One Community Welcomes Paige Allison Donatelli to the Design Team!

One Community welcomes Paige Allison Donatelli to the Graphics Design Team! Paige Allison Donatelli – Graphic Design Artist and Champion for Positive Change on Social Media. In 2014, Paige created a social media platform to spread positive change called Namaste Living in a… Read More

One Community Welcomes Sandra Sellani to the Design Team!

One Community welcomes Sandra Sellani to the Food Design Team! Sandra Sellani – Business Author, Speaker, Consultant, and Vegan Chef: Sandra is a business author, speaker, strategist and consultant with more than 20 years experience in branding and marketing. She… Read More

One Community is happy to welcome Green New World to the Highest Good Collaborators Team

Green New World - One Community Partner

One Community is happy to welcome Green New World as our newest member of the Highest Good Collaborator and open source team! Green New World assists in the transition of society by providing services in holistic sustainable living designs and solutions that focus on… Read More