Creating Self-replicating Patterns of Positive Change – One Community Weekly Progress Update #569

Creating self-replicating patterns of positive change, One Community is dedicated to transforming the world through open sourcing and free-sharing sustainable approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices,… Read More

Eco-cooperatives Making a Difference – One Community Weekly Progress Update #568

One Community is facilitating eco-cooperatives making a difference through collaborative action. Our all-volunteer team is dedicated to creating a sustainable blueprint that transcends borders. By fostering global collaboration, we’re not just envisioning change; we’re actively making it happen…. Read More

One Community Welcomes Catherine Liu to the Administration and Analytics Team!

One Community welcomes Catherine Liu to the Administration and Analytics Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! Catherine has almost 3 years of work experience in finance and market research firms with functions as trading operations and customer success. With a… Read More