The Solution to Everything

What would the solution to everything look like? In our opinion a solution like this would ultimately be a  self-perpetuating model that creates solution creating models. Our version of this is duplicable and self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that address… Read More

Why One Community is Creating an Open Source Vermiculture Toilet

One Community is incorporating vermiculture bins into our composting toilet plans as one way to share with the world how to add a compost bin into any human waste disposal plan. Doing this will take composting with worms… Read More

Sustainable Building: Straw-bale Eco-Architecture

Featured on Planet Green and “The World’s Greenest Homes” TV show, Kevin Edwards’ 3000 square foot straw-bale constructed home is beautiful, green, more affordable than traditionally built homes, and packed with amazing eco-features. Located in Scottsdale, AZ, this… Read More