One Community blog, Anne Frank Quote, change the world

Application Form Updates are Complete!

We are happy to say that we just finished the complete update of our  One Community Application Form! We hope what we have created from our two years of interviewing experience is helpful as a usable template for other forming communities and we invite anyone interested in joining One Community to apply!

We also just completed this outline page of our application, review, and interview process: 

On other notes, we also just started to put together the first iteration of a framework for an open source collaboration space. We should launch it in the next few weeks with our  vermiculture septic design, education program development details, and tropical dome greywater processing designs (part of Pod 1) simultaneously.

This open source collaborative space will feature:

  • A copyable and modifiable archive of our component designs and research to this point
  • Links to our ongoing research and development project overview pages and work spaces
  • Links to the development templates and finished documents for projects and project componenets

New image updates on Pod 1 floor plans and the SEGO Center natural pool and eco hot tub are coming today or tomorrow as well.

Be and Grow the Change, Be the Change, Grow the Change, One Community

Open Sourcing More of Our Internal Process: 2 New Pages Related to Internal Review and Productivity

What One Community is working on right now is arguably some of the most important developmental aspects of the entire project. We are a dedicated, organized, and professional team contributing weekly to an ever-evolving action list and seeking others excited to create this with us. The minimum anyone on this team can expect to contribute is about 10 hours a week and we have spent the last two years fine tuning how to work together for maximum effectiveness and developing a results based monitoring and evaluation process and Performance Management Template into what they now are: productive, efficient, and  ongoing foundations for collaborative team leadership skills development.

One Community Results Based Monitoring, Organizing World Change, Open Source Contribution


The first is our Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation Process page created to share:

  • How this system is foundational to the phase of creation we are in no
  • What makes up the minimum time investment expectations for being a Pioneer
  • How we use “tangible contribution” to maintain focus and productivity on our priorities

The Second is our Performance Management Template for conducting 2-directional monthly performance management reviews. There are three primary team building objectives for this template and the monthly performance reviews we conduct:

1) Individual gives feedback to the Review Facilitator regarding community performance/experience
2) Review Facilitator(s) give feedback regarding individual’s performance
3) Facilitator and Individual co-create strategy for improvement of both #1 and #2

Open Sourcing our Photovoltaic Systems Design Process and Other Energy Infrastructure Details

One Community’s sustainable energy infrastructure is just one aspect of our blueprints for self-sufficient and self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities strategy to be built around the world. Just as we will be showcasing a diversity of eco building methodologies and alternative food production options, so too will we showcase a diversity of alternative energy methodologies ranging from traditional generators to solar, wind, and newer technologies as they become available. Our initial system to supply for the energy needs of Pod 1our aquaponics systems, and the Center of Peace community center is a tried-and-true 283 kWh photovoltaic solar power system.

This blog post is to open source the process used to design this system. For complete One Community energy details including pricing, assessment of other systems, and how we intend to meet our needs before this system is up and running:



Doug Pratt: Solar Systems Design Engineer
JP Novak: Power Backup Systems Designer at Native Construction and Renewables
Lorenzo Zjalarre: Physicist and Energy Efficiency Expert


photovoltaic system, solar power, sustainable energy, green energy, ecological energy, One Community Update

Electric power requirements (see below) have been estimated by JP Novak of Build The above system was then designed by Doug Pratt applying his 27 years of solar design and installation experience to confirm these estimates (below) seem reasonable. Estimating how people will use power in advance is always a guessing game. Humans are nothing if not variable and we anticipate that this system will almost certainly require some fine-tuning. We also anticipate that our group will learn from experience and probably become more energy aware and conservative with time. To help us gather data and fine-tune our process as part of our open source sharing, we will be using simple metering on all pods and the aquaponics systems. By doing this we will be able to identify “energy hogs” and share this data, our solutions, and the objective energy saving results of our solutions.

The total electrical use for Pod 1aquaponics, and the Center of Peace community center, on a yearly average, is estimated to be 282.5 kWh per day. This is the figure used to size the solar electric system. In addition, all the AC appliances that were likely to be on simultaneously were totaled up. These included a percentage of lights, laptops, microwaves in the pods, along with all the aquaponics hardware, and most of the kitchen and community center lighting and hardware (including the hot tub). This max AC surge was about 76 kW and was the figure used to size the inverter pack.

Pod 1 Power Requirements (64 Units)
Screen Shot 2013-01-16 at 8.58.41 PM
 Screen Shot 2013-01-16 at 8.58.41 PM
Hair Dryer14000.5117.7231
 Screen Shot 2013-01-16 at 8.58.41 PM
Aquaponics Power Requirements
 Screen Shot 2013-01-16 at 8.58.41 PM
Air Pump1002424.8144
 Screen Shot 2013-01-16 at 8.58.41 PM
Center of Peace Power Requirements
(8 Suites/170 capacity dining room/3 Conference Areas/Laundry/Kitchen/Library)
 Screen Shot 2013-01-16 at 8.58.41 PM
Screen Shot 2013-01-16 at 8.58.41 PM
Satellite Dish502422.472
Multi-media Other250231.545
DVD Player50230.39
Hot Tub2000041802400
Maytag Washer (Maxima 4.3 cuft)2002.552.575
Maytag Dryer (Maxima 7.4 cuft)10002.5512.5375
Refrigerator (40 cuft)10006212360
Vacuum Cleaner10000.52130
Walk-in Freezer (8′ x 6′ x 8′)02280
Walk-in Cooler (10′ x 20′ x 8′)01600
Stand Mixer (30 qt.)200011260
Griddle (3′ x 2′)150021390
 Screen Shot 2013-01-16 at 8.58.41 PM
Grand Total282.46812354


Okay, so how do we go from kWh per day to PV arrays on the ground, and battery sizing, and inverter sizing, etc.? Here’s how Doug described it for us:

Looking at available sunlight for the property: The National Renewable Energy Labs (NREL) went out and measured sunlight availability for several hundred sites across the U.S., and they did it for 30 years. 1960 thru 1990. So we’ve got a nice average. This is the “NREL Redbook”, and is the standard source for estimating sunlight availability at any point in the U.S., for any time of year. For our location we have a yearly average of 5.9 hrs of peak sun per day. Peak sun? What’s that? That’s the scientific definition of full sunlight on the Earth’s surface. A “full sun” is defined as 1,000 watts per square meter. Now it’s immediately apparent that’s an impossibly round figure. And you’re right. Reality on the ground varies widely depending on humidity, altitude, sun angle, and a host of other variables called “the weather.” What NREL has done for us is to take all the hours of sunlight on a particular site and condense it down, as if all the hours were at perfect solar noon – 5.9 peak hours in this case. Which is pretty handy, because PV modules are rated to produce a certain amount of power at “full sun.” If we know a site averages a certain number of peak hours of sunlight, we can closely estimate how much power a given PV array will deliver. Now, a warning here, we’re talking about the weather. And it varies from year to year. In fact the NREL data clearly demonstrates that it varies by plus or minus 9% yearly. So it’s not worth getting too gnat’s ass accurate with our system sizing, as there’s bound to be yearly variations.

5.9 hours is the yearly average sun for our location. In December, at the lowest, it drops to 4.4 hours, which is still pretty good as solar sites go. For a December site, it’s excellent, and we’re going to use the 4.4 hour figure for PV system sizing. Now we know how many kWh per day your complex needs, we know what the average sun is going to be in December, what’s left is system efficiency. How much is lost to wiring, dusty modules, batteries, inverters, etc? Real world measured efficiency for battery-based systems ranges from 50% to 70%. Since much of the energy in this system will be used during daylight hours and will not need to be stored in batteries, I’m giving this system a fairly high 65% efficiency rating. This is completely seat of the pants estimation based on experience with large battery- based systems.

So we’ve got a 282.5 kWh nut to crack with 4.4 hours of peak sun and a 65% efficient collection and delivery system.

282.5 kWh / 4.4hrs / 65% = 98.77 kW of PV required. How many of what PV module is left until later, probably until right before purchase as prices and module brands have been shifting rapidly.


Batteries are the largest expense for the system. Lead prices just keep rising as the world becomes more industrialized. Lead-acid batteries still represent the best buy for remote systems. (And before you ask, lithium-ion batteries are still at least 4-5 times more expensive, and haven’t proved they’ll last longer than lead-acid. Who hasn’t had problems with phone or laptop batteries?)

When sizing off-grid battery packs we usually aim for about 2 to 3 days worth of storage capacity. Less capacity means the batteries get cycled deeply on a day to day basis, which isn’t good for life expectancy. More capacity raises the cost to where it’s cheaper to start the backup generator to meet the occasional shortfall.

Batteries are sized by amp-hours rather than watt-hours, so we have to divide our watt-hour figure by the battery voltage – 48-volt in this case. (If you remember your high school physics, watts divided by volts equal amps. Or volts times amps equals watts.) We also have to factor in how deeply we’re willing to cycle our batteries. The true deep-cycle batteries we’ll be using will tolerate cycles down to 80% depth of discharge (DOD), but again, deep cycles aren’t good for life expectancy, so we’re going to draw the line at 70% DOD. Considering the high quality of the Unigy II batteries we’ll be using, along with reasonable cycle depth, this battery pack should enjoy a 15 to 20 year life expectancy. By which point lithium-ion batteries may be a better choice. That’s a bridge to cross when we get there.

282,500 watt-hours x 2.5 days / 48 volt / 70% = 21,019 amp-hours @ 48v. This is one honkin’ BIG battery! To help make it more manageable, we’re going to use an SMA Sunny Island Multi-Cluster inverter package which divides the inverters up into four separate nodes, with each node having its own battery pack. And that brings us to…


Doug chose the Sunny Island Multi-Cluster inverter package for several reasons. It’s highly reliable and adaptable German engineering at its best. It consists of 12 individual Sunny Island 6kW inverters wired as four groups of 3 inverters each. So 12 x 6kW = 72kW, very close to the max AC surge requirement we estimated earlier. (Each 6kW Sunny Island can deliver 8.4kW for 1 minute, or 11.0kW for 3 seconds for true surges.) Each node of 3 inverters will cover the A, B, and C phases of your 208vac 3-phase system. As power demand increases, the Multi-Cluster will activate more nodes as needed. So we won’t have a lot of inverter capacity turned on, using power, and just waiting for something to happen. Capacity will only get turned on as needed. Each node has its own battery pack, which will make the individual packs more manageable. And if any one inverter or battery pack needs service, that node can be shut down, while the rest of the system will still operate normally. Also, the Sunny Island system uses conventional high-voltage grid-tie inverters to process the incoming PV power. So transmission from PV arrays hundreds of feet away are much less of a problem.


While this system is designed to be largely automatic and self-sustaining, there will be one or more designated maintenance and service personnel for the community. This person will be in charge of system operations, and trained to be familiar and very comfortable with the Sunny Island system. In addition, a great deal of system automation is possible with the Sunny Islands. As battery state of charge drops to critical levels, the Island can initiate start-up of backup generators, and/or shut down selected loads (the hot tub for instance). Routine maintenance includes cleaning PV arrays, snugging up battery cables, and monitoring the Multi-Cluster for any warnings or problems. For this reason, someone dependable and knowledgeable will be “in charge” of the system at all times.

One Community Welcomes New Pioneer Bear Stauss to the Pioneer Team

Bear Stauss, One Community Pioneer, Facilitators of The ShiftOne Community is happy to welcome Bear Stauss to the One Community Pioneer Team! Bear has a BS in Agricultural Production specializing in Ornamental Horticulture & Landscape Design/Recreation Area Management and brings years of experience as an Experienced Wildland Fire Suppression Manager (“smokejumping” out of airplanes in remote locations), Property Manager, and probably one of the most well travelled people you’ll ever meet!

To read more about Bear’s experience, skills, and his journey to One Community, please visit his bio page: Bear Stauss Bio

Renewable Energy or Alternative Energy: A Look at the Possibility of Vortex Energy Technologies

There are a broad diversity of people claiming to have created the next generation of renewable green energy and One Community, like many people and organizations, is skeptical and cautious when engaging this subject. The fact remains, however, that just one significant breakthrough in new renewable energy or alternative energy technology has the possibility to transform life for all people on this planet and we consider this very much for The Highest Good of All. With this in mind we took a serious look at 1Stop Energies and their Vortex Energy Coil Technology, put skepticism aside, and chose to partner with them (click here for their Partnership Bio) for four primary reasons:

  • They free-share detailed instructions for duplication of their coil
  • They use a broad diversity of videos and approaches to demonstrate the validity of their technology
  • They want to come to the property and work with us on a live demonstration when we are ready
  • Daniel is beautifully authentic to talk to and exhibits a clear desire to make a difference in the world

Already having plans for traditional energy infrastructure to completely power Phase I of our build, we are excited to work with 1Stop Energies to bring their Vortex Coil Technology to One Community’s building of Pod 2 so we can explore together and specifically measure and document how their technology can increase efficiency through integration with a large-scale solar panel and battery bank array like ours.


For the do-it-yourselfers, here is how to make a Unification Coil so you can test the vortex energy field and this technology for yourself:


unification coil, 1stop energies, new energy technology, renewable energy, alternative energyFounded by Erica & Daniel Nunez, 1Stop Energies and The Vortex Coil Technology was “started as a simple sustainable nightlight project” researching energy efficient motor/generators based on open source information attainable through internet searches. What it turned into was a drive and passion for changing the way electricity is generated and utilized currently in the world.

Erica and Daniel became interested in sacred geometry and the concept of solid-state energy production after viewing the complexity of previously constructed magnet generators; which seemed to use too many parts for practical at-home development. This led to the exploration of Vortex Based Mathematics and the works of Marko Rodin, which were refined by Randy Powell; where the concept is presented that repeating number patterns create toroidal space. These understandings were also uncovered by a number of influential people including Dan Winters, Nassim Haramein, Nikola Tesla, CERN Physics Researchers, and many others working in the field of platonic solids. By intuitively redesigning the Vortex Coil geometry and framework, Erica and Daniel were eventually able to control and ensure geometric precision in toroidal space. Establishing this foundation and a new level of precision, they began testing different wiring algorithms and creating custom circuitry to understand, replicate, and further demonstrate their findings and applications for both on and off-grid uses. Now with 4 years or research and development, they invest the majority of their time exploring and replicating their results; exploring large and small scale uses, and posting their findings to the internet community in an attempt to raise awareness and peak interest into the possibilities of this technology.


Renewable Energy or Alternative Energy: Another Approach

vortex energy, new alternative energy sources, renewable energy, alternative energy, alternative home energy, alternative green energy, sustainable energy, sustainable power, renewable energy future

The result of the Vortex Coil they created, and demonstrate repeatedly in their videos, is a greater output of energy than the input once tuned to the correct frequencies. There explanation of this is the unique design of the Vortex Coil that allows energy to be focused in the condensed center-most point, which allows the amplification of electrical performance in a highly efficient manner. Because of that, Daniel and Erika see the possibility of a future where any and all coils on the market could potentially be replaced by a vortex coil once further research and development is complete.

Right now the primary application of the Vortex Coils is to light and sustain LED or Fluorescent bulbs for weeks at a time while requiring a significantly reduced energy input.

Vortex Based Mathematics

vortex energy, new alternative energy sources, renewable energy, alternative energy, alternative home energy, alternative green energy, sustainable energy, sustainable power, renewable energy future

The explanation for how the vortex coil works is based on Vortex Based Mathematics used to describe universal ‘natural pathways’ or ‘flow paths’ existing in the physical 3D space we all inhabit. Mimicking these pathways reduces resistance in a way that is currently best described by entering into the (considered by most as more esoteric) fields of universal harmonics, implosion physics, sacred geometry, and number sequencing.  Because these things are less understood and accepted by mainstream science, Daniel and Erika are the first to agree that continued alternative energy research and development of this technology is needed. This is what they are doing, supporting by open sourcing and free-sharing how to duplicate what they have created thus far, and what they see as the necessary road to global integration of this technology as one very viable path into a sustainable way of living.

Daniel Talking About Creating this Technology

The 1Stop Energies Overview Video


Vortex Energy Coil Demonstrations

Vortex Tech: POE Pulser

Vortex Technologies: Plasma Propulsion

 458% Overunity (energy output vs input) Plus 20ft Magnetic Field


Huge One Community Invitation Form Update is Finally Complete!

One Community Invitation, join One Community, application formWe are happy to announce that we have completed a lengthy and HUGE rewrite of our Invitation Form. This has been on the action list for a long time and we feel the newly updated form much more clearly shares:

┏ The prerequisites for applying
┏ The specifics of what we are creating
┏ Our review and interview process
┏ Our core philosophy and approach to accomplishing historic global change

If you are interested in the changes, please visit the form here and feel free to send us any relevant feedback:


One Community Radio Show Interview!

Radio Interview ImageOne Community founder Jae just booked a radio show interview for the week after next. We’ll record it next Tuesday and it will air on three ecologically conscious programs on three different radio stations in either February or March. Two of the radio stations are in California and one is in Texas. Unlike the internet radio shows we have done in the past, we are not sure if we will be able to post a link to the recording of the interview here, but if we can we definitely will.

Very exciting!

SEGO Center City Hub Eco-architecture Updates!

Meg West (Landscape Architect, Permaculturalist, and founder of Meg West Design) has completed the second generation layout drawings of the natural pool and eco hot tub component of the SEGO Center!

open source sustainability, eco hot tub, eco pool, natural pool designs, free pool plans, open source green designs, eco living, green solutions, ecologically living the good life, Meg West Designer,

One Community 2nd Generation Natural Pool and Eco Hot Tub Designs – Click to Enlarge

Andrew Sadera (Architect Drafter and Designer) and Karl Harris (Architect Drafter, Designer, and founder of Harris Design & Technology Services) have also completed the following SEGO Center CAD floors 1 and 2 evolution including seating details, the second floor design in the dining area, the ADA compliant room in the Living Dome, and the second floor added to the Living Dome.

The Center of Peace, Eco-dome project, open source architecture, LEED Platinum Designs, green living solutions, eco-life, green building, dome home eco center, One Community

The SEGO Center Floors 1 and 2 – Click to Enlarge

Complete details regarding this building are on our SEGO Center Details Page:

One Community Welcomes 1Stop Energies as Our Newest Renewable Alternative Energy Partner

unification coil, vortex energy coil, sustainable energy, free energy, eco-energy, increasing energy efficiency, green energy evolution, new energy technologyWe are happy to announce that One Community is now partnered with 1Stop Energies, the makers of the new renewable alternative energy Unification Coil. Invented and created by Daniel & Erica Nunez, the Unification Coil is a product of the combined work of Marco Rodin’s “Rodin Coil” and Randy Powell’s “ABHA Coil.” We will be blogging later this week on the details of this technology and how we are looking forward to seeing it demonstrated on the One Community property.

Click here for a complete list of our partners
Click Here for our energy infrastructure page

1Stop Energies (Daniel and Erica)

renewable sources of energy, non conventional sources of energy, renewable energy, renewable energy solutions, ecological energy, clean energy sources, new energy technology1Stop Energies is engaging one of the most controversial sectors of sustainability: new renewable alternative energy technology. They have an extensive selection of videos demonstrating the usefulness and effectiveness of a new Vortex Coil they have developed to “raise the efficiency of most devices on the market.” Aligning with One Community’s open source values they have also already free-shared the designs for duplication. Once our traditional energy infrastructure is complete for Phase I of our build, 1Stop Energies has pledged to bring their Vortex Coil Technology to One Community’s building of Pod 2 so we can explore together and specifically measure and document how their technology can increase efficiency through integration with a large-scale solar panel and battery bank array like ours.


1Stop Energies, alternative energy ideas, vortex energy field, vortex based math,

Betty Lenora Conscious Quotes to Inspire from her book “Sacred Women Behind Bars”

Betty Lenora, Sacred Women Behind Bars, Author LenoraBetty Lenora is an author, earth building instructor, sustainable living expert, and member of the One Community Consultant Team who wrote a forward in her book, Sacred Women Behind Bars, that mentions One Community! We’ve read this inspirational and beautiful book, loved it, and this post is dedicated to the multitude of conscious and inspirational quotes found within it.


Sacred Women Behind Bars, Betty Lenora, Betty Lenora Quotes, Conscious Quotes,

Sacred Women Behind Bars is a “call to Sacred Women to Remember Who You Are” that speaks to the Divine Feminine in each of us. A combination of Betty’s experience teaching anger management in a women’s correctional facility and sharing the lessons she taught, this book is a wealth of quotable quotes, native american wisdom, and practical and applicable approached to help in almost any life situation. Written at the request of Betty’s students, Sacred Women Behind Bars is divided into 24 days of inspirational and transformational life lessons to live and grow with.


Most of the quotes on this page are from Betty Lenora herself, others are from diversity of motivational and inspirational people. For convenient reference we’ve listed the page and source of each quote.

p6 Betty Lenora Quote:

You are more powerful than your wildest imagination. You are eternal spirit, flowing, positive energy, a genius creator on the verge of remembering who you really are and why you came here to this planet at this time.

p21 Betty Lenora Quote:

I told myself, “Never allow another person to pull you into their confusion, decide for yourself, is this my stuff? If it is not, find your place of peace within, and let this pass without stepping into that quicksand.”

p47 Betty Lenora Quote:

You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should.

p50 Betty Lenora Quote:

The knowledge that we are all pure positive energy, wanting to give and receive love, is the awakening that we have been waiting for.  At that joyous moment, we are fully connected to the greatest and purest energy source that ever was or ever will be.

p72 Betty Lenora Quote:

We Create a New Earth, positive energy, Betty Lenora Quote, Sacred Women Behind Bars

p74 Betty Lenora Quote:

It is not necessary to stop what you are doing to enter into that flow; you could not leave that flow with great intention to do so, as it is you.

p75 Betty Lenora Quote:

Even the tiniest baby is a powerful genius/spirit creator who has chosen the physical experience necessary for his or her own expansion.

p75-76 Betty Lenora Quote:

When two conscious human beings combine their Golden Dream of focused energy, the light increases exponentially in creative power, and the flow of pure positive energy becomes even more expanded and joyful.

p76 Betty Lenora Quote:

I invite you to focus your attention into the dreamtime, the place from where all the gifts of the Universe are forming to be ready to enter the physical world.  It is from the place of dreamtime that the world you can next imagine will enter into your experience.

p78Betty Lenora Quote:

It’s not what’s going on but how we are looking at what is going on that matters.

p79 Betty Lenora Quote:

Betty Lenora, Sacred Women Behind Bar

p79 Betty Lenora Quote:

It is like the waves of an ocean.  When one wave goes out, it takes with it all that needs to return to the sea.  But another wave comes in, bringing in a new supply of treasures that were not there on the beach just moments ago.

p80 Betty Lenora Quote:

What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.  You are a magical being.  That place within you is where all creative power begins.

p80 Betty Lenora Quote:

You are powerful beyond your wildest imagination, and your power is gentle and endless.

p82 Betty Lenora Quote:

The physical world is an illusion, a reflection of our inner talk and feelings.  Notice how you speak to yourself.

p85 Betty Lenora Quote:

Allow yourself to feel the oneness with all that is.

p87 Betty Lenora Quote:

We are in a time of great change.  Great change! Look within yourself, and feel the energy building and speeding up.

Allow your spirit gift to enter into this world through your place of truth and beauty.  Give fully all you are in this now moment.

p88 Betty Lenora Quote:

Take your place among the stars, and dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, and pray every thought and word as if your prayers are the most powerful, creative force in reality, because they are, you are-without fear.  You are beautiful, powerful, creative, and good.  Live your life, bring your gift, and know that you are sacred.

p89 Betty Lenora Quote:

There is not a more delicious moment than one in which you have directed your thoughts to harmonize with the Broader Perspectives of your Being.

p90 Betty Lenora Quote:

Everything that can be taken away from you is form.  What cannot be taken from you is Being.

p91 Betty Lenora Quote:

Tell your story to yourself, and listen to it with new ears.

p92 Betty Lenora Quote:

Only Do What You Love


Love Everything You Do!


These quotes from Sacred Women Behind Bars are from those other than Betty Lenora. We’ve listed the page of the book for easy reference as well as additional references where possible.

p6 Crazy Horse:

“When you go to that place deep within you and I go to that place deep within me, we shall be one.”

p25 Zane Grey

If it’s not yours-don’t take it
If it’s not true-don’t say it
If it’s not right-don’t do it

p59 Audrey Hepburn


For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.

For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.

For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.

For poise, walk with the knowledge you’ll never walk alone.

People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anybody.

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm.

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.

True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.

It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows.
And the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years.



May you be blessed with all things good.
May your joys, like the stars at night, be too numerous to count.
May your victories be more abundant than all the grains of sand on all the beaches in all the oceans in all the world.
May lack and struggle only serve to make you stronger.
May every pathway you choose lead to that which is pure and good and lovely.
May every doubt and fear be replaced by a deep abiding trust as you behold evidence of a Higher Power all around you; when the storms of life are closing in, may the light at the core of your being illuminate the world.
May you always be aware you are loved beyond measure and may you be wiling to love unconditionally in return.
May you always feel protected and cradled in the arms of Creator, like the cherished child you are.
And when you are tempted to judge, may you be reminded that we are all one. And that every thought you think reverberates across the Universe, touching everyone and everything.
And when you are tempted to hold back, may you remember that love flows best when it flows freely.  And it is in giving that we receive the greatest gift.
May you always have music and laughter, and may a rainbow follow every storm. May gladness wash away every disappointment.
May joy dissolve every sorrow, and may love ease every pain.
May every wound bring wisdom, and may every trial bring triumph.
And with each passing day, may you live more abundantly than the day before.
May you be blessed and many others be blessed by you.
This is my heartfelt wish for you.

P66 Mother Teresa

“Do it Anyway”

People are often unreasonable,

Illogical, and self-centered;

Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind

People may accuse you

of selfish motives;

Be kind anyway.

If you are successful,

You win some false friends

And some true enemies;

Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank,

People may cheat you;

Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building,

Some could destroy overnight;

Build anyway.

The good you do today

People will often forget tomorrow;

Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have

And it may never be enough;

Give the world the best you have anyway.

You see, in the final analysis

It is between you and Creator;

It never was between you and them anyway.

-Mother Teresa

P73 Ohiyesa, Santee Sioux (partial)

Silence is the

Absolute poise or

Balance of body,

Mind, and spirit


p83 Deepak Chopra

“Peace on Earth begins one heart at a time.”

p83 Mahatma Gandhi

“There is no way to Peace; Peace is the way.”

p86 Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth

You are not the ego, so when you become aware of the ego in you, it does not mean you know who you are-it means you know who you are not.

Acknowledging that is already in your life is the foundation for all abundance.  The fact is: Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world. You cannot receive what you don’t give.  Outflow determines inflow.

p88 an old Native American saying

“Do not look outside of yourself for a teacher.”


Code of Ethics for the Spiritual Warrior

Be honest, work on yourself, live your truth, don’t use others, make mistakes, make amends, listen to feedback, move past defensiveness.  Become a …..Spiritual Warrior.

p94 Dead Sea Scrolls, The Essene Gospels

Your Mother loves you even when you turn away from Her.  And how much more shall she love you, if you turn to her again?


Here are the Ten Commandments for Earth children:

  1. Mother Earth is our Mother; care for her.
  2. Honor all your relations.
  3. Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit.
  4. All life is sacred; treat all beings with respect.
  5. Take from the earth what is needed and nothing more.
  6. Do what needs to be done for the good of all.
  7. Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for each new day.
  8. Speak the truth, but only of the good of others.
  9. Follow the rhythms of nature; rise and retire with the sun.
  10. Enjoy life’s journey, but leave no track.


Cherokee Prayer Blessing

May the warm winds of heaven

Blow softly upon your house.

May the Great Spirit

Bless all who enter there.

May your Moccasins

Make happy tracks in many snows.

And may the Rainbow

Always touch your shoulder.


Shakti Gaiwain, The Path of Transformation

Ultimately, if we want to live peaceful lives and create a peaceful world, we must start by building the foundation for the peace within ourselves.  We must remind ourselves that everything we do has meaning and significance; to some degree, all our actions affect everyone.


“We are the ones who stand at the pivotal points of human evolution.”