Evolution of Sustainability – One Community Weekly Progress Update #14

may the forest be with you, evolution of sustainability, transformational change, global transformation, open source, One Community, facilitating the evolution of sustainabilityOne Community is a for The Highest Good of All 501(c)3 non-profit organization designing and open source free-sharing everything needed so people interested in participating in an evolution of sustainability and transformational world change can do so anywhere in the world therefore aiding in the evolution of sustainability. We are doing this in the form of seven comprehensive sustainability village models that provide what we feel most people will consider to be a more fulfilled way of living.

The components of these models will be able to be duplicated modularly or as complete and self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that are not only model solutions, but solution-creating models that provide even more research, blueprints, and necessary support for successively easier and more affordable and creative duplication everywhere. This is our weekly progress update (#14) covering our accomplishments for the week of May 27th, 2013.


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

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The Evolution of Sustainability
One Community Weekly Progress Update #14

The Evolution of Sustainability One Community Weekly Progress Update Video XIV


Our three investor pages are updated and complete! This is super exciting because it A) took a ton of time and B) because what would help One Community the most right now would be funding to secure the property, which will help the evolution of sustainability progress. You can visit our LOCATION ESSENTIALS PROPERTY PAGE to read about all the work we’ve already invested in this location and the criteria used during the 2-year selection process. We feel securing this property is currently the #1 largest step we could take because it will:

  1. Allow us to share essential location details, property videos, etc.
  2. Allow us to utilize a diversity of marketing contacts and support waiting on this
  3. Allow us to launch a detailed and location-specific marketing and crowdfunding campaign
  4. Help us to complete the team (location details are the #1 question we receive from applicants)
  5. Engage the permitting and open source project-launch blueprinting process more efficiently

The three updated investor pages are regarding property details, our most comprehensive overview of One Community, and funding options. Take a look at the pages and please SHARE THEM if you’d like to help us! “Likes” and “Shares” on these pages specifically are super helpful because they spread the word AND demonstrate that people are interested and supportive of what we are creation.



Here’s our first generation details map of exactly what will be planted in the large-scale food production aquapini. Every number has a corresponding plant or tree and those details are coming soon too. Next step along with building out the plant details on the planting and harvesting details page, is to combine this map with the building layout plans and clean it up as a usable and duplicable blueprint for others to follow. As a means of facilitating the evolution of sustainability, we will also:

  1. Calculate exactly how much food we can produce annually from this structure
  2. Calculate exactly how much savings this will provide the average group duplicating this structure
  3. Share the strategy for others to help us in global collaboration to improve and diversify the options for #1 and #2 even more
facilitating the evolution of sustainability, enviroartistic food, Highest Good Food, Feed the world, sustainable food infrastructure, open source food, open source sustainability, open source ecology, One Community, feed the world, feed the planet, aquaponics, aquapini, walipini designs, free aquaponics plans, free walipini plans, free architecture plans, free-sharing food plans, large-scale aquaponics, large-scale food production, organic food, pesticide free food, fresh food, green living, sustainability non profit, 501c3 food production, One Community Living, grow you own food, sustainable communities planning, open source villages, teacher/demonstration villages, global sustainability, creating the New Golden Age, evolution of sustainability, facilitating the evolution of sustainability

Planting Map Version 1.0 – Click Image to Visit the Planting and Harvesting Details Page


We’ve also continued to make progress on the earthbag construction open source village with the help and volunteer work of John Bassist (organizer of this e-group hub wiki as well as this Needs/Instincts Centered Economics (NICE) Facebook page).

These pictures show the domes with 10 windows to help us achieve the final product of a 75 dome village with each dome having one window facing North (passive lighting in the summer without excessive heat) and one facing South (passive heating in the winter), creatively facilitating the evolution of sustainability. Once we’ve got this one dome exactly the way we want it, we will duplicate the model 75 times for the whole village, add in the patios and stairs, add in the landscaping, etc. and then delete 8 of the windows off each dome to leave only one facing North and one facing South.

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Progression of the 3D Domes for the Earthbag Village: Click to Visit the Earthbag Village Open Source Hub

Additional earthbag village drawings were also completed this last week by Doug Stenhouse (Architect and Water Color Artist). These drawing reflect addition of the buttress walls and the elevation changes we had to make due to the plumbing necessary for water collection.

earthbag consruction, superadobe construction, super adobe construction, earth building, earth dome, dome home, One Community, sustainable living, eco living, dirt home, building with earth, earthbag village, sustainable building, construction of the future, facilitating the evolution of sustainability

Click to Visit the Earthbag Village Open Source Hub With Images You can Enlarge

earthbag consruction, superadobe construction, super adobe construction, earth building, earth dome, dome home, One Community, sustainable living, eco living, dirt home, building with earth, earthbag village, sustainable building, construction of the future, facilitating the evolution of sustainability

Click to Visit the Earthbag Village Open Source Hub With Images You can Enlarge

SEGO Center Laundry, One Community, open source architecture, facilitating the evolution of sustainability

SEGO Center Duplicable City Hub Laundry Details 1.0 – Click to Enlarge

evolving sustainability, eco-living, sustainable city hub, SEGO Center, One Community, open source architecture, eco-architecture, green living, sustainable living, SEGO Center 3D, facilitating the evolution of sustainability

Click Image to Visit the SEGO City Center Open Source Hub


This last week we also completed the Community, Family, and Social Skills curriculum page! This is our 3rd to last page of the Curriculum for Life component of the open source and free-shared Education for Life program.



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One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together with the goal to achieve evolution of sustainability. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves while. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet.

Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible.

Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication which will aid in evolution of sustainability. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to foodenergyhousingeducationfor-profit and non-profit economics designsocial architecturefulfilled livingstewardship practices and more. We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.


One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living.



As a strategy that will aid in evolution of sustainability the One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates. They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one.

The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive.

Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more.  For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this.



One Community’s four-phase strategy for the creation of solution models that create solution creating models uses open source blueprints for duplication that simultaneously address all aspects of the human experience (food, energy, housing, education, social inequality and injustice, fulfilled living, etc.). We see these areas as interdependent and requiring a comprehensive solution if humanity is to move ecologically, socially, economically, and permanently towards a truly sustainable future for everyone.

Our open source model and blueprints engage and inspire people while simultaneously making sustainable living more affordable and easy to replicate. By free-sharing the step-by-step plans people need for duplication, inviting people to participate, and demonstrating sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs as a more desirable way of living, the model will predictably expand on its own which will then eventually help in the evolution of sustainability.

It is this approach we see uniting the world and leading to a new Golden Age for humanity. While we understand that not everyone believes this is even possible, we are nonetheless bringing together all those that do see this as possible as the non-profit think tank of forward-thinking individuals willing to design, build, and open source project-launch blueprint and free-share it for The Highest Good of All.



One Community is open source sharing an evolution of sustainable living that addresses the complete human experience. We are doing this because we see the solutions for global food, housing, energy, education, social inequality, ethical business practices, earth regenerative practices, and a desire for a more fulfilling living experience as inseparably interconnected. As a comprehensive solution, we are addressing all these areas simultaneously and open source free-sharing everything needed for individual duplication and/or duplication as complete self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world with the goal of attaining evolution of sustainability.

As we address and open source share these areas we will establish a living example of the first teacher/demonstration village purposed to teach others. To maximally facilitate duplication, One Community will provide seven duplicable examples and function indefinitely as a place people can visit and a non-profit and open source think tank continuing to further evolve and share solutions in all of the above areas and more. We will also provide hands-on experience and training. Most importantly, growing upon our sustainable foundation, we will endlessly make this comprehensive solution even more widely known and globally accessible, understandable and diversely duplicable, and inspiring and desirable as a model worth duplicating.


The more people that are inspired and desiring for themselves what it is that One Community creates, the more demand there will be for spreading the One Community model and the increase in demand will help in the growth of evolution of sustainability. This leads to the directing of financial resources and resourceful people where we believe they are needed most: the establishment of additional sustainable communities around the world. We also feel this duplication will specifically happen quickly internationally due to the affordability of overseas land, less restrictive building environments, and the spirit of adventure in many people who really desire to make a difference for those who need it most.

To meet the increasing demand for sustainability that we are contributing to, we are coordinating with manufacturers, education institutions, individuals, and vendors. This is also part of this model to help the world. Its purpose is to facilitate more engagement of the sustainability industry, produce the absolute best possible consumer value, and the most convenient delivery of goods and methodologies for building sustainable living communities and sustainable living components.

This means we not only provide education and increase needed sustainability resources, we also address the underlying roadblocks to a sustainable planet by decreasing the cost and simultaneously increasing the demand and generating financial support for global sustainability, philanthropy, and humanitarian movements and organizations and doing this will also help in the evolution of sustainability.

As demand increases, so too will the ways to participate. Right now people are participating as consultants or partners donating time to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and others are more involved as Pioneers of the core team that will be moving to the property. We also have options for people to just follow our progress or participate through internet contribution.

Once the supportive physical infrastructure is about 30% developed, One Community will be ready to additionally expand what we offer to include scholarships, free weekend learning groups, core team members choosing to travel abroad to help others get established too, handling the marketing for all similar models operating for The Highest Good of All, and hosting classes and other sponsored events to promote and demonstrate additional methodologies, all these will come together to expedite the evolution of sustainability.

We also imagine the high likelihood that our organization will become a foundation that can be trusted as the donation point for distribution of monies to help others to establish this model also.


One Community is building solution-creating models designed to create additional solution-creating models to specifically facilitate exponential and sustainable global teacher/demonstration village growth. The following four phases of the strategy we are applying are designed to support each other and accelerate the process of evolution of sustainability globally:

Phase I: Demonstrating a Better Way

We are designing One Community to demonstrate an experience of living that we believe most people will consider to be better because it will be more enjoyable and fulfilling. We also think most people will consider it better because it is made possible specifically through a foundation of sustainable sustainability and a philosophy that is for The Highest Good of All.

Phase II: Open Source Project-Launch Blueprinting

Everything we do we are open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing to make it as easy and affordable as possible to duplicate, adapt, and evolve in the manner that suits each individual and/or group’s needs. Free-sharing information like this is our aggressive-exposure engine and an aspect of One Community that will accelerate indefinitely as we continue to build our team, that will support in the evolution of sustainability by moving onto the property, and continuously build and evolve everything that is One Community.

Phase III: Inviting the World to Participate

Everything we are open source project-launch blueprinting is designed to invite the world to participate by duplicating it as either individual components or complete teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that will be able to be built almost anywhere in the world. Additionally, people can join One Community as membersconsultants and/or partners, or use the suggestions links on our open source project-launch blueprinting hubs to help with the design, implementation, and evolution process. Scholarships, weekend learning and work crews, and tourism will be foundations of One Community once we have sufficient infrastructure in place to support these options.

Phase IV: Universal Appeal and Global Expansion

As One Community continues evolving and establishing ourselves, everything we create and promote will serve as the engine to inspire people to align with the concept of open source and sustainable living for The Highest Good of All. We are doing this to create mainstream appeal and our path to achieving this appeal is demonstrating a happier, more affordable, and ecologically friendly model of living that can be built anywhere in the world which will help in the evolution of sustainability widely.

Open source project-launch blueprinting it all is how we believe the model will spread and, possibly most importantly, that it will predictably spread even faster in the areas where it is needed most because building restrictions, the cost of land, and materials costs are in most cases lower in these areas.


We are creating everything One Community does as open source and free-shared blueprints because we see this as the path to a new Golden Age of creativity, innovation, cooperation, and collaboration for all of humanity. Our model is a solution model that creates additional solution creating models enabling people to live and collaborate globally for The Highest Good of All. The easier we make everything we do, the faster we see the world transitioning in the direction of evolution of sustainability.

Every aspect of this model supports itself and contributes to its success, from the sustainable foodenergy, and homes, to the social architectureOne Community Education Program, and open source sharing model itself. Each piece can be accessed, evolved, and even re-birthed as something completely new. It can be duplicated by itself or with other modules, with applications as diverse as the people who want and need them. The constantly expanding total model will additionally be able to be used in its entirety as the open source project-launch blueprint for a variety of duplicate teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities capable of being built virtually anywhere.

The most profound part of the evolution of sustainability is: the more we open source share, the more we help move everyone forward, the more people know about what we are doing and can participate, and the more successful and capable we are of project-launch blueprinting and sharing even more still. This is all supported and made possible because:

  • We have the team to produce an extensive quality and diversity of tools and resources
  • It gives us the opportunity to broaden the concept of sustainability and make it more desirable
  • Areas we open source expand our ability to evolve even faster through global collaboration
  • Each new area open sourced expands our target audience, advancing our world changing goals
  • The more we show our ability to share what we are creating, the more others will benefit and want to join this movement and mimic the part we are playing in it


One Community’s open source strategy will evolve 5 primary types of open source content purposed to reach and service as broad an audience as possible. This includes the following mediums of sharing that are being developed to function as standalone resources or in combination with each other:

  • Video tutorials
  • Audio tutorials
  • Live streaming video
  • Direct/live interaction
  • Written content and downloadable PDFs

Maximum exposure which will help in ensuring that the evolution of sustainability is accomplished through simultaneous implementation of the following strategies:

  • Free-shared audio, visual, and PDF downloads
  • Scholarship and intern programs for direct learning
  • Videoing or live-streaming almost all classes and activities
  • Tourism option for involvement in almost all aspects of One Community
  • Dedicated and search engine optimized sections of our website for each key area
  • Our established infrastructure that simultaneously posts to over 20 social networks



One Community sees the issues of the world as interdependent and interconnected. To address them simultaneously, we are open-source blueprinting a more advanced standard of living by designing holistic, environmentally-regenerative, self-sustaining, adaptable solutions for all areas of sustainability. We will model these within a comprehensive “village/city” which will be built in the southwestern U.S. This teacher/demonstration hub will be a place people can experience a new way of living and then replicate it with our open source blueprints: creating a model solution that creates additional solution-creating models which will help in the evolution of sustainability.


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