Sustainable Global Transformation – One Community Weekly Progress Update #53

One Community is creating sustainable global transformation through open source and free-shared global-transformation blueprints for The Highest Good of All: Here’s our project overview Here’s our world-change methodology Here’s how this becomes self-replicating Here’s how we are open source and free-sharing all… Read More

Open Sourcing Sustainable Civilizations – One Community Weekly Progress Update #50

One Community is open sourcing sustainable civilizations for The Highest Good of All: Here’s our project overview Here’s our world-change methodology We are open source and free-sharing do-it-yourself designs for these areas first: (click icons for details) CLICK IMAGES BELOW FOR OUR MAIN… Read More

How to Make a Change in the World – One Community Weekly Progress Update #49

One Community is here to help teach people how to make a change in the world while helping themselves and living for The Highest Good of All: Here’s our project overview Here’s our world-change methodology We are open source and free-sharing do-it-yourself… Read More

Facilitating Change – One Community Weekly Progress Update #47

One Community is facilitating change for the people who want it with a philosophy of teaching people how to live for The Highest Good of All: Here’s our project overview Here’s our world-change methodology We are open source and free-sharing do-it-yourself designs for… Read More