Posted on April 30, 2023 by One Community
At One Community, we are committed to designing systems that sustain themselves. We are an all-volunteer organization that is dedicated to creating a sustainable future through our work on sustainable approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. Our goal is to develop a model that becomes self-replicating and can be used to create a global collaboration of teacher/demonstration hubs. We believe that everything we create should be open source and free-shared, and we are creating DIY-replicable plans for all aspects of sustainable living.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the April 30th, 2023 edition (#527) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is designing systems that sustain themselves through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week Julia Meaney (Researcher and Assistant to Executive Director) completed her 28th week with the team. This week Julia extensively reviewed Amal’s Eco-laundry dryer research, and she edited and formatted the written content on her development Google Doc to prepare it for the site, merged content to avoid repetitions and made necessary additions to introductions and various sections for its seamless integration with the already existing Eco-Laundry content.
She also edited tables and graphs on the corresponding Google Spreadsheet to make them uniform and ready for the site. Also this week, Julia worked on the “DIY Earth Dam Design & Construction Disaster Mitigation Content” Google Doc and added her feedback and edits to the recently developed work. Finally, she worked on finalizing format and coding edits to the “Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping” webpage, made edits to the page indents, images, and TOC anchor links. See pictures below and how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Loza Ayehutsega (Civil Engineer/Assistant Civil Engineer) completed her 17th week helping, now focused on Earth Dam Design & Construction for Water Retention, Pond & Lake Creation. This week Loza added additional topics to the Dam Disaster Risk Mitigation report. Now the discussion made in the report considers the references, visual inspection, data collection, site discussion, notification and decision making, and warning the population. These approaches are discussed with the support of pictures that were found in the resources and more details will be discussed considering the comments from reviewers. See below for some of the pictures related to this work and how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
One Community is designing systems that sustain themselves through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week, the core team continued reviewing the latest Duplicable City Center SketchUp file for accuracy. We updated the layout of bathrooms in the City Center Social Dome and placed walls to create privacy in both bathrooms. We also moved stalls, sinks and urinals to accommodate ADA compliance and provided two more layout options for the men’s bathroom floor plan. See below on how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Huiya Yang (Volunteer Architectural Designer) completed her 51st week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural design details. This week she finished the redesign of the men’s and women’s bathrooms to solve issues with lines of site existing into the bathrooms. Pictures of some of this work are below, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Charles Gooley (Web Designer) also completed his 28th week helping with web design, now focused on the Duplicable City Center Engineering tutorial. The specifications contained a number of tables, which were initially added as screenshots and some figures were also added as names were requested. He added a number of equations, most of which were images and a few of them were too large to fit in one line, so they were split into separate lines. Pictures below are related to this work, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Ranran Zhang (Architectural Designer) completed her 19th week working on the updated video for the Duplicable City Center internal and external walkthrough. This week Ranran received a revised model from the core team, communicated with them about the changes by email and updated the parts that had been modified. She then re-imported the model into Lumion and focused on the production of the video and finished the video clips of the whole social dome. During this process, Ranran also added figures to the Lumion model according to the previous video. See below for some pictures of this work and how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Julio Marín Bustillos (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 11th week helping with the City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering. This week Julio continued to research existing hub connector designs. He also modified the hub connector design that will be the first to be incorporated into the solid model for performing load analysis, and he began work on a model of a second hub connector. Pictures of some of this work are below, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Yiwei He (Mechanical Engineer) completed her 7th week helping with the City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering. This week Yiwei finished editing the procedure instructions and additional notes parts for the aircrete user manual, and she got the data record from the current aircrete team. For the Duplicate City Center part, Yiwei started making a simulation for the new dome model and also tested the new connectors based on the previous model to make comparisons. Pictures of some of this work are below, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Amal Lazar (MS Mechanical Engineering) completed her 5th week helping with the City Center Eco-laundry research. This week Amal researched paired washer/dryer options and compared them with individual options. Amal also looked for laundry bag options that are both durable and eco-friendly, and collaborated with her supervisor, answering questions and making changes to the dryer research content. Additionally, Amal checked a number of tables to confirm the information matched the source information, so the web developer can proceed with building the website content. The pictures below share some of this developing work, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Zhide Wang (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 2nd week, still helping with the Duplicable City Center Engineering tutorial. This week Zhide finished the tables for the City Center project and made all of them available in the Google Doc, so all the tables can be found in corresponding links, and are ready to be reviewed by other teammates. Wang also started to review Diwei’s Net-zero Bathroom designs and added comments. See below for some pictures related to this and how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
One Community is designing systems that sustain themselves through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team continued to work on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. We worked on the Shopping List on the Transition Kitchen Recipe Build Out sheet by creating columns for Imperial measurements, creating the conversion table, and began including the measurement conversion equations in the new columns. The same team member also corresponded with Matthew to clarify the work he should be completing, as well as simplifying his summaries. See below for pictures related to this and how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
One Community is designing systems that sustain themselves through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students. This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.
With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too, focusing on systems that sustain themselves.
One Community is designing systems that sustain themselves through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week the core team completed 31 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug-fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members. Pictures below show some of this, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Yiyun Tan (Management Dashboard Team Leader) completed her 52nd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yiyun completed multiple PR final reviews. She also solved a couple of backend merge conflicts PRs, and she helped the team on Slack, problem solving, bug reporting, and maintaining the tutorials. Pictures of some of this work are below, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Yan Xu (Software Development Engineer) completed her 38th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yan worked on the delete button for the summary management page – now after going to the summary management page, and then clicking the team member button, it is possible to show the team member for each summary group, and also it is possible to add the team member group. Also now when the Admin does not want a team member in this list, he/she is able to remove the team member from their summary group. See pictures below for some of this work and how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Kaixiang “Kevin” Gu (Fullstack Software Developer) completed his 24th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Kaixiang finished repositioning the refresh button and changing it to a different style. Kaixiang also reviewed two PRs, followed up with Ayush’s task, and closed a previous PR having to do with the 24/48/72 hrs button. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Jianjun Luo (Software Engineer) completed her 22nd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Jianjun fixed the bug in the leaderboard component. After the changes, clicking the dot next to the person’s name in the Leaderboard correctly shows that person’s dashboard, and the Task tab of the timelog component shows the team member tasks of the person being viewed instead of the one who is viewing. She also made a few PR reviews. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Johny dos Santos Anastacio (Software Engineer) completed his 20th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Johny reviewed some PRs and raised a PR for his new task “WBS categories are not saving correctly”. He also continues to work on fixing the frontend for this task, as well as making some changes that were requested by reviewers in his other PR for the task “Create a Details Button to see when a specific badge was earned’. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Raul Effting (Jr. Front-End Web Developer) completed his 16th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Raul developed the new timer with Harlley and solved 11 requests, including adding more space below the numbers; restarting/reseting with whatever the person’s last time input was so they can keep working; a popup confirmation with user: “Wait! Are you sure you want to do that? Refreshing your time will reset it to XX:XX.
Log your time first if you don’t want to lose the XX:XX currently on the timer;” the same padding on the right as it does on the left; chime continues until time is logged and dismissed; clicking on the time opens the big clock modal too; and in addition to the chime continuing until it is manually turned off, the timer resets to zero if the timer isn’t turned off within 60 seconds and a popup says: “Your time was reset because your timer went off for more than 60 seconds without you logging time.
You should be at your computer when the timer is tracking your volunteer time.”Note that the chime should stop chiming (and that 60 second countdown leading to a reset should stop too) as soon as a person clicks any part of the time logging process… in case it takes them longer than 60 seconds to log their time.” Check out the pictures below as examples of this work, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Aishwarya Kalkundrikar (Full Stack Software Developer) completed her 15th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This Week Aishwarya went through the video to set up OAuth2 for her test Gmail ID, and made the required changes in the .env file, as well as successfully sending emails for that feature. She also went through the code logic for notification emails sent when a Blue Square is manually assigned so the email is sent in real time.
Aishwarya finds it difficult to find and fully understand the logic. For this effort she has gone through more videos from the internet to make the feature work in real time. Aishwarya also reviewed the PR raised by Alan and added a comment that she didn’t find any code changes made in it apart from what she had done. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Filipe Santos de Oliveira (Full Stack Developer) completed his 13th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Filipe worked on resolving the issue of flexibility in the header of the team member tasks box, where the titles ‘team member, clock, tasks…’ are found. Among his attempts to fix the issue were the use of the conditional expression for the creation of the skeleton elements directly in the JSX file, instead of using a separate JS file, in an attempt to recognize it as the real list and keep the titles in their proper position. See below pictures as examples of this work and how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Jinchao Feng (Software Engineer) completed his 10th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Jinchao finished the development of ‘Add WeeklySummaryOptions to new user creation’ and raised PR787, which concludes all functional requirements for ‘Update WeeklySummaryNotReq to WeeklySummaryOptions’. Jinchao also fixed several bugs including role edition in userProfile (PR788), making users show up immediately after new user creation (PR331), fixing “Current Week” hours at the top of the Dashboard Page (PR327). Pictures of some of this work are below, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Sav Costabile (Web Developer) completed their 10th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Sav worked on the “led a team of x” badge bugs and discovered the problem with the backend that was stopping the function from being run. Sav also focused on the block badge bug that was preventing anyone from being awarded badges – it was discovered that it takes a very long time to run (somewhere between 5 and 15 min). This bug will be added with sufficient details in the bug report doc. See below for pictures and how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Vitor Adriel (Software Engineer) completed his 10th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Vitor noticed that the Manage User Permissions Component UI was a bit out of the place, so he tried to make it look better, and as he was changing the User Permissions Component he ended making some changes to the Permissions Management page as well, changing from the <a>(Anchor) element to using a button and the useHistory hook increased the performance when accessing the details of a role.
Vitor also reviewed PRs #755, #311(BE), #762, #764, #775, #766; improved PRs #719, #737; and raised PR #783. See some examples of this work in the pictures below and how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Lucas Emanuel Souza Silva (Software Developer) completed his 10th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Lucas finished Task 71 and started Task 84. For Task 84, some code has already been implemented. Task 71 was needed to develop Task 84, so while waiting for Task 71 to be merged, he started Tasks 84 development by pulling and merging the necessary code from the development branch. The pictures below share some of this developing work, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Harlley Bastos (Full Stack Developer) completed his 8th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Harlley fixed the issues reported by Jae and helped out Raul to start the test server on his machine to allow Jae to test all the fixes. Once he tests it, Harlley will continue to fix and improve the timer system to assure that this will work in the best way possible.The pictures below share some of this developing work, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Angelina Truong (Full Stack Software Developer) completed her 8th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Angelina continued her work on the task Add GDoc Link to Weekly Summaries Reports”. She created a branch for the backend and analyzed the HGNRest application to the location where the Google doc link was being stored. She saw that the adminLink was not being returned in the frontend so she added it. Angelina was able to successfully apply the Google doc link that is unique to each individual user.
Once the Google doc icon was selected a new window would open with that Google doc link. She also added the Toast feature that pops up if the user profile does not have a Google doc link, in this case, a message appears to alert the user. Angelina also created 2 PR branches (first for the frontend and second for the backend) and submitted them for peer-review. See pics below and how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Anant Sharma (Software Engineer) completed his 5th and final week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Anant followed up on clean-up changes made in the frontend. He made changes in 30+ files to improve the code quality and efficiency, and raised PR #777. Along with these cleanup changes, he tested the website to confirm it was working properly. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Yihan Liu (Software Engineer) completed her 5th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yihan worked on adding the missing “Three Weeks Ago” tab to the Weekly Summaries Reports Page. She also took a dive deep into the code to find target files which are WeeklySummariesReport.jsx and WeeklySummariesReport.test.jsx. Then she did some research on Navs, tabpane and React testing libraries.
Finally, Yihan added the tab and tab panel to the WeeklySummariesReport.jsx and updated the unit test of WeeklySummariesReport. She then created PR#782 after finishing the change. Yihan also did some PR reviews. She reviewed PR#746, PR#788, PR#787 and PR#331. The default value of weekly summary options is still “Required” though the new user is in “Not Required” or “Team”. The pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Yongjian Pan (React.js/MongoDB Full Stack Software Developer) completed his 5th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yongjian raised and created two pull requests – PR 784 and PR 785. PR 784 deals with removing horizontal scrollbar and reducing overflow of user modal on dev and main. PR 785 deals with creating a save changes function to save the visibility toggles for the manager role under the teams tab under a user profile. See below for related pictures of this work and how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Tooba Jamal (Software Developer) completed her 4th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Tooba completed the task “Make cancel button visible on small screens” in PR #779. Tooba then encountered an issue with the dashboard, timer, and local app and continues to troubleshoot it. None of the tips thus far from fellow developers have worked, and deleting and cloning the repo might be the only solution now. Tooba also researched about the issue “WBS Categories Not Saving Correctly” to get an idea of what might be the issue and continues to work on it. The images below show some of this work, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
The Highest Good Network software PR Review team also worked to test all of the above PRs and find any bugs they could within those PRs and the software as a whole. This week’s active members of this team and how many weeks they’ve been with us are as follows: Abdelmounaim “Abdel” Lallouache (Software Developer) completed his 3rd week, Anish Pandita (Software Engineer) completed his 10th week, Lucile Tronczyk (Full Stack Software Developer) completed her 3rd week.
Natália Favaro Cavicchioli (Full-stack Developer) completed her 5th week, Vishvesh Sheoran (Artificial Intelligence Specialist) completed his 1st week, and Yongjian Pan (React.js/MongoDB Full Stack Software Developer) completed his 4th week, and Xiao Tan (Software Developer) completed her 1st week. The collage below shows a compilation of the work from this team, see how they relate to systems that sustain themselves.
Posted on April 29, 2023 by One Community
One Community welcomes Angelina Truong to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Angelina is a driven and upcoming developer using key technologies and frameworks in Javascript and React. She has one year of experience in developing applications using React.js and Express Backend, and has also gained a working knowledge of Next.js, Typescript, and Express through her research and personal projects. She is experienced in joining and contributing to existing projects as well as starting a project and working it from beginning to end. As a member of the One Community team, Angelina is helping develop the Highest Good Network software.
FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS (click icons for our pages)
Posted on April 28, 2023 by One Community
One Community welcomes Harlley Bastos to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Harlley has 3+ years of experience in React.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, and Tailwind CSS. He’s passionate about building web applications that are user-friendly, interactive, and efficient, and always looking to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to emerging web technologies. Skilled in developing robust, scalable, and secure applications with a focus on performance optimization, he’s experienced in problem-solving, debugging, and testing. Harlley is a self-starter with excellent communication skills and the ability to work independently and collaboratively. He joined the One Community team of innovators to support the development of our cutting-edge and open-source Highest Good Network software.
FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS (click icons for our pages)
Posted on April 28, 2023 by One Community
One Community welcomes Ayush Tripathi to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Ayush is a skilled software developer with a background in computer science and engineering. He holds a Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Southern California, Viterbi School of Engineering. Ayush is proficient in a range of programming languages, including Python, Java, C++, and SQL, as well as UI/UX development tools such as Django, Flask, React, and Angular. He also has experience working with cloud technologies such as AWS, S3, and EC2 and is highly skilled in machine learning, having worked with various models such as BERT, RoBERTa, and Topic Modelling. He has executed classification of ciphertext and developed an Adversarial Search Go game agent, among other projects. Throughout his career, Ayush has gained experience working on a variety of projects. He has worked as a Graduate Research Assistant at USC, where he built a pipeline to execute Expectation-Maximization Algorithm to merge several datasets on the basis of posterior probability. He has also worked as a Software Developer at DigiOne Technology Pvt Ltd and Xceedance Technology Pvt Ltd, where he worked on assortment strategy and customer portal automation, respectively. Most recently, he worked as a Software Developer Intern at Iteris Inc. where he developed a Video Management Software. Now he brings his skills as a talented developer with a passion for learning and this impressive track record of delivering quality work to the One Community Global team developing the Highest Good Network.
FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS (click icons for our pages)
Posted on April 23, 2023 by One Community
One Community is dedicated to regenerating spaceship earth by developing sustainable approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. Our innovative model is designed to be self-replicating and will be used to create a global collaboration of teacher/demonstration hubs. We are committed to doing this for “The Highest Good of All” and creating everything so it is open source and free-shared, including open sourcing and free sharing the complete process.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the April 23rd, 2023 edition (#526) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is regenerating spaceship earth through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week Julia Meaney (Researcher and Assistant to Executive Director) completed her 27th week with the team. This week Julia continued to guide Amal and her progress on her Eco-laundry research. She responded to and addressed comments on the Development Google Doc, while continuing to offer her feedback. She also edited the corresponding spreadsheet, tables and graphs for the site. Further, Julia began editing and formatting her written work for the site. She also worked on the “DIY n/Earth Dam Design & Construction Disaster Mitigation Content” Google Doc and resolved/responded to comments.
She then worked on the “Net-zero Bathroom and Earthbag Village Water Collection and Septic Design EDITED CONTENT FOR WEB” Google Doc, and resolved and addressed comments. She continued to offer further feedback using the comments and edited content to prepare it for the site. Finally, Julia reviewed Chuck’s incorporation of her feedback for the “Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping” webpage. She resolved comments on the development Google Doc as needed and made various coding and format fixes on the site. See pictures below on how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Loza Ayehutsega (Civil Engineer/Assistant Civil Engineer) completed her 16th week helping, now focused on Earth Dam Design & Construction for Water Retention, Pond & Lake Creation. This week Loza added a new topic to the report: Mid-Event Actions Planning, and prepared a spreadsheet. Loza organized the main points from the references into the report. She also reviewed the dam safety design from traditional methods and other country methodologies. See below for some of this work and how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
One Community is regenerating spaceship earth through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week, the core team continued reviewing the latest Duplicable City Center SketchUp file for accuracy. We updated the shape of the kids pool by adjusting the heights and moving the outside pool steps to a most suitable position (close to the kids pool). The same team member reshaped the outside pool to accommodate a shower and added a railing and bench to the outside pool shower area, as well as designed a new underwater wall with a 3′ wide connector pass-through for the inside/outside pool. See below for pictures and how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Charles Gooley (Web Designer) also completed his 27th week helping with web design, now focused on the Duplicable City Center Engineering tutorial. This week’s focus was sections 5 ” Architectural Design Specification and 6 ” Structural Design Specifications/Loading Specifications, which contained a number of tables and equations. Some of the equations were too large to fit on one line, so they were replaced by hand coded equations. Charles also worked on comments for the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial. Pictures below are related to this work, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Ranran Zhang (Architectural Designer) completed her 18th week working on the updated video for the Duplicable City Center internal and external walkthrough. This week Ranran worked on a video and modified the SketchUp model. She also re-imported the model into lumion, selected video views for the social dome, and added figures to the Lumion model. See below for some pictures of this work and how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Julio Marín Bustillos (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 10th week helping with the City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering. This week Julio worked on a new design for the hub connectors. This design was inspired by an existing model; however, it is a bit different in order to comply with our specific dome design. There is promise in the manufacturing process of this design, making it easy to do on-site, since it only requires cutting a metal sheet. Pictures of some of this work are below, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Amal Lazar (MS Mechanical Engineering) completed her 4th week helping with the City Center Eco-laundry research. This week Amal ran a maximization and scalability analysis on a washer. She ran through the previous washer research to assess the two options based on the same framework and outputs. Amal used the savings calculator to plug in specifications and run the analysis. She addressed questions and comments, including adding narratives and descriptions, making new graphs and tables, etc.
Amal also found a replacement option for the laundry bag option, and browsed online markets, specifically Amazon, to find the most durable option. Finally, Amal started a comparison of a paired washer/dryer set with the eco-laundry options in terms of energy or water efficiency. Amal also prepared an outline to better structure the dryer eco-laundry research. The pictures below share some of this developing work, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Zhide Wang (Mechanical Engineer) joined the team and completed his 1st week. This week’s focus was helping with the Duplicable City Center Engineering tutorial. He reviewed the content and provided some suggestions and notes for improvement. Overall he thought the project was well done and professional so he just made some small changes to make it more professional. All the tables in the project (Table 1 to Table 35) were reproduced in the template that was provided and he’s waiting now for a supervisor to check the details. See below for some pictures and how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
One Community is regenerating spaceship earth through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team continued to work on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. We completed work on the Transition Kitchen Recipe Build Out sheet. We also completed all the columns for measurement conversions and corrected the table used for measurement conversions. See below for pictures and how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
One Community is regenerating spaceship earth through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students. This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.
With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too, with the goal of regenerating spaceship earth in mind.
One Community is regenerating spaceship earth through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week the core team completed 35 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug-fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members. Pictures below show some of this, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Yiyun Tan (Management Dashboard Team Leader) completed her 51st week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yiyun mainly worked on PR final reviewing. She also solved a couple of backend merge conflicts PRs, and she helped the team on Slack with problem solving, bug reporting, and maintaining the tutorials. Pictures of some of this work are below, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Yan Xu (Software Development Engineer) completed her 37th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yan worked on the summary management page select Team Member button/function. Now when users click the Team Member button, users are able to search users and add users on the search user bar, and it is possible to find a team member using the summary group ID. Additionally the user can select the team members for the summary group and get the team member name for each summary group. See pictures below for some of this work and how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Kaixiang “Kevin” Gu (Fullstack Software Developer) completed his 23rd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Kaixiang finished repositioning the refresh button and making the button refresh the hours when needed. He also raised a new PR for team members to review. Additionally, he reviewed PR#764 and 771, and reported a new bug ” horizontal scroll bar appears on both MAIN site and DEV site. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Jianjun Luo (Software Engineer) completed her 21st week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Jianjun updated the raised optimization pull request and resolved conflicts introduced by several updates of the development branch. She wrote the analysis of the time entries bug after the latest update. She fixed the alignment problem of the two components on the dashboard page and made the ‘click to close’ reminder for the weekly summaries component. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Johny dos Santos Anastacio (Software Engineer) completed his 19th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Johny was still working on the task “Badges I’ve earned’, recreating the function checkXHrsForXWeeksm. Now he just needs to find a way to delete the badges of lower streaks when the user earns the badge of a greater streak. Johny also fixed an urgent bug that Jae posted in the Slack channel and made changes requested by reviewers on the PR he had already raised for the task “create a details button to see when a specific badge was earned”. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Raul Effting (Jr. Front-End Web Developer) completed his 15th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Raul developed the new timer functionality with Harlley. 6 of the 11 suggestions made by Jae were implemented on the new timer. Raul also reviewed and received approval for frontend PRs (735, 727, 654, and 639). Check out the pictures below as examples of this work, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Aishwarya Kalkundrikar (Full Stack Software Developer) completed her 14th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Aishwarya completed the development of the code logic by using a different approach than last week and has made a helper file and a cron job for the feature to work. She also made changes in the environment file as suggested in the document by Yan Xu, and she’s now investigating how to make the required settings so as to send mail using Gmail for this feature. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Filipe Santos de Oliveira (Full Stack Developer) completed his 12th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. Throughout the last week, Filipe completed the implementation of the loading skeleton feature for both the header and the team member tasks sections. He is currently seeking a solution to address the issue of the flexibility of the titles of team members, clocks, tasks, and related elements. In images 5 and 6 in the dropbox folder, the elements corresponding to the titles that he needs to find a solution for flexibility are shown.
Filipe’s plan is to dedicate the entire week towards devising a solution for this issue. Should he fail to find a resolution, he will continue with the implementation of the loading skeleton for users on the team member tasks list, until a viable solution is found. Following the successful implementation of the necessary features on the main page, he will prioritize the optimization of the interface for mobile devices. See below pictures as examples of this work and how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Prabhjot Singh (Fullstack Software Engineer) also completed his 10th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Prabhjot reviewed several PRs, for which he requested changes in some. He also fixed 2 bugs: One so Volunteers cannot delete others’ tasks; and second for Badge previews being distorted ” it took some time to find the right selector and file to put CSS to have correct width and height. He continued to fix other bugs too. See below pictures as examples of this work and how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Jinchao Feng (Software Engineer) completed his 9th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Jinchao finished the development of the ‘Update functionality of the ‘Weekly Summary Required’ section of Profile’. He then designed the testing process and raised PR764 and PR316. He also completed the demo of the alert for invisible users on the leaderboard and received feedback. He also raised PR322 to fix the urgent bug. Pictures of some of this work are below, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Sav Costabile (Web Developer) completed their 9th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Sav continued their work on the streak and the lead team x badges bugs. They refactored and made the streak award function run better. Sav discovered and fixed the main problem with the function that was breaking it and stopping it midway. They note that the function still needs some work to run correctly as the logic is still outdated and hard to read.
They set up a testing environment, as well as read through and learned the ins and outs of Mongoose to understand why team data that is stored on the backend is not being retrieved. See below for related pictures and how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Vitor Adriel (Software Engineer) completed his 9th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Vitor checked the permissions on the manager-user permission component. He found several bugs and reported them on the Bugs Doc ” one being that any volunteer could delete a task assigned to another volunteer; another was where it was possible to assign badges to the user without any permission; and another was where the “personal record award” badge didn’t work as intended. He also reviewed PRs #639, #654, #755, #757 and improved PR #719. See some examples of this work in the pictures below and how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Lucas Emanuel Souza Silva (Software Developer) completed his 9th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Lucas concluded the development of the “Special Situation ” User Hours Set to Zero” task that corrected some conflicts with the development branch, and a modification request made by Raul on the code. Lucas also worked on task number 71, and concluded the development of the main idea of the task, and also worked on the development of item “d” of the task, which specifies that non-Owner/Administrator/Core Team users should not see all tasks on the platform like Owner/Administrator/Core Team user’s see on their dashboard.
Lucas planned the code implementation for the red bell icon task for when code on task 71 works. Lucas also reviewed two PRs: #772 and #771: PR 772 worked as intended, the button was hidden for non-Owner/Administrator users, and PR 771 also worked as intended, the button was moved.The pictures below share some of this developing work, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Ayush Tripathi (Full Stack Developer) completed his 8th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Ayush worked on a project titled “Make the star by people’s names show if they’ve done significant additional hours”. He added a star symbol alongside the percentage of extra hours completed beyond the committed time on the “Weekly Summaries Reports page”. He also presented two design options, out of which Jae selected one as the final design. In addition to this, Ayush discovered an issue with the timer and created a video demonstrating the problem. See pics for some of this work and how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth
Angelina Truong (Full Stack Software Developer) completed her 7th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Angelina worked on the task of adding google doc link to Weekly Summaries Reports. She first reviewed the development branch to have a better idea of the objective, then created a new branch and began analyzing the application to locate where the icon will be inserted, as well as reviewing all the components that would be related to this specific task.
She successfully inserted the image icon to the weekly summaries report next to each user profile name, as well as adjusted the size of the icon. In the front end, she did not find the google doc link that is unique to each user, so she continued to analyze the backend. See pics below and how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Akshay (Full Stack Developer) completed his 7th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Akshay created a custom checkbox component that displays a colored background based on the deadline percentage. He implemented a function called getCheckboxColor() that returns a color class based on the percentage. He added the custom checkbox to the code, replaced the original checkbox input element, and integrated the getCheckboxColor() function into the custom checkbox component’s className.
He also implemented the custom checkbox’s click event handler, handleCustomCheckboxClick, which toggles the checkbox’s checked state. These changes allow the application to display a custom checkbox with a colored background that changes based on the task deadline percentage and can be checked and unchecked by clicking on it. Pictures below are examples of this, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Nicolle Coelho (Software Engineer) completed her 6th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Nicolle found a new bug in the dashboard component and worked to understand the issue before adding it to the Bugs document. PR 735 was tested and approved. Additionally, PR 766 was opened to change the button and update the text message accordingly. Nicolle also refactored the code to prevent errors and enhanced the user interface to provide a smoother and more intuitive experience.
Nicolle continues work on an effective method to make the table for the Team Member Task responsive. She also noticed that when she logged 12 minutes with a random text to test a bug in the current week’s time, she was not able to delete the time entry. The pictures below relate to this work, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Anant Sharma (Software Engineer) completed his 4th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Anant cleaned up all the debug outputs in frontend/backend repos and made sure nothing broke functionality. He also removed all the commented code and cleaned up debug statements to improve the code quality and performance since there will be no logging. He got the PR approved and did the requested changes for code to be merged. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Yihan Liu (Software Engineer) completed her 4th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yihan worked on three bugs in the frontend of the HGN app. The first one was the issue with the saving-changes-popup disappearing. She also updated the PR#758 by adding a reload function on the EditConfirmModal component to maintain the page refresh feature. For the second and the third bugs Yihan found that the third issue was solved after solving the second bug, so she suggested merging these two bugs into one.
As for the solution of these two bugs, Yihan did some research on props and conditional rendering, then added conditional rendering on the assign badges button. The PR of this is PR#771. Yihan also reviewed PR#746, PR#762. PR#766, and all worked fine on her end. The pictures below relate to this work, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
The Highest Good Network software PR Review team also worked to test all of the above PRs and find any bugs they could within those PRs and the software as a whole. This week’s active members of this team and how many weeks they’ve been with us are as follows: Abdelmounaim “Abdel” Lallouache (Software Developer) completed his 2nd week, (Anish Pandita (Software Engineer) completed his 9th week, Elisaudo Sousa De Jesus (MERN Stack Developer) completed his 3rd week.
Lucile Tronczyk (Full Stack Software Developer) completed her 2nd week, Tooba Jamal (Software Developer) completed her 3rd week, Vishvesh Sheoran (Artificial Intelligence Specialist) completed his 1st week, and Yongjian Pan (React.js/MongoDB Full Stack Software Developer) completed his 4th week. The collage below shows a compilation of the work from this team, see how they relate to regenerating spaceship earth.
Ray Lee (Digital Creator) also helped create custom header graphics for International Women’s Day and updated all the Lunary New Year graphics to span the full width of our site. See below on how it relates to regenerating spaceship earth
Posted on April 16, 2023 by One Community
Creating eco-systemic permanence is about creating self-maintaining ecological systems. These systems are sustainable and make life easier, healthier, and more affordable. One Community is applying this concept to create teacher/demonstration hubs incorporating radically sustainable approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the April 16th, 2023 edition (#525) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is creating eco-systemic permanence through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week Julia Meaney (Researcher and Assistant to Executive Director) completed her 26th week with the team. This week Julia managed Amal’s progress on Eco-laundry dryers research, by responding to comments and giving feedback. Julia also took a final look at the “Murphy bed Instructions” PDF, resolved comments where her feedback had been integrated and followed up on all others. Lastly, Julia continued to work on the “Net-zero Bathroom and Earthbag Village Water Collection and Septic Design EDITED CONTENT FOR WEB” Google Doc, where she responded to comments and integrated input from others, and continued to edit the written content and format it for the site.
Julia finished the entire “Net-Zero Bathroom Rainwater Harvesting Design Details” section and backed up all of the Resources to her Dropbox. She started editing the “Net-Zero Bathroom Stormwater Storage Design” section and developed its table of contents. See pictures below and how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Loza Ayehutsega (Civil Engineer/Assistant Civil Engineer) completed her 15th week helping, now focused on Earth Dam Design & Construction for Water Retention, Pond & Lake Creation. This week Loza added information on Earth Dam disaster risk mitigation, which included planning action, dam emergency action, and mitigation solutions. References for this added content was listed in the resource section. See below for some pictures and how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
One Community is creating eco-systemic permanence through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week, the core team continued reviewing the latest Duplicable City Center SketchUp file for accuracy. We researched different options for water redirection for the domes, designed gutter systems over the second floor entrances of the Living and Dining domes, and added a missing railing on the third floor between the Living Dome, the Staircase structure, and the Dining Dome. See below for this work and how it relates to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Huiya Yang (Volunteer Architectural Designer) completed her 50th week and Xuanji Tang (Architectural Designer) completed her 32nd week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural design details. This week they both helped redesign the men’s and women’s bathrooms to solve issues with lines of site existing into the bathrooms. Pictures of some of this work are below, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Charles Gooley (Web Designer) also completed his 26th week helping with web design, now focused on the Duplicable City Center Engineering tutorial. The work included sections with tables on Egress, Allowable Height, Number of Stories, Drop Off Ceiling Details, Structural Design Specifications, Loading Specifications, Dead Loads, Live Loads, and Snow Load. Several of the tables spanned more than one page, so they were combined using Photoshop. Charles also added a number of equations, most of which were images. A few were too large to fit in one line, so they were replaced by hand coded equations. Pictures below show this work, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Julio Marín Bustillos (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 9th week helping with the City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering. This week Julio researched alternatives for the hub connector design. A set of designs were retrieved to test once the maximum load is determined. He is working on designing some of the different models that can substitute the current design to incorporate into the final assembly. Pictures of some of this work are below, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Yiwei He (Mechanical Engineer) completed her 6th week helping with the City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering. This week Yiwei finished modeling a load analysis simulation for comparing different hub connectors at the top node of the dome structure. She also began researching current designs of hub connectors to be used for ideas for the City Center domes and met with the aircrete team and reviewed the material for editing the aircrete user manual. Pictures of some of this work are below, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Amal Lazar (MS Mechanical Engineering) completed her 3rd week helping with the City Center Eco-laundry research. This week Amal wrote a more detailed paragraph on the laundry line option, and provided some data about potential savings on the U.S population scale. She also organized her section on best dryer options and came up with a better framework that makes more sense for novice readers. She continued developing comparisons between different types of dryers to validate the final choice.
She summarized the pros and cons of heat pump technology with an explanation of the mechanism and comparison options with respect to dry time and CEF. Amal finished her scalability and maximization analysis and plan and then started the washer content. The pictures below share some of this developing work, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
One Community is creating eco-systemic permanence through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team continued to work on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. We completed several columns for recipe measurements in the Transition Kitchen Recipe Build Out spreadsheet, and we met with Matthew to teach him how to complete his related tasks. See below for pictures and how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Rebecca Miller (Chef) completed her 9th week helping with the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. This week Rebecca verified that recipes had metric measurements, added them where needed, and corrected recipe instructions. She also continued to highlight recipes to communicate they are ready to move on to the master spreadsheet. See below for some pictures for this work and how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
One Community is creating eco-systemic permanence through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students. This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.
With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too, aimed at creating eco-systemic permanence:
One Community is creating eco-systemic permanence through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week the core team completed 33 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug-fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members. Pictures below show some of this, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Yiyun Tan (Management Dashboard Team Leader) completed her 50th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yiyun finished the re-work on urgent bug 1. She created a doc about the badge functionality and clarified a couple questions and answers with a few members working on badge related bugs. She also helped the team on Slack with problem solving, reviewing PRs, and maintaining the tutorials. Pictures of some of this work are below, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Yan Xu (Software Development Engineer) completed her 36th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yan worked on the search bar in the summary management page, for which it is now possible to write the key words about the summary groups, and then return the according summary group in the table. She also edited the content of some popups, and worked on the team member button, which it is now possible to add and get team members for each summary group in the backend and database. See pictures below for some of this work and how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Kaixiang “Kevin” Gu (Fullstack Software Developer) completed his 22nd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Kaixiang reviewed PR#754 and #756 and finished the “Submit for review” button visibility. He also worked on the Work Breakdown Structure view bug. They will continue work on this next week. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Jianjun Luo (Software Engineer) completed her 20th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Jianjun finished the performance task and raised the pull request for review. She made final reviews for a few pull requests and resolved their conflicts to the current branch. She also confirmed the time range bug of the timelog component, proposed a possible cause and made a hot fix solution based on it. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Johny dos Santos Anastacio (Software Engineer) completed his 18th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Johny raised a PR for the “Need Details” button request (or other way) to see when specific badges were earned. It’s now awaiting review and approval. He also helped fix a bug and raised a PR for it. He is working on the Badge component bug number 4 and building the function from the ground up using checkxHrsForXweeks because the old function is not working properly. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Raul Effting (Jr. Front-End Web Developer) completed his 14th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Raul finished the reports page as PR 752, this removed the need to click the dropdown to see the list of people when creating a new task, replacing it with an auto-populate list as names are typed. Raul also helped develop the new timer and successfully applied Docker to test the new feature, and he reviewed PR 727, “When searching the resources, fake data is still appearing.” Check out the pictures below as examples of this work, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Aishwarya Kalkundrikar (Full Stack Software Developer) completed her 13th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Aishwarya developed the script for a required email feature. She wrote functions to get the required details of users and tasks, and wrote a cron job to execute the script and continues to face an issue with the timezone. She also reviewed the PR raised by Alan for previously missed code. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Filipe Santos de Oliveira (Full Stack Developer) completed his 11th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Filipe implemented a delay function in the loading skeleton display in a React application, meaning a skeleton is displayed for a set amount of time before showing the actual user data. During the process, Filipe encountered difficulties in achieving the desired outcome and had to resort to creating a condition that caused a delay in the initial display of the loading skeleton. See below pictures as examples of this work and how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Prabhjot Singh (Fullstack Software Engineer) also completed his 9th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. Prabh reviewed all PRs in the Pull Request code review channel (there may be one or two more) and approved some of them. Prabh also assisted Yiyun in resolving PR issues, attempted to solve the problem and offered a solution to the best of his ability, was unable to provide an exact solution, but was able to show her the correct way with a Code walkthrough video. With that, she fixed the problem, and the PR is now approved. See below pictures as examples of this work and how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Jinchao Feng (Software Engineer) completed his 8th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Jinchao finished PR313 and PR757, which relate to missing hours for the core team. He designed a simplified testing process for reviewers and will keep following up on these two PRs in the next weeks. He raised PR751 to fix the bugs in the VolunteeringTimeTab that caused the UserProfile page to crash. He also finished the first phase of development of updating the WeeklySummaryRequired to WeeklySummaryOptions. Pictures of some of this work are below, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Sav Costabile (Web Developer) completed their 8th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This is the third week Sav has spent working on the badge bugs on the backend. They worked on two new bugs this week after pushing their new backend PRs up to GitHub early in the week. The first bug addressed problems with the “Lead a team of x users” badge which was being assigned to users when with no volunteer hours or projects.
After a lot of debugging and testing they have determined they would need to meet with Jae or someone else to discuss the backend issues of the team data structure in relation to the bug. The second bug was focused on the “x hours streak for x weeks” badge bug where lower tier badges are not being. See below for the pictures and how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Vitor Adriel (Software Engineer) completed his 8th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Vitor improved PR #719, which was “when interacting with the Status or EndDate button the user got the pop-up confirming that the changes were saved, before updating the user’s information.” Now the user’s information is updated before the user gets the confirmation pop-up. He also improved PR #729, which is that the behavior of components has changed and now a warning appears when the user tries to input a special character/symbol.
Additionally, he added a verifier to not let a role be created with just blank spaces. He also raised and quickly merged PRs having to do with the “save changes” warning where it was appearing incorrectly, this fixed the behavior of the component, now appearing just as before. See some examples of this work in the pictures below and how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Lucas Emanuel Souza Silva (Software Developer) completed his 8th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Lucas worked two connected Tasks: #71 and #84. He is working on task 71 first so the changes made to this (validate the user’s ID and tasks) feed into the red bell going away after the authentication happens. Lucas also reviewed and completed three PRs (#760, #271 and #653). The pictures below share some of this developing work, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Ayush Tripathi (Full Stack Developer) completed his 7th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Ayush worked towards making the dot by people’s names show up if they’ve done significant additional hours. He designed a dot that changes color based on the provided conditions (amount of time a person has worked), and later changed the dot to a star for consistency. He also tested this programming and is awaiting final review. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Harlley Bastos (Full Stack Developer) completed his 7th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Harlley fixed problems with the timer and helped Deploy the Dev environment on Docker to allow testing in a better way. The pictures below share some of this developing work, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Angelina Truong (Full Stack Software Developer) completed her 6th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Angelina updated issues related to the user task not saving at times. She found the bug occurred inconsistently. She resolved bugs related to the assigned, status, and category sections in the edit form.
She attempted to reproduce the bug for the hours section, and she resolved PR #722 (which is when the yellow popup bar would disappear and the window would freeze after the weekly summary was submitted) by finding and deleting unneeded code. Until then she will continue to test this task. See pics below for this work and how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Akshay (Full Stack Developer) completed his 6th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Akshay worked on PR #757 and PR #313, both of which were lengthy. He also reviewed other pull requests and examined various issues and reviewed and approved PR #754, PR #756, and PR #758. Akshay responded to feedback on his own PRs and investigated some of the issues further. Pictures below are examples of this, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Crystal Song (Software Engineer) completed her 6th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Crystal revised code for PR #735 by reviewing comments from the peer review, replying to them and fixing the code needing rewriting. She also troubleshot an npm build ci for when the code is uploaded, and reinstalled the node version that is compatible with github and uninstalled the node that is on the local machine. She also continued to review PR#694. Pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Nicolle Coelho (Software Engineer) completed her 5th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. Nicolle worked on the Front End of the HGN App. She successfully resolved a bug that was causing errors in the Count Down Timer Layout, and a pull request (PR#750) was opened to address this issue. Additionally, Nicolle fixed the layout of the header in the User Profile component and removed an unwanted scrollbar (PR#754).
During her work on the Review of PR#752, Nicolle discovered that the checkbox state was not being saved when the user filters for Inactive teams. Unfortunately, the PR was not approved. Nicolle is also working on a feature at the Team Weekly Summaries in the User Profile Component. The pictures below show some of this work, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Christopher Alexander (Software Engineer) completed his 3rd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Chris looked into HGN bugs related to backlog and why 90 hours in one week is not awarding a badge. Working with a more experienced developer, he discussed what steps can be taken and where to look in the code. Finally, Chris reviewed, approved and fixed all buttons so they expand all tasks (PR#735). See pics below as examples of this work and how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Yihan Liu (Software Engineer) completed her 3rd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yihan mainly worked on solving two bugs. First one was to fix saved changes popup disappearing before the “close” button is clicked. Yihan dove deep into some code files, such as UserProfile.jsx, SaveButton.jsx and UserProfileEdit.jsx, to understand the functionality of each file. Finally, she found the problem was occurring in file UserProfile.jsx: a reload function was added at the end of handleSubmit function, which caused the page to automatically refresh.
She deleted this function so that the popup won’t disappear until users click the close button. The second one was to eliminate the extra space in the People reports. Yihan looked into PeopleReport.jsx(.css), PeopleTasksPieChart.jsx(.css) and ReportPage.jsx(.css), then she discovered the key was the “display” property of “report-page-content” class in ReportPage.jsx. Yihan spent time on researching display type such as flex and flexbox. Finally, she solved the bug by converting the grid display to flex display, and set the flex-direction to row. Pictures below show this work, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
The Highest Good Network software PR Review team also worked to test all of the above PRs and find any bugs they could within those PRs and the software as a whole. This week’s active members of this team and how many weeks they’ve been with us are as follows: Abdelmounaim “Abdel” Lallouache (Software Developer) completed his 1st week, (Anish Pandita (Software Engineer) completed his 8th week, Elisaudo Sousa De Jesus (MERN Stack Developer) completed his 2nd week.
Lucile Tronczyk (Full Stack Software Developer) completed her 1st week, Tooba Jamal (Software Developer) completed her 2nd week, Tooba Jamal (Software Developer) completed her 1st week, and Yongjian Pan (React.js/MongoDB Full Stack Software Developer) completed his 3rd week. The collage below shows a compilation of the work from this team, see how they relate to creating eco-systemic permanence.
Posted on April 15, 2023 by One Community
One Community welcomes Jinchao Feng to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Jinchao holds a master’s degree in Computer Science, has experience in Full-Stack development, and is skilled in multiple programming languages and frameworks. He loves coding and delivering solid work and improvements while further developing his skills. Contributing to an open source project that makes the world a better and more beautiful place is even more rewarding, which is what he’s doing as a member of the One Community team helping develop the open source Highest Good Network application.
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Posted on April 15, 2023 by One Community
One Community welcomes Filipe Santos de Oliveira to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Filipe is an engineering and maintenance technician with 15 years of experience. He has worked on projects such as the Casa da Moeda do Brasil, the Brazilian Navy’s submarine construction shipyard, and Fiocruz, where COVID-19 vaccines are produced. Recently, Filipe has decided to transition to the field of IT in pursuit of becoming a front-end developer. He received his first opportunity at One Community, where he began developing his skills as a front-end developer working on the Highest Good Network. With his experience and passion for technology, Filipe is determined to become a successful front-end developer and make meaningful contributions to the field.
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Posted on April 15, 2023 by One Community
One Community welcomes Julio Marín Bustillos to the Engineering Design Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Julio is a graduate from New Mexico State University and has worked on several engineering projects, gaining experience in finite element analysis as well as critical design processes, and some computer languages such as MATLAB and Arduino. He believes that teamwork and efficient communication can make anything possible. He has a passion for research and designing and testing mechanical devices as well as innovating and proposing solutions for real world problems. As a member of the One Community team, Julio is helping with the structural analysis of the dome hub connectors for the three dome structures that make up the Duplicable City Center.
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Posted on April 15, 2023 by One Community
One Community welcomes Anish Pandita to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Anish is a budding computer science professional with an absolute craze for technology and its applications in the real world. He has a couple of years of experience in developing scalable software solutions for a plethora of use cases. This has made him well trained in building solutions from end-to-end, starting from requirement gathering and database schema design to deploying the solution on servers and testing it. Apart from work, he’s also an avid hiker, running enthusiast, and loves playing video games and often streams gameplays on the Twitch platform. As a member of the One Community team, Anish is helping develop our open source Highest Good Network software.
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"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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