Blueprint for a World That Works for Everyone – One Community Weekly Progress Update #362

Let’s create a blueprint for a world that works for everyone. Let’s make it open source and free-shared, have it include sustainable approaches for food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, and global stewardship practices, and let’s demonstrate it as easy enough,… Read More

Improving Life on Our Planet – One Community Weekly Progress Update #358

One Community is open sourcing and free sharing everything necessary for improving life on our planet through sustainable living. We are covering food, energy, housing, education, RBE, for-profit, and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. Combined, we call the lifestyle… Read More

Eco-future Design – One Community Weekly Progress Update #357

One Community is creating eco-future design templates covering sustainable and replicable approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. Everything we create is open source and free-shared and modularly replicable. Combined, these components will be used… Read More

Ecologically Addressing Society – One Community Weekly Progress Update #355

Ecologically addressing society is a necessary step if we are to address over-consumption patterns and create global sustainability. One Community is helping achieve this through an open source evolution of sustainability that combines enriching and more fulfilled living models, open source education options,… Read More

Strategic Sustainable Village Creation – One Community Weekly Progress Update #354

The One Community model for strategic sustainable village creation is open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed to build a global cooperative of sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will teach others how to build even more teacher/demonstration hubs while expanding their open-source… Read More