Cooperatively Designing a World that Works for Everyone – One Community Weekly Progress Update #554

Cooperatively designing a world that works for everyone is about fostering collaborative efforts that lead to sustainable solutions across various domains such as food, energy, housing, education, and social architecture. Our approach focuses on collective design and implementation, ensuring… Read More

Game-changing Sustainability Solutions – One Community Weekly Progress Update #461

Game-changing sustainability solutions are needed if we are to address the global challenges our generation is facing. The approach One Community is focused on is open sourcing and free sharing teacher/demonstration hubs that teach and demonstrate sustainable approached to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit… Read More

Upgrading the Traditional City – One Community Weekly Progress Update #430

Are we finally ready for upgrading the traditional city to a more sustainable model? One Community thinks we are and we’re working to make the process easier with open source food, energy, and housing plans. We’re also developing an evolution of sustainability that adds… Read More

Addressing Climate Change With Holistic Living Models – One Community Weekly Progress Update #420

Let’s talk about addressing climate change with holistic living models. Through ultra-sustainable teacher/demonstration hubs that provide more enriching and enjoyable environments, we can demonstrate a better way of living that is also carbon neutral or even carbon negative…. Read More

“Change the World” Lyrics and Video by Colby Jeffers and Awu

“Change the World” by Colby Jeffers and Awu “aims to inspire humanity to come together and do something positive to make the world a better place.” It’s also a part of our contribution to the Conscious Music Movement… Read More

An Open Source Sustainability Model – One Community Weekly Progress Update #381

One Community has developed an open source sustainability model capable of creating global sustainability within our lifetime. When the designs are complete, we’ll use them to launch a global network of teacher/demonstration hubs designed to help people replicate… Read More