design Intern Team, finished renders of the Murphy bed and started to create a 3-dome cluster for the Earthbag Village.

Gabriel finished renders of the Murphy bed and started to create a 3-dome cluster for the for the Earthbag Village., creating the world we know is possible

Renders of the Murphy Bed Finished and Started to Create a 3-dome Cluster for the Earthbag Village

Ana worked on the transitory kitchen in Autocad. She adjusted the walls and floor plan, and added serving tables, furniture, and appliances.

Ana worked on the transitory kitchen in Autocad. She adjusted the walls and floor plan, and added serving tables, furniture, and appliances., creating the world we know is possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible – Worked on theTransitory Kitchen in Autocad – Click to Visit

And Carolina continued the service design for the Tree House Village (Pod 7), dividing the village into 4 main spaces and 4 sub-spaces,  and categorizing them by types of use. She also created these story boards for videos she will be creating about this village.

And Carolina continued the service design for the Tree House Village (Pod 7), dividing the village into 4 main spaces and 4 sub-spaces, and categorizing them by types of use. She also created these story boards for videos she will be creating about this village. , creating the world we know is possible

Story Boards Created for Tree House Village Videos – Click to Visit Page


duplicable city center, solution based thinking, One Community, SEGO Center, city hub, recreation center, eco center, sustainable living, ecological living, green living, eco-recreation, group laundry center, for The Highest Good of AllOne Community is creating the world we know is possible through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week ErikaThaisPedro and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team completed 95% of the lighting design for the three Domes of the Duplicable City Center and  85% of the lighting study for Earthbag Village (the kitchen, bathroom, and shower dome).

They also started developing the lighting design for the second bathroom dome.

This week Erika, Thais, Pedro and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team completed 95% of the lighting design for the three Domes of the Duplicable City Center and 85% of the lighting study for Earthbag Village (the kitchen, bathroom, and shower dome). They also started developing the lighting design for the second bathroom dome., creating the world we know is possible

Continued Lighting Design for the Duplicable City Center and Lighting Study for Earthbag Village

Mayke completed the organization of the intern team’s files using the new name format pattern and created a table to control the revisions of all the projects.

Mayke completed the organization of the intern team's files using the new name format pattern and created a table to control the revisions of all the projects., creating the world we know is possible

Organization of the Intern Team’s Files

Ricardo Carrillo (Design Consultant and Principal of Acumen Industriesand the Structural Intern Team (AntonioGabrielBeatrizFernando, Rodrigo, and Maurilio) continued structural designs and testing.

They updated architectural and structural files, analyzed primary and secondary beams, and created and analyzed structural strategies for the interior of the domes. They also studied the structural codes and how to calculate wind loads for the domes.

Ricardo Carrillo (Design Consultant and Principal of Acumen Industries) and the Structural Intern Team (Antonio, Gabriel, Beatriz, Fernando, Rodrigo, and Maurilio) continued structural designs and testing. They updated architectural and structural files, analyzed primary and secondary beams, and created and analyzed structural strategies for the interior of the domes. They also studied the structural codes and how to calculate wind loads for the domes., creating the world we know is possible

Continued Structural Designs and Testing for the Duplicable City Center – Click to Visit Page

DiogoIzadoraJoaoMateus, and Roberto from the Hydraulics Intern Team finished to the 20% mark with the initial pipe sizing calculations for cold/potable water for the Duplicable City Center.

They also consulted the Mechanical Engineering Team on the heat transferring piping from the Tropical Atrium to all showers and sinks for all four community bathrooms in the Earthbag Village.

Diogo, Izadora, Joao, Mateus, and Roberto from the Hydraulics Intern Team finished to the 20% mark with the initial pipe sizing calculations for cold/potable water for the Duplicable City Center. They also consulted the Mechanical Engineering Team on the heat transferring piping from the Tropical Atrium to all showers and sinks for all four community bathrooms in the Earthbag Village., creating the world we know is possible

Continued work on Pipe Sizing Calcs for the Duplicable City Center & Heat Transferring Piping Work

In addition to this, working with and under the guidance of Mike Hogan (Automation Systems Developer and Business Systems Consultant), FabioLucas de SouzaLucas Tsutsui da SilvaGuilherme, HenriqueTiago, and Israel of the Electrical Intern Team, continued work on the control systems for the Duplicable City Center’s electrical project and updated the lighting design, as you see here:

In addition to this, working with and under the guidance of Mike Hogan (Automation Systems Developer and Business Systems Consultant), Fabio, Lucas de Souza, Lucas Tsutsui da Silva, Guilherme, Henrique, Tiago, and Israel of the Electrical Intern Team, continued work on the control systems for the Duplicable City Center’s electrical project and updated the lighting design, creating the world we know is possible

Continued Work on the Control Systems for the Duplicable City Center’s Electrical project


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is creating the world we know is possible through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This last week the core team continued the updating of our entire website to be mobile friendly. This week’s work included fixing charts, learning about and creating short codes for common areas of our site that we update, and reviewing and correcting another 30 pages.

We’d say we are now about 80% done with this complete website overhaul:

Manuella, Manasses, Gabriel, and Eduardo of the Graphic Design Intern Team worked together on the definition, selection, complete design, and presentation of a possible new logo for One Community. They edited alignment and colors of the second logo design and created a few examples of what it looks like when it is applied to various surfaces., creating the world we know is possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible – Continued Work on a Possible New Logo for One Community

Manuella, ManassesGabriel, and Eduardo of the Graphic Design Intern Team worked together on the definition, selection, complete design, and presentation of a possible new logo for One Community.

They edited alignment and colors of the second logo design and created a few examples of what it looks like when it is applied to various surfaces.

Manuella, Manasses, Gabriel, and Eduardo of the Graphic Design Intern Team worked together on the definition, selection, complete design, and presentation of a possible new logo for One Community. They edited alignment and colors of the second logo design and created a few examples of what it looks like when it is applied to various surfaces., creating the world we know is possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible – Continued Work on a Possible New Logo for One Community

Lucas did research for type sets and color schemes for the logo and also created these additional variations of possible logos.

Lucas did research for type sets and color schemes for the logo and also created these additional variations of possible logos., creating the world we know is possible

Creating the World We Know is Possible – Additional Variations of Possible Logos

In addition to his contribution on the logo, Eduardo also researched music for a new video One Community is working on. These images are stills from the video footage he captured for this project.

Eduardo also researched music for a new video One Community is working on. These images are stills from the video footage he captured for this project., , creating the world we know is possible

Still Images from Video Footage Captured for a New Video One Community Video

And finally, for the Software Development Intern TeamIgorMarcoMatheus, and Natalia  programmed, tested, and debugged more of the code for Highest Good Network web application and got a beta version running.

And finally, for the Software Development Intern Team, Igor, Marco, Matheus, and Natalia programmed, tested, and debugged more of the code for Highest Good Network web application and got a beta version running., creating the world we know is possible

Beta Version of the Highest Good Network Web Application Running – Click to Visit Page

Meanwhile, Gustavo reached 80% completion on connecting the API for the iPhone App to the database of the software the rest of the team created.

Meanwhile, Gustavo reached 80% completion on connecting the API for the iPhone App to the database of the software the rest of the team created., creating the world we know is possible

Continued Work on the New iphone App – Click to Visit the Highest Good Network Page


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One Community Welcomes Gabriel Freitas to the Structural Engineering Team

One Community is happy to feature and thank Gabriel Freitas as our most recent member of the Structural Engineering Team. Gabriel has spent the last two months working on the structural analysis details of the open source Duplicable City Center.

Gabriel Freitas – 3rd-year Civil Engineering/Construction Engineering Management Student

3rd-year Civil Engineering/Construction Engineering Management Student: Gabriel is a student abroad from Brazil majoring in Civil Engineering/Construction Management at California State University, Long Beach. He has already worked for a Master degree student, helping her to find ways to design a building using just natural ventilation for the thermal comfort of it. Also, he has worked for the Brazilian Army where he helped the Engineering Team making budgets for small construction projects. Gabriel believes sustainability is all about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations. He also feels that working for One Community is all about helping himself, others, and the planet for a better way of living. As a member of the One Community team, Gabriel’s contribution is AutoCAD creation of internal Duplicable City Center elevations and electrical layout details, helping with the budget details for the commercial kitchen, and researching LEED Platinum level compliance.


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One Community Welcomes Natalia Dias da Costa to the Software Team

One Community is happy to feature and thank Natalia Dias da Costa as our most recent member of the Software Team. Natalia has spent the last two months working on the new open source Highest Good Network software.

Natalia Dias da Costa – 3rd-year Information Systems Student

3rd-year Information Systems Student: Natalia is a Brazilian student from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and is a member of the Brazil Scientific Mobility Study Abroad Program. She is seeking a degree in Information Systems focusing on web programing and is currently studying Computer Science at New York Institute of Technology. Natalia always took an interest in the web, and started to learn HTML by herself when she was 13. Later, in high school, she took a technical course where she learned traditional programming languages such as Pascal, Java, and JavaScript. At the same time, Natalia took alternative courses in the web and design field, learning how to use Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash, and Corel Draw. Now, in college, she is learning even more, always studying to learn more programming languages. Back in Brazil, Natalia worked at a school where she helped kids learn about the proper use of the computer. After this experience, she worked at the National Bank of Social and Economic Development, helping with troubleshooting. While Natalia worked at the bank, she also was tutoring for the Programming Techniques II class at her University, assisting students with class-related doubts and helping them understand the given subjects and assignments, as well as assisting the teacher in class. She joined this internship with One Community hoping to gain experience and learn even more about open source and her field of study. She did just that spending the last two months diligently working on the new open source Highest Good Network software.


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One Community Welcomes Ana Carolina to the Design Team

One Community is happy to feature and thank Ana Carolina as our most recent member of the Design Team! Ana Carolina has spent the last two months working on the details of the Tree House Village function and design.

Ana Carolina Salomao Faria – 3rd-year Industrial Design and Service Design Student

3rd-year Industrial Design and Service Design Student: Ana is an undergraduate student from Fluminense Federal University in Brazil where she is studying Industrial Design. She is also a part of the Brazil Scientific Mobility Study Abroad Program where she has been exploring a broad diversity of topics about design and its possibilities through SCAD Savannah College of Art and Design coursework in Service Design. Through her independent research, initiative, and self-motivation, Ana has developed a fascination with the service design area and its in-depth approach to user-centered deliverables. Through the process of developing methods that enable the service experience to be user-centered, Ana has learned to combine industrial design and service design to produce universal design. It is this universal design where Ana feels she can truly describe herself throughout all her projects. This means combining the study of people and social participation and its systems into an integrative environment. Applying this passion, Ana developed an academic project called Interactive Recycle Bin that was an O Globo Finalist in the Design Competition Rio. Ana knows design is not just about solving problems, it is also about problem finding and designing to redefine problems to arrive at better solutions and outcomes. With this in mind, and a philosophy that “successful design outcomes come from active participation of users and a deep understanding of the problem requiring a solution, even to the extent of re-framing the problem itself,” Ana joined the One Community team working on the specific short and long-term benefits of living in a sustainable home and/or community like the Earthbag village. She spent the last two months diligently working on the details of the Tree House Village function and design.


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One Community Welcomes Fernando Carvalho to the Mechanical Engineering Team

One Community is happy to feature and thank Fernando Carvalho as our most recent member of the Mechanical Engineering Team! Fernando has spent the last two months working on the heat exchanger details for the City Center laundry and Earthbag Village showers.

Fernando Carvalho – 4th-year Mechanical Engineering Student

4th-year Mechanical Engineering Student: Fernando is an international student from Brazil’s Scientific Mobility Program, a study abroad program developed by the Brazilian government. He is a student at Federal Technological University of Paraná, now studying at California State University, Long Beach. Fernando speaks three languages, including Portuguese (native), English (advanced) and Spanish (advanced). During college, he participated in two projects: one as tutor for one semester helping students who were taking Mechanics of Solids 2 classes, and the other project as a volunteer (called BAJA SAE) for one year where he participated in the calculations and design of a transmission project for an off-road car. During those years at university and participating in these projects, Fernando developed skills such as teamwork, dedication, communication and organization. Fernando is excited to be working with One Community to implement the knowledge he has acquired over the years with the vision that sustainability becomes something more present in people’s daily lives. He is doing this applying his knowledge in thermodynamics and heat transfer to design and calculate heat recapture systems for the Earthbag Village and Duplicable City Center.


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Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – One Community Weekly Progress Update #122

Paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges are needed if we are to create sustainable and global changes. Making sustainable living easy enough, accessible enough, affordable enough, and attractive enough so most people desire to live this way can achieve this paradigm shift. Open source sharing can accelerate the process. One Community is creating this as what we call living and creating for The Highest Good of All: Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges, One Community Weekly Progress Update #122


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward the movement of paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the July 26th, 2015 edition (#122) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Paradigm Shifting Approaches
to Persistent Global Challenges
One Community Progress Update #122


Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:







  • Continued the updating of our entire website to be mobile friendly (see below)
  • Behind the scenes: Lucy Lu continued creating the charities and other not-for-profit organization tax filing tutorial (now complete – see below)
  • Manuella,  Gabriel, and Eduardo continued work on our new logo ideas and Eduardo also researched music for a video he will be creating for One Community (see below)
  • Manasses researched more examples of successful layouts and prepared sketches for the interactive documents he is creating for all seven villages (see below)
  • IgorMarcoMatheus, and Natalia programmed, tested, and debugged more of the code for the Highest Good Network web application and continued work on a guide for programmers and users (see below)
  • Gustavo finished developing a new feature for the new iphone app and worked on developing the API (see below)




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One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is creating paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:

This last week the core team transferred another 35% of the content for the Outer Space lesson plan to the website. This lesson plan, which teaches all subjects, to all learning levels, using the central theme of Outer Space is now 65% complete on our website:

outer space lesson plan in progress, One Community, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – Outer Space Lesson Plan

In addition, behind the scenes we wrote the final 35% of that Outer Space lesson plan, so it is now 100% written.

We also added the first 25% of the mindmap to the Quality and Quantity lesson plan web page, which Lucas from the Graphic Design Intern Team helped with.

Quality and Quantity Mindmap 25% complete, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – Quality and Quantity Mindmap 25%

And we featured the Open Source lesson plan across our social media channels, using this image that Lucas helped us create:

open source lesson plan, one community, teaching open source, learning open source, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – “Open Source” Lesson Plan Featured

Behind the scenes, Lucas additionally continued researching and downloading images for Lesson Plan mindmaps, and completed 25% of this research for the Creativity lesson plan and 10% for the Energy lesson plan:


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is creating paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This last week the core team finished the final social media imagery and featured our open source turnips hub:

Sayonara (a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team) continued work on the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2). This time she adjusted 90% of the hatches and layers on the floor plan. Sayonara also worked with Civil Engineering student Renata on the reciprocal roof for the Straw Bale Village. After much research, they created the initial drafts you see here of the reciprocal frame in Sketchup and AutoCAD, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges, Continued Work on Straw Bale Village

And we finished the final social media imagery and featured our open source parsley hub:

open source lesson plan, one community, teaching open source, learning open source, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – Featured Parsley Hub

We also researched and added two additional recipes to the open source asparagus hub, which you can see below. More recipes from our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan will be added to each of the individual hubs in the future.

asparagus recipes, One Community, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – Added 2 Asparagus Recipes

Last but not least, we added three new delicious recipes from Sandra Sellani (Vegan Chef and author of What’s Your BQ?) to the Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan – These recipes are: Strawberries & Cream Breakfast Pudding, the Field Roast Potato “Martini”, and Corn & Potato Chowder with Red Pepper Puree:

Vegan recipes blog 122, One Community, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

3 New Vegan Recipes Added to Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan Page


Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is creating paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This last week the core team continued the pathway and landscaping updates for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1). These updates were needed to make space for the roof on the net-zero bathrooms.

We’re 60% done with paths and landscaping and that brings us to 95% done with the complete 3D update.

Continued the Pathway and Landscaping Updates for Earthbag Village (Pod 1) , paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Continued the Pathway and Landscaping Updates for Earthbag Village – Click to Visit Page

Behind the scenes we also completed another 35% of the open source camp setup specifics for the upcoming crowdfunding campaign. This brings us to 50% complete there.

Behind the scenes we also completed another 35% of the open source camp setup specifics for the upcoming crowdfunding campaign. This brings us to 50% complete there., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Behind-the-Scenes Camp Setup Specifics for Upcoming Crowdfunding Campaign – 50% Complete

Sayonara (a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team) continued work on the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2). This time she adjusted 90% of the hatches and layers on the floor plan.

Sayonara also worked with Civil Engineering student Renata on the reciprocal roof for the Straw Bale Village. After much research, they created the initial drafts you see below of the reciprocal frame in Sketchup and AutoCAD:

Sayonara (a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team) continued work on the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2). This time she adjusted 90% of the hatches and layers on the floor plan. Sayonara also worked with Civil Engineering student Renata on the reciprocal roof for the Straw Bale Village. After much research, they created the initial drafts you see here of the reciprocal frame in Sketchup and AutoCAD, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – Continued Work on Straw Bale Village

Meanwhile, Matheus helped in a team managerial role while redesigning the roof and cistern systems for the shower and water catchment domes in the Earthbag Village.

Matheus helped in a team managerial role while redesigning the roof and cistern systems for the shower and water catchment domes in the Earthbag Village., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Redesigning Shower & Water Catchment Domes in the Earthbag Village

Adolpho and Jorge, both members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, continued with the vermiculture bathroom designs and created about 50% of the structure, ran initial stress tests on the base of the system, and also ran initial cost analysis on it.

They then began developing a smaller and more mobile design while also modeling the layout of the City Center laundry area.

Adolpho and Jorge, both members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, continued with the vermiculture bathroom designs and created about 50% of the structure, ran initial stress tests on the base of the system, and also ran initial cost analysis on it. They then began developing a smaller and more mobile design while also modeling the layout of the City Center laundry area., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Continued Vermiculture Bathroom Designs & Modeling the City Center Laundry Area

Fernando and Amauri, also both members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, finished pressure simulations for their design of heat exchanger for the Earthbag Village’s communal showers and plotted the energy savings.

They also obtained the code for the open source software “STT simulator” and translated it to English.

Fernando and Amauri, also both members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, finished pressure simulations for their design of heat exchanger for the Earthbag Village's communal showers and plotted the energy savings. They also obtained the code for the open source software “STT simulator” and translated it to English., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Continued Work for Communal Showers Heat Exchanger – Click for Page

Welma worked on creating a tutorial for her research on waterproofing methods for earthship, strawbale, cob, and subterranean structures.

Welma worked on creating a tutorial for her research on waterproofing methods for earthship, strawbale, cob, and subterranean structures., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Tutorial for Creating Earthship, Strawbale, Cob, & Subterranean Structures Waterproofing Methods

SamanthaFlávia, and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team researched the theme for interior design and materials for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5) and developed the first iteration of this model in Revit.

Samantha, Flávia, and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team researched the theme for interior design and materials for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5) and developed the first iteration of this model in Revit., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Interior Design & Materials Research for Shipping Container Village & First Iteration in Revit

Raquel and Diana, also members of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team created revision 3 of the Earthship Village (Pod 6), bringing them to about 70% complete with revising and updating these plans.

Raquel and Diana, also members of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team created revision 3 of the Earthship Village (Pod 6), bringing them to about 70% complete with revising and updating these plans., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – Revision 3 of the Earthship Village

Sarah, another member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, created these hand sketches for proposals for the layout and designs for the Earth Block Village (Pod 4).

Sarah, another member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, created these hand sketches for proposals for the layout and designs for the Earth Block Village (Pod 4)., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Hand Sketches for the Layout and Designs for Earth Block Village (Pod 4) – Click to Visit

Gilberto, a member of the Graphic Design Intern Team, continued 3D modeling for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1), which included creating the ventilation plug and the window, which you can see here:

Gilberto, a member of the Graphic Design Intern Team, continued 3D modeling for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1), which included creating the ventilation plug and the window, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – Continued 3D Modeling of Earthbag

Lucas, from the Graphic Design Intern Team, completed about 75% of the second version of the Master Plan map for the placement of all seven of One Community’s villages and key areas, as you see here:

Behind the scenes, Lucas additionally continued researching and downloading images for Lesson Plan mindmaps, and completed 25% of this research for the Creativity lesson plan and 10% for the Energy lesson plan, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Master Plan Map for Placement of All Seven Villages and Key Areas in Progress – Click to Visit

Ana finished costing alternative equipment for the transitory kitchen, the less expensive alternative to our main kitchen project.

Ana finished costing alternative equipment for the transitory kitchen, the less expensive alternative to our main kitchen project., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Costing Out Alternative Equipment for the Transitory Kitchen – Click to Visit

And, the final housing work of the week came from Carolina working on the service design for the Tree House Village (Pod 7). She focused on analysis and alignment of this village with sustainable behaviors and values on both the individual and community levels.

And, the final housing work of the week came from Carolina working on the service design for the Tree House Village (Pod 7). She focused on analysis and alignment of this village with sustainable behaviors and values on both the individual and community levels., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – Analysis and Alignment of Tree House


duplicable city center, solution based thinking, One Community, SEGO Center, city hub, recreation center, eco center, sustainable living, ecological living, green living, eco-recreation, group laundry center, for The Highest Good of AllOne Community is creating paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

For this week of progress on the Duplicable City CenterErikaThaisPedro and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team integrated even more aesthetic sustainable solutions into the lighting project of all the domes.

They also completed 20% of the Dialux lighting study for Earthbag Village, aiming for LEED Platinum certification for both.

Erika, Thais, Pedro and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team integrated even more aesthetic sustainable solutions into the lighting project of all the domes. They also completed 20% of the Dialux lighting study for Earthbag Village, aiming for LEED Platinum certification for both., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – Continued Lighting Study

Mayke completed about 25% of the renaming and organization of documents and designs created by all of the interns for the City Center and all seven villages. He also combined multiple files into one workable file of the layout and construction of the Earthbag Village.

Mayke completed about 25% of the renaming and organization of documents and designs created by all of the interns for the City Center and all seven villages. He also combined multiple files into one workable file of the layout and construction of the Earthbag Village., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Organization of Documents & Designs Created by All the Interns for the City Center

Ricardo Carrillo (Design Consultant and Principal of Acumen Industriesand the Structural Intern Team (AntonioGabrielBeatrizFernando, Rodrigo, and Maurilio) worked on sub-framing the slabs, the elevator and stairs column, and the cantilevers on the fourth floor of the City Center. They also modeled the domes in 3D to run calculations to better account for snow loads.

Ricardo Carrillo (Design Consultant and Principal of Acumen Industries) and the Structural Intern Team (Antonio, Gabriel, Beatriz, Fernando, Rodrigo, and Maurilio) worked on sub-framing the slabs, the elevator and stairs column, and the cantilevers on the fourth floor of the City Center. They also modeled the domes in 3D to run calculations to better account for snow loads., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Worked on Structural Aspects of the City Center and Modeled the Domes in 3D – Click to Visit Page

Renata then adjusted the architectural drawings to account for the structural updates and modifications from the Structural Team.

Renata adjusted the architectural drawings of the City Center to account for the structural updates, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Architectural Drawings of the City Center Adjusted to Account for the Structural Updates – Click to Visit

And DiogoIzadoraJoaoMateus, and Roberto from the Hydraulics Intern Team designed a dual-tank septic system for the Duplicable City Center black water. They then completed about 15% of the initial pipe sizing calculations for cold/potable water. They also worked with the Mechanical Engineering Team on the heat-transfer piping between the Tropical Atrium and the Earthbag Village showers.

And Diogo, Izadora, Joao, Mateus, and Roberto from the Hydraulics Intern Team designed a dual-tank septic system for the Duplicable City Center black water. They then completed about 15% of the initial pipe sizing calculations for cold/potable water. They also worked with the Mechanical Engineering Team on the heat-transfer piping between the Tropical Atrium and the Earthbag Village showers., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – Dual-Tank Septic System Design

In addition to this, FabioLucas de SouzaLucas Tsutsui da SilvaGuilherme, HenriqueTiago, and Israel of the Electrical Intern Team completed the energy output table for the living dome. With the help of Mike Hogan (Automation Systems Developer and Business Systems Consultant), they also designed an illustration of the breaker box for the living dome, placed the wiring design in AutoCAD for all three domes, and created a table with features of the control system that should be implemented in each room of the Duplicable City Center.

Gilberto, a member of the Graphic Design Intern Team, continued 3D modeling for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1), which included creating the ventilation plug and the window, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Energy Output Table Created and Initial Wiring Design


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is creating paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This last week the core team continued the updating of our entire website to be mobile friendly. This week’s work included fixing the rest of our menus, final edits and fixes to all our top-level pages plus another 50 other pages, as well as making it so all our images properly resize and so that images with captions have borders that are correct. We’d say we are now about 70% done with this complete website overhaul:

web updates, One Community, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Continued Updating Our Entire Website to be Mobile Friendly

Behind the scenes, Lucy Lu (Accountant Specializing in Financial Reporting and Managerial Accounting) continued creating the charities and other not-for-profit organization tax filing tutorial.

This week’s work covered property tax exemptions for nonprofit organizations in Utah as compared to California. This completes Lucy’s work as part of the Highest Good Economics component of building teacher/demonstration hubs:

Behind the scenes, Lucy Lu (Accountant Specializing in Financial Reporting and Managerial Accounting) continued creating the charities and other not-for-profit organization tax filing tutorial. This week’s work covered property tax exemptions for nonprofit organizations in Utah as compared to California. This completes Lucy’s work as part of the Highest Good Economics component of building teacher/demonstration hubs, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Behind-the-Scenes Created Charities & Other Not-for-Profit Organization Tax Filing Tutorial

Manuella,  Gabriel, and Eduardo of the Graphic Design Intern Team went through all the hand sketches for possible logos and chose two trends to explore deeper. Eduardo also researched music for a video he will be creating for One Community.

Manuella, Gabriel, and Eduardo of the Graphic Design Intern Team went through all the hand sketches for possible logos and chose two trends to explore deeper. Eduardo also researched music for a video he will be creating for One Community., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Continued Work on New Logo Ideas and Research for a One Community Video

Meanwhile, Manasses also from the Graphic Design Intern Team, researched more examples of successful layouts for the interactive documents he is creating for all seven villages.

He also prepared sketches you see here and is about 10% finished organizing all the information we’ll be sharing.

Manasses also from the Graphic Design Intern Team, researched more examples of successful layouts for the interactive documents he is creating for all seven villages. He also prepared sketches you see here and is about 10% finished organizing all the information we'll be sharing, paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Research of Successful Layouts & Sketches Prepared for the Interactive Documents

IgorMarcoMatheus, and Natalia from the Software Development Intern Team programmed, tested, and debugged more of the code for the Highest Good Network web application and completed approximately 40% more of a code-modification guide for programmers and users, bringing this guide to 90% complete.

Igor, Marco, Matheus, and Natalia from the Software Development Intern Team programmed, tested, and debugged more of the code for the Highest Good Network web application and completed approximately 40% more of a code-modification guide for programmers and users, bringing this guide to 90% complete., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – Continued Work on New Web App

Last and not least, Gustavo finished developing a new feature that allows users to view the activities of multiple people with a bar that changes color according to the amount of time logged.

He also worked on developing the API to integrate the database from the Highest Good Network web application that the Software Development Team is working on.

Gustavo finished developing a new feature that allows users to view the activities of multiple people with a bar that changes color according to the amount of time logged. He also worked on developing the API to integrate the database from the Highest Good Network web application that the Software Development Team is working on., paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges

Paradigm Shifting Approaches to Persistent Global Challenges – Finished Developing a New Feature


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OVERVIEW       ●       LOCATION       ●       FUNDING




Creating Global Transformational Change – One Community Weekly Progress Update #121

Creating global transformational change is possible if enough people want this and participate in helping create it. Making a sustainable way of life that is also more enjoyable to live is one path to building the necessary global desire and participation.

 Open source sharing this approach is also important to it becoming widespread and transformational. Putting all this together is what we call living and creating for The Highest Good of All:

Creating Global Transformational Change - Innovative Week 123 Update


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward the movement of creating global transformational change as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the July 19th, 2015 edition (#121) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Creating Global Transformational Change
One Community Weekly Progress Update #121

Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:







  • Continued the updating of our entire website to be mobile friendly (see below)
  • Behind the scenes: Binru Chen researched and created a Statement of Financial Position spreadsheet and tutorial (see below)
  • Behind the scenes: Lucy Lu continued creating the charities and other not-for-profit organization tax filing tutorial (see below)
  • Manuella, Manasses, and Eduardo completed the first step of creating a potential new logo for One Community (see below)
  • Eduardo also searched for music options, images, and video styles for the video he is creating for One Community (see below)
  • IgorMarcoMatheus, and Natalia worked on the Highest Good Network web application (see below)
  • Gustavo Romito worked on two new features for One Community’s Highest Good Network iPhone app (see below)




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr




One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is creating global transformational change through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:

This last week the core team transferred 30% of the content for the Outer Space lesson plan to the website. This lesson plan teaches all subjects, to all learning levels, using the central theme of “Outer Space“:

Creating Global Transformational Change - Innovative Week 123 Update

Creating Global Transformational Change – Outer Space Lesson Plan – 30% Complete – Click to Visit

In addition, behind the scenes we wrote another 35% of that Outer Space lesson plan, so it is now 65% written.

We also featured our “Human Body lesson plan” across our social media channels with a new image that Lucas Almeida, a member of the Graphic Design Intern Team, helped us create:

Human Body meme, One Community Creating Global Transformational Change

Creating Global Transformational Change – “Human Body” Lesson Plan Featured – Click to Visit

And Lucas finished the entire Freedom mindmap! You can see that mindmap here:

freedom mindmap, One Community - Creating Global Transformational Change

Creating Global Transformational Change – Freedom Lesson Plan Mindmap Complete – Click to Visit


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is creating global transformational change through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This last week the core team finished the final social media imagery and featured our open source Parsnips hub:

Parsnips collage, One Community - Creating Global Transformational Change

Creating Global Transformational Change – Featured Parsnips Hub with New Social Imagery

We also researched and added three additional recipes to the open source bitter melon hub, which you can see here. More recipes from our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan will be added to each of the individual hubs in the future.

Bitter Melon Recipes, One Community - Creating Global Transformational Change

Creating Global Transformational Change – Added 3 Bitter Melon Recipes – Click to Visit

Last but not least, we added three new delicious recipes from Sandra Sellani (Vegan Chef and author of What’s Your BQ?) to the Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan – These recipes are: Breakfast Rainbow Stir Fry, Field Roast Sausage & Pepper Sandwich, and Waldorf Salad Wraps:

Vegan Recipes, One Community -Creating Global Transformational Change

3 New Vegan Recipes Added to Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan Page – Click to Visit


Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is creating global transformational change through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This last week the core team continued the redesign of the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) landscaping after changing the structural design of the net-zero bathrooms – all that remains are pathways, so this work is now about 90% done:

 continued the redesign of the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) landscaping - Creating Global Transformational Change

Creating Global Transformational Change – Redesign of the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) Landscaping

Behind the scenes we also completed another 10% of the open source camp setup specifics for the upcoming crowdfunding campaign. This brings us to 15% complete there:

 completed another 10% of the open source camp setup specifics for the upcoming crowdfunding campaign. This brings us to 15% complete there. -Creating Global Transformational Change

Behind-the-Scenes Camp Setup Specifics for Upcoming Crowdfunding Campaign – 15% Complete

Renata (Civil Engineering Student) continued work on the Central part of the Cob Village (Pod 3). She updated the layout of the kitchen and dining hall and also added textures to the roof and exterior walls to make the model more realistic:

Renata (Civil Engineering Student) continued work on the Central part of the Cob Village (Pod 3). She updated the layout of the kitchen and dining hall and also added textures to the roof and exterior walls to make the model more realistic, One Community

Continued work on the Central part of the Cob Village (Pod 3) – Click to Visit Page

Sayonara Batista de Oliveira (a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team) continued work on Straw Bale Village (Pod 2), updating the layout and social areas in the floor plans, including the ADA units, outdoor dining area, gym, and library. Sayonara and Renata also worked together designing a reciprocal roof for this Village:

Sayonara Batista de Oliveira (a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team) continued work on Straw Bale Village (Pod 2), updating the layout and social areas in the floor plans, including the ADA units, outdoor dining area, gym, and library. - Creating Global Transformational Change

Creating Global Transformational Change – Continued Work on Straw Bale Village (Pod 2)

Meanwhile, Matheus Manfredini (Civil Engineering Student specializing in Urban Design) researched the LEED V4 requirements for a new village construction tutorial. He also modified the design of the Earthbag Village to address issues with the size of the roof of the rainwater catchment bathroom and their ADA accessibility.

Matheus Manfredini (Civil Engineering Student specializing in Urban Design) researched the LEED V4 requirements for a new village construction tutorial. He also modified the design of the Earthbag Village to address issues with the size of the roof of the rainwater catchment bathroom and their ADA accessibility. - Creating Global Transformational Change

Creating Global Transformational Change – Earthbag Village Design Modified – Click to Visit

Adolpho and Jorge, both members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, ran the calculations on their initial vermiculture bathroom tray design, modeled it in 3D, and determined we will need 4 trailer-jacks for this design. They then developed a drainage system and another design that wouldn’t require jacks or lifting.

They also created models in Solidworks of the washing machines for the Earthbag Village so we can simulate the real dimensions of the heat recovery exchanger and the room.

Adolpho and Jorge, both members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, ran the calculations on their initial vermiculture bathroom tray design, modeled it in 3D, and determined we will need 4 trailer-jacks for this design. They then developed a drainage system and another design that wouldn’t require jacks or lifting. - Creating Global Transformational Change

Creating Global Transformational Change – Vermiculture Bathroom Tray Designs in 3D – Click to Visit

Fernando and Amauri, also both members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, worked on incorporating all the requirements from the Hydraulics Team into their heat exchanger for the Earthbag Village’s communal showers.

There they encountered a connection problem and that led to a modified and simplified design that reduced the pressure drops while increasing the efficiency and adding the ability to fit any piping system.

Fernando and Amauri, also both members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, worked on incorporating all the requirements from the Hydraulics Team into their heat exchanger for the Earthbag Village’s communal showers. There they encountered a connection problem and that led to a modified and simplified design that reduced the pressure drops while increasing the efficiency and adding the ability to fit any piping system.

Heat Exchanger for the Earthbag Village’s Communal Showers – Click to Visit Page

Welma researched waterproofing methods and products that One Community can use specifically for our earthship, strawbale, cob, and subterranean structures:

Welma researched waterproofing methods and products that One Community can use specifically for our earthship, strawbale, cob, and subterranean structures.

Earthship, Strawbale, Cob, and Subterranean Structure Waterproofing Methods Research

Samantha and Flávia from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team worked on a third redesign of the layout of the containers for three floors of the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5).

The new proposal you see here provides more space for living units, the industrial kitchen, and dining, as well as a better exterior appearance while keeping the desirable “staggered” facade with the bathrooms and plumbing aligned at all levels.

Sarah, another member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, researched earthblock construction techniques, the structural behavior of vaulted buildings, and earthblock/clay brick case studies to get ideas for designs for the Earth Block Village (Pod 4).

Creating Global Transformational Change – Earth Block Village (Pod 4) Research – Click to Visit

Raquel and Diana, also a members of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, started the illustrated version of the master plan for the layout of all seven of One Community’s villages and additional social spaces. The villages and outdoor areas were placed according to specific reasons listed on the “How to Plan the Placement of My Home or Village” tutorial they created last week.

Raquel and Diana, also a members of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, started the illustrated version of the master plan for the layout of all seven of One Community’s villages and additional social spaces. The villages and outdoor areas were placed according to specific reasons listed on the “How to Plan the Placement of My Home or Village” tutorial they created last week.

Illustrated Version of the Master Plan for the Layout of All Seven Villages – Click to Visit Housing Page

Sarah, another member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, researched earthblock construction techniques, the structural behavior of vaulted buildings, and earthblock/clay brick case studies to get ideas for designs for the Earth Block Village (Pod 4).

Sarah, another member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, researched earthblock construction techniques, the structural behavior of vaulted buildings, and earthblock/clay brick case studies to get ideas for designs for the Earth Block Village (Pod 4).

Creating Global Transformational Change – Earth Block Village (Pod 4) Research – Click to Visit

Gilberto, a member of the Graphic Design Intern Team, continued 3D modeling for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1), which included creating the 3D Door from scratch, and flower modeling, which you can see here:

Gilberto, a member of the Graphic Design Intern Team, continued 3D modeling for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1), which included creating the 3D Door from scratch, and flower modeling, which you can see here: - Creating Global Transformational Change

Continued 3D modeling for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) – Click to Visit

And Gabriel developed a 3-D model of an alternative design for the waste collection for the vermiculture composting toilets in the Earthbag Village (Pod 1). He also continued rendering the Murphy bed for that village and made this additional view of it:

 Gabriel developed a 3-D model of an alternative design for the waste collection for the vermiculture composting toilets in the Earthbag Village (Pod 1). He also continued rendering the Murphy bed for that village and made this additional view of it: - Creating Global Transformational Change

3-D Model for Vermiculture Composting Toilets and Murphy Bed Rendering- Click to Visit

Ana did the cost analysis for the footer, foundation and floors and for the transitory kitchen project and created a Hexayurt drawing in AutoCad of the layout of the transitory Kitchen.

Ana did the cost analysis for the footer, foundation and floors and for the transitory kitchen project and created a Hexayurt drawing in AutoCad of the layout of the transitory Kitchen. - Creating Global Transformational Change

Cost Analysis for Footer, Foundation and Hexayurt drawing of the Transitory Kitchen – Click to Visit

And Carolina, from the Intern Team, followed steps for outlining the personas of people that will be using the Tree House Village (Pod 7) based on how experiences motivate people, tracking behaviors, and understanding their goals. She also researched case studies and the features of the location.

Carolina, from the Intern Team, followed steps for outlining the personas of people that will be using the Tree House Village (Pod 7) based on how experiences motivate people, tracking behaviors, and understanding their goals. She also researched case studies and the features of the location.

Tree House Village (Pod 7) Persona Outline and Research on Case Studies and Features of the Location


duplicable city center, solution based thinking, One Community, SEGO Center, city hub, recreation center, eco center, sustainable living, ecological living, green living, eco-recreation, group laundry center, for The Highest Good of AllOne Community is creating global transformational change through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This last week ErikaThaisPedro and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team completed the first step of the Duplicable City Center lighting study with simulations on DiaLUX of the social and dining domes.

Erika, Thais, Pedro and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team completed the first step of the Duplicable City Center lighting study with simulations on DiaLUX of the social and dining domes

Creating Global Transformational Change – First Step of the Duplicable City Center Lighting Study

Mayke Balbino created a template for calculating the time required to build the Duplicable City Center, a checklist of what is still needed for planning the construction of the City Center, and a guide to help the Architecture and Planning Intern Team understand necessary elements to consider for construction.

Mayke Balbino created a template for calculating the time required to build the Duplicable City Center, a checklist of what is still needed for planning the construction of the City Center, and a guide to help the Architecture and Planning Intern Team understand necessary elements to consider for construction.

Template, Checklist, and Guide to help with Construction – Click to Visit Duplicable City Center

Ricardo Carrillo (Design Consultant and Principal of Acumen Industriesand the Structural Intern Team (AntonioGabrielBeatrizFernando, Rodrigo, and Maurilio) discovered that the domes were not able to properly support the mezzanine areas around the elevator and stairs.

This led to design changes as they created structural strategies to support all the 2nd floor slabs and the cupola, created map loads, and placed about 20% of the columns and primary beams. The Structural Intern Team also worked on the Duplicable City Center dome walls and started calculating structural needs for snow, wind, earthquakes, and more.

To do this, they created a numerical assignment for each bar of the triangles that makes up the walls of the domes and calculated areas for the triangles.

Ricardo Carrillo (Design Consultant and Principal of Acumen Industries) and the Structural Intern Team (Antonio, Gabriel, Beatriz, Fernando, Rodrigo, and Maurilio) discovered that the domes were not able to properly support the mezzanine areas around the elevator and stairs. This led to design changes as they created structural strategies to support all the 2nd floor slabs and the cupola, created map loads, and placed about 20% of the columns and primary beams.

Creating Global Transformational Change – Design Changes Made to the Dupliable City Center Cupola

DiogoIzadoraJoaoMateus, and Roberto from the Hydraulics Intern Team created the AutoCad design drawings for the placement of the pipes for potable water, sewer and greywater in the Duplicable City Center. They also created the Eco Pool and Spa AutoCad plumbing specifics:

Diogo, Izadora, Joao, Mateus, and Roberto from the Hydraulics Intern Team created the AutoCad design drawings for the placement of the pipes for potable water, sewer and greywater in the Duplicable City Center. They also created the Eco Pool and Spa AutoCad plumbing specifics:

AutoCad Design Drawings for Duplicable City Center and Eco Pool and Spa- Click to Visit Page

In addition to this, working with the help of Mike Hogan (Automation Systems Developer and Business Systems Consultant), FabioLucas de Souza and Lucas Tsutsui da SilvaGuilherme, HenriqueTiago, and Israel of the Electrical Intern Team continued evolving the control systems and electrical design.

This included creating a rough draft of the new electrical design for the living dome to include the lighting project the Architectural team created and designing a single-wire diagram for the breakers of the first floor of the living dome.

Also tables for their research on the loads and cost of circuit breakers, wires, outlets, and lights for various areas of the City Center, and creating a list of all the control systems features we’ll be integrating.

Mike Hogan (Automation Systems Developer and Business Systems Consultant), Fabio, Lucas de Souza and Lucas Tsutsui da Silva, Guilherme, Henrique, Tiago, and Israel of the Electrical Intern Team continued evolving the control systems and electrical design. This included creating a rough draft of the new electrical design for the living dome to include the lighting project the Architectural team created and designing a single-wire diagram for the breakers of the first floor of the living dome, tables for their research on the loads and cost of circuit breakers, wires, outlets, and lights for various areas of the City Center, and creating a list of all the control systems features we'll be integrating. - Creating Global Transformational Change

Creating Global Transformational Change – Control Systems and Electrical Designs Evolving


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is creating global transformational change through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This last week the core team continued the updating of our entire website to be mobile friendly. With 4 members of the team working on it simultaneously, we fixed another 40+pages.

Changes including major formatting issues with our values pages, new icons for all the Highest Good education lesson plans, and coding the new site to automatically resize images and properly format images with captions. We’d say we are now about 60% done with this complete website overhaul.

Igor, Marco, Matheus, and Natalia from the Software Development Intern Team started modeling the web pages for the Highest Good Network web application by creating hand sketches, then modeling them using Photoshop. They also made a layout of the Highest Good Network Database and worked on programming the initial code for the application.

Creating Global Transformational Change – Highest Good Network Application in Progress

Behind the scenes, Binru Chen (Accountant Specializing in Audit and Financial Reporting) researched and created a Statement of Financial Position spreadsheet and tutorial to go with last week’s Statement of Activities document. This is an additional tutorial for educating people on the tax considerations and strategies for transparent operation of a non-profit eco-tourism destination as One Community.

Binru Chen (Accountant Specializing in Audit and Financial Reporting) researched and created a Statement of Financial Position spreadsheet and tutorial to go with last week's Statement of Activities document. This is an additional tutorial for educating people on the tax considerations and strategies for transparent operation of a non-profit eco-tourism destination as One Community.

Behind-the-Scenes Statement of Financial Position spreadsheet and tutorial- Click to Visit Tax Page

Also behind the scenes, Lucy Lu (Accountant Specializing in Financial Reporting and Managerial Accounting) continued creating the charities and other not-for-profit organization tax filing tutorial.

This week Lucy finished property tax exemptions for nonprofit organizations in California and started researching Utah as a way of comparing the differences. This work and Binru’s work is all part of the Highest Good Economics component of building teacher/demonstration hubs.

Lucy Lu (Accountant Specializing in Financial Reporting and Managerial Accounting) continued creating the charities and other not-for-profit organization tax filing tutorial. This week Lucy finished property tax exemptions for nonprofit organizations in California and started researching Utah as a way of comparing the differences.

Behind-the-Scenes Continued Creating Charities and Other Not-for-Profit Organization Tax Filing

Manuella, Manasses, and Eduardo, members of the Graphic Design Intern Team, completed the first step of creating a potential new logo for One Community. Using Manuella’s research on One Community’s visual identity, they researched references and created sketches and alternatives to express the concepts approached in the research.

Manuella, Manasses, and Eduardo, members of the Graphic Design Intern Team, completed the first step of creating a potential new logo for One Community. Using Manuella’s research on One Community’s visual identity, they researched references and created sketches and alternatives to express the concepts approached in the research.

Completed the First Step of Creating a Potential New Logo for One Community

Eduardo also searched for music options, images, and video styles for the video he is creating for One Community.

Eduardo also searched for music options, images, and video styles for the video he is creating for One Community.

Searched for Music Options, Images, and Video Styles for a One Community Video

IgorMarcoMatheus, and Natalia from the Software Development Intern Team started modeling the web pages for the Highest Good Network web application by creating hand sketches, then modeling them using Photoshop. They also made a layout of the Highest Good Network Database and worked on programming the initial code for the application.

Igor, Marco, Matheus, and Natalia from the Software Development Intern Team started modeling the web pages for the Highest Good Network web application by creating hand sketches, then modeling them using Photoshop. They also made a layout of the Highest Good Network Database and worked on programming the initial code for the application.

Creating Global Transformational Change – Highest Good Network Application in Progress

Gustavo Romito (Mobile Software Developer), worked on a new feature called dashboard for One Community’s Highest Good Network iPhone app, which is for recording and viewing work and recreational activities. He also completed 20% of the development of a new feature that allows users to follow the activities of other people in the system.

Gustavo Romito (Mobile Software Developer), worked on a new feature called dashboard for One Community’s Highest Good Network iPhone app, which is for recording and viewing work and recreational activities. He also completed 20% of the development of a new feature that allows users to follow the activities of other people in the system.

New features for One Community’s Highest Good Network iPhone app – Click to Visit Page


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OVERVIEW       ●       LOCATION       ●       FUNDING





Proactive, Innovative, and Duplicable Sustainability – One Community Weekly Progress Update #120

Creating proactive, innovative, and duplicable sustainability is one path to a world that works for everyone. Through open source and self-replicating and self-sustainable teacher/demonstration models purposed to provide a healthier, sustainable and more enjoyable living experience, we can create world change founded on providing a better way of living that helps others to live better too. One Community calls this living and creating for The Highest Good of All:

Proactive, Innovative, and Duplicable Sustainability, One Community Weekly Progress Update #120


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the July 5th, 2015 edition (#120) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Innovative, and Duplicable Sustainability
One Community Weekly Progress Update #120

Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:



  • Wrote and transferred another 25% of content for the “Freedom” lesson plan to website (see below)
  • Behind the scenes: Wrote 30% of our lesson plan with the central theme of “Outer Space
  • Lucas Almeida completed the last 50% of the Nature page (see below)
  • Lucas helped us create this new image for the “Dreams” lesson plan, which we featured this week across our social media channels (see below)
  • Lucas created 7 more lesson plan memes that are used to share our lesson plans across social media (see below)





  • Continued the updating of our entire website to be mobile friendly (see below)
  • Behind the scenes: Binru Chen researched and added an additional tutorial for the excel spreadsheet she created last week covering tax considerations and strategies for transparent operation of a non-profit eco-tourism destination as One Community (see below)
  • Behind the scenes: Lucy Lu continued creating the charities and other not-for-profit organization tax filing tutorial (see below)
  • Manuella analyzed One Community Global’s philosophy, communication, and current visual identity. This is the first three steps to create a new brand strategy based on Design Thinking Methodology (see below)
  • IgorMarcoMatheus, and Natalia researched the existing Highest Good Network application and determined it would be better to start a new application from scratch using a common programming language. They then started the new web application requirements and documentation (see below)




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr




One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is creating proactive, innovative, and duplicable sustainability through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:

This last week the core team wrote and transferred another 25% of the content for the “Freedom” lesson plan to the website. This means that this lesson plan, which teaches all subjects, to all learning levels, using the central theme of “Freedom”, is now 75% complete:

Freedom lesson plan, One Community

Freedom Lesson Plan – 75% Complete – Click to Visit Page

In addition, behind the scenes we wrote 30% of our lesson plan with the central theme of “Outer Space”.

Lucas Almeida, a member of the Graphic Design Intern Team, completed the last 50% of the Nature lesson plan mind map, and we have it here for you to see:

Nature lesson plan Mindmap, One Community

“Nature” Lesson Plan Mind Map Complete – Click to Visit Page

Lucas also helped us create this new image for the “Dreams” lesson plan, which we featured this week across our social media channels:

Dream meme, One Community

“Dreams” Lesson Plan Featured – Click to Visit Page

And Lucas created 7 more lesson plan memes that are used to share our lesson plans across social media. The additional themes include Freedom, Outer Space (2 versions), Human Body, Planet Earth (2 versions) and Quality and Quantity:

Additional lesson plan memes, One Community

Additional Lesson plan Memes – Click to Visit Lesson Plans for Life


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is creating proactive, innovative, and duplicable sustainability through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This last week the core team finished the final social media imagery and featured our open source open source melons hub:

melon collage, One Community

Featured Melons Hub with New Social Imagery – Click to Visit

We researched and added two recipes to the open source chayote hub, which you can see here:

Chayote recipes, One Community

Added 2 Chayote Recipes – Click to Visit the Open Source Chayote Hub

We also researched and added two recipes to the open source wax gourd hub that you can see below. More recipes from our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan will be added to each of the individual hubs in the future.

Wax Gourd recipes, One Community

Added 2 Wax Gourd Recipes – Click to Visit the Open Source Wax Gourd Hub

Last but not least, we added three new tasty recipes from Sandra Sellani (Vegan Chef and author of What’s Your QB?) to the Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan – These recipes are: Peaches & Cream Oatmeal, Gnocchi with Sage & Butternut Squash Sauce, and a 15 Shades of Green Entree Salad:

Vegan recipes, One Community

3 New Vegan Recipes Added to Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan Page – Click to Visit


Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is creating proactive, innovative, and duplicable sustainability through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This last week the core team continued the redesign of the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) landscaping after changing the structural design of the net-zero bathrooms – now we’ve got all ADA accessible bathrooms for the central ring. This work is about 60% done:

redesign of the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) landscaping, One Community

Continued Redesign of the Earthbag Village Landscaping – Click to Visit Page

Behind the scenes we also finished researching and adding all the waterproofing strategy equipment and materials images and descriptions. This work is now complete and, once added to the site, will complete the final 25% of the waterproofing strategy tutorial page:

 waterproofing strategy equipment and materials images, One Community

BTS Waterproofing Equipment & Materials Images & Descriptions Complete– Click to Visit

Song Dong (M.S. in Mechanical Engineering) also created this open source tutorial for running structural analysis in SolidWorks on complex structures like our domes:


Tutorial for Running Structural Analysis in SolidWorks for Domes, etc. – Click for Full Picture

Samantha and Flávia from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team worked on improvements to the structure, plumbing, interior layouts and exterior appearance of the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5). This is the second round of design changes and updates to this village:

Shipping Container Village (Pod 5), One Community

Shipping Container Village (Pod 5) – 2nd Round of Updates – Click to Visit Page

SarahRaquel, and Diana, also a members of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team, researched landscape characteristics in the site of and nearest regions to the property we wish to purchase, including sun chart, water/hydrology, wind, soil, vegetation, wildlife, topography, snowfall, temperature – in order to develop this first scheme of a master plan for village placement. Sarah used this to place the 7 villages according to sun orientation, topography, and proximity to existing roads. Raquel and Diana then created a “How to Plan the Placement of My Home or Village” tutorial teaching what considerations should be included when selecting a location for sustainable construction:

researched landscape characteristics in the site of and nearest regions to the property we wish to purchase, One Community

Researched Landscape Characteristics to Develop First Scheme of a Village Placement Master Plan

Adolpho and Jorge, both members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, changed the design of the vermiculture bathroom tray design to increase tray contact for worm travel. They also started running calculations using EFM and treating the trays like beams to have more accurate simulation results.

vermiculture bathroom tray design updates, One Community

Vermiculture Bathroom Tray Design Updates and Calculations – Click to Visit Page

Fernando and Amauri, also both members of the Mechanical Engineering Intern Team, ran calculations to show how much heat can be changed and simulations to show the temperature difference and pressure drop inside the pipes for the Earthbag Village communal shower heat exchangers:

communal shower calculations and simulations, One Community

Earthbag Village Communal Shower Calculations and Simulations – Click to Visit Page

Sayonara Batista de Oliveira (a member of the Architecture and Planning Intern Team) continued work on Straw Bale Village (Pod 2), finishing the rest of the living layouts, the entryway design, and planning for all the social spaces:

continued work on Straw Bale Village (Pod 2), One Community

Continued work on Straw Bale Village (Pod 2) – Click to Visit Page

Matheus Manfredini (Civil Engineering Student specializing in Urban Design) also created this complete report for the structural engineering details for the reciprocating roof design that we’ll be using for the Earthbag Village communal shower and bathroom designs:

 complete report for the structural engineering details for the reciprocating roof design that we'll be using for the Earthbag Village communal shower and bathroom designs, One Community

Earthbag Village communal shower & bathroom Designs Report for Structural Details for Roof Design

Gilberto, a member of the Graphic Design Intern Team, began creating a 3D model of the Couple’s Dome design for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1), and the bark of the tree to make it realistic. He also made necessary corrections of polygon topology of this house, and the uv unwrap of the bark. Also, the position of the window was fixed. All of this is for a real-to-life video representation of this structure:

began creating a 3D model of the Couple's Dome design for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1), One Community

Earthbag Village 3D Model in Progress – Click to Visit Page

Manasses, researched references for layouts and selected the best editorial examples for a complete 7-village portfolio:

researched references for layouts and selected the best editorial examples for a complete 7-village portfolio, One Community

Complete 7-village Portfolio Research – Click to Visit Highest Good Housing Page

And Gabriel started developing and rendering the Murphy bed for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) final real-to-life renders:

 started developing and rendering the Murphy bed for the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) final real-to-life renders, One Community

Murphy Bed Renders – Click to Visit Earthbag Village Furniture Page

From other members of the Intern TeamCarolina, as a starting point for working with the Tree House Village (Pod 7), began a research process into the objective of constructing a Tree House Pod using service design strategies, architecture building enveloping and analyzing existing tree house structures:

research process into the objective of constructing a Tree House Pod, One Community

Tree House Pod Research – Click to Visit Tree House Village Page

Ana researched non-toxic roof paint as a dome covering. She also calculated the dome surface area to determine the amount needed for coverage and researched PVC pipe for drip irrigation and its effects for health. And Welma researched waterproofing and the waterproofing products that One Community can use in all kinds of houses from aerated concrete to straw bale and beyond:

Ana researched non-toxic roof paint as a dome covering. She also calculated the dome surface area to determine the amount needed for coverage and researched PVC pipe for drip irrigation and its effects for health

Housing Materials Research – Click to Visit Highest Good Housing Page


duplicable city center, solution based thinking, One Community, SEGO Center, city hub, recreation center, eco center, sustainable living, ecological living, green living, eco-recreation, group laundry center, for The Highest Good of AllOne Community is creating proactive, innovative, and duplicable sustainability through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This last week ErikaThaisPedro and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team took over and completed the first step of the lighting study with simulations on DiaLUX for the Living Dome of the Duplicable City Center:

completed the first step of the lighting study with simulations on DiaLUX for the Living Dome of the Duplicable City Center, One Community

Lighting Study for the Living Dome of the Duplicable City Center – Click to Visit Page

Mayke Balbino continued working to create the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the Duplicable City Center, which is now 15% complete. He also reviewed the water catchment projects designed by the Hydraulics Intern Team and gave some ideas to improve the overall design and filtration:

continued working to create the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the Duplicable City Center, review of the water catchment projects designed by the Hydraulics Intern Team and gave some ideas to improve the overall design and filtration, One Community

Creating WBS for Duplicable City Center and Review of Water Catchment Projects – Click to Visit DCC

Ricardo Carrillo (Design Consultant and Principal of Acumen Industriesand AntonioGabrielBeatrizFernando, Rodrigo, and Maurilio, all members of the Structural Intern Team, developed a 3D model on AutoCAD for all the columns, beams and slabs from the cupola version 2. They also modeled the domes in 3D, to ensure that the elevation of the horizontal support rings matches with the elevation of the doors, windows and finish floors, in order to support them:

, developed a 3D model on AutoCAD for all the columns, beams and slabs from the cupola version 2, One Community

Developed a 3D model on AutoCAD from the Cupola Version 2 – Click to Visit Duplicable City Center

In addition to this, FabioLucas de Souza and Lucas Tsutsui da SilvaGuilherme, HenriqueTiago, and Israel of the Electrical Intern Team studied the American standards for residential electrical design, created and completed a table to organize their information so their work was more efficient, and worked on the electrical design in AutoCAD 2D:

studied the American standards for residential electrical design, created and completed a table to organize their information so their work was more efficient, and worked on the electrical design in AutoCAD 2D, One Community

Electrical Design Progressions – Click to Visit Duplicable City Center

Diogo Rozada (Civil Engineering Student specializing in Hydraulics) and IzadoraJoaoMateus, and Roberto from the Hydraulics Intern Team continued their water consumption design for the Duplicable City Center adding in LEED V4 specifications and further updating the reservoir sizing. They also started to develop the Fire Protection System, which will use sprinklers. They are about 15% complete:

 continued their water consumption design for the Duplicable City Center adding in LEED V4 specifications and further updating the reservoir sizing and started to develop the Fire Protection System, which will use sprinklers, One Community

Water Consumption and Fire Protection Design – Click to Visit Duplicable City Center


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is creating proactive, innovative, and duplicable sustainability through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This last week the core team continued the updating of our entire website to be mobile friendly. This week’s work included fixing icon and image errors on another 30+ pages and text coloring errors on all our bio pages. We’d say we are now about 40% done with this complete website overhaul:

continued the updating of our entire website to be mobile friendly, One Community

Continued Updating Our Entire Website to be Mobile Friendly

Behind the scenes, Binru Chen (Accountant Specializing in Audit and Financial Reporting) researched and added an additional accounts section to the Statement of Activities document. This is an additional tutorial for the excel spreadsheet she created last week covering tax considerations and strategies for transparent operation of a non-profit eco-tourism destination as One Community:


Additional Accounts Section Added to the Statement of Activities document – Click to Visit Tax Page

Also behind the scenes, Lucy Lu (Accountant Specializing in Financial Reporting and Managerial Accounting) continued creating the charities and other not-for-profit organization tax filing tutorial. This week’s work covered property tax exemptions for nonprofit organizations. Lucy started by researching California, will next choose another state to demonstrate the differences between states, and will then create a tutorial for finding these necessary details for all 50 states. This work and Binru’s work is all part of the Highest Good Economics component of building teacher/demonstration hubs:

continued creating the charities and other not-for-profit organization tax filing tutorial., One Community

Creating Charities and Other Not-for-Profit Organization Tax Filing Tutorial – Click to Visit Tax Page

Manuella, a member of the Graphic Design Intern Team, analyzed One Community Global’s philosophy, communication, and current visual identity. This is the first three steps to create a new brand strategy based on Design Thinking Methodology. She used mindmaps, SWAT analysis, and affinitizing to brainstorm and organize her research, as you can see here:

 first three steps to create a new brand strategy based on Design Thinking Methodology, One Community

Research to Create a New Brand Strategy Based on Design Thinking Methodology

IgorMarcoMatheus, and Natalia from the Software Development Intern Team researched the existing Highest Good Network application coding and determined it would be better to start a new web application from scratch using a common programming language. They then started the new web application requirements and documentation you see here, completing approximately 50% of the initial guide for programmers and users interested in using or modifying what will be the new open source software:

researched the existing Highest Good Network application and determined it would be better to start a new application from scratch using a common programming language. They then started the new web application requirements and documentation, One Community

Highest Good Network Research and Application – Click to Visit Highest Good Network


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