Better Living Through Ecological Living – One Community Weekly Progress Update #353

We can create better living through ecological living. Ecological living that includes sustainable approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, and global stewardship practices can reduce our living expenses, increase… Read More

One Community Welcomes the Seed Savers Exchange as Our Newest Partners

One Community is happy to welcome the Seed Savers Exchange as our newest partners. The Seed Savers Exchange is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), member supported organization that saves and shares the heirloom seeds of our garden heritage, forming a living legacy… Read More

Live Interview: Founding and Forwarding a Global Food Sustainability Movement

One Community is creating transformational global change through self-replicating teacher/demonstration hubs. Our model includes open source and free-shared plans for food, energy, housing, education, Highest Good business, social architecture, and regenerative and stewardship practices. Of these, food is foundational and a specific focus through our open… Read More

Open Source Green Building and Design: Earthbag Village and Tropical Atrium 3D Progress

GREEN BUILDING AND DESIGN 3D PROGRESS Here’s a quick snapshot of the green building and design process moving into 3D rendering! One Community is a 100% unpaid volunteer organization and this amazing open source project-launch blueprinting work is being… Read More