One Community blog, Anne Frank Quote, change the world

Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential – One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Achieving humanity’s eco-potential is something that isn’t even really being discussed yet. As a society, we’re still trying to figure out how to just be sustainable enough to avoid catastrophe. We’re capable of so much more though. We can be stewards that manage and improve our world to meet the needs of every person if we want to. This is what One Community is focused on and we’re creating the open source plans for sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs capable of making it happen.

Achieving Humanity's Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world for achieving humanity’s eco-potential. This is the July 4th, 2021 edition (#432) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential
One Community Progress Update #432




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr


Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential



Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is achieving humanity’s eco-potential through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team continued edits and additions to the “Best Small and Large-scale Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Community Options ” article. This week we resized images to our standard width of 640px and added them into the page, embedded more videos that were missing, worked on the index of the page, and started to check that every link worked properly.

The pictures below share some of this developing work for achieving humanity’s eco-potential.

Best Small and Large-scale Plastic Recycling, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Continued Edits and Additions to the Plastic Recycling Page – Click to Visit

The core team also updated the layout of the plywood for the loft floor for the Earthbag Village Dome Home Loft Engineering page.

Earthbag Village Dome Home Loft Engineering, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Updated the Layout of the Plywood for the Loft Floor – Click for Earthbag Village Dome Home Page

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 50th week helping finish the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Jose Luis began adding the results of the maximum roof size with and without external columns when snow is present.

He began by explaining the circumstances when building structures in snowy climates and the assumptions used to determine the maximum roof size and the maximum allowable snow depth for achieving humanity’s eco-potential. To illustrate the snow on the roof, Jose Luis utilized the SolidWorks model with and without the external columns.

With the illustrations he was able to form a free body diagram for both instances. With 30in of snow as the depth, it was found that the original roof size without additional supports could not support the weight.

The maximum snow depth the roof could handle was calculated instead and found to be 3.8in. Jose Luis then proceeded to elaborate the calculations and graphs used to determine the maximum roof size with external supports when 30in of snow is on the roof.

He concluded his calculations in the narrative, with suggestions such as wooden columns with larger cross-sections or additional supports in the case of there being more than 30in of snow. The pictures below show some of this work.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Began Adding the Results of the Maximum Roof Size With and Without External Columns When Snow Is Present – Click for Net-zero Bathroom Page

Katherine Cao (Chemical Engineer) also completed her 6th week working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This week Katherine read the Garkane New Construction Handbook, and wrote our grid tie construction step and cost estimates based on it for achieving humanity’s eco-potential.

Katherine also re-wrote the introduction part based on supervisor’s feedback. Moreover, Katherine proofread the whole report written by her, and made changes, did editing and formatting, and submitted it for feedback. Pictures below are related to this work.

Solar microgrid designs, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Continued Working on the Grid-tie Connection Details for Our Solar Microgrid Designs – Click for Page

Prabhath Ekanayake (Electrical Engineering Assistant) completed his 5th week working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This week Prabhath completed his areas of research and then proofread everything and submitted it for feedback. Below are some images related to this work.

Solar microgrid designs, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One-Community-Weekly-Progress-Update-#432

Continued Working on the Grid-tie Connection Details for Our Solar Microgrid Designs – Click for Page

Nicholas K. de León (Project Management Adviser) completed his 4th week helping with review of Highest Good Housing research and related tasks. Nicholas returned this week and started with looking over the energy reports’ edits that had been made per suggestions from previous weeks. So far those that have been made looked good and many were cleared.

Nicholas also got back to working on the bracket research for the City Center and summarized the viable information in a spreadsheet for achieving humanity’s eco-potential. Nicholas also worked on editing the Rabbit Stewardship article, getting more familiar with WordPress and direct adjustments in the process. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.

Highest Good Housing research, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Continued Helping With Review of Highest Good Housing Research and Related Tasks

Shreyas Dayanand (Battery Research Engineer) also joined the team and completed his first week helping with the solar microgrid design specifics related to electric vehicles and battery sizing.

This week Shreyas completed his onboarding tasks and started planning the Electric Vehicle and charging infrastructure for the community. He researched the options and segregated information regarding 5 golf carts and 1 Tesla model 3 with respect to their commercial, battery options and charging requirements.

Shreyas started to find feasible options for 100% off-grid storage for the Solar-Farm application too working towards achieving humanity’s eco-potential. Pictures below relate to this work-in-progress.

Solar microgrid design, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432.jpg

Joined the Team and Began Helping With the Solar Microgrid Design Specifics Related to Electric Vehicles and Battery Sizing – Click for Page


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is achieving humanity’s eco-potential through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week the core team continued review and feedback on the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial for achieving humanity’s eco-potential. We reviewed the new additions to the Landscaping section on pages 66-69.

We also resolved comments throughout the doc up to about page 69 and addressed the recent comments within this section. We then reviewed and edited the remainder of the handrail section beginning on page 76 and continued through the Bicycle Design section pages 79-86 and followed up with Road Design Specifics beginning on page 86-91, and then reviewed Porous Asphalt Design on pages 92-97. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Continued Review and Feedback on the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial

The core team also started double checking all the angles for the City Center hub connector work.

City Center hub connector work, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Began Double Checking All the Angles for the City Center Hub Connector Work – Click for Page

Ian Oliver Malinay (Energy Modeler/Analyst) completed his 25th week helping run the energy analysis calculations to help us achieve LEED Platinum status for the Duplicable City Center. This week, Ian updated the energy modeling narrative documents.

He included in the documents the ASHRAE 90.1 requirements/tabulation of requirements for us to determine if the inputs are above the energy performance of the baseline.

It is important that the energy efficiency of the proposed building design be more efficient than the baseline design for us to achieve the LEED Platinum Certification aimed towards achieving humanity’s eco-potential. We will measure the energy savings after we simulate the baseline design. Please see below updated progress photos for reference.

Energy analysis calculations, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Updated the Energy Modeling Narrative Documents – Click for City Center Heating and Cooling Page

David Na (Project Management Adviser/Engineer) completed his 19th week helping with input and management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, as well as the City Center Water Catchment Designs.

This week David began by reviewing and preparing the action items for his team working towards achieving humanity’s eco-potential. He used the progress updates doc to verify which items still need work and delegated tasks.

He also worked on a cold climate hydrology paragraph for our location’s drainage plan, because our state is a state that sees an annual snowfall of approximately 22 inches. David also prepared a preliminary parking lot design for the parking lot. Pictures below are related to this work.

Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial-Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Continued With Input and Management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial – Click for Page

Rushabh Bhavsar (Mechanical Design Engineer) completed his 11th and final week helping with the City Center Eco-spa designs. Rushabh updated the final report on the City Center hot tub spa.

He researched further about the foundation materials used for in-ground hot tubs, comparing Aircrete and cinder blocks with traditional materials and then incorporating this into the model as our solution for achieving humanity’s eco-potential.

Rushabh updated the model removing the air line and making graphics and flow diagrams of the foundation as well as the piping layout. Pictures below relate to this work from last week.

City Center Eco-spa designs, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Updated the Final Report on the City Center Hot Tub Spa – Click for Page

Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 10th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development.

This week, Carol worked on adding details and making changes to her AutoCAD drawing according to David’s new comments and suggestions for sump pump construction details for achieving humanity’s eco-potential.

In addition, she also wrote the introduction paragraph for the “Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Details” section. Furthermore, Carol edited the “Landscaping” section about native plants and other sections based on feedback. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Continued Helping With the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial Development

Neel Shanbhag (Control Systems Electrical Engineer) completed his 4th week helping with the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs for achieving humanity’s eco-potential. This week Neel finished working on the cut sheets, matched the properties, and also updated the spreadsheet and the dropbox. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Duplicable City Center Electrical, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Continued Helping With the Duplicable City Center Electrical Designs – Click for Page

John Aquino (Electrical Engineer) also completed his 3rd week helping lead the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs for achieving humanity’s eco-potential. This week, John updated the base plan backgrounds per the City Center Master drawing file.

Additionally, the Equipment subfolder within the Electrical folder has been organized to include Kitchen, Mechanical, and Electrical equipment. Initial specifications for electrical equipment to serve HVAC equipment has been provided. Project set-up document is still a work-in-progress. Pictures below show some of this work.

Duplicable City Center Electrical, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Continued Helping Lead the Duplicable City Center Electrical Designs – Click for Page


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is achieving humanity’s eco-potential through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week the core team continued creating updated SketchUp models for the final designs of the Aquapinis/Walipinis. We replaced the viewer access landing area with a staircase next to the corner pond with boulder steps/resting area, as was in the previous design.

We also added 4×4 support beams under the media beds and showed measurement with two designs of support posts. When then worked on the central area design with 4’ wide walking access and a couple of different shaped small water pools, and a round waterfall next to the entry door for achieving humanity’s eco-potential. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aquapinis:Walipinis, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Continued Creating Updated SketchUp Models for the Final Designs of the Aquapinis/walipinis

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 39th week volunteering, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details. This week Qiuheng revised the Aquapini and Walipini SketchUp model based on last week’s feedback. She also did a rough sun study in SketchUp and adjusted the plants based on it for achieving humanity’s eco-potential. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aquapinis:Walipinis, Achieving Humanity’s Eco Potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Revised the Aquapini and Walipini SketchUp Model Based on Last Week’s Feedback – Click for Page


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is achieving humanity’s eco-potential through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age – Click image for open source hub


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is achieving humanity’s eco-potential through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 34 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration for achieving humanity’s eco-potential not mentioned elsewhere here. Also more testing and bug identification was done within the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software.

Highest Good Network software, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Continued Testing and Bug Identification for the Beta Version of the Highest Good Network Software

The core team also completely updated the badges outline for the Highest Good Network software team to follow for creation of the next round of functionality there.

Highest Good Network software, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Completely Updated the Badges Outline for the Highest Good Network Software Team – Click for Page

Jaime Arango (Graphic Designer) completed his 31st week helping, returning to creating images for the One Community Updates Blogs like this one spreading the vision for achieving humanity’s eco-potential.

This week Jaime created images for weekly progress updates #502, #503, #504, #505, and #506. You can see all these new images below.

Creating images for the One Community Updates Blogs, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Created Images for Weekly Progress Updates #502, #503, #504, #505, and #506

Chris Weilacker (Software Engineer) completed his 29th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Chris created the DB schema and mockups for the Materials/Items input component, he stubbed out the Inventory APIs and wrote comments on how to implement for OJ to work on, created the Cronjob to award badges, and started working on the infringement streak type to work towards achieving humanity’s eco-potential. Pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Created the DB Schema and Mockups for the Materials/items Input Component

Yueru Zhao (Software Engineer) completed her 20th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Yueru mainly worked on making the filters have more than one option in the same filter list.

Now the users can select both food and housing in classification filters. She also added the resources number to the collapse button. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Worked on the Highest Good Network Software Filters – Click for Page

Malathi Perumal (Beta Testing Tester) completed her 5th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Malathi merged PR #161 and validated the #161 fix to summary due date related functionalities for the user profile.

She also merged PR #57 and validated the timer fix and related functionalities for the user profile. Malathi also set up the local env on her machine. See below for pictures related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Continued Working on the Highest Good Network Software – Click for Page

OJ Alcaraz (Software Engineer) also joined the team and completed his 1st week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week OJ obtained github repo access and cloned the front/back end to his local and followed the document provided to setup his local environment.

He wrote user stories for upcoming work for the team, installed Compass to use as a GUI to the MongoDB database, and started working on the API for the inventory controller. OJ also spent time getting up to speed with Node Express and MongoDB. The pictures below relate to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Joined the Team and Began Working on the Highest Good Network Software – Click for Page

And, last but not least, Jin Hua (Web Marketer and Graphic Designer) helped us get mailchimp set up and tested as our new newsletter system. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

mailchimp as our new newsletter system-Achieving Humanity’s Eco-potential, One Community Weekly Progress Update #432

Helped Get Mailchimp Set Up and Tested as Our New Newsletter System – Click for Subscribe Page


FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS (click icons for our pages)

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OVERVIEW       ●       LOCATION       ●       FUNDING




A Complete Sustainability Model – One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

A complete sustainability model needs to include more than just food, energy, and housing if it is to be truly sustainable. It should also include more sustainable approaches to the other important components of civilization: educationeconomicssocial architecturefulfilled livingglobal stewardship practices, etc. One Community is developing open source and free-shared designs for all of these to build replicable teacher/demonstration hubs that will develop even more.

A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world based on a complete sustainability model. This is the June 27th, 2021 edition (#431) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

A Complete Sustainability Model
One Community Progress Update #431




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr


A Complete Sustainability Model



Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is facilitating a complete sustainability model through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team worked on more updates we realized were needed for the Earthbag Village Dome Home Loft Engineering page. This included creating updated imagery and trying different strategies as a part of a complete sustainability model to reduce the count of the sheets needed for the loft floor from 5 to 4 by rearranging how they are placed and simulating where to make the cuts.

Earthbag Village Dome Home Loft Engineering, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Worked on More Updates Needed for the Earthbag Village Dome Home Loft Engineering Page

The core team also continued working with the latest version of the Murphy bed assembly instructions document. We provided detailed explanations with supported images for suggested updates in the electrical section and the wall design part of a complete sustainability model. Pictures below are related to this work.

Murphy bed assembly instructions, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Continued Working With the Latest Version of the Murphy Bed Assembly Instructions Document

Dean Scholz (Architectural Designer) continued helping with the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) 4-dome cluster designs contributing to a complete sustainability model. This was week #224 of Dean’s work and the focus was fixing an issue with the lamp shade sticking as transparent and trying to get the light coming from the lamp to look realistic. Pictures below show some of this work.

Earthbag Village 4-dome cluster designs, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Continued Helping With the Earthbag Village 4-dome Cluster Designs – Click for Page

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 49th week helping finish the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Jose Luis began transferring information from the maximum roof size calculations along with added elaboration and narrating in the Net-Zero Bathroom Tutorial/Instructions.

He began by updating the introductory narrative of the maximum roof size along with the addition of design choices made. Three sections were made covering the maximum roof size without supports, the maximum roof size with supports, and the maximum roof size when snow load is accounted for.

Each section had an introduction stating the final results and explaining the general approach to the solution. Variables and assumptions were added to the maximum roof size without and with support columns sections. The assumptions were stated to clarify what steps were taken for the calculations.

Finally the calculations and graphs were added along with paragraphs elaborating the steps, values, and graphs promoting a complete sustainability model. The same elaboration will be added to the snow load section and the added sections will be proofread. The pictures below show some of this work.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Continued Helping Finish the Net-zero Bathroom Component of the Earthbag Village – Click for Page

Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 43rd week working on the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. This week Stacey continued working through the different changes in wood pieces and sizes. The addition of the 2 vertical support beams in wall frame continues to be a feature that needs to be updated in all views.

Updating pages of the clothing and storage area and finding the cutting lumber instructions need to be planned out for a complete sustainability model. Some page features are in need of updating text sizes and there are a few questions of which updates to make to overall structure. Screenshots below are related to this latest progress.

Murphy bed instructions, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Continued Working Through the Different Changes in Wood Pieces and Sizes – Click for Page

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 17th week helping with research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This week, Jeson focused on reworking the solar incentive research and best solar hardware research. He fixed every comment request, and finished reworking both research documents for a complete sustainability model.

He also added Jae’s request to the solar incentive research conclusion. Jeson additionally contacted Garkane and Rocky Mountain Power engineers to confirm their program and rates, and other options they offer. An appointment was made with Garkane engineer on Jun 29th, 9am LA time.

After finishing the reworking, he looked into some diesel generators and recorded their data. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Focused on Reworking the Solar Incentive Research and Best Solar Hardware Research – Click for Page

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 13th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. This week Daniela worked on the Water Catchment section for the Roadways, Walkways, Gutters, and Parking lot Report.

She read through the current material within the Water Catchment section and analyzed which portions were necessary. Daniela edited and rewrote sections, elaborating on some concepts and removing others.

In order to incorporate information regarding porous pavements and the grey water processing pond into the water catchment section, she also researched information concerning the two for a complete sustainability model.

She primarily focused her research towards the grey water processing pond due to previous work on porous pavements. Daniela then wrote and edited new sections. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Worked on the Water Catchment Section for the Roadways, Walkways, Gutters, and Parking Lot Report

Katherine Cao (Chemical Engineer) also completed her 5th week working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This Week Katherine made some corrections on the cost section based on more research and peer feedback. Shed also started researching on steps and procedures to start a new project with Garkane, and wrote the related section in the report. Pictures below are related to this work.

solar microgrid designs, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Continued Working on the Grid-tie Connection Details for Our Solar Microgrid Designs – Click for Page

Frank Roland Vilcapaza Diaz (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 4th week helping with the Earthbag Village energy specifics. This week Frank worked on the heat loads needed for the Tropical Atrium on the coldest day of the year. He also researched about selection of HVAC systems to determine which heater is best fitted for the Tropical Atrium by reading the ASHRAE Handbook 2016 HVAC Systems and Equipment. The pictures below relate to this work.

Earthbag Village energy specifics, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

A Complete Sustainability Model – Continued Helping With the Earthbag Village Energy Specifics

Prabhath Ekanayake (Electrical Engineering Assistant) completed his 4th week working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This week Prabhath completed the research and writing for the section covering subsidies programs. Below are some images related to this work.

solar microgrid designs, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Completed the Research and Writing for the Section Covering Subsidies Programs – Click for Page

Last but not least, Wanda Field (Research and Review Assistant) completed her 3rd week helping with research and reports review and additional research for the Duplicable City Center and Highest Good Housing components.

This week, Wanda continued working on calculating the power consumption of the Straw Bale Village. She made a list of all the items that would consume power by reading through the cost analysis provided on the Straw Bale Village information page.

This table for the village is based on and in the same format as the power consumption table that has been completed by her and the core team for the Earthbag Village. Wanda was able to complete the research for about a third of the items in the list. See below for some pictures related to this.

Power consumption of the Straw Bale Village-A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Continued Working on Calculating the Power Consumption of the Straw Bale Village – Click for Page


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is facilitating a complete sustainability model through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week the core team reviewed, edited, and provided comments of the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial through page 64. This included more responses beginning with Flexible Pavement Materials on page 5 through page 60 that covers Streetscape Elements by Street Type. Then a detailed review of the text of Considerations for Sidewalk Width Determining on pages 60 through 64.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Edited the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial – Click for Page

The core team also started a detailed review and content updating for the City Center hub connector work. All-in-all we integrated pages of comments and rewrote 2 sections of the content.

City Center hub connector, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Started a Detailed Review and Content Updating for the City Center Hub Connector Work

Ian Oliver Malinay (Energy Modeler/Analyst) completed his 24th week helping run the energy analysis calculations to help us achieve LEED Platinum status for the Duplicable City Center. This week Ian provided the energy modeling documents and summary of inputs as references to be posted on the One Community website.

He also provided the service hot water design guidelines with ASHRAE 90.1 design requirements. Ian additionally started the energy modeling documentation updates covering the LEED whole building simulation prerequisites and then the optimization requirements as per the LEED reference manual. Please see below updated progress photos for reference.

Energy analysis calculations, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Continued Helping Run the Energy Analysis Calculations to Help Us Achieve LEED Platinum Status

David Na (Project Management Adviser/Engineer) completed his 18th week helping with input and management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, as well as the City Center Water Catchment Designs. David began the week with assigning action items from the progress google doc he had created.

He also reviewed and commented on all comments made from the core team and Nicholas who have been reviewing the roadways, walkways, and landscaping document. David made some changes and additions and worked on the remaining cross sections for the walkway. Pictures below are related to this work.

Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Continued With Input and Management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways

Sunitha Paraselli (Mechanical Design Engineer) completed her 16th week working on the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes. This week Sunitha worked on load calculations, collecting all the references for 2×12 seasoned fir, red cedar, yellow pine, or spruce, bending strengths, snow loading, full-time loading, work to maximum load, Modulus of elasticity, etc. and adding all of these to the report document. The pictures below relate to this work.

Duplicable City Center, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Continued Working on the Duplicable City Center Connectors We’ll Use to Build the Domes

Luis Manuel Dominguez (Research Engineer) also completed his 15th week helping with research related to the City Center Eco-spa designs. This week Luis collected the team’s feedback, discussed the suggestions with the team and made the necessary adjustments to have it presentable for the website.

Luis also narrowed down his selection of the pump using the team’s latest plumbing design for a complete sustainability model. This will allow the parts selection of the system to be wrapping up in the next week. He has also been tasked with designing the control system for the unit through code and creating a user guide for his system. Pictures below are related to this work.

City Center Eco-spa designs, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Continued Helping With Research Related to the City Center Eco-spa Designs – Click for Page

Rushabh Bhavsar (Mechanical Design Engineer) completed his 10th week helping with the City Center Eco-spa designs. This week he worked on the final edits to the hot tub design report and justification of all the recommendations, designs and systems.

He delved deeper into understanding the differences of Shotcrete and Gunite as foundation materials, Eco-friendly insulation methods for the hot tub, and documenting all of this contributing towards a complete sustainability model. Pictures below relate to this work from last week.

City Center Eco-spa designs, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

A Complete Sustainability Model – Worked on the Final Edits to the Hot Tub Design Report

Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 9th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. This week, Carol worked on the research and writing of a new section, which was the native plants for landscaping section built upon a complete sustainability model.

She also added the pictures for illustration so the readers can have a better understanding about these plants. Carol continued to work on the sump pump construction details on AutoCAD and added more details in the system as recommended by David. In addition, she continued to work on the Greywater in Developing Countries notes. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Worked on the Research and Writing of the Native Plants for Landscaping Section

Neel Shanbhag (Control Systems Electrical Engineer) completed his 3rd week helping with the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs part of a complete sustainability model. This week Neel continued working on the cut sheets of kitchen equipment. He also matched the model number with the ones on the spreadsheet.

And he found working links for the ones that were broken and the various models for the ones that were not mentioned before. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Duplicable City Center Electrical designs, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

A Complete Sustainability Model – Continued Helping Lead the Duplicable City Center Electrical Designs

John Aquino (Electrical Engineer) also completed his 2nd week helping lead the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs building upon a complete sustainability model. This week, John cleaned up the base plan backgrounds of the project scope and created xref files for each of the floors.

This method of having base plan xref files (and in the future RCP, furniture plans, power/data plans, etc) will help ensure a more organized way of creating drawings. In addition, a new title block xref was created, as well, in order to have one TB file to go back to whenever issuance information changes. Pictures below show some of this work.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

A Complete Sustainability Model – Worked on the Aquapini & Walipini External Landscaping Details


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is facilitating a complete sustainability model through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week the core team continued creating updated SketchUp models for the final designs of the Aquapinis/Walipinis. We updated the terrace garden, entertaining area, corner pond and pump pond based on a complete sustainability model.

We also worked on a design of a viewer’s access landing area that includes a staircase to the corner pond landing platform and small under-pond staircase railing. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aquapinis:Walipinis, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Updated the Terrace Garden, Entertaining Area, Corner Pond and Pump Pond

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 38th week volunteering, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details. This week Qiuheng made the basketball field, small seating terrace, and outdoor umbrella seating all perks of a complete sustainability model. She also adjusted the center water feature and the plants around it. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

A Complete Sustainability Model – Worked on the Aquapini & Walipini External Landscaping Details


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is facilitating a complete sustainability model through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

A Complete Sustainability Model – Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age – Click image for open source hub


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is facilitating a complete sustainability model through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 22 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration not mentioned elsewhere here. Also more testing and bug identification was done within the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software.

Highest Good Network software, A Complete Sustainability Model – One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Tested and Identified Bugs Within the Beta Version of the Highest Good Network Software

TEKtalent Inc. (a custom programming solutions company) also continued with their 45th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Nithesh and TEK Talent team worked on the bug fixes mainly in the time entry, weekly summary report, and user profile areas.

The pull request has been raised for the same. They also upgraded the react script version to the latest and ignored the lint error for the time being, to run it locally. Pictures below show some of this work.

Highest Good Network software, A Complete Sustainability Model – One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Worked on the Bug Fixes Mainly in the Time Entry, Weekly Summary Report, and User Profile Areas

Yueru Zhao (Software Engineer) completed her 19th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Yueru mainly worked on doing code cleaning and refactoring for reporting feature deployment.

Like the project reporting page, for the people reports page, she also applied the filter name changes, added ‘filter off’ in each filter option and alphabetized the rest, and made the resources column wider.

She added back the collapse button and showed the first resource name in the resource column. When a user clicks the collapse button, they now see all the resources. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, A Complete Sustainability Model – One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Worked on Doing Code Cleaning and Refactoring for Reporting Feature Deployment

Robert Pioch (Graphic Designer) completed his 17th week helping with the new badges for the badges section on the Dashboard of the Highest Good Network. Robert completed the 100 volunteer hours in Highest Good Stewardship Badge and prepared the Highest Good Food, Economics, Society and Energy Badges for the Highest good Software.

Highest Good Network, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Continued Helping With the New Badges for the Badges Section on the Dashboard

Mike Suarez (Software Developer) also completed his 7th week working on the Highest Good Network software. Mike wrapped up the new timer implementation. He fixed race conditions by saving unread only after at least 1 minute passed. Before he did this, every read was causing a save and was breaking Pause and Stop.

He started fetching the timer when the app opens too. This has as consequence that a new tab opens with the timer running up already if the other tabs were running. This improved the synchronization between multiple tabs open as well. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, A Complete Sustainability Model – One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

A Complete Sustainability Model – Continued Working on the Highest Good Network Software

Malathi Perumal (Beta Testing Tester) completed her 4th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Malathi closed PR #157 related to teams and project assignments in the User Profile.

She also validated the #157 fix to assign team and project related functionalities for the user profile. She confirmed the validating ability for an Admin to update a user’s password is working fine and raised the bug because she couldn’t get the “Two Timer” warning message if open 2 windows. See below for pictures related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, A Complete Sustainability Model – One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

A Complete Sustainability Model – Continued Working on the Highest Good Network Software

And, last but not least, Jin Hua (Web Marketer and Graphic Designer) helped research mailchimp integrations and form builder options, worked on FTP & Childtheme header.php troubleshooting with Bluehost support, and worked on troubleshooting mailchimp integration via a Header & Footer plugin. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Researched mailchimp integrations, A Complete Sustainability Model, One Community Weekly Progress Update #431

Helped Research Mailchimp Integrations and Form Builder Options, Etc. – Click for Home Page


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One Community Working with the Jobsora Job Search System

One Community and Jobsora are working together to promote each other’s job opportunities. We’re sharing their services with this post and they are helping us share our volunteer positions using keywords related to sustainability.

Jobsora, job searchIf you aren’t familiar with Jobsora, the purpose of their site is to help a person find their perfect job. Jobsora claims this as their primary focus and their goal is to help people eliminate the hours and days they would otherwise spend surfing the Internet seeking vacancies. Jobsora does this by providIng links to all the positions posted on job boards.

Jobsora points out that the most popular ways of finding jobs nowadays are: consulting recruitment firms, addressing directly to the desired company for the desired position, looking for a job in local newspapers, contacting acquaintances, etc. All these methods of searching might be helpful if you combine them, but they are time-consuming and sometimes require financial investments.

Jobsora recognizes that most employers have now gone digital and post their adds and openings online. Their site is designed to make the process of finding and reviewing these online posts easier and faster. Check them out at .

Upgrading the Traditional City – One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Are we finally ready for upgrading the traditional city to a more sustainable model? One Community thinks we are and we’re working to make the process easier with open source foodenergy, and housing plans. We’re also developing an evolution of sustainability that adds to these new city designs sustainable approaches to educationfor-profit and non-profit economic designsocial architecturefulfilled living, and global stewardship practices.

Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the June 20th, 2021 edition (#430) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Upgrading the Traditional City
One Community Progress Update #430




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr




Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is upgrading the traditional city through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team continued edits and additions to the “Best Small and Large-scale Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Community Options ” article. This week we made some additions to the “comparing plastic recycling options” table, made more changes in the google doc to get more consistent formatting, and transferred more sections including embedded videos to the live web page, most of them from the Precious Plastics section spreading the word about upgrading the traditional city. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Continued Edits to the Best Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Community Options

The core team additionally continued double checking the Earthbag Village energy specifics for the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis. We double checked the time-of-day draws for everything, did additional research on water heaters and pumps, and wrapped up the energy work for this village. We then started organizing what will be needed to complete this same process for the Straw Bale Village. See below for related pictures.

Earthbag Village energy specifics for the solar microgrid design, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Continued Double Checking the Earthbag Village Energy Specifics for the Solar Microgrid Design

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 48th week helping finish the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Jose Luis researched information on the effect snow loads have on metal roofing.

The research helped gather the values of the loads needed to help determine the maximum size of the Net-Zero Bathroom’s exterior roof with and without external support columns vital to upgrading the traditional city. The depth of the snow was set at 30in and a density of 0.0041lb/in2, with these values he calculated the weight at various roof sizes depending on the number of tangent support beams.

A graph and trendline was generated from these calculations and was added to the initial roof weight function. Based on the weight limit of the walls and the weight of the snow, the exterior roof would need external support in order to withstand the weight of snow in a snowy climate.

The weight function including the weight of snow was added to the calculations for the maximum roof size with external columns. The centroid of the radial beam was constrained to be 75% closer to the external support than the centroid of the wall.

With this parameter Jose Luis calculated an increase in roof area of 40%. With the calculations complete, he will add the findings to the Net-Zero Bathroom instruction/tutorial and elaborate for simplification. The pictures below show some of this work.

solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Upgrading the Traditional City – Focused on Completing the Solar Incentive Research Report

Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 42nd week working on the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. This week Stacey completed the comments received for the wall section.

She worked on getting the correct boards and colors in each drawing and also tried to regulate many of the line weights and colors used throughout. All of this is to make the look more consistent overall so it will be easier to understand and widen the reach for upgrading the traditional city. Screenshots below are related to this latest progress.

Murphy bed instructions, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Continued Working on the Final Edits and Revisions to the Murphy Bed Instructions – Click for Page

Vicente J Subiela (Project Management Adviser) completed his 21st week working on the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. Vicente has continued the supervision of the ongoing energy tasks and documents, resolving questions, making contributions and suggesting conclusions.

After the data collection by Jeson on the solar charges and credits comparison (see vertical bar graph) the best economic balance is expected for Rocky Mountain Power. This is the conclusion provided that the energy supplied to the grid is equal or higher than the energy taken from the grid (expected energy balance scenario).

Vicente then focused on the grid tie tutorial and short comments on the hot tub design and the grid tie tutorial. He also updated the Gann diagram for the timeline follow-up and confirmed the high energy needs of the electric car chargers as part of the energy analysis.

solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Continued Working on the Solar Microgrid Design, Sizing, and Cost Analysis Specifics

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 16th week helping with research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This week, Jeson focused on completing the solar incentive research report.

He quoted the program detailed in the report, fixed the citation issues, and rewrote some of the company solar rate descriptions. Jeson also added descriptions on the document and website links. He then numbered all the images and converted all solar incentive research resources into pdf files and added them to the dropbox folder. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Upgrading the Traditional City – Focused on Completing the Solar Incentive Research Report

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 12th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development.

This report requires various sections on pavement types such as those previously worked on for decomposed granite and porous asphalt. The new section focuses on porous concrete. Throughout this week Daniela researched and collected information regarding the design and functionality of porous concrete.

She then organized the information to better relay the research to the audience. Additionally Daniela wrote paragraphs on the structural design, maintenance, advantages, disadvantages and application of this pavement all important for upgrading the traditional city.

She researched for more properties concerning porous concrete in order to ensure that the information provided properly summarizes the pavement type. Lastly, Daniela reviewed the section and edited the material. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Continued Helping With the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial

Katherine Cao (Chemical Engineer) also completed her 4th week working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This week Katherine did research on transmission line cost on the grid-tie system a key component for upgrading the traditional city.

The costs vary largely depending on power voltage, design conditions, and land and environment requirements. Data was studied and analyzed in the report. Katherine also reviewed the whole report and wrote the introduction section. Pictures below are related to this work.

Solar microgrid designs, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Upgrading the Traditional City – Did Research on Transmission Line Cost on the Grid-tie System

Frank Roland Vilcapaza Diaz (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 3rd week helping with the Earthbag Village energy specifics. This week Frank worked on refining the areas on the atrium and researching on the thermal properties of the materials composing the tropical atrium. He also researched on the conditions necessary for the plants and trees to grow. The pictures below relate to this work.

Earthbag Village energy specifics, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Upgrading the Traditional City – Continued Helping With the Earthbag Village Energy Specifics

Prabhath Ekanayake (Electrical Engineering Assistant) completed his 3rd week working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This week he focused on completing research, writing the report section “what to expect from the county”, and sending emails to energy departments to gather information for the report. Below are some images related to this work.

Solar microgrid designs, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Continued Working on the Grid-tie Connection Details for Our Solar Microgrid Designs – Click for Page

Nicholas K. de León (Project Management Adviser) completed his 3rd week helping with review of Highest Good Housing research and related tasks.

Nicholas dedicated this week’s work to primarily editing research documents, starting with the Solar Incentive Rate Research, Best Solar Hardware Research Report, and City Center Hot Tub Design.

In addition to this, Nicholas wrote a quick guide to help future researchers and document preparers, which he put up for use on Saturday. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.

Highest Good Housing research, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Continued Helping With Review of Highest Good Housing Research and Related Tasks – Click for Page

Last but not least, Wanda Field (Research and Review Assistant) completed her 2nd week helping with research and reports review and additional research for the Duplicable City Center and Highest Good Housing components.

This week, Wanda focused on power consumptions of the Earthbag Village and Straw Bale Village. She finalized her calculations and findings on the best water heating system for the Earthbag Village communal eco-showers, and came to the conclusion that tank water heaters will be the most power efficient option.

She then started the overall power consumption table for the Straw Bale Village. Finally, Wanda edited and reviewed a section of the Grid-Tie Energy Infrastructure Tutorials documents and revisited the comments she left on the documents she reviewed last week. See below for some pictures related to this.

research and reports review, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Focused on Power Consumptions of the Earthbag Village and Straw Bale Village


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is upgrading the traditional city through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week the core team reviewed, edited, and provided comments of the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial through page 60, covering topics up through environmentally friendly ice melt alternatives.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Reviewed, Edited, and Provided Comments of the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping

Ian Oliver Malinay (Energy Modeler/Analyst) completed his 23rd week helping run the energy analysis calculations to help us achieve LEED Platinum status for the Duplicable City Center.

This week Ian submitted the updated cooling and heating load calculation results after he finished the operation profile for the project. Ian also updated the energy modeling narrative documents as instructed for whole building energy simulation showcasing the extensive research towards upgrading the traditional city.

This narrative document contains the overall process conducted for the energy model of the building. Please see below updated progress photos for reference.

Energy analysis calculations, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Upgrading the Traditional City – Submitted the Updated Cooling and Heating Load Calculation Results

David Na (Project Management Adviser/Engineer) completed his 17th week helping with input and management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, as well as the City Center Water Catchment Designs.

David assigned action items to his team, created an excel file that integrates the rainfall data for a 1000-yr storm, and created a pump design for the City Center basement. The pump has been integrated at the basement due to runoff towards the basement via the driveway.

The runoff is collected through a trench drain which is then discharged to the catch basin containing the pump. Once the water level reaches a certain height, the pump will activate and send the runoff towards the greywater processing pond.

David also assigned Carol with integrating the excel data into a CAD file, along with drafting the details of the pump. He also prepared a google doc with details of his team’s progress because he will be busy the next few weeks moving.

Lastly, David continued to work on the roadway section cuts for the tutorial case study for the Earthbag Village porous concrete roadway key contributions to upgrading the traditional city. Pictures below are related to this work.

Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Continued With Input and Management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways

Sunitha Paraselli (Mechanical Design Engineer) completed her 15th week working on the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes. This week Sunitha worked on References and resources documents. She is still working on the resource document and remaining documents are in process. The pictures below relate to this work.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Worked on References and Resources Documents for Duplicable City Center Connectors

Rushabh Bhavsar (Mechanical Design Engineer) completed his 9th week helping with the City Center Eco-spa designs. This week he completed the hot tub report, added cost of parts, and edited the piping layout for a closed system.

He also researched about the pump and made a replica of the pump based on the inlet and outlet dimensions of a standard pump. The layout was finalized to be a closed layout with an option to drain the water to the pool when needed, new ideas for upgrading the traditional city.

The foundation of the tub was selected to be aircrete. Rushabh also researched the parameters to justify the efficiency of using thermal reflective cover for insulation. Pictures below relate to his work from last week.

City Center Eco-spa designs, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Completed the Hot Tub Report, Added Cost of Parts, and Edited the Piping Layout for a Closed System

Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 8th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. This week Carol worked on the sections of the report that the core team and other team members commented on.

It was suggested part of the “Duplicable City Center” section needs to be re-written so she rewrote the part about decomposed granite and xeriscape. She added more details for the ADA Parking Lot section and also added more in the description for the “Drip Irrigation” section (with pics) explaining the vision for upgrading the traditional city.

Carol inserted some graphics for “Alternatives to Roadway Salt” and incorporated the resources for Roadway Design. She also continued to work on Greywater research and took on a new task of researching and sketching the sump pump construction detail in AutoCAD. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Continued With the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial Development

Neel Shanbhag (Control Systems Electrical Engineer) completed his 2nd week helping with the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs. These designs showcase the community’s work towards upgrading the traditional city.

This week, Neel continued working on the cut sheets required for various kitchen equipment. He also updated the cut sheets on the dropbox and began researching preliminary sheets and scope of work based on the electrical drawing in the drop box. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Duplicable City Center Electrical designs, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Continued Working on the Cut Sheets Required for Various Kitchen Equipment – Click for Page

John Aquino (Electrical Engineer) also joined the team and completed his 1st week helping lead the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs. This week, John created and organized an Electrical subfolder under the main project folder to establish an easy-to-follow filing system moving forward in upgrading the traditional city.

In addition, a project set-up document is in development which can be proposed for all trades to adopt when initiating production on drawings intended to go out for internal/external review. An electrical drawing template has also been created, it showcases typical notes present on the General page of the electrical sheets. Pictures below show some of this work.

Duplicable City Center Electrical designs, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Joined the Team and BeganHelping Lead the Duplicable City Center Electrical Designs – Click for Page


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is upgrading the traditional city through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week the core team continued creating updated SketchUp models for the final designs of the Aquapinis/Walipinis. We finished the largest greenhouse modeling of the roof framing and underground wall as a part of upgrading the traditional city.

Solawrap, east wall with entry door, and the half glazed wall were placed in the model. We also started working on combining the old interior design with new design. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aquapinis:Walipinis, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Finished the Largest Greenhouse Modeling of the Roof Framing and Underground Wall

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 37th week volunteering, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details contributing to upgrading the traditional city.

This week she updated the Aquapini and Walipini SketchUp model with the proposed planting design. In 3D view, she was able to revise the plants location and size to fit the site better. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Updated the Aquapini and Walipini Sketchup Model With the Proposed Planting Design


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is upgrading the traditional city through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age – Click image for open source hub


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is upgrading the traditional city through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 24 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration not mentioned elsewhere here. Also more testing and bug identification was done within the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software.

TEKtalent Inc. (a custom programming solutions company) also continued with their 45th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Nithesh and TEK Talent team worked on the bug fixes and security vulnerability scan and fix for npm packages.

The bug reported in beta testing for assigning projects and teams has been fixed and a pull request is raised for the same along with the package version changes. Pictures below show some of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Worked on the Bug Fixes and Security Vulnerability Scan and Fix for Npm Packages

Chris Weilacker (Software Engineer) completed his 28th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Chris worked on the auto blue square function for missing submitting a summary because there was a problem where someone submitted a weekly summary and didn’t get an email but they got an infringement.

Chris fixed this by changing the window for submission and auto-email sending so it was only 1 minute apart instead of 5. Pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Worked on the Auto Blue Square Function for Missing Submitting a Summary

Yueru Zhao (Software Engineer) completed her 18th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Yueru made some modifications based on feedback from last week. She made the resources column wider and showed only one user in the button.

Yueru also changed the filter name to”Filter Off” and made the “Filter Off”” the first option and alphabetized all the rest of the options. She also modified and capitalized the table columns to use Resources, Class, Start Date, End Date, etc. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Upgrading the Traditional City – Continued Working on the Highest Good Network Software

Mike Suarez (Software Developer) also completed his 6th week working on the Highest Good Network software. Mike worked on fixing the timer. He added a field to the Timer collection in the db: started, lastAccess so start get’s set upon Start and Pause.

This is used to calculate the time passed instead of counting seconds in the app. LastAccess is used to timeout the user. Every 1 minute the app checks the time passed and automatically the last access gets refreshed.

If the app gets closed without stopping or pausing and more than 5 mins passes, the next time the timer starts, it gets picked from the Last Access value. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Upgrading the Traditional City – Worked on Fixing the Timer for Highest Good Network Software

Malathi Perumal (Beta Testing Tester) completed her 2nd week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Malathi confirmed the Tangible Check Box auto-selected bug was fixed, tested and verified the Timer bug (40 hr and 59 mins) bug was fixed, and got the Dev env admin credential and checked her name is in the env for admin and volunteer.

She also completed her first PR review and documented a new timer syncing bug. See below for pictures related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Upgrading the Traditional City, One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Upgrading the Traditional City – Continued Working on the Highest Good Network Software


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One Community Welcomes Carol Nguyen to the Engineering Team!

One Community welcomes Carol Nguyen to the Engineering Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!

Carol received her Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from University of California, Irvine. She has experience working with different engineering teams on various specializations of the industry, including structural, transportation, water resources, and environmental engineering. Her tasks have included project scheduling, cost estimates, preparing technical reports, calculations, developing CAD drawings, and assisting project managers on the project progress. Specifically, Carol has worked on designing pavement and highway, sustainable land development, water distribution system, piping network, low impact design for minimizing water runoff and earthquake engineering building. She also participated in a collaborative project with the engineering and construction company Black & Veatch for 6 months. Carol helped her team to design surface pipelines, tunnels, piping systems, reinforced concrete pump stations and other facilities capable of storing hydroelectric energy for Hoover Dam. As a member of the One Community team, Carol is helping with rainwater harvesting and roadway design for the Duplicable City Center and Earthbag Village .



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Creating a More Enriching Living Experience – One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

We can create a better world while also creating a more enriching living experience. One Community’s approach to this is through comprehensive sustainability. We are developing and open sourcing/free sharing the replication plan that includes foodenergyhousingeducationfor-profit and non-profit economic designsocial architecturefulfilled livingglobal stewardship practices, and more.

Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the June 13th, 2021 edition (#429) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Creating a More Enriching Living Experience
One Community Progress Update #429




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Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is creating a more enriching living experience through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team created a plan for compression testing aircrete and stabilized earth. These tests will make creating permitted structures for the Earthbag Village construction easier. We’re planning 275 tests covering 10 different mixes. The pictures below show some of the other planned details, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

compression testing aircrete and stabilized earth, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Created a Plan for Compression Testing Aircrete and Stabilized Earth

The core team also continued edits and additions to the “Best Small and Large-scale Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Community Options ” article.

This week we made additions to the “comparing plastic recycling options” table, identified new areas we’d like to research, did some corrections to the placement of paragraphs in the google doc, transferred some sections, and embedded videos to the live page. The pictures below share some of this developing work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Edits to the Best Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Community Options – Click for Page

The core team additionally continued double checking the Earthbag Village energy specifics for the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis. We brought on 2 volunteers to assist and continued to add calculation details to the energy needs tab, so others can update easily if necessary in the future.

We worked out water demand and greywater production and instantaneous flow rates for pump sizing and power draw. See below for related pictures, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Earthbag Village energy specifics for the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Double Checking the Earthbag Village Energy Specifics for the Solar Microgrid Design

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 46th week helping finish the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Jose Luis reviewed and completed his calculations and graphs. While reviewing his work he updated the dimensional properties of the calculations.

Values such as the surface area of the model’s roof and the density of galvalume were updated to the correct values. With these corrections the graphs and trend lines relating weight and the number of support beams were updated.

The total weight and the number of tangential supports were calculated by summing up the trendline functions and constraining the weight to a maximum value of 648lb and the number of supports being a whole number. The maximum number of support was calculated to be 12 and a weight of 583.5 lb.

The maximum weight was divided by the current model’s weight equaling a scaling factor of 1.31 or a 31% increase in surface area. The calculations for the maximum roof scaling factor with external supports was updated as well.

The solution to the maximum scaling factor with supports uses the total weight of the roof as a function of radial beam length derived from the calculations done when there are no external supports. With the updated calculations, the maximum scaling factor with external supports was 4.01 or a 400% increase of surface area.

The large increase was due to the low density of galvalume (3.75 gms/cm3) when compared to conventional galvanized steel (7.14 gms/cm3) which was being used in the previous calculations. The pictures below show some of this work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Reviewed and Completed Calculations and Graphs – Click for Net-zero Bathroom

Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 41st week working on the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. This week Stacy focused on working through the feedback comments from the core team, one by one. Overall the instructions have been greatly improved.

She has been able to make adjustments to several different areas because when revisiting the areas she found small details that were missed or incorrect. The page keys and wood numbers have caused the most problems. It seems there are a lot of adjustments to wood sizes and positions.

We want to make sure we represent all the components accurately and the procurement list will have to get longer and more stylized. Screenshots below are related to this latest progress which can be used for creating a more enriching living experience

Murphy bed instructions, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Continued Working on the Final Edits and Revisions to the Murphy Bed Instructions – Click for Page

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 15th week helping with research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This week, Jeson grouped the companies with less solar incentive information in the solar incentive comparison table, added more guidance and notes to the table, and color coded the table for easier visual rating.

He also reviewed the best solar hardware inverter sections, changed and corrected hardware descriptions, and added inverted images to the spreadsheet comparison table and the report. He then added the image numbering and names/captions. For the solar inventive report, Jeson fixed the title capitalization format, and finished the conclusion requested.

He then focused on rewriting the solar hardware descriptions and citation issue, and is halfway done with the solar hardware report. The pictures below share some of this developing work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis-Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Continued With Research Related to the Solar Microgrid Design, Sizing, and Cost Analysis Specifics

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 11th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. This week Daniela started out the week by returning back to the Earthbag Village street design that needed to be offset to 20 feet.

Initially there was a problem with the shape of the street when offsetting the outer ring. A solution was found and Daniela made edits through AutoCAD so that the street now measures 20 feet. Daniela also continued watching and annotating the videos regarding the grey and black water systems.

Once completed, she cleaned up these notes so that others could read and understand the material without referring back to the videos. Additionally, Daniela added images that would visually aid others referring to the work. Lastly, in order to ensure better understanding of a paragraph, she created two tables for the Aquapini and Walipini project.

Pictures of some of this work are below, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Helping With the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial – Click for Page

Katherine Cao (Chemical Engineer) also completed her 3rd week working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs and contributing towards creating a more enriching living experience. This week Katherine did research on the general cost for building a solar farm grid-tie system.

She researched the per-mile cost on different power needs and overhead and underground options. Katherine read reports and articles, wrote the costs section, and corrected some figures and makes them more clear. Pictures below are related to this work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Solar microgrid designs-Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Working on the Grid-tie Connection Details for Our Solar Microgrid Designs – Click for Page

Frank Roland Vilcapaza Diaz (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 2nd week helping with the Earthbag Village energy specifics. This week Frank worked in creating a report on the water heater selected for the eco showers. He read through information regarding the heating losses and gains produced inside the system to start on the design of an auxiliary heating system for the atrium.

Dimensions on the atrium were determined using the Sketchup program and they will be used to find the loads needed in the HVAC system. The pictures below relate to this work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Earthbag Village energy specifics, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Creating a Report on the Water Heater Selected for the Eco Showers – Click for Earthbag Village

Prabhath Ekanayake (Electrical Engineering Assistant) completed his 2nd week working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This week Prabhath continued development of the grid tie energy infrastructure tutorial by adding permitting fees for the step-by-step construction section, writing the overview, and researching and emailing a few energy companies for relevant information.

Below are some images related to this work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Solar microgrid designs, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Continued Development of the Grid Tie Energy Infrastructure Tutorial – Click for Solar Energy Page

Last but not least, Nicholas K. de León (Project Management Adviser) completed his 2nd week helping with review of Highest Good Housing research and related tasks. This week, Nicholas finalized the cylinder mold order, obtaining a competitive price lower than other sellers previously contacted.

In addition to this, Nicholas worked on editing research documents and providing feedback for the solar team. This included, most importantly, the need to cite properly, something that will need attention before these documents are ready to be published to One Community’s website.

In aiming to reduce the time spent on backtracking research citations and suggesting edits that will delay publication, Nicholas also worked on a template for writing, one that can be used to make future documents more uniform as well as provide suggestions for citations from the outset.

Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Highest Good Housing research, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Continued Helping With Review of Highest Good Housing Research and Related Tasks – Click for Page


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is creating a more enriching living experience through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week the core team reviewed, edited, and provided comments of the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial through page 35, covering topics of pavement structural layers (subgrade, subbase, base, surface course, non-structural wearing course, etc,) roadways drainage and collection (purpose, criteria, and gutter flows) and fire department access requirements, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Edited, and Provided Comments of the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial

David Na (Project Management Adviser/Engineer) completed his 16th week helping with input and management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, as well as the City Center Water Catchment Designs.

This week David spent time creating a pump design plan with a rough average of the rainfall intensity, City Center impervious area, and runoff coefficient. David is also creating a section view of the roadways for the porous concrete and is also working on a 3D rendering of what the roadway will look like.

Pictures below are related to this work which is creating a more enriching living experience

Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial

Sunitha Paraselli (Mechanical Design Engineer) completed her 14th week working on the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes. This week Sunitha worked on why stainless steel is the best choice for our connectors, researching its advantages and comparing the costs between aluminum and stainless steel.

Do’s and don’ts of drilling of beams and how the holes sizes should be selected was also researched. The pictures below relate to this work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Worked on Why Stainless Steel Is the Best Choice for Our Connectors – Click for Duplicable City Center

Luis Manuel Dominguez (Research Engineer) also completed his 14th week helping with research related to the City Center Eco-spa designs. This week his focus was to research the best options for the foundation in order to optimize the heat savings of the tub. This included assessing numerous insulation methods such as insulated concrete foam, foil-faced insulation, and aircrete.

There are advantages and disadvantages to all, but the most promising have shown to be insulated concrete foam and aircrete, which are quite commonly used in the industry. Aside from that, he finalized some work with the cover and has been reaching out to companies for a quote that will meet the design criteria of the unit.

Furthermore, modifications are still being made to the report to have it ready for publishing to the website. Pictures below are related to this work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

City Center Eco-spa designs, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Researched the Best Options for the Foundation in Order to Optimize the Heat Savings of the Tub

Rushabh Bhavsar (Mechanical Design Engineer) completed his 8th week helping with the City Center Eco-spa designs. Rushabh completed the hot tub design, piping layout, and drainage layout. He designed and modeled the connections between the hot tub, mech room, and main pool.

He modeled the structure of the mech room and outer periphery of the pool so that the length of the pipes can be determined accurately. Rushabh also searched for the insulation system to save the heat loss from the shell and base of the hot tub. Additionally, he searched for hot tub foundation materials and the special characteristics of each of them.

Pictures below relate to his work last week, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

City Center Eco-spa designs, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Completed the Hot Tub Design, Piping Layout, and Drainage Layout – Click for Page

Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 7th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. For this week, Carol wrote the section describing the roadway features in the Earthbag Village including level of traffic, speed limit, alignment, types of vehicles, etc. She added some details for the Bikeway Design section.

In addition, she also made some edits and additions to the sections Alternative Pavement and Irrigation System. Carol finished the Roadway Costs (Initial and Annual Maintenance) calculations and she wrote some paragraphs explaining the items in the spreadsheets as well as the general formula to compute total costs for each project.

She also continued taking notes on her part of natural greywater processing (Greywater in Developing Countries). The pictures below share some of this developing work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Continued With the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial Development

Yufan Jiang (Volunteer Architectural Designer) completed her 6th week as a member of the team. This week Yufan worked on expanding walls to match the most current Duplicable City Center insulation plan. For this task, she updated all the City Center hallways and other areas that we’ve updated to 10″ thick walls. The pictures below relate to this work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Duplicable City Center insulation plan, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Worked on Expanding Walls to Match the Most Current Duplicable City Center Insulation Plan

Wanda Field (Research and Review Assistant) joined the team and completed her 1st week helping with research and reports review and additional research for the Duplicable City Center and Highest Good Housing components.

This week Wanda reviewed and edited three research papers: City Center Hot Tub Design, The Best Solar Hardware Research Report, and Solar Incentive Rate Research. She helped the authors of these papers with any grammatical errors and concerns where the content could be confusing to a non-engineer.

Wanda also began researching which water heating method would be best to use for the communal eco-shower system of the Earthbag Village (Pod 1). She computed the daily energy consumptions of both an electric tank water heating system and an electric instantaneous (tankless) water heating system. See below for some pictures related to this, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Research and reports review, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Helping With Research for the Duplicable City Center and Highest Good Housing Components

Neel Shanbhag (Control Systems Electrical Engineer) also joined the team and completed his 1st week helping with the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs. This week Neel began researching about the cut sheets required for various kitchen equipment. He then observed if the specifications mentioned in the cut sheets matched with the specifications on the spreadsheet.

Neil also updated the cut sheets in the drop box. Pictures of some of this work are below, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Duplicable City Center Electrical designs, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Joined the Team and Began Helping With the Duplicable City Center Electrical Designs – Click for Page


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is creating a more enriching living experience through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week the core team started creating a SketchUp model for the final design of the Aquapinis/Walipinis. We used the AutoCAD Viewer for loading the latest AutoCAD models to generate images with necessary measurements.

We then prepared an old Aquapini Sketchup model for the new designs by removing two center aquapini beds and reshaping the water pump pond and removing the roof and building framing. We also designed foundation footer and I-beam posts that sit on footers. Pictures below are related to this work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

SketchUp model for the final design of the Aquapinis:Walipinis, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Started Creating a SketchUp Model for the Final Design of the Aquapinis/walipinis – Click for Page

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 36th week volunteering, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details. This week Qiuheng continued working on the planting design. She replaced all the big trees that may block the structure with small trees and shrubs.

She also exported the design to sketchUp to build a new base model for the landscape. Next,  Qiuheng will start to make a 3D model of the planting design. Pictures below are related to this work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Working on the Planting Design for the Aquapini & Walipini External Landscaping – Click for Page


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is creating a more enriching living experience through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them which will help in creating a more enriching living experience.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age – Click for the open source hub


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is creating a more enriching living experience through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 27 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration not mentioned elsewhere here. Also more testing and bug identification was done within the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software.

TEKtalent Inc. (a custom programming solutions company) also continued with their 44th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Nithesh and TEK Talent team continued working on the bug fixes. It is now possible to enter hours up to 40 and minutes up to 59 only.

Phone number formatting was added too, including international numbers in the add new profile screen and the edit profile screens. The watermark for total committed hours was also corrected. Pictures below show some of this work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Highest Good Network software, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Continued Working on the Bug Fixes for the Highest Good Network Software – Click for Page

Jaime Arango (Graphic Designer) completed his 30th week helping, returning to creating images for the One Community Updates Blogs like this one. This week Jaime created images for weekly progress updates #497, #498, #499, #500, and #501. You can see all these new images below, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Images for the One Community Updates Blogs, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Created Images for Weekly Progress Updates #497, #498, #499, #500, and #501

Chris Weilacker (Software Engineer) completed his 27th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week, Chris completed Parts 1 and 2 of the proposal for the badges and materials tracking components. You can see some of his proposal below, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Highest Good Network software, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Completed Parts 1 and 2 of the Proposal for the Badges and Materials Tracking Components

Mike Suarez (Software Developer) also completed his 5th week working on the Highest Good Network software. Mike started the week fixing CircleCI. We were pointing to the latest nodejs docker image to run our project and they (CircleCI) switched the latest from node 14 to 16. Since our project requires node 14 we were not able to build.

The image set was cimg/node:14.17.0. Then Mike started tackling different issues from the bug report. He fixed the behavior of blue squares, allowing them to autosave the changes. He also fixed the Total Effort calculation which included the Intangible Effort. And he found the problem with the Timer not accounting for the right amount of time.

This was an implementation problem in the feature for which he proposed a solution and is looking forward to implementing it next week. The pictures below are related to this work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Highest Good Network software, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Continued Working on the Highest Good Network Software – Click for Page

Malathi Perumal (Beta Testing Tester) also joined the team and completed her 1st week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Malathi worked on bugs related to the timer functionality properly measuring time and accepting a limited number for input values. She also started checking functionality of all components based on the WorK Breakdown Structure document.

Malathi did this while working with other team member to get her local environment set up. See below for pictures related to this work, an excellent example of creating a more enriching living experience.

Highest Good Network software, Creating a More Enriching Living Experience, One Community Weekly Progress Update #429

Joined the Team and Began Working on the Highest Good Network Software – Click for Page


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One Community Welcomes Rushabh Bhavsar to the Engineering Team!

One Community welcomes Rushabh Bhavsar to the Mechanical Engineering Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!

Rushabh is a Boston based mechanical engineer and product designer with a passion for 3D modeling and product development. He completed his master’s from Northeastern University. When designing, Rushabh likes to take inspiration for his designs from day-to-day objects, pop culture, nature and almost anything he can look at and think, “maybe this can be done differently”. Outside of work, he is a huge soccer fan and loves to explore and travel. As a member of the One Community Team, Rushabh is helping create the most energy efficient and ecological DIY hot tub for the Duplicable City Center and will then work on finishing the DIY pallet furniture designs



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Eco-renovating Our Social Models – One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

It’s time for eco-renovating our social models! One Community is developing eco-renovation models for all other areas of a sustainable civilization creation too: foodenergyhousingeducationfor-profit and non-profit economic designglobal stewardship practices, and more.

We’re combining these to build teacher/demonstration hubs that will provide a model of living better than how most people live now, all while creating and developing even more. This is how world change happens…

Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the June 6th, 2021 edition (#428) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments for eco-renovating our social models:

Eco-renovating Our Social Models
One Community Progress Update #428




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr




Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is eco-renovating our social models through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team completed our final review and feedback round on the Earthbag Village Construction of the Footer, Foundation, and Flooring doc, followed by a collaborative phone call to clarify our final outstanding concerns . The same team member then continued proofreading the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, going through page 18.

Earthbag Village Construction of the Footer, Foundation, and Flooring, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Proofreading the Sustainable Tutorial

The core team also began final edits and additions to the “Best Small and Large-scale Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Community Options” article. This is the process of integrating extensive new research and edits from Aidan, updating the spreadsheets and other graphics, and beginning the process of transferring them to the One Community site.

The same team member also did some additional work double checking all the images were correct for the finished “Earthbag Village Dome Home Loft Engineering page.

Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Community Options, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models, Best Plastic Recycling, Reuse, & Repurposing Community Options

And the core team created a new list of requests covering up through page 39 of the Tree House Village (Pod 7) online book.

Tree House Village online book, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Requests of the Tree House Village Online Book – Click for Page

The core team additionally continued double checking the Earthbag Village energy specifics for the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis. We interviewed 2 volunteers to assist with this task and the same process that will be applied to the City Center, Straw Bale Village, Ultimate Classroom, and Aquapini and Walipini Structures next.

We’d say we’re now 90% of the way done with the energy consuming components within the Earthbag Village. We added additional details for how we arrived at different numbers of units, added percent use, and worked with Frank to estimate energy use by potential HVAC system for the Tropical Atrium, water heater for eco-showers, and some greywater pumps.

We also added the time of day the power draw occurs from the different power demands. See below for related pictures. 

Earthbag Village energy specifics for the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Earthbag Village Energy Specifics for the Solar Microgrid Design

Dean Scholz (Architectural Designer) continued helping with the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) 4-dome cluster designs. This was week #223 of Dean’s work and the focus was placement of the 2nd quilt in the guest bedroom, adding lights, and beginning light effects testing/rendering. Pictures below show some of this work.

Earthbag Village 4-dome cluster designs, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Earthbag Village 4-dome Cluster Designs – Click for Page

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 45th week helping finish the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Jose Luis completed the calculations for the maximum scaling factor of the Net-Zero Bathroom roof with the addition of an exterior support column.

He completed the calculations by assuming the distributed load was uniform on the wall and made the max distance from the reaction force on the wall to the center of gravity to be 60% of the distance from the edge of the wall to the column. The weight of the roof was related to the radial beam length and the radial beam was related to the length of the external column.

By substituting these relationships, the length of the exterior support column was calculated. The weight equation was then used to solve for the reaction force on the external column and set it equal to the equation of the critical load before buckling. This was used to solve for the maximum length of the external column and then used to solve for the length of the radial beam.

With the equation used to calculate the area of a trapezoid, the surface area of the roof was calculated. The next step will be to review the calculations to look for any discrepancies and then add it to the Net-Zero Bathroom Tutorial/Instructions and add the spreadsheets. The pictures below show some of this work.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Net-zero Bathroom Component of the Earthbag Village

Hannah Copeman (Structural Engineer) completed her 39th and final week helping complete all the Earthbag Village tutorials. This week Hannah finalized the development of the Earthbag Village Footer, Foundation & Flooring tutorial.

She changed diagrams to reflect the increased horizontal wing insulation of the domes, worked with other team members to discuss the future paths of the FFF and loft tutorials, and cleaned up the CAD files for the next team member who works on the dome and loft. You can see some pictures of this work below.

Earthbag Village tutorials, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Earthbag Village Footer, Foundation & Flooring Tutorial

Vicente J Subiela (Project Management Adviser) completed his 20th week working on the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This past week, Vicente continued the supervision of the ongoing energy tasks. For easy follow-up view he created the flow working diagram below which can be updated according to progress.

He also updated the schedule plan and replied to the questions and comments related to the ongoing tasks.

Solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models, Supervision of the Ongoing Energy Tasks, Click for Solar Energy

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 14th week helping with research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This week, he added images to the types of solar harvesting cells, and the color coating onto the solar hardware spreadsheets for visual differentiation on how good or bad they are.

Jeson also added more descriptions on how to choose from each type of hardware. He then focused on rewriting the solar incentive research document and constructing the solar incentive rate table. He will be doing the requested conclusion next week and the format and image numbering at the end.

Jeson will then make all the webpage links into PDF and add them to the dropbox. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Solar Microgrid Design, Sizing, and Cost Analysis Specifics

Katherine Cao (Chemical Engineer) also completed her 2nd week working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This week Katherine researched the steps and cost for constructing the PV grid tie-system. She also researched local power company websites, and learned their utility distribution, contacted them for cost, and wrote the initial report on them.

Additionally, Katherine learned how to use Google Earth and Google Maps to do measurements and measured the distance we’ll need to run cable to bring power to the property. Pictures below are related to this work. <

solar microgrid designs, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Steps and Cost for Constructing the PV Grid Tie-system

This week Frank Roland Vilcapaza Diaz (Mechanical Engineer) joined the team and began by helping with some needed research for the Earthbag Village energy specifics. He worked on learning more about the project and understanding the basic principles behind it. The analysis of pump power requirements was computed.

A selection tool was used to determine the water heater used on the eco-shower, and the HVAC study was started for the Tropical Atrium. The pictures below relate to this work.

Earthbag Village energy specifics, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Helping With Research for the Earthbag Village Energy Specifics

Prabhath Ekanayake (Electrical Engineering Assistant) also joined the team and completed his 1st week working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. For his first week, Prabhath focused on completing grid connection details and research covering how to get started/where to start your research, and the step-by-step construction steps to expect.

Below are some images related to this work.

Solar microgrid designs, Eco-renovating Our Social Models – One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models, Working on Grid-tie Connection Details for Solar Microgrid Designs

Last but not least, Nicholas K. de León (Project Management Adviser) joined the team and completed his first week helping with review of Highest Good Housing research and related tasks.

This week, Nicholas completed his onboarding process and began his first assignments, including researching the best providers for cylinder molds we’ll be ordering to do aircrete and stabilized earth compression testing. After researching and compiling information on sellers and the most competitive prices, he is close to being able to determine the most cost effective route for One Community.

In addition to this, Nicholas familiarized himself with solar infrastructure research documents and began making edits/suggestions. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.

Highest Good Housing research and related tasks, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Review of Highest Good Housing Research and Related Tasks


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is eco-renovating our social models through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week Ksenia Akimov (Plumbing Engineer) completed her 32nd week working on the Duplicable City Center plumbing designs. This week Ksenia calculated hot water flow rate for the Social Dome, Kitchen and Living Dome. She also started looking for the new water heater we’re going to use. Pictures below are related to this work.

Duplicable City Center plumbing designs, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Hot Water Flow Rate for the Social Dome, Kitchen & Living Dome

Ian Oliver Malinay (Energy Modeler/Analyst) completed his 22nd week helping run the energy analysis calculations to help us achieve LEED Platinum status for the Duplicable City Center. This week, Ian finished transferring all data of the operation schedule from the spreadsheet to the DesignBuilder energy simulation software.

This spreadsheet contains a detailed operation schedule for occupancy, process load, artificial lighting, mechanical ventilation, heating demand and cooling demand. This operation schedule is important to accurately calculate the energy consumption of the building for the whole year and has a significant effect on the results of the calculation.

This is all a requirement for the building to achieve a LEED certification. Below are some images related to this work.

Energy analysis calculations-Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Transferred All Data of the Operation Schedule to the Designbuilder Energy Simulation Software

David Na (Project Management Adviser/Engineer) completed his 15th week helping with input and management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, as well as the City Center Water Catchment Designs.

This week David and his team focused on implementing corrections as needed to the Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorials per recommended/suggested comments from the multi-person review team. David also reviewed the comments and made changes as necessary and assigned comments to specific team members if he felt that they related to them.

David also spent time finishing the AutoCAD Civil 3D training with Carol for the design of a roadway/corridor. He has worked with Carol to teach her how to create a surface from survey points, design a horizontal alignment, design a vertical alignment and profile, create a road assembly, and apply the assembly to the corridor. Pictures below are related to this work.

Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Implemented Corrections as Needed to the Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorials

Sunitha Paraselli (Mechanical Design Engineer) completed her 13th week working on the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes. This week Sunitha revised the previous document and made some major changes as she analyzed the material with stainless steel according to updated design criteria.

The stress resistance of stainless steel is very high, so we are considering it for our angle bracket and comparing it with aluminum using simulations. She eliminated the galvanized steel as there is cracking of the coating when we bend the plate. The pictures below relate to this work.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Duplicable City Center Connectors We’ll Use to Build the Domes

Luis Manuel Dominguez (Research Engineer) also completed his 13th week helping with research related to the City Center Eco-spa designs. This week Luis began the plumbing design. His primary focus has been the pump selection and what will fit our needs perfectly.

He did the necessary research to understand what is available on the market and now is determining the flow rates and pressures of the system to select the correct pump. Along with the plumbing, the installation of the foundation and piping schematic will also need to be designed to have a complete model with accurate calculations that reflect the model.

Pictures below are related to this work.

City Center Eco-spa design research, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – City Center Eco-spa Plumbing Design – Click for Pool & Spa Page

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 10th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. She primarily focused on two sections, Porous Asphalt and Decomposed Granite. Daniela researched, wrote and completed the last portions of the Porous Asphalt section.

She then moved on to reorganizing the Decomposed Granite section. Once the concepts flowed better, Daniela added various paragraphs concerning the topics presented. Then this work was reviewed by a team member and Daniela edited the report based on the feedback provided.

Lastly Daniela ensured the sections were clear and concise, in addition to making last edits to the formatting of the report. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial

Rushabh Bhavsar (Mechanical Design Engineer) completed his 7th week helping with the City Center Eco-spa designs. He finished the inlet water supply and air supply piping connecting it to the body of the hot tub and jet valves. Rushabh also started modeling the features of the heater and pump, and researched insulation materials and construction processes for custom hot tubs like ours.

Pictures below relate to his work last week.

City Center Eco-spa designs, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Helping With the City Center Eco-spa Designs – Click for Page

Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 6th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development.

This week, Carol did research and added details to the “Dense Graded HMA”, “Porous Asphalt”, “Decomposed Granite”, “Paving Stones”, “Equivalent Single Axle Loads”, “Lane Distribution Factor”, “Traffic Index”, “Life-Cycle Cost Analysis”, “Subgrade”, “Base” sections as requested through core team feedback.

She also added other information to “Streetscape Elements by Street Types (Standard Elements, Case by Case Additions)”. Carol additionally worked on the Bikeway Design part and worked with David on Civil 3D for Roadway Design. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is eco-renovating our social models through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week the core team finished working on updates for the material price list of the Transition Kitchen by adding all the kitchen equipment items. We also updated the cost analysis spreadsheets to the new design. The Apiary, Rabbit Hutch, Transition Kitchen, Master Lumber List, Goats/Sheep Barn and Chicken Coop spreadsheets all got a new and improved look too.

Transition Kitchen, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Updates for the Material Price List of the Transition Kitchen

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 35th week volunteering, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details. This week Qiuheng further developed and digitized the planting design based on last week’s feedback.

She simplified the planting palette with only food producing plants and drought resistant plants to better fit the project conditions and goals. This completed preliminary plant selection. Qiuheng also did research on seating for the central areas. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Developed and Digitized the Planting Design


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is eco-renovating our social models through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels |


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is eco-renovating our social models through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 25 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration not mentioned elsewhere here. Also more testing and bug identification was done within the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software.

TEKtalent Inc. (a custom programming solutions company) also continued with their 43rd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Nithesh and the TEK Talent team worked on beta test bug fixes, a leader board issue where the whole team wasn’t showing, and time entry issues.

They fixed the time entry blocking issue, and a couple of other issues in the same screen. Pictures below show some of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Beta Test Bug Fixes, a Leader Board Issue, and Time Entry Issues

Mike Suarez (Software Developer) also completed his 4th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week was mostly about enhancing and fixing bugs in the Beta app. Mike improved the user feedback by adding random messages when the user profile is saved.

He also improved the usability by hiding the save your changes warning once the user clicked the info button or saved the changes for the first time. He also fixed a bug with the initial password not being set correctly.

For the rest of the week Mike tried to restore the functionality of recording Time Entries. He noticed the UI was sending project names instead of Ids in the post request but since the dev app was doing the same he thought that although inconsistent this did not seem to break the app.

After pointing the beta app to the dev DB he noticed that everything worked, which implied the problem was in the data not in the code. Mike then proceeded to make multiple fixes in the database, cleaning up collections and recreated views.

Ultimately the problem was with the project name being sent instead of the project id, which was fixed by another team member for whom Mike had pointed in that direction (or the db red herring). The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Eco-renovating Our Social Models, One Community Weekly Progress Update #428

Eco-renovating Our Social Models – Working on the Highest Good Network Software – Click for Page



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Practical Highest Good – One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good approaches to the foundations of living are beneficial of all people and life on our planet. One Community is supporting this by creating open source and free shared “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. By demonstrating a comprehensively sustainable life as better than how most people are living right now, we seek to create a self-replicating sustainability model as a path to global sustainability.

Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the May 30th, 2021 edition (#427) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Practical Highest Good
One Community Progress Update #427




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr




Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is demonstrating practical highest good through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team completed our 2nd-to-last review and feedback round on the Earthbag Village Construction of the Footer, Foundation, and Flooring doc. The focus was mainly on regarding strip placement of wing insulation. This tutorial is now about 99% complete behind-the-scenes.

The same team member then proceeded proofreading Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, going through page 7 and posing questions for further clarification of the aggregate mix treatment for the surface asphalt layer.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Earthbag Village Construction of the Footer, Foundation, and Flooring Doc.

The core team additionally continued the final publishing of the Earthbag Village Dome Home Loft Engineering page. We updated the page with all the updated images, transformed the updated tables into images, and addressed some other images that had to be edited on top of the standard resizing and optimization before publishing them on the web page.

We also added the metadata on all the images. This page is done now except for the final read through and creating of a new header image.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Publishing of the Earthbag Village Dome Home Loft Engineering Page

The core team additionally continued double checking the Earthbag Village energy specifics for the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis. We added more specifics for the electrical demands, working more on identifying all the energy consuming components within the village. We’d say this evaluation/estimation task is now about 80% complete.

Solar microgrid design, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Double Checking the Energy Specifics for the Solar Microgrid Design

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 44th week helping finish the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Jose Luis continued his analysis of the maximum rain catchment area when an external support column is used.

He continued his analysis and first determined a geometric relationship between the distance of the external column to the outer structure wall and the height of the column. This was feasible due to the slope of the roof being constant, making the height and length proportional.

A constraint was then made by stating that the center of gravity or half the length of the radial beam would not surpass 80% of the distance from the origin to the column to avoid tipping. Jose Luis then made a free body diagram and equations of equilibrium to have a relationship between the distance between the center of gravity and the structure’s reaction force vs the reaction force at the column.

The reaction force on the column was isolated by using the maximum distance parameter, the maximum weight the structure can withstand, and relating it to the column’s length to simplify the equation. The length of the radial beam can be calculated by using the chosen length of the column.

With the length the reaction force can be verified by using the buckling equation and the equation derived from the spreadsheet relating weight to radial beam length. These findings will be added to another spreadsheet to calculate the maximum rain catchment area of the Net-Zero Bathroom’s exterior roof. The pictures below show some of this work.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Analysis of the Maximum Rain Catchment Area When an External Support Column Is Used

Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 40th week working on the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. This week Stacy focused on making changes to part w31a and w31b by changing the board and reworking the cutting map to fit those parts in. She added more cutting instructions for all boards in the wall section and the measurements for all boards split into two pieces.

Stacey also updated the board color coding system and the procurement list based on these changes. The new added wood to the structure is making the structure more secure and sound. Screenshots below are related to this latest progress.

Murphy bed instructions, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Working on the Final Edits and Revisions to the Murphy Bed Instructions

Hannah Copeman (Structural Engineer) completed her 38th week helping complete all the Earthbag Village tutorials. This week Hannah continued the development of the Earthbag Village dome construction by continuing work on the Footer, Foundation and Flooring tutorial.

She went through the FFF doc to resolve any outstanding comments and updated/added content for topics that needed further elaboration, such as how to calculate the width increase between the foundation and footer by using a trigonometric principle. Hannah also researched the compressive strength of aircrete in relation to its variable density.

You can see some pictures of this work below.

Earthbag Village tutorials, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Footer, Foundation and Flooring Tutorial – Click for Earthbag Village

Vicente J Subiela (Project Management Adviser) completed his 19th week working on the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This past week, Vicente focused on the supervision of Jeson and Luis’ tasks, reviewing draft reports, indicating suggestions to improve the texts and solving questions.

He completed the revision of the solar hardware and solar rates reports. Vicente additionally updated the solar schedule plan to have a one year view, and started to supervise and review the work by Katherine, a new member of the team.

Solar microgrid design, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Solar Microgrid Design, Sizing, and Cost Analysis Specifics – Click for Page

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 13th week helping with research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This week, Jeson created and started developing the diesel generator spreadsheet. He determined the necessary data to be included in the spreadsheet and used the same format as the previous spreadsheets.

Other than starting the diesel generator product research, he primarily focused on responding to the comments input from other reviewers. He added more information on sections that were too short and reconstructed the recycling section with more detail. Jeson also fixed some format errors and added appendix and resource sections with backup resource web page PDFs.

The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Research related to the solar microgrid design-Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Developing the Diesel Generator Spreadsheet – Click for Solar Energy Page

Dan Alleck (Designer and Illustrator) continued helping with 3D render work, completing his 4th week as a volunteer now helping with the Earthbag Village 4-dome cluster renders. This week he finished the final sky, plant, and people edits needed to complete the render shown below.

Earthbag Village 4-dome cluster renders, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Sky, Plant, and People Edits of the Earthbag Village 4-dome Cluster Renders

And Katherine Cao (Chemical Engineer) joined the team and completed her 1st week working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This week Katherine reviewed the solar reports written by other One Community team members to learn about the work already done and the format desired.

She then began the research on grid-tie systems, PV field connect-to-grid, etc. and started writing the report. Pictures below are related to this work.

Solar microgrid designs, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Grid-tie Connection Details for Our Solar Microgrid Designs – Click for Page


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is demonstrating practical highest good through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week Ksenia Akimov (Plumbing Engineer) completed her 31st week working on the Duplicable City Center plumbing designs. This week Ksenia calculated the hot water flow rate for the kitchen according to the Guidelines for Sizing Water Heaters, California Conference of Directors of Environmental Health.

Her results showed a need for 2 working heaters of 268 gallons per hour each. This seems high for the kitchen and will need to be double checked. Pictures below are related to this work.

Duplicable City Center plumbing designs, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Hot Water Flow Rate for the Kitchen – Click for Duplicable City Center

David Na (Project Management Adviser/Engineer) completed his 14th week helping with input and management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, as well as the City Center Water Catchment Designs. David began the week by emailing action items for his team.

The roadway, walkways, landscaping, and rigid and flexible pavement design is nearing completion; and so this week David was working on finishing remaining sections, reviewing formatting and comments, and making sure that the document is ready and prepared in the “End State” format that Jae is looking for.

Because this document and project tutorial takes priority, the greywater processing pond research has been put on hold until it is complete. Pictures below are related to this work.

Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways Development

Sunitha Paraselli (Mechanical Design Engineer) completed her 12th week working on the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes. This week Sunitha worked on different materials; Aluminum, Stainless Steel, and Galvanized Steel. Because of the cracking of the coating near the bend we cannot consider galvanized steel.

She prepared the parts from scratch and analyzed them on Aluminum and steel and compared with Galvanized steel. Aluminum is less strong than stainless steel and so stainless steel has been chosen as the preferred material. The pictures below relate to this work.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good, Worked on Different Materials; Aluminum, Stainless Steel, & Galvanized Steel

Luis Manuel Dominguez (Research Engineer) also completed his 11th week helping with research related to the City Center Eco-spa designs. This week Luis made some design selections for the One Community City Center Hot Tub. With the heater selection finalized, the pump selection began.

This meant scouring websites for recommendations and sizing to understand what our system required. The pump for the unit cannot exceed the performance of the heater, but must also provide adequate flow. The flow rate numbers are only an estimate for the plumbing requirements, but he will work on those in the near future.

As of right now, the main task is to understand the power requirements of the system by finding potential compatible parts. Pictures below are related to this work.

City Center Eco-spa designs, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Made Some Design Selections for the One Community City Center Hot Tub

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 9th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. As the team is wrapping up the report, Daniela edited the formatting for each section in order to ensure uniformity throughout its entirety.

Once completed, Daniela then worked on a section regarding Porous Asphalt Design. Since this section was primarily composed of images containing condensed information, Daniela converted this content into paragraph form. Additionally, subsections were reorganized for better transitions and easier understanding.

Final editing for this section will be completed in the upcoming week. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Edited the Formatting for Each Section in Order to Ensure Uniformity

Rushabh Bhavsar (Mechanical Design Engineer) completed his 6th week helping with the City Center Eco-spa designs. Rushabh proposed and designed an idea to incorporate the standard cover and thermal blanket with an option to open only a quarter of the spa area in case only one or two people are using the spa to save energy.

He also worked along with Luis selecting the heater, searching for the sizing chart and a suitable model for the heater. Pictures below relate to his work last week.

City Center Eco-spa designs, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Continued Helping With the City Center Eco-spa Designs – Click for Page


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is demonstrating practical highest good through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week the core team worked on updates to finalize the materials price lists for the Sheep/Goat Barn and started updating the sheet for the Chicken Coop. We also created a material price list for the latest (no-lumber) design of Transition Kitchen.

materials price lists for the Sheep:Goat Barn, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Updates to Finalize the Materials Price Lists for the Sheep/goat Barn

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 34th week volunteering, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details. This week Qiuheng added the floor plan to the Aquapini and Walipini landscape design project.

She sketched some initial design ideas to show the small trees and shrubs layer, big canopy trees and evergreen screen layer, and other draft planting design details. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Added the Floor Plan to the Aquapini and Walipini Landscape Design Project


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is demonstrating practical highest good through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Practical Highest Good – Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is demonstrating practical highest good through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 27 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration not mentioned elsewhere here.

The core team also helped launch the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software and set up and started populating the bug tracking document.

Highest Good Network software, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Beta Version of the Highest Good Network Software – Click for Page

The core team also updated the intro video for blogs with a new image for the City Center section and new video for the Education section. 

updated intro video for blogs, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Updated Intro Video for Blogs with New Images – Click for Most Current Blog

TEKtalent Inc. (a custom programming solutions company) also continued with their 42nd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Nithesh and the TEK Talent team worked on the beta testing and bug fixes.

They fixed an issue where the Project/Task list is not populating with all the Projects, and helped fix an issue where TinyMCE wasn’t loading/working properly. Pictures below show some of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Worked on the Beta Testing and Bug Fixes – Click for Highest Good Network

Jaime Arango (Graphic Designer) completed his 29th week helping, returning to creating images for the One Community Updates Blogs like this one. This week Jaime created images for weekly progress updates #491, #492, #493, #494, #495 and #496. You can see all these new images below.

One Community Updates Blogs, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Created Images for Weekly Progress Updates #491 to #496

Yueru Zhao (Software Engineer) completed her 17th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Yueru continued working on making users, classification, priority, status, isActive, assignment options filters working. Now users can choose multiple filters at the same time and the result will render dynamically.

She added the “no filter” option to every filter. If users choose “no filter”, no filter will apply to the result. Yueru also added the “clear all” button. If users click that, all results will show. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

Practical Highest Good – Users, Classification, Priority, Status, IsActive, Assignment Options Filters

Robert Pioch (Graphic Designer) completed his 16th week helping with the new badges for the badges section on the Dashboard of the Highest Good Network. Robert prepared the Highest Good Housing and Highest Good Education badge files for use on the Highest Good Software, and completed the Highest Good Stewardship for 1000 hours of volunteer work.

Highest Good Network, Practical Highest Good, One Community Weekly Progress Update #427

New Badges for the Badges Section on the Dashboard of the Highest Good Network – Click for Page


FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS (click icons for our pages)

One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr



OVERVIEW       ●       LOCATION       ●       FUNDING




Creating a More Sustainable Planet – One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a more sustainable planet is possible if enough of us participate. To support this, One Community is creating and open sourcing and free-sharing plans for all aspects of sustainable living. Our goal is to demonstrate a comprehensively sustainable lifestyle as easy enough, affordable enough, and attractive enough to become self-replicating.

Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the May 23rd, 2021 edition (#426) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Creating a More Sustainable Planet
One Community Progress Update #426




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr




Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is creating a more sustainable planet through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team continued finalizing the Earthbag Village Construction of the Footer, Foundation, and Flooring doc, integrating input from 3 core team members.

This week we provided more video insert notations and contributed edits and addressed concerns regarding floor finishing, best method for tucking vapor barriers between existing earthbags, and verifying the most effective method and layout of rock wool floor insulation with minimal waste. We’d say this tutorial is now about 95% complete behind-the-scenes.

Earthbag Village Construction of the Footer, Foundation, and Flooring doc-Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Construction of the Footer, Foundation, and Flooring Doc.

The core team additionally continued the final review of the Earthbag Village Dome Home Loft Engineering page. We integrated more of Hannah’s input, identified and passed along instructions to another team member for additional images needed, and wrote up instructions for our web editor to add the new images.

Earthbag Village Dome Home Loft Engineering, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Review of Earthbag Village Dome Home Loft Engineering Page

Another team member generated the new requested images and updated/corrected existing images related to the Earthbag Village loft construction. You can see some of these below and we’d say the final review and final editing of this page is now about 98% complete.

Earthbag Village loft construction, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Earthbag Loft Construction Images and Updated Existing Images

Dean Scholz (Architectural Designer) continued helping with the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) 4-dome cluster designs. This was week #222 of Dean’s work and the focus was placement of the quilt in the guest bedroom shown in the pictures below, then testing various quilt patterns.

Earthbag Village 4-dome cluster designs, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Placed Quilt in the Guest Bedroom & Tested Quilt Patterns

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 43rd week helping finish the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Jose Luis began analyzing and calculating the maximum size of the Net-Zero Bathroom exterior roof with additional external supports.

The purpose of the analysis was to determine the overall maximum catchment area of the exterior roof to help the user determine where to place the external supports and know their size limitations. He began by researching the types of failures and the most critical one in support columns.

It was determined the most critical type of failure in the column is buckling. He researched lumber of different types and sizes to use for the modeling of the columns and chose 16’ pressure treated pine wood as the model for the columns. The columns were rendered on SolidWorks to help visualize the additional exterior column supports.

With the dimensions of the column the mass moment of inertia was determined and added to the list of variables needed to determine the critical load from buckling. The information was added to a spreadsheet to organize what was gathered and relevant to the purpose.

The next step is to determine the weight distribution between the wall and the column to help determine a relationship between the length of the column and the buckling of the column and the load on the wall. The pictures below show some of this work.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Maximum Size of the Net-zero Bathroom Exterior Roof

Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 39th week working on the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. This week Stacey worked on making the update of the board W14 and the extra 2 pieces of W7. It was necessary to update all sketches of the wall showing the exposed beams with the extra pieces.

She also focused on updating page keys and wood piece layouts to represent the boards that are split into ‘a’ and ‘b’ sections. All this while maintaining the appearance of the size of texts and color coding in all sketches. Screenshots below are related to this latest progress.

Murphy bed instructions, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Making the Update of the Board W14 & the Extra 2 Pieces of W7

Hannah Copeman (Structural Engineer) completed her 37th week helping complete all the Earthbag Village tutorials. This week Hannah addressed a diversity of ongoing improvements and updated figures to show changes to the design (such as extending the vapor barrier along the stem wall and using larger sheets for the horizontal wing insulation).

She helped with the loft designs too. For those she updated images and clarified terms such as “tributary width” related to the loading on the loft. You can see some pictures of this work below.

Earthbag Village tutorials, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Complete Earthbag Village Tutorials – Click for Page

Vicente J Subiela (Project Management Adviser) completed his 18th week working on the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. Vicente made a basic comparative analysis to check if the option of solar generation is suitable and feasible for even the beginning stages of construction.

The contributions from Jae and Jeson to the analysis led us all to agree on the need for a diesel generator for the first stage of the community. He then updated the schedule plan with the current state of the project.

Vicente also approved the report by Jeson on the electricity service rates and solar credits for different States and, given the economic rates in the RMP area, suggested reflection questions to assess the modification of the placement of the project. He reviewed (for a second time) the report by Luis on the hot tub heat transfer calculations.

solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Solar Microgrid Design, Sizing, and Cost Analysis Specifics

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 12th week helping with research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This week, Jeson got a reply from RMP company regarding the solar incentive rates, and he followed up with his questions, currently waiting for their response.

However, for the current project location power provider Garkane Power, they have not replied yet, and Jeson sent a follow-up email again. Also, he fixed the formatting for the Solar Incentive Rate Research doc, and added a table of contents for easy reading.

Jeson also merged the PV and inverter google sheets together in the same document for easier information look up and created the company name “encryption code”. He also fixed the table format in the best solar hardware google sheet according to the beautiful table template. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet, Solar Microgrid Design, Sizing, & Cost Analysis Specifics Research

Zachary Melin (Graphic Designer) also continued helping complete the editing of the Tree House Village (Pod 7) online book. This week he integrated all the edit requests shown below.

Tree House Village, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Integrated All the Edit Requests for the Tree House Village


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is creating a more sustainable planet through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week the core team updated all the Duplicable City Center room schedules to reflect the projected usage patterns for this structure. These are used for the energy analysis required for LEED Platinum certification.

Duplicable City Center, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Updated All the Duplicable City Center Room Schedules

Ian Oliver Malinay (Energy Modeler/Analyst) completed his 21st week helping run the energy analysis calculations to help us achieve LEED Platinum status for the Duplicable City Center. This week, Ian transferred all the data he made from the operation schedule spreadsheet to DesignBuilder energy simulation software.

The operation schedule (which consists of Occupancy (%), Process Load (%), Artificial Lighting (%), Mechanical Ventilation (on/off), Heating Demand (setback/setpoint temp) and Cooling Demand (setback/setpoint temp) was checked and revised by Jae. This operation schedule will be simulated as percentage per hour for the whole year.

The said process/control has a significant effect for the reduction of energy which is necessary for the LEED Platinum Certification. Below are some images related to this work.

Energy analysis calculations, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Energy Analysis Calculations for the Duplicable City Center

David Na (Project Management Adviser/Engineer) completed his 13th week helping with input and management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, as well as the City Center Water Catchment Designs. David began the week by emailing his team action items for the week.

He also worked with Carol to design a roadway/corridor in AutoCAD 3D, and created a document with instructions for future volunteers to use. He reviewed Daniela’s grading and drainage drawings and has found them to be completely functional and well thought out.

In addition, David reviewed the roadways, walkways, and landscaping google document to run through any final comments and corrections before handing it over to Jae for publishing. Lastly, David read and highlighted the SF greywater manual, and is working on compiling his notes into the research Google Doc. Pictures below are related to this work.

Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Management of the Parking Lot & Sustainable Roadways Development – Click for Page

Sunitha Paraselli (Mechanical Design Engineer) completed her 11th week working on the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes. This week Sunitha worked on addressing comments from the Core Team. She provided detailed specifications and loading limits of different materials like LVL, seasoned fir, red cedar, yellow pine, and spruce along with LVL 2×12 and references for each. The pictures below relate to this work.

Duplicable City Center, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Working on the Duplicable City Center Connectors We’ll Use to Build the Domes – Click for Page

Luis Manuel Dominguez (Research Engineer) also completed his 10th week helping with research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This week Luis finalized the heat transfer design report for the City Center Hot Tub. This consisted of making some modifications to the evaporative heat loss equations and updating the report with equipment justifications.

The main priority was selecting a heater that would provide sufficient heat to the tub, while still providing an easy method of interaction. Multiple reviews led to the selection of an 11kW heater made by Hayward which has been widely discussed and recommended by professionals. This allowed for the reheating calculations to be complete and provide closure to the report.

Full approval from the team should be coming this week, with the update to the site following shortly after. Luis will continue aiding the plumbing design of the City Center Hot Tub and begin his work on the PV Solar Energy Design. Pictures below are related to this work.

Solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Heat Transfer Design Report for the City Center Hot Tub

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 8th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. This week Daniela started working on the City Center Water Catchment Designs. She watched the BioVeda Course on Grey Water Theory, Grey Water Practical and Black water.

Additionally, she completed videos discussing Grey Water Theory and Grey Water Practical, and is close to wrapping up the section on Black Water. This included taking thorough and detailed notes so that others could understand the material without going through all the videos. Daniela also spent some time recalculating the amount of cut necessary for the basement design of the Duplicable City Center.

Initially the design was assumed to be circular, but it was then realized that the shape reflects a semi-circle. Pictures of some of this work are below.

City Center Water Catchment Designs, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Working on the City Center Water Catchment Designs

Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 5th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. This week, Carol continued to do research and write the sections “General Bikeway Design Criteria (Design Considerations)” and “Roadway Design Specifics”.

She also worked on Google spreadsheets for “Roadway Initial Costs” and “Roadway Maintenance Costs”. In addition, Carol started reading and taking notes for the new topic “Greywater Treatment in Developing Countries”. She also worked on basic “Roadway Design” on AutoCAD Civil 3D with David. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet, Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, & Landscaping Tutorial

Rushabh Bhavsar (Mechanical Design Engineer) completed his 5th week helping with the City Center Eco-spa designs. This week Rushabh planned the hot tub piping and drainage system, updating the existing model of the pipes.

Luis and Rushabh researched the selection of Heating systems for the hot tub, collaborating on the type of heater, the power of the heater, and whether to isolate the heater or use a shared component for the pool and spa. An isolated system was decided as being the best for these designs. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.

City Center Eco-spa designs, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Planned the Hot Tub Piping and Drainage System


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is creating a more sustainable planet through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week the core team finished working on the open source “Ethical, Humane, & Conscientious Chicken Stewardship” tutorial. We backed up the reference links (also looked to find some of the that were already broken), backed up the YouTube videos, and compared our page to the website checklist.

The same team member also added videos-needed text and edited images for the “Excavation, Footer, Foundation, and Flooring Construction” tutorial.

Chicken Stewardship tutorial, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Ethical, Humane, & Conscientious Chicken Stewardship Tutorial

The core team also worked on updates to finalize the materials price lists for the apiary, rabbit hutches, and rabbit tractors. Pictures are below for some of this work.

Materials price lists for the apiary, rabbit hutches, and rabbit tractors, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet, Materials Price Lists for Apiary, Rabbit Hutches, & Rabbit Tractors

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 33rd week volunteering, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details. This week Qiuheng continued work on tracing the design revisions. She completed the new design base and started to research on planting lists for this area. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet, Aquapini & Walipini External Landscaping Details – Click for Page


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is creating a more sustainable planet through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels |


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is creating a more sustainable planet through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 19 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration not mentioned elsewhere here.

Jaime Arango (Graphic Designer) completed his 29th week helping, returning to creating images for the One Community Updates Blogs like this one. This week Jaime created images for weekly progress updates #488, #489, #490, and #491. You can see all these new images below.

Images for weekly progress updates, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Created Images for Weekly Progress Updates #488 to #491

Yueru Zhao (Software Engineer) completed her 16th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Yueru continued working on making the filters work in the project reporting page, and the Classification and Status filters are now working properly. She also worked on adding the edit button on the tasks table in the people reporting page.

Yueru will need some time to investigate a new bug and show the edit button on that page. Pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Making the Filters Work in the Project Reporting Page

Mike Suarez (Software Developer) also completed his 3rd week working on the Highest Good Network software. This was another very development-focused week for Mike. He started fixing the generation of the web.config for the dev app. Now the dev app can be deployed automatically without further changes.

Then he redeployed the ember app with the master branch which was necessary in order to eliminate new features that were not meant to be live yet. Mike then proceeded to the biggest task of the week, deploying the beta react app. For that he created the mongo db, the azure app, the azure pipeline and the circle ci pipeline to deploy the environment.

He spent the remainder of the week troubleshooting the email functionality.The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Creating a More Sustainable Planet, One Community Weekly Progress Update #426

Creating a More Sustainable Planet – Working on the Highest Good Network Software – Click for Page


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