Building Open Source Sustainable Civilizations – One Community Weekly Progress Update #37

  One Community is here to positively and permanently transform the world for everyone by building open source sustainable civilizations. We are bringing together the people who want to help us and creating detailed open source blueprints and a self-replicating starting point to… Read More

Transforming the Global Environment – One Community Weekly Progress Update #36

One Community is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization creating open source and free-shared solutions for all aspects of a sustainable civilization is transforming the global environment. Operating for The Highest Good of All, we see the simultaneous addressing of all the challenges our species currently faces… Read More

Creating a Comprehensive Global Solution – One Community Weekly Progress Update #35

One Community is creating a comprehensive global solution for the challenges of our generation and generations to come. We are doing this to facilitate the evolution of our planet and our species to sustainably living and creating for… Read More

World-changing People – One Community Weekly Progress Update #34

One Community is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization of world-changing people taking a comprehensive approach to maximize the ease of replicating sustainable living and the number of people that can access it.

The Solution for Everything – One Community Weekly Progress Update #33

One Community is creating the solution for everything. We define this as a sustainable civilization that completely meets the needs of all people and life on this planet while regeneratively and proactively giving more than it takes. We… Read More

Blueprint for a Better World – One Community Weekly Progress Update #31

One Community is a non-profit organization whose goal is creating a blueprint for a better world. This blueprint is a path to a world that is sustainably sustainable and for The Highest Good of All. It comprehensively and simultaneously… Read More

We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For – One Community’s Weekly Progress Update #29

One Community believes “we are the ones we have been waiting for” and we are taking that knowledge and creating the future we know is possible. Our approach to global sustainable development is making duplication of a complete solution as easy as… Read More

Stewards of the Earth Creating World Change – One Community Weekly Progress Update #28

One Community is creating blueprints for anyone interested in making a difference in their life and the lives of others. Everything we do is based on a philosophy of living and creating for The Highest Good of All…. Read More