Giving people what they desire is the easiest way to spread an idea. One Community is applying this to global sustainability with open source and free-shared community model for people who want sustainable and replicable food, energy, and… Read More
Zero-waste community designs are one way to reduce the global buildup of trash. Through community collaboration we can create and share more comprehensive and innovative purchasing strategies, reuse models, and recycling and disposal options. What we learn can… Read More
Open source and adaptable solutions for a sustainable world will save money and help regenerate our planet. The solutions we are focused on first are food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living,… Read More
We can create better living through comprehensive sustainability. Truly comprehensive sustainability includes sustainable approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. By putting these components together we can reduce our living expenses, increase our… Read More
Ecologically addressing education is about sustainable, forward-thinking education to help people become conscientious global stewards. It is about teaching how to learn more than what to learn, solutioneering and thinking outside the box, and understanding how our individual… Read More
Permaculture cooperatives working together globally can regenerate our ecosystems, address our food, housing, and climate challenges, and create a sustainable planet within our lifetime. One Community is doing our part to support this for “The Highest Good of… Read More
Open source sustainability resources are a path to jump starting world change for the Highest Good of all people and life on this planet. Humanity has the ability to create a sustainable world if enough people participate and we are creating… Read More
One Community is creating a complete eco-design system for construction of sustainable and self-replicating communities, villages, and cities around the world. It is open source and free-shared, includes 7 sustainable village models, food self-sufficiency plans, energy infrastructure, all-ages… Read More
A new paradigm for eco-living is possible and needed. Global establishment is possible if we can make it easy enough, affordable enough, and desirable enough to spread on its own. One Community is facilitating this through open source tools, tutorials, and… Read More
If you love your job, the video attached to this update is not for you. For everyone else, let’s talk about radical sustainability to address jobs nobody likes. Sustainability lowers overhead, increases self-sufficiency, and can provide the foundation… Read More