Posted on July 28, 2016 by One Community
One Community welcomes Dipti Dhondarkar to the Design Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Dipti Dhondarkar – Electrical Engineer: Dipti received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Nagpur University in India. She has five-plus years of experience in teaching subjects related to Electrical Engineering and is proficient in power electronics, basic electrical, electrical machines, utilization and traction. She has worked with the National Institute of Technology Nagpur, Maharashtra, India and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology, Vasad Gujarat India as a lecturer and Assistant professor and has also published papers on “Stability Analysis of Symmetrical Induction Motor on Parameter Variation” and “Energy Audit Analysis of Time of Day (TOD) Metering.” As a One Community team member, Dipti is applying her outstanding knowledge and background to assist with the electrical and lighting design for the Duplicable City Center.
FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS (click icons for our pages)
Posted on July 24, 2016 by Kishan Sivakumar
Creating a new earth paradigm can be accomplished if enough people participate. We can redefine “traditional living” as sustainable living and make current and unsustainable building and living methods history. One way to accelerate the process is gathering like-minded groups together to create and demonstrate open source and sustainable approaches to food, energy, and housing combined with equally conscientious approaches to education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, and global stewardship practices. Combining all this is what One Community calls living and creating for The Highest Good of All:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the July 24th, 2016 edition (#174) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is creating a new earth paradigm through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team transferred the first 25% of the written content for the Honesty and Integrity Lesson Plan to the website, as you see here. This lesson plan purposed to teach all subjects, to all learning levels, in any learning environment, using the central theme of “Honesty & Integrity” is now 25% completed on our website. These are geared towards creating a new earth paradigm with sustainability.
Behind the scenes, we wrote the third 25% of the written part of the Honesty & Integrity Lesson Plan.
We also completed the first 25% of the mindmap for the Information Lesson Plan:
One Community is creating a new earth paradigm through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
As part of the development of our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan, this week Naturopathic Doctor Matt Marturano (creator of the COHERENT model for comprehensive digestive health), recalculated and made a significant number of changes (shown in green) to the nutrition calculations he created, which will be added to our website this week:
One Community is creating a new earth paradigm through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team put another 10 hours into the behind-the-scenes revision for the Footers, Foundations and Flooring page for the crowdfunding campaign we are developing. This week’s focus was on finishing and stabilizing the end of the stucco with a waterproof barrier and providing a method of securing a flashing backsplash below the end of the stucco to help prevent moisture damage to the structure. We then entered the new information into the narrative in a step-by-step description. We’d say we are now 91% complete with this total update and rewrite behind the scenes.
The core team also reformatted and updated the complete Highest Good Housing open source hub and the first 4 village pages. This reformatting included adding new residence and social space details, additional imagery from the design process of each village, an index to the top of each page, What and Why sections to each page, as well as new resources and resource sections.
Sal Rubio (Industrial Designer) also continued working on creating professional do-it-yourself Earthbag Village Murphy Bed furniture assembly instructions. What you see here is week 9 of this process, with this week’s focus being further development of single-page cutting instructions.
Brianna Johnson (Interior Designer), also continued evolving the renders for the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2). What you see here are two new layouts for the studio living spaces, re-designed to better reflect the sustainability and recreational values of the people who will be living here.
And Dean Scholz, Architectural Designer, further developed what’s necessary for us to create quality Cob Village (Pod 3) renders. Here is update 28 of his work that focused on an additional and new shade structure for the roof and beginning the rooftop grill designs.
Guy Grossfeld (Graphic Designer) also continued with his 6th week of photoshop work on the renders for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5). Here you see the final renders of the front perspective…
…1st floor circulation area:
…computer room:
….rental room looking in:
….outdoor meeting and relaxation area:
….northside recreation and dining area:
….and a northside circulation space:
In addition to this, Bupesh Seethala (Interior Designer) created the 2nd version of multiple renders for the Recycled Materials Village (Pod 6) including additions to 2 perspectives for the game room, 1 for the gym, 3 for the music room, and 1 for the yoga room:
Bupesh also finalized these images looking in and out for the art room…
…this one looking out for the gym:
…these two looking in and out for the library and computer room:
Recycled Materials Village Final Render of Library and Computer Room Looking In – Click to Visit Page
…and this one for the recreation and social space:
One Community is creating a new earth paradigm through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week the core team continued developing the Duplicable City Center in 3D. What you see here are changes made to the dry storage in the dining dome that include the redesigning of the glass sliding doors and walls.
We also set the height of the basement to 8 feet, adjusted the driveway to the cellar to 20%, and we placed the storage shelves and containers in the cellar area.
Additionally, we worked on the natural pool and spa area, where we changed the rinsing station privacy screen from a trellis to in-ground bamboo.
Iris Hsu (Industrial Designer), also continued exploring recycled pipe shelving and overhead lighting options for the Duplicable City Center library. What you see here is round #12 of this work now focusing on researching and trying different art options for the center of the pipe furniture wall.
Neha Verma (Construction Project Manager and Bachelor’s of Architecture) also produced the root cellar driveway details and beginnings of a Project Brief you see here. The Project Brief will form the City Center Plans Page when complete.
And Dipti Dhondarkar (Electrical Engineer) continued her work on the lighting zones, lumens, and number of lamps needed spreadsheet you see here. This week’s focus was on further defining the zones and adding details related to minimum lumens and percentage-reductions possible for each zone.
Haoxuan “Hayes” Lei (Structural Engineering Student) also worked on the live load calculations for the City Center dining dome beams.
One Community is creating a new earth paradigm through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team recolored 2 complete sets of 28 Highest Good housing Icons. These were to match the color palettes we’re developing to color coordinate the village interior and exterior color plans with the website and all promotional materials.
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet creating a new earth paradigm.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible.
Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub for creating a new earth paradigm. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living.
The One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates. They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one thus setting a precedent for creating a new earth paradigm.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more. For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this.
One Community’s four-phase strategy for the creation of solution models that create solution creating models uses open source blueprints for duplication that simultaneously address all aspects of the human experience (food, energy, housing, education, social inequality and injustice, fulfilled living, etc.). We see these areas as interdependent and requiring a comprehensive solution if humanity is to move ecologically, socially, economically, and permanently towards a truly sustainable future for everyone.
Our open source model and blueprints engage and inspire people while simultaneously making sustainable living more affordable and easy to replicate. By free-sharing the step-by-step plans people need for duplication, inviting people to participate, and demonstrating sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs as a more desirable way of living, the model will predictably expand on its own.
It is this approach we see uniting the world and leading to a new Golden Age for humanity. While we understand that not everyone believes this is even possible, we are nonetheless bringing together all those that do see this as possible as the non-profit think tank of forward-thinking individuals willing to design, build, and open source project-launch blueprint and free-share it for The Highest Good of All.
One Community is open source sharing an evolution of sustainable living that addresses the complete human experience. We are doing this because we see the solutions for global food, housing, energy, education, social inequality, ethical business practices, earth regenerative practices, and a desire for a more fulfilling living experience as inseparably interconnected. As a comprehensive solution, we are addressing all these areas simultaneously and open source free-sharing everything needed for individual duplication and/or duplication as complete self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world.
As we address and open source share these areas we will establish a living example of the first teacher/demonstration village purposed to teach others. To maximally facilitate duplication, One Community will provide seven duplicable examples and function indefinitely as a place people can visit and a non-profit and open source think tank continuing to further evolve and share solutions in all of the above areas and more. We will also provide hands-on experience and training. Most importantly, growing upon our sustainable foundation, we will endlessly make this comprehensive solution even more widely known and globally accessible, understandable and diversely duplicable, and inspiring and desirable as a model worth duplicating.
The more people that are inspired and desiring for themselves what it is that One Community creates, the more demand there will be for spreading the One Community model. This leads to the directing of financial resources and resourceful people where we believe they are needed most: the establishment of additional sustainable communities around the world. We also feel this duplication will specifically happen quickly internationally due to the affordability of overseas land, less restrictive building environments, and the spirit of adventure in many people who really desire to make a difference for those who need it most.
To meet the increasing demand for sustainability that we are contributing to, we are coordinating with manufacturers, education institutions, individuals, and vendors. This is also part of this model to help the world. Its purpose is to facilitate more engagement of the sustainability industry, produce the absolute best possible consumer value, and the most convenient delivery of goods and methodologies for building sustainable living communities and sustainable living components.
This means we not only provide education and increase needed sustainability resources, we also address the underlying roadblocks to a sustainable planet by decreasing the cost and simultaneously increasing the demand and generating financial support for global sustainability, philanthropy, and humanitarian movements and organizations.
As demand increases, so too will the ways to participate. Right now people are participating as consultants or partners donating time to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and others are more involved as Pioneers of the core team that will be moving to the property. We also have options for people to just follow our progress or participate through internet contribution.
Once the supportive physical infrastructure is about 30% developed, One Community will be ready to additionally expand what we offer to include scholarships, free weekend learning groups, core team members choosing to travel abroad to help others get established too, handling the marketing for all similar models operating for The Highest Good of All, and hosting classes and other sponsored events to promote and demonstrate additional methodologies.
We also imagine the high likelihood that our organization will become a foundation that can be trusted as the donation point for distribution of monies to help others to establish this model also.
Posted on July 17, 2016 by Kishan Sivakumar
Humanity is capable of comprehensive ecological architecture that will regenerate our planet while meeting our needs better than traditional and non-sustainable methods. If we make these eco-methods of building and living easy enough, affordable enough, and attractive enough, they will spread on their own and speed the regenerative process.
Engaging and sharing in the design process is what One Community calls living and creating for The Highest Good of All:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward the movement of comprehensive ecological architecture as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world.
This is the July 17th, 2016 edition (#173) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is supporting comprehensive ecological architecture through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team transferred the final 25% of the written content for the Information Lesson Plan to the website, as you see here. This lesson plan purposed to teach all subjects, to all learning levels, in any learning environment, using the central theme of “Information” is now 100% completed on our website.
Behind the scenes, we wrote the second 25% of the written part of the Honesty & Integrity Lesson Plan with the comprehensive ecological architecture in mind.
We also completed the final 25% of the mindmap for the Humility Lesson Plan, bringing it to 100% complete, which you see here:
One Community is supporting comprehensive ecological architecture through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
As part of the development of our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan, the core team added additional details for the recommended quantities of daily vegetables to our website, as suggested by Naturopathic Doctor Matt Marturano (creator of the COHERENT model for comprehensive digestive health).
One Community is supporting comprehensive ecological architecture through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team put another 10 hours into the behind-the-scenes revision for the Footers, Foundations and Flooring page for the crowdfunding campaign we are developing. This week’s focus was on completing edits and adding further information in Section 12 Dome Exterior Finish, Section 14 French Drain Gutter Construction, and Section 16 Resources.
One example of the work this week would be an explanation of 2% lateral and downward sloping of French Drain Gutter and how that affects Section 15 Final Backfill and size changes in polyethylene, addressing a paver edging barrier with attached flashing at the base of the stucco to prevent water damage to lower stucco, and eliminating outdated resources.
We’d say we are now 90% complete with this total update and rewrite behind the scenes.
Sal Rubio (Industrial Designer) also continued working on creating professional do-it-yourself Earthbag Village Murphy Bed furniture assembly instructions. What you see here is week 8 of this process and Sal’s 4th version of exploring instructions for cutting the proper pieces.
In addition to this, Ray Triboulet (Web Developer and Active Duty U.S. Sailor) continued with week 4 of developing the communal Vermiculture Eco-Toilet designs that are part of the Earthbag Village (Pod 1).
This weeks’ focus was on streamlining the focus of the page and adding in small placeholder images so the Core Team knows what images to create and clean up for the final version.
Brianna Johnson (Interior Designer), also continued evolving the renders for the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2). What you see here is the view inside one of the living spaces looking up toward the loft sleeping area:
Comprehensive Ecological Architecture – Continued Evolving Straw Bale Village Renders – Click to Visit
…. a view from the top of the stairs looking at the loft sleeping area:
… and a view from the sleeping area under the loft looking outward onto the living room:
And Dean Scholz, Architectural Designer, further developed what’s necessary for us to create quality Cob Village (Pod 3) renders. Here is update 27 of his work that focused on test rendering the newly designed roof space and building additional 3D furniture to add there.
Jaspreet Sond (Graphic Designer and Computer Engineer) also created this complete layout for the wood working maker space for the Northwest wing of the Cob Village (Pod 3). What you see here is week 2 of this work converting hand drawings into an Illustrator file before starting to build all this in 3-D.
Guy Grossfeld (Graphic Designer) also continued with his 5th week of photoshop work on the renders for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5). Here you see the initial versions of the library, game room, and outdoor meeting space:
In addition to this, Bupesh Seethala (Interior Designer) created the first version of multiple renders for the Recycled Materials Village (Pod 6) including the art room, dance room, two perspectives on the game room, the gym, two perspectives on the library and computer room and two perspectives on the music room.
He also provided render of a social space, an outdoor perspective on the yoga room, and an indoor perspective on the same room.
One Community is supporting comprehensive ecological architecture through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week the core team continued developing the Duplicable City Center in 3D as a precursor to updating the CAD drawing. What you see here is the staircase to the basement cellar redesigned to accommodate the curvature of the wall and to have the appropriate headroom to enter the root cellar below the dry storage:
Here you see the kitchen elevator moved into the washing area.
We also worked on the natural pool and spa area, where we added a trellis and vines to the rinsing station screen:
Added a Trellis and Vines to the Rinsing Station Screen – Click to Visit the Natural Pool and Spa Page
In addition to this, we updated all the icons for the Duplicable City Center again, creating better color consistency and adding a few new ones:
Last but not least, Neha Verma (Construction Project Manager and Bachelor’s of Architecture) also updated the AutoCAD to reflect the spa mechanical room and shower location and Kitchen dry storage changes from last week’s 3D design updates.
One Community is supporting comprehensive ecological architecture through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team updated all the icons and formatting for our Purpose, Mission and Vision page:
We also created 6 new icons as seen here:
…and we further revised the template we’re developing for color coordination of the website, village interior and exterior colors, and all of the graphic design work for each of the 7 villages.
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together through comprehensive ecological architecture. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible.
Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more.
We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub for the comprehensive ecological architecture.
It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living.
The One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates. They also include options for even the most challenged economies.
These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more.
For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this.
One Community’s four-phase strategy for the creation of solution models that create solution creating models uses open source blueprints for duplication that simultaneously address all aspects of the human experience (food, energy, housing, education, social inequality and injustice, fulfilled living, etc.).
We see these areas as interdependent and requiring a comprehensive solution if humanity is to move ecologically, socially, economically, and permanently towards a truly sustainable future for everyone.
Our open source model and blueprints engage and inspire people while simultaneously making sustainable living more affordable and easy to replicate.
By free-sharing the step-by-step plans people need for duplication, inviting people to participate, and demonstrating sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs as a more desirable way of living, the model will predictably expand on its own. This will be our way in establishing a comprehensive ecological architecture for the future.
It is this approach we see uniting the world and leading to a new Golden Age for humanity. While we understand that not everyone believes this is even possible, we are nonetheless bringing together all those that do see this as possible as the non-profit think tank of forward-thinking individuals willing to design, build, and open source project-launch blueprint and free-share it for The Highest Good of All.
Posted on July 12, 2016 by One Community
One Community welcomes Zachary Melin to the Graphic Design Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS (click icons for our pages)
Posted on July 10, 2016 by Kishan Sivakumar
Sustainable living and Eco-designs for a better world are exponentially growing in popularity. One Community is contributing to this through open source and sustainable food, energy, and housing combined with Highest Good approaches to education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, and stewardship practices. We call this living and creating for The Highest Good of All:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward the movement of designs for a better world as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the July 10, 2016 edition (#172) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is helping create designs for a better world through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team transferred the third 25% of the written content for the Information Lesson Plan to the website, as you see here. This lesson plan purposed to teach all subjects, to all learning levels, in any learning environment, using the central theme of “Information” is now 75% completed on our website.
Behind the scenes, we wrote the first 25% of the written part of the Beliefs Lesson Plan that help in creating designs for a better world.
We also completed the third 25% of the mindmap for the Humility Lesson Plan, bringing it to 75% complete, which you see here:
Last but not least, we updated all the icons and formatting on the Highest Good Education open source hub and the Curriculum for Life page.
One Community is helping create designs for a better world through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
As part of the development of our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan, which features contributions from Naturopathic Doctor Matt Marturano (creator of the COHERENT model for comprehensive digestive health), this week we compiled the pasta recipes, to add to the weekly recipe pages we are creating.
One Community is helping create designs for a better world through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team put another 10 hours into the behind-the-scenes revision for the Footers, Foundations and Flooring page for the crowdfunding campaign we are developing. This week’s focus was on the continued intensive read and dissecting of Section 10 Construction of Stem Wall and Dome, and on Section 11 Floor Construction.
Followed by Section 13 Subterranean Exterior Ground Finish of Polyethylene Water Barrier and EPS Insulation. We updated the 6 mil poly horizontal subterranean EPS installation due to a change in how it is installed; changing it from cutting multiple pieces and patching them together to cutting a single larger ring with a center hole to slip over the dome in a single piece.
We’d say we are now 89% complete with this total update and rewrite behind the scenes.
Brianna Johnson (Interior Designer), also continued evolving the renders for the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2). What you see here is the initial renders for the central areas in front of the residences and a resident-housing bathroom:
Designs for a Better World – Straw Bale Village Resident-Housing Bathroom – Click to Visit Page
Dean Scholz, Architectural Designer, further developed what’s necessary for us to create quality Cob Village (Pod 3) renders. Here is update 26 of his work that focused on shade structures for the newly designed roof.
Jaspreet Sond (Graphic Designer and Computer Engineer) also began designing the wood working maker space for Northwest wing of the Cob Village (Pod 3). What you see here is the initial layout of this space created by working in conjunction with a friend of his who has his Master’s Degree in woodworking.
Guy Grossfeld (Graphic Designer) also continued with his 4th week of photoshop work on the renders for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5). Here you see the final versions of a rental room looking out, the business media room, and the computer room:
Zachary Melin (Graphic Designer) also continued updating the Tree House Village (Pod 7) book created by last year’s intern Team. What you see here is the updated page for the complete village layout.
One Community is helping create designs for a better world through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
Here you see development of the root cellar in the Dining Dome focused on the driveway, roll-up door, lower parts of the stairs, and the kitchen elevator:
Haoxuan “Hayes” Lei (Structural Engineering Student) also finished the second 50% of the City Center 1st floor subframe loading conditions calculations, which you can see here.
One Community is helping create designs for a better world through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team finished our new letterhead and business card designs and also our 2nd-generation exploration of how we’ll be presenting the color pallets for the villages themselves, all instructional materials, interior design, future icon creation, etc.
Jennifer Zhou (Web Designer) also joined the team and created what you see here, beginning the monumental process of building the new website structure we desire for easier and more graphic access to all the One Community open source content.
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. Also to build designs for a better world. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible.
Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more.
We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living.
The One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent to perpetuate the designs for a better world. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates.
They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more.
For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this.
One Community’s four-phase strategy for the creation of solution models that create solution creating models uses open source blueprints for duplication that simultaneously address all aspects of the human experience (food, energy, housing, education, social inequality and injustice, fulfilled living, etc.).
We see these areas as interdependent and requiring a comprehensive solution if humanity is to move ecologically, socially, economically, and permanently towards a truly sustainable future for everyone.
Our open source model and blueprints engage and inspire people while simultaneously making sustainable living more affordable and easy to replicate. By free-sharing the step-by-step plans people need for duplication, inviting people to participate, and demonstrating sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs as a more desirable way of living, the model will predictably expand on its own.
It is this approach we see uniting the world and leading to a new Golden Age for humanity. While we understand that not everyone believes this is even possible, we are nonetheless bringing together all those that do see this as possible as the non-profit think tank of forward-thinking individuals willing to design, build, and open source project-launch blueprint and free-share it for The Highest Good of All.
One Community is open source sharing an evolution of sustainable living that addresses the complete human experience. We are doing this because we see the solutions for global food, housing, energy, education, social inequality, ethical business practices, earth regenerative practices, and a desire for a more fulfilling living experience as inseparably interconnected.
As a comprehensive solution, we are addressing all these areas simultaneously and open source free-sharing everything needed for individual duplication and/or duplication as complete self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world.
As we address and open source share these areas we will establish a living example of the first teacher/demonstration village purposed to teach others.
To maximally facilitate duplication, One Community will provide seven duplicable examples and function indefinitely as a place people can visit and a non-profit and open source think tank continuing to further evolve and share solutions in all of the above areas and more. We will also provide hands-on experience and training.
Most importantly, growing upon our sustainable foundation, we will endlessly make this comprehensive solution even more widely known and globally accessible, understandable and diversely duplicable, and inspiring and desirable as a model worth duplicating.
The more people that are inspired and desiring for themselves what it is that One Community creates, the more demand there will be for spreading the One Community model of designs for a better world. This leads to the directing of financial resources and resourceful people where we believe they are needed most: the establishment of additional sustainable communities around the world.
We also feel this duplication will specifically happen quickly internationally due to the affordability of overseas land, less restrictive building environments, and the spirit of adventure in many people who really desire to make a difference for those who need it most.
To meet the increasing demand for sustainability that we are contributing to, we are coordinating with manufacturers, education institutions, individuals, and vendors.
This is also part of this model to help the world. Its purpose is to facilitate more engagement of the sustainability industry, produce the absolute best possible consumer value, and the most convenient delivery of goods and methodologies for building sustainable living communities and sustainable living components.
This means we not only provide education and increase needed sustainability resources, we also address the underlying roadblocks to a sustainable planet by decreasing the cost and simultaneously increasing the demand and generating financial support for global sustainability, philanthropy, and humanitarian movements and organizations.
As demand increases, so too will the ways to participate. Right now people are participating as consultants or partners donating time to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and others are more involved as Pioneers of the core team that will be moving to the property. We also have options for people to just follow our progress or participate through internet contribution.
We also imagine the high likelihood that our organization’s designs for a better world will become a foundation that can be trusted as the donation point for distribution of monies to help others to establish this model also.
Posted on July 3, 2016 by Kishan Sivakumar
Restoring sustainable balance and regenerating our planet is possible if enough people participate. Increasing participation can be attained by making sustainability easy enough, affordable enough, and attractive enough to spread on it’s own. This is what One Community is doing:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the July 3rd, 2016 edition (#171) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is restoring sustainable balance through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team transferred the final 25% of the written content for the Humility Lesson Plan to the website, as you see here. This lesson plan purposed to teach all subjects, to all learning levels, in any learning environment, using the central theme of “Humility” is now 100% completed on our website.
Behind the scenes, we wrote the final 25% of the written part of the Information Lesson Plan.
We also completed the second 25% of the mindmap for the Humility Lesson Plan, bringing it to 50% complete, which you see here:
One Community is restoring sustainable balance through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
As part of the development of our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan, which features contributions from Naturopathic Doctor Matt Marturano (creator of the COHERENT model for comprehensive digestive health), this week the core team compiled the sweet potato recipes, as you can see here. Transforming our food behavior towards restoring sustainable balance is one of the critical steps of progress. We will add them to the updated recipe strategy page.
One Community is restoring sustainable balance through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team put another 10 hours into the behind-the-scenes revision for the Footers, Foundations and Flooring page for the crowdfunding campaign we are developing. This week’s focus was on the continued intensive read and dissecting of Section 10 Construction of Stem Wall and Dome. We cross referenced facts and confirmed the accuracy of content, grammar, sentence structure, continuity, and overall presentation. We’d say we are now 88% complete with this total update and rewrite behind the scenes.
Sal Rubio (Industrial Designer) also continued working on creating professional do-it-yourself Earthbag Village Murphy Bed furniture assembly instructions. What you see here is week 7 of this process and Sal’s 3rd version of exploring instructions for cutting the proper pieces, plus our notes for what will be version 4 of these instructions.
Brianna Johnson (Interior Designer), also continued evolving the renders for the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2). What you see here is the first render for the central 2nd floor patio area looking down.
Dean Scholz, Architectural Designer, further developed what’s necessary for us to create quality Cob Village (Pod 3) renders. Here is update 25 of his work that continued with exploration of a new and more accurate roof design as seen here.
Guy Grossfeld (Graphic Designer) also continued with his 3rd week of photoshop work on the renders for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5). Here you see final versions of a rental room looking in:
….the open area behind the dining hall looking Northwest:
Shipping Container Village Final Render of the Open Area Behind the dining Hall – Click to Visit Page
….and one of the circulation areas:
Bupesh Seethala (Interior Designer) also transformed the initial render into an updated render for the Recycled Materials Village (Pod 6) Art room.
Zachary Melin (Graphic Designer) also continued updating the Tree House Village (Pod 7) book created by last year’s intern Team. What you see here are updated information and storyboard pages covering the tourism and event hosting with storyboard artwork compliments of Ana Carolina Salomao Faria (Industrial Design and Service Design Student).
One Community is restoring sustainable balance through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
Dipti Dhondarkar (Electrical Engineer) also took the team’s feedback from last week and started creating this more detailed spreadsheet for the lighting zones, lumens, and number of lamps needed.
Started Creating More Detailed Spreadsheet for City Center Lighting Zones ” Click to Visit City Center
One Community is restoring sustainable balance through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team clarified colors and designs for the new 7 sustainable villages icons and then created our first color template that will be used for all the webpages, informational materials, assembly instructions, interior design, and more.
One Community is building solution-creating models designed to create additional solution-creating models to specifically facilitate exponential and sustainable global teacher/demonstration village growth. These are few steps One community is taking in restoring sustainable balance. The following four phases of the strategy we are applying are designed to support each other and accelerate the process globally:
Phase I: Demonstrating a Better Way
We are designing One Community to demonstrate an experience of living that we believe most people will consider to be better because it will be more enjoyable and fulfilling also helps in restoring sustainable balance. We also think most people will consider it better because it is made possible specifically through a foundation of sustainable sustainability and a philosophy that is for The Highest Good of All.
Phase II: Open Source Project-Launch Blueprinting
Everything we do we are open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing to make it as easy and affordable as possible to duplicate, adapt, and evolve in the manner that suits each individual and/or group’s needs. Free-sharing information like this is our aggressive-exposure engine and an aspect of One Community that will accelerate indefinitely as we continue to build our team, move onto the property, and continuously build and evolve everything that is One Community.
Phase III: Inviting the World to Participate
Everything we are open source project-launch blueprinting is designed to invite the world to participate by duplicating it as either individual components or complete teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that will be able to be built almost anywhere in the world. Additionally, people can join One Community as members, consultants and/or partners, or use the suggestions links on our open source project-launch blueprinting hubs to help with the design, implementation, and evolution process. Scholarships, weekend learning and work crews, and tourism will be foundations of One Community once we have sufficient infrastructure in place to support these options.
Phase IV: Universal Appeal and Global Expansion
As One Community continues evolving and establishing ourselves, everything we create and promote will serve as the engine to inspire people to align with the concept of open source and sustainable living for The Highest Good of All. We are doing this to create mainstream appeal and our path to achieving this appeal is demonstrating a happier, more affordable, and ecologically friendly model of living that can be built anywhere in the world.
Open source project-launch blueprinting it all is how we believe the restoring sustainable balance model will spread and, possibly most importantly, that it will predictably spread even faster in the areas where it is needed most because building restrictions, the cost of land, and materials costs are in most cases lower in these areas.
We are creating everything One Community does as open source and free-shared blueprints because we see this as the path to a new Golden Age of creativity, innovation, cooperation, and collaboration for all of humanity. Our model is a solution model that creates additional solution creating models enabling people to live and collaborate globally for The Highest Good of All. The easier we make everything we do, the faster we see the world transitioning.
Every aspect of this model supports itself and contributes to its success, from the sustainable food, energy, and homes, to the social architecture, One Community Education Program, and open source sharing model itself. Each piece can be accessed, evolved, and even re-birthed as something completely new. It can be duplicated by itself or with other modules, with applications as diverse as the people who want and need them. The constantly expanding total model will additionally be able to be used in its entirety as the open source project-launch blueprint for a variety of duplicate teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities capable of being built virtually anywhere.
The most profound part is: the more we open source share, the more we help move everyone forward, the more people know about what we are doing and can participate, and the more successful and capable we are of project-launch blueprinting and sharing even more still. This is all supported and made possible because:
One Community’s open source strategy will evolve 5 primary types of open source content purposed to reach and service as broad an audience as possible. This includes the following mediums of sharing that are being developed to function as standalone resources or in combination with each other:
Maximum exposure is accomplished through simultaneous implementation of the following strategies:
One Community sees the issues of the world as interdependent and interconnected as building blocks towards restoring sustainable balance. To address them simultaneously, we are open-source blueprinting a more advanced standard of living by designing holistic, environmentally-regenerative, self-sustaining, adaptable solutions for all areas of sustainability. We will model these within a comprehensive “village/city” which will be built in the southwestern U.S. This teacher/demonstration hub will be a place people can experience a new way of living and then replicate it with our open source blueprints: creating a model solution that creates additional solution-creating models.
Posted on June 26, 2016 by Kishan Sivakumar
The time has come to open source the building blocks of ecological living and create a sustainable planet that meets the needs of all of humanity. The technology and ability to globally collaborate already exist, all that remains is to bring together those who share the necessary desire and willingness to do the work and build the open source foundation. One Community is doing this and we call the process living and creating for The Highest Good of All:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. These activities act as the first step towards the building blocks of ecological living. This is the June 26th, 2016 edition (#170) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is creating the building blocks of ecological living through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team transferred the third 25% of the written content for the Humility Lesson Plan to the website, as you see here. This lesson plan purposed to teach all subjects, to all learning levels, in any learning environment, using the central theme of “Humility” as the building blocks of ecological living is now 75% completed on our website:
Behind the scenes, we wrote the final 25% of the written part of the Humility Lesson Plan.
We also completed the first 25% of the mind-map for the Humility Lesson Plan, bringing it to 25% complete, which you see here:
One Community is creating the building blocks of ecological living through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
As part of the development of our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan, which features contributions from Naturopathic Doctor Matt Marturano (creator of the COHERENT model for comprehensive digestive health), this last week the core team compiled all of the potato recipes as you see here. They will be added to the recipe strategy pages we are updating.
The Building Blocks of Ecological Living ” Compiled All of the Vegan Potato Recipes ” Click to Visit
One Community is creating the building blocks of ecological living through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team put another 10 hours into the behind-the-scenes revision for the Footers, Foundations and Flooring page for the crowdfunding campaign we are developing. This week’s focus was on section 10, where we continued editing procedural steps 1-41, and added new video inserts along with changing some existing video titles to reflect the modified narratives. We also wrote the narratives for steps 36, 38, 39, and 40. We’d say we are now 87% complete with this total update and rewrite behind the scenes.
Related to this, Jessica Zynda (Drafter/Designer) put the final touches on the excavation drawing as shown here:
Also for the Earthbag Village, Shadi Kennedy (Artist and Graphic Designer) began updating this image of the central Tropical Atrium. This week’s work included adding furniture on top of the structure and trees and rocks throughout the village.
And Sal Rubio (Industrial Designer) also continued working on creating professional do-it-yourself Earthbag Village Murphy Bed furniture assembly instructions. What you see here is week 6 of this this process and our 2nd version of exploring instructions for cutting the proper pieces.
Ganyang Du (Construction Project Manager) also continued working on the Materials Schedules layouts for the Earthbag Village Materials page. You can see week 2 of this work here, outlining the floor, bathrooms, and showers.
Continued Working on Materials Schedules Layouts for Earthbag Village Materials Page – Click to Visit
Ray Triboulet (Web Developer and Active Duty U.S. Sailor) also continued working on final revisions and edits for the communal Vermiculture Eco-Toilet designs that are part of the Earthbag Village (Pod 1). What you see here is the GoogleDoc Trib is working on before beginning to move these details to the website.
Guy Grossfeld (Graphic Designer) also continued with his second week of photoshop work on the renders for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5). Here you see his first versions of 2 different perspectives of the residences and rental rooms and a view outside the dining area and looking Northwest.
Zachary Melin (Graphic Designer) also continued updating the Tree House Village (Pod 7) book created by last year’s intern Team. What you see here are more updated Service Design pages and the first few updated storyboard pages featuring the artwork of Ana Carolina Salomao Faria (Industrial Design and Service Design Student).
One Community is creating the building blocks of ecological living through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week the core team continued working on what is needed for the renders of the natural pool and spa area aspects of the Duplicable City Center. This week’s focus was on updating all material textures to add more color diversity to the rocks, placing more stones around the mechanical room door and waterfall, and creating shadows for rendering images in two different directions. These contribute in creating the building blocks of ecological living.
The core team also rendered this image for the Cupola area of the Duplicable City Center.
We also updated all the Duplicable City Center icons for the open source hub and all the associated pages. You can see the new icons here:
Iris Hsu (Industrial Designer), also continued exploring recycled pipe shelving and overhead lighting options for the Duplicable City Center library. What you see here is round #11 of this work now focusing on another series of exploration for different ways to artistically and effectively integrate the ceiling lighting with the shelving.
Dipti Dhondarkar (Electrical Engineer) also updated the lighting zones for the City Center and then added the optimum and minimum lumens, along with optimum lights, to the AutoCAD file. The results are seen here:
Mike Hogan (Automation Systems Developer and Business Systems Consultant) and Lucas Tsutsui da Silva(4th-year Computer Engineering Student) and Jae then discussed more circuit design details and also how Dipti’s information could best be displayed on the AutoCAD for the Control Systems designs. What they come up with is important because it’ll be the format for all the villages and we’ll use it for the HVAC systems too.
The Building Blocks of Ecological Living ” Circuit Board Testing Discussions for the Control Systems
One Community is creating the building blocks of ecological living through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team created 7 new icons and recolored and cleaned up several existing icons. You can see them all here:
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible and also work as the building blocks of ecological living.
Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living.
The One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates. They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one. This will be an example of the building blocks of ecological living to the world.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more. For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this.
One Community’s four-phase strategy for the creation of solution models that create solution creating models uses open source blueprints for duplication that simultaneously address all aspects of the human experience (food, energy, housing, education, social inequality and injustice, fulfilled living, etc.). We see these areas as interdependent and requiring a comprehensive solution if humanity is to move ecologically, socially, economically, and permanently towards a truly sustainable future for everyone. These are the building blocks of ecological living, the way of the future.
Our open source model and blueprints engage and inspire people while simultaneously making sustainable living more affordable and easy to replicate. By free-sharing the step-by-step plans people need for duplication, inviting people to participate, and demonstrating sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs as a more desirable way of living, the model will predictably expand on its own.
It is this approach we see uniting the world and leading to a new Golden Age for humanity. While we understand that not everyone believes this is even possible, we are nonetheless bringing together all those that do see this as possible as the non-profit think tank of forward-thinking individuals willing to design, build, and open source project-launch blueprint and free-share it for The Highest Good of All.
One Community is open source sharing an evolution of sustainable living that addresses the complete human experience. We are doing this because we see the solutions for global food, housing, energy, education, social inequality, ethical business practices, earth regenerative practices, and a desire for a more fulfilling living experience as inseparably interconnected. As a comprehensive solution, we are addressing all these areas simultaneously and open source free-sharing everything needed for individual duplication and/or duplication as complete self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world.
As we address and open source share these areas we will establish a living example of the first teacher/demonstration village purposed to teach others. To maximally facilitate duplication, One Community will provide seven duplicable examples and function indefinitely as a place people can visit and a non-profit and open source think tank continuing to further evolve and share solutions in all of the above areas and more. We will also provide hands-on experience and training. Most importantly, growing upon our sustainable foundation, we will endlessly make this comprehensive solution even more widely known and globally accessible, understandable and diversely duplicable, and inspiring and desirable as a model worth duplicating.
The more people that are inspired and desiring for themselves what it is that One Community creates, the more demand there will be for spreading the One Community model. This leads to the directing of financial resources and resourceful people where we believe they are needed most: the establishment of additional sustainable communities around the world. We also feel this duplication will specifically happen quickly internationally due to the affordability of overseas land, less restrictive building environments, and the spirit of adventure in many people who really desire to make a difference for those who need it most.
To meet the increasing demand for sustainability that we are contributing to, we are coordinating with manufacturers, education institutions, individuals, and vendors. This is also part of this model to help the world. Its purpose is to facilitate more engagement of the sustainability industry, produce the absolute best possible consumer value, and the most convenient delivery of goods and methodologies for building sustainable living communities and sustainable living components.
This means we not only provide education and increase needed sustainability resources, we also address the underlying roadblocks to a sustainable planet by decreasing the cost and simultaneously increasing the demand and generating financial support for global sustainability, philanthropy, and humanitarian movements and organizations.
As demand increases, so too will the ways to participate. Right now people are participating as consultants or partners donating time to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and others are more involved as Pioneers of the core team that will be moving to the property. We also have options for people to just follow our progress or participate through internet contribution.
Once the supportive physical infrastructure is about 30% developed, One Community will be ready to additionally expand what we offer to include scholarships, free weekend learning groups, core team members choosing to travel abroad to help others get established too, handling the marketing for all similar models operating for The Highest Good of All, and hosting classes and other sponsored events to promote and demonstrate additional methodologies.
We also imagine the high likelihood that our organization will become a foundation that can be trusted as the donation point for distribution of monies to help others to establish this model also.
Posted on June 19, 2016 by Kishan Sivakumar
It is time for eco-living and design to progress beyond just food, energy, and housing to additionally include Highest Good approaches to education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, and stewardship practices. By doing this we can combine physical sustainability with emotional sustainability foundations and create a way of living that most people will consider better than how they are living now. Open sourcing and free-sharing it all will make it easy enough and affordable enough to spread on its own.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the June 19th, 2016 edition (#169) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is facilitating eco living and design through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team transferred the second 25% of the written content for the Information Lesson Plan to the website, as you see here. This lesson plan purposed to teach all subjects, to all learning levels, in any learning environment, using the central theme of “Information” is now 50% completed on our website.
Behind the scenes, we wrote the third 25% of the written part of the Information Lesson Plan.
We also completed the final 25% of the mindmap for the Courage Lesson Plan, bringing it to 100% complete, which you see here:
One Community is forwarding eco living and design through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
As part of the development of our our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan, which features contributions from Naturopathic Doctor Matt Marturano (creator of the COHERENT model for comprehensive digestive health), this week we compiled all of the rice recipes as you see here. They will be added to our updated recipe strategy, which is in progress.
Shadi Kennedy (Artist and Graphic Designer) also finished this render looking Northeast for the Tropical Atrium Planting and Harvesting plan page:
One Community is forwarding eco living and design through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team put another 10 hours into the behind-the-scenes revision for the Footers, Foundations and Flooring page for the crowdfunding campaign we are developing. This week’s focus was on section 10, where we analyzed the chronological procedural steps 1-41 for accuracy of content, grammar, and sentence structure. We also changed locations of steps 33-39 due to the addition of 6-mil and 12-mil layers on earthbag course 9 instead of course 8 due to the relocation of the backsplash from the top of the earthbag course 8 to the top of the earthbag course 9. We’d say we are now 86% complete with this total update and rewrite behind the scenes.
Sal Rubio (Industrial Designer) also continued working on creating professional do-it-yourself Earthbag Village Murphy Bed furniture assembly instructions, aimed at eco-living and design. What you see here is week 5 of this process and our first version of instructions for cutting the proper pieces.
Ray Triboulet (Web Developer and Active Duty U.S. Sailor) also began working on final revisions and edits for the communal Vermiculture Eco-Toilet designs that are part of the Earthbag Village (Pod 1). What you see here is the GoogleDoc Trib is working on before beginning to move these details to the website:
Brianna Johnson (Interior Designer), also continued evolving the renders for the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2). What you see here is the 2nd generation render for one of the studio residences within this village.
Dean Scholz, Architectural Designer, further developed what’s necessary for us to create quality Cob Village (Pod 3) renders, with a vision of eco-living and design. Here is update 24 of his work that continued with adding more plants, textures, and other outdoor details to the Cob Village overview images you see here.
Guy Grossfeld (Graphic Designer) also joined the team and began adding people, backgrounds, and other details to the renders for the Shipping Container Village (Pod 5), with a emphasis on eco-living and design. Here you see the first of these renders.
Zachary Melin (Graphic Designer) also continued updating the Tree House Village (Pod 7) book created by last year’s intern Team. What you see here is another revision of the SWOT analysis page and multiple iterations of the Sustainable Design and Service Design pages:
Also working on the Tree House Village (Pod 7), Jesika Rohrbach (Architectural Drafter, Designer, and 3-D Modeler) continued designing and exploring different bathroom tower options. These will include individual storage spaces below, recreation space above, and be separate from the trees to maximize efficiency and minimize the ecological footprint, all with a focus on eco-living and design.
One Community is forwarding eco living and design through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week the core team continued working on what is needed for the renders of the natural pool and spa area aspects of the Duplicable City Center. This week’s focus was on creating three different designs for the waterfall, also arched stone work around the mechanical room door, and a small pond near the waterfall.
Dipti Dhondarkar (Electrical Engineer) also completed an analysis of the City Center lighting requirements and suggestions completed by last year’s intern team with the requirements and suggestions from P2S Engineering. You can see this work here:
Neha Verma (Construction Project Manager and Bachelor’s of Architecture) also finished re-organizing the hundreds of City Center files for us. What you see here is about 20% of this work:
Iris Hsu (Industrial Designer), also continued exploring recycled pipe shelving and overhead lighting options for the Duplicable City Center library, with the concept of eco-living and design in mind. What you see here is round #10 of Iris’s work along with a brainstorming drawing from our weekly call. This work is now focusing on different ways to artistically and effectively integrate the ceiling lighting with the shelving.
Behind the scenes Mike Hogan (Automation Systems Developer and Business Systems Consultant) and Lucas Tsutsui da Silva (4th-year Computer Engineering Student) continued with circuit board testing for the City Center Control Systems designs, all aimed at eco-living and design. What you see here are pictures from our weekly call with discussions revolving around an overheating issue Lucas was experiencing.
One Community is forwarding eco living and design through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team created new icons for the Pledge page and updated the formatting for that page and updated the formatting and added new menus to the tops of the associated values pages for Love and Connection, Honesty and Integrity, FulfilledLiving, Freedom, Diversity, Contribution, Consensus/Decision Making, Community, and Communication.
We also updated all the icons for the Highest Good Economics open source hub and all pages associated with the hub:
Lokesh Gopu (Software Engineer) also continued developing the Highest Good Network software. Here’s a picture of Lokesh and Jae discussing the task management component he worked on this week.
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible in eco-living and design.
Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more, all under the umbrella of eco-living and design. We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs with a strong emphasis on eco-living and design. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub integrating eco-living and design. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living, including eco-living and design.
The One Community self-replicating model, focused on eco-living and design, is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates, all incorporating aspects of eco-living and design. They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one, promoting the philosophy of eco-living and design.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page, which emphasizes eco-living and design. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive, with several references to eco-living and design.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more with principles of eco-living and design. For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this, all while emphasizing eco-living and design.
Posted on June 12, 2016 by Kishan Sivakumar
How to build a sustainable planet can be defined and outlined in the same manner as building a sustainable structure, business, or city. There are many more elements and steps, but a similar implementable blueprint can be created. The foundations we’ve identified and are working on as part of this blueprint are food, energy, and housing combined with Highest Good approaches to education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, and stewardship practices. One Community calls this living and creating for The Highest Good of All:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the June 12th, 2016 edition (#168) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is facilitating how to build a sustainable planet through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team transferred the second 25% of the written content for the Humility Lesson Plan to the website, as you see here. This lesson plan purposed to teach all subjects, to all learning levels, in any learning environment, using the central theme of “Humility” is now 50% completed on our website.
Behind the scenes, we wrote the third 25% of the written part of the Humility Lesson Plan.
We also completed the third 25% of the mindmap for the Courage Lesson Plan, bringing it to 75% complete, which you see here.
One Community is facilitating how to build a sustainable planet through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team finished the final texture adjustments and rendering for the Tropical Atrium. You can see the new image here:
The core team also updated and reorganized the Tropical Atrium Planting and Harvesting plan page to include all the images created by Shadi Kennedy (Artist and Graphic Designer). You can see examples of these updates here:
As part of the development of our our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan, we added instructions for general procurement and  preparation of root vegetables to our website, as suggested by Naturopathic Doctor Matt Marturano (creator of the COHERENT model for comprehensive digestive health).
One Community is facilitating how to build a sustainable planet through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team put another 10 hours into the behind-the-scenes revision for the Footers, Foundations and Flooring page for the crowdfunding campaign we are developing. This week’s focus was on editing and creating accompanying narratives to additional green step headings of Section 10: Construction of Stem Wall and Dome. Due to previous changes that affected multiple areas within the FFF document, we combined some of the multiple entries into single entities and realigned others. We’d say we are now 85% complete with this total update and rewrite behind the scenes.
In addition to this, Brianna Johnson (Interior Designer), continued evolving the renders for the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2). What you see here is the initial layout for rendering one of the studio residences….
…. and the initial render for the communal computer and study room:
Dean Scholz, Architectural Designer, further developed what’s necessary for us to create quality Cob Village (Pod 3) renders, aligning with our vision on how to build a sustainable planet. Here is update 23 of his work that continued with adding more trees and textures to the Cob Village overview images you see here:
Zachary Melin (Graphic Designer) also continued updating the Tree House Village (Pod 7) book created by last year’s intern Team. What you see here is another revision of the SWOT analysis page and the work in progress for the Sustainable Design and Service Design pages.
One Community is facilitating how to build a sustainable planet through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week the core team continued working on what is needed for the first renders of the natural pool and spa area aspects of the Duplicable City Center. This week’s focus was on the new locker and arched stone work around the hobbit door access to the mechanical room and waterfall rock placement and textures for this area.
Neha Verma (Construction Project Manager and Bachelor’s of Architecture) also created this updated plan for the sections that her team will be creating:
And Dipti Dhondarkar (Electrical Engineer) completed calculations for minimum number of lumens for each of the different City Center areas. The results are seen here:
Iris Hsu (Industrial Designer), also continued exploring recycled pipe shelving options for the Duplicable City Center library. What you see here is round #9 of this work exploring additional shelving and lighting designs for the main spaces on the walls along with art options to fill the space above.
One Community is facilitating how to build a sustainable planet through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team continued exploring how to create an open source and standardized presentation for Highest Good Housing villages. Here are a few image examples:
Steven Paslawsky (Graphic Designer) also created these new images for the food self-sufficiency plan omnivore and vegan meal plan pages and several sets of icon ideas for the different Highest Good Housing pages:
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves, embodying the ethos of how to build a sustainable planet. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet, all integral to how to build a sustainable planet.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create, illuminating how to build a sustainable planet. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible and a model for how to build a sustainable planet.
Throughout our design process, which is a testament to how to build a sustainable planet, we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more, all designed with a question of how to build a sustainable planet in mind. We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub, designed as a cornerstone on how to build a sustainable planet. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living as a part of the grander vision of how to build a sustainable planet.
The One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent, which are pivotal in the mission of how to build a sustainable planet. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates. They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet and take actionable steps on how to build a sustainable planet.. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this, central to the concept of how to build a sustainable planet, will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more. For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this.
One Community’s four-phase strategy for the creation of solution models that create solution creating models uses open source blueprints for duplication that simultaneously address all aspects of the human experience (food, energy, housing, education, social inequality and injustice, fulfilled living, etc.). We see these areas as interdependent and requiring a comprehensive solution if humanity is to move ecologically, socially, economically, and permanently towards a truly sustainable future for everyone. These are the building blocks of ecological living, the way of the future.
Our open source model and blueprints engage and inspire people while simultaneously making sustainable living more affordable and easy to replicate. By free-sharing the step-by-step plans people need for duplication, inviting people to participate, and demonstrating sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs as a more desirable way of living, the model will predictably expand on its own.
It is this approach we see uniting the world and leading to a new Golden Age for humanity. While we understand that not everyone believes this is even possible, we are nonetheless bringing together all those that do see this as possible as the non-profit think tank of forward-thinking individuals willing to design, build, and open source project-launch blueprint and free-share it for The Highest Good of All.
Posted on June 5, 2016 by Kishan Sivakumar
Sustainability and technological ingenuity have advanced sufficiently that we now know how to make the world we want. Implementing this to demonstrate sustainable living as easier, more affordable, and a more enjoyable is the a logical step to increasing involvement and implementation. Scalable, Open source and free-shared models for food, energy, and housing combined with Highest Good approaches to education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, and stewardship practices are already under development. One Community calls this living and creating for The Highest Good of All:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the June 5th, 2016 edition (#167) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community facilitating how to make the world we want through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team transferred the first 25% of the written content for the Humility Lesson Plan to the website, as you see here. This lesson plan purposed to teach all subjects, to all learning levels, in any learning environment, using the central theme of “Humility” is now 25% completed on our website.
Behind the scenes, we wrote the second 25% of the written part of the Humility Lesson Plan.
We also completed the second 25% of the mindmap for the Courage Lesson Plan, bringing it to 50% complete, which you see here:
One Community is facilitating how to make the world we want through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This last week the core team continued working on the renders for the Tropical Atrium that is the center of the Earthbag Village (Pod 1). Here you can see an incomplete render looking down and South. This week we made adjustments on the textures for the roads and completed work on the shadows.
Shadi Kennedy (Artist and Graphic Designer) also finished this render created a few weeks ago by the core team. To do this he added benches and all the plant details so it now shows the Tropical Atrium flourishing with fruit trees, flowers, and the other plants from the Tropical Atrium Planting and Harvesting plan.
Shadi then created these new images for the Transition Kitchen designs, embodying the vision of how to make the world we want, for feeding 20-50 people in remote locations while more permanent facilities are being built.
As part of the development of our our Food Self-sufficiency Transition Plan, we added instructions for general procurement and preparation of legumes, nuts, & seeds to our website, as calculated by Naturopathic Doctor Matt Marturano (creator of the COHERENT model for comprehensive digestive health).
One Community is facilitating how to make the world we want through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team put another 10 hours into the behind-the-scenes revision for the Footers, Foundations and Flooring page for the crowdfunding campaign we are developing. This week we continued the thorough review of Section 10: Construction of Stem Wall and Dome, adding necessary repeating steps like “Removal of the Slider” and “Securing String to the Finish Nails for the Interior Stucco Netting” into the ongoing evolution of the dome. We also added several new steps to Section 9: Foundation Construction. We’d say we are now 84% complete with this total update and rewrite behind the scenes.
Brianna Johnson (Interior Designer), also continued evolving the renders for the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2). What you see here are two different outdoor picnic areas:
….. and the kids’ playground area:
Also, here you can see additional brainstorming she did on how to improve how this will look in the online book we are creating for all the villages:
Additionally, Zachary Melin (Graphic Designer) continued updating the Tree House Village (Pod 7) book created by last year’s intern Team, illustrating how to make the world we want. What you see here is Zachary’s process of cleaning up the background image and redoing the SWOT analysis page.
Also working on the Tree House Village (Pod 7), Jesika Rohrbach (Architectural Drafter, Designer, and 3-D Modeler) continued designing and exploring different bathroom tower options. These will include individual storage spaces below, recreation space above, and be separate from the trees to maximize efficiency and minimize the ecological footprint.
Dean Scholz, Architectural Designer, further developed what’s necessary for us to create quality Cob Village (Pod 3) renders, in line with our vision of how to make the world we want. Here is update 22 of his work that continued with what you see here, creating more high-quality render plants and trees like those we’ll be growing on the property and then placing them throughout the Cob Village.
Sal Rubio (Industrial Designer) also continued working on creating professional do-it-yourself Earthbag Village Murphy Bed furniture assembly instructions, encapsulating the vision of how to make the world we want. What you see here are week 4 of his process of double checking all our pieces and creating SolidWorks versions of them from the Sketchup pieces we already have.
Continued Working on Creating DIY Furniture Assembly Instructions – Click for Earthbag Village Furniture Page
One Community is facilitating how to make the world we want through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week the core team continued working on what is needed for the first renders of the natural pool and spa area aspects of the Duplicable City Center. This week’s focus was setting up room dimensions, designing the hobbit door and designing the stones/boulders for decorating the waterfall.
Haoxuan “Hayes” Lei (Structural Engineering Student) also finished the layout of the City Center subframe, which you can see here:
And Dipti Dhondarkar (Electrical Engineer) finished her calculations for number of lamps for the City Center rooms. The results are seen here:
Iris Hsu (Industrial Designer), also continued exploring recycled pipe shelving options for the Duplicable City Center library. What you see here is round #8 of this work exploring more shelving and lighting designs for the main spaces on the walls along with art options to fill the space above.
Behind the scenes Mike Hogan (Automation Systems Developer and Business Systems Consultant) and Lucas Tsutsui da Silva (4th-year Computer Engineering Student) talked about and tested Optoisolator connections for the Control Systems design, a crucial step towards how to make the world we want.
Also behind the scenes, James Nance, Mechanical Engineer and Project Manager, began working on the City Center plumbing layout. You can see a picture of this work in progress here.
One Community is facilitating how to make the world we want through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team began exploring how to create an open source and standardized presentation for Highest Good Housing villages. You can see this here along with the color guide wireframe:
Steven Paslawsky (Graphic Designer) also finalized the icons for our open source copyrights, trademarks, and patenting pages – aligned with our commitment to how to make the world we want, the icons associated with the food self-sufficiency plan and page, and fixed the last icon we needed fixed out of the social media set.
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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