One Community Featured on The Bridge with Jim Hamell to Discuss Open Source Sustainability

The Bridge – Jae Sabol & Lee Camp from Jim Hamell on Vimeo. Open Source Sustainability Jae Sabol, the Executive Director of the One Community Non-profit Organization, was interviewed by Jim Hamell for The Bridge last week to… Read More

Two Completed Interviews

In the past week One Community founder Jae Sabol completed two interviews about One Community and this swiftly developing open source model for self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and eventually cities. The first was a radio show interview that is expected to… Read More

Building Earth Homes: Earthbag Home Furniture Layout Possibilities for Pod 1

Pod one is the first of the seven different sustainable village models to be built because it is designed to demonstrate and teach building earth homes as one of the most affordable construction and living models available. It consists of sixty-four 150-200 square… Read More

Open Sourcing More of Our Internal Process: 2 New Pages Related to Internal Review and Productivity

What One Community is working on right now is arguably some of the most important developmental aspects of the entire project. We are a dedicated, organized, and professional team contributing weekly to an ever-evolving action list and seeking… Read More

One Community Welcomes 1Stop Energies as Our Newest Renewable Alternative Energy Partner

We are happy to announce that One Community is now partnered with 1Stop Energies, the makers of the new renewable alternative energy Unification Coil. Invented and created by Daniel & Erica Nunez, the Unification Coil is a product of… Read More

The Global Sustainability Collaborative – We are Happy and Excited to Lead!

As we’ve announced here before our sustainability non profit organization is A) intent upon leading a global sustainability collaborative and B) the grateful recipient of a $10,000 a month internet marketing grant. After over 6 months of preparation and research… Read More

The Solution to Everything

What would the solution to everything look like? In our opinion a solution like this would ultimately be a  self-perpetuating model that creates solution creating models. Our version of this is duplicable and self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that address… Read More

Why One Community is Creating an Open Source Vermiculture Toilet

One Community is incorporating vermiculture bins into our composting toilet plans as one way to share with the world how to add a compost bin into any human waste disposal plan. Doing this will take composting with worms… Read More

The Benefits of Creating a Culture of “How Can I Help” and “Build On Top Of”

One of the greatest learnings about leadership and team management that we have gained from operating a project of the magnitude and scope of One Community is the value of creating a culture of “how can I help”… Read More

Solutions for Desertification: Afforestation/Anti-Desertification Video

In many parts of the world, land once ripe for farming is turning into desert and losing life due to the process of desertification; this is the case in the Niger Republic of Africa. Land desertification is causing… Read More