Posted on November 27, 2014 by One Community
One Community is happy to welcome ReInhabiting The Village to our Highest Good Collaborators team!
ReInhabiting The Village is a Multi-Media Community Resource Hub which includes a graphically rich printed Soft Cover Book, E-book, Functional Workbook, and an Online Resource Directory featuring people, projects and organizations who offer models, information, tools, and templates for holistic living and fostering community resilience.
After years of building a network of allies through festivals, leadership summits, collaborative projects, and community development, there exists a rich body of materials, models, and templates that have been produced, practiced and are now ready to be shared to support other communities to flourish from the experience and insight of our contributing authors.
They are curating over 40 innovative voices of a movement for this LIVING LIBRARY of wisdom, showcasing their particular passions and fields of expertise. This includes featuring Artists, Economists, Permaculture Experts, Facilitators, Educators, Visionaries, Natural Builders, Event Producers, Healers, Indigenous Elders and Thought Leaders, Ecologists, Technology Developers and Community Organizers.
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Posted on November 21, 2014 by One Community
A more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach has the potential to create a sustainable planet for everyone. Open source sharing and developing all the necessary components of this for The Highest Good of All people and all life is One Community’s path to global transformation:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the November 21st, 2014 edition (#90) of our weekly progress update detailing the previous week’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is creating a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team finished the final 50% of the lesson plan mindmap with the central theme of “Opposites” for a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach. You can see it below. This finishes the final necessary piece of the “Opposites” lesson plan webpage also. This lesson plan is purposed for use by anyone, in any educational environment, working with any age or educational level, to teach any and all subjects within and using this central theme of “Opposites.”
We also finished the first 50% of the lesson plan webpage with the central them of “Highest Good” for a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach. You can see this here as an example of what all of the 9 completely finished lesson plans look like.
Behind the scenes we’ve also begun researching the greatest minds in history for the subject of Technology and Innovation Molecule.
One Community is creating a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This last week the core team finished three more complete breakout pages from the large-scale gardening page to create a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach. These included the Ulluco page, the Sweet Potato Page, and the Wax Gourd Page. You can see all three pages below where you can click on the images to visit the complete pages with detailed plant descriptions, planting guidelines, cultural considerations, and more. These new pages load faster and also give us the space we’ll need to add recipes, gardening tips, harvesting and canning tips, and videos. Contact us if you have any great resources related to any of these plant species.
One Community is creating a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team further refined the calculations for heat retention in the central Tropical Atrium recreation space that will house the Earthbag Village water storage and recycle the village used shower-water heat using a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach. We also moved the location of the water storage tank as you can see in the two images here.
We additionally finished creating all the custom icons for the dome home crowdfunding campaign open source details pages for a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach. You can see all this work here:
We are also down to the last 20-30% of the organizational process for the custom murphy bed furniture for a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach. Here you can see this immense and complex task continuing as we sort the final pieces into groups. This has also required a few design changes and updates behind the scenes to the source documents that will require us to also update the images on the site.
Dave Walen (Architectural Drafter & Designer and owner of Dave Philip Walen Design) also made significant progress on the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2) plumbing details and garden layout updates. You can see those here with new specifics added to the ponds and individual unit layouts also.
One Community is creating a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This last week the core team completed addition of the Processing section of the Control Systems page for a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach. You can see these new additions here, bringing us to about 70% completion for this page. This page will be a constantly developing resource for creating a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach through open source monitoring systems setup, maintenance, evolution, and data gathering and sharing starting with the Duplicable City Center and the Earthbag Village (Pod 1), and expanding as One Community expands.
One Community is creating a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team welcomed Open Source Ecology to our team on tsÃ…«! If you aren’t already a member, we invite you to check out Open Source Ecology’s page first by clicking on the image below, then come and connect with our page also using this link:
In addition to this we also created new social media imagery and featured our Methodology Page for a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach, which you can see here:
And our Open Source page, which you can see here:
We featured and did this for our open source water-saving shower head resource page with a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach:
And our open source botanical garden page with a more comprehensive and complete sustainability approach:
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible.
Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living.
The One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates. They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more. For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this.
One Community’s four-phase strategy for the creation of solution models that create solution creating models uses open source blueprints for duplication that simultaneously address all aspects of the human experience (food, energy, housing, education, social inequality and injustice, fulfilled living, etc.). We see these areas as interdependent and requiring a comprehensive solution if humanity is to move ecologically, socially, economically, and permanently towards a truly sustainable future for everyone.
Our open source model and blueprints engage and inspire people while simultaneously making sustainable living more affordable and easy to replicate. By free-sharing the step-by-step plans people need for duplication, inviting people to participate, and demonstrating sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs as a more desirable way of living, the model will predictably expand on its own.
It is this approach we see uniting the world and leading to a new Golden Age for humanity. While we understand that not everyone believes this is even possible, we are nonetheless bringing together all those that do see this as possible as the non-profit think tank of forward-thinking individuals willing to design, build, and open source project-launch blueprint and free-share it for The Highest Good of All.
One Community is open source sharing an evolution of sustainable living that addresses the complete human experience. We are doing this because we see the solutions for global food, housing, energy, education, social inequality, ethical business practices, earth regenerative practices, and a desire for a more fulfilling living experience as inseparably interconnected. As a comprehensive solution, we are addressing all these areas simultaneously and open source free-sharing everything needed for individual duplication and/or duplication as complete self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world.
As we address and open source share these areas we will establish a living example of the first teacher/demonstration village purposed to teach others. To maximally facilitate duplication, One Community will provide seven duplicable examples and function indefinitely as a place people can visit and a non-profit and open source think tank continuing to further evolve and share solutions in all of the above areas and more. We will also provide hands-on experience and training. Most importantly, growing upon our sustainable foundation, we will endlessly make this comprehensive solution even more widely known and globally accessible, understandable and diversely duplicable, and inspiring and desirable as a model worth duplicating.
Posted on November 14, 2014 by One Community
A large enough team effort towards creating a better world for us all is guaranteed to succeed. One Community is building that team and creating open source tools, tutorials, and resources so anyone, anywhere, can participate in the way that they want to. We call this living and creating for The Highest Good of All and it is purposed to build the better-world-for-us-all team as fast as possible:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the November 14th, 2014 edition (#89) of our weekly progress update detailing the previous week’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is creating a better world for us all through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team finished the second 25% of the lesson plan mindmap with the central theme of “Opposites.” You can see it below and visit the “Opposites” lesson plan webpage where the written part of the lesson plan is already done and ready for use by anyone, in any educational environment, working with any age or educational level, to teach any and all subjects within and using this central theme of “Opposites” for creating a better world for us all.
Behind the scenes we also finished 70% of the lesson plan outline with the central theme of “Highest Good” and another 50% of the image research for the lesson plan with the central theme of “Recreation and Relaxation” – bringing us to 70% complete there. Also behind the scenes, we finished the first 30% of image research with the lesson plan with the central theme of “Creativity.”
One Community is creating a better world for us all through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This last week the core team finished three more complete breakout pages from the large-scale gardening page that helps in creating a better world for us all. These included the Turnips page, the Oca page, and the Mashua page. You can see all three pages below and you can click them to visit the individual pages for all the specifics including plant descriptions, planting guidelines, cultural considerations, and more. These new pages load faster and also give us the space we’ll need to add recipes, gardening tips, harvesting and canning tips, and videos. Contact us if you have any great resources related to any of these plant species and help us in creating a better world for us all.
One Community is creating a better world for us all through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team continued calculations for heat retention in the central Tropical Atrium recreation space that will house the Earthbag Village water storage and recycle the village used shower-water heat creating a better world for us all. The images here are projected heat transfer calculations through the walls at different projected times of year and at different temperatures.
Heat Transfer Calculations through the Tropical Atrium Wall at Different Temperatures – Click to Visit
This image is us working with a new software we hope will allow us to calculate the total thermal mass and manipulate all the variables of the center of this structure.
Behind the scenes we are 80% done with a big update for the crowdfunding campaign open source dome home electrical page that includes necessary additions and changes in response to the open source dome home plumbing content. We’ve finished another 20% of this also – bringing us to 90% done there.
In addition to this, we continued organizing all the parts for both of the custom murphy bed furniture. Here you can see the additions of the top and bottom components of the main murphy bed wall, along with a couple closeup renders as we keep disassembling it virtually, organizing all the parts by size, and making necessary adjustments to non-standard-wood-size components for creating a better world for us all.
One Community is creating a better world for us all through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space: Read More
Posted on November 7, 2014 by One Community
Replicable Highest Good creation has the potential to build a bridge between pragmatism and idealism and positively change the world for all of us. One Community is facilitating this process with open source approaches to all aspects of sustainable and Highest Good of All living:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the November 7th, 2014 edition (#88) of our weekly progress update detailing the previous week’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is facilitating replicable and Highest Good creation through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team finished the first 25% of the lesson plan mindmap with the central theme of “Opposites” for the replicable highest good creation Here it is:
We also finished the final 50% of the complete “Opposites” lesson plan webpage. You can see that below. This open source lesson page can be used immediately by anyone in any educational environment, working with any age or educational level, to teach any and all subjects within and using the context of “Opposites” facilitating replicable highest good creation.
Behind the scenes we also finished image research for the lesson plan with the central theme of “Movement” and the 20% we have completed of the lesson plan with the central theme of “Recreation” for replicable highest good creation.
One Community is facilitating replicable and Highest Good creation through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This last week the core team finished three more complete breakout pages from the large-scale gardening page. These included the Melons page, the Parsnips page, and the Parsley page. You can see all three pages below and you can click on the images to visit the complete pages for all the detailed plant descriptions, planting guidelines, cultural considerations, and more. These new pages load faster and also give us the space we’ll need to add recipes, gardening tips, harvesting and canning tips, and videos. Contact us if you have any great resources related to any of these plant species that helps in replicable highest good creation.
One Community is facilitating replicable and Highest Good creation through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team began working on the details for the central Tropical Atrium recreation space that will house the Earthbag Village water storage and recycle the village used shower-water heat. The four images you see below show the water reservoir and the beginning calculations and designs for how we’ll be insulating the below-ground aspects of the inside of this structure to turn the entire area into a giant thermal mass.
Behind the scenes we also finished another 40% of the crowdfunding campaign details for the open source dome home plumbing facilitating replicable highest good creation. We’re now 70% done there. We also set up the first 10% of the upcoming webpage you can see here:
In addition to this we continued organizing all the parts for both of the custom murphy bed furniture. Here you can see both end tables color coded and organized by size along with the bottom of the bed itself being organized the same way:
Last but not least, our newest consultant Scott Thomas and his Shadow Ridge Signature Architecture Program team began working on the Earthbag Village shower and toilet domes. Here are the initial bathroom concept images along with draft 1 of the initial communal shower design.
One Community is facilitating replicable and Highest Good creation through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This last week the core team finished the additional 25% of the lighting plan overview details for the Duplicable City Center lighting plan page facilitating replicable highest good creation. You can see those details here and click the image to visit the lighting plan page for additional pictures and other specifics. The goal of this lighting plan is to help us achieve LEED Platinum certification for this structure.
We also completed another 20% of the Control Systems page. You can see these new additions below, bringing us to 30% completion of this page that will share the control and monitoring systems setup, maintenance, evolution, and data gathering and sharing covering water and electricity use for the Duplicable City Center and the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) that helps in facilitating replicable highest good creation:
One Community is facilitating replicable and Highest Good creation through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team updated and featured our page that we feel is most specific to the idea of replicable Highest Good creation: our For The Highest Good of All page. Highest Good creation and thinking is our #1 value and this page discusses how we use this value in decision making and as a foundation for world change.
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible.
Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living.
The One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates. They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more. For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this.
We are creating everything One Community does as open source and free-shared blueprints because we see this as the path to a new Golden Age of creativity, innovation, cooperation, and collaboration for all of humanity. Our model is a solution model that creates additional solution creating models enabling people to live and collaborate globally for The Highest Good of All. The easier we make everything we do, the faster we see the world transitioning.
Every aspect of this model supports itself and contributes to its success, from the sustainable food, energy, and homes, to the social architecture, One Community Education Program, and open source sharing model itself. Each piece can be accessed, evolved, and even re-birthed as something completely new. It can be duplicated by itself or with other modules, with applications as diverse as the people who want and need them. The constantly expanding total model will additionally be able to be used in its entirety as the open source project-launch blueprint for a variety of duplicate teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities capable of being built virtually anywhere.
The most profound part is: the more we open source share, the more we help move everyone forward, the more people know about what we are doing and can participate, and the more successful and capable we are of project-launch blueprinting and sharing even more still. This is all supported and made possible because:
One Community sees the issues of the world as interdependent and interconnected. To address them simultaneously, we are open-source blueprinting a more advanced standard of living by designing holistic, environmentally-regenerative, self-sustaining, adaptable solutions for all areas of sustainability. We will model these within a comprehensive “village/city” which will be built in the southwestern U.S. This teacher/demonstration hub will be a place people can experience a new way of living and then replicate it with our open source blueprints: creating a model solution that creates additional solution-creating models.
Posted on November 4, 2014 by One Community
One Community is happy to welcome Scott Thomas and the Shadow Ridge Signature Architecture Program to the Design Team:
Scott Thomas – Instructor of Architectural Design Drafting and Author: Scott has been a secondary and postsecondary educator for over 22 years. He is the owner and principal building designer of Thomas Design Associates LLC and instructor of architectural design drafting for Shadow Ridge High School, Dysart Unified School District, in Surprise, Arizona. He is a member of the Goodheart-Wilcox Author Team and Co-author of Architecture: Residential Drafting and Design by Clois Kicklighter. Scott is a Master Certified Career and Technical Educator (MCCTE) with the Association for Skilled and Technical Sciences (ASTS), Director Emeritus for the American Design Drafting Association (ADDA), and has led three years of national champions in architectural drafting competitions at the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference. As a a One Community consultant, Scott is coordinating the design work of lead drafters Lizz Layman and Joshua Alger working on both the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) and the Duplicable City Center.
Shadow Ridge Signature Architecture Program
The Signature Architecture Program (SAP) at Shadow Ridge High School in Surprise, AZ is a four year Program of Architectural Study in Residential, Commercial, Structural Steel Detailing/Modeling, Civil, and GIS. SAP students can obtain college dual-credit through Glendale Community College (Maricopa Community College District) for 12 semester hours of college credit in Architectural Design Drafting. Numerous international corporations support the SAP as a member of the SAP International Corporate Business Partners (ICBP) such as Softplan Systems, Inc., Design Data Corp., Siemens Corp., ESRI Corp., Goodheart-Willcox Publisher, Inc., and Thomas Design Associates. The SAP is also the current 2014-2015 SkillsUSA National Champions (Gold Medal) in Architectural Design Drafting. The Shadow Ridge Architecture team led by Scott Thomas are collaborative partners with One Community working on the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) and the Duplicable City Center.
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Posted on October 31, 2014 by One Community
Humanity has the ability of creating the golden age of peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity. The clear path One Community sees to creating this Golden Age is through open source and replicable models for all aspect of sustainable and Highest Good living:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the October 31st, 2014 edition (#87) of our weekly progress update detailing the previous week’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is creating the Golden Age through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team finished the first 50% of the lesson plan webpage with the central theme of “Opposites.” You can see this first half of the lesson plan below for creating the golden age. When complete, this will be our 9th finished lesson plan built on these central themes that teach all subjects to all learning levels and ages. Visit our Lesson Plans for Life webpage for the other finished pages:
We also added these disclaimers to all our existing lesson plan pages to help people understand how adaptable the lesson plans are to any environment and/or learning and design preference by either students or teachers which helps in creating the golden age.
Creating the Golden Age – Lesson Plan Disclaimers Added to All Lesson Plans
One Community is creating the Golden Age through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This last week the core team finished three more complete breakout pages from the large-scale gardening page essential for creating the golden age. These included the Potatoes page, the Squash page, and the Peppers page. You can see all three pages here and you can click the individual images to visit the complete pages for all the detailed plant descriptions, planting guidelines, cultural considerations, and more. These new pages load faster and also give us the space we’ll need to add recipes, gardening tips, harvesting and canning tips, and videos. Contact us if you have any great resources related to any of these plant species.
One Community is creating the Golden Age through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team finished our new crowdfunding campaign header that really clearly depicts what it is we’re creating and why we are creating the golden age. This header will be at the top of each of the 15 open source tutorial pages.
In addition to this, we updated our crowdfunding campaign overview page with expandable pictures of what we’re intending for each of the three domes:
Behind the scenes we finished another 15% of the dome home DIY plumbing instructional, bringing us to 30% complete there.
Also, Scott Howard (Sustainable Building Expert and owner of Earthen Hand Natural Building) finished feedback and final edits to the natural plaster section of the open source plaster page and our team integrated those and shared that page for the first time. Here is a picture of the section Scott contributed to that page:
One Community is creating the Golden Age through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This last week the core team added the first 75% of the lighting plan overview details to the Duplicable City Center lighting plan page which is essential in creating the golden age. You can see those details here and visit the lighting page for additional pictures and other specifics related to our lighting plan purposed to contribute to LEED Platinum certification for this structure:
Lighting Plan Overview Details Added to the Duplicable City Center Lighting Plan Page – Click to Visit
We also set up the first 10% of the Control Systems page that will share complete control and monitoring systems setup, maintenance, evolution, and data gathering and sharing covering water and electricity use for the Duplicable City Center and the Earthbag Village (Pod 1).
One Community is creating the Golden Age through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team completed our 3rd rewrite and extensive content update of the Fulfilled Living page that describes why we consider a fulfilled living model as absolutely essential to our global transformation model capable of creating a global Golden Age though building self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities. Here is a screenshot of the updated page:
Behind the scenes we’ve also been in communication with several colleges interested in adding our project to the options available to their graduate students. Here are examples of the work we’ve done to assist with this by creating detailed outlines of how students can help us in creating the golden age. We’ve got one more of these to finish before we start really focusing on this source of help.
Creating the Golden Age – Project-Needs Descriptions for Colleges Interested in Helping
Last but not least, we added GoodShop options for helping raise money for One Community to our Internet Help Page and Ways Anyone Can Help Page and contribute towards creating the golden age. What you see here is the internet help page that also shares other ways people can help One Community with a time investment of anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes.
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible.
Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living.
The One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates. They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more. For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this.
We are creating everything One Community does as open source and free-shared blueprints because we see this as the path to a new Golden Age of creativity, innovation, cooperation, and collaboration for all of humanity. Our model is a solution model that creates additional solution creating models enabling people to live and collaborate globally for The Highest Good of All. The easier we make everything we do, the faster we see the world transitioning.
Every aspect of this model supports itself and contributes to its success, from the sustainable food, energy, and homes, to the social architecture, One Community Education Program, and open source sharing model itself. Each piece can be accessed, evolved, and even re-birthed as something completely new. It can be duplicated by itself or with other modules, with applications as diverse as the people who want and need them. The constantly expanding total model will additionally be able to be used in its entirety as the open source project-launch blueprint for a variety of duplicate teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities capable of being built virtually anywhere.
The most profound part is: the more we open source share, the more we help move everyone forward, the more people know about what we are doing and can participate, and the more successful and capable we are of project-launch blueprinting and sharing even more still. This is all supported and made possible because:
One Community sees the issues of the world as interdependent and interconnected. To address them simultaneously, we are open-source blueprinting a more advanced standard of living by designing holistic, environmentally-regenerative, self-sustaining, adaptable solutions for all areas of sustainability. We will model these within a comprehensive “village/city” which will be built in the southwestern U.S. This teacher/demonstration hub will be a place people can experience a new way of living and then replicate it with our open source blueprints: creating a model solution that creates additional solution-creating models.
Posted on October 24, 2014 by One Community
One Community is ecologically addressing humanity’s foundations through self-sufficient and self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities purposed to teach and share For The Highest Good of All approaches to all aspects of living:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward the ecologically addressing humanity’s foundations movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the October 24th, 2014 edition (#86) of our weekly progress update detailing the previous week’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is ecologically addressing humanity’s foundations through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team finished the final 50% of the Love Lesson Plan mindmap that you can see here. This completes the Love Lesson Plan webpage and lesson that teaches all subjects to all ages in the context of the central theme of “Love”.
Behind the scenes we also finished the first half of image research for the Opposites Lesson Plan.
One Community is ecologically addressing humanity’s foundations through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This last week the core team finished three more complete breakout pages from the large-scale gardening page. These included the Peas page, the Tomatoes page, and the Radishes page. Click below to visit the complete pages for all the detailed plant descriptions, planting guidelines, cultural considerations, and more. These new pages load faster and also give us the space we’ll need to add recipes, gardening tips, harvesting and canning tips, and videos. Contact us if you have any great resources related to any of these plant species.
One Community is ecologically addressing humanity’s foundations through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team finished this real-to-life 3-dome cluster layout and landscaping render for the domes we’ll be building as part of the crowdfunding campaign. This is the first render showing the landscaping and placement of the 150 square foot dome between the two 200 square foot domes.
Related to this, we also finished the final formatting and additional details for the last 10% of the earthbag construction dome home energy infrastructure DIY instructional webpage! You can see that here and you can visit the link to this newly completed page for complete details and links to the crowdfunding campaign page with descriptions of all the other components we’ll be open sourcing too.
We also started putting together the lumber and parts purchasing details for the first custom dome-home furniture design. You can see this here where we are sorting like pieces with like pieces to identify the most efficient lumber and parts purchasing plan. Details on this furniture are on the open source custom furniture page where you can see the other designs by Philip Gill that will also be for the complete earthbag village domes.
In addition to this, we added the Highest Good energy rollout and phasing-in discussion details for off-grid sustaining of 400+ people in off-grid eco-villages.
And we updated the two pairto images and details with additional energy efficiency changes we made that have made it possible for us to cut our energy costs by 30%! This is the updated chart showing how much specific components of One Community will contribute to peak wattage needs:
Emergency Power PEAK Wattage Needs Assessment
This is the updated chart that shows how much specific components of One Community will contribute to total energy needs:
Emergency Power TOTAL Wattage Needs Assessment
The point of these two charts is to show that components like the heat pump and boiler draw the most power from the perspective of total daily needs because they are running consistently. Individual heaters and water heaters are the top two contributors to peak wattage (energy spikes) though because they draw a lot of power at one time. The general trend is still that those items high on one chart are also high on the other chart, but the details will vary and this can be extremely helpful to understand and consider in emergency power situations.
Dave Walen (Architectural Drafter & Designer and owner of Dave Philip Walen Design) also made significant progress on the next generation of the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2) designs. What you see here is his video of this progress:
Here is an updated CAD cross-section also:
Ecologically Addressing Humanity’s Foundations – Straw Bale Village CAD Cross-Section – Click to Visit
One Community is ecologically addressing humanity’s foundations through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This last week the core team added the cost analysis details to the property-wide hydronic setup details page. You can see that here:
We also added a comprehensive FAQ section to the hydronic setup page:
Ecologically Addressing Humanity’s Foundations – FAQ Section of Hydronic Setup Page – Click to Visit
Behind the scenes we finished calculating the specifics for our lighting needs so we can meet LEED Platinum requirements and laid out the first version of the complete lighting plan.
One Community is ecologically addressing humanity’s foundations through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team joined Goodshop and Goodsearch. Now people can help us raise money just by surfing the web or shopping at your favorite stores when you signup and click through Goodshop. You will see they are now added to our donations page where clicking the link gives a person access to the 5000+ stores working with Goodshop, Goodshop discounts and coupons, and learning how Goodshop has raised over 11 million dollars for non-profits around the world.
In addition to joining Goodshop and search, we also featured Goodshop as an Ethosolution. You can visit the Goodshop Ethosolution page to learn the history of the program, other ways they are raising money for non-profits, and more. On top of all this, we’ve also partnered with Goodshop and now list them on our Highest Good Collaborator’s page.
Here they are added to our donations page:
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together by ecologically addressing humanity’s foundations. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible.
Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living.
The One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years by ecologically addressing humanity’s foundations. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates. They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more. For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this.
One Community’s four-phase strategy for the creation of solution models that create solution creating models uses open source blueprints for duplication that simultaneously address all aspects of the human experience (food, energy, housing, education, social inequality and injustice, fulfilled living, etc.). We see these areas as interdependent and requiring a comprehensive solution if humanity is to move ecologically, socially, economically, and permanently towards a truly sustainable future for everyone.
Our open source model and blueprints engage and inspire people while simultaneously making sustainable living more affordable and easy to replicate. By free-sharing the step-by-step plans people need for duplication, inviting people to participate, and demonstrating sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs as a more desirable way of living, the model will predictably expand on its own.
It is this approach we see uniting the world and leading to a new Golden Age for humanity. While we understand that not everyone believes this is even possible, we are nonetheless bringing together all those that do see this as possible as the non-profit think tank of forward-thinking individuals willing to design, build, and open source project-launch blueprint and free-share it for The Highest Good of All.
We are creating everything One Community does as open source and free-shared blueprints because we see this as the path to a new Golden Age of creativity, innovation, cooperation, and collaboration for all of humanity. Our model is a solution model that creates additional solution creating models enabling people to live and collaborate globally for The Highest Good of All. The easier we make everything we do, the faster we see the world transitioning.
Every aspect of this model supports itself and contributes to its success, from the sustainable food, energy, and homes, to the social architecture, One Community Education Program, and open source sharing model itself. Each piece can be accessed, evolved, and even re-birthed as something completely new. It can be duplicated by itself or with other modules, with applications as diverse as the people who want and need them. The constantly expanding total model will additionally be able to be used in its entirety as the open source project-launch blueprint for a variety of duplicate teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities capable of being built virtually anywhere.
The most profound part is: the more we open source share, the more we help move everyone forward, the more people know about what we are doing and can participate, and the more successful and capable we are of project-launch blueprinting and sharing even more still. This is all supported and made possible because:
One Community sees the issues of the world as interdependent and interconnected for ecologically addressing humanity’s foundations. To address them simultaneously, we are open-source blueprinting a more advanced standard of living by designing holistic, environmentally-regenerative, self-sustaining, adaptable solutions for all areas of sustainability. We will model these within a comprehensive “village/city” which will be built in the southwestern U.S. This teacher/demonstration hub will be a place people can experience a new way of living and then replicate it with our open source blueprints: creating a model solution that creates additional solution-creating models.
Posted on October 17, 2014 by One Community
One Community is upgrading the human story through open source and free-shared sustainability elements that can be combined to build self-sufficient and self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities purposed to create even more open source and free-shared sustainability elements:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the October 17th, 2014 edition (#85) of our weekly progress update detailing the previous week’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is upgrading the human story through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team finished another 25% of the Love Lesson Plan mindmap that you can see here:
We also finished the rest of the Love Lesson Plan webpage. Even without the mindmap completed, anyone can now use this lesson plan page to teach all learning levels, pre-K through college, any subject, and all within the context of the central theme of Love! If you look at this and have suggestions for making it even better, contact us through the links on the page.
We also researched and added another 20 resources to the free online education resources page. This page, as you can see here, is now to our knowledge the most comprehensive list of free online resources in the world. With the free resources on this page a person of any age can learn virtually anything they want from math and science to how to fix things, write computer programs, and more.
Behind the scenes we also finished the first 50% of the Movement Lesson Plan.
One Community is upgrading the human story through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This last week the core team completed two more breakout pages from the large-scale gardening page. These included the Alliums page and all its details you see here plus the Lettuce page. Both with detailed descriptions, planting guidelines, cultural considerations, and this new format that loads faster and gives us the space we’ll need to add recipes, gardening tips, harvesting and canning tips, videos and more. Contact us if you have any great resources related to either of these plant species.
One Community is upgrading the human story through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team finished final formatting and additional details for another 15% of the earthbag construction dome home energy infrastructure instructional webpage component of the upcoming crowdfunding campaign. This brings us to 90% complete there. The images you see repeating are for the instructional videos we’ll be adding as part of the crowdfunding campaign to complete this as the most detailed and comprehensive dome-home electrical instructional available. Here’s the new content:
We also finished two layout designs for the 150 square-foot dome. You can see these two different layouts here. These layouts and the 150 square-foot dome design are purposed to maximize space use and affordability while providing a structure that would fall below the 150 square-foot permitting cutoff in many counties.
In addition to this, we added the energy rollout and phasing-in details for 100-400 people creating off-grid village energy infrastructure. You can see see this here and the rest of the phase-in details for 10-20 people and 20-50 people and 50-100 people are on the open source hub.
Upgrading the Human Story – Energy Rollout and Phasing-in Details for 100-400 People – Click to Visit
We also updated the open source custom furniture page with the now completed Murphy bed BED parts images that you can see here. This brings us to 100% complete with all the parts overview images and plans for this custom furniture design by Philip Gill for the complete earthbag village domes. We are now working on creating the parts and lumber purchasing list.
Murphy Bed BED Parts Images – Click Any Image for Furniture Page | ||
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One Community is upgrading the human story through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This last week the core team completed the final 50% of the property-wide hydronic setup details page that you can see here. This covers all the details of setting up remote hot water heating systems for portable showers and the initial building teams for teacher/demonstration hubs with a short discussion of how the components will later be integrated into the Duplicable City Center and other permanent structures.
One Community is upgrading the human story through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team updated and featured the Foundations of Fulfillment page that you see here. This page discusses the foundational emotional needs that drive human happiness and how the teacher/demonstration community, village, and city model is purposed to specifically meet all of these needs.
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible.
Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living.
The One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates. They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more. For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this.
One Community’s four-phase strategy for the creation of solution models that create solution creating models uses open source blueprints for duplication that simultaneously address all aspects of the human experience (food, energy, housing, education, social inequality and injustice, fulfilled living, etc.). We see these areas as interdependent and requiring a comprehensive solution if humanity is to move ecologically, socially, economically, and permanently towards a truly sustainable future for everyone.
Our open source model and blueprints engage and inspire people while simultaneously making sustainable living more affordable and easy to replicate. By free-sharing the step-by-step plans people need for duplication, inviting people to participate, and demonstrating sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs as a more desirable way of living, the model will predictably expand on its own.
It is this approach we see uniting the world and leading to a new Golden Age for humanity. While we understand that not everyone believes this is even possible, we are nonetheless bringing together all those that do see this as possible as the non-profit think tank of forward-thinking individuals willing to design, build, and open source project-launch blueprint and free-share it for The Highest Good of All.
We are creating everything One Community does as open source and free-shared blueprints because we see this as the path to a new Golden Age of creativity, innovation, cooperation, and collaboration for all of humanity. Our model is a solution model that creates additional solution creating models enabling people to live and collaborate globally for The Highest Good of All. The easier we make everything we do, the faster we see the world transitioning.
Every aspect of this model supports itself and contributes to its success, from the sustainable food, energy, and homes, to the social architecture, One Community Education Program, and open source sharing model itself. Each piece can be accessed, evolved, and even re-birthed as something completely new. It can be duplicated by itself or with other modules, with applications as diverse as the people who want and need them. The constantly expanding total model will additionally be able to be used in its entirety as the open source project-launch blueprint for a variety of duplicate teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities capable of being built virtually anywhere.
The most profound part is: the more we open source share, the more we help move everyone forward, the more people know about what we are doing and can participate, and the more successful and capable we are of project-launch blueprinting and sharing even more still. This is all supported and made possible because:
One Community sees the issues of the world as interdependent and interconnected. To address them simultaneously, we are open-source blueprinting a more advanced standard of living by designing holistic, environmentally-regenerative, self-sustaining, adaptable solutions for all areas of sustainability. We will model these within a comprehensive “village/city” which will be built in the southwestern U.S. This teacher/demonstration hub will be a place people can experience a new way of living and then replicate it with our open source blueprints: creating a model solution that creates additional solution-creating models.
Posted on October 3, 2014 by One Community
One Community is building an open source foundation for revolutionizing the sustainability industry through self-sufficient and self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities living and creating for The Highest Good of All:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the October 10th, 2014 edition (#84) of our weekly progress update detailing the previous week’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is building the foundations for revolutionizing the sustainability industry through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team finished the final 50% of the Love Lesson Plan behind the scenes, then we finished the first 25% of the related mind map, and we got the first 50% of the webpage created. You can see all of this work here:
Revolutionizing the Sustainability Industry – Love Mindmap and Lesson Plan in Progress – Click to Visit
We also finished the final 50% of the Signs Lesson Plan webpage teaching all subjects to all ages using the central theme of Signs and Symbols. This page is open source and usable right now in any educational environment. Here’s the new additions:
Revolutionizing the Sustainability IndustrySigns and Symbols Lesson Plan (Final 50%) – Click for Page
Behind the scenes we also finished another 20% of the lesson plan design with the central theme of “Recreation” bringing us to 70% done there.
One Community is building the foundations for revolutionizing the sustainability industry through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This last week the core team finished three more complete breakout pages from the large-scale gardening page. These included the Corn page, the Cucumber page, and the Eggplant page. All with detailed descriptions, planting guidelines, cultural considerations, and this new format that loads faster and gives us the space we’ll need to add recipes, gardening tips, harvesting and canning tips, videos and more. Contact us if you have any great resources related to either of these plant species. Here are snapshots of the three pages:
One Community is building the foundations for revolutionizing the sustainability industry through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team finished final formatting and additional details for another 25% of the earthbag construction dome home energy infrastructure instructional webpage component of the upcoming crowdfunding campaign. This brings us to 75% complete here and, when we’re complete, this will be the most detailed and comprehensive dome-home electrical instructional available.
Behind the scenes we’re also now done with 15% of the plumbing instructional that will be equally as detailed.
In addition to this, we added the energy rollout and phasing-in details for 50-100 people creating off-grid village energy infrastructure. You can see see this here and the rest of the phase-in details for 10-20 people and 20-50 people are on the complete page:
We also completed an assessment of all components in the sustainable village models and their individual peak wattage contributions that you can see here:
We combined this with this new assessment of the total energy contributions. All of this was to assist with our strategy in the event of a power emergency. If you want to read about it, complete explanations are in the new FAQ section of the Highest Good Energy page that can be reached directly by clicking on either image:
Dave Walen (Architectural Drafter & Designer and owner of Dave Philip Walen Design) also began a redesign of the Straw Bale Village (Pod 2) to eliminate the rounded walls to make this village model significantly easier and more affordable to build. Here is this redesign:
Revolutionizing the Sustainability Industry – Straw Bale Village (Pod 2) Design Update in Progress
One Community is building the foundations for revolutionizing the sustainability industry through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This last week the core team completed the final Duplicable City Center 3-D video renders for revolutionizing the sustainability industry and wrapped up the video with last week’s still renders. Here is the complete video showing this structure in 3-D from start to finish:
We also finished the first 50% of the property-wide hydronic setup details page that you can see here. This covers setting up the hot water heating systems for portable showers and the initial building teams with a short discussion of how the components will later be integrated into the Duplicable City Center and other permanent structures.
Revolutionizing the Sustainability Industry – Hydronic Setup Details Page in Progress – Click to Visit
One Community is building the foundations for revolutionizing the sustainability industry through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team updated and featured our World Change Strategy Overview page that is the simplest overview of what it is we are creating and why. It outlines our 4-phase strategy that we are implementing and how we see this as a path to a new era of cooperation, collaboration, innovation, creativity, sustainability, and increased peace and happiness for all of humanity. Here is a screenshot of part of the page, click it for the complete page:
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible.
Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living.
The One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates. They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more. For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this.
One Community’s four-phase strategy for the creation of solution models that create solution creating models uses open source blueprints for duplication that simultaneously address all aspects of the human experience (food, energy, housing, education, social inequality and injustice, fulfilled living, etc.). We see these areas as interdependent and requiring a comprehensive solution if humanity is to move ecologically, socially, economically, and permanently towards a truly sustainable future for everyone.
Our open source model and blueprints engage and inspire people while simultaneously making sustainable living more affordable and easy to replicate. By free-sharing the step-by-step plans people need for duplication, inviting people to participate, and demonstrating sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs as a more desirable way of living, the model will predictably expand on its own.
It is this approach we see uniting the world and leading to a new Golden Age for humanity. While we understand that not everyone believes this is even possible, we are nonetheless bringing together all those that do see this as possible as the non-profit think tank of forward-thinking individuals willing to design, build, and open source project-launch blueprint and free-share it for The Highest Good of All.
We are creating everything One Community does as open source and free-shared blueprints because we see this as the path to a new Golden Age of creativity, innovation, cooperation, and collaboration for all of humanity. Our model is a solution model that creates additional solution creating models enabling people to live and collaborate globally for The Highest Good of All. The easier we make everything we do, the faster we see the world transitioning.
Every aspect of this model supports itself and contributes to its success, from the sustainable food, energy, and homes, to the social architecture, One Community Education Program, and open source sharing model itself. Each piece can be accessed, evolved, and even re-birthed as something completely new. It can be duplicated by itself or with other modules, with applications as diverse as the people who want and need them. The constantly expanding total model will additionally be able to be used in its entirety as the open source project-launch blueprint for a variety of duplicate teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities capable of being built virtually anywhere.
The most profound part is: the more we open source share, the more we help move everyone forward, the more people know about what we are doing and can participate, and the more successful and capable we are of project-launch blueprinting and sharing even more still. This is all supported and made possible because:
One Community sees the issues of the world as interdependent and interconnected. To address them simultaneously, we are open-source blueprinting a more advanced standard of living by designing holistic, environmentally-regenerative, self-sustaining, adaptable solutions for all areas of sustainability. We will model these within a comprehensive “village/city” which will be built in the southwestern U.S. This teacher/demonstration hub will be a place people can experience a new way of living and then replicate it with our open source blueprints: creating a model solution that creates additional solution-creating models.
Posted on October 3, 2014 by One Community
One Community is creating a model for self-replicating community-based sustainable infrastructure that is open source and for The Highest Good of All:
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the October 3rd, 2014 edition (#83) of our weekly progress update detailing the previous week’s development and accomplishments:
Here is the bullet-point list of this last week’s design and progress discussed in detail in the video above:
One Community is facilitating complete global regeneration through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students:
This last week the core team finished the final 25% of the Signs Lesson Plan mindmap and the first 50% of the complete lesson plan webpage. This page is designed to teach all subjects to any age using the central theme of “Signs and Symbology.” It is also purpose for indefinite expansion and evolution as part of the global collaborative. If you read this page and have ideas to add, use the “Suggestions” link on the page to send them to us and help us make it better.
Behind the scenes we also finished another 50% of lesson plan design with the central theme of “Love,” bringing us to 80% complete there.
One Community is facilitating complete global regeneration through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This last week the core team finished two more complete breakout pages from the large-scale gardening page. These included this beets page with all the featured beets and details you see below plus this celery page below. This new format is designed to load faster and give us the space to add recipes, gardening tips, harvesting and canning tips, videos and more. Contact us if you have any great resources related to either of these plant species.
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Community-based Sustainable Infrastructure – New Beet and Celery Breakout Pages – Click Images to Visit |
One Community is facilitating complete global regeneration through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This last week the core team finished all the images and descriptions you can see here for the open source earthbag construction dome home energy infrastructure instructional webpage component of the upcoming crowdfunding campaign. When we’re complete, this will be the most detailed and comprehensive dome-home electrical instructional available. Click the image below to see how the page is developing:
Behind the scenes we’ve also begun the plumbing instructional that will be equally as detailed.
In addition to this, we added the energy rollout and phasing-in details through the “First Wave” village construction team of 20-50 people. We added these to the “Landing Party” details we forgot to share last week. You can see both of these here, detailing how to set up initial power, and then begin large-scale infrastructure implementation for a Highest Good and Global Stewardship self-replicating teacher/demonstration hub.
We also added a huge Frequently Answered Questions section to the Highest Good Energy page. Here it is:
Lastly, we also finished the final 30% of the Murphy bed wall, changing area, and storage component images that you can see here. This brings us to 100% complete with these parts overview images and plans for this custom furniture design by Philip Gill (Interior and Furniture Designer and Owner of Philip Gill Design) for the complete earthbag village domes:
One Community is facilitating complete global regeneration through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This last week the core team finished walking-path and landscaping details so we could create these 9 Duplicable City Center renders showing this structure and all its completed details. The inside of this structure is as detailed in 3-D as the outside and you can visit the open source hub for a complete video-build progression and walkthrough.
Community-based Sustainable Infrastructure – Duplicable City Center from All Angles – Click for Page
Behind the scenes, we also finished the first 20% of the property-wide hydronic setup details page that we’ll share next week.
One Community is facilitating complete global regeneration through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This last week the core team updated and featured our Highest Good Economics page that you can see here detailing our strategies for combining a resource based economy with for-profit, non-profit, and entrepreneurial models:
One Community is creating a place to grow together and change the world together. We are creating a space that helps each other live in integrity with each other and the planet as we strive to be the greatest versions of ourselves. We do this by harmoniously respecting each other, nature, and the rest of our one shared planet.
Our goal is to demonstrate what we feel is the most sustainable, healthy, and fun environment we can create. A place based on compassion, kindness, and collaboration. This replicable community will serve as an example for what is possible.
Throughout our design process we are open sourcing and free-sharing everything needed for construction and replication. This includes what we call “Highest Good” approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. We are creating these resources for implementation as individual components or complete developments called teacher/demonstration hubs. These hubs will help launch additional hubs as awareness and knowledge grow.
One Community will be the first teacher/demonstration hub. It will function as an experiential-learning model that facilitates mass participation to address humanity’s most pressing challenges through: A replicable model for expansion, building seven self-sufficient village/city prototypes, becoming the world leader in open-source sustainability solutions, and evolving and expanding ALL aspects of sustainable living.
The One Community self-replicating model is capable of creating a sustainable planet within 30 years. We will achieve this by establishing successful teacher/demonstration hubs on every continent. Villages include designs appropriate for each of the five main types of climates. They also include options for even the most challenged economies. These hubs will collaborate with one another, share ideas, resources, and work together as a network to heal the planet. They will also transform the global lifestyle to a more enjoyable, fulfilling, healthy, and sustainable one.
The specifics of how One Community is accomplishing this can be found on the One Community Solution Model to Create Solution-creating Models Page. Research supporting and showing the benefits of a model like this can be found on our Research and Resources Articles Archive.
Even if we don’t achieve our ultimate goal of global transformation, a self-replicating teacher/demonstration model like this will take a relatively short period of time to positively affect millions while inspiring millions more. For One Community residents (the Pioneer Team), the idea of creating and sharing the social and recreational experience with visitors is also fun, exciting, fulfilling, and an additional reason why we are creating this.
One Community’s four-phase strategy for the creation of solution models that create solution creating models uses open source blueprints for duplication that simultaneously address all aspects of the human experience (food, energy, housing, education, social inequality and injustice, fulfilled living, etc.). We see Community-based Sustainable Infrastructure in these areas as interdependent and requiring a comprehensive solution if humanity is to move ecologically, socially, economically, and permanently towards a truly sustainable future for everyone.
Our open source model and blueprints engage and inspire people while simultaneously making sustainable living more affordable and easy to replicate. By free-sharing the step-by-step plans people need for duplication, inviting people to participate, and demonstrating sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs as a more desirable way of living, the model will predictably expand on its own.
It is this approach we see uniting the world and leading to a new Golden Age for humanity. While we understand that not everyone believes this is even possible, we are nonetheless bringing together all those that do see this as possible as the non-profit think tank of forward-thinking individuals willing to design, build, and open source project-launch blueprint and free-share it for The Highest Good of All.
One Community is building solution-creating models designed to create additional solution-creating models to specifically facilitate exponential and sustainable global teacher/demonstration village growth. The following four phases of the strategy we are applying are designed to support each other and accelerate the process globally:
Phase I: Community-based Sustainable Infrastructure – Demonstrating a Better Way
We are designing One Community to demonstrate an experience of living that we believe most people will consider to be better because it will be more enjoyable and fulfilling. We also think most people will consider it better because it is made possible specifically through a foundation of sustainable sustainability and a philosophy that is for The Highest Good of All.
Phase II: Community-based Sustainable Infrastructure – Open Source Project-Launch Blueprinting
Everything we do we are open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing to make it as easy and affordable as possible to duplicate, adapt, and evolve in the manner that suits each individual and/or group’s needs. Free-sharing information like this is our aggressive-exposure engine and an aspect of One Community that will accelerate indefinitely as we continue to build our team, move onto the property, and continuously build and evolve everything that is One Community.
Phase III: Community-based Sustainable Infrastructure – Inviting the World to Participate
Everything we are open source project-launch blueprinting is designed to invite the world to participate by duplicating it as either individual components or complete teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that will be able to be built almost anywhere in the world. Additionally, people can join One Community as members, consultants and/or partners, or use the suggestions links on our open source project-launch blueprinting hubs to help with the design, implementation, and evolution process. Scholarships, weekend learning and work crews, and tourism will be foundations of One Community once we have sufficient infrastructure in place to support these options.
Phase IV: Community-based Sustainable Infrastructure – Universal Appeal and Global Expansion
As One Community continues evolving and establishing ourselves, everything we create and promote will serve as the engine to inspire people to align with the concept of open source and sustainable living for The Highest Good of All. We are doing this to create mainstream appeal and our path to achieving this appeal is demonstrating a happier, more affordable, and ecologically friendly model of living that can be built anywhere in the world.
Open source project-launch blueprinting it all is how we believe the model will spread and, possibly most importantly, that it will predictably spread even faster in the areas where it is needed most because building restrictions, the cost of land, and materials costs are in most cases lower in these areas.
We are creating everything One Community does as open source and free-shared blueprints because we see this as the path to a new Golden Age of creativity, innovation, cooperation, and collaboration for all of humanity. Our model is a solution model that creates additional solution creating models enabling people to live and collaborate globally for The Highest Good of All. The easier we make everything we do, the faster we see the world transitioning.
Every aspect of this model supports itself and contributes to its success, from the sustainable food, energy, and homes, to the social architecture, One Community Education Program, and open source sharing model itself. Each piece can be accessed, evolved, and even re-birthed as something completely new. It can be duplicated by itself or with other modules, with applications as diverse as the people who want and need them. The constantly expanding total model will additionally be able to be used in its entirety as the open source project-launch blueprint for a variety of duplicate teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities capable of being built virtually anywhere.
The most profound part is: the more we open source share, the more we help move everyone forward, the more people know about what we are doing and can participate, and the more successful and capable we are of project-launch blueprinting and sharing even more still. This is all supported and made possible because:
One Community sees the issues of the world as interdependent and interconnected. To address them simultaneously, we are open-source blueprinting a more advanced standard of living by designing holistic, environmentally-regenerative, self-sustaining, adaptable solutions for all areas of sustainability. We will model these within a comprehensive “village/city” which will be built in the southwestern U.S. This teacher/demonstration hub will be a place people can experience a new way of living and replicate the purpose of community-based sustainable infrastructure within our open source blueprints: creating a model solution that creates additional solution-creating models.
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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