Community Open Source Update – One Community Weekly Progress Update #8

The One Community goal is open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing a community open source strategy that facilitates the building of self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities all over the world. We are doing this because we are a For The Highest Good of… Read More

World Change Progress Update – One Community Weekly Progress Update #6

Here is our One Community written and video world change progress update (#6) for the week of April 1st, 2013! Here’s our project overview Here’s our world-change methodology We are open source and free-sharing do-it-yourself designs for these areas first: (click icons… Read More

Water Conservation Methods and Rainwater Harvesting Methods

Pursuing Rainwater Harvesting Methods Meg West (Landscape Architect, Permaculturalist, founder of Meg West Design, and consultant to the SEGO Center) recently produced an informational video on water conservation methods and rainwater harvesting methods that we would like to share. Since we are… Read More

One Community featured on PonderTalkRadio

One Community was featured this week on PonderTalkRadio with Aaron Moritz and Jim Hamell from “The Bridge.” Here is the video of the 1.5 hr interview discussing open source project-launch blueprinting and what’s possible for this planet and all its… Read More