This page is the open source and free-shared Tropical Atrium solution hub. This page is where we will be posting detailed Tropical Atrium construction R&D discoveries and solutions in the form of videos and do-it-yourself instruction guides based on One Community’s experience and the global collaborative input and questions from others. We are first refining and demonstrating the open source strategy and detail we’ll use for this with the 3-dome cluster crowdfunding campaign, we’ll then expand this process as we open source the complete Earthbag Village (including the Tropical Atrium) and Duplicable City Center®, and then we’ll do the same for the other 6 villages.
As part of our global transformation approach to Highest Good housing, One Community will produce hundreds of do-it-yourself videos and other resources in just the first 6 months of moving to the property. Over the first few years, we will produce thousands. Until we start building the Earthbag Village, however, we cannot contribute significantly to this page. Click the links above to help make this happen faster or explore the links below to see all the progress we’ve made in other areas.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community is specifically seeking to further build our team with additional Members, Consultants, and Partners with the following skill sets:
We are also seeking any other sustainability-related skilled professionals, quality writers and researchers to help finish our People's Agenda 21 website, and anyone with other skills they feel would benefit our open source creative process. The people who join our team as either volunteers/consultants or members typically fit one or more of the following descriptions:
Click Here for the Pioneer Application | Click Here for Satellite Member Application | Click Here for our General Application |
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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