SEGO Center Integration of Natural Pond Pool, Eco Hot Tub, and Changing Rooms

The newly named SEGO Center continues to move forward extremely fast. Andrew Sadera (Architect Drafter and Designer), Jennifer Engelmeier (Eco-pool and Spa Specialist and founder of, Karl Harris (Architect Drafter, Designer, and founder of Harris Design & Technology Services), and Meg West (Landscape Architect, Permaculturalist, and founder… Read More

Birth of the SEGO Center City Hub

The “Center of Peace” has evolved into the SEGO Center City Hub to represent the importance and function of this building in relation to our global change strategy, its relation to the 7 different sustainable village prototypes, and its intended purpose as a… Read More

Renewable Energy or Alternative Energy: A Look at the Possibility of Vortex Energy Technologies

There are a broad diversity of people claiming to have created the next generation of renewable green energy and One Community, like many people and organizations, is skeptical and cautious when engaging this subject. The fact remains, however,… Read More

The Global Sustainability Collaborative – We are Happy and Excited to Lead!

As we’ve announced here before our sustainability non profit organization is A) intent upon leading a global sustainability collaborative and B) the grateful recipient of a $10,000 a month internet marketing grant. After over 6 months of preparation and research… Read More

We’ve Open Source Shared our Non-profit 501(c)(3) Application!

We’re happy to announce that we have finally made the time to open source share our non profit application and experience of filing it! On our “How to Start a Non Profit Organization: Open Source Sharing What One Community Filed… Read More

Center of Peace Eco-Hot Tub and Natural Pool Design Progress Update and Pictures

The SEGO Center City Hub will arguably be One Community’s most important buildings and is purposed to demonstrate cutting-edge sustainability, to function as the community recreation center, dining hall, and laundry facility, and to offer a green-luxury option to… Read More

Welcome Consultant Jennifer Engelmeier – Eco Spa and Pool Specialist

One Community is happy to welcome Jennifer Engelmeier, Eco-pool and Spa Specialist, to the One Community Consultant Team.  Jennifer has 15 years of experience working with DEL Ozone, specializing in reducing chemicals by utilizing ozone technology and other natural water purifiers… Read More

The SEGO Center City Hub Moving Forward

The SEGO Center City Hub will arguably be One Community’s most important building and is purposed to demonstrate cutting-edge sustainability, to function as the community recreation center, dining hall, and laundry facility, and to offer a green-luxury option to… Read More

Free School Online: One Community Features the Khan Academy as an Ethosolution

Free school online could be the future of education and One Community is happy to feature the Khan Academy as our newest Ethosolution Idea and Ethosolution Organization. The Khan academy free online school/curriculum is easy to use, interesting to watch,… Read More

Grow Your Own Vegetable Garden Organically: Tips and Tricks from the Garden Wise TV Show

Meg West is the host of the quarterly sustainable landscaping program “Garden Wise” where in this second episode, “Dynamic Organics,” they focus on tips from the professionals to grow your own vegetable garden organically and in your own back… Read More