Helping People Create a Sustainable World – One Community Weekly Progress Update #401

One Community is helping people create a sustainable world through open source sustainability plans covering all aspects of sustainable living. They include food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices,… Read More

Path to a Sustainable Civilization – One Community Weekly Progress Update #400

Want to see what a path to a sustainable civilization looks like? Check out One Community’s open source plans for achieving a path to a sustainable civilization through a global cooperative of self-replicating eco-communities and teacher/demonstration hubs. Here’s… Read More

Addressing Social Inequality With Open Source Sustainability – One Community Weekly Progress Update #399

We’re building a model for addressing social inequality with open source sustainability. We’re doing this through open source plans and resources that cover everything from food and housing to education and economics. Together, these open source communities will… Read More

Conscientious Community Creation – One Community Weekly Progress Update #394

Conscientious community creation is one possible foundation for global regeneration. One Community is supporting this through open source plans for a self-replicating prototype. It includes open source, sustainable, and DIY-replicable approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and… Read More

Widespread and Lasting Sustainability – One Community Weekly Progress Update #393

What does a blueprint for widespread and lasting sustainability look like? One Community’s vision is a global collaborative of self-replicating eco-communities working together for the “Highest Good” of all people and life on this planet. We’re creating the… Read More