Huge One Community Invitation Form Update is Finally Complete!

We are happy to announce that we have completed a lengthy and HUGE rewrite of our Invitation Form. This has been on the action list for a long time and we feel the newly updated form much more… Read More

One Community Radio Show Interview!

One Community founder Jae just booked a radio show interview for the week after next. We’ll record it next Tuesday and it will air on three ecologically conscious programs on three different radio stations in either February or… Read More

SEGO Center City Hub Eco-architecture Updates!

Meg West (Landscape Architect, Permaculturalist, and founder of Meg West Design) has completed the second generation layout drawings of the natural pool and eco hot tub component of the SEGO Center! Andrew Sadera (Architect Drafter and Designer) and Karl Harris (Architect Drafter, Designer,… Read More

One Community Welcomes 1Stop Energies as Our Newest Renewable Alternative Energy Partner

We are happy to announce that One Community is now partnered with 1Stop Energies, the makers of the new renewable alternative energy Unification Coil. Invented and created by Daniel & Erica Nunez, the Unification Coil is a product of… Read More

Betty Lenora Conscious Quotes to Inspire from her book “Sacred Women Behind Bars”

Betty Lenora is an author, earth building instructor, sustainable living expert, and member of the One Community Consultant Team who wrote a forward in her book, Sacred Women Behind Bars, that mentions One Community! We’ve read this inspirational and beautiful book, loved it, and this… Read More

Pod 1 Furniture Layouts Completed

Possible furniture layouts for the Earthbag Pod 1 have just been completed and added to the Pod 1 Details Page. This pod is designed to demonstrate maximally affordable eco-artistic living. Complete details here: For all 7 of the… Read More

Website Updates!

We’re happy to share that we continue to respond to feedback from those following our project on areas needing clarification and/or simplification. On top of all the infrastructure progress we are making, this is leading to significant updates… Read More

SEGO Center Update: Table Designs

Here’s a quick update on the SEGO Center City Hub table layout. The images below show a custom table design we will build ourselves and seating for 150 people created by Karl Harris (Architect Drafter, Designer, and founder of Harris Design & Technology… Read More

New International Pioneer Page Creation Including and FAQ Section

Due to feedback that people thought One Community was not open to international participation in the Pioneer Program, we just finished this page for clarification:

Welcome Aravind, James, and P2S Engineering to the One Community Consultants Team!

One Community is happy to announce that addition of Aravind Batra, James Del Monaco, and P2S Engineering to the One Community Consulting Team working on the SEGO Center City Hub. More specifically we are happy to have them taking the… Read More