Whole-systems Approach for World Change – One Community Weekly Progress Update #66

One Community is utilizing a whole-systems approach for world change by broadening sustainability beyond food, energy, and housing to include education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more: Here’s our project overview Here’s our world-change methodology Here’s how this becomes self-replicating Here’s how we are open source and free-sharing… Read More

World-changing People – One Community Weekly Progress Update #34

One Community is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization of world-changing people taking a comprehensive approach to maximize the ease of replicating sustainable living and the number of people that can access it.

The Solution for Everything – One Community Weekly Progress Update #33

One Community is creating the solution for everything. We define this as a sustainable civilization that completely meets the needs of all people and life on this planet while regeneratively and proactively giving more than it takes. We… Read More