One Community blog, Anne Frank Quote, change the world

Pod 1 Furniture Layouts Completed

Possible furniture layouts for the Earthbag Pod 1 have just been completed and added to the Pod 1 Details Page. This pod is designed to demonstrate maximally affordable eco-artistic living. Complete details here:

For all 7 of the different sustainable village building models go here:

earthbag living, earthbag home, open source architecture, pod 1, One Community , sustainable living, eco-sustainability, eco-living, green living solutions, sustainable life

Click Image for Complete Image Collection on the Pod 1 Details Page

Website Updates!

We’re happy to share that we continue to respond to feedback from those following our project on areas needing clarification and/or simplification. On top of all the infrastructure progress we are making, this is leading to significant updates to both this website and reinvention of our sister site as the One Community Overview Website: Three pages that have been completed in the last few days include:

SEGO Center Update: Table Designs

Here’s a quick update on the SEGO Center City Hub table layout. The images below show a custom table design we will build ourselves and seating for 150 people created by Karl Harris (Architect Drafter, Designer, and founder of Harris Design & Technology Services). We are now exploring the possibility of increasing seating to 200.

On other updates, Jennifer Engelmeier (Eco-pool and Spa Specialist and founder of is moving forward on the pool, laundry, and hot dub designs and hoping to have our laundry and hot tub equipment needs outlined by next week along with some next generation design drawings!

The Center of Peace

Center of Peace Custom Table Designs: Click Image to be Taken to the SEGO Center Details Page

The Center of Peace Dining Layout for 150 People

Dining Area Layout for 150 People: Click Image to be Taken to the SEGO Center Details Page



New International Pioneer Page Creation Including and FAQ Section

Due to feedback that people thought One Community was not open to international participation in the Pioneer Program, we just finished this page for clarification:

Welcome Aravind, James, and P2S Engineering to the One Community Consultants Team!

One Community is happy to announce that addition of Aravind Batra, James Del Monaco, and P2S Engineering to the One Community Consulting Team working on the SEGO Center City Hub. More specifically we are happy to have them taking the lead in helping us design this central building of One Community to receive the ultimate in eco-architecture acknowledgment: LEED Platinum certification.

Andrew and Jae met with Aravind and James the week before last to discuss the details of the SEGO Center and get a tour of the P2S offices and they truly walk their talk. Their offices received LEED Gold Certification after a huge remodel featuring the best in insulation, high-energy efficiency appliances, recycled materials, eco friendly paint, and more. On top of that, they are now 4 years in a row having been voted top 100 places to work in Los Angeles!

Bottom line, they are our kind of people and it is an absolute pleasure to be joining forces with them to create world change. Here’s a bit more about Aravind, James and P2S.



One Community Consultant, LEED AP, Eco Builder, Green Systems DesignerAravind Batra – Electrical Engineer and LEED AP: Aravind is the Principal, Senior Electrical Engineer, and serves as Educational Group Manager at P2S Engineering where he leads a team specializing in the design and implementation of sustainable infrastructure. Aravind brings in-depth knowledge from his 20 years of experience with electrical systems requirements to numerous needs assessments, upgrades, renewable energy systems, renovations and new building projects for various educational and municipal institutions. His professional activities include past Treasurer for the Los Angeles Chapter of AEE and recently as a founding member and Membership Chair of United States Green Building Council (USGBC) Long Beach Branch. He is also a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA). Applying this diversity and depth of experience with One Community, Aravind is helping us with our goals of building the SEGO Center to demonstrate maximum sustainability, duplicability, and achieve LEED Platinum certification.


LEED AP, One Community Consultant, Green Building Expert, Eco professionalJames Del Monaco – Mechanical Engineer and LEED AP: James is Sustainability Director and Senior Mechanical Engineer at P2S Engineering with experience in many Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects. His LEED duties have included the design of airside and hydronic systems, documentation of LEED points, advanced energy modeling, ventilation and occupant comfort calculations, and the design of control systems for Measurement & Verification. As a LEED Project Administrator, he has provided guidance to the entire project team from kick-off through occupancy. As a member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), James has served on the ASHRAE High Performance Buildings Conference Steering Committee as well as the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) Long Beach Branch Steering Committee. Applying this diversity and depth of experience with One Community, James is helping us with our goals of building the SEGO Center to demonstrate maximum sustainability, duplicability, and achieve LEED Platinum certification.


P2S Engineering (Aravind and James)

P2S Engineering is a full-service mechanical, electrical, plumbing, energy, commissioning and technology engineering firm. Excelling in sustainable building models P2S has demonstrated excellence in designing a number of green buildings that employ efficient systems, renewable power sources, minimize natural resources and offer reduced operation and maintenance costs. With 50% of their technical staff as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Accredited Professionals, P2S maintains a firm-wide passion to provide sustainable solutions and expertise in high-performance green building projects. P2S is helping One Community by applying their extensive sustainable experience to create a sustainable design for the proposed SEGO Center.


Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Open Source Energy Infrastructure Update

sustainable energy, energy efficiency and sustainability, our efficient energy, One Community, ecological energy, energy ecology, solar energy, solar panel energy, new energyEnergy efficiency and sustainability go hand in hand and we have spent extensive time exploring the various energy options available with the following criteria in mind:

1.  Sustainability (effective, durable, ethical)
2. Duplicability (can be shipped globally, affordable)
3. Sufficient to provide the foundation we need to explore a diversity of other options for expansion and in support of our open source goals

After months of research, we are happy to announce that we have completed the details of our initial energy infrastructure plans that will supply the SEGO Center City HubPod 1, and our aquaponics sustainable food infrastructure.

283 kWh Solar Array Cost Analysis

ItemDescriptionQty.Unit PriceExt. Amount
PV-based power system designed to deliver approximately 283 kWh/day under average December sun conditions at the One Community property
110-0053Suniva, 250W PV Module, TE F-M0 PV Wire, 46mm Clear
Frame, 60 Cell Mono, 15A Fuse, 223.2W PTC,
*** Wire PV array as 32 series strings of 12 modules each.
2 strings per SB6000US inverter.
*** ProSolar ground racking for 96 columns of 4 modules each
detailed below. 1.5″ steel pipe to be supplied locally.
210-0600ProSolar, Support Rail, 3″
Extra Deep support rail, 164″, Qty. 1, R-164XD
192 35.03 6,725.76
240-0178ProSolar, U-Bolt Assembly,
Clear, Qty. 1, A-UAS-1S
384 6.22 2,388.48
211-0200ProSolar, End Cap, 3″,
Clear Anodized, XDeep Channel, Qty. 1, A-EZECAPXD-1
384 1.62 622.08
260-0029ProSolar, End Clamp 1.810″
(45.9mm-46.4mm), Clear, Qty. 1, C1810EC-1
390 2.01 783.90
260-0046ProSolar, Mid Clamp 2.50″
(42mm-48mm), Clear, Qty. 1, C250IMC-1
580 2.011,165.80
590-0011Wiley Electronics, WEEB Grounding Lug
with 1/4″ mounting hardware, WEEB-LUG-6.7
195 4.34 846.30
590-0012Wiley Electronics, WEEB Grounding clip
for ProSolar, WEEB-PMC
490 0.80392.00
550-0009Die Co, Cable Clips, Galvanized, Qty. 100, DCS-897-M565 Clip12 26.07 312.84
550-0036USE-2 Cable, 10AWG,
7-strand 600VDC, black, 3000′ spool, 10-7-3000-sgl
1 875.64875.64
550-0126TE Connectivity, SolarLok Plug with Machined Pin, 4.5-6mm
OD,10AWG, USE-2, Female Negative (Blue), 6-1394462-4
502.04 102.00
550-0127TE Connectivity, SolarLok Plug with Machined Pin, 4.5-6mm
OD,10AWG, USE-2, Male Neutral, 7-1394461-5
50 2.04 102.00
550-0363Rennsteig, Crimping Pliers, TE (TE Solarlok),
with Dies & Locator, Solar AWG 14/12/10, R624 817 3 1
1 323.90 323.90
310-0393SMA, Sunny Boy 6000TLUS 1-Ph Grid Tied Inverter, 6000W,
208/240VAC, 60Hz, DC Discon, 6 Dual Fused Input Combiner,
1 MPPT, 10 Yr Warr, Ungrounded, Arc-Fault Protection,
16 2,796.07 44,737.12
570-0028SMA, Communication Card, RS-485 Module, SB RS 485-N16 104.50 1,672.00
500-0114SMA, Multicluster Box, 3-Ph for 12 x 120V, 60 Hz,
SI5048U, add MC-PB, UL listed off-grid only, MCB-12U
114,294.09 14,294.09
500-0116SMA, Multicluster Communications (Piggy-Back) Card,
One for each SI Cluster Master, MC-PB
4 230.20 920.80
311-0040SMA, Sunny Island 6048 battery inverter, 5750W, 120VAC,
60Hz, 56A Transfer, 48VDC, Sinewave, 100A Charger,
5 Yr Warranty, with BTS, SI6048-US-10
12 4,101.54 49,218.48
500-0020Outback, FlexWare 500 DC Enclosure with Ground & Pos Bus,
500A DC Shunt, FW-BBUS, for 1 to 2 Inverters, FW500-DC
4 223.62 894.48
530-0026Midnite Solar, Circuit Breaker, Panel Mount,
175A, 125VDC, 1-Pole, 1.5″ Wide, 3/8″ Studs, MNEDC175
12 77.12 925.44
430-0023Cobra, Battery Cable, 2/0 AWG, Black, 600V,
THW, by the foot, Code Approved, 2/0-X-FLEX-B
100 5.21521.00
440-0025Quick Cable, Magna Lug,
2/0 Straight Lug, 3/8″, Qty. 1, 6420-F
440-0066Power Panel Component, Quick Cable Heat Shrink,
4-2/0AWG, Red, Qty. 1, UL Listed, 5614-001R
440-0067Power Panel Component, Quick Cable Heat Shrink,
4-2/0AWG, Black, Qty. 1, UL Listed, 5613-051B
430-0025Cobra, Battery Cable, 4/0 AWG, Black,
600V, THW, by the foot, Code Approved, 4/0-X-FLEX-B
440-0026Quick Cable, Magna Lug, 4/0 Straight Lug, 3/8″,
Qty, 1, 6440-F
440-0083Quick Cable, Heat Shrink, 1/0-250MCM, Black,
Qty. 1, UL Listed, 5615-051B
440-0084Quick Cable, Heat Shrink, 1/0-250MCM, Red,
Qty. 1, UL Listed, 5616-051R
440-0178MK Battery, Unigy II, 4V, 2 Cell Module, 2424Ah @ 24hr, Interlock, 2AVR125-33 IL
*** Sealed battery pack above to be configured w/ two 48v
strings per cluster (there’s 4 clusters). Will deliver approx.
2.5 days of power use. Life expectancy is 15-20 years.
Estimated Shipping Cost10,987.23
Tax Total37,357.62





Our next step will be establishing the necessary relationships to make ordering and building a system like this (as part of our self-sufficient and self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities strategy) as easy as possible including:

  1. Establishing relationships with companies willing to A) offer discounts to consumers for new-business direct referrals through us and B) affordably drop-ship these orders anywhere in the world
  2. Open source sharing videos and tutorials for the building and setup process
  3. Streamlining the process as much as possible for people by expanding existing sustainability networks to create complete package ordering options wherever they don’t already exist

For complete details on our energy infrastructure and open source sustainability plans including additional research and cost analysis visit our Energy Infrastructure Page.

The Global Sustainability Collaborative – We are Happy and Excited to Lead!

global collaboration, international sustainability, leading global forward movementAs we’ve announced here before our sustainability non profit organization is A) intent upon leading a global sustainability collaborative and B) the grateful recipient of a $10,000 a month internet marketing grant. After over 6 months of preparation and research we launched this aspect of our marketing campaign three weeks ago. What we didn’t expect was the international response to this campaign as we are now getting over 9,000 new international visitors a month to our overview site!

This is an extremely exciting occurrence for us as it is a HUGE leap forward in exposing and engaging a global audience to help promote and develop even faster our four-phase global change strategy. With this new exposure we are hoping to bring on several international consultant to help with continued development and engineering of our 7 Sustainable Village Models.

To more specifically engage this audience we created the following page to better and more efficiently provide the details of what it is that we are open source and free-sharing designs for:


One Community’s Newest Ethosolution Feature: Wikipedia – Setting Knowledge Free!

wikipedia ethosolution, free information service, world changing organization, difference makerOne Community is happy to announce the feature of Wikipedia as our newest ethosolution idea.

The free information service Wikipedia offers is arguably the most incredible information access and sharing service the world has ever seen, all for free online, and provided for selfless and helpful reasons without advertising, open source so anyone can contribute, and so that with a computer has access. As one of the leaders for ideas like this, Wikipedia has already created huge positive changes in our world in its contribution to the amount, organization and ease of access, and collaborative interaction with the information we as a species have access to. On top of that, Wikipedia is a true demonstration of what happens when people work together for the good of the whole, creating an on-going, ever evolving and free online source to access all the information any of us could ever need.


Click Image to Visit the Full Ethosolution

Open Source Sustainable Food Systems Update

We’ve been busy with infrastructure design details! Here are the initial layouts and aquaponics and walipini combination designs called aquapinis. The three walipini food production systems we will demonstrate as Phase I of the One Community self-sustainable food production plan are:

  1. Walipini Greenhouses: These will be used as traditional soil growing areas to grow things we can’t grow in the other greenhouses including trees for year-round production. In support of our open source goals these greenhouses will provide the most affordable and simple option for people to duplicate.
  2. Large-scale Production Aquapinis: These will be aquapinis purposed for maximum food volume production of the foods we need the most. In support of our open source goals these will demonstrate and share a model for commercial use and impoverished areas most in need of large-scale quality food production utilizing very little water.
  3. Diversity and Aesthetic Aquapinis: These aquapinis are designed to demonstrate maximum food diversity, space utilization through a combination of growing methods including aquaponics, and provide a small space for just enjoying the environment. In support of our open source goals these combination aquapinis are purposed to provide a food production system that will inspire a person to want to build it in their backyard as a way to produce a volume and diversity of food for all their family and friends (and several additional families) while also creating an aesthetically pleasing place to go and sit in nature and comfortably read a book during the coldest months of winter. As we continue to design these we are exploring a combination of water features, sitting area designs, and other options to make them both functional and beautiful. We are also building these with the long-term intent to demonstrate that we can convert them into walipini permaculture environments once the higher production levels of the aquaponics are no longer needed due to permaculture and the other sustainable food production facilities incorporated into each of the Pods.

For more information and details on our open source food systems integrating aquapini, aquaponics and walipini designs (including links to our complete design notes, food production details, etc.) visit:


Avery Ellis: Aquaponics Specialist and owner/operator of Integrated Aquaponics

The drawings below are now in the hands of one of our architect consultants:

Douglas Simms Stenhouse: Architect and Water Color Artist (see:

This is the layout integrating initial layout drawings with Avery’s sketchup designs. Doug will now be looking at this with an architects eye to improve aesthetics, water catchment and flow, air flow and venting, heat retention and utilization, accessibility, space conservation, etc.

aqaupini designs, aquaponics designs, eco food production, free designs, open source food production, green food growing, sustainable food designs, sustainable agriculture, rural development of food, food production systems

Integration of Initial Layout Drawings with Avery’s Sketchup Designs – Click Image to Enlarge

aqaupini designs, aquaponics designs, eco food production, free designs, open source food production, green food growing, sustainable food designs, sustainable agriculture, rural development of food, food production systems

Aquapini and Walipini Above Grade Layout Drawings – Click Image to Enlarge

aqaupini designs, aquaponics designs, eco food production, free designs, open source food production, green food growing, sustainable food designs, sustainable agriculture, rural development of food, food production systems

Aquapini and Walipini Below-Grade Layout Drawings – Click Image to Enlarge

For more information and details on our open source food systems integrating aquapini, aquaponics and walipini designs (including links to our complete design notes, food production details, etc.) visit:

Sustainability Non Profit Site Update

creating a green world, sustainable greenAlong with all the infrastructure details that are moving forward (more updates coming here this week), One Community has been in the process of updating our sustainability non-profit site to create an overview site because this site is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate as we produce more and more open source content. Looking into the future we see this overview site as being our primary site that we refer people to that will help people understand what One Community is before they dig deeper into the much more comprehensive open source blueprint site (this one).


There are two reasons for creating and updating The first is that feedback we receive is consistently a combination of appreciation for the level of detail we present and overwhelm due to this same level of detail. Because of this we are adding the image below to the foundational pages of this website to help people who like less information while maintaining all the work we have invested for those who like more information.



On the overview site we are adding a similar image and link to more quickly connect people seeking more information to the expanded pages of this site.


sustainability non profit, non profit site link, green website link, eco-non profit link


The other reason for the new site updates is the application of hundreds of hours of SEO research that we have done for a $10,000 per month internet marketing grant (click here for details on our marketing engine) that we are benefitting from. Applying what has amounted to researching almost 500,000 keywords associated with sustainability, we have created massive adwords campaigns and also optimized the new site with the most relevant of these words. All current and future marketing efforts now point to this site so people can more easily understand One Community before diving into this site that will eventually grow to be 1,000’s of pages. is also much more specifically communicating our message of global change and how we are working to usher in a new golden age of innovation, cooperation, collaboration, and global conscious focus on creating and living for The Highest Good of All.


If you’d like to compare a few of the pages, here are the ones we have completed thus far:……
About One CommunityAbout One Community
Physical SustainabilityPhysical Sustainability
Emotional SustainabilityEmotional Sustainability