Posted on October 2, 2023 by One Community
Creating a more luxurious life through sustainability is the vision that One Community passionately embodies. We build open source models that empower individuals to lead enriched lives while preserving the environment.
Across diverse realms, including food, energy, housing, education, economics, social architecture, and more, we champion open source and sustainable solutions.
Guided by the principle of enhancing lives for “The Highest Good of All,” our model is designed for self-replication, creating a global network of teacher/demonstration hubs to help others implement and further evolve this way of living.
Every creation of ours is open source and freely shared, driving sustainability forward and envisioning a world where luxury coexists harmoniously with eco-consciousness.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward the movement of creating a more luxurious life through sustainability as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world.
This is the October 2nd, 2023 edition (#550) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is creating a more luxurious life through sustainability through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week, Anitta George Kunnappilly (Research and Management Volunteer) helped with completing the Most Sustainable Lightbulbs and Light Bulb Companies: Research, Energy Savings, and More tutorial.
Anitta assumed responsibility for light bulb-related tasks following an introductory session to enhance her proficiency in these responsibilities. Her work involved comprehensive research on various types of bulbs, along with cross-referencing available materials.
Any uncertainties were promptly addressed and clarified. See below for pictures related to this work.
Loza Ayehutsega (Civil Engineer/Assistant Civil Engineer) completed another week of assisting with Earth Dam Design and construction for the Water Retention, Pond, and Lake Creation tutorial.
Loza completed a comprehensive review of comments on the report document, incorporating additional references related to dam safety and regulation.
There is a tentative plan to introduce supplementary topics; however, the implementation of these additions hinges on the team’s consensus and decision.
In the event of unanimous agreement, Loza will proceed with the integration of the new content; otherwise, the focus will remain on the ongoing review. Take a look at the pictures below to get a glimpse of this work.
Shengguang Jin (Mechanical Engineer) continued helping with the Earthbag Village vermiculture toilet designs for the Earthbag Village.
This week, Shengguang dedicated significant effort to reviewing and practicing various features, including coincident mating, concentric relations between parts within an assembly, tangent relations, and coincident relations.
Additionally, an assembly of a rod-bar-hooked weight was designed using computer-aided design tools and subsequently uploaded to Dropbox. Ensuring the seamless interconnection of parts remains pivotal in enhancing overall functionality and expanding application versatility. This work helps in taking steps towards creating a more luxurious life through sustainability.
Apart from honing CAD skills for top-notch work, Shengguang efficiently oversaw project management by reorganizing picture content within a Google Doc and extracting prior updates related to the Vermiculture device’s design improvements, rendering them more comprehensible.
This transformation converted a disparate collection of information into a cohesive document, setting the stage for the potential itemization of new ideas for further enhancement. See the images below for some of his work.
One Community is creating a more luxurious life through sustainability through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week, the core team helped with City Center SketchUp file updates, including the removal of one shed from the model, relocating the garden shed closer to the dome, extending the gravel surface between the garden path and the Dining dome in the garden area, and expanding the fencing on the south side of the garden to connect it with the Dining dome.
Additionally, we uploaded the compressed City Center SketchUp file for sharing with a volunteer. In parallel, we conducted HGN PRs testing, addressing various aspects such as the ability for Manager roles and above to submit weekly summaries for other users and related PR updates, as well as reporting issues concerning the Displaying Permission Management page.
Furthermore, we tested the ‘Differentiate Personal Max Badge’ feature, documenting an incorrect message after earning the badge in a video, which was then shared with a volunteer.
We also delved into testing the dev-admin account in the development environment, confirming the limited password change capability and noting the issue with blocking other accounts from editing all other details, which remains unresolved. See the image below to view this work.
Amiti Singh (Architectural Designer) continued her work by helping with the interior design details for the rental rooms within the Duplicable City Center. Amiti made substantial progress in the development of the Japanese tea room-themed visitor room in Duplicable City by finalizing the 3D visual representation of the second room option.
This work helps in taking steps towards creating a more luxurious life through sustainability. This option draws inspiration from the tranquil atmosphere of a traditional Japanese tea room, showcasing Amiti’s involvement in material selection, furniture design, color coordination, and paint palette selection. See below for the collage of images related to this.
Charles Gooley (Web Designer) completed another week of assisting with web design.
This week, Charles initiated work on the Earthbag Village Design and Setup page, focusing on sections related to Earthbag Village Septic Tank Design, Volume of Wastewater Flow, Septic Tank Minimum Effective Capacity, British Standard Calculation for Septic Tank, Septic Tank Types (including advantages and disadvantages), and Selection and Location of Septic Tank.
Furthermore, ADA requirements and relevant resources were integrated into the content. This project involved the creation of both top-level and subordinate Tables of Contents with appropriate anchor links.
Subsequently, Charles began work on Water Harvesting, Catchment, and Water Conservation, covering topics such as Rainwater Harvesting, Basic Components, Types of Storage Tanks, Rainwater for Potable Use, Handling Rainwater Contamination From Catchment To End Use, Conveyance Piping Systems, Pre-Tank Screening and Filtering, First Flush Diverters, and Cistern Inlet Strainer Baskets. The pictures below offer a visual representation of this work.
This week, the engineering summary was managed by Arvindh Xavier (Civil Engineer), combining the contributions of team members Julio Marín Bustillos (Mechanical Engineer), Justin Varghese (Mechanical Engineer), and Yiwei He (Mechanical Engineer).
This work helps in taking steps towards creating a more luxurious life through sustainability. The team made significant progress on various aspects of the project.
Justin focused on researching software options for frame analysis and dove into civil engineering software, particularly Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis. He successfully built a 3D dome skeleton model complete with beams and cladding, conducting simulations for Dead Load and Wind Load, specifically in the X-direction, with results visually presented.
Julio continued his work on hub connector designs, striving to complete those for the fourth row and addressing design challenges through collaboration with colleagues Yiwei and Justin, seeking solutions for intersection issues with Dipak’s guidance. Simultaneously, Julio progressed with dome hub connector designs for the fifth row.
Lastly, Yiwei led the Duplicated City Center group in a productive meeting, ensuring a follow-up plan and actively collaborating on ongoing tasks to facilitate project progress. In addition, she assisted with proofreading and reviewed various contents related to the Light Bulb page’s Updated Content while awaiting other team members’ contributions. See below for some of the images of this work.
One Community is creating a more luxurious life through sustainability through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week, the core team continued our review of the open-source Highest Good Food designs. We continued work on the Food Rollout Infrastructure document, successfully integrating the Initial 3 Person Task and Materials Lists by consolidating items from the older list into the newer one, thereby creating a comprehensive compilation of tasks and materials within a single list.
Our efforts are now directed toward executing the same task for the 20-person list. See below for the images.
Gregory Quach (Data Enterer for Chef/Culinary) finished his work working on the Transition Kitchen menu design details. His focus centered on conducting an extensive analysis of the Transition Kitchen Recipe Build Out project, with an emphasis on refining it.
This work helps in taking steps towards creating a more luxurious life through sustainability. Gregory adeptly categorized and organized the 15-day segments, providing detailed analysis and establishing links to the Master Recipe Template Sheet to improve the scalability of these lists for future use. See the images below for some of his work.
One Community is creating a more luxurious life through sustainability through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.
This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished.
With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:
One Community is creating a more luxurious life through sustainability through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week, the core team completed 69 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug-fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members. The pictures below show some of this work.
Harsha Kulkarni (Data Analyst) continued working on of One Community’s Google AdWords campaigns and Analytics details. This week she focused on comprehending the functionality of Google AdWords and mastering the fundamentals of campaign setup. She allocated time to grasp the configurations and acquaint herself with the pre-existing campaigns within the AdWords account.
Additionally, she compiled a list of website pages currently engaged in ad campaigns, facilitating the creation of new campaigns for other pages. Subsequently, Harsha devoted her efforts to formulating ad campaigns for two previously unaddressed pages, enhancing the overall coverage of the advertising strategy. The image below shows some of this work.
Smit Bhoir (Data and Business Analyst) helped with administrative tasks and One Community’s Google AdWords campaigns and Analytics details. This week he reviewed Shaurya’s PR Team Review, provided feedback, and discussed necessary changes.
He also worked on Google Data Analytics and Adwords setup, created requirements documentation, and began learning about Google Analytics and Adwords. Smit completed a GA4 online tutorial, attended a weekly meeting with Harsha to discuss customer engagement plans, and participated in another meeting regarding AdWords and analytics platforms.
This work helps in taking steps towards creating a more luxurious life through sustainability. Additionally, he generated new 4-digit codes for team members on the HGN app and prepared for an upcoming ad campaign. You can view the collage below to see this work.
Vishvesh Sheora (Artificial Intelligence Specialist) focused on elevating the SEO performance of a multitude of blog posts featured on the One Community website.
In addition to these efforts, Vishvesh took the initiative to create comprehensive and in-depth tutorials, specifically tailored to guide users on optimizing their content using RankMath for select blog entries within the One Community platform. This work contributes significantly to the platform’s overall digital presence and user experience. You can see this work in the image below.
This week, the Administration Team’s summary, covering their work administrating and managing most of One Community, was managed by Jamie Cruz (Administrative Assistant and Team Manager).
It also includes Alyx Parr (Senior Support Specialist), Anitta George Kunnappilly (Research and Management Volunteer), Olawunmi “Ola” Ijisesan (Administrative and Management Support) and Shaurya Sareen (Administrative Assistant).
Alyx successfully reviewed and organized the initial set of summaries, transferred summaries, and retrieved images for the blog. She configured her online workspace to facilitate efficient work processes. Significant effort was devoted to resolving login issues, and Alyx completed their webpage, addressing complications experienced due to website problems.
Additionally, she duplicated summaries and obtained compressed image files for future use. Anitta was entrusted with work on light bulbs and underwent an introductory session to improve her understanding of the responsibilities. Anitta conducted thorough research on various types of bulbs, cross-referencing available materials, and addressing doubts effectively.
Jamie undertook various responsibilities, including reviewing work from the admin team, blue steel team, and expresser team. She managed multiple individuals efficiently, creating collages, implementing SEO optimizations, and adding necessary links for team members.
Jamie also provided constructive feedback and created instructional videos to assist Shaurya, a new volunteer on the administration team, in acclimating to their role effectively. Ola executed her tasks by revisiting reviews, rectifying revert errors, and efficiently copying and pasting content from the live blog to her designated page.
She also provided comprehensive reviews of her team members’ work, offering constructive feedback and ensuring systematic organization of project summaries and associated images. Shaurya conducted a comprehensive review of all pull requests (PRs), proactively addressing issues with team members who had omitted crucial steps in their work.
This work helps in taking steps towards creating a more luxurious life through sustainability. He updated tracking sheets and tables to include new team members, ensuring they met required PRs and hours. Shaurya also crafted a concise team summary and compiled a comprehensive team collage featuring all PRs. The collage below shows some of this week’s work.
This week, the Blue Steel Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Yubo.
The team also includes Haohui Lin (Software Engineer), Kurtis Ivey (Full Stack Developer), Lawrence Chua (Full Stack Software), Lucile Tronczyk (Full Stack Software Developer), Nathan Hoffman (Software Engineer), Xiao Wang (Software Engineer), Yongjian Pan (React.js/MongoDB Full Stack Software Developer), and Yubo Sun (Full Stack Software Developer and Team Manager).
Kurtis primarily focused on PR reviews, including PR526, which addressed concerns about possible errors in Nathan’s pull requests, PR1330, where he identified linting issues and proposed fixes, and PR1317, which had styling improvements but a missing hover color for the Pause button.
Kurtis also reviewed PR1208 and PR494, which he had to fail due to admin account issues. Another re-review of PR1324 revealed frontend input sanitization issues and random visual errors, prompting a bug report. He revisited PR1208 and PR494, discovering validation checking problems in PR1266 and PR529.
Lastly, Kurtis reviewed PR1343 and identified it as failing due to CSS class name formatting. Xiao assisted with PR reviews and addressed a hotfix related to the Report tab. They participated in PR #1340, raising concerns about long-term sustainability, and reviewed PR #1346, addressing property omissions.
They also worked on a hotfix, PR #1365, for frontend permissions misalignment. Nathan initiated PR547 to rectify backend permissions issues and delved into Redux for role permission presets. They provided feedback and assistance to team members and created PR1349 for Admin view improvements.
However, they faced challenges with branch issues and useEffect(). Lucile contributed to software development, including code reviews and unit tests, while also adding explanatory information to components and resolving conflicts. They also wrote unit tests and tracked their efforts in a shared spreadsheet.
Haohui focused on testing edge cases in Frontend PR1307 and Backend PR546 and conducted thorough reviews of team members’ pull requests. Their methodical approach contributed to project progress and a collaborative environment. Yongjian improved the alignment of a toggle button within the teams’ tab and addressed a merge conflict in PR #867, emphasizing user interface refinement and codebase integrity.
Lawrence worked on enhancing their organization’s online presence and security on Bluehost, exploring multi-factor authentication options and aligning hosting plans with specific requirements. They gained a comprehensive understanding of Bluehost’s hosting services and optimized the hosting environment.
This work helps in taking steps towards creating a more luxurious life through sustainability. Yubo transitioned to the unit testing phase, reviewing HGN documents and conducting research on testing methodologies. They created unit tests for the Edit modal component and continued to contribute to PR reviews and ongoing tasks. See the image below to view this work.
Expressers Team’s summary this week, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Yuri Andrade (Software Engineer and Team Manager) and includes Aaron Persaud (Software Developer), Gary Balogh (Software Engineer), Harshida Dalal (Software Engineer), Tim Kent (Full Stack Software Engineer), and Olga Yudkin (Software Engineer).
Yuri focused on completing the development of a new navbar component using reactstrap for dropdown menus. Concurrently, he conducted a thorough evaluation of a new header component to integrate with the navbar for phase 2 and refined the navbar component while implementing dropdown functionality.
Yuri also assumed responsibility for reviewing and reporting on the activities of the Expressers Team. Tim initiated full-stack development work on the Materials List page for the Building Management Dashboard. On the frontend, he established a new route, implemented a basic page layout, table structure, and filter selection form for the Materials List page.
Simultaneously, on the backend, Tim designed a new MongoDB schema to accommodate materials inventory items. Gary made progress with the development of the Add Materials form this week, focusing on improving input validation for each input field. He raised questions about the accessibility of the Reactstrap FormFeedback component and considered creating custom error messages if necessary.
Additionally, Gary implemented UI/UX enhancements to the form and planned further improvements for a better user experience. He also initiated an examination of the existing inventoryItem schema within the database and explored a library for adding drag-and-drop image functionality to the Add Materials form.
Olga conducted final reviews of PR#1218 and its related PR#532, as well as reviewed PR #867 for a minor design misalignment. Olga also wrote unit tests for the addProject component, submitted the corresponding PR, and began writing unit tests for the FoundUser component, addressing identified errors.
This work helps in taking steps towards creating a more luxurious life through sustainability. Her plans include implementing requested changes to her project details page design and resolving lint errors. Harshida, in her seventh week with the team, completed PR #1317, involving button color and alignment changes for the Timer component.
She worked on the user management page, implementing functionality to copy first names, last names, and end dates. During testing, she identified an issue in PR #1352, requiring a separate PR for resolution as per the developer’s guidance, and re-tested accordingly. Aaron resolved a CORS error caused by misplaced environment variables promptly.
He also assisted Zijie in configuring ESLint by identifying an uninstalled package. Additionally, Aaron performed a hotfix (PR1354) to fix user profile displays showing a white screen and conducted necessary lint fixes for the Timelog component towards the end of the week. The collage below shows some of this work.
This week, the Funding Team’s summary, covering their work for One Community Funding, was managed by Jamie and includes Aaron Wang (Fundraising Assitant) and Megan Morelli (Funding Research and Acquisition). Aaron conducted detailed research on three potential candidates, focusing on their backgrounds and involvement in sustainability.
He obtained their contact details and initiated email communication to explore potential funding collaborations. Additionally, Aaron identified and studied four other organizations, establishing contact methods with the aim of exploring funding opportunities.
Megan took the initiative to contact the Blue Zones Project team, fostering enthusiasm about One Community’s mission and coordinating a prospective call with Jae. She followed up on outreach emails from the previous week and extended outreach efforts to engage with three new individuals.
This work helps in taking steps towards creating a more luxurious life through sustainability. Megan also conducted research on these individuals to determine their interests and prior philanthropic contributions, contributing to the organization’s outreach and partnership-building efforts. The collage below shows some of this week’s work.
Graphic Design’s summary was managed by Alyx Parr (Senior Support Specialist and Manager) and includes Ashlesha Navale (Graphic Designer), Rihab Baklouti (Freelance Generalist), Shivangi Patel (Graphic Designer), Yeasin Arafat (Civil Engineer, Graphic Designer). This week, Ashlesha took on the responsibility of creating two Volunteer Announcements, complete with bio images and announcement graphics.
Simultaneously, she crafted web content to accompany these announcements and dedicated time to researching and curating a selection of nature-based and theme-specific background images for future use in Social Media and YouTube Preview/Intro Images. Rihab, on the other hand, undertook her routine tasks along with a new assignment.
She organized a folder containing inspirational quotes and images, making necessary edits and adjustments. Additionally, Rihab worked on the creation of up to four volunteer announcements, encompassing bio images and announcement graphics, which were subsequently incorporated onto the webpage after obtaining approval.
Her contributions extended to drafting updates 650, 653, and 654 for the task related to YouTube previews and update images, with the final versions uploaded to Dropbox. Shivangi’s primary focus centered on crafting social media images tailored for Facebook. In pursuit of this objective, she engaged in extensive research to curate images that harmonized with the themes of selected quotes for each post.
In parallel, she assumed the responsibility of creating a Volunteer Announcement, which entailed the development of a bio image, an announcement image, and the corresponding web content. Meanwhile, Yeasin leveraged his graphic design proficiency to generate a series of innovative concepts for weekly blog images covering a diverse range of topics.
He prepared these images in sets of three, encompassing versions devoid of text and variations sized specifically for YouTube and Facebook platforms. Yeasin’s efforts were concentrated on future blog entries, specifically numbers 777, 778, 779, 780, and 781. The pictures below exemplify this work.
Moonfall Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Zijie “Cyril” Yu (Volunteer Software Engineer).
The team also includes Abdelmounaim “Abdel” Lallouache (Software Developer), Edwin Estuardo Lau Mack (Software Engineer), Navneeth Krishna (Software Engineer), Nouman Abidi (Software Engineer), Tzu Ning “Leo” Chueh (Software Engineer), Xiao Fei (Software Engineer), and Yihan Liu (Software Engineer).
This week, Abdelmounaim focused on setting up the new user feature, preventing duplicate email entries, and implementing auto-filling for the email field. He also removed public/private toggles and eliminated the “Weekly Committed Hours” field from the form, as well as updated email notifications for administrators and restyled the form.
This work helps in taking steps towards creating a more luxurious life through sustainability. In the context of the time-off request feature, he streamlined the code for displaying the TimeOffRequestDetailModal and added reducers and actions to show/hide the modal. Abdelmounaim also introduced a new job to handle the deletion of expired time-off requests.
Edwin dedicated most of his efforts to reviewing pull requests (PRs) and advancing the development of HGN applications. He reviewed nine PRs and resolved a bug in his own PR related to project creation and category saving. Edwin also completed code changes to ensure emails are rendered for authorized users who are Owners or Admins.
Navneeth completed the implementation and testing for the task “Permissions Mngmnt: See Teams Management Tab (Create Teams and edit team members only)” and created draft PRs for frontend and backend changes. He focused on identifying the correct permissions for rendering UIs and updated permission checks accordingly.
Navneeth actively participated in pull request reviews for multiple PRs and contributed to various aspects of the project. Nouman continued to work on the Mailchimp replacement Announcements component, researching the integration of the TinyMCE rich text editor library to address errors in the CKeditor library.
Tzu Ning, addressed a specific bug related to permissions for password updates, creating a new permission to enable authorized users to modify other users’ passwords. He also attempted to amend the userProfileController.js but faced challenges in reconciling requestor and user IDs on the frontend. Xiao F. addressed the “caps-name” bug and discrepancies in the “change name” feature while assessing four pull requests.
He resolved issues with code synchronization, conflicts with the development branch, and identified backend issues, ultimately creating a pull request for the backend with detailed testing instructions. Yihan focused on creating a manual method for adding lost hours for past years of volunteers, integrating lost time entries into profiles and reports, and developing a history table to track these entries.
She also worked on resolving a new user creation error and participated in PR reviews. Zijie primarily focused on lint fixing all files within the component report folder and completed up to phase 3 of this task. He submitted three pull requests on GitHub to implement these changes. Look below for a collage of their work.
Reactonauts’ Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Eduardo Horta (Software Engineer and Team Manager).
The team also includes Carl Bebli (Software Developer), Eduardo Horta (Software Engineer and Team Manager), Jiyuan Xia (Software Engineer), Masasa Thapelo (Software Engineer), Obeda Velonjatovo (Front End Developer/Software Developer), Shantanu Kumar (Full Stack Software Developer), Shivansh Sharma (Software Developer), Shiwani Rajagopalan (Software Engineer), Shrey Jain (Software Engineer), Vansh Patel (Software Engineer), Vikram Badhan (Software Engineer), and Zuhang Xu (Software Engineer).
This week, Eduardo worked on HGN Software Development tasks, including reviewing and identifying missing elements for individual permissions in the HGNRest project and addressing issues in the HighestGoodNetworkApp project. Shiwani successfully resolved a bug related to user profile data in MongoDB, despite encountering challenges with redux variables.
She also conducted thorough pull request reviews. Jiyuan demonstrated commitment and attention to detail by providing insightful feedback on numerous pull requests and contributing to code quality. Carl worked on a pull request to fix the “Suggestion Icon Bug” and actively participated in peer reviews for various issues.
This work helps in taking steps towards creating a more luxurious life through sustainability. Shrey focused on resolving issues related to the add team functionality and limited view problem in HighestGoodNetwork, publishing a corresponding pull request.
Vikram focused on establishing the frontend and backend environment locally, alongside conducting 13 pull request (PR) reviews, with 11 PRs functioning as expected (#1334, #1343, #1345, #1292, #549, #1307, #546, #1348, #1352, #1349, #1353), while #1356 and #1347 required further attention.
Shantanu dedicated time to optimizing the submit button but was impeded by a site bug, leading him to investigate its root cause. Zuhang examined feedback from prior PR evaluations, ensuring code quality, performance, and long-term upkeep, demonstrating his keen eye for detail and proactive mindset.
He also revisited old PR evaluations to maintain project integrity. Vansh initiated the development task of implementing a floating, dismissible summary reminder for volunteers, successfully completing the initial segment. Masasa resolved issues with the “other links” option in the dropdown menu, demonstrating dedication and problem-solving skills.
Shivansh actively sought reviews for his recent PR, guided team peers in configuring systems with the Gmail API, and spearheaded efforts to upgrade Node.js within the production environment. Obeda addressed the header section issue when viewing another account, identifying the problem’s source in Header.jsx and proposing a solution based on extracting the user ID from the URL Look below for pictures of this work.
Skye’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Yiyun Tan (Management Dashboard Team Leader).
The team also includes Bailey Mejia (Software Engineer), Hector Agudelo-Carmona (Front-End Developer), Jerry Ren (Full Stack Developer), Luis Arevalo (Front End Developer), Mounica Dingari (Software Developer), Roberto Contreras (Software Developer) and YuFu Liao (Software Engineer).
This week, Jerry identified a bug related to badge assignment and uncovered a separate bug during the merging of PR 1218 into development. Concurrently, he made progress on dev admin email verification, seeking guidance from team members and Jae.
Yufu focused on making columns editable by the owner on the User Management Page, discussing the specifics with Jae and proposing a solution involving a popup for editable user information. Hector began by deleting and cloning app repositories, addressing connectivity issues between front-end and back-end components.
He obtained a location API key, modified code for testing the location feature, and resolved initial difficulties. Roberto concentrated on resolving user removal bugs, implementing backend functions and database updates for users to leave teams via their profile page.
Bailey verified and documented badge discrepancies, refined PRs related to badge allocation, and addressed visual indications of logged hours. Mounica added a Weekly Summary Recipients button with password authorization in the frontend and backend functionality for saving and retrieving recipient details.
This work helps in taking steps towards creating a more luxurious life through sustainability.The ongoing work involves displaying recipient details on the frontend and implementing error handling. See the collage below for their work.
The PR Review Team’s summary covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Smit Bhoir (Data Analyst).
This week’s active members of this team were: Anish Pandita (Software Engineer), Anny Wang (Software Engineer), Fan Yang (Software Engineer), Haoji Bian (Software Engineer), Jeffrey Li (Full Stack Developer), Mike – Munkh Erdene Erdenebulgan (Full Stack Developer), Olena Danykh (Software Engineer), Rhea Wu (Software Engineer), Shree Birajdar (Software Developer), Shubhankar Mishra (Software Engineer), Tianyuan Nan (Software Engineer), Tuan Dinh (Software Engineer), Vishala Ramasamy (Software Engineer), Wanting Xu (Software Engineer), Yixiao Jiang (Software Engineer), Ziming Song (Software Engineer).
They reviewed all the Highest Good Network PRs (Pull Requests) shared in this week’s update. The collage below shows a compilation of the work from this team.
Posted on October 1, 2023 by One Community Hs
One Community welcomes Shantanu Kumar to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Shantanu is a dynamic Software Developer with a Master’s in Computer Engineering from New York University and a Bachelor’s in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. His areas of expertise extend from software development and data science to embedded systems. Shantanu’s commitment to innovation is evident in his past experiences, including work as a Graduate Assistant at NYU Impact Innovation Lab, where he worked on medical scanning devices. He also excelled as a Software Developer at Axenet IT Services. Shantanu’s extensive skill set and unwavering enthusiasm for pioneering technology solutions position him as an asset to the One Community software team working on the Highest Good Network.
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Posted on October 1, 2023 by One Community Hs
One Community welcomes Bailey Mejia to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
As a dedicated and innovative Full-Stack Developer, Bailey’s journey has an impressive range of experiences and achievements. He completed the Full-Stack Coding Bootcamp from the University of California Riverside, gaining proficiency in diverse tech stacks such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. Bailey has consistently navigated complex tech challenges to drive project success. One of his notable projects was [Love.Dev], a dating website for developers. In this project, Bailey led the front-end development and began with a mobile-first approach. He collaborated with the back-end team to ensure seamless integration with the front-end of the website. Prior to Bailey’s web development pursuit, he honed his problem-solving, teamwork, attention to detail, and customer service skills in roles such as a Warehouse Associate at G|M Business Interiors and as a Servicer at Riverside Transit Agency. Outside the tech world, Bailey is a serious photographer who loves capturing the beauty of national parks through his lens. He’s an avid gamer who loves traveling with his girlfriend, especially to National Parks, with Yosemite and Olympic National Park being his favorites. As a member of the One Community team, Bailey is helping develop the open-source Highest Good Network software.
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Posted on September 28, 2023 by One Community Hs
One Community welcomes Wing Ho (Jacky) Li to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Wing Ho, a dedicated software developer, specializes in building projects with a focus on efficiency and performance, utilizing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Node.js, and Next.js. His academic background includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, where he honed critical thinking and problem-solving skills through experimental design and data analysis. Transitioning from a role as a chemical analyst, he pursued post baccalaureate studies in computer and information systems at Douglas College, acquiring a broad spectrum of knowledge encompassing web development and cloud computing. Currently, Wing Ho is poised to embark on his career in software development. As a member of One Community, he actively contributes to the development of the open-source Highest Good Network software, with a specific focus on system optimization and the creation of a user-friendly interface.
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Posted on September 28, 2023 by One Community Hs
One Community welcomes Oleksandr Riazantsev to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Oleksandr, as a former athlete and fitness coach, brings a wealth of dedication, hard work, and collaborative spirit to the field of software development. Specializing in JavaScript, React and NodeJS, he is committed to delivering top-notch results in every project he takes on. With a strong foundation in programming principles and an insatiable appetite for learning, Oleksandr continuously seeks opportunities to enhance his skills and keep pace with industry advancements. He excels in crafting user-friendly and responsive web applications that prioritize exceptional user experiences. Drawing from his background as an athlete and coach, Oleksandr applies invaluable skills in goal setting, time management, and effective communication to his development work. These attributes empower him to efficiently manage projects and foster productive collaboration. As a member of the One Community team, Oleksandr has successfully contributed to the project, tackling some of our most urgent bug fixes, implementing design changes, and optimizing dashboard team hierarchies to ensure project success throughout the open source Highest Good Network software.
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Posted on September 28, 2023 by One Community Hs
One Community welcomes Gregory Quach to the Food Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
As a Data Science major at the University of California, San Diego, Gregory is committed to applying his academic knowledge to benefit the community. He aims to create an open-source framework to enhance resource accessibility and promote sustainability. As a key member of the One Community team working on the Transition Kitchen initiative, he demonstrated his dedication and skills in practical problem-solving and community development by analyzing menu and recipe data, working to aggregate and organize the data, then creating data-informed cost analysis and shopping list plans.
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Posted on September 25, 2023 by One Community
Helping people create a better life is one of the goals of One Community. We are building systems to empower people on their journey toward a more fulfilling existence. Our approach encompasses sustainable and open source approaches to food, energy, housing, education, economics, social architecture, and global stewardship helping people create a better life.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to helping people create a better life around the world. This is the September 25th, 2023 edition (#549) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is helping people create a better life through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week, Julia Meaney (Research and Web design) completed another week of assisting with research and web design. Julia focused on editing the Net-zero Bathroom and Earthbag Village Water Collection and Septic Design EDITED CONTENT FOR WEB” Google Doc, meticulously correcting grammar and spelling errors to ensure seamless integration onto the website. She also provided clear formatting guidance helping people create a better life through comments and meticulously organized available resources.
Julia dedicated substantial effort to addressing outstanding comments and delivering comprehensive instructions for future updates helping people create a better life. Furthermore, she reviewed Chuck’s content integration from pages 1-70, conducting thorough checks on the Water Recycling Net-zero Bathroom and Rainwater Harvesting, Water Catchment, and Swale Building Open Source Hub and Portal” pages, promptly rectifying format and code issues directly on the site thus helping people create a better life.
She extended her efforts to the DIY on Earth Dam Design & Construction Disaster Mitigation Content Google Doc, reviewing Loza’s incorporation of her feedback, resolving any remaining comments, and offering final content integration guidance. Julia also enhanced the content and structure of the “Light Bulb Webpage Updated Content” Google Doc, providing clear instructions and guidelines for researchers tasked with completing the project helping people create a better life and for seamless site integration. In conclusion, Julia attended to all remaining tasks, ensuring transparent communication of requirements. See the pictures below.
Loza Ayehutsega (Civil Engineer/Assistant Civil Engineer) completed another week of assisting with Earth Dam Design and construction for Water Retention, Pond, and lake Creation tutorial. This week, Loza primarily focused on reviewing comments provided by Julia, dedicating considerable effort to this task. The activities predominantly revolved around content review and the collection of reference materials from webinars and reference books, important in helping people create a better life.
Additionally, Loza also started thinking about visual inspection and risk assessment methodologies. Specifically, dam risk assessment, a critical process essential for evaluating potential risks associated with dam operation and stability helping people create a better life. Take a look at the pictures below to get a glimpse of this work.
Shengguang Jin (Mechanical Engineer) continued helping people create a better life with the Earthbag Village vermiculture toilet designs for the Earthbag Village. This week, Shengguang devoted significant effort to exploring the design origins, weekly updates, and enhancements associated with various components of the Earthbag Village Project, specifically focusing on plumbing, showers, and bathroom setups. Spanning a substantial period from Spring 2017 to Winter 2017, this comprehensive documentation, totaling approximately 300 pages, provided a valuable overarching comprehension of the project’s elements.
However, Shengguang recognized the importance of helping people create a better life by revisiting finer details for the purpose of design optimization, emphasizing a meticulous understanding at the elemental level. As a means of a CAD warm-up and skill refresher, Shengguang engaged in the design of a guided rod connected to a plate assembly, which encompassed multiple parts and employed advanced design features such as boss extrusion, slot cuts, and the mirror feature. See the images below for some of his work.
Vidhi Bansal (3D Visualization Artist) completed another week of assisting with Earthbag Village 4-dome cluster home design visualization and helping people create a better life. Vidhi focused on the 4-dome fly through project, addressing lighting errors in the renders and fine-tuning texture colors. During the rendering process, she identified lighting issues that were causing glitches throughout the scene, a common problem in Unreal Engine.
Vidhi conducted research to troubleshoot and pinpoint the issue, successfully making the necessary lighting adjustments. In addition to resolving these technical challenges, she also dedicated time to modifying the dome’s texture and color elements while simultaneously helping people create a better life and advancing character animations. See below for some of the pictures.
One Community is helping people create a better life through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week, Amiti Singh (Architectural Designer) continued her work helping with the interior design details for the rental rooms within the Duplicable City Center. Amiti completed the design of Room 9, the Zen-Garden visitor room. Drawing inspiration from the serene and meditative qualities of the ancient “Zen” concept, she crafted an ambiance reminiscent of a Japanese tea room. The selection of furniture, materials, and color palette was thoughtfully curated to harmonize with the Japanese design theme. Additionally, Amiti conducted a thorough review of the initial cost analysis associated with this room, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the financial aspects of the project. See below for the collage of images related to this.
Charles Gooley (Web Designer) completed another week of assisting with web design. This week, Charles embarked on the creation of the Most Sustainable Windows & Window Companies page, which encompasses various sections, including Most Sustainable Windows, Window Types, Glass Coatings, Performance Metrics, and a comprehensive list of Best & Most Sustainable Window Companies. The featured window options range from Anderson 100 Series Awning Windows to Milgard Thermally Improved Aluminum A250 Windows.
While this project remains ongoing, Charles also addressed comments on the Net-zero Bathroom design details and Water Conservation pages, with a focus on image replacement. Additionally, work commenced on the Earthbag Village Plumbing Design and Setup page, covering topics such as Wastewater Flow and Septic Tank Capacity. The pictures below offer a visual representation of this work.
Ranran Zhang (Architectural Design) completed another week working on the updated video for the Duplicable City Center internal and external walkthrough. Ranran dedicated her efforts to refining the final view within the second video, ensuring an accurate representation of the entire building and helping people create a better life. In addition to these adjustments, she produced two new videos to comprehensively showcase the modifications made to the model. Throughout the week, Ranran actively engaged in effective communication with her team members, addressing various matters pertaining to the source file. Take a look at the images below to see some of the progress made in this work.
This week, the engineering summary was managed by Arvindh Xavier (Civil Engineer), amalgamating the contributions of team members Julio Marín Bustillos (Mechanical Engineer), Justin Varghese (Mechanical Engineer), and Yiwei He (Mechanical Engineer). The team made significant progress on various aspects of the project. Justin dedicated his efforts to meticulously creating and assembling connector hubs for the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th rows while simultaneously working on concrete and aerated material panels for the outer dome. These endeavors were driven by the imperative to evaluate structural behavior, specifically maximum displacements when subjected to wind, snow, and seismic forces.
Julio demonstrated unwavering commitment by advancing hub connector designs for the fourth row, successfully bringing several additional designs to fruition, and marking the completion of nearly half of the required hub connectors for this specific row. This achievement reflects substantial progress in this intricate process. As the project shifts focus to higher rows, it is anticipated that the workflow will become increasingly efficient due to fewer nodes requiring attention and modification, setting the stage for an accelerated pace phase.
Meanwhile, Yiwei played a pivotal role in reviewing and preparing the new Aircrete team onboarding files, aligning them for immediate use. She also responded to Dipak’s guidance on the dome comparison report, providing an explanation for the report and commencing work to enhance the analysis by delving into the model and researching improved solutions. These collective accomplishments for the week represent a tangible step forward in the pursuit of completing hub connector designs for the entire project. See below for some of the images of this work.
One Community is helping people create a better life through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week, the core team continued our review of the open-source Highest Good Food designs. We continued the work on the Food Infrastructure Rollout document, focusing on refining its content. We contributed edits, expanded upon resource-building plans within the sections dedicated to chicken and rabbit housing, and removed videos that were no longer available. Additionally, we consolidated tasks from the previous initial three arrival plans into a more comprehensive and updated version that now encompasses preparations for the arrival of 20 people. Our efforts aimed to enhance the document’s comprehensiveness and utility for future reference. See below for the images.
Gregory Quach (Data Enterer for Chef/Culinary) continued working on the Transition Kitchen menu design details. He conducted a comprehensive analysis of the Transition Kitchen Recipe Build Out project, with specific attention to improving the 15-day shopping lists. Gregory successfully implemented the necessary adjustments to ensure accuracy and transparency in the data, while also providing succinct summary analyses for each shopping list. See the images below for some of his work.
One Community is helping people create a better life through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students. This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.
With over 8 years of work invested in the helping people create a better life process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:
One Community is helping people create a better life through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week, the core team completed 75 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, overall project management, email and social media account replies, work review and feedback, interviewing and setting up new volunteer team members, thus, helping people create a better life, and other top-level management tasks. The pictures below show some of this work.
Another core team member continued conducting final Highest Good Network software pull request final testing and review. We addressed unresolved issues, including the “Users need to be on a Team to see its own tasks” problem and the default tab adjustment for VOLUNTEERS lacking tasks. We also worked on a PR concerning password update issues, confirming the inability of the ‘devadmin’ user to update their password, although the second part could not be tested due to the unavailability of another account on the development site.
Furthermore, we reported instances of doubled permissions, specifically related to helping people create a better life, “Add Task” and “Delete Task.” In parallel, the same team member worked on the Duplicable City Center model A comparison was performed to validate the alignment of the outside area with a volunteer-provided image of the garden/Dining Dome, with discrepancies identified solely in the basement drive-in entrance. Additionally, we contributed an image of the spa pool, showcasing the sitting area and steps, along with a request for a volunteer to utilize the provided spa model, thus, helping people create a better life. See the image below to view this work.
Aaron Wang (Fundraising Assitant) conducted research on five candidates and helping people create a better life,, delving into their backgrounds, and ambitions, and analyzing potential collaboration or funding opportunities. In addition to this, he drafted emails to establish connections with these individuals. Furthermore, he completed the initial section of the grant proposal and documented his insights in a learning memo, thus, helping people create a better life. The collage below shows more of this work.
Jin Hua (Web and Graphic Designer) continued problem-solving our website loading and speed issues, including reaching out to a new possible solution. The collage below shows some of this work.
This week, the Administration Team’s summary, covering their work administrating and managing most of One Community, was managed by Jamie Cruz (Administrative Assistant and Team Manager) and includes Olawunmi “Ola” Ijisesan (Administrative and Management Support) and Smit Bhoir (Data and Business Analyst). Jamie focused on responsive communication, efficiently managing messages, and meeting deadlines. She also edited collages from Megan Morelli’s previous two weeks’ work and prepared pages for the current week’s tasks. Jamie effectively oversaw the administration team, core team members, and individual contributors, contributing to the management of the Expressers and Blue Steel teams.
Meanwhile, Ola fulfilled various responsibilities helping people create a better life, including evaluating the administrative team’s progress and providing constructive feedback on their weekly tasks. Ola also reviewed the PR team’s work, assessing a new trainee’s performance and offering feedback on assignments. Throughout the week, Ola actively engaged in reviewing activities helping people create a better life and tutorial videos to enhance their knowledge while diligently reminding all teams about impending work submissions.
Simultaneously, Smit initiated orientation and setup within one community, with the aim of completing the process for helping people create a better life and PR Review Training. He practiced five test cases, learned the four-step review process, and selected five individuals for practice. Smit progressed through his training, completing steps 2 and 3, creating collage images, and adding them to the media library on WordPress. He incorporated SEO keywords such as Alt Titles on WordPress, conducted a successful dry run, and commenced the Managing PR Review team tutorial. Smit dedicated 20 hours of work for the week, concluding with the Managing a PR review team practice tutorial on the final day. The collage below shows some of this weeks work.
This week, the Blue Steel Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Nathan and includes Eduardo Varjao (Frontend Developer), Kurtis Ivey (Full Stack Developer), Lawrence Chua (Full Stack Software), Lucile Tronczyk (Full Stack Software Developer), Nathan Hoffman (Software Engineer and Team Manager), Oleksandr Riazantsev (Project Management Advisor), Xiao Wang (Software Engineer), Yongjian Pan (React.js/MongoDB Full Stack Software Developer) and Yubo Sun (Full Stack Software Developer). The team accomplished a range of tasks.
Xiao focused on resolving issues, including four hotfixes and front-end pull requests #1320, 1322, and 1335, as well as a back-end pull request #541. These efforts addressed problems with the WeeklySummariesReport page not displaying correctly for volunteer users and fixed issues with corrupted PNG files and a bio announcement switch. Lawrence delved into backend environment variables and Azure deployments while also exploring Express application hosting on Bluehost. Yongjian concentrated on refining the user interface, ensuring consistency in the alignment of green dots on the project report page.
Oleksandr successfully added buttons and modals, implemented data retrieval functionality, adjusted styling, and incorporated input validation, enhancing the location input process. Eduardo created unit tests for TeamsOverview.jsx and TeamTableSearchPanel.jsx, initiating pull requests to address failures in previous tests. Kurtis delved into WebSocket development within the new timer, reviewed various pull requests, and addressed issues related to CSS, code quality, and alignment. Lucile focused on unit tests for Info Points, extending her efforts to unit tests for the entire project. Yubo performed management duties, identified potential bugs, and worked on code testing and formatting.
Nathan contributed to enhancing the system by adding preset functionality, including delete, apply, edit, and save options, while also compiling combined summaries and team pictures and offering valuable feedback to the team helping people create a better life. See the image below to view this work.
Expressers Team’s summary this week, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Yuri Andrade (Software Engineer and Team Manager) and includes Tim Kent (Full Stack Software Engineer), Olga Yudkin (Software Engineer), Aaron Persaud (Software Developer), Gary Balogh (Software Engineer), Harshida Dalal (Software Engineer), Veronica Cheng (Software Engineer), and Joyce Liu (Software Engineer). Tim conducted final testing for the Building Management Dashboard entry point URL and login form, creating detailed pull requests for both frontend and backend components.
Tim also displayed initiative and project management skills by updating the work breakdown structure (WBS) spreadsheet for the entire Building Management Dashboard project and revising project documentation helping people create a better life. Yuri focused on designing and building the navigation bar for Phase 2 of HGN Software. Yuri assessed the application’s structure, introduced constants for navbar links, and leveraged the reactstrap library for construction. The links “Add MET,” “Log MET,” “Log Time,” “Log Issue,” and “Add Member” were successfully implemented. Additionally, Yuri temporarily assumed the role of Manager helping people create a better life for the Expressers Team, overseeing seven developers’ work.
Olga completed responsive design work for the project details page in Phase II of the HGN app, initiating a pull request and addressing feedback from team members. She plans to conduct an accessibility standards review before finalizing her commits. Olga also performed final reviews of PR#1293 and PR#1325, approving them for deployment. Aaron collaborated with Yiyun to resolve eslint warnings causing deployment failures on the production branch. He assisted Jae with administrative tasks and updating bug documentation.
Aaron resolved merge conflicts and conducted a comprehensive PR test for Papia’s open pull request (PR1061). He also worked on linting issues within the PermissionsManagement component and Timelog component. Gary initiated the development of the Add Materials Page in the HGN application, focusing on a user-friendly form for adding materials to projects. He utilized React Strap for form construction, implemented routing capabilities, and addressed styling conflicts. Gary explored Redux and React hooks for state management. He also conducted PR reviews for PR#1287, PR#534, PR#1312, and PR#539.
Harshida, in her sixth week with the team, addressed button alignment within the timer component and raised PR#1317. She also conducted PR reviews for PR#1297, PR#1266, PR#1218, PR#1331, and PR#1332. Veronica continued addressing permissions management issues important in helping people create a better life, checked for function existence, and planned a final review of permission descriptions and the ‘i’ button on the front end. She also engaged in several Pull Request Reviews. Joyce focused on enhancing unit tests for the HGN app and conducting QA testing in the development environment. She checked phase-2 projects for tasks requiring attention and reviewed phase-2 documentation. The collage below shows some of this work.
Graphic Design’s summary was managed by Alyx Parr (Senior Support Specialist and Manager) and includes Ashlesha Navale (Graphic Designer), Rihab Baklouti (Freelance Generalist), and Yeasin Arafat (Civil Engineer, Graphic Designer). This week, Ashlesha was responsible for several tasks. She created two Volunteer Announcements, along with bio images and announcement images for them. In addition, Ashlesha generated web content for both announcements and curated a collection of nature-based and theme-based images for future Social Media and YouTube Preview/Intro Images. She also designed the Social Media and YouTube Preview/Intro Images for blog #747, 748, and 749.
Rihab’s focus was on YouTube preview and update image designs. She successfully completed 18 designs, which were reviewed, confirmed, and submitted for approval. One more design, the 19th, is currently awaiting approval. These designs spanned across her task list, including designs 640-649, 651, 658, 680, 683, 686, 688, 692, and 695, and were not in chronological order. Yeasin also had a productive week, successfully completing various tasks that required leveraging graphic design expertise across diverse initiatives. His responsibilities encompassed using both manual and digital methods to create images for use in both print and digital media, demonstrating his versatile graphic design skills helping people create a better life. The pictures below exemplify this work.
Moonfall Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Xiao Tan (Volunteer and Team Manager) and includes Abdelmounaim “Abdel” Lallouache (Software Developer), Cheng-Yun Chuang (Software Engineer), Jiadong Zhang (Volunteer Software Engineer), Navneeth Krishna (Software Engineer), Tzu Ning “Leo” Chueh (Software Engineer), Xiao Fei (Software Engineer), Yihan Liu (Software Engineer), Zijie “Cyril” Yu (Volunteer Software Engineer), and Zubing Guo (Software Engineer).
This week, Abdelmounaim made significant updates to the time-off request system and leaderboard interface. In the time-off request module, he restricted leave date selection to Sundays only and prevented users from updating leave dates. On the leaderboard, he introduced a new indicator feature for users on time off or scheduled for it, along with a toggle button for visibility. Cheng-Yun devoted time to meticulously review 16 pull requests across backend and frontend repositories, with a focus on PRs numbered 1279, 1280, 1283, 1288, 1291, 1293, 1287, 1297, 1298, 1299, 1218, 1300, and 1306. Backend PRs 531, 534, and 532 were also given attention.
Jiadong conducted reviews of PRs 1299, 1298, and 1297, addressing issues related to the time log section’s complexity and lack of comments. Navneeth worked on adding permissions for project and team management tasks, meticulously testing and validating changes in the Manage User Permissions modal and User Roles tab. He also actively participated in numerous pull request reviews. Tzu-Ning encountered link visibility issues in PR #1297 and PR #1298, attempting various solutions, including DNS refreshing. However, the problem persisted during code testing.
Xiao F focused on the ‘differentiate personal max badge’ task, merging supplementary text with existing content and addressing issues with the ‘hrs’ label. He reviewed multiple pull requests, paying attention to linting, unit testing, and UI and functional components. Yihan concentrated on creating a manual method for adding lost volunteer hours from past years, extending properties within the timeEntry model and resolving conflicts in previous PRs. She also conducted reviews of PRs #1218, #532, and #1283.
Zijie worked on making the “Submit for Review > Mark Task Complete” process more efficient and documented his efforts for future developers. He conducted reviews for six pull requests, seeking potential solutions for the efficiency task. Zubing integrated the “Write it for me” button into the summary page, restructuring backend code for the ChatGPT router, controller, and config files, overcoming challenges to achieve successful outcomes. Look below for a collage of their work.
Reactonauts’ Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Eduardo Horta (Software Engineer and Team Manager) and includes Anirudh Ghildiyal (Software Engineer), Carl Bebli (Software Developer), Eduardo Horta (Software Engineer and Team Manager), Jiyuan Xia (Software Engineer), Ramya Ramasamy (Full Stack Developer), Shantanu Kumar (Full Stack Software Developer), Shihao Xiong (Software Engineer), Shrey Jain (Software Engineer), Shivansh Sharma (Software Developer), Vansh Patel (Software Engineer), Vikram Badhan (Software Engineer), and Zuhang Xu (Software Engineer).
This week, Eduardo dedicated his efforts to HGN Software Development, spending time on various tasks. On Friday, he devoted 3 hours and 9 minutes to help Anirudh with adding an edit button to each summary on the Weekly Summaries tab, although encountering difficulties and planning to continue this work. Thursday saw him invest 3 hours and 51 minutes in testing PR#1287 (FE) and PR#534 (BE) while also assisting team members from Reactonauts with their feature implementations. Wednesday, he spent 4 hours and 29 minutes reviewing and approving Carl-fix-suggestion-icon-modal and hosting the Weekly Meeting for Reactonauts.
On Tuesday, Eduardo raised PR#1314 for Eduardo Lint fix for Dashboard Component and continued testing BE – PR#485. Finally, on Monday, he dedicated 4 hours and 6 minutes to reviewing PR#485 and providing feedback to his team members from Reactonauts on their tasks. Jiyuan demonstrated exceptional dedication, successfully completing ten PR reviews, including #1331, #1330, #1326, #1325, #1324, #1318, #1317, #1218, #1332, and #1266, showcasing his commitment to code quality and project progress. Carl’s fix for the “Suggestion Icon Bug” was successfully merged, with ongoing efforts to resolve any issues. He actively engaged in peer review, evaluating and providing feedback on numerous pull requests.
Shihao addressed layout issues with PR#1316 and contributed to code review by examining PR#1318, PR#1326, and PR#1297. Shihao is currently working on merging PR#1202 and PR#1203. Shrey focused on resolving issues related to the add team functionality and a limited view problem for HighestGoodNetwork. He is actively debugging and working on publishing a pull request for the same. Masasa addressed concerns raised regarding their pull request (PR) by augmenting the PR with a robust backend code implementation.
This comprehensive approach enhances the functionality and security of the system. Backend is PR #504, and Frontend is #1287. Vansh performed a comprehensive linting procedure on User Management component files and components, rectifying various errors and testing features for regression. He also reviewed PR#1333 and expressed concerns about reproducibility. Look below for pictures of this work.
Skye’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Yiyun Tan (Management Dashboard Team Leader), and includes Bailey Mejia (Software Engineer), Jerry Ren (Full Stack Developer), Luis Arevalo (Front End Developer), Mounica Dingari (Software Developer), Roberto Contreras (Software Developer), Yao Wang (Software Engineer), and YuFu Liao (Software Engineer). This week, Yufu primarily focused on the task titled “Make columns editable by Owner on User Management Page.” He engaged in a detailed conversation with Jae to understand the specifics and the best approach to implement this functionality.
Yufu inquired about the editability of the end date, email, and role in the No.1 user management component. Proposing a solution, he suggested the creation of a popup similar to the “set final day” feature. By incorporating this popup with editable user information, the desired function could be efficiently addressed. Mounica’s focus was on implementing the report recipients button within the system. The primary tasks helping people create a better life included creating functionality for users to select, edit, and delete recipients for the weekly summary reports. Additionally, backend development work was undertaken to ensure the secure storage of recipient details in the database.
Password protection was also integrated into the report recipients button, and the previous recipient, “sangam,” was removed from the email distribution list. Hector conducted various tasks related to app development. These tasks included the selection of a specific task involving the construction of a modal for the application. Additionally, time was spent reviewing the application’s codebase, with a focus on identifying and addressing a geolocation bug. Efforts were also directed towards locating the necessary Geolocation API key, which is essential for local testing, helping people create a better life.
In order to adequately prepare for the assigned task of modal development, an in-depth examination of the application’s codebase was conducted to enhance understanding. Furthermore, research was undertaken to identify the source of the API key required for local feature testing. The week also involved ongoing app testing; however, challenges were encountered when attempting to fetch location data from the API on the development branch, which impeded progress on the assigned modal development ticket. Jerry successfully published PRs 1312 and 539. Additionally, he integrated a table displaying permission change logs into the Permission Management Page.
This table retrieves data directly from the database and features columns for date and time (in Pacific Time), editor email, role, permissions, permissions added, and permissions removed. In parallel, Jerry initiated work on the “Create Dev Admin account email verification system” task, formulating two distinct approaches to address the task. He intends to dedicate further efforts towards this task in the upcoming week. Bailey focused on further testing of the badges component. He revisited the accounts he had previously tested to verify if they received any new badges or encountered any fresh bugs.
To investigate the functionality of the ’60 hours in 1 week’ badge, Bailey added 60 hours to his volunteer account and also looked for the bug that might award him badges for other weeks. During his assessment, he noticed an irregularity when his admin account unexpectedly received the ‘new personal maximum’ badge. Moreover, these badges were duplicated, and the count was erroneously maxed out at 50. Bailey attempted to delete a badge from his testing account to validate the functionality of the ‘5x minimum hours’ badge with no logged time. However, he encountered an issue where the owner permissions, particularly for badge deletion, were not effectively granted.
Throughout the week, he communicated with his team to share findings and gather updates on their badge testing, though many were preoccupied with different assignments. Roberto, focused on addressing a specific issue related to user-team integration. The problem entailed the inability to add a user to teams correctly during user creation, as the existing code failed to update the database. Consequently, while users seemed to be associated with a team in the website’s frontend, this change was not reflected in the actual database, resulting in the user not appearing in the team’s member list from the teams link.
To resolve helping people create a better life issue, Roberto modified the code to first create the user, thereby obtaining a unique userId. With this userId, the addTeamMember function was then employed to trigger the backend route, successfully updating the database and rectifying the problem of users not appearing in the Team’s member list. Additionally, Roberto applied the same solution to the TeamTab.jsx file to address a similar issue when attempting to add an existing user to a team. Luis concentrated on addressing the weekly submission bug, specifically related to users submitting summaries containing fewer than 50 words.
Upon investigation, he identified the root cause as the regex incorrectly counting spaces instead of words, hence, helping people create a better life. After thorough testing, he successfully integrated a word count feature provided by the editor, ensuring that weekly summaries must meet the 50-word minimum requirement before submission. The updated code was pushed to a dedicated GitHub branch and a merge request into the main branch was initiated. In addition to bug-fixing, Luis also allocated time to work on several pull requests, fulfilling his weekly commitment of 10 hours. See the collage below for their work.
The PR Review Team’s summary covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Shaurya Sareen (Administrative Assistant). This team is reviewing the PRs (pull requests) from the complete software team and included the following active members: Anish Pandita (Software Engineer), Anny Wang (Software Engineer), Haoji Bian (Software Engineer), Jeffrey Li (Software Engineer), Obeda Velonjatovo (Software Engineer), Shiwani Rajagopalan (Software Engineer), Shree Birajdar (Software Engineer).
Shubhankar Mishra (Software Engineer), Tianyuan Nan (Software Engineer), Wanting Xu (Sofware Engineer), and Yixiao Jiang (Software Engineer). They reviewed all the Highest Good Network PRs (Pull Requests) shared in this week’s update helping people create a better life. The collage below shows a compilation of the work from this team.
Posted on September 18, 2023 by One Community
One Community is one way to make permanent positive change. We accomplish this by embracing open source and sustainable solutions across various domains, including food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, and global stewardship practices.
Guided by the philosophy of living and creating for “The Highest Good of All.” Our innovative model is one way to make permanent positive change designed for self-replication, thus laying the foundation for a worldwide network of teacher/demonstration hubs. Every creation of ours is open source and freely shared, contributing to the advancement oft sustainability and the regeneration of a planet for the benefit of all people and life that share it.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world as one way to make permanent positive change. This is the September 18th, 2023 edition (#548) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is one way to make permanent positive change through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week, Julia Meaney (Research and Web design) completed another week of assisting with research and web design. Julia focused on a range of tasks, displaying a high level of productivity and attention to detail as one way to make permanent positive change. She dedicated her efforts to reviewing and enhancing the City Center Interior Design Cost Analysis spreadsheet, particularly scrutinizing the incorporation of feedback into the “Room 4 – Retro Vogue” and “Room 5 – Tranquility Room” tabs. She skillfully addressed comments and implemented necessary revisions as one way to make permanent positive change.
Subsequently, she turned their attention to the DIY on Earth Dam Design & Construction Disaster Mitigation Content Google Doc, methodically refining content for grammatical accuracy, spelling, and overall coherence. She also provided constructive feedback and sought clarifications where needed as one way to make permanent positive change. Additionally, she undertook preparations for one way to make permanent positive change, seamless site integration, including the creation of tables of contents and the incorporation of guidelines for headings and site formatting.
Finally, she continued their diligent editing work on the Net-zero Bathroom and Earthbag Village Water Collection and Septic Design EDITED CONTENT FOR WEB” Google Docs, ensuring content precision and optimal format for final integration as one way to make permanent positive change. Throughout these tasks, she adeptly formatted resources, reinstated images, and executed other essential adjustments as one way to make permanent positive change. See the pictures below.
Justin Varghese (Mechanical Engineer) completed another week assisting with the City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering. Justin dedicated his efforts to the precise alignment of beams and meticulous adjustments to drawings, with a primary focus on correcting angles between them as one way to make permanent positive change. His goal was to proactively prevent beam and connector collisions, achieve geometric symmetry, and ensure a consistent connector design as one way to make permanent positive change throughout the project. In addition to these tasks, Justin successfully created and assembled connectors with a standardized thickness of 0.2 inches for rows 1, 2, 3, and 4. See some of the images below.
Loza Ayehutsega (Civil Engineer/Assistant Civil Engineer) completed another week of assisting with Earth Dam Design and construction for Water Retention, Pond, and lake Creation. Loza attended a workshop focused on one way to make permanent positive change safer tailing dams, organized by NGI. During the workshop, valuable interactions took place with representatives from ICOLD and experienced dam safety engineers. These discussions revolved around one way to make permanent positive change projects, fostering meaningful connections and exchanges of insights. Currently, Loza is diligently reviewing comments received on a report as part of their ongoing work. Take a look at the pictures below to get a glimpse of this work.
One Community is one way to make permanent positive change through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week, Amiti Singh (Architectural Designer) completed the design and modeling of a visitor room for the Duplicable City Center. Amiti achieved significant progress in the development of Duplicable City’s Zen-Garden visitor room, Room 9. Inspired one way to make permanent positive change, the serene essence of “Zen,” the room design aimed to evoke the tranquility of a Japanese tea room.
Amiti efficiently completed the one way to make permanent positive change selection process for materials, furniture, planting, and lighting, harmonizing them to create the desired ambiance. Concurrently, she conducted a meticulous review of the cost analysis pertaining one way to make permanent positive change to both Room 4 and Room 5 within Duplicable City, ensuring the utmost precision and reliability in the financial assessments. See below for the picture.
Charles Gooley (Web Designer) completed another week of assisting with web design as one way to make permanent positive change. Charles dedicated his efforts to enhancing the Water Recycling Net-zero Bathroom Design and Water Conservation tutorials. Under precise guidance from the source Google Doc, he updated the main tables of contents and sub-tables of contents for both pages as one way to make permanent positive change.
Charles seamlessly integrated new content, covering topics like Net-Zero Bathroom Rainwater Harvesting Design Details, Estimation of Catchment Area of the Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting System, Rainfall Supply, Water Demand, Catchment Area, and Storage Capacity into the Water Recycling Net Zero Bathroom Design. Which is one way to make permanent positive change.
These strategic additions found their place within the Water Conservation tutorial, situated between the Earthbag Village Storm water Harvesting Design and above the Storm water Management Plan sections. Both tutorials have now reached completion and are ready for one way to make permanent positive change review process. The pictures below offer a visual representation of this work.
Julio Marín Bustillos (Mechanical Engineer) completed another week of assisting with the City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering. Julio concentrated on designing additional hub connectors and seamlessly integrating them into the comprehensive assembly as one way to make permanent positive change.
The expansion of the assembly was undertaken to facilitate updates to the overarching model, with the primary beneficiaries being Justin, Yiwei, and the newly onboarded team member, Dipak. Dipak, leveraging his background in Finite Element Analysis (FEA), assumes a pivotal role in evaluating the safety and optimization of the design for one way to make permanent positive change. The team maintains its unwavering commitment to this collaborative endeavor. The pictures below provide a glimpse of the images.
Ranran Zhang (Architectural Design) completed another week working on the updated video for the Duplicable City Center internal and external walkthrough as one way to make permanent positive change. Ranran diligently addressed feedback by making necessary improvements to both the Lumion and SketchUp models.
Specifically, she focused on achieving a closer match of the wall material in the kitchen area to the source model and introduced a new waterfall feature in the central area of the first floor as one way to make permanent positive change. In addition, Ranran carried out essential adjustments to the related model near the waterfall to enhance overall accuracy and cohesion as one way to make permanent positive change. Take a look at the images below to see some of the progress made in this work.
This week, the engineering summary was managed by Arvindh Xavier (Civil Engineer), amalgamating the contributions of team members Anushka Shinghal, Ashlesha Navale, Gregory Quach, Julio Bustillo, and Rihab Baklouti. Notably, Anushka collaborated with a teammate to strategize, focusing on audience development within Google Analytics and the generation of weekly reports for Jae as one way to make permanent positive change. Addressing challenges with settings, Anushka intends to resolve them while exploring methods to create additional audiences.
Ashlesha dedicated her efforts to crafting a Volunteer Announcement, curating web content, and designing nature-based background images and theme-based visuals for social media and YouTube. Gregory focuses on Google Sheets tasks and successfully streamlining column addition through aggregate array formula integration. He also contributed by authoring his profile information for the organization’s website.
Rihab efficiently managed tasks, creating non-chronological YouTube updates and Volunteer Announcements, with all drafts approved by the One Community Crew as one way to make permanent positive change. Julio concentrated on designing hub connectors to enhance the comprehensive assembly, benefiting team members Justin, Yiwei, and Dipak, who specialize in Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for design assessment as one way to make permanent positive change. See below for some of the images of this work.
One Community is one way to make permanent positive change through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week, the core team continued our review of the open-source Highest Good Food designs as one way to make permanent positive change. We undertook the task of editing the Food Rollout Infrastructure document, focusing on one way to make permanent positive change enhancing its readability and clarity. In this endeavor, we skillfully applied formatting by bolding the segments that require purchased items and further emphasized those needing construction by bolding and italicizing them.
These key segments encompassed materials lists, the initial 3, 20 people, and various aspects of soil preparation, composting, vermiculture, soil amendments, and hoop house entities as one way to make permanent positive change. See the pictures below that are related to this.
Gregory Quach (Data Enterer for Chef/Culinary) continued working on the Transition Kitchen, as one way to make permanent positive change. He conducted a thorough analysis of the Transition Kitchen Recipe Build Out project, placing specific emphasis on implementing the aggregate array formula function to optimize column addition, particularly for shopping lists. Gregory accomplished the task of generating all 15-day shopping lists successfully. Furthermore, he authored his profile information for the organization’s website as one way to make permanent positive change. See the images below for some of his work.
Shengguang Jin (Mechanical Engineer) completed the work of assisting with Highest Good Food. Shengguang conducted a thorough review of the analytical model’s accuracy, comparing it to the CAD files from Solidworks. During this evaluation, a minor error related to the proper boundary conditions of structural supporting component A was identified as one way to make permanent positive change. In response, he diligently received a set of equations from scratch, ensuring their alignment with the original model.
Additionally, Shengguang calculated the moment of inertia for the member’s hollow square, taking into account both the actual parameters and the proposed material properties. Furthermore, an assessment of the empty chamber’s load-bearing capacity under full weight was carried out, as one way to make permanent positive change and the results were compared with Solid Works simulation data for validation. See the images below for some of his work.
One Community is one way to make permanent positive change through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students. This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.
With over 8 years of work invested in the one way to make permanent positive change process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:
This week, Brian Muigai Mwaniki (Structural Engineer) completed work helping with The Ultimate Classroom. Brian performed a comprehensive analysis of modified timber trusses and the structural framework, utilizing Staad Pro V8 to simulate various load scenarios on individual members. He successfully derived load reactions from this analysis, leading to a revision of existing foundation drawings, a task efficiently accomplished using AutoCAD software. Following the revision, Brian ensured the accessibility of all relevant files by uploading them to the designated shared Dropbox location. See below for pictures related to this work.
One Community is one way to make permanent positive change through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week, the core team completed 67 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug-fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members. The pictures below show some of this work.
Another core team member worked extensively with the City Center SketchUp file, performing various tasks. She extracted the central area of the first floor from the latest City Center SketchUp file, which included components like the mechanical room, chairs, side tables, the spa’s latest CAD image, the laundry room wall, the dining dome shell, and the swimming pool.
She utilized the waterfall model from a prior design of the central area on the first floor of the City Center. She combined these two models to implement updates, such as relocating the spa pool to create space for a waterfall, removing two chairs and a side table adjacent to the mechanical room, and repositioning a chair and side table near the entry door.
Additionally, she reshaped the waterfall model to accommodate the spa pool and made necessary updates to the court’s floor and the first floor of the living dome by eliminating any obstructing elements from the spa area. She then compressed the SketchUp file containing the central area with the combined waterfall and shared it with volunteers on Google Drive. She also combined the updated central area components with the latest City Center model, compressed the final file, and uploaded it to Google Drive for volunteer access. See the image below to view this work.
Jin Hua (Web and Graphic Designer) continued working with NitroPack trying to fix video errors identified by Google Analytics. He also objectively confirmed the improvements this plugin has provided our website. The pictures below show some of this work.
Ray Lee (Digital Creator) helped this week by creating the header images shown below for all the forms we use internally. See the image below to view this work.
Megan Morelli (Funding Research and Acquisition) hired and trained a new team member named Aaron Wang for the fundraising team. They created a plan for Aaron’s onboarding and his role in fundraising activities. Megan also set up a Zoom call between Jae and the Eckhart Tolle Foundation to discuss potential partnerships and funding opportunities. After the call, she sent a follow-up email to explore future collaboration possibilities with the Foundation. Additionally, Megan spent time researching other organizations for outreach and identified important contacts and groups to connect with in the next week. See below for pictures related to this work.
This week, the Administration Team’s summary, covering their work administrating and managing most of One Community, was managed by Jamie and includes Alyx Parr (Senior Support Specialist and Team Manager), Jamie Cruz (Administrative Assistant and Team Manager), and Olawunmi “Ola” Ijisesan (Administrative and Management Support). Alyx focused on multiple tasks, including reviewing Jamie’s blog content, copying additional summaries, and sourcing images for their side project. She engaged in collaborative work on Google Docs, created collages, and completed graphic design elements for her own blog page.
Alyx also proactively managed the team, assessing performance, and strategizing for support, following up with team members who missed their media and summaries. She reconnected with individuals from the previous week and established summaries and content for page 548. Jamie revisited her previous week’s blog, improved tutorials for new volunteers, organized images and summaries for an upcoming blog, and managed administrative responsibilities within her team. Ola completed her assigned tasks, provided feedback on team members’ work, corrected errors, and expanded her role in the PR team by reviewing instructional videos. She also received feedback from Jae on her reviewed work. The collage below shows some of this work.
Analytic’s summary was managed by Alyx Parr (Senior Support Specialist) and includes Anushka Signhal (Machine Learning Engineer) and Tanaya Joshi (Machine Learning Engineer). This week, Anushka concentrated on the development of a measurement plan geared towards enhancing volunteer recruitment and increasing donations and funding. Her responsibilities encompassed the utilization of Google Analytics to optimize volunteer engagement and a comprehensive analysis of conversion rates across all website links.
Anushka also encountered some ambiguity regarding the distinction between the donation and funding sections of the website. Meanwhile, Tanaya’s focus this week was on comprehending the existing state of the Google Ads account. She diligently revised the measurement plan and explored methods for tracking social media data, thoroughly documenting the processes involved.
Additionally, Tanaya collated insights regarding the current state of the ads account and subsequently engaged in a productive discussion with her teammate, augmenting the measurement plan with valuable input. Her documentation efforts extended to email tracking, social media platform monitoring, hashtag tracking, and the creation of UTM links for marketing campaigns. See the collage below for evidence of this work.
This week, the Blue Steel Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Nathan and includes Haohui Lin (Software Engineer), Kurtis Ivey (Full Stack Developer), Lucile Tronczyk (Full Stack Software Developer), Nathan Hoffman (Software Engineer and Team Manager), Oleksandr Riazantsev (Project Management Advisor), Lawrence Chua (Full Stack Software), Yubo Sun (Full Stack Software Developer), Eduardo Varjao (Frontend Developer), and Yongjian Pan (React.js/MongoDB Full Stack Software Developer).
This is Eduardo developed unit tests for three components, including TeamMembersPopup.jsx, TeamStatusPopup.jsx, and TeamTableHeader.jsx, confirming their proper functionality and subsequently initiating three pull requests for these tests. Haohui concentrated on implementing “Add New User Permissions Role” in PR1307, conducting testing, and handling edge cases for “Gives the user permission to manage individual user permissions” in PR1218 and Backend PR532. Kurtis conducted extensive testing on the updated backend and worked on resolving bug issues related to the new timer.
Lawrence delved into the existing YAML file within the frontend codebase, seeking to understand its functionality and interactions with HGN deployments. Oleksandr addressed misspellings causing map component bugs, established a new user profile schema, and configured functionality for retrieving user-profiles and filtering by location data. Yongjian implemented a practical enhancement by enabling clickable Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) names, enhancing user accessibility. Lucile focused on software development tasks, adding explanatory “i” symbols to elements in the app, engaging in PR testing, and contributing to the improvement of information points.
Yubo completed various tasks, including merging PRs and resolving issues with failed tests, while also actively working on addressing the ‘Fix profile page Assign Team button’ issue. Nathan addressed Git-related challenges and made progress on the “Restore to Default” task while also managing team hours and conducting reviews. See the image below to view this work.
Expressers Team’s summary this week, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Tim Kent (Full Stack Software Engineer and Team Manager) and includes Gary Balogh (Software Engineer), Yuri Andrade (Software Engineer), Olga Yudkin (Software Engineer), Aaron Persaud (Software Developer), and Veronica Cheng (Software Engineer). Gary conducted extensive code reviews (1183, 1185, 1218+532, 1264, 1270, 1277+530, 1278, 1279+531, 1280, 1281, 1283, 1287+534, 1288, 1291, 1293, 1297, 1298, 1300) for the development team, focusing on unit tests, accessibility improvements, and permissions management functions.
An important aspect when it comes to creating one way to make permanent positive change. Notably, he examined the addition of a Start Date column in the User Management Table and enforced guidelines for links in Google Docs and Dropbox. Yuri addressed the “admin” role issue related to adding a new WBS, identifying it as a code bug, and initiating a solution to one way to make permanent positive change. Olga conducted a final review of PR#1262, updated PR notes for Task 255, and worked on the Phase II project details page’s design.
Aaron resolved alignment and deployment issues in PR1289 and PR1294, respectively, while also enhancing linting scripts (PR1306) and verifying badge component fixes. Veronica focused on permission management issues, refining her testing methodology and revising permission labels, with plans to continue this work of one way to make permanent positive change and document her findings in the Permissions Management Fixes Excel file. The collage below shows some of this work.
Graphic Design’s summary was managed by Alyx Parr (Senior Support Specialist and Manager) and includes Ashlesha Navale (Graphic Designer), Rihab Baklouti (Freelance Generalist), Yeasin Arafat (Civil Engineer, Graphic Designer). This week, Ashlesha took on several responsibilities, including the creation of a Volunteer Announcement, complete with a bio image and announcement image. She also crafted web content for this announcement and dedicated time to researching and curating a collection of nature-based and theme-based background images for potential future use in Social Media and YouTube Preview/Intro Images.
In addition, Ashlesha designed the Social Media and YouTube Preview/Intro Images for a series of blog posts, namely #734, 735, 736, 737, 738, and 739. On the other hand, Rihab focused on two distinct tasks during this week’s activities. For the task involving YouTube previews and update images, she meticulously designed 13 updates in a non-chronological order, providing multiple drafts for each, all of which received final approval from the One Community Crew as one way to make permanent positive change.
Furthermore, Rihab worked on Volunteer Announcements, where she was tasked with creating announcements and bio icons for three individuals: Ramya Ramasamy, Amiti Singh, and Eng. Brian Muigai Mwaniki. Her work in this regard was also successfully finalized and approved for integration into the webpage. Lastly, Yeasin accomplished several projects this week, demonstrating proficiency in graphic design across various assignments as one way to make permanent positive change. His role encompassed the creation of visual content for both print and digital media, employing a mix of manual and digital techniques to generate fresh and innovative concepts. The pictures below exemplify this work.
Moonfall Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Xiao Tan (Volunteer and Team Manager) and includes Abdelmounaim “Abdel” Lallouache (Software Developer), Cheng-Yun Chuang (Software Engineer), Edwin Estuardo Lau Mack (Software Engineer), Jianjun Luo (Software Engineer), Navneeth Krishna (Software Engineer), Shihao Xiong (Software Engineer), Tzu Ning “Leo” Chueh (Software Engineer), Xiao Fei (Software Engineer), Yihan Liu (Software Engineer), Zijie “Cyril” Yu (Volunteer Software Engineer), and Zubing Guo (Software Engineer).
This week, Abdelmounaim made several key updates to the time-off request system and the leaderboard interface. In the time-off request module, he modified the date selector to restrict the selection of one way to make permanent positive change, leave dates to Sundays only and prevented users from updating the date of leave in the edit modal. On the leaderboard, Abdelmounaim introduced a new indicator feature that displays relevant text and a button, visible when a user is currently on time off or scheduled for time off in the upcoming week.
Cheng-Yun dedicated substantial time to reviewing 16 pull requests across backend and frontend repositories, with a particular emphasis on frontend PRs. Edwin reviewed three PRs and contributed to the development of the HGN application, introducing a versatile helper function for permissions management. Jiadong reviewed PRs and addressed complexities in the time log bug, considering future refactoring. Jianjun closed the profile picture task and shared progress on the selection process and front-end components. Navneeth focused on permissions management tasks, reviewed multiple PRs, and conducted thorough testing.
Tzu Ning encountered link visibility issues in PRs and attempted to resolve them. Xiao F worked on the ‘differentiate personal max badge’ task, addressing issues and fine-tuning code, and reviewed seven PRs. Yihan worked on creating a manual method for adding lost hours and resolved conflicts in previously submitted PRs, also conducting PR reviews. Zijie dedicated time to improving the efficiency of the “Mark Task Complete” functionality and reviewed six PRs. Zubing focused on integrating the “Write it for me” button into the summary page and restructured backend code for the ChatGPT router, controller, and config files, despite encountering challenges. Look below for a collage of their work.
Reactonauts’ Team’s summary, covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Eduardo Horta (Software Engineer and Team Manager) and includes Anirudh Ghildiyal (Software Engineer), Carl Bebli (Software Developer), Eduardo Horta (Software Engineer and Team Manager), Induja Kanchisamudram (Developer), Jacky Li (Software Engineer), Jiangwei Shi (Full Stack Engineer), Jiyuan Xia (Software Engineer), Ramya Ramasamy (Full Stack Developer), Masasa Thapelo (Software Engineer), Shantanu Kumar (Full Stack Software Developer), Shihao Xiong (Software Engineer), Shrey Jain (Software Engineer), and Zuhang Xu (Software Engineer).
This week, Eduardo actively contributed to HGN Software Development by conducting comprehensive reviews of the Reactonauts’ team’s work, providing feedback, and addressing bugs and features. He completed the development of a batch email feature, raised PR#1293, and reviewed and approved PR#1211. Additionally, Eduardo initiated work on a lint fix for the Dashboard component and hosted the Weekly Meeting while reviewing team member PR#1183. Shantanu successfully completed a bug, encountering pull request creation errors during the process. Carl addressed the “Suggestion Icon not working issue,” included error handling, and participated in PR reviews.
Shrey resolved a project delete button issue, tackled a linting problem, and investigated Sentry errors, while also conducting PR reviews for PR1291 and PR1306. Jiyuan performed ten PR reviews, demonstrated a commitment to code quality, and investigated PR #1288. Shihao created the “Load Badge” button, updated features in PR#1264, and resolved conflicts in PR#1202 and PR#1203. Masasa developed the ‘CreateBadgeOnly’ permission feature, initiated PR#1287, and implemented it successfully as one way to make permanent positive change. Look below for pictures of this work.
Skye’s summary, covering their work on one way to make permanent positive change Highest Good Network software, was managed by Yiyun Tan and includes Jerry Ren (Full Stack Developer) and YuFu Liao (Software Engineer). This week, Yufu worked on resolving a bug specified by Jae, which involved making columns editable. Alongside this, Yufu addressed a few interface issues: he adjusted the height of the Role dropdown field to match one way to make permanent positive change, other search fields and centered the search field over its respective hours. Moreover, Yufu completed two pull request reviews.
In a related development, EduardoV opened a task (#1298), aiming to create unit tests for the TeamStatusPopup component. This task has since received feedback, as evidenced by the 14 comments suggesting one way to make permanent positive change. Yufu also checked the creation of unit tests for the TeamMembersPopup component. And Jerry focused on addressing code change requests on FE PR 1199. His approach involved the creation of a backend feature branch designed to handle 403 errors for CRUD operations on the ‘/api/userprofiles’ route. While browsing open PRs, Jerry noted that PR 1199 shared common files and lines with Edwin’s FE PR 1281.
To preempt merge conflicts when one way to make permanent positive change branches get merged into the development branch, Jerry initiated the creation of a feature branch to consolidate the code changes from both PRs. Additionally, he revisited FE PR 1277 and BE PR 530, initiating work on the implementation of a table for permission change logs on the Permission Management Page. See the collage below for their work.
The PR Review Team’s summary covering their work on the Highest Good Network software, was managed by Shaurya Sareen (Administrative Assistant). This week’s active members of this team (completing a minimum of 10 volunteer hours each) were: Anish Pandita (Software Engineer), Chris Harries (Software Engineer), Gabriel Lima (Software Engineer), Gary Balogh (Software Engineer), Haoji Bian (Software Engineer), Jielin Wang (Software Engineer), Obeda Velonjatovo (Software Engineer), Roberto Contreras (Software Engineer), Shiwani Rajagopalan (Software Engineer), Shree Birajdar (Software Engineer).
Shubhankar Mishra (Software Engineer), Tianyuan Nan (Software Engineer), Tuan Dinh (Software Engineer), Vikram Badha (Software Engineer), and Wanting Xu (Sofware Engineer). They reviewed all the Highest Good Network PRs (Pull Requests) shared in this week’s update as one way to make permanent positive change. The collage below shows a compilation of the work from this team.
Posted on September 15, 2023 by One Community Hs
One Community welcomes Amiti Singh to the Architectural Design Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Amiti boasts more than nine years of experience in the field of architecture, complemented by a recent post-professional graduate degree. She holds the belief that spatial practices naturally cultivate dialogues encompassing nostalgia, ritual, care, risk, and societal protest. Her professional journey includes roles as an intern and an employee, collaborating with four notable Indian architects on substantial government, commercial, and residential projects, where she has played a pivotal role in project conception, implementation, and execution. As a member of the One Community team, Amiti remains committed to challenging societal dialogues across various scales and seeks to advance her evolving skills to promote a more ethical approach to designing spaces as she is helping with the interior design details of the Duplicable City Center.
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Posted on September 15, 2023 by One Community Hs
One Community welcomes Eng. Brian Muigai Mwaniki to the Engineering Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Eng. Brian is currently pursuing his masters in MSc Engineering from the University of Bath. He previously obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Brian has over 10 years of civil/structural engineering experience across vast project types. He has demonstrated success working in fast-paced environments and on complex projects requiring efficient and effective solutions to challenging problems. He believes in efficiency with regards to use of resources, doing more with less, and contributing to sustainability with resources and infrastructure as a path to having both a positive impact on the environment and the economy. As a member of the One Community team, Brian is helping complete the structural engineering details for The Ultimate Classroom. He is also helping lead a team of structural engineers to complete other tasks assigned.
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"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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