One Community blog, Anne Frank Quote, change the world

One Community Welcomes Shreyas Dayanand to the Engineering Team!

One Community welcomes Shreyas Dayanand to the Engineering Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!

Shreyas is an engineering professional with a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering. He is passionate about working with battery technology in the electric mobility industry. He believes electric vehicle technology is the key to sustainable transportation. Shreyas is skilled in CAD, thermal and structural simulations, and research related to electric vehicle battery pack applications. He is passionate and dedicated to solving engineering problems to overcome the hurdles of the EV industry. As a member of the One Community team, Shreyas is helping to implement the concept of Vehicle-to-Grid technology and is working on a techno-economical analysis to optimize EV charging. He is also looking into battery storage options and the economics of battery storage as a 100% off-grid storage option for our solar farm.



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OVERVIEW       ●       LOCATION       ●       FUNDING



Forwarding a Global Cooperative – One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

One Community is forwarding a global cooperative of teacher/demonstration hubs that will open source sustainable and DIY replicable approaches to foodenergyhousingeducationfor-profit and non-profit economic designsocial architecturefulfilled livingglobal stewardship practices, and more. We are doing this as part of what we call “living and creating for The Highest Good of All”.

Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the August 29th, 2021 edition (#440) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Forwarding a Global Cooperative
One Community Progress Update #440




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr




Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is forwarding a global cooperative through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team continued working on the “Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring” review for finalizing the live page. We addressed past comments and identified additional areas for improvement, covering from section 4.3 to 6. We also separated the flooring section into its own page and started formatting that. The pictures below share some of this work.

Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring review, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring review

Another core team member reviewed and assigned 18 responses to another volunteer engineer to validate and/or correct, covering dome work boundary outer area, utilities, areas of excavation, 3-dome cluster footer, foundation heights, flooring, tamping/compaction, using water to determine grade differences, and centerpoint re-establishment. These covered pages up through page 49.

Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring

And the core team continued what we hope will be the final review of the Murphy bed assembly instructions. We completed the assembly of the benches and table with hardware installation.

We then started working on assembly of the bed framing, wall framing, side shelving and ceiling with the light cut outs. As we did this we provided comments with suggestions and related images to help with the corrections and updates that were found to be needed. Pictures below are related to this work.

Murphy bed assembly instructions, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Murphy bed assembly instructions

The core team also finished the initial power estimations needed for the solar microgrid design. These included daily values for each area and total, graphs, updating formulas, creating a new tab with a summary of energy needs, including monthly demands and max winter plot.

We additionally addressed and organized comments from the aircrete team and double checked and improved the aircrete team’s spreadsheet of calculations.

Initial power estimations needed for the solar microgrid design, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Initial power estimations needed for the solar microgrid design

Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 47th week working on the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. Stacey processed some of the comments received on the most recent version of the Murphy bed instructions.

She is reading through the notes posted to the shared PDF document and making the changes directly into the instruction Illustrator files. Many of the comments are already improving the look and legibility of the document. Screenshots below are related to this latest progress.

Murphy bed instructions, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Murphy bed instructions

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 58th week helping finish the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Jose Luis finished adjusting the flash rendering to align with the roof access frame of the net-zero bathroom.

The roof saddle was redimensioned to coincide with the roof access size changes. To complete the flash rendering, he added fasteners to the appropriate locations along the saddle. The following changes were made to reduce material use and simplify the process.

This coming week Jose Luis will make an action list on all the steps needed to finalize the plans. The pictures below show some of this work.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 25th week helping with research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This week, Jeson followed up with the diesel generator companies regarding the quotes for 100kw and 150kw generators including email and phone call communications.

After receiving the quote or response, he input the product spec and the quotes into the spreadsheet comparison table. Finally, Jeson saved the email communication thread to PDFs and saved them into the dropbox folder along with the diesel generator specs sheets.

Lastly, he addressed the comments that Vicente had on the spreadsheet, including calculation and format adjustments. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics

Aidan Geissler (Sustainability Researcher) completed his 17th week helping with 2nd-to-final review, feedback, and content editing. This week Aidan continued to provide management and guidance to the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing team.

He reviewed their trial testing progress and updates to their plan, helped review their calculations to ensure precision and accuracy, and provided additional comments and suggestions to guide the development of this team’s work.

Aiden also returned to the Insulation Comparison spreadsheet that he created a few months ago and began the final research process needed to incorporate it into the website. Pictures below are related to this work.

management and guidance to the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing team, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Management and guidance to the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing team

Frank Roland Vilcapaza Diaz (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 10th week helping with the Earthbag Village energy specifics. This week Frank worked on the energy consumption summaries of the HVAC systems for the Atrium, and the Aquapini and Walipini designs.

He also created some plots to examine the monthly average energy consumption of both buildings. The energy consumption of the infiltrations needs further research and will be added in the final report. The pictures below relate to this.

Earthbag Village energy specifics, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Earthbag Village energy specifics

Shreyas Dayanand (Battery Research Engineer) also completed his 9th week helping with the solar microgrid design specifics related to electric vehicles and battery sizing. This week Shreyas continued to work on the techno-economical analysis of EV charging using the HOMER GRID application.

He analyzed the level 5 DC Ultra-Fast Charging scenario for an EV with a 100 kWh battery pack and documented the findings of the analysis for the same. Shreyas also worked on drawing conclusions for the analysis that was previously done by plotting graphs for comparison for EV charging times, commercials for charging, and levels of EV charging (i.e. charging rate).

Pictures below are related to this work.

solar microgrid design specifics, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – solar microgrid design specifics

The Compression Team consisting of Dominick Banuelos (Civil Engineering Intern), Jarot Tamba (Civil Engineering Intern), John Paul D. Matining (Civil Engineer Intern), and Marcus Nguyen (Civil Engineering Intern) completed their 8th week helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing.

This week they worked to finish the docs and address the comments to begin the final cylinders that will be curing for the next few weeks.

They also created excel sheets that will be used to capture the data of each individual cylinder, solidified calculations regarding their stabilized earth and aircrete mixes on their google sheets document, and practiced more mixes and prepping for the upcoming weeks to be as efficient as possible.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Forwarding a Global Cooperative

Tiffany Gao (Sustainability/Plastics Researcher) completed her 6th week as a researcher, reviewer, and web developer. This week Tiffany focused her efforts on further improving the Plastic Recycling page.

After receiving about 4 pages of edit feedback, she added “Titles” to her links, fixed spelling errors to reflect “Title Case”, fixed headings and the table of content bullets, replaced missing/broken images and resized images, fixed spacing errors seen in preview mode, and forced center code on other images.

Tiffany finished up by completing a bit more grammar review. The pictures below share some of this work.

Plastic Recycling, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Plastic Recycling, Forwarding a Global Cooperative


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is forwarding a global cooperative through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week the core team continued work on the Duplicable City Center Project Specification and Design Basis documentation. The focus this week was Project Specifications Chapter 5 for Architectural and Chapter 9 for Plumbing, 1st Floor Occupancy Calculation – Number of required restroom fixtures per CBC Chapter 29, and the AutoCAD 3D solid model. Pictures below share some of this work-in-progress.

Duplicable City Center Project Specification and Design Basis documentation, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Duplicable City Center Project Specification and Design Basis documentation

Ian Oliver Malinay (Energy Modeler/Analyst) completed his 31st week helping run the energy analysis calculations to help us achieve LEED Platinum status for the Duplicable City Center.

This week Ian continued the development of energy modeling narrative document for LEED Building Certification. He specifically updated the occupancy schedule and included it to narrative document for checking.

Ian also processed the thermal zone of the building in DesignBuilder Software, and attended to the team queries particularly the ASHRAE 90.1 needed tables as reference. Please see below related screenshots of activity for reference.

energy analysis calculations, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

energy analysis calculations, Forwarding a Global Cooperative

David Na (Project Management Adviser/Engineer) completed his 24th week helping with input and management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, as well as the City Center Water Catchment Designs.

This week David spent the majority of his hours looking through the google doc for Roadways, Landscaping, and Walkways to resolve remaining comments from Nicholas, Bear, and Jae.

Due to the changes to the amount of square footage that will be associated with porous pavement and decomposed granite, David needs to meet with Carol to discuss the changes. With that, the final costs and calculations for our roadways and walkways will be complete. Pictures below are related to this work.

Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping

Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 18th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. This week, Carol worked on updating the Excel calculations with new data for length and area of roadway.

She also fixed the mistakes in the spreadsheet from last week. Carol created 2 tables in 2 separate sheets on Google Drive for Roadway Unlimited Expense Option and Roadway Minimized Expense Option. Pictures below are related to this work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping

Luis Manuel Dominguez (Research Engineer) completed his 18th week helping with research related to the City Center Eco-spa designs. This week Luis continued his work on the electrical budget for the City Center Spa.

He was able to pick up where his teammates left off in order to create an understandable table that communicates the power requirements of each component in the Spa system. It covers systems such as the pump, heater, controllers, and valves.

The table also structures any potential design constraints that may impact each component’s power consumption. Once the numbers are finalized, they can be incorporated into the City Center Spa solar budget for design.

In the coming weeks Luis aims to research the remaining components to see on average how much electricity they draw and what will work best with our system. Pictures below are related to this work.

City Center Eco-spa designs, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – City Center Eco-spa designs

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 11th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. This week Daniela focused on the site roadways.

An unlimited expense plan was created last week and this week a minimized expense plan was made. Daniela worked on AutoCAD to create these designs and incorporated fire access paths, bikeways, and pedestrian paths. In the last design Daniela edited she included the unimproved bike/foot paths.

Daniela included some additional information to an excerpt she wrote last week to help explain the rationale behind the pathways. She also continued making small edits to the Earthbag Village. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping

Venus Abdollahi (Architectural Designer) completed her 7th week helping finish the Duplicable City Center roof designs. This week Venus completed the dormer wall and roof design. For detailing the dormer, she is using Revit to create 3D details.

She created the 3D isometric section of the dormer wall, changed different layer materials in the wall and dormer window position in order to meet the International Building Code fire code/egress, and researched on attaching openings to the main dome structure.

From this Venus created two options for the dormer frame. Next she will complete the 3D SketchUp file and add both windows and downspouts on the dome based on the new position of the dormer windows. See pictures below.

Duplicable City Center roof designs, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Duplicable City Center roof designs

John Aquino (Electrical Engineer) also completed his 7th week helping lead the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs. This week, John set up the plotting tools that shall be used to print out drawings for issuance/QA/QC.

In addition, a drawing file has been created containing typical electrical details that may be potentially used for this project and/or future ones. All of these items will be located inside the Electrical folder for the DCC project. Pictures below show some of this work.

helping lead the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – helping lead the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs

And Carlos Lillo (Engineering Technician) also completed his 7th week helping with the pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms. This week Carlos sent 3/4 of the furniture renders for review so he can produce the final renders, he also began working on the wardrobe by importing brackets and screws with animations.

At first it seemed like the wardrobe was going to take longer because of the size, but given that the animations were the core and most of them were produced in previous renders it seems this is going to be the easiest one. Pictures below are related to this work.

Pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms

Dipanshi Batra (Mechanical Engineer) completed her 5th week working on the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes. This week Dipanshi focused on the StarPlate form of connector and started CAD work on making the same based on angles from the pre-designed geodesic dome.

FMEA and testing requirements for StarPlate were also explored. These gazebo-applied connectors can be applied to a larger frequency Geodesic Dome. Discussion around direction of design intent also culminated. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Duplicable City Center connectors

Ibukun Shogbamu (Junior Mechanical Engineer) completed his 5th week working on the City Center HVAC Designs. This week Ibukun edited and formatted the “Most Viable HVAC system comparison” spreadsheet and summarized the written report.

He also began the cost estimation for the Minisplit system, considering the costs of all indoor and outdoor units as well as all the installation accessories. To get an accurate value he measured the refrigerant piping lengths from the AutoCAD drawings and obtained the total cost of refrigerant piping based on these values. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

City Center HVAC Designs, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – City Center HVAC Designs

Andrew Wilbert Vidianto (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 5th week working on the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes. Andrew spent most of his hours exploring the V-connector bracket design on SolidWorks Finite Element Analysis and continuing the Hub Connector Analysis report.

Several thickness of metal plates were tested by FEA with a combination of holes. Price and material availability were also explored for the cost consideration. Pictures below are related to this work.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Duplicable City Center connectors

And Xuanji Tang (Architectural Designer) joined the team and completed her 1st week working on Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code.

She finished her onboarding process, had a meeting about her tasks, listed the occupancy classification of the rooms according to the California Building Code Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, and reviewed the window designs and added the comments. The pictures below relate to this work.

Duplicable City Center architectural review, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Duplicable City Center architectural review


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is forwarding a global cooperative through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 47th week volunteering, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details. This week Qiuheng clarified the design revision details with Jae. She updated both roads on the North and South based on comments.

The 3D model of the roads as well as the surrounding topography were modified in SketchUp too, so the file can be ready for further development in Lumion later.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping

Qisheng Rong (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 6th week helping with the development of the climate battery designs for the Aquapini/Walipini structures.

This week Qisheng created a computational fluid dynamics simulation model on SolidWorks to simulate the behavior of climate battery design and analyzed the performance.

Based on the simulation results, the climate battery design was capable to cool the air temperature of 38 degree celsius down to 15 degree celsius where the pipe wall temperature was assumed to be same as deep soil temperature, however, some pipes were observed to have very limited flow. See pictures below.

Climate battery designs for the Aquapini:Walipini structures, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Climate battery designs for the Aquapini:Walipini structures


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is forwarding a global cooperative through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Forwarding a Global Cooperative - Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age – Click image for open source hub


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is forwarding a global cooperative through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 34 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration not mentioned elsewhere here.

We also moved the final 7 volunteers over to the new Highest Good Network software, converted the “Beta” into the “Main” software, activated the Dev environment for testing, and did extensive testing and bug identification and correction confirmations. The picture below relates to this.

managing One Community, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – managing One Community

Narek Tsaturyan (Software Engineer) completed his 4th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Narek finished updating the UI summary bar component. He made the component fully responsive on different screen sizes and easily readable.

Narek continued with a new task of updating the timer component to be responsive on different screen sizes and positioned in the center of the navigation bar. He also finished by fixing multiple bugs and completed code reviews. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Highest Good Network software

Cameron White (Software Engineer) completed his 3rd week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week, Cameron added his first new feature: the ability to record, view, and edit the occasions on which a volunteer has modified their time entries. Accompanying this change, volunteers can edit their own time entries and blue squares are now automatically issued for excessive edits.

Additionally, Cameron finished work on the weekly summaries report feature and added the ability to see if a person met their weekly commitment from within the report. He also continued working on minor bug fixes and UI improvements. See the related pictures below of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – Highest Good Network software

Aleksandra Gorkovenkø (Graphic Designer) also completed her 3rd week working on images for our open source social media strategy. During this week, Alex created 62 environmental posters.

The taglines were about ocean pollution, air pollution, city pollution, and the wildfires in California. Her next week will be more about good and bad business practices, how some companies pollute the planet and others are protecting it. You can see some samples of these below.

open source social media strategy, Forwarding a Global Cooperative, One Community Weekly Progress Update #440

Forwarding a Global Cooperative – open source social media strategy


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One Community Welcomes Frank Roland Vilcapaza Diaz to the Engineering Team!

One Community welcomes Frank Roland Vilcapaza Diaz to the Engineering Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!

Frank graduated with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Mississippi State University. He is a creative and highly motivated Engineer-in-Training who knows how to work independently and with a team. Frank is passionate about clean energy and the development of new designs that are green. As a member of the One Community team, he’s applying his background knowledge on mechanical systems and thermodynamics for the calculation of energy systems and HVAC.





FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS (click icons for our pages)

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OVERVIEW       ●       LOCATION       ●       FUNDING



Sustainable Global Progress – One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

If we’re not creating sustainable global progress, what kind of progress are we creating? One Community is an all-volunteer global think tank creating open source DIY-replicable “sustainable global progress” components. They include foodenergyhousingeducationfor-profit and non-profit economic designsocial architecturefulfilled livingglobal stewardship practices, and more. We see the creation of a sustainable world within our lifetime through self-replicating teacher/demonstration hubs that share how to build and evolve these solutions for “The Highest Good of All”.

Sustainable Global Progress – Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world by creating sustainable global progress. This is the August 22nd, 2021 edition (#439) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Sustainable Global Progress
One Community Progress Update #439





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Sustainable Global Progress



Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is forwarding sustainable global progress through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team continued working for creating sustainable global progress and on the “Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring” review for finalizing the live page.

The focus this week was continued proofreading and commenting on the final version of the Earthbag Dome Footer Foundation and Flooring document, adding comments and suggestions for improvement and organization that better matches the flow of the actual construction of the Domes. The pictures below share some of this work.

Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring review, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Here’s work from another team member working on this too.

Earthbag Dome Footer Foundation and Flooring, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

And the core team continued what we hope will be the final review of the Murphy bed assembly instructions for sustainable global progress. We continued to recreate the Murphy bed in SketchUp 3D, assembling it using the latest version of the instructions. This week we focused on assembly of the bed support wall and framing of the bed and hardware installation. Pictures below are related to this work.

Murphy bed assembly instructions. Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 57th week creating sustainable global progress and finishing the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village.

This week Jose Luis began updating the dimensions of the roof access flash to coincide with the dimensional changes of the roof. The dimensional changes included the cross-section of the roof access and the orientation of it.

He began by adjusting the dimensions of the flash that run parallel to the slope of the inner roof. Jose Luis then adjusted the roof saddle dimensions and the corresponding flash on it.

The same basic idea was maintained, but the reference orientations of the flash changed making the resizing a bit tedious. The pictures below show some of this work.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 24th week helping with sustainable global progress and research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This week, Jeson researched a 150kW diesel generator in addition to the 100kW diesel generator spreadsheet that he already made.

He finished inputting all the specs of 150kW diesel generators into the spreadsheet, including output, voltage, runtime, fuel consumption, warranty, and weight. Jeson also inserted the product specs links in the spreadsheet, converted them to PDFs, and saved in dropbox.

He began contacting the diesel generator companies about the price, and got many responses asking about what options we want the generator to be. He asked Vicente about the options, and since Vicente is also not sure about which option suits us, Jeson asked the companies for quotes for both options.

They have not replied yet, so we’re following up again. In addition to all this, Jeson did a final review on the solar hardware research and solar incentive research, and addressed comments to both. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics-Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Aidan Geissler (Sustainability Researcher) completed his 16th week  creating sustainable global progress and helping with 2nd-to-final review, feedback, and content editing. This week Aidan continued to provide management and guidance to the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing team.

He reviewed their research, reporting, videos, calculations, and trial results. Aidan also provided questions, comments, suggestions, and concerns to guide the development of the mixing and testing plan, documentation of the process, and results of the trials. Pictures below are related to this work.

Management and guidance to the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing team, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Frank Roland Vilcapaza Diaz (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 9th week creating sustainable global progress helping with the Earthbag Village energy specifics.

This week Frank worked on reading though the needed information to calculate and analyze energy consumptions on an open system (meaning the effects of different losses that are not fixed, such as an open window or people walking in and out) to compare it to the system that is being developed by One Community. The pictures below relate to this.

Earthbag Village energy specifics, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Shreyas Dayanand (Battery Research Engineer) also completed his 8th week creating sustainable global progress and helping with the solar microgrid design specifics related to electric vehicles and battery sizing.

This week Shreyas worked on obtaining the commercials for different levels of charging of a generic Electric Vehicle with a 100 kWh battery pack.

He also performed techno-commercial analysis on the HOMER GRID application using different cases by varying the EV charger size but keeping the “ON-DEMAND” profile constant (as this would most likely resemble real-life and day-to-day scenarios).

Having understood the results from the analysis, Shreyas drew a few conclusions that help to understand the factors on which the commercials for EV charging vary upon. These results are further illustrated as shown in the pictures below.

Solar microgrid design specifics related to electric vehicles and battery sizing, Sustainable Global Progress – One Community Weekly Progress Update #439.jpg

The Compression Team consisting of Dominick Banuelos (Civil Engineering Intern), Jarot Tamba (Civil Engineering Intern), John Paul D. Matining (Civil Engineer Intern), and Marcus Nguyen (Civil Engineering Intern) completed their 7th week creating sustainable global progress and helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing.

This week the team worked together to finish what can be done such as adding information, answering comments, and formatting. They also worked with the team to get the stabilized earth ready. This included working on calculations and editing the excel sheet for the stabilized earth calculations.

All of the cylinder mixtures have been determined and successful cylinders were made. The group then spent time organizing their plan and collaborating on having a solid schedule, mixing plan and documents before the week’s end.

A standard aircrete video was also created to show how they have made aircrete in the cylinder. Overall, the group feels they are very close to being ready to make the actual batch of cylinders to compression test.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Tiffany Gao (Sustainability/Plastics Researcher) completed her 5th week as a researcher, reviewer, and web developer creating sustainable global progress. This week Tiffany conducted a lot more research into non-recyclable recycling and began writing out the options on the overall non-recyclables recycling web page.

Finding numerous resources, she found a lot of incineration and gasification options that are being used worldwide and assessed by the EPA. Some of these include rotary kiln incineration, moving grate incineration, fluidized bed incineration, and plasma gasification.

Tiffany learned that very few effective waste technologies can manage waste without producing adverse effects, making her search for good small-scale community options more difficult. She is hopeful however, and will continue to write up her research.

The pictures below share some of this developing work.

non-recyclable recycling, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is forwarding sustainable global progress through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week the core team continued work on the Duplicable City Center Project Specification and Design Basis documentation for creating sustainable global progress. The focus this week was on collecting more data about the possible construction locations (Zip Codes) and collecting related design criteria such as Wind, Snow, Tornado, and Seismic criteria. Pictures below share some of this work-in-progress.

Duplicable City Center Project Specification and Design Basis documentation, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

David Na (Project Management Adviser/Engineer) completed his 23rd week in creating sustainable global progress and helping with input and management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, as well as the City Center Water Catchment Designs.

This week David assigned action items for his team. Due to the the Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial being close to completion, he was not able to give Daniela more than 4-5 hours of work (approximate). David met with Carol this week via Zoom to communicate the details of the cost analysis and answer any questions that Carol may have.

David also looked through the Roadways doc to address and resolve remaining comments. Pictures below are related to this work.

Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 17th week in creating sustainable global progress and helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development.

This week, Carol worked on calculating the length and area of the One Community roadways: fire truck access path with bike path and pedestrian path (green lines in CAD), and bike path and pedestrian path only (blue lines in CAD).

This was to calculate the roadway costs. Carol also wrote missing introductions for different sections on the report, and researched and wrote the section for cross section layers and functions. Pictures below are related to this work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Luis Manuel Dominguez (Research Engineer) completed his 17th week in creating sustainable global progress and helping with research related to the City Center Eco-spa designs. This week Luis returned to the team and began his work on the controls and instrumentation diagrams for the City Center Spa.

He was able to catch up on the team’s progress and began constructing a plumbing and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) after reviewing the updates. This also involved locating several softwares that provide the proper symbols and annotations, while being reasonably priced.

Luis was able to narrow his search down and select the Lucid Chart software that operates similarly to Google Drive in terms of sharing linked documents and allowing the team to make comments to the file. Below is the first draft of the P&ID and there will be significant detail added later. Pictures below are related to this work.

City Center Eco-spa designs, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Venus Abdollahi (Architectural Designer) completed her 6th week in creating sustainable global progress and helping finish the Duplicable City Center roof designs. This week Venus completed the initial dormer design.

For detailing the dormer, she is using Revit to create 3D details. She created the 3D isometric section of the dormer roof and added different layers of materials according to given documents.

Venus also researched on attaching the opening to the main dome structure and designed the dormer based on initial research. Next she will complete research about the best way to attach the wooden frame to the structure. See pictures below.

Duplicable City Center roof designs, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

John Aquino (Electrical Engineer) also completed his 6th week in creating sustainable global progress and helping lead the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs.

This week, John created an Electrical Panel schedule template to be used for the Duplicable City Center (DCC) project. Hopefully, this will be the standard template used moving forward as it has configurations for various types of distribution (i.e. for 1PH or 3PH systems). An electrical sheet has also been drafted to illustrate the page visually.

In addition, a template for mechanical equipment was created, which will be integral during the coordination with the mechanical team on the types of HVAC equipment to be used. Pictures below show some of this work.

Duplicable City Center Electrical designs, Aquino-Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

And Carlos Lillo (Engineering Technician) also completed his 6th week in creating sustainable global progress helping with the pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms.

This week Carlos finished the 2nd Level Animations on 3 of 4 of the Pallet Furnitures, which are Bed Pallet, Chair Pallet and Table Pallet. Next week Carlos will focus fully on the Wardrobe.

He found out how to solve a critical issue when rendering, where a strange black mesh appeared when animating the screws. He applied that fix to all the renders and the problem will no longer be present. Carlos also modeled new requested brackets, added more camera angles, and added color to highlight the components. Pictures below are related to this work.

pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Dipanshi Batra (Mechanical Engineer) completed her 4th week in creating sustainable global progress and working on the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes.

This week Dipanshi engaged in continuation of active research on Failure Modes, connectors and different design concepts. 3 designs: Hub Connector “V”, Stamping/DIY “V”, and “V” sleeve are being explored.

Our intent is not to go ahead with the custom manufactured hub as a final option but we still want to analyze how these contribute to joint strength and how there can be compensation for the same in our DIY design without the Hub. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Ibukun Shogbamu (Junior Mechanical Engineer) completed his 4th week working on the City Center HVAC Designs. This week Ibukun summarized the report comparing the viability of using either a regular minisplit multi zone HVAC setup or a Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) system into a spreadsheet.

Implementation of the minisplit multi-zone system appears to be our best choice based on certain factors such as purchasing cost, installation costs, size, etc. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Sustainable Global Progress – City-Center-HVAC-Designs

Andrew Wilbert Vidianto (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 4th week working on the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes.

This week, Andrew spent most of his time researching on the common types of wood connectors, rules on metal bending, and lumber drilling. Andrew also designed and ran several finite element analysis tests on a designed V lumber connector using SolidWorks.

With 2.2 factor of safety, research about maximum allowable load on 2×12 LVL lumber was conducted before running the FEA Tests. Pictures below are related to this work.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is forwarding sustainable global progress through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 46th week volunteering, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details. This week Qiuheng put together the whole model in Lumion and then she rendered a plan view based on last week’s comments. Qiuheng revised the model and exported the updated walkthrough too.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is forwarding sustainable global progress through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Sustainable Global Progress – Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age – Click image for open source hub


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is forwarding sustainable global progress through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 27 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration not mentioned elsewhere here. The picture below relates to this. We also did more testing and bug identification within the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software.

Managing One Community, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Yueru Zhao (Software Engineer) completed her 25th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Yueru continued working on UI enhancement.

She added a search bar in the main reporting page so the users can type a name to filter the people, projects, and teams table. She also removed the blue square heat map and still kept the detailed blue square tables. Additionally, Yueru spent time looking into a start date issue. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Narek Tsaturyan (Software Engineer) completed his 3rd week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Narek worked on the header summary bar. He fixed issues with spacing and improved code readability.

He also fixed spacing problems and improved centering in mobile view screen size. In addition to the dashboard header, Narek worked on the timelog component, and added the ability for users to submit weekly summary reports through the header summary bar.

He also completed code reviews. Next week Narek will continue working on the header component and refactoring code. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Cameron White (Software Engineer) completed his 2nd week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Cameron continued fixing bugs, making UI adjustments, and implementing minor feature requests.

He also finished refactoring the time entry form, and began work on back-end changes required to implement outstanding feature requests and bug fixes. The most significant of these changes is that blue squares are now automatically issued for excessive edits and edits to time entries are recorded differently. See the related pictures below of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439

Aleksandra Gorkovenkø (Graphic Designer) also completed her 2nd week working on images for our open source social media strategy. During this past week, Aleksandra worked on eco-graphics, on design, layouts, and colors.

Beside this, Aleksandra researched ecosystems, environmental changes and climate changes. She incorporated that information into the infographics and posters. Aleksandra created 14 versions of infographics and 8 additional posters that are about climate change. You can see some of these below.

images for our open source social media strategy, Sustainable Global Progress, One Community Weekly Progress Update #439


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OVERVIEW       ●       LOCATION       ●       FUNDING




Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design – One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Human sustainable ecosystem design is about humanity becoming conscious and conscientious global stewards. We have the knowledge and ability to build sustainable global systems, regenerate and heal our planet, and create a sustainable world that will benefit us and everything else that shares this world.

One Community is supporting this by designing the demonstration/teacher hubs that will demonstrate what is possible and are open sourcing and teaching everything needed for replication and improvement.

Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design – Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world based on the human sustainable ecosystem design. This is the August 15th, 2021 edition (#438) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design
One Community Progress Update #438




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr


Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design



Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is demonstrating human sustainable ecosystem design through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team continued working on the “Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring” live page as a part of the human sustainable ecosystem design.

The web editor on our team continued proofreading the article, checking for areas that weren’t clear, adding comments related to the marking of the construction site and the security of the trenches, and making some suggestions related to the text. The pictures below share some of this work.

Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

The core team also began helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing team working on the human sustainable ecosystem design. We developed a Google Sheet to track data collection and doubled checked numbers.

We also continued the energy demand work. Now we are 95% complete with the energy estimates for the Straw Bale Village. Additionally, we reviewed work on the City Center and provided feedback. See related pictures below.

helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing team, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

And the core team continued what we hope will be the final review of the Murphy bed assembly instructions. We worked in 3D designing the wall materials list using SketchUp, and provided suggestions with detailed descriptions and related images about updates and corrections that need to be integrated. Pictures below are related to this work.

Murphy bed assembly instructions, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 56th week helping with the human sustainable ecosystem design finish the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village.

This week Jose Luis updated the tangential beam dimensions from a 2×2 cross section to a 2×4 in the SolidWorks renderings, making sure the orientation of the cross section had its longer edge vertical relative to the radial beam cross section. This orientation provides less bending stresses in the tangential beam.

He added supports to the radial beams to illustrate the way they will be attached to the radial beams. Jose Luis also updated the roof access dimensions to make use of 2x4s instead of 4x4s, further reducing weight and cost and increasing space for the entrance. And he started updating the roof flash to comply with the newly updated dimensions. The pictures below show some of this work.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 46th week working on the human sustainable ecosystem design, the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. Stacey finished her final round of revisions and submitted a PDF for review. As of now, a total of 121 pages are complete and ready for review.

The areas that still need work are translations, cover pages, and QR codes to lead to assembly videos. Edits of the past few weeks (that we didn’t report on) focused on looking over all small details to ensure consistency. She switched some of the wall pages to keep all the components for electrical work within the electrical group and not within the wall group assembly.

Because many components were duplicated, she also checked all pages for wall assembly and matched back to the component and procurement pages. All of the parts and amounts of each hardware were recounted and Stacey added 3 new types of lumber, reorganized how many boards were needed of each, and updated the related pages.

Attempts have been made to reduce page numbers by reducing the scale of some boards of lumber or indicating identically cut lumber boards once visually with x2 , x3, etc. Suggestions were made to further reduce pages by doubling up components pages to fit 2 parts on 1 page where she thinks this could be done too. Screenshots below are related to this latest progress.

Murphy bed instructions, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 23rd week helping with the human sustainable ecosystem design and research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics.

This week Jeson focused on addressing the comments from all the reviewers, including clarification, rephrasing, revising, and rewriting. He also integrated the recommendations from the micro inverter company representative (Oran) into the solar hardware report.

Jeson then followed up with Vicente and the diesel generator companies for quotes and product choices. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 18th week helping in the human sustainable ecosystem design and with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development.

This week Daniela focused primarily on the roads for the site on AutoCAD. She determined which pathways needed to be re-access roads based on the codes she was researching, then divided the roads into two categories.

One hatching was used for roads that needed truck access pathways, a pedestrian pathway, and a bicyclist pathway. The second hatching was for pedestrian and bike pathways. These hatchings were placed on the sides of the original pathways for easier design.

Once completed, Daniela reached out to Carol to ensure that all comments and details were explained. Lastly Daniela made more edits to the AutoCAD parking lot design. This included changing the loop direction. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Aidan Geissler (Sustainability Researcher) completed his 15th week helping with 2nd-to-final review, feedback, the human sustainable ecosystem design and content editing.

This week Aidan continued to provide management and guidance to the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing team. He regularly reviewed their research, plans, and results.

He also provided comments and suggestions to guide their research, fill in gaps, and make the mixing plan sound, comprehensive, and replicable. Additionally, Aidan assisted with the organization of the document and provided helpful resources on Aircrete. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Prabhath Ekanayake (Electrical Engineering Assistant) completed his 10th week working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This week Prabhath continued finalization by reviewing and adding additional content to various sections. Below are some images related to this work.

Solar microgrid designs, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Nicholas K. de León (Project Management Adviser) completed his 9th week helping with review of Highest Good Housing research, the human sustainable ecosystem design and related tasks.

This week Nicholas continued his edits and proofreading, completing a few research documents that are now ready for publication. Direct edits also continued in other documents, many of which are showing great improvement. Pictures below show some of his review work.

Highest Good Housing research, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Frank Roland Vilcapaza Diaz (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 8th week helping with human sustainable ecosystem design and the Earthbag Village energy specifics.

This week Frank worked on the energy demand of the ultimate classroom and finished up the related excel sheet. He also checked the calculations for the tropical atrium and fixed some errors. The pictures below relate to this.

Earthbag Village energy specifics, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Shreyas Dayanand (Battery Research Engineer) also completed his 7th week helping with the human sustainable ecosystem design and the solar microgrid design specifics related to electric vehicles and battery sizing.

This week Shreyas attempted to re-download the Homer Grid app to continue his analysis for charging on his secondary laptop. He conducted an analysis to determine the cost for charging at 150 kW/hr for a generic EV for approximately 20 minutes. Shreyas described the details of the results by plotting graphical representations.

He also looked into a few websites regarding previous cases for solar farm battery storage options. Pictures below relate to this work-in-progress.

solar microgrid design, electric vehicles and battery sizing, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

The Compression Team consisting of Dominick Banuelos (Civil Engineering Intern), Jarot Tamba (Civil Engineering Intern), John Paul D. Matining (Civil Engineer Intern), and Marcus Nguyen (Civil Engineering Intern) completed their 6th week helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing.

This week the team put together a successful test cylinder for each of the mixes which include the standard aircrete and concrete and the 4 compressed earth as well as the light, lighter, heavy, and heavier aircrete mixes as a part of the human sustainable ecosystem design.

The success came after one of the team members mixed the mixture in the actual cylinder and the mixture worked perfectly. Previously the mixture for aircrete was shrinking inside the cylinder and that was unknown why.

However, after it was mixed in the cylinder itself, it stayed at the same height and worked. So the aircrete mixture has finally turned successful and can be remade exactly the same with no issues.

The diagram in the photos show the difference in the mixing methods. Whenever mixing aircrete it is absolutely important to have the auger bit as submerged in the cementitious mixture as possible.

After learning this the group was able to make very sturdy and successful aircrete without being too brittle. Mixing until the mixture color and distribution was even was also important, this mixing was between 10-15 minutes.

The successful methods were repeated to show that the outcome was not based on random luck, but with solid evidence. The team also worked together to fill out the documentation. If everything can be double checked by the core team this week, the cylinders will be made for the group to let them cure for the final compression testing.

aircrete and stabilized earth compression, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Tiffany Gao (Sustainability/Plastics Researcher) completed her 4th week as a researcher, reviewer, and web developer. This week Tiffany spent a lot of time organizing and researching non-recyclable recycling options as a part of the human sustainable ecosystem design.

First, she made a copy of the 230-page document and cut it down to the essentials focused on community options. Then, she created a table with the recycling options with the options already researched to be a bit more organized.

Finally, Tiffany was able to look into small-scale waste-to-energy or other nonrecyclable recycling options along with many recycling companies that can help. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Researching non-recyclable recycling options, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is demonstrating human sustainable ecosystem design through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week the core team continued work on the Duplicable City Center Project Specification and Design Basis documentation. This week the focus was on collecting data about the possible construction locations (Zip Codes) and collecting the design criteria such as Wind, Snow, Tornado, and Seismic criteria.

We also started working on the loading criteria and occupancies to apply the proper loads. Pictures below share some of this work-in-progress.

Duplicable City Center Project Specification and Design Basis documentation, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Ian Oliver Malinay (Energy Modeler/Analyst) completed his 30th week helping with the human sustainable ecosystem design run the energy analysis calculations to help us achieve LEED Platinum status for the Duplicable City Center.

This week, Ian attended to all comments or reviews from the team for the energy modeling narrative report. He included additional explanations to Climate Zone, building spaces, and the lighting classification.

He also added some pictures in the narrative report as per request based on our latest design, and collaborated with Jae to finalize the needed narrative report for energy modeling. Please see below related screenshots of activity for reference.

energy analysis calculations, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 16th week helping with  the human sustainable ecosystem design and the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development.

This week, Carol wrote the additional information for all the layers of each pavement type based on the cross sectional drawings on CAD and online resources (porous concrete pavement, rigid pavement, and porous asphalt pavement).

She also added the references to each section so people can check for additional information. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Venus Abdollahi (Architectural Designer) completed her 5th week helping finish the Duplicable City Center roof designs as a part of the human sustainable ecosystem design. This week Venus completed the Copula roof and the updates.

For detailing the roof, she used Revit to create 3D details. Venus created the 3D isometric section of the roof and added different layers of materials to achieve 62.18 R-value. She also completed the 3D modeling and 3D detailing downspouts for the City Center Living Dome roof and the Copula roof. See pictures below.

Duplicable City Center roof designs, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

And Carlos Lillo (Engineering Technician) also completed his 5th week helping with the human sustainable ecosystem design and the pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms. This week Carlos continued improving the animations by focusing on Angles, Camera Flow, Direction, and other aspects.

He also added the metal texture that is going to be used for all the screws, and another for the brackets. They have different colors to simulate reality but also to identify them according to the market color pallet.

The next item to be completed is the bed Pallet Furniture with full 1st and 2nd Lvl Animations and then the Wardrobe. The others are now at 99% complete. Pictures below are related to this work.

pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Dipanshi Batra (Mechanical Engineer) also completed her 3rd week working on the human sustainable ecosystem design and the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes. This week Dipanshi worked further on the Gate Report document.

She analyzed the aspect of a variety of Hub options rather than connectors. Dipanshi is working on analyzing the feasibility of a variety of hub options. The options will be narrowed down with ease of manufacture followed by an FEA analysis. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Ibukun Shogbamu (Junior Mechanical Engineer) completed his 3rd week working on the human sustainable ecosystem design and the City Center HVAC Designs. This week Ibukun drew a mock Variable Refrigerant Flow system on the floor plans of the Duplicable City Center using AutoCAD.

He did this to obtain the refrigerant piping lengths and ensure that they do not exceed the maximum specified by the manufacturer of the proposed outdoor condenser units he chose. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

City Center HVAC Designs, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Andrew Wilbert Vidianto (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 3rd week working on the human sustainable ecosystem design and the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes.

This week, Andrew spent most of his hours changing the Geodesic Dome structure into a single beam and researching appropriate material for the beam connector. Section 3 in the Hub Connector Analysis report was done, and the rest of the 2 triangular array structures were also changed into a single beam. Pictures below are related to this work.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is demonstrating human sustainable ecosystem design through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 45th week volunteering, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details. This week Qiuheng modified the road in front of the structures in the west, widened the entrance, and added steps to the back. She also redesigned the road system to fit the new topography.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Qisheng Rong (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 5th week helping with the development of the climate battery designs for the Aquapini/Walipini structures contributing towards the human sustainable ecosystem design.

This week Qisheng wrote the assumptions, procedures and equations to calculate the outlet temperature of the climate battery. While the backup heater information was missing, heat gain in his procedures solely relied on solar radiation and the climate battery.

Qisheng also searched the load calculation applications manual to find more data and tables to apply into his calculation, and looked for software that has a more accurate measurement. The pictures below are related to this work.

climate battery designs for the Aquapini:Walipini structures, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is demonstrating human sustainable ecosystem design through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design – Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age – Click image for open source hub


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is demonstrating human sustainable ecosystem design through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 27 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration not mentioned elsewhere here.

The picture below relates to this. We also did more testing and bug identification within the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software.

managing One Community, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Yueru Zhao (Software Engineer) completed her 24th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Yueru kept working on changing the UI for the reports page. She updated the text of the buttons on the main reporting page to ‘Projects’, ‘People’ etc.

She spent time trying to figure out how to add blue square specifics on the popover section. When users click the square, they will be able to see the blue square counts, dates and detailed descriptions. Yueru also changed the table collapse button to an arrow shape that makes the button stand out more. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Narek Tsaturyan (Software Engineer) completed his 2nd week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Narek continued working on the summary bar. He adjusted spacing issues with the name and container.

He also added functionality to the summary bar component by connecting the dashboard in order to allow users to open and submit their weekly summaries through the dashboard. Additionally, Narek worked to simplify code to improve maintainability, and scalability. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Cameron White (Software Engineer) joined the team and completed his 1st week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Cameron began onboarding as a software engineer by fixing a number of bugs in the HGN Network app and adding a handful of minor features.

He improved the reliability of submitting time entries, added quality of life components to the app, updated the weekly report system to include more information, and drafted the proposal for an updated user management system. See the related pictures below of this work.

Highest Good Network software, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438

Aleksandra Gorkovenkø (Graphic Designer) also joined the team and completed her 1st week working on images for our open source social media strategy. This week, Aleksandra researched quotes and images for her first social media images.

She used royalty free images from the Pixabay website and also came up with her own quotes and keywords that highlight the ecological challenges. She then submitted them to the core team for feedback. You can see examples of her first creations below.

images for our open source social media strategy, Human Sustainable Ecosystem Design, One Community Weekly Progress Update #438


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OVERVIEW       ●       LOCATION       ●       FUNDING




Designing Global Cooperatives – One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Designing global cooperatives is a lot easier with a plan that includes people globally and is grassroots implementable. One Community is creating this plan and it includes open source and free-shared sustainable designs and tutorials for foodenergyhousingeducationfor-profit and non-profit economic designsocial architecturefulfilled livingglobal stewardship practices, and more.

Designing Global Cooperatives – Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world to help designing global cooperatives. This is the August 8th, 2021 edition (#437) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Designing Global Cooperatives
One Community Progress Update #437




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr


Designing Global Cooperatives



Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is designing global cooperatives through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team continued working on the “Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring” live page as a part of designing global cooperatives. The web editor in our team finished editing the technical part of the One Community´s Earthbag Dome Footer Foundation and Flooring.

He then began the final comprehensive read he does before submitting it to our final grammar, spelling, and clarity reviewer. In doing so he spotted some inconsistencies around the different earth dome related pages, so we need to address those first. The pictures below share some of this work and what he found.

Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

The core team also continued work on the energy analysis, as a part of designing global cooperatives for the solar farm and microgrid designs. We finished the electrical estimates for the residences, indoor and outdoor dining areas, public bathroom off the Major Hall, Minor hall, and staircase for the Straw Bale Village. We also started working on the HVAC electrical demands. See related pictures below.

Energy analysis for the solar farm and microgrid designs, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

And the core team corrected misalignment of some parts of the night stand that is part of the Murphy bed design. We provided new dimensions for affected parts to the volunteer that is updating the Murphy Bed Assemble Instructions.

Murphy bed design, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Dean Scholz (Architectural Designer) continued helping with the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) 4-dome cluster designs. This was week #226 of Dean’s work and finished solving the lighting issue for the lamps and produced this test render:

Earthbag Village 4-dome cluster designs, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 55th week helping in designing global cooperatives and finishing the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village.

This week Jose Luis continued updating the exterior roof rendering of the net-zero bathroom. The updates included resizing the cross sectional dimensions of the tangential support beams attached to the radial beams.

The previous design utilized 4 by 4 wooden beams, but was updated to use 2 by 2 wooden beams. This decision was made because of the reduced cross section of the radial beams, which in turn was caused by the reduction of roof panel weight.

The difference in density between galvanized steel (7.14 g/cm3) and galvalume (3.75g/cm3) had not been previously taken into account. The advantage of the weight reduction is the reduction in needed support for the roof panels and the structure itself.

The amount of lumber needed is also consequently reduced by the weight savings. The references needed for the positioning of the components in the rendering had to be heavily revamped due to these changes as well. The pictures below show some of this work.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 22nd week helping in designing global cooperatives and with research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics.

This week, Jeson communicated with the Micro Inverter company representative, Oran, regarding the inverter quote. Oran gave some professional advice on One Community’s solar farm project that Jeson added to the report. He then continued the diesel generator research and sent quote requests to all the companies that he researched.

Jeson also researched used diesel generator options. He added the link to the used diesel website and PDFed the website into the dropbox. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 16th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development as part of designing global cooperatives. This week Daniela continued working on the Parking Lot Design through AutoCAD.

She made alterations to the parking lot design based on team feedback. Various aspects were changed such as the angle of the parking stalls, adding a loop, and proposing stop sign locations. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Aidan Geissler (Sustainability Researcher) completed his 14th week helping with designing global cooperatives, 2nd-to-final review, feedback, and content editing. Aidan was excited to return to the team after conducting avian surveys in the Southwest for 3 months.

This week he supported the group working on Aircrete and earthbag compression testing. He reviewed their research, testing plans, cleanup plan, and photo and video documentation.

He provided questions, comments, suggestions, and concerns to guide the development of the testing plan and documentation of the process.  Pictures below are related to this work.

supported the group working on Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437


Prabhath Ekanayake (Electrical Engineering Assistant) completed his 9th week working on designing global cooperatives and the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs.

This week Prabhath continued development of the grid tie tutorial by completing the assigned sections from the core team and did some modifications for my writing.  Below are some images related to this work.

grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Nicholas K. de León (Project Management Adviser) completed his 8th week helping in designing global cooperatives, with review of Highest Good Housing research and related tasks. This week Nicholas focused on direct edits, smoothing out the research and fixing grammatical/spelling mistakes to improve readability.

It seems that many of the documents are simultaneously getting closer to being finished, while additions (apart from changes or edits) take the docs back a couple of steps. This is completely expected, only to be noted because it means that some tracking and backtracking is needed on Nicholas’ and other editors’ part.

The phases these documents go through are less distinct, naturally, with this current “phase” being a mixture of many different ones: writing, editing, supplementing, and in some cases reordering and restructuring.

After taking the time to re-read most of the six documents, Nicholas felt that the vast majority of the apparent minor issues had been solved, with the inability to find a lot of errors being a welcome sign.

Thus, this week will be spent returning to more major issues like suggestions for clarification, and making edits, where needed, to large formatting problems. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.

Highest Good Housing research, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Frank Roland Vilcapaza Diaz (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 7th week helping in designing global cooperatives with the Earthbag Village energy specifics. This week Frank worked on estimating the areas of the rooms of the ultimate classroom to get an approximate energy demands on lighting for them.

He also continued working on the energy demand for the ultimate classroom. The pictures below relate to this.

Earthbag Village energy specifics, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Shreyas Dayanand (Battery Research Engineer) also completed his 6th week in helping designing global cooperatives and with the solar microgrid design specifics related to electric vehicles and battery sizing.

This week, Shreyas ran a more realistic scenario for the EV charging setup for 2 cases: DC Fast Charging and AC Charging. He gave detailed descriptions for the analysis and results and plotted the EV charger visit profile.

Shreyas also made basic conclusions on the commercials of the same. Pictures below relate to this work-in-progress.

solar microgrid design specifics related to electric vehicles and battery sizing, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

The Compression Team consisting of Dominick Banuelos (Civil Engineering Intern), Jarot Tamba (Civil Engineering Intern), John Paul D. Matining (Civil Engineer Intern), and Marcus Nguyen (Civil Engineering Intern) completed their 4th week in helping designing global cooperatives and with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing.

This week they worked together to create a standard test cylinder for each of the 3 mixes: aircrete, compressed earth, and concrete. After a few weeks testing and experimenting, the group thinks they have their concrete and stabilized earth portions of the project mostly figured out.

These mixes were created to replicate what the final mix will be in terms of how much of each ingredient is added. The team also worked to make a video of how to do each mix such as measuring out ingredients, pouring ingredients together and mixing them, pouring the mixes into the cylinders, etc.

One of the biggest issues that the group have been trying to figure out is in regards to the aircrete. The issue with the aircrete is that once it has been poured into the cylinder and it sits there for a while, the mix shrinks down either a quarter of the way down or half way down.

Further research was done to understand why this was happening and what could be a solution. The group believes that there is something amiss about the measurements or the mixing process and will continue testing new approaches next week.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Tiffany Gao (Sustainability/Plastics Researcher) completed her 3rd week designing global cooperatives as a researcher, reviewer, and web developer. This week Tiffany began reading more about addressing non-recyclables, specifically about gas turbines and plasma gasification while edits were being made on her plastic recycling sections.

Following edits, she transferred those edits of her documents to the WordPress website, spending some time relinking titles/headings, adding the videos and compressing photos. Tiffany also backed up her remaining sources, links and pictures into Dropbox and the Resources list on her WordPress draft. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

addressing non-recyclables, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is designing global cooperatives through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week the core team continued editing the Grid-tie Energy Infrastructure Tutorial from Grid Connection Details and Solar Incentives and Tax Credits, through page 14.

Grid-tie Energy Infrastructure Tutorial, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

The core team also worked on the Duplicable City Center Project Specification, designing global cooperatives and Design Basis documentation.

This week we completed the initial table of contents and significant content additions to the sections including Background, References, Definitions and Nomenclatures, Duplicable City Center Conceptual Design, and Architectural Design Specifications.

About 16 pages in total. Pictures below share some of this work-in-progress.

Duplicable City Center Project Specification and Design Basis documentation, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437


Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 15th week helping in designing global cooperatives and with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development.

This week, Carol worked on the CAD drawing of the master plan to estimate the length of each roadway type for the roadway cost calculation. She attached the overlay of the background image into CAD and made it to scale. Carol drew the roads of the master plan image into the CAD drawing so it can be used to calculate the length of the roadway.

She also wrote the description for flexible pavement layers and their functions to better explain the cross section drawings. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Neel Shanbhag (Control Systems Electrical Engineer) completed his 9th and final week helping with designing global cooperatives and with the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs. This week Neel completed the power and energy needs for various structures in the Duplicable City Center. This included estimating the hours that each appliance will be used for summer and winter. Pictures related to this work are below.

Duplicable City Center Electrical designs, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

John Aquino (Electrical Engineer) also completed his 5th week helping lead the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs. This week, John produced electrical lighting sheets. Pictures below show some of them.

Duplicable City Center Electrical designs, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Venus Abdollahi (Architectural Designer) completed her 4th week in helping with designing global cooperatives and finishing the Duplicable City Center roof designs. This week Venus completed the City Center Living Dome roof and the Copula roof. For detailing the roof, she used Revit to create details and callouts.

She also created the 3D isometric section of the roofs and she added different layers of materials to achieve a 62.27 R-value for the Copula roof and 75.1 R-value for the City Center Living Dome roof. See pictures below.

Duplicable City Center roof designs, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

And Carlos Lillo (Engineering Technician) also completed his 4th week in helping with designing global cooperatives and the pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms. This week Carlos updated the brackets for the Pallet Table, added new brackets to the pallet bed, and included animation of screws for both items.

Second-level animations are in process for the Pallet Chair. For the Pallet Table he generated the first half of the final render, which took about 9 hours. From here on forward he’ll generate renders with a faster engine until everything is approved and then final renders will be produced. Pictures below are related to this work.

pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Ibukun Shogbamu (Junior Mechanical Engineer) completed his 2nd week working on designing global cooperatives and the City Center HVAC Designs. This week Ibukun completed a research paper needed to make an informed choice regarding the HVAC system of the Duplicable City Center and submitted it for review and feedback.

The paper describes and compares the current ductless minisplit system for cooling and heating the center and an alternate Variable Refrigerant System. He compared the expected costs, efficiency, and ease of maintenance of both systems. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

City Center HVAC Designs, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Andrew Wilbert Vidianto (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 2nd week working on designing global cooperatives and the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes.

This week’s focus was mostly redesigning the Geodesic Dome structure by building it using the 2” x 12” of LVL beam using SolidWorks. A proper LVL beam dome structure with a correct measurement and dimension completion is necessary before designing the beam connectors. Pictures below are related to this work.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is designing global cooperatives through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week the core team continued creating updated SketchUp models for the final designs of the Aquapinis/Walipinis. This week we continued designing the central area of the Aquapini.

In the far west resting area we designed a curved water pool with a wooden arched bridge, a pipe planter over the long bench and a rock/wood sitting bench. We placed flat stepping stones for the walking path and different plants all around the resting area. Pictures below are related to this work.

SketchUp models for the final designs of the Aquapinis:Walipinis, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 44th week volunteering, helping in designing global cooperatives and now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details.

This week Qiuheng focused on modifying the topography and entry way of the North and South structures. You can see below some of the feedback she addressed and pictures of her changes.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Qisheng Rong (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 4th week helping with the development of the climate battery designs for the Aquapini/Walipini structures.

This week Qisheng researched the CLTD/CLF method to calculate the cooling load of Walipini 3 and made some assumptions to simplify the calculation.

He also found a sustainability textbook called “Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings” to help him understand and provide him more data and insight into calculating cooling loads like this. The pictures below are related to this work.

climate battery designs for the Aquapini:Walipini structures, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is designing global cooperatives through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Designing Global Cooperatives – Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age – Click image for open source hub


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is designing global cooperatives through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 26 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration not mentioned elsewhere here.

The picture below relates to this. We also did more testing and bug identification within the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software.

Highest Good Network software, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Jaime Arango (Graphic Designer) completed his 34th week, creating graphics for these blogs and our related YouTube video previews. This week Jaime created images for weekly progress updates #512, #513, #514, #515, and #516.

Images for weekly progress updates, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Chris Weilacker (Software Engineer) completed his 34th week working on the Highest Good Network software.

Chris worked on testing the auto-assignment functionality a second time, as well as adding text to describe the timing of the badge auto-assignment each week and demoed the project for a video on the badge functionality and double checked that volunteers can not change their count and/or delete the badges from the report button.

Chris also added a space after the description text on the report. Although the badge testing did not work as perfectly as expected the error was in the fact that someone else was running the backend locally for the dev environment which double-counted the badge count increases on certain badges, and on the new category badges.

For the economics category which Chris’s dev-admin account did not earn last week due to him not inserting enough hours. It got two badges as the code added in the badges.

It worked as expected on upgrading the badges from 100 to 200 due to that code replacing badges instead of adding badges, so, all-in-all, it worked as expected and this would not be an issue on the beta or production site as there is but one server running. Pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437

Narek Tsaturyan (Software Engineer) joined the team and completed his 1st week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Narek worked to set up the local environment.

Once he completed the orientation and setup process he continued development of the summary bar component. Narek worked to improve some of the spacing issues, added links, refactored some code, and added padding into the text to improve UI. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Designing Global Cooperatives, One Community Weekly Progress Update #437



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Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas – One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Open source and free-shared ultra-sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs are the perfect spark for igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas. With open source sustainable designs covering foodenergyhousingeducationfor-profit and non-profit economic designsocial architecturefulfilled living, and global stewardship practices, we can create a comprehensively sustainable planet. This is One Community’s goal and it will benefit all people and life on our planet.

Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas – Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world for igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas. This is the August 1st, 2021 edition (#436) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas
One Community Progress Update #436




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr


Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas



Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team continued working on the “Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring” live page. We finished placing the images with the standard 640px formatting, formatted them to open the full image when clicked, and added the images that were missing from the tools table.

We also started editing the reference section, and backing up the reference links. The pictures below share some of this work.

Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring”, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

The core team also continued work on the energy analysis for the solar farm and microgrid designs for igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas. We completed the solar energy demands for the central theater, indoor playroom, mezzanine, courtyard meeting areas, walkway meeting areas, and main lobby within Straw Bale Village. See related image below.

energy analysis for the solar farm and microgrid designs, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Dean Scholz (Architectural Designer) continued helping with the Earthbag Village (Pod 1) 4-dome cluster designs for igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas. This was week #225 of Dean’s work and he spent 7+ hours working on problem solving a lighting issue that was causing the lamps to either not allow light through the lamp shade or reflected the light such that it created a bright ring right below the light. See below for the fixed versions.

Earthbag Village 4-dome cluster designs, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 54th week for igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas and helping finish the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Jose Luis began updating the net-zero bathroom radial beams by calculating their maximum allowable deflection and moment of inertia.

The calculations for the maximum allowable deflection was found on the “American Wood Council” website. He used the calculated deflection to determine the moment of inertia which was based on the dimensions of the radial beams cross section.

The results showed that if a height of 4” was used then the minimum base value would need to be 2.54” to withstand the weight. A beam of 4” by 4” was chosen to reduce costs, exceed the required cross-section, and reduce the load on the earthbags.

With the results, Jose Luis began updating the SolidWorks rendering to include these new dimensions and updated the geometry of the exterior roof panels to span over the entire array of support beams. The pictures below show some of this work.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 21st week in igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas and helping with research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics.

This week, Jeson added Garkane’s proposal and alternatives options into the solar incentive research along with more guides on negotiating with power providers and finding the power providers with a better solar credit rate. He also added to future tasks, including states and companies that offer 1:1 credit rate and fixed the resource format.

For the diesel generator research, he added the product spec documents to the dropbox folder for future easy access and backup, added the email conversation thread to the dropbox, and addressed Vicente’s comments on the diesel generator research spreadsheet by adding metrics and data. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 15th week for igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas and helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development.

This week Daniela continued working on the AutoCAD parking lot design. She included more details such as callouts and bioswales. After speaking with David and Jae, Daniela added additional design elements.

She also started a new design for the parking lot that incorporates a two-lane street instead of two streets. Daniela plans on completing the design in the upcoming week. Additionally, she worked on the Earthbag Village design, adding an additional two 6-dome clusters and related modifications. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Nicholas K. de León (Project Management Adviser) completed his 7th week in igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas and helping with review of Highest Good Housing research and related tasks.

Most of this week’s work was concentrated on reviewing documents lower in his review priority list, many of which were in fairly good shape to begin with. Many of the issues at this point surround consistent formatting, much of which Nicholas worked on via direct edits. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.

Highest Good Housing research, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Prabhath Ekanayake (Electrical Engineering Assistant) completed his 8th week for igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas and working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs.

This Week Prabhath continued development of the grid-tie tutorial by addressing feedback on his sections and making the requested modifications.  Below are some images related to this work.

grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Frank Roland Vilcapaza Diaz (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 6th week in igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas by helping with the Earthbag Village energy specifics.

This week Frank worked on the calculation for the air conditioning system for the Walpanini and Aquapini designs, the measurements and energy demands, and created a SolidWorks representation of the walls and glass ceiling of the Designs. The pictures below relate to this.

Earthbag Village energy specifics, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Shreyas Dayanand (Battery Research Engineer) also completed his 5th week igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas by helping with the solar microgrid design specifics related to electric vehicles and battery sizing.

This week, Shreyas analyzed the load profiles, consumption rates and the annual utility bill for 4 cases: 2 AC Slow Charging (during the day and night) and 2 DC Fast Charging (Levels 4 and 5). He also continued to research viable options for energy storage for the Solar Farm. Pictures below relate to this work-in-progress.


Solar microgrid design specifics related to electric vehicles and battery sizing-Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

The Compression Team consisting of Dominick Banuelos (Civil Engineering Intern)Jarot Tamba (Civil Engineering Intern)John Paul D. Matining (Civil Engineer Intern), and Marcus Nguyen (Civil Engineering Intern) completed their 3rd week igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas by helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing.

This week they worked on adjusting the calculations for the earthbag and the aircrete test mixes and completing new tests. The aircrete calculation was causing issues with the foam so that was reviewed and fixed. The earthbag mix calculation was also worked on to figure the amount of water that is needed to be mixed with the cement and soil.

With that the soil was put to the test to determine which soil type it was. The team also worked on video test runs to see where all the cameras were best to be set up at and what angles.

The team also abandoned the idea of creating concrete from scratch, choosing instead to use a widely available and easy-to-use quikrete mix. The mixing plan is almost complete and just a few more adjustments will be made before the test of the 4 mixes can be made for compression testing recordings.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Lastly, Tiffany Gao (Sustainability/Plastics Researcher) completed her 2nd week as a researcher, reviewer, and web developer. This week Tiffany focused on researching and writing up additional sections pertaining to microplastics and recycling codes to be added to the “Best Small and Large-scale Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Community Options ” article.

Tiffany drafted a Google Doc for “Addressing Microplastics” that looks into microplastics sourced from clothing, tires, and food and the best alternatives or ways to prevent such microplastics from circulating part of igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas.

She also created a Google Doc on the various recycling codes and the importance of understanding how to properly recycle. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Plastic Recycling, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week the core team continued review and feedback on the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping and then began editing the Grid-tie Energy Infrastructure Tutorial including the Table of Contents, Introduction, What is a Grid-tie Sustainability Plan, and Why Open Source the Grid-Connection Process.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Ian Oliver Malinay (Energy Modeler/Analyst) completed his 29th week igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas by helping run the energy analysis calculations to help us achieve LEED Platinum status for the Duplicable City Center.

This week, Ian processed the energy modeling narrative documents as reference for LEED whole building energy simulation. He is now focusing on how to make a narrative document for a baseline model.

Unlike the proposed model that typically uses information from construction documents or architectural design, the baseline model shall follow the rules or requirements from ASHRAE standard 90.1-2010. The ASHRAE 90.1 standard baseline model is useful to determine how efficient the actual building is.

The energy modeler utilized this model to determine the percentage energy savings of the building. Please see below progress photos for reference.

energy analysis calculations, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

David Na (Project Management Adviser/Engineer) completed his 22nd week for igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas by helping with input and management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, as well as the City Center Water Catchment Designs.

David started the week assigning action items to his team. Throughout the week, David reviewed his team’s CAD work for the parking lot design that Daniela had been working on, and Carol’s pavement and walkway cross sections.

He also went through and reviewed each comment that had been assigned to him on the Google Doc and either resolved it or gave feedback. As David reviewed everyone’s work, he inserted images to help with reader understanding throughout the doc.

Lastly, David put in time to build an action item list for his team’s workload for next week.  Pictures below are related to this work.

Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 14th week igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas by helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development.

This week, Carol added more details into the Main Pavement Types Comparison Table and Alternative Pavement Types Comparison Table (comparison criteria, score, ranking, etc.).

She also incorporated the CAD drawings for sectional views of pavements into their respective portions in the report. Carol made edits to her roadway initial and annual maintenance costs tables, adding new requirements for separation of road classification of arterial, collector and local roads.

She then wrote a section for the porous asphalt pavement on its problems with excess stormwater and on gutters as an alternative to controlling flooding. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Neel Shanbhag (Control Systems Electrical Engineer) completed his 8th week helping igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas with the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs.

This week Neel continued working on power and energy needs for various structures in the Duplicable City Center. He specifically worked on a general class of items and areas for different appliances and updated the related information on the spreadsheet. Pictures related to this work are below.

Duplicable City Center Electrical designs, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

And Carlos Lillo (Engineering Technician) completed his 3rd week helping in igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas with the pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms.

This week Carlos began producing 2nd level animations for the pallet furniture assembly animations previously generated. The new assemblies he completed animations for were the Bed Frame, Table, and Wardrobe.

3/4 of the products already have 1st Lvl Animations except the Table because of the processing time that the render requires. Carlos should end the 2nd level animations for all the products by next week. Pictures below are related to this work.

pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Dipanshi Batra (Mechanical Engineer) also completed her 2nd week igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas by working on the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes.

This week Dipanshi worked further on the Gate Report document. She read up on failures of Geodesic Domes, DIYness of Hubs, and furthered her FMEA knowledge on Geodesic Domes. Dipanshi also read up on cost analysis and benchmarking testing requirements.

She then created a Test Plan for the testing of the design of Hub Connectors. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Ibukun Shogbamu (Junior Mechanical Engineer) joined the team and completed his 1st week in igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas by working on the City Center HVAC Designs.

This week Ibukun started doing research to be able to compare the initial mini-split HVAC system chosen for the Duplicable City Center to the proposed VFR/VFV systems to determine which would be most feasible.

He described both systems and listed advantages and disadvantages for both. Ibukun then started research into the purchase and installation costs for both of the systems. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

City Center HVAC Designs, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Also, Andrew Wilbert Vidianto (Mechanical Engineer) joined the team and completed his 1st week igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas by working on the Duplicable City Center connectors we’ll use to build the domes.

This week’s focus was learning more about City Center Hub Connector Analysis from the Google Docs, taking notes, and making a summary of the overall task.

Andrew did research on some pre-existing connectors for the dome structure, made a rough draft of the hub connector types that are necessary for the structure, and started re-designing and re-calculating the dimension for the row 1 type 1 triangle in Solid Works for the first angle type. Pictures below are related to this work.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week the core team continued creating updated SketchUp models for the final designs of the Aquapinis/Walipinis. This week we continued designing the central area of the largest Aquapini.

In the middle resting area we designed a water pool with wide enough sides that can be used as sitting benches. We also designed a rock table next to the pool with plants between the rocks and an entrance to this resting area marked with two trellises that have vines on them.

Additionally, on each side of the trellises we designed beds for plants. And on the other side of this resting area we placed a log bench and designed flower and garden beds. Lastly, we designed a double log bench for the next resting area. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aquapinis:Walipinis, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 43nd week volunteering, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details. This week Qiuheng updated the lumion model based on feedback. You can see below the feedback she addressed and pictures of her changes.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Qisheng Rong (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 3rd week helping with the development of the climate batteries for the Aquapini/Walipini structures. This week Qisheng calculated the heat loss per hour of the climate battery in the winter in Denver, Colorado by using dimensions from its final design.

He also wrote a MATLAB function to calculate heat loss per hour so that users can customize inputs based on different climate battery parameters and different weather temperatures. The pictures below are related to this work.

climate batteries for the Aquapini:Walipini structures, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas – Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age – Click image for open source hub


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 28 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration not mentioned elsewhere here. The picture below relates to this. We also did more testing and bug identification within the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software.

Managing One Community-Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Jaime Arango (Graphic Designer) completed his 33rd week contributing towards igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas, by creating badges for the Highest Good Network software and graphics for the blogs.

This week Jaime created images for weekly progress updates #507, #508, #509, #510, and #511. He also made changes on some of the badges he created in the past. He updated the badges for Torchbearer, Trailblazer, Chief and Cowboy team leadership badges.

created images and badges, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Chris Weilacker (Software Engineer) completed his 33rd week igniting a new paradigm of open source ideas by working on the Highest Good Network software.

Chris worked on finishing up the Create and Edit badges functions by leading Patrick on the entry of the majority of the badges into the dev system with OJ including the categories available, personal max, leadership badges etc. Chris also integrated comments from Jae on the bugs found in the badge system. Pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Yueru Zhao (Software Engineer) completed her 23rd week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Yueru mainly worked on the UI modification for the reporting page.

She modified the UI on the reporting landing page, and changed the button style, adding the count numbers to the button. Yueru also made the whole page centered.

On the people reporting page, she aligned the buttons, added a heat map for blue square data visualization, and made it so users can view the blue square frequency in a chart and dynamically see when they were assigned. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

OJ Alcaraz (Software Engineer) also completed his 5th week working on the Highest Good Network software.

This week OJ continued testing of functionality added by the team for the badges functionality, reviewed pull requests by Chris and Patrick, and started adding new badges so the user interface can be further tested along with descriptions and images that were approved.

OJ also reviewed a video made by Chris explaining how the Badges user interface works. The pictures below relate to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436

Patrick Cao (Software Engineer) joined the team and completed his 1st week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Patrick completed the badge edit UI so that badges can be edited.

Then he modified the attribute of badges, added a Type field and type related fields, and deleted the project field. During this process, he found some bugs related to badges, such as the inability to add hours, and fixed them.

Next, Patrick worked on the badge table, added type detail description, and modified the filter. Lastly, he added the badges for 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, etc. hours streak badges into the Dev environment. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Highest Good Network software, Igniting a New Paradigm of Open Source Ideas, One Community Weekly Progress Update #436


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Global Highest Good Stewardship – One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Global Highest Good stewardship is about creating a world that works for everyone. It’s about asking ourselves how we can collectively manage and rejuvenate our planet. It’s about working together to improve life for everyone. One Community is designing open source and free-shared plans to build self-replicating teacher/demonstration hubs that will lead this process.

Global Highest Good Stewardship – Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world on the basis of Global Highest Good stewardship. This is the July 25th, 2021 edition (#435) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Global Highest Good Stewardship
One Community Progress Update #435





One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr


Global Highest Good Stewardship



Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is developing global highest good stewardship through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team continued moving the updated content from the “Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring” Google Doc to the One Community’s website showcasing global highest good stewardship.

The focus this week was merging the content already published with the new content, editing the images so they are ready for the site, starting to place the images, adding crowdfunding video placeholders, creating and hyperlinking the table of content, and identifying missing information in the tools and materials section. The pictures below share some of this work.

Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

The core team also completed a detailed review of the aircrete compression testing plans and purchased the related materials for the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing.

Review of aircrete compression testing plans, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

And the core team continued work on the energy analysis for the solar farm and microgrid designs. We completed the solar energy demands for the Game Room, Library, Gym, and Meeting Room within the Straw Bale Village. See related pictures below.

Solar farm and microgrid designs-Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Continued Work on the Energy Analysis for the Solar Farm and Microgrid Designs – Click for Page

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 53rd week helping finish the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Jose Luis began updating the AutoCAD roof plan of the net-zero bathroom. The update included the addition of diagrams for the construction and installation of the flash used to shield the radial beams of the exterior roof.

The added diagrams included details on the flash and fastener positioning. The positions of the fasteners were detailed by illustrating the distances from the flash edges. He updated the rest of the roof plan so the diagrams following this step could coincide with the additional fasteners used to secure the flash.

The following step will be adding these diagrams to the tutorial/instructions of the net-zero bathroom and text that will elaborate the importance and steps for the construction and illustration displaying Global Highest Good stewardship. The pictures below show some of this work.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 45th week working on Global Highest Good stewardship, the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. This week Stacey was working on wrapping up all the current comments so that we can resubmit all the instructions for checking.

She thinks we will be able to resubmit the PDF by next week for another look in finer detail at the assembly and checking in 3D. Some of the renders still need to be redone so that they have a more consistent look throughout. Currently some of the graphics are really old and use colors and visuals that look lower quality than the newer renders. Screenshots below are related to this latest progress.

Murphy bed instructions, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 20th week helping Global Highest Good stewardship and with research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This week, Jeson added a description paragraph to the perovskite solar cell section before the advantages and disadvantages.

He also added a solar panel hardware comparison table and a table description in the cost analysis section to give a better understanding of product specs and costs. He rephrased and rewrote the master conclusion, cleared up confusion in the solar inverter summary, and added the inverter comparison tables to the summary.

In addition, Jeson added a total solar hardware cost table and description to the master conclusion. He also added more diesel generators to the diesel generator research table and added product specs, contacts, and linked the resources. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics.-Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 14th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development for Global Highest Good stewardship. This week Daniela made edits to the Earthbag Village road. Using AutoCAD, she widened the street and pushed back the village domes.

In doing so, more space was created. New designs were then proposed so that more domes can be included. She then removed the duplicate sources on the Roadway, Walkways, Gutters, and Parking Lot Report.

During this time Daniela found two extra resources that had been incorporated so she uploaded them to the Dropbox and formatted them within the resources section. Once completed Daniela added easements to the AutoCAD file she had previously been working with.

Although there were some difficulties scaling the new satellite image for the easement, she was able to measure the correct length of the paths. Lastly Daniela created a CAD for the parking lot design. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Katherine Cao (Chemical Engineer) also completed her 9th week working on Global Highest Good stewardship and the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This week Katherine made corrections on the Grid-tie system report according to the core team and other reviewer’s feedback.

Katherine also updated the table of contents and references, and formatted all the tables. Pictures below are related to this work.

Solar microgrid designs, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Prabhath Ekanayake (Electrical Engineering Assistant) completed his 7th week working on Global Highest Good stewardship and the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This week Prabhath continued development of the grid-tie tutorial by updating all his past content based on feedback from the core team and other reviewers. Below are some images related to this work.

Solar microgrid designs, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Shreyas Dayanand (Battery Research Engineer) also completed his 4th week helping with the solar microgrid design specifics related to electric vehicles and battery sizing displaying Global Highest Good stewardship. This week, Shreyas worked on building a techno-economical model for analyzing and optimizing the charging time and period for electric vehicles within the community.

He started off by installation, setup and learning the software – HOMER GRID. He also applied the basic settings and combinations of the previously researched data into the analysis that was carried out. Pictures below relate to this work-in-progress.

Solar microgrid designs, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Jarot Tamba (Civil Engineering Intern) completed his 3rd week helping Global Highest Good stewardship with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing. This week Jarot’s focus was on performing precise calculations for the standard concrete and aircrete mixes. In the beginning of the week the group spent time transferring soil for their stabilized earth mixes.

They also performed initial tests for aircrete and concrete. The tests were not successful. The concrete slump was excessive and the aircrete shrank too much. In order to get accurate proportions the group decided to do another week of testing. Pictures below relate to this work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Dominick Banuelos (Civil Engineering Intern) also completed his 3rd week helping Global Highest Good stewardship with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing. This week Dominick worked with the team to create the first test cylinders filled with aircrete and standard concrete.

Through the process of working on calculations, doing a sieve test, and slump test, the first cylinders were created. After having these poured and sitting for 48 hours, some issues were noted and will be properly fixed to ensure the best product.

The cylinders were then put into the compression testing at the end of the week to see what the psi strength of the concrete was. The numbers were a bit low so Dominick will work the following week to achieve a greater psi that can withstand the required strength. Below are some images related to this work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

John Paul D. Matining (Civil Engineer Intern)  completed his 3rd week helping Global Highest Good stewardship with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing too. This week John and his team’s main focus was on initial week testing of standard concrete and aircrete. The bulk share of the time was on testing the ratios which were calculated beforehand and tweaking them.

One problem that arose is most of the ratios for the aircrete were based on a full batch of aircrete so calculating and finding the right amount of aircrete for one cylinder took a bit of time to accomplish and will need to be rechecked before full test is to be done.

Lastly, other tests that were accomplished included the slump test for the right amount of water, the clay sand test to find percentage of clay in soil mix, and the sieve test to find out distribution of the aggregates. The pictures below relate to this work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

And Marcus Nguyen (Civil Engineering Intern), also part of the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing team, completed his 3rd week as well. This week Marcus and his group did initial testing for the Aircrete and Stabilized Earth Project. During the test, Marcus figured out what materials and equipment was needed for the actual testing procedure.

He also learned how to use a slow-motion camera to prepare video recording when doing the compression testing. The group was also able to revise their calculations for the testing proportions and determined the best route for testing. Throughout the week there were results that were not acceptable and will be fixed this week.

To better understand how to work and use the equipment a test of the compression testing equipment was used as well. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Lastly, Tiffany Gao (Sustainability/Plastics Researcher) joined the team and completed her 1st week as a researcher, reviewer, and web developer. This week Tiffany settled into her new experience working for Global Highest Good stewardship.

She spent her initial hours going through the orientation/onboarding, figuring out how to work with WordPress, and reading through One Community’s articles to familiarize herself with the format.

Tiffany then quickly picked up her work by starting with her first task: editing the“Best Small and Large-scale Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Community Options ” article. After spending an abundance of time carefully combing through word choice, grammar, and spelling, she compiled a Google Document containing all her personal comments, questions, notes, etc. to improve the article.

Tiffany also began researching and looking into the non-recyclables article. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Plastic Recycling, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is developing global highest good stewardship through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week the core team continued review and feedback on the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial as a part of Global Highest Good stewardship. We cleaned up the Roadways doc by deleting all addressed comments and had a phone conversation with the civil engineer in charge of that doc.

We then reviewed the “Choosing the Best Solar Hardware Research & Report” doc dealing with solar hardware components, solar panel types, recyclability of components, etc. This doc is completed as much as possible until the creators make final additions.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Ian Oliver Malinay (Energy Modeler/Analyst) completed his 28th week helping run the energy analysis calculations to help us achieve LEED Platinum status for the Duplicable City Center.

This week, Ian processed the energy modeling narrative documents for LEED. He continued the whole building energy simulation process documents as reference for the Duplicable City Center project for Global Highest Good stewardship.

As of today, he is almost done with the energy process guide for the proposed design building and is waiting for other inputs to be completed, particularly HVAC and service hot water design. Process guide for the baseline building design will be provided after he completes the proposed building simulation process guide. Please see below progress photos for reference.

energy analysis calculations, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

David Na (Project Management Adviser/Engineer) completed his 21st week helping with input and management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, for Global Highest Good stewardship as well as the City Center Water Catchment Designs.

David started the week by sending out the weekly action items to his team. He then went on a phone call with a core team member to discuss all comments and questions remaining on the google doc. David also spent some time making revisions on the google doc that haven’t been changed.

He also spent time working on a list of action items left for next week for his team. With the remaining time that he had left, David researched and read through some of the SF Greywater Manual to prepare for his next project with a different core team member. Pictures below are related to this work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 13th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development for Global Highest Good stewardship. Carol worked on the 3 main pavements comparison table/Google Spreadsheet comparing flexible asphalt, rigid concrete, and composite.

She also worked on the roadway initial and annual maintenance costs tables, putting in the equations to calculate linear ft, square feet and cubic feet costs for 3 types of roads. Carol also removed the pre-edit version in the table on spreadsheets, added the references, and incorporated the CAD drawings to the respective sections in the report.

She added details into the introduction of the bikeway design as well. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Neel Shanbhag (Control Systems Electrical Engineer) completed his 7th week helping with the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs. This week Neel worked on power and energy needs for the various zones in the Duplicable City Center. Pictures related to this work are below.

Duplicable City Center Electrical, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

John Aquino (Electrical Engineer) also completed his 4th week helping Global Highest Good stewardship lead the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs. This week, John has set up the RCP drawings for each floor containing light fixtures, and added the RCP xref files to the Electrical Dropbox folder.

In addition, a sample lighting sheet was developed for reference; named as E201 and is now in the Drawings subfolder under the main Electrical folder. Next steps will be to develop an excel spreadsheet highlighting sheet numbers/names, as well as drafting a sample electrical details sheet typical for the scope of work. Pictures below show some of this work.

Duplicable City Center Electrical, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Venus Abdollahi (Architectural Designer) completed her 3rd week helping Global Highest Good stewardship finish the Duplicable City Center roof designs. This week Venus created the 3D isometric section of the City Center Living Dome roof. For detailing the roof, she’s using Revit to create details and callouts.

She also added different layers and started to annotate them and create callouts. The isometric section is still in process and she will be adding the gutters for the Living Dome. See pictures below.

Duplicable City Center roof designs, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

And Carlos Lillo (Engineering Technician) completed his 2nd week helping Global Highest Good stewardship with the pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms. This week Carlos continued developing his skills in Blender. He improved some models and produced several render pictures and animations.

At first Carlos encountered problems like “noisy” pics or pixelated animations but after testing formats and filters he overcame these challenges and created higher quality render pics and perfect fluid animations.

Given the time it takes to produce a render Carlos decided to shorten the time of the videos, fortunately they can be edited in any video edition program to extend their times. Pictures below are related to this work.

pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Dipanshi Batra (Mechanical Engineer) also joined the team and completed her 1st week working on the Duplicable City Center connectors Global Highest Good stewardship will use to build the domes.

This week, Dipanshi successfully finished her onboarding checklist and read up on One Community’s entire project to gain a better understanding of the task at hand. She moved on to reading and understanding past research to make better notes. This was followed by the formation of a new document, where all new work will be documented.

A work flow was established and Dipanshi then came up with a format for the rest of the work and began research specific to the hub connector designs. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Duplicable City Center connectors, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is developing global highest good stewardship through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week the core team continued creating updated SketchUp models for the final designs of the Aquapinis/Walipinis. We updated the waterfall design by removing the recycled tire and viewing window showcasing Global Highest Good stewardship.

We also redesigned the walking path and placed stepping stones on some of them, made changes to the area closest to the entrance door, removed the waterfall and placed a dead tree sculpture with vegetation around it, began working on a second green island area in the middle, and designed raised beds with grape vines, vegetables and decorative plants. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aquapinis:Walipinis, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435


This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 42nd week volunteering for Global Highest Good stewardship, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details. This week Qiuheng focused on updating the structures and their surrounding area topography to meet the edge of the structures. She also modified the central terrace to match the 3D reference. Below are some pictures from this work.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435


Qisheng Rong (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 2nd week helping Global Highest Good stewardship with the development of the climate batteries for the Aquapini/Walipini structures. This week Qisheng continued to read chapter 28 of the Ashrae handbook in regard to the CLTD/SCL/CLF method to calculate cooling and heating load.

He also searched for more architectural data for wall materials code in order to do the calculations properly. Qisheng additionally read and ran the MATLAB code written by previous volunteers to get informed of the configurations and dimensions used in the project. The pictures below are related to this work.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is developing global highest good stewardship through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the Global Highest Good stewardship process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Global Highest Good Stewardship – Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age – Click image for open source hub


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is developing global highest good stewardship through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 19 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration towards Global Highest Good stewardship not mentioned elsewhere here.

The picture below relates to this. We also did more testing and bug identification within the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software.

bug identification within the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Chris Weilacker (Software Engineer) completed his 32nd week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Chris worked on the Badge Report including the ability to download a PDF report of persons selected/featured badges or a report of all badges that a user has earned.

Chris also worked with Patrick on setting up the Edit Button for Badge Management and Patrick is now working using some of Chris’s code as a base to add type’s and the different data needed to make a Badge get auto assigned. Pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

Yueru Zhao (Software Engineer) completed her 22nd week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Yueru was working on trying to make the “edit task” function work in the people reporting page. Unfortunately, after spending several hours, she did not figure it out.

Yueru also did research on the UI change so the resources button will change to a head down arrow when clicking. She plans to spend more time to really make it work.  Apart from that, Yueru worked on the selected options UI on the project reporting page. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435

OJ Alcaraz (Software Engineer) also completed his 4th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week OJ reviewed pull requests for both the front end and the back end of the HGN app.

He also created a Google Form questionnaire which includes questions for the stakeholder to provide feedback of their experience of the new badge functionality. OJ also tested the inventory back end further and the updated functionality for the front end. The pictures below relate to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Global Highest Good Stewardship, One Community Weekly Progress Update #435


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OVERVIEW       ●       LOCATION       ●       FUNDING




Why Open Source Sustainable Cities – One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Why open source sustainable cities? Because sustainable cities of people working together for what One Community calls “The Highest Good of All” can positively and permanently change the world in ways everyone will benefit from. We can create a sustainable planet if enough people want it and sustainable city creation is a way to get enough people involved to reach the necessary tipping point.

Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world justifying “why open source sustainable cities”. This is the July 18th, 2021 edition (#434) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Why Open Source Sustainable Cities
One Community Progress Update #434




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr


Why Open Source Sustainable Cities



Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is answering the question, “why open source sustainable cities” through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team started moving the updated content for the “Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring” tutorial from the Google Doc generated by the researchers to the One Community’s website answering the “why open source sustainable cities” question.

We worked to make sure the format matches our standards, solved situations where the special characters are not supported by default on WordPress (like the square root symbol), and began to make the table of content clickable and more detailed. The pictures below share some of this work.

Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Moved Content of Earthbag Construction Footers, Foundation, and Flooring” Tutorial to Our Website

The core team also completed a thorough review of the best solar hardware report for our solar microgrid designs.

Solar microgrid designs-Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Completed Review of the Best Solar Hardware Report for Our Solar Microgrid Designs – Click for Page

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 52nd week helping finish the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Jose Luis continued researching information on how snow accumulates on sloped roofs and the effects the environment has on the snow focusing on understanding “why open source sustainable cities”.

He also researched ways to control the motion of the snow when on the roof. His findings determined that temperature fluctuation causes snow to slide abruptly on sloped roofs. This poses a danger to the structural integrity of the interior roof of the Net-Zero Bathroom.

The most practical solution was to retrofit snow guards onto the roof in order to hold the accumulated snow in place and slowly allow it to melt. He rendered the exterior roof of the Net-Zero Bathroom with snow guards to help the user understand where to install them.

He then rechecked his calculations of the maximum allowable snow depth on the Net-Zero Bathroom and found it to be 34.5” and a scaling factor of 1.15 when average snow depth is under 30”. Jose Luis added this information to the tutorial/instructions of the Net-Zero Bathroom and gave construction recommendations.

He will finish the AutoCAD roof plan of the Net-Zero Bathroom and review the tutorial/instructions to fix discrepancies and/or errors. The pictures below show some of this work.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Researching Information on How Snow Accumulates on Sloped Roofs – Click for Page

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 19th week helping with research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This week, Jeson contacted Garkane to arrange a phone meeting next week to discuss the rate schedule that One Community will fall into. He also continued on his diesel generator research, finding products, inputting specs and contact information.

He additionally linked the spec information to the product name cell for future reference and then focused on addressing the comments in the Choosing the Best Solar Hardware Research & Report collectively working towards understanding “why open source sustainable cities”.

Jeson added first, second, and third generation solar cells definition, cleared up a few confusing areas, and added image descriptions. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Solar Microgrid Design, Sizing, and Cost Analysis Specifics Research – Click for Page

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 13th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. This week Daniela completed working on the roadway easements for the property. She then worked on a new design for the fire access road of the Earthbag Village.

The new design that was implemented expanded the road to 35 feet, which was the smallest width the team was able to come up with. Once approved Daniela then began to work on this change for the complete village layout as part of answering the “why open source sustainable cities” question.

This week Daniela also created a resources page for the Roadways, Walkways, Gutters and Parking Lot Report and uploaded the resources to the Dropbox. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Completed Working on the Roadway Easements for the Property – Click for Sustainable Roadways Page

Katherine Cao (Chemical Engineer) also completed her 8th week working answering “why open source sustainable cities” and on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs.

This week Katherine read feedback from peers and made corrections on the report. Katherine also redid the tables, and made them look professional, and did some formatting for the report. Pictures below are related to this work.

Grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Working on the Grid-tie Connection Details for Our Solar Microgrid Designs

Nicholas K. de León (Project Management Adviser) completed his 6th week helping with review of Highest Good Housing research and related tasks directed at answering “why open source sustainable cities”. Nicholas continued editing documents, going through the first three documents on his list and working up from there.

He cleared prior suggestions that had the necessary improvements, continuing to make suggestions where necessary. On a positive note, Nicholas believes that many of the documents are nearly at a stage where a final read can be done. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.

Highest Good Housing research, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Helping With Review of Highest Good Housing Research and Related Tasks – Click for Page

Prabhath Ekanayake (Electrical Engineering Assistant) completed his 6th week working on answering “why open source sustainable cities” and the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This week Prabhath continued development of the grid tie tutorial by rewriting assigned sections based on team feedback. Below are some images related to this work.

grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Development of the Grid Tie Tutorial for Our Solar Microgrid Designs – Click for Page

Shreyas Dayanand (Battery Research Engineer) also completed his 3rd week helping with the solar microgrid design specifics related to electric vehicles and battery sizing. Following up with last week, Shreyas came up with a more illustrative block diagram to explain the Vehicle-to-Grid concept for the current generation of Electric Vehicles.

He found an option to consider the Tesla Model X as an option for the community in accordance with its features that would be helpful. Shreyas illustrated with an example of how much energy can be used from an electric vehicle battery pack considering all the governing factors.

He started to look into the different battery storage options that are available to use for the solar-farm application and the parameters to be established for the same further contributing to the answer for “why open source sustainable cities”.

He also consolidated information regarding the different levels of Electric vehicle charging the related parameters like the power delivered and charging time.  Pictures below relate to this work-in-progress.

solar microgrid design specifics, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued With the Solar Microgrid Design Specifics Related to Electric Vehicles and Battery Sizing

Jarot Tamba (Civil Engineering Intern) completed his 2nd week helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing. This week Jarot dove further into gathering information regarding the different proportions which Aircrete users have found to have worked successfully.

Jarot found some useful information from the Honey Do Carpenter Youtube channel which focuses on the construction of small rectangular homes using Aircrete.

There was information provided regarding the best curing methods (covered and out of direct sunlight and high temps), how to protect aircrete from a mold (using visqueen plastic wrap), and how to reinforce aircrete (pouring mixture over grid patterned wire mesh). Further research was also done about superadobe which was a bit difficult.

Jarot’s group cannot control what dirt or clay mixture they receive so initial tests must be run to determine the best mixture. Jarot and the group also met on campus during the week to scope out the workplace and discuss some important aspects of the project.

They also met to finalize their plans for initial testing, documentation, video recording and cleaning and maintenance plans related to “why open source sustainable cities”. Pictures below relted to this work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Helping With the Aircrete and Earthbag Compression Testing – Click for Aircrete Page

Dominick Banuelos (Civil Engineering Intern) also completed his 2nd week helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing a crucial part of “why open source sustainable cities”. This week Dominick worked with the whole team to create the initial mixing plan, materials, testing plan, cleaning plan, video plan, and project schedule.

Following what the group came up with will allow for the project to run smoothly and on time. Below are some images related to this work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Worked to Create Initial Mixing Plan, Materials, Testing Plan, Cleaning Plan, Video Plan

John Paul D. Matining (Civil Engineer Intern) completed his 2nd week helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing too. This week John completed more research on Aircrete and the Earthbag mixes and created a proposed plan that was then combined with the group’s individual plan to create the group’s proposed plan.

This included plans for documentation of the project, a materials proposal, mixture proposal, schedule, and cleanup plan, all parts of the “why open source sustainable cities”. These documents included calculations, ratio mixtures, camera uses, and other details needed to conduct and fully document the compression testing. The pictures below relate to this work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Completed More Research on Aircrete and the Earthbag Mixes and Created a Proposed Plan

And Marcus Nguyen (Civil Engineering Intern), also part of the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing team, completed his 2nd week as well. This week Marcus did further research in order to figure out the overall schedule for the Aircrete and Stabilized Earth Compression Testing as part of understanding “why open source sustainable cities”.

He also attended the meetup on his campus to meet with Jae, his group members, professor, and internship liaison to go over the necessary information needed to run the test. Later in the week, Marcus and his group gathered all the information to meet up and shared their research in order to come up with a schedule and plans for approval.

The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Helping With the Aircrete and Earthbag Compression Testing – Click for Page


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is answering the question, “why open source sustainable cities” through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week the core team continued review and feedback on the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial segment of the “why open source sustainable cities”. The focus for the week was making comments and addressing some older comments related to the doc. This week’s work has taken us through page 128 and included sections on Rigid Pavement Design and the Glossary.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Review and Feedback on the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial

The core team also completed a thorough review of the best solar hardware report for our solar microgrid designs.

Review of the best solar hardware report, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Completed Review of the Best Solar Hardware Report for Solar Microgrid Designs – Click for Page

Ian Oliver Malinay (Energy Modeler/Analyst) completed his 27th week helping run the energy analysis calculations to help us achieve LEED Platinum status for the Duplicable City Center. This week, Ian worked on the energy modeling narrative updates as reference for the future projects to be processed to ensure the LEED platinum certification.

Ian produced a narrative report that is general and easy to follow. The provided procedures also considers the ASHRAE 90.1-2010 standard that is applicable to the LEED 4/4.1 version of the rating system.

This report can be considered as an official manual of Duplicable City Center to properly design the energy model of the building working towards answering “why open source sustainable sustainable cities”.

The inputs here are more efficient than the performance of the Baseline Design so we can make sure that the energy model attains the highest possible LEED credit points. Please see below related pictures for reference.

Energy analysis calculations to help us achieve LEED Platinum status-Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued to Update the Energy Modeling Narrative Documents – Click for Heating and Cooling Page

Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 12th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development as a part of “why open source sustainable cities”.

This week, Carol worked on the report, added more details in the writing, added references for the requested sections, and resolved the comments that had already been addressed. For the Rigid Pavement section, she added the pictures to illustrate types of rigid pavement (CRCP, JPCP) and “Expansion Terminal Joint Section Between CRCP and Structure Approach Slab”.

Carol also added more details in the “Dowel and Tie Bar” and “Pavement Smoothness” section. In addition, she worked on the comparison table for alternative pavement options. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Helping With the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial

Neel Shanbhag (Control Systems Electrical Engineer) completed his 6th week helping answer “why open source sustainable cities” and  with the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs. This week he continued researching and understanding various papers for solar sizing for the Duplicable City Center. Pictures related to this work are below.

Duplicable City Center Electrical designs, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Researching and Understanding Various Papers for Solar Sizing for the Duplicable City

Venus Abdollahi (Architectural Designer) completed her 2nd week helping finish the Duplicable City Center roof designs working towards answering “why open source sustainable cities”. This week Venus started development of the City Center Living Dome roof design by detailing the roof, making the isometric section, and adding R-value specifics.

For detailing the roof, she’s using Revit to create details and callouts. For the City Center Living Dome roof, she added different layers and annotated them. The isometric section is still in process but Venus was able to complete details and the 3D isometric section. See pictures below.

Duplicable City Center roof designs, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Started Development of the City Center Living Dome Roof Design – Click for Page

And Carlos Lillo (Engineering Technician) joined the team and completed his 1st week helping with the pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms as a part of the “why open source sustainable cities”.

Carlos started the week importing the Duplicable City Files into the Blender Environment. By the end of it, he was able to complete his firsts deliverables: All Renders.

Carlos encountered a problem when generating the renders after including the LED system (noisy renders) but after a while he was able to overcome said problem by increasing the render quality and using a denoiser filter. Pictures below are related to this work.

pallet furniture designs for the Duplicable City Center guest rooms, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Joined the Team and Began Helping With the Pallet Furniture Designs for the City Center Guest Rooms


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is answering the question, “why open source sustainable cities” through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week as part of answering “why open source sustainable cities” the core team continued creating updated SketchUp models for the final designs of the Aquapinis/Walipinis. We uploaded the latest AutoCAD designs and used them for updating the Walipini structure in SketchUp. We also continued designing the central area of the Aquapini.

We resized aquapini beds with bed supports from 5’ to 3’ width so they will be easier to harvest. We also designed a waterfall idea with recycled tire, fish and flowers, and set it up so the drainage pipe that goes from under the media beds drains there to create a waterfall. This waterfall sits between the first and second aquapini beds.

Three walking paths where planned too, one in the middle that is a 4’ wide path and two 2’8” wide paths next to the growing beds. And we designed a keyhole raised garden bed that sits in the far west end of the walking path. Pictures below are related to this work.

SketchUp models for the final designs of the Aquapinis:Walipinis, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Creating Updated SketchUp Models for the Final Designs of the Aquapinis/walipinis

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 41st week volunteering, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details included in answering “why open source sustainable cities”.

While waiting for the core team updates to the structures (now complete), Qiuheng was able to adjust the central area and structures’ open area that faces the center. She then created and rendered a draft version of the landscape walkthrough. Below are some pictures from this work.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Working on the Aquapini & Walipini External Landscaping Details – Click for Page

Qisheng Rong (Mechanical Engineer) also joined the team and completed his 1st week helping with the development of the climate batteries for the Aquapini/Walipini structures.

This week Qisheng reviewed the previous work of the climate battery team and gained more understanding of the heat transfer calculation and CFD model of the climate battery design crucial to the debate around “why open source sustainable cities”.

He also had a meeting with Amin to discuss more details of the tasks and expectations. He read the Ashrae handbook to get familiar with the heating and cooling loads calculations. Qisheng also started researching the climate battery designs and configurations in research papers. The pictures below are related to this work.

climate batteries for the Aquapini:Walipini structures, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Joined the Team and Began With the Development of the Climate Batteries – Click for Page


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is answering the question, “why open source sustainable cities” through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:

Why Open Source Sustainable Cities – Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age – Click image for open source hub


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is answering the question, “why open source sustainable cities” through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 32 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration for answering “why open source sustainable cities” not mentioned elsewhere here.

The picture below relates to this. We also did more testing and bug identification within the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software.

One Community Mangement, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Completed 32 Hours Managing One Community Emails, Etc. – Click for Home Page

Jaime Arango (Graphic Designer) completed his 32nd week, spending time on contemplating “why open source sustainable cities” returning to creating badges for the Highest Good Network software. This week Jaime created the New Max-Personal Record and Most Hours in a Week badges. You can see both below.

Highest Good Network software, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Created the New Max-personal Record and Most Hours in a Week Badges – Click for HGN

Chris Weilacker (Software Engineer) completed his 31st week while understanding “why open source sustainable cities” and  working on the Highest Good Network software.

This week Chris worked on the Badge Report/History including the ability to set up to 5 featured badges and for Admins to delete badges in a user’s history and change badge counts on the User Profile page. Chris also placed the listing of featured badges (up to 5 by rank) on the user profile page. Pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Working on the Highest Good Network Software – Click for Page

OJ Alcaraz (Software Engineer) also completed his 3rd week lending effort to understanding “why open source sustainable cities” and working on the Highest Good Network software. This week OJ continued working on the inventory controller API.

OJ focused on testing completed methods and began debugging the delByInvId and unWasteInvById methods as the calls were throwing errors. They were throwing errors where they could not submit an API call without having to restart the back end. Now they are at a point where you can submit an API call but there is now a MongoError message.

OJ will continue to work on that next week. He also started planning out the test script for stakeholders which will be in Google Form format. The pictures below relate to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Why Open Source Sustainable Cities, One Community Weekly Progress Update #434

Continued Working on the Inventory Controller API – Click for Highest Good Network


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Creating a Global Shift – One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Creating a global shift towards sustainability is a process of involving enough people for the shift to happen. To reach that tipping point, One Community is developing all the open source tools, tutorials, and DIY  plans and instructions needed. These plans cover foodenergyhousingeducationfor-profit and non-profit economic designsocial architecturefulfilled livingglobal stewardship practices, and more.

Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433


Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.

highest good food, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, diet, food infrastructure, hoop houses, large scale garden, food forest, botanical garden, soil amendmenthighest good energy, off-grid energy, solar power, wind power, water power, energy efficiency, hydronic, electricity, power, fuel, energy storagehighest good housing, shelter, dome home, living space, eco-housing, earthbag village, straw bale village, cob village, earth block village, shipping container village, recycled and reclaimed materials village, tree house village, duplicable city centerhighest good education, school, home school, learning, teaching, teachers, learners, curriculum, lesson plans. ultimate classroomhighest good economics, trade, money, business, transactions, resource based economy, for profit, non profit, eco tourism, revenue streams, taxes, investments, debthighest good society, social architecture, fulfilled living, pledge, values, highest good lifestyle, consensus, social equality, community contribution, recreationhighest good stewardship, for the highest good of all, vision, values, solution-based thinking model, open source model, sustainability, cultural diversity, spiritual diversity, drug policy, pet policyduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room

One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world creating a global shift. This is the July 11th, 2021 edition (#433) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:

Creating a Global Shift
One Community Progress Update #433




One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr


Creating a Global Shift



Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesOne Community is creating a global shift through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:

This week the core team continued edits and additions to the “Best Small and Large-scale Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Community Options” article for creating a global shift. This week we finished editing, backed up all the videos and webpages, created the missing reference section, verified our work was according to the “Webpage Review Checklist”, and submitted it to our final-check review team. The pictures below share some of this work.

Plastic Recycling, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Edits and Additions to the Plastic Recycling Page – Click to Visit

The core team also completed a thorough review of the grid-tie connection report for our solar microgrid designs.

Solar microgrid designs-Housing, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Completed Review of the Grid-tie Connection Report for Our Solar Microgrid Designs – Click for Page

Jose Luis Flores (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 51st week helping finish the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Jose Luis updated the snow load calculations of the Net-Zero Bathroom exterior roof to include the correct weight distribution.

He measured the total surface area the panels would rest on and the radial wall for creating a global shift. Combining these values into a ratio led to the correct weight distribution of the radial wall that was used in the Free Body Diagram.

The maximum snow depth increased to 21.7in which is still not sufficient. He began researching information on how snow behaved when collecting on a metal roof. The factors he discovered from the documents were roof pitch and change in temperature between the metal roof and the snow.

He will start researching data on the temperature fluctuations in a specific location to determine whether the snow will form ice dams or just slide into the center of the roof. If the latter were to occur, then measures would have to be taken in order to slowly distribute the snow as not to collapse the interior roof. The pictures below show some of this work.

Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Updated the Snow Load Calculations of the Net-zero Bathroom Exterior Roof – Click for Page

Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 44th week working on the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. This week Stacey continued working on updating lumber types and cutting lengths. She added new types of boards and revised how many pieces of each wood are needed part of creating a global shift.

She also continued changing all measurements to follow the correct formula of thickness x width x length, making sure they are all consistent throughout all the pages. The components and lumber pages are getting more complete but also more complex and detailed. Stacey added a few new renders and images to the instructions too. Screenshots below are related to this latest progress.

Murphy bed instructions, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Working on Updating Lumber Types and Cutting Lengths – Click for Earthbag Village Page

Jeson Hu (Aerospace Engineer) completed his 18th week helping with research related to the solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis specifics. This week, Jeson contacted RMP and Garkane engineers for the power rate and interconnection program information.

From the information that Garkane’s engineer Bryant provided, the on-grid option would be too expensive since we would need to increase the size of the solar panel array by more than we’re willing. Jeson also followed up with Bryant regarding the previous interconnect offer that was being made for our final decision making.

If the offer does not show too much of a rate change, Vicente recommends the off-grid option instead of increasing solar panel array size. Jeson also capitalized all the subtitles and centered them, and then addressed all the new comments on the best solar hardware research.

Furthermore, he continued the research of the diesel generators, including finding products, inputting product specs, and saving product documents and web links for creating a global shift. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Solar microgrid design, sizing, and cost analysis, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Solar Microgrid Design, Sizing, and Cost Analysis Specifics Research – Click for Page

Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 12th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. This week Daniela started off by editing the fire access road for the Earthbag Village. The road was edited, but because the majority of the fire access road must be within the main road, it caused some issues.

The main road was expanded to fit the fire access road, but it exceeded the desired width of the main road. Various versions of the access road were attempted in order to decrease the main road width but none were successful. Daniela then worked on the easement access to the property. She worked with Google Earth and AutoCAD to import the property boundary for creating a global shift.

Once completed Daniela overlaid the boundary along with images onto an AutoCAD file containing the property contours. Five feet to both sides of the boundary were included for the easement and roadways were outlined. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued With the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial Development

Katherine Cao (Chemical Engineer) also completed her 7th week working on the grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs. This week Katherine read and replied to the feedback from peers and her supervisor, and made corrections based on those comments. She also did more research on the cost for our specific project for creating a global shift. Pictures below are related to this work.

grid-tie connection details for our solar microgrid designs, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Working on the Grid-tie Connection Details for Our Solar Microgrid Designs

Nicholas K. de León (Project Management Adviser) completed his 5th week helping with review of Highest Good Housing research and related tasks for creating a global shift. Nicholas continued with edits, working on new documents including the Grid-tie Tutorial.

In addition to new edits, he went over older suggestions and cleared those that were satisfactory, suggesting others when necessary. Overall, Nicholas saw some improvements made to many of the documents, bringing them closer to the point of publication. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.

Highest Good Housing research, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Helping With Review of Highest Good Housing Research and Related Tasks – Click for Page

Frank Roland Vilcapaza Diaz (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 5th week helping with the Earthbag Village energy specifics. This week Frank worked on reading through “HVAC: Design Criteria, Options, Selection and Selection Tips for Air Conditioning Cooling Systems” to work on the selection of a system of AC for the Tropical Atrium as well as to get informed on the information on the Ultimate Classroom to work on the energy demand of that structure for creating a global shift. The pictures below relate to this.

Earthbag Village energy specifics, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Helping With the Earthbag Village Energy Specifics – Click for Page

Shreyas Dayanand (Battery Research Engineer) also completed his 2nd week helping with the solar microgrid design specifics related to electric vehicles and battery sizing. This week Shreyas researched and accumulated data regarding 4 golf carts for commercial use and their related battery options, charging, etc.

He also researched about the features and capabilities of the Ford F150 Lightning and how they can be implemented to be used in the community as possible backup power key to creating a global shift. He additionally came up with a DIY procedure to connect EVs to the grid to use them as an emergency power supply. Pictures below relate to this work-in-progress.

Solar microgrid design specifics related to electric vehicles and battery sizing, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Helping With Solar Microgrid Design Specifics Related to Electric Vehicles and Battery

Jarot Tamba (Civil Engineering Intern) joined the team and completed his 1st week helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing. He attended a group meeting where he learned about the compression testing details the team will be working on.

Jarot then spent the first part of the week developing his understanding about how to make aircrete, the uses of it, and comparing that information to similar uses with standard concrete and stabilized earth for creating a global shift.

The latter portion of the week was spent narrowing down a proposal of ratios and proportions for the material which would best suit the needs of the project. Many questions remain and research continues. Pictures below realted to this work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Joined the Team and Began Helping With the Aircrete and Earthbag Compression Testing

Dominick Banuelos (Civil Engineering Intern) joined the team and completed his 1st week helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing. This week Dominick spent his time learning about aircrete which is something completely new to him.

In the process of doing research, he has learned about what aircrete is and how it is made. Aircrete is a mixture of concrete and foam which comes from dish soap! In order to get the foam, the ratio which is applied to this is using around 2 cups of dish soap mixed with about 5 gallons of water.

The foam itself comes from adding air pressure to the soap and water using a foam making machine and it will create the foam that is used in the concrete. The foam is usually created at a pressure between 60 and 80 psi. Something not mentioned is the soap that will be used for this project which is Seventh Generation dish soap.

Dominick learned that Seventh Generation dish soap has the glycerin added to the dish soap which is a stabilizer in order to get the best foam possible. Many dish soaps do not have glycerin which is why they are not suitable for this project.

Something to keep in mind is making sure that the foam weight stays around the same for the whole project as it can lead to issues with the concrete. Having little air in the foam will cause it to be lighter and having too much air will cause it to be heavier.

Considering there is a specific weight that needs to be maintained, it is important to make sure the weight is consistent. Dominick also researched stabilized earth mixes and regular concrete mixes, and will continue with more research on those topics to help creating a global shift. Below are some images related to this work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Joined the Team and Began Helping With Aircrete and Earthbag Compression Testing

John Paul D. Matining (Civil Engineer Intern) joined the team and completed his 1st week helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing. This week John educated himself in the art of aircrete.

Using many references, he learned in depth the process and proper way for aircrete to be made. Over 15+ hours of watching and reading to gain decent knowledge of the aircrete and earthbag. He also tried thinking of concepts that could quicken or make the process of creating a global shift more efficient. The pictures below relate to this work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Joined the Team and Began Helping With the Aircrete and Earthbag Compression Testing

Marcus Nguyen (Civil Engineering Intern) joined the team and completed his 1st week helping with the Aircrete and earthbag compression testing. This week Marcus had a meeting with his group to go over all the required instructions for being part of the Aircrete and Stabilized Earth Testing and documentation requirements as part of creating a global shift.

As of this week, he has completed seven out of eight “Actions” for the “General Onboarding Checklist”. Marcus and his group constructed a rough schedule for this summer project and provided their weekly hours to put into the system.

For this first week, Marcus did his research on AirCrete, Earthbag, and other concrete materials to better understand the use and requirement for using it in a mix. This research will help towards making a plan on how to make each mix and determining how testing will be scheduled for creating a global shift. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Aircrete and earthbag compression testing, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Joined the Team and Began Helping With the Aircrete and Earthbag Compression Testing


duplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game roomOne Community is creating a global shift through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:

This week the core team continued review and feedback on the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial. The focus for the week was making comments and addressing some older comments related to the doc.

This week’s work has taken us through page 120 and included sections on Porous Concrete Design, Decomposed Granite Paving Design, and Rigid Pavement Design all for creating a global shift. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Review and Feedback on the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping Tutorial

The core team also continued work on the City Center hub connector work and helped Neel with the energy estimates for the City Center by preparing spreadsheet for him to use. We also continued with Energy Demand estimates for the Straw Bale village for creating a global shift.

City Center hub connector, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Work on the City Center Hub Connector Work – Click for Page

Ian Oliver Malinay (Energy Modeler/Analyst) completed his 26th week helping run the energy analysis calculations to help us achieve LEED Platinum status for the Duplicable City Center. This week, Ian continued to update the energy modeling narrative documents.

There’s some additional information that he created as reference on how to process the proposed design for LEED energy modeling that also complies to ASHRAE standard, especially to Appendix G. Ian continues to do as much as possible to attain the highest possible points in the energy modeling categories of LEED for creating a global shift.

Included in the narrative documents are all the data inputs required for proposed building design that is more efficient than the baseline standard of ASHRAE. Please see progress photos below for reference.

Energy analysis calculations-Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued to Update the Energy Modeling Narrative Documents – Click for Heating and Cooling Page

David Na (Project Management Adviser/Engineer) completed his 20th week helping with input and management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development, as well as the City Center Water Catchment Designs.

This week David began by reviewing the progress update google doc and reviewing any new comments he had received from the following week. From there he assigned action items to his team with the goal of wrapping up the Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping section within the next two weeks.

He also began to read up/proofread on the grid-tie system so that he can understand how it ties into the easements for Earthbag Village, Community Center, and other proposed developments in creating a global shift. David is also continually working on trying to finish the parking lot plan, and will have access to CAD next week to draw out a preliminary design for it. Pictures below are related to this work.

Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued With Input and Management of the Parking Lot and Sustainable Roadways, Walkways

Carol Nguyen (Civil Engineer) also completed her 11th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development for creating a global shift. This week, Carol created cross sections on AutoCAD for different types of pavement, including flexible/asphalt pavement, porous asphalt pavement, and rigid/concrete pavement.

In addition, she also started working on the comparison table for “Alternative Pavement Options” including porous asphalt, decomposed granite, paving stones, PICP, brick, gravel, and turf block. The pictures below share some of this developing work.

Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Created Cross Sections on AutoCAD for Different Types of Pavement – Click for Page

Neel Shanbhag (Control Systems Electrical Engineer) completed his 5th week helping with the Duplicable City Center Electrical designs as a part of creating a global shift. This week Neel finished the cut sheets (4 items that were missing) and started working and researching about energy demand for the structure. Pictures of some of this work are below.

Duplicable City Center Electrical designs, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Helping With the Duplicable City Center Electrical Designs – Click for Page

Also, Venus Abdollahi (Architectural Designer) joined the team and completed her 1st week helping finish the Duplicable City Center roof designs as part of creating a global shift. This week Venus started development of the City Center Living Dome roof design by detailing the roof, making the isometric section, and adding R-value specifics.

For detailing the roof, she is using Revit to create details and callouts, and also added different layers and annotated them. The isometric section is still in process but Venus was able to complete details and the 3D isometric section. Pictures below show some of this work.

Duplicable City Center roof designs, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Joined the Team and Began Helping Finish the Duplicable City Center Roof Designs – Click for Page


sustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateOne Community is creating a global shift through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:

This week the core team continued creating updated SketchUp models for the final designs of the Aquapinis/Walipinis as part of creating a global shift.We added support units under the aquapini beds, designed mushroom log stacking and designed a 4′ wide path that can accommodate a wheelbarrow.

We also began work on designs for a small rest area that is close to the entry door with a rock resting area and small wooden table with flowers in the center. Pictures below are related to this work.

Aquapinis:Walipinis, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Creating Updated SketchUp Models for the Final Designs of the Aquapinis/walipinis

This week Qiuheng Xu (Landscape Designer) completed her 40th week volunteering, now helping with the Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping details for creating a global shift. This week Qiuheng imported the model to Lumion and was able to apply all the materials for rendering. She also replaced all 2D plant materials into 3D Lumion models. Below are some rendered views from this work.

Aquapini & Walipini external landscaping, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Working on the Aquapini & Walipini External Landscaping Details – Click for Page


One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingOne Community is creating a global shift through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.

This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them.

With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program aimed at creating a global shift and everything else we’re creating too:

Creating a Global Shift – Highest Good education, open source education, progressive education, One Community education, forward-thinking education, learning skills

Highest Good Education: All Subjects | All Learning Levels | Any Age – Click image for open source hub


a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeOne Community is creating a global shift through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needsCommunity, and making a difference in the world:

This week the core team completed 24 hours managing One Community emails, social media accounts, interviewing potential new volunteer team members, and managing volunteer-work review and collaboration not mentioned elsewhere here for creating a global shift. Also more testing and bug identification was done within the Beta version of the Highest Good Network software.

Highest Good Network software, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Testing and Bug Identification Within the Beta Version of the Highest Good Network

The core team also created a new Subscribe page, setup the confirmation pages and messages, and all the other Mailchip custom details.

Created a new Subscribe page, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Created a New Subscribe Page and All the Other Mailchip Custom Details – Click for Page

Chris Weilacker (Software Engineer) completed his 30th week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week Chris modified the projects page to allow for categories to be added to projects for Badge assignment and created a link to the future inventory management page on a per-project basis.

He also worked on getting the auto-assign code working for most badge types but still needs to do some testing on that front before moving to beta. Finally, Chris helped OJ build out the API’s for inventory management contributing towards the vision for creating a global shift. Pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Working on the Highest Good Network Software – Click for Page

Yueru Zhao (Software Engineer) completed her 21st week working on the Highest Good Network software and contributing towards creating a global shift. This week Yueru mainly worked on making filters have more than one option in the same filter list on the person reporting page. Now the users can select both food and housing in classification filters.

She also added an arrow sign on the collapse button. Yueru additionally changed the assignment filter from dropdown list to radio button since only two options are available for assignment filter. She also modified the UI part on the selected filters options part to make it easier for users to see the options they chose. The pictures below are related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Working on the Highest Good Network Software – Click for Page

Malathi Perumal (Beta Testing Tester) completed her 6th week working on the Highest Good Network software working towards creating a global shift This week Malathi created hours to validate the badge functionalities and she validated the “create new user” functionalities and raised a bug, “accepting duplicate email id and phone number”.

Malathi also raised an observation to set the hours as 40 for “create new user” window and she reviewed and commented on Pull Request #163. See below for pictures related to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued Working on the Highest Good Network Software – Click for Page

OJ Alcaraz (Software Engineer) also completed his 2nd week working on the Highest Good Network software. This week OJ continued to work on the inventory controller API working towards creating a global shift.

He also tested some of the methods Chris worked on in the same API. OJ additionally continued to get up to speed with Mongo DB and Node.js. OJ will be testing the remaining methods in the inventory controller to wrap up the week. The pictures below relate to this work.

Highest Good Network software, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Continued to Work on the Inventory Controller API – Click for Highest Good Network

Robert Pioch (Graphic Designer) completed his 18th week helping with the new badges for the badges section on the Dashboard of the Highest Good Network. This week Robert designed the Highest Good Stewardship badge for 400 hours of service.

Highest Good Network, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Designed the Highest Good Stewardship Badge for 400 Hours of Service – Click for Page

And, last but not least, Jin Hua (Web Marketer and Graphic Designer) helped us import our contacts to mailchimp, performed a final functionality test and confirmed the Mailchimp setup a success. Creating marketing campaigns is a good way to spread the word about creating a global shift. See pics below related to this.

Mailchimp, Creating a Global Shift, One Community Weekly Progress Update #433

Helped Import Our Contacts to Mailchimp and Perform a Final Functionality Test – Click for Page


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