Posted on November 1, 2015
Humanity is Writing The Next Chapter of the Human Story. It will be either sustainable or unsustainable. If it is to be sustainable, it seems to make sense that a truly comprehensive and holistic approach will be the… Read More
Category: Community, One Community, Basics of One Community Tags: creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Writing the Next Chapter of the Human Story, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing
Posted on October 25, 2015
Reinventing the Sustainability Industry as an open source and collaboration-focused industry will speed innovation, lower costs, improve quality, maximize producer and inventor benefits, and speed progress towards a sustainable planet for all. A truly comprehensive and holistic approach… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Reinventing the Sustainability Industry, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village
Posted on October 18, 2015
Community-Based Eco-Infrastructure is an approach to living that is capable of simultaneously addressing global hunger, homelessness, poverty, social injustice, education, economics, and more. One Community’s approach to developing the necessary foundations for this is open source sustainability solutions combining food, energy, and housing with… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: food forest, Community-Based Eco-Infrastructure, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit
Posted on October 11, 2015
Comprehensive and Sustainable Global Regeneration will happen as soon as enough people participate. Open source sustainability solutions combining food, energy, and housing with ecocentric models for fulfilled living, education, sustainable economics and earth stewardship can help increase participation in Comprehensive and Sustainable Global Regenerationby making sustainability easier, more affordable,… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Comprehensive and Sustainable Global Regeneration, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions
Posted on October 4, 2015
Facilitating a Highest Good society model built on sustainable infrastructure, a more fulfilling and enjoyable way of living, and sharing both these with others can positively transform our planet for everyone. Forwarding this movement through open source solutions combining sustainable models for food, energy, and housing with… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Facilitating a Highest Good Society Model, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible
Posted on September 27, 2015
Transformational Eco-Human Progress is the movement of humanity towards the ecological mindset capable of creating a sustainable world. One Community is forwarding this movement through open source solutions combining sustainable models for food, energy, and housing with ecocentric models for fulfilled living, education, sustainable economics and earth stewardship. Putting… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Transformational Eco-Human Progress, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub
Posted on September 20, 2015
Global sustainable eco-community replication will happen the moment it is demonstrated as easy enough, affordable enough, and attractive enough to gain mainstream support. Open source solutions combining sustainable models for food, energy, and housing that allow for new models of fulfilled living, education, sustainable economics and earth… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Sustainable Eco-Community Replication, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building
Posted on September 13, 2015
Creating a more sustainable lifestyle is something most people feel would be beneficial both individually and for the planet. Interestingly enough, most people think of a “sustainable lifestyle” as primarily sustainable food, energy, and housing. We feel adding fulfilled living, Education, sustainable economics and earth… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Creating a More sustainable lifestyle, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village
Posted on September 6, 2015
A world of people living and creating for The Highest Good of All is possible if replicable solutions for society can be created that sustainably meets people’s needs. From this place of abundance and “having enough,” people will have the comfort… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Replicable Solutions for Society, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change
Posted on August 30, 2015
Sustainable world building is a process of building (and regenerating) our planet to meet humanity’s needs for the foreseeable future. If this is to be achieved, we need a holistic model that recognizes the interrelationship and interdependence of the areas that… Read More
Category: One Community, Basics of One Community, Community Tags: Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Sustainable World Building, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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