As part of the the open source Earthbag Village (Pod 1), we will build and open source project-launch blueprint a rainwater recycling bathroom structure. We call this a “net-zero bathroom” because the water used for this bathroom will be supplied entirely by rainwater collection and sustainable energy infrastructure will make the energy 100% renewable too. This combined with the aEarthbag construction materials makes the entire structure what we call a “net-zero” construction.
This page discusses the water recycling net-zero bathroom with the following sections:
The Rainwater-Recycling Net-zero Design (top-left in the image below) will be built twice in the South half of the village. It incorporates 100% water self-sufficiency through collection and use of rainwater for flushing and hand washing with traditional septic for county compliance. It will be combined with the Vermiculture Bathroom designs (right in the image below) and the Communal Eco-shower designs (bottom-left of the image below) to sustainably meet the complete bathroom needs for the entire Earthbag Village (Pod 1).
We see the water recycling net-zero bathroom as a realistic and beneficial option for eco-communities, campgrounds, developing countries/areas, and anywhere water resources are scarce and/or people are interested in sustainability. Open sourcing these designs as part of the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) is meant to demonstrate what is possible and provide everything needed for objective evaluation and replication.
Net-zero Bathroom Features Overview Image
Alena Thompson: Mechanical Engineer
Beatriz Rocha: Mechanical Engineering Student
Charles Gooley:Web Designer
Diogo Rozada: Civil Engineering Student
Diwei Zhang: Mechanical Engineer
Jorge Antonio Ricardo: Mechanical Engineering Student
Jose Luis Flores: Mechanical Engineer
Julia Meaney: Web and Content Reviewer and Editor
Loza Ayehutsega: Civil Engineer/Assistant Civil Engineer
Matheus Manfredini: Civil Engineering Student specializing in Urban Design
Samuel Soroaster: Permaculturalist, Sustainable Builder, PhD, and founder of Green New World
Zhide Wang: Mechanical Engineer
The Net-zero Bathroom will be a do-it-yourself replicable structure that demonstrates zero water use beyond what can be collected and stored from rain. It will also integrate a traditional septic and traditional water source to meet county requirements and guarantee function in situations of extreme drought. This will allow others with similar local-level restrictions to duplicate this traditional and eco-option so we can all work together and further validate its effectiveness.
We discuss the design and implementation of this structure with the following sections
The Net-zero Bathroom was designed using the following requirements:
In addition to the above requirements, the following desires were included in the design process:
The finished Net-zero Bathroom designs include the following features:
These Net-zero Bathroom designs are purposed to function effectively in areas of very little rainfall: <1.5″ average rainfall/month. Monthly water needs for 40 people were calculated to be 1274 gallons/month. Structure storage using twenty-two 55-gallon drums was designed to hold an equivalent amount of water: 22 x 55 = 1,210 gallons. Click this link for the open source spreadsheet containing all the calculations and the related data.
Here are the local monthly-rainfall averages we used:
We wanted a design though that would be adaptable to areas of heavier rain and areas with even less rain than ours. To achieve this, we designed the structure with a separate capture area/option and additional external storage. This allows for others to increase, decrease, or eliminate the additional capture area and size the additional storage to meet their specific needs. It also provides the added benefit of much easier roof design. If the roof of this structure by itself were sized to provide sufficient catchment for our needs, it would need to be 243% bigger (see spreadsheet cell B71) to meet these needs on an average month. Larger for low-rainfall months.
For our additional catchment area, we combined the capture from the roof of the structure, half of the nearby Tropical Atrium, and capture from the roof of the adjacent Communal Eco-shower structure. With the above-mentioned monthly rainfall statistics, the following average collection rates were calculated using these equations:
Rainfall per month (in) x Capture area (in2) = Volume of H2O (in3)
231 in3 = 1 US gallon
This achieved an average monthly collection total of 1,592 gallons with surplus water going to storage. Here is a chart showing the integration of rainfall for our area and the resulting collection from the additional Tropical Atrium and Communal Eco-shower roofs using the above formulas (spreadsheet):
The next graphic shows use in comparison to collection sources and the net surplus this generates. Storing the surplus is important because there is one month (June – see cells 48C and 48D) where even the combined capture areas won’t provide sufficient water. All other months provide a surplus if average rainfall patterns are maintained. The potential for drought requires the additional capture area and storage, too.
Note that the blue line shows how many gallons we would collect with only the roof. This would not provide sufficient collection from rainfall in our area but it would be sufficient in an area with an average rainfall greater than 3″ per month.
Here’s how that is calculated:
Of course, rainfall like this means that the local water table would probably be sufficient such that these types of radical water-saving designs would not be necessary. Still, it is worth noting.
Water storage both inside and outside are needed for a design like this to manage periods/months of low-average rainfall or drought. Larger catchment and storage areas can also be designed so that additional water can be used for other purposes too. The main challenges with water storage are space requirements and the difficulty of do-it-yourself designs properly sealed and capable of withstanding the pressure of large volumes of water.
In our case, large-scale greywater and rainwater processing and storage were already a part of the larger/complete Earthbag Village design. So this easily solved the issue of external water storage for us. We still needed to explore the options though for internal water storage and external options best to support the Net-zero Bathroom as a more diversely applicable open source and stand-alone design.
Four different options were explored:
The above-ground well option is essentially an uncovered pond built using earth bags.
The underground well option would consist of any underground storage container. The method shown right uses a milk crate-like filling system to prevent well walls from caving inward.
Large barrels offer many of the same benefits of an underground well with the additional benefits of above-ground placement options.
The small barrel option consists of 55-gallon barrels connected together to meet needs.
Small barrels were chosen for internal storage with a tie in to the large-scale greywater and rainwater processing and storage of the Earthbag Village for the external water storage. The primary reasons for choosing the small barrels for the rainwater storage within the structure were:
Facilities design covers the selection of the bathroom faucets, toilets, and urinals. Our goals for bathroom fixture selection were:
Below are the results of our research process. Our chosen selections are discussed at the bottom and the calculations above already reflect these choices.
Standard Faucet
SLOAN OPTIMA: EAF-350 (preferred)
Standard Toilet
Niagara Nano “Stealth Dual Flush” (preferred)
Vacuum Toilet
Toilet Options Overview:
The Zeroflush Waterless Urinal was the best and most sustainable urinal we could find. Benefits include:
Options (use flexible hose for more maneuverability)
Water usage was based on:
36.4 Gallons Flushing per day
1128.4 Gallons Flushing per month (31 days)
4.7 Gallons sink/day
145.7 Gallons sink/month
The barrel sizing was based on:
The inner structure was sized based on:
Additional Design Considerations:
Resulting Diameter: 156″
The roof design was based on:
Final Design:
The exterior structure was designed to:
Each Barrel is required to include:
Pressure Gauge
Drainage Pump
For water that is stored above toilets:
For water that is stored below toilets:
Fixtures | $10,000 |
Rain Barrels | $1,600 |
Wood1 | $1,300 |
Roof & Water Sealing | $300 |
Structure2 | $5,000 |
Plumbing3 | $3,000 |
X~1.3 fudge factor | |
Total Cost | $22,000 |
1Storm Rated Exterior Wood
2With finished walls and floor
3Sewage Output certified by professional
Communal-use rainwater recycling bathrooms will be within a short walk for all residents of the South, East and West parts of the village (see the Pod 1 layout). These bathrooms will integrate traditional septic for all toilets. The rainwater collection cistern in the center will capture and store enough water to meet all of the hand-washing and toilet-flushing.
The One Community Earthbag Village Communal Shower and Net-Zero Bathroom | Concept Render ” View Looking Northeast – Click to enlarge
The One Community Earthbag Village Communal Shower and Net-Zero Bathroom | Concept Render ” View Looking Northeast – Click to enlarge
The One Community Earthbag Village Communal Shower and Net-Zero Bathroom | Concept Render ” View Looking South – Click to enlarge
The One Community Earthbag Village Communal Shower and Net-Zero Bathroom | Concept Render ” Cutaway View
Our net-zero bathroom rooftop rainwater harvesting system is a sustainable water management strategy that involves capturing rainwater from rooftops and using it to supply non-potable water needs in a bathroom. This system can help to reduce reliance on traditional water sources, save energy and costs, and promote environmental sustainability. The design of our system requires careful consideration of factors such as rainfall patterns, roof area, storage capacity, and demand for non-potable water in the bathroom, and may involve the use of various components such as gutters, downspouts, filters, pumps, and storage tanks.
‹â€¹We discuss the design and implementation of this system with the following sections.
Water collected from roof top catchment is relatively clean and can be used as potable water for sink faucets with filtration and disinfection. To design a rainwater harvesting system, we need to consider rainfall supply, water demand, catchment area, and storage capacity. Rainfall supply mainly depends on local monthly rainfall rates while water demand depends on the number of occupants, fixtures (toilets, showers, and faucets) water consumption rating, and the average usage patterns of fixtures. The catchment area can be obtained from calculating both rainfall supply and water demand. The reason for determining the storage capacity is to find the minimum storage capacity that guarantees a zero-water volume never happens.
In this project, we use the monthly rainfall of a particular area to determine the rainfall supply. Most local monthly rainfall data can be found online by searching a target location’s name followed by ‘Climate Normals’. The collected local monthly rainfall data for high desert Utah is prepared in a sheet format as shown below.
Local monthly rain data is then used to calculate the total annual average rainfall and averaged monthly rainfall. The total annual average rainfall is the summation of the average monthly rainfalls of twelve months. The averaged monthly rainfall is equal to the total annual average rainfall divided by twelve.
When calculating the water supply, roof efficiency must be taken into consideration. Depending on the porosity and absorption of a roof’s material there can be losses in the amount of rainfall that gets collected. A table of roof efficiency based on material is shown below.
Roof Efficiency Based on the Roof Material
In this case, we assume the roof efficiency is equal to 0.9. The input in the calculation table is shown below.
The effective rainfall takes into consideration losses during catchment and therefore, it is what is used to calculate the final volume of water that can be effectively stored in the water tank. It is equal to the actual rainfall multiplied by the roof efficiency.
The table below shows the results of the total annual average rainfall, the total annual rainfall supply, the averaged monthly rainfall, and the averaged monthly rainfall supply.
The yearly rainfall supply can be calculated with the following formula:
Yearly rainfall supply = Total annual average x rainfall Catchment area x Roof efficiency
Based on this formula, we can estimate the catchment area as long as we determine the needed yearly rainfall supply. We want the annual rainfall supply to match annual water demand in order to ensure a sufficient amount of water is harvested for use. In the next section we are going to determine the water demand.
Water demand is dependent upon the number of occupants, the water consumption of the fixtures, and the usage patterns of fixtures. In this project, we assume that one installment of the rooftop rainfall harvesting system supplies 50 occupants.
The potential fixtures using the harvested water include toilets, showers, and faucets. In this case, we assume the faucets are the only fixture that is supplied by the rainwater harvested from the rooftop. This water is relatively clean and can be converted to be potable with less expensive filtration and disinfection. The average manufacturing rating and usage pattern of different fixtures are shown in the following table, where Lpf is liters per fixture; Lpm is liters per minute; and Lpd is liters per day.
As stated previously, only faucet water usage is considered in this case. From the water demand of all faucet fixtures per person per day, we can deduce the total daily demand of all occupants, monthly water demand of all occupants, and yearly water demand of all occupants. The results are shown in the following table.
A catchment area is an area of land where rainwater flows into a specific water body such as a lake, river, or ocean. The size and shape of the catchment area determines how much water will be collected and the rate at which it will flow into the water body.
We want the yearly rainfall supply to match the yearly water demand such that,
Yearly rainfall supply = Yearly water demand
This is ideal in the instance that only the minimum yearly supply is needed without redundancy. Combining the formula introduced in the section of rainfall supply, we derive the formula for the catchment area such that,
Catchment area = Yearly water demand / total annual average rainfall x roof coefficient
The results of the rooftop catchment area are shown below.
A water tank size being equivalent to the yearly rainfall supply guarantees a sufficient water storage capacity. However, this method would result in an impractically large water tank. Determining the optimal storage capacity design happens through multiple trial and error processes and can not be found simply with one single input and output process. The water tank should be large enough to ensure that it never reaches a zero volume. In our case, we want to find a minimum storage capacity to prevent zero volume storage at the end of each month based on the monthly rainfall supply and the monthly water demand.
Firstly, we assume a storage capacity such that:
This input of assumed storage capacity needs to be adjusted to balance the supply and demand of the rainwater harvesting system. By adjusting assumed storage capacity, we aim to ensure all the month end volumes from years 1 to 4 in the “Storage Performance” are larger than zero. The first attempt of the assumed storage capacity could be the summation of the largest three demand months. The largest three demand months are found in the “Demand” column of the table below.
Then, check if any Month End Volume is equal to zero in the Years 1 through 4 columns of the table.
Keep reiterating the previous procedures until an absolute minimum is found that balances the supply and demand of the rainwater harvesting system.
There are many components in a rainwater harvesting system. Each component is organized into three essential categories based on its function. The three categories of components are collection and pre-filtration, storage, and distribution.
Overview of Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting System Design
The category of collection and pre-filtration includes components with functions of capturing rainwater from the rooftop, diverting the rainwater, removing large debris, and conveying the rainwater. The category of storage includes a selection of water tanks, inlets, outlets, overflows, and air vents. The distribution category includes the water pump, water pressurization, final filtration, and disinfection functions.
Essential components in the collection and pre-filtration category include the roof, gutter, downspout filters, and conveyance pipes. These components are designed to effectively collect rooftop rainwater and convey it to the storage.
For non-potable water that is typically collected from ground surfaces and sometimes excess rooftop water, almost any hard or impervious roof surface material can be used. For potable water, however, slick catchment surfaces are desired. The roof materials need to be nontoxic. The following table shows some regulation of the roof material for the rainwater harvesting.
North America Regulatory and Standard-Started Requirements of Roofing Material for Potable and Non-Potable Systems – Click for source
Some materials used for the roof of rainwater harvesting are factory-coated enameled steel, sheet steel coated with aluminum-zinc alloy, galvanized method, terracotta tiles, concrete tiles, cement tiles, glazed tiles, and slate tiles. Wood or cedar shake roofing are not recommended to be used for collection water. In selecting roof material for the rainwater harvesting, it is worth to pay attention to the following:
The goal of pre-filtration is to reduce the debris in the rainwater storage. Rodent feces, animal remains, dust, leaves, sticks, and other debris are potential contaminants that come from the roof or gutter into the water storage tanks. Most debris can be kept out of the storage by using screens and pre-filters, which is what our design uses.
First flush diverters, devices for capturing and diverting the most contaminated water during initial rainfall, are not included in this project. Even though it is a popular device in the rainwater harvesting system, requirement of frequent maintenance and insignificant improvement of water quality make it less attractive.
In the rainwater harvesting system, the gutters capture runoff from the roof and redirect flow to the downspouts. The system for potable water should not use gutters made of copper, zinc, or organic material such as wood, ceder, or bamboo. Here are some guidelines for selection and installation of gutters:
It is recommended to use the Uniform Plumbing Code to size gutters and downspouts. To determine the size of gutters, we need to know rainfall intensity for one hour, gutter slope, and catchment area. Then, using those three variables, select the gutter size based on the table shown below. Reversely, we can adjust the gutter slope by using different sizes of the gutter with given catchment areas and rainfall intensities. In some Plumbing Codes the flow rate serves as a combination of the rainfall intensity, and the catchment area is used for sizing gutters and downspouts.
Adding a screen cover to the gutters provides initial filtration to the rainwater harvesting system and prevents leaves, twigs, and other contaminants from entering. The selected aluminum gutter guard shown in the figure below has been attached already and only filters larger debris. Regular maintenance is required to keep effective rainwater capturing and reduce water contamination.
Downspouts refer to vertical pipes that facilitate the controlled flow of excess water from a gutter to the ground, safely directing water away from a building and towards a drainage area. Sizing of downspouts is similar to the sizing of gutters, however, slope is not applicable for the downspouts design. Knowing the rainfall intensity and catchment area, we can determine the size of downspouts using the table shown below. The size refers to the diameter of pipes.
The downspout filters are mostly installed vertically inline of the downspout. It is an easily installed and inexpensive pre-filtration device. The downside is that this filter needs to be mounted close to the roof, so climbing a ladder is inevitable for cleaning it.
The storage containers are one of the most important components of the rainwater harvesting system as they are responsible for keeping the water safe and secure. Sedimentation and biofilm are the main contaminants that can occur in the water storage containers. To reduce the impact of those contaminations, the following design principles should be kept in mind:
The barrels water storage system functions to collect and store rainwater for future use. The system involves the use of large barrels for storing captured rainwater that falls on rooftops. This method has become increasingly popular in areas with limited access to water or where water is scarce. The theory behind the system involves understanding the principles of hydrology, water conservation, and storage capacity, while the analysis involves evaluating factors such as the amount of rainfall, the size and number of barrels needed, and the potential uses for the stored water.
The branched and looped multiple reservoir system is shown in the following figure.
Branched & Looped Multiple Reservoir System as a Part of the Barrels Storage Network – Click for source
In general, when we deal with any type of water distribution system, nodes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 can be used to represent drain inlets, pipes junctions, or reservoirs. In our case, the water storage system consists of multiple barrels: we use nodes 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 to indicate barrels, where node 0 is the central upper barrel, node 1 is the central lower barrel, and nodes 4, 5, 6, and 7 are the surrounding lower barrels. Meanwhile, nodes 2 and 3 represent 4-way pipe fittings which connect barrels and each other.
To satisfy the conservation of mass, we have
∘ Qi = qj
Where Qi is the discharge of pipe i meeting at node j, and qj is nodal withdrawal at node j. Conservation of energy with consideration of pump head and known energy is
∘ Ki Qin – ∘hpi = ÃŽEFGN
Where EFGN is the difference in energy between the two fixed grade nodes (FGN). Pump head hp expressed by a common equations for approximating a pump curve are
hp = AQ2 + BQ + Hc ,
Where A, B, and C are coefficients and hc is the maximum or cutoff head. For a closed loop, without considering the pump head, the algebraic sum of the head loss must be equal to zero, then we have
∘ Ki Qin = 0.
Without considering the minor loss (elbow, bend head loss), based on the Darcy-Weisbach equation
hL = 8fLQ2 / π2gD5
we have
Ki = 8fiLi / π2gDi5
n = 2
where Li is the length of pipe i, g is the gravitational acceleration coefficient, Di is the diameter of the pipe i, and fi is friction factor which is expressed as for both turbulent flow and laminar flow
f = {(648 / R) + 9.5 [ln(ÃŽµ / 3.7D + 5.74 / R0.9) – (2500 / R)6]-16}0.125
where દ is the average height of roughness projection of the pipe wall. R is the Reynolds number
R = 4Q / πvD,
with kinematic viscosity
v = 1.792 Ô 10-6[1 + (T / 25)1.165]-1
as a function of the water temperature T.
Applying the mass and the energy conservation on the junctions and loops of the water distribution system shown in the last figure, we have
Where Zi is the height of bottom of the ith barrel and hi is the elevation of the water in the ith barrel relative to its bottom.
The water distribution is expressed with eight equations, eight unknowns could be calculated with given parameters. Normally, flow rate of each pipe are unknowns.
The system equations are a set of nonlinear equations. The Hardy-Cross method is usually used for hand calculation. For more complex networks, numerical methods need to be applied. The Newton-Raphson method is generally applied for solving a system of nonlinear equations. For the case where all flow rates are unknown, the system of equations is written in the following form.
F1 (Q1 , , Q8) = 0,
F2 (Q1 , , Q8) = 0,
F8 (Q1 , , Q8) = 0.
Which in a general form is
F(x) = 0.
Then, the Newton-Raphson method is expressed as
The nonlinearity of in the friction factor f (Q) is not involved in the Newton-Raphson method which is updated after iterations with a new flow rate. This idea comes from the Hardy-Cross method.
The parameters of pipes (i) and nodes (j), length (Li), diameter (Di), elevation of node(Zj), and the average height of roughness projection of node (hj) are listed in the table below.
This theory and analysis was developed with reference to the “Essential Rainwater Harvesting: A Guide To Home-scale System Design” by Rob and Michelle Avis, “Design of Water Supply Pipe Networks” by Prabhata K. Swamee and Ashok K. Sharma, and “Water Distribution System Handbook” by Larry Mays.
There are 5 main types of storage tanks that can be considered for the water storage design: precast concrete tank, ferrocement tank, steel tank (stainless steel tank), fiberglass tank, and polyethylene and polypropylene tank. Below are descriptions of each of these types of tanks.
Precast concrete tanks are constructed by manufacturers and delivered to their destination in one piece using heavy equipment. These types of tanks are long lasting (30+ years), add minerals such as calcium carbonate to the water, have marginal impact on the water’s taste, and are suitable for buried application. However, they are the most expensive storage tank option. Their heavy weight also makes them difficult to deliver from long distances.
Ferrocement tanks are built first by constructing a frame that then has a concrete mixture sprayed onto it, forming the tank structure. It shares all advantages of the precast concrete tanks but additionally, ferrocement tanks are able to neutralize the pH of stored water. They are a fully customizable tank which is optimal for sites with constrained space. However, a skilled constructor is required for building one, and they are not movable once built.
Steel tanks are long lasting (20-30 years) and have a reasonable cost. However, they are not allowed to connect to metal piping as corrosion may occur at the interface between the two metals. They are not acceptable for uses below grade.
Stainless steel tanks are also categorized as steel tanks. These are even longer lasting (100+ years) than steel tanks and are able to resist corrosion. However, they are expensive and also cannot be applied below grade.
Fiberglass tanks are a very lightweight tank option and are consequently easy to transport. They have good corrosion resistance and are able to be used below grade. However, fiberglass tanks are not cost effective for small sizes (1000 gallons).
Small and medium plastic tanks are low-cost and potable. They have a medium length lifespan (15+ years) and come in many shapes and sizes. They have much less of an impact on water taste compared to concrete and steel tanks.
It is necessary to outfit a water tank with an inlet, an outlet, an overflow outlet, an air vent, and a manway inspection port. In this section, we will go through the system following water flow.
The function of the inlet is to guide the water into the container. Its configuration should minimize stirring to avoid disturbing any settled contamination. The inlet pipe runs through the center of the water tank with a return bend pipe that redirects the water flow upward. The inlet typically sits 4-8 inches above the bottom of the water tank.
Water Tank Inlet Pipe Schematic Diagram
To minimize contamination, the pickup for the tank outlet should not take water from the surface or directly off the bottom. The best quality water is usually found below the water surface where biofilm or settled contamination is not present. To pick up water from a region with the most clean water you must use a floating pick-up with a mesh screen or filter, specialized for water being used as potable water.
Floating Pickup With a Mesh Screen or Filter Used For Potable Water
Floating Pickup With Filter Connecting the Tank Outlet to a Flexible Pipe
Check Valve, Faucet, Flexible Coupler, Pipes, and Fittings of the Storage Container Outlet
Overflow outlets are used to release extra water when tanks are filled to their maximum capacity. To ensure the outlet flow rate matches the inlet flow rate, pipes for overflow outlets should be at least the same size as the inlet.
The overflow outlet should avoid the siphoning action that may inadvertently empty the tank. An air gap is also needed to prevent backflow and a mesh screen should be equipped right below the air gap to prevent the entry of rodents or insects into the overflow outlet.
Overflow Outlet with Air Gap to Avoid Backflow
A manway is a hatch that allows entry for completing tank maintenance. The selected plastic tank has a 16-inch diameter manway port. Installation of inlet, outlet, and cleaning settled contamination usually call for a person to enter the manway.
Manway with a Plastic Lid
Air vents allow air to enter and leave the tank in order to keep the pressure equivalent to the atmosphere as the water level in the tank changes. A typical air vent can be built from pipes, elbows, and fittings, and is mounted on the lid of the manway. A mesh screen should be equipped on its exterior opening to prevent entry of rodents or insects.
Exploded View of The Air Vent
Air Vent Mounted on the Lid of the Water Tank
For cases that call for more than one tank, tanks need to be connected together. Multiple tanks may be required when a single tank capacity does not provide enough water storage, land configuration may not support a single large tank, or a certain portability of water tank is desired.
There are two main ways to configure and connect multiple tanks: parallel or in a series. In a parallel configuration, water tanks share the same water level, requiring only one overflow outlet for all tanks. Since there is the same level of water among tanks, however, the parallel configuration is not suitable for water tanks seated at different elevations. Connecting water tanks in a series cascades water flow from the first tank to the second and so forth. Each water tank requires an individually equipped overflow outlet. In a series, water tanks are allowed to sit at different elevations. Water quality increases through each overflowing tank since a little sediment is always captured by the previous water tank. Extra bypass piping is needed to ensure a single water pump is able to extract water from all tanks.
Considering simpleness and water tanks that are placed on a flat ground, a parallel configuration is chosen for multiple tanks. There are two examples: two tanks in parallel and four tanks in parallel. A check valve is equipped at the outlet of each tank to enable the isolation of a tank when others are under maintenance, or when the tank is in transportation with water. Flexible couplings are used to endow compliance of the multiple tanks system since the placement of tanks and uneven ground are inevitable.
Layout of Two Water Tanks Connected in Parallel
Layout of Four Water Tanks Connected in Parallel
Piping, Fitting, and Check Valves of Four Tanks Connected in Parallel
The distribution system supplies the water from storage containers to end uses such as toilet flushing, irrigation, and showering. Water pumps are used to convey water along certain distances and heights to various destinations. Integrating a pressure tank downstream of the water pump pressurizes water, leading to a more consistent water pump functioning under inconsistent water uses and an elongated lifespan of the pump. Different end uses require different water quality; water filtration and disinfection systems purify water to satisfy desired water quality.
To select a water pump, the total dynamic head (TDH) from the storage container to the end uses fixtures need to be calculated. The total dynamic head is as follows:
TDH = static head + pressure head + friction loss
Where the static head is determined by the vertical distance from the outlet to the water tank to the end (fixtures such as shower heads and faucets); Pressure head is given by the required emitter/shower head pressure. The water tank under the shower room is an additional water storage container to the barrels in the net-zero bathroom. There is no strict requirement to the emitter pressure. Friction loss considers pressure loss along pipes, through elbows, or fittings. The conversion between pressure square feet and water head is shown in the following charts.
Friction losses of pipes, elbows, fittings, and valves can be calculated theoretically or experimentally. They are dynamic pressure drops that depend on the flow rate and geometry. In practice, there is no need to calculate friction losses of each component based on the fluid dynamics. We apply the equivalent length pipe method to determine the pressure drop of friction losses. Based on the flow rate, geometry, and dimension of the plumbing parts, friction losses can be found simply from the equivalent length pipe method tables. Equivalent length of friction losses of pipes, elbows, fittings, and valves can be found in the following tables.
Since the pump’s location allows the water to be fed into the inlet hosing of the pump with just gravity, it is unnecessary to consider the pump’s suction capability. The suction head is not calculated for the pump of the water tank under the shower room.
Selected pumps need to provide a sufficient water flow rate to ensure end use fixtures have adequate water. The rooftop rainwater harvesting system, including the tropical atrium and water tank under the shower room, is a set of redundant facilities to the RWH system in the net-zero bathroom. Barrels in the net-zero bathroom play the role of a buffer between the large underground water tank and the end use fixtures. Underground water gets pumped to the barrels before going to the restroom fixtures, rather than being pumped directly to the fixtures themselves. This allows for the immersible water pump to avoid being frequently turned on and off. Further, if there are multiple fixtures being used at one time, the pump may not be able to supply enough water in a short period of time. Essentially, the pump continues to fill the barrels with water from the large underground storage tank so that restroom fixtures have a sufficient, reliable water supply. Thus, there is no strict restriction of the flow rate applied upon the pump.
Pump, Filtration, and UV Disinfection System
The water pump is usually driven by an electric motor. It is better to run all electric equipment in a continuous working condition rather than intermittently. The water end uses, however, such as handwashing, showering, and toilet flushing tend to cause intermittent water flow. To keep a less discontinuous water supplying condition, a pressure tank is usually mounted downstream of the water pump to add a buffer into the water distribution system.
There are three main types of pressure tanks: air-over-water pressure tanks, diaphragm pressure tanks, and bladder pressure tanks.
The air-over-water tank is a simple and old pressure tank where both un-pressurized water and pressurized water are kept in the same chamber without any separation. Air will dissolve in the water and more water is filled into the pressure tank that neutralizes the pressure tank. Draining water from the filled pressure tank after a certain period rejuvenates the capacity of the pressure tank.
Diaphragm and bladder pressure tanks are more modern designs. In these pressure tanks, water and air are separated into two chambers without contact. Diaphragm pressure tanks use a rubber diaphragm attached to the sides of the chamber to separate the water from the air. The rubber diaphragm tends to fail after a certain amount of use because of the limited life span of the rubber. Bladder pressure tanks are similar to the diaphragm pressure tanks but typically have a longer lifespan.
Pressure Tank
Pressure Tank Dimensions Graphic
Graphic of Pressure Tank Location
Regulations may apply to the rainwater harvesting system for drinking water. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) along with other governmental agencies have authority to regulate water for public drinking water systems.
The runoff water quality is most affected by the catchment area, conveyance system, and storage components. Microbial and viral contaminants are found in the catchment area as a result of various interactions with animals, such as birds that sit on the roof. There are also chemical contaminants found in many rainwater harvesting systems.
A frequent test of the water quality for non-public drinking water systems is requested at least once a year based on regulations. Results of testing need to meet minimum federal and state standards. An EPA national secondary water standard is shown below.
Harvested rainwater from a roof is technically surface water, which is considered more likely to be contaminated than ground or well water by the EPA. As a result, there are more strict treatment requirements for converting surface water to potable water in order to minimize the risk of negatively impacting the health of individuals. Examples of potable water treatments that remove or reduce contamination include screening, sedimentation, filtration, ultraviolet light exposure, chlorination, and anti-corrosion additives in sequence. These are briefly discussed below.
A typical treatment train for a rainwater harvesting potable water system includes a 3-5 micron level filter, a 0.5-1.0 micron level filter, and a UV light in sequence as shown in the following figure. Pre-filters of the harvesting systems and filters of the pump play a role as coarse filters upstream of the fine filtration and disinfection. The storage container is used for sedimentation with the specific design of a water inlet and outlet, as discussed in the storage container design section.
Filtration and Disinfection Kit
Our net-zero bathroom stormwater storage design is a sustainable approach to water management that aims to collect, store, and reuse stormwater in residential or commercial bathrooms. The system involves using a series of filtration and storage tanks to capture and treat stormwater, which can then be used for toilet flushing, washing, and other non-potable water needs. The goal of the design is to achieve a net-zero water balance, where the amount of water used in the bathroom is equal to the amount of stormwater collected and reused. This approach helps to conserve water resources, reduce the strain on municipal water supplies, and minimize the environmental impact of wastewater discharge. The design process involves analyzing factors such as water demand, stormwater availability, and site conditions to determine the optimal system size and configuration.
‹â€¹We discuss the design and implementation of the net-zero bathroom stormwater storage system with the following sections.
Note: This content can also be found as part of the Rainwater Harvesting, Water Catchment, and Swale Building Open Source Hub and Portal page due to its relevance to our water harvesting and storage needs.
Storage containers for the stormwater harvesting system usually require much larger capacities compared to those of the rooftop rainwater harvesting system. Limited space and irregular geometry of facilities on the ground may not allow for a large capacity water tank. Accordingly, belowground water tanks could be an appropriate solution. Belowground water storage systems save land space, protect water from cold weather, are almost limitless in size, and are utilized in most commercial projects. However, belowground water storage systems need excavations. In this section we will discuss the different components of our belowground stormwater storage system.
There are three main types of tank that are considered for stormwater storage: fiberglass cistern tank, Atlantis Flo-Tank and reinforced concrete water tank.
Fiberglass cistern tanks could be of good use for stormwater harvesting and storage. Considering manufacturing, transportation, and cost, the accessibility of fiberglass cisterns is limited. A 10,000 gallon fiberglass cistern tank costs around $22,000, which is very expensive, and lasts around 30 to 40 years. However, less construction is needed for fiberglass cisterns in comparison to other options. The following figure shows two fiberglass cisterns which together offer a total of 20,000 gallons of storage capacity. They are placed in the center, surrounded by the net-zero bathrooms and the shower rooms.
Layout of Two 10,000-Gallon Fiberglass Cistern Water Storage Tanks
An Atlantis Flo-Tank system is a cheaper and more flexible water storage solution that is utilized in many commercial stormwater harvesting projects. The water containers consist of small water tank blocks where each block is built with pieces of plastic boards. The size of the container is not limited and the lifespan is an estimated 100+ years. Also, there is no concern for the difficulty of transportation. A 10,000 gallon Atlantis Flo-Tank system costs about $10,000, which is about half of the cost of the fiberglass cistern tank. An Atlantis Flo-Tank water storage system would also be placed in the center of the earthbag village.
Atlantis Flo-Tank Water Storage System with Sedimentation Chamber
A reinforced concrete water tank (RCC) is a traditional type of water tank that is built on-site. This tank only calls for common construction materials. Cracks, which is a usual failure type of concrete tank, make the RCC water tanks have less longevity compared to the fiberglass tank. Specifically, an RCC’s lifetime is about 15 years with minimal maintenance. In order to design an RCC water tank, engineers with a civil engineering background are needed.
Since stormwater typically has tons of debris and sediment, sedimentation chambers are applied upstream of the water tank to capture large pollution particles. Particles tend to settle down with low flow rate. Two chambers cascaded for each inlet to maximize the ability of capturing the particles. A H-shape pipes configuration connects two chambers which is designed to prevent against siphon effect and to minimize convey floating contaminations to the next chambers or water tanks. Following figures show the design of the sedimentation chambers. The chambers need to be clean regularly to maintain the quality of water flowing into the storage tank. Manhole covers are used to cover the sedimentation chambers.
Pipes Between Two Sedimentation Chambers
Cross Section View of Two Cascaded Sedimentation Chambers
Pipes between the Second Sedimentation Chamber and the Water Tank
Cross Section View of Water Tank, Sedimentation Chamber, and Pipes
Manhole Cover
A submersible pump is placed at the bottom of each pump station to send the harvested water from the tank to the net-zero bathroom for toilet flushing. As shown in the following figure, there are two pump stations or pump wells. Each pump station supplies one net-zero bathroom. The station allows access for maintenance of the tank and the submersible pumps. In practice, a pressure tank is usually needed. Due to limited space, the pressure tank for the stormwater storage is placed under the bathroom.
Two Submersible Pumps Used for Two Net-Zero Bathrooms
Submersible Pump and Supply Water Line
Submersible Pump, Pressure Tank, and Plumbing
Storage and Output of the Stormwater Harvesting System
With a given flow rate and slope, the flow depth is unknown. After calculating the flow depth, the geometry and dimension of the drainage can be determined. For the design, uniform flow is assumed. This can occur in a straight open channel with constant slope and cross section. The water depth and velocity are also constant.
Based on the mass conservation, the flow rate of a constant volume flow can be expressed as
Q = VA,
where V is the averaged flow velocity, A is the area of the cross section.
For the uniform flow, by using the Manning equation, the velocity is
V = (ÃŽ± / n) Rh2/3 S1/2,
Where Rh is the hydraulic radius; n is the roughness coefficient; S is a constant channel slope; ÃŽ± is a unit conversion factor:
ÃŽ± = 1 SI units, ÃŽ± = 1.486 U.S. Units.
Thus, the flow rate of the uniform flow is
Q = ÃŽ±/n ARh2/3 S1/2
The most efficient rectangular section has Width: Height=2:1, then
A = 2y2, P = 4y, Rh= ½y, b – 2y,
Where y is the water height; P is the wetted perimeter; b is the width of the rectangular channel.
Rectangular Section Channel
With given flow rate Q and channel slope S, using the most efficient rectangular section with b = 2y , determining the roughness factor based on the material of drainage, the normal depth of the flow can be calculated with following procedures:
A(b) = by = b (b/2) = b2 / 2,
Rh(b) = A/P = by/(b+2y) = 2y2/4y = y/2 = b/4,
Q = ÃŽ±/n A(b) Rh(b)2/3 S1/2 = ÃŽ±/n b2/2 (b/4)2/3 S1/2,
b8/3 = f(b) = Q 2n/ÃŽ± 42/3 S-1/2
Solving the last equation, the channel width b is found and the normal depth y can be estimated. The dimension of the drainage can be determined based on the flow normal depth.
Hydrograph and peak flow estimation is a process used in hydrology to analyze and predict the behavior of water flow in rivers, streams, and other watercourses. Hydrographs are graphical representations of water flow over time, showing how the flow of water changes in response to rainfall, snowmelt, or other factors. Peak flow is the highest point of water flow during a storm event. Hydrograph and peak flow estimation is important for understanding the potential for flooding, erosion, and other impacts of extreme weather events. The process involves analyzing factors such as watershed characteristics, precipitation patterns, and land use to develop models that can estimate the magnitude and timing of peak flows. This information can be used to inform flood control and water management strategies.
Hydrologic Calculation
The intensity-duration-frequency curves are usually used for the hydraulic calculation. The flow rate used to estimate the dimension of the drainage is derived from this step. We are going to ignore the initial abstraction and infiltration.
Time of Concentration
Time of concentration indicates the time it takes for runoff from a catchment area to reach equilibrium under a steady rainfall. It is also defined as the longest travel time it takes for runoff to reach the discharge point of a catchment area.
For solving the time of concentration, we are going to use the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method. In the SCS method, the flow path is divided into three segments: sheet flow, shallow concentrated flow, and channel flow. The segments of the sheet flow and the shallow concentrated flow are ignored since the catchment area of the Earthbag Village is relatively small compared to the cases the equation is being specified for. The channel flow time of concentration is calculated by
Tc = L/60V
Where Tc is the time of concentration, min; L is the flow length, ft(m); V is the channel flow velocity, ft/s (m/s).
The velocity can be calculated by the Manning equation
V = (1.49 Rh2/3 S1/2) / n
Rainfall intensity
The rainfall intensity (I) can be found based on the time of concentration and frequency by using the IDF curves.
Peak Discharge Computation (Runoff Calculation)
Peak discharge is the peak rate of runoff (volume per unit time, typically cubic feet per second) from a drainage area for a given rainfall.
The rational method is used for the runoff calculation:
Q = CI Ac (U.S.) or Q = 0.278CI Ac (SI)
Where is the discharge, cfs (m3/s); C is the runoff coefficient, dimensionless; I is the rainfall intensity, in/h (mm/h); A is the catchment area, ac (km2).
The blow chart is applicable for storms of 5 to 10-year frequencies. For lower frequency with higher intensity cases, higher runoff coefficients are required because infiltration has less of an effect on runoff.
The rational method is suggested to use in cases with an area less than 250 acres (1.089e+7 ft2). The rational method is best suited for mostly paved areas where interception is nonexistent, infiltration is negligible, and surface retention is small. Those assumptions can be applied on the runoff calculator of the earthbag village.
This study by Samuel Soroaster (Permaculturalist, Sustainable Builder, PhD, and founder of Green New World) assesses the feasibility of designing a shared restroom to serve 40 uses per day with self-sufficiency of water and energy for all its demands.
Rainwater Recycling Bathroom Design
Fifteen inches (38cm) of average rainfall a year would be sufficient to meet the water needs of this shared bathroom design. Here are the calculations for our specific location:
Here are the catchment design specifics:
Plumbing Design Described Above with Additional Details Below
Here are the plumbing details:
The hot water system will also be built with self-contained sustainability in mind:
Greywater will be used to flush the ultra-high-efficiency toilets:
Here are the sewage system design details:
Calculations for septic anaerobic digestion system:
Objective to maximize biogas production:
Volume and density septic tank calculations
Nutrient balance calculations
As recycled or unbleached toilet paper is mostly cellulose it can be assumed that every toilet user will utilize 15 g of toilet paper which is 100% C x 40 persons results in 600 g of C per day.
Compensation can be achieved with sawdust: C:N 400 with N 0.1%
Energy calculations:
For Human feces:
For Sawdust:
Here are the energy consumption calculations for each of these bathroom domes:
The total area of the bathroom below is 58 m². Each bathroom has the area of approximately 4.6m². The water storage is located on the center of the structure and has an area of 12.5 m² and a volume of 44 m³. The rainwater collected on the storage will be used for flushing the toilets and washing hands. The idea is to wash hands with filtered rainwater and recycle the water to flush toilets.
To check the rules for the ADA compliant bathroom this guide was used. The dimensions are shown below.
The dimensions of the toilet, sink and door are illustrated in centimeters here:
To simplify the visualization of the bathroom, the software Revit (version 2014) was utilized to create the 3D drawings. Some views are shown below.
Figure 7 – Top View bathroom, Revit
Figure 8 – Section Box, Revit
Figure 10 – Section 1, Revit
Figure 11 – Section 2 and components dimensions, Revit
Figure 12 – Section 3, Revit
Figure 13 – Elevation East, Revit
A rainwater recycling communal bathroom structure has the potential for broad application in communities, campgrounds, developing countries/areas, and anywhere else water resources are scarce and/or people are interested in sustainability. Housing and sustainable showers and solid waste processing can be added to these designs with the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) and its Vermiculture Bathroom designs and Communal Eco-shower designs.
None yet… contact us if you have a question to ask.
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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